NSTP Project Proposal
NSTP Project Proposal
NSTP Project Proposal
Project Proponents:
de Leon, Ricardo Miguel G.
Contact Number: 09175140460
Project Duration:
The coastal clean-up is scheduled on the 3 rd week of March 2021. The exact date is not
yet known because of the fact that we are on a General Enhance Quarantine and there
are strict community rules that needs to be followed like social distancing.
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Objectives of the Project:
The objectives of this project plan are very simple, to clean the coast of barangay
Butong. By cleaning the coast, we can also clean the sea itself because the litters and
trashes are mostly coming from the shore or the coast. The project will also allow the
bandings and partnership that will be created while acting on the clean-up. By
participating in the cleanup, the volunteers will see the impacts of their trash and are
more likely to think about the products they use, what they throw away and its
implications for the environment. The coastal clean-up is an easy way to give back. The
ocean provides us with so much. It’s important to make sure we are taking care of it, so
that it can continue to take care of us.
Project Description:
The purpose of the cleanup is to engage people in the community to remove
trash and debris from beaches and waterways, to identify the sources of the litter, and to
change the behaviors that cause pollution. In addition to stimulating action, coastal
cleanups increase public awareness about the accumulation and negative impacts of
litter in oceans, on coastlines and on beaches. Marine litter is any “persistent,
manufactured or processed solid material, that is discarded, disposed of, or abandoned
in the marine and coastal environment”. Its sources can be land-based, such as
landfills, rivers and inland waterways, areas where solid waste is carelessly disposed,
as well as, ocean-based, for example, through fishing vessels and offshore oil
platforms. One of the main objectives of coastal cleanups is to document the types and
quantity of trash collected, and this information can assist in the analysis of waste
management practices. Marine litter affects everyone, and greater understanding of its
origins and impacts will serve as the basis for the collective action needed to control,
prevent and/or reduce its impacts.
The idea of coastal clean-up came from my experience in participating in coastal clean-
up in our community and being a member of the Rotary Club. Once a year, the Rotary
Club of Taal-Lemery conducts coastal clean-ups in different parts of the community
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depending on what coast or beach needs cleaning. Moreover, the fact that my barangay
is near the beach of Barangay Butong, many of the people of the community goes there
to spent their time. Sadly, most of them doesn’t follow the rules of clean-as-you-go and
they just leave their trash on the coast. Which is very bad for the environment because
it can cause pollution to the bodies of water where we also benefit because of the
marine lives that we consume. This project can give me experience and knowledge that
I can use in future situations.
1. Briefing the volunteers - Volunteers need to know what they're doing, why, and
how - as well as all the risks and how to keep safe. Key points to cover:
Introduce yourself
Provide a bit of background of the beach, the issue of marine litter and
why recording it is so important. Mention anything you know about your
local area too - what you've found on your beach in the past, any local
issues or stats, whether there are any litter campaigns in your area.
Go over the key health and safety issues
Explain the survey form and methodology
Give them a time to meet back at the start point
2. During the clean:
Be available to help people identify the litter they find and locate it on the
survey form.
Make sure everyone is following the right process - picking up everything
they find over the 100m and recording it all.
If you've got sharps boxes, buckets for glass etc. or a first aid kit, keep
these with you and look out for anyone who needs them.
Take photos - especially of the litter on the beach
3. After the clean:
Weigh and count the bin bags. How many volunteers took part?
Provide a closing talk:
Ask if anyone found anything unusual
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Find out what the majority of items were made of (likely to be plastic).
Run a competition for the highest number of items recorded - number of
items not weight. This encourages people to follow the correct
methodology by picking up as much as they can find, and also tally up
their survey forms - saving you some time at the end!
Thank them for their help
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