Tscol Review Chap 1 To 3
Tscol Review Chap 1 To 3
Tscol Review Chap 1 To 3
1. Definition of the Philosophy in Education Perspective
2. Main teachings/points of the philosophy when it comes to education
3. How can it be applied to learning?
4. What are the expected outcomes for the students?
There are a number of ways in which the field of philosophy of education might be organized,
whether for purposes of study or teaching. For example, one might study prominent philosophers
who have something to say relevant to education, in their historical order (e.g., Plato, Rousseau);
one might study prominent educational thinkers, whether philosophers or not, in a philosophical
manner (e.g., Pestalozzi, Freire); or one might focus on particular branches of philosophy and
their implications for education (e.g., moral philosophy and moral education, philosophy of science
and science teaching).
Some argue that, ideally, philosophy of education should involve a systematic inquiry into ultimate
questions about the nature of being or existence (metaphysics), allied to a theory of knowledge
or what can be known (epistemology) and concern for questions of value of various kinds, be it
moral, aesthetic, economic, etc. (axiology), which in practice makes philosophy of education
barely distinguishable from philosophy generally some would focus more on specific
contemporary educational issues that give rise to the philosophical questions (e.g., Is a policy of
inclusion educationally desirable? Is it morally required? What is the relationship between a moral
and an educational imperative?), there is the view that we should concentrate on examining key
educational concepts in a critical manner (e.g., What is it to be educated? What is the nature of
knowledge? What is worth knowing?)
o Ideal – perfection (which doesn’t exist in world)
o Base from Plato
o Believe in true reality
o Concentrate to perfect idea and concepts
o Focus on holistic approach on subject
o Here we are helping students discover and develop their abilities and potentials
to better serve the society
o Creating and molding students to help the society
o But problem is it cannot be applied all the time because nothing is perfect
o Embrace a subject ideally, hindi dapat magkamali
o Prefer unchanging idea that maintain education
o Reality resides in ideas or in the mind, rather than in the material world or
physical sense perception.
• referring essentially and paradigmatically to the Platonic view that reality resides in
ideas or in the mind, rather than in the material world and physical sense perceptions,
introduces us to both the beginning of systematically recorded Western philosophy
and a viewpoint that in one form or another has persisted strongly to the present day
• MAIN TEACHING: To introduce Idealism is to introduce a central and hugely influential
part of Plato’s philosophy; to study it is to come to grips with a powerful and enduring
philosophical ‘ism’. It is also to approach a set of questions that ultimately any
philosophy of education should face: What is the nature of reality? What is truth? In
what does true knowledge consist of?
o Real – real world
o Base on Aristotle – Father of Realism in Scientific Method
o Concept the exist in humanity and society
o Make student realize that a certain learning can be used in their life such as
decision-making skills
o Let student learn in their own observation
o Focus on reality on what are the things that students can and cannot do
(process on how concepts turn into reality)
• constructed as the view that it is the material world that is real and our sense
perceptions that are primary, the antithesis of Idealism, has had and continues to have
a wide following, and should obviously be given consideration alongside Idealism, if
our object is to take the question of reality, truth, and knowledge seriously.
• MAIN TEACHING: Though Realism can be associated with, for example, John Locke,
it is often introduced by reference to Aristotle and his emphasis on empirical
observation and deducing general laws from study of particulars, while making various
specific criticisms of Plato’s Theory of Ideas (or Forms). And there is something to be
said for recognizing that philosophical viewpoints as much as anything else often
develop out of and in reaction to the past.
o Came from American Philosophy
o Believe that reality is constantly changing
o Learning things through experience
o Teachers must give students a problem-solving assessments to be able to
create solutions and apply it in real life.
• associated particularly with philosophers at the end of the nineteenth century such as
Charles Peirce, William James and John Dewey, attempts to link truth to what is useful
or what yields results.
• Pragmatic means the quality of dealing with the problem in a sensible way that suits
the conditions that really exists, rather than following a fixed theories, ideas or rules.
Pragmatism is an educational philosophy that says education should be teaching
students the things that are practical for life and encourages them to grow into better
people. Many famous educators including John Dewey, William James were
pragmatists. Pragmatists believe in the idea of practical learning i.e., education should
apply to the real world.
• MAIN TEACHING: Pragmatism is an educational philosophy that says that education
should be about life and growth. That is, teachers should be teaching students things
that are practical for life and encourage them to grow into better people.
• This is a peculiarly American viewpoint (possibly partly the product of America’s
supposed frontier mentality). We are thus reminded forcibly that ideas seldom if ever
emerge simply from abstract thought alone but are partly the product of circumstance.
Danger lies both in ignoring that fact and equally in assuming that ideas are nothing
more than the product of the times in which they are born.
o Exist
o Base on Jane Paul Santre
o Develop existence of students or individual
o Must make students realizations from their own understandings on one’s
o Teachers are facilitators
o Students exist by embracing three domains
• may be defined, in Jean Paul Sartre’s phrase, as the view that human ‘existence
precedes essence’, or, slightly more broadly
• Existentialism, on the other hand, examines the existence and the role the
individual plays in terms of his or her feelings, thoughts, and responsibilities.
• MAIN TEACHING: the view that we are not given but that rather we create our
own natures, characters and futures (cf. Rousseau), and therefore are ultimately
responsible for being what we are; it may be further argued that this knowledge
leads to feelings of futility, alienation, and angst
• In the education perspective, existentialist believes that most philosophies of the
past have asked out people to think deeply about thoughts and abstractions that
had little or no relationship to everyday life.
• the individual is drawn in as a participant, ready to be filled with knowledge based
on his ideas. Sartre believes that “existence precedes essence” he added that if
people have created ideas and practices that are harmful, then they could also
create ideas and practices that are beneficial.
o Prior knowledge and experience can be use in real-life
o Focus on working on the outside world
o Emphasize diversity of human experience which deepen understanding in
o Relevant because it improves the student’s life from deeper
o How students use learnings
o Help us develop another school of thoughts
• Postmodernism and other more contemporary ‘isms’ or schools of thought need to
be given separate consideration (see Relativism section below), because they
really do not fit the model of ‘school of thought’ so far discussed
• DEFINITION: they tend towards a relativistic viewpoint to the effect that knowledge
in the conventional or traditional sense is not possible. Postmodernism includes
various groups of philosophers who follow multiplicity. Regarding postmodernist,
the aims of education are teaching critical thinking, production of knowledge,
development of individual and social identity, self-creation. In postmodern
education teachers just lead students to discover new things.
• MAIN TEACHING: Postmodernist educators believe that there is no absolute or
universal truth, arguing that truth changes with the advent of new events and
• Your teaching philosophy is a self-reflective statement of your beliefs about
teaching and learning. It’s a one to two page narrative that conveys your core ideas
about being an effective teacher in the context of your discipline.
o Used in current curriculum
o Enlighten learners to their actions
o Teachers are facilitators
o Even though children’s experience difficulties and challenged but at the
end they learn in their own ways
• Definition and Main Points: Progressivism is a student-centered philosophy that
believes that ideas should be tested by experimentation, and learning comes from
finding answers from questions. This philosophy values the scientific method of
teaching, allows individuals to have their own beliefs, and promotes the interaction
of students as valuable to the learning process.
• Progressivists believe that individuality, progress, and change are fundamental to
one's education. Believing that people learn best from what they consider most
relevant to their lives, progressivists center their curricula on the needs,
experiences, interests, and abilities of students.
• Application in Learning and Expected Outcome from the Students: In regular
classroom students just memorize what they need to know, and it goes away after
the test. In Dewey’s mind, the students would have to exercise their brain by
problem solving and thinking critically, resulting in learning (even though the
students may not even know it!). This allows the individual's brain to develop, so
as the individual grows learning becomes easier! After attending a school Dewey
would have set up, a child would be ready for the real world and a lot of the
everyday setbacks that an individual would experience, such as losing a button,
changing a tire, making lunch, or balancing a checkbook. School would be a lot of
hands-on learning, and the progression of education would not end!
• Definition and Main Point: An educational philosophy which is believed to follow
a traditional and conservative belief. It is rooted in idealism, and it relies on the
past. It is based on the philosophies of Plato, Aristotle and St. Thomas Aquinas
and lessons are lifted from classic and great books.
• Perennialists believe that the focus of education should be the ideas that have
lasted over centuries. They believe the ideas are as relevant and meaningful today
as when they were written. They recommend that students learn from reading and
analyzing the works by history's finest thinkers and writers.
• Application in Learning and Expected Outcome from the Students: The goal
of a perennial educator is to teach students to think rationally and develop minds
that can think critically. A perennial classroom aims to be a closely organized and
well-disciplined environment, which develops in students a lifelong quest for the
• Perennials are primarily concerned with the importance of mastery of the content
and the development of reasoning skill
• Definition and Main Points: Essentialism is a teacher centered philosophy that
believes there is a common set of skills and knowledge that educated people
should have. It focuses on respect for authority, developing sound habits of the
mind, and training in fundamentals. Essentialism is like perennialism.
• Essentialism in education asserts that common and essential ideas and skills
belonging to a certain culture should be taught to all citizens at the same level,
especially at primary school level. To do this, the teacher's authority in the
classroom is emphasized and the subject matter is the center of the curriculum.
The essence or the center of education is the core curriculum which is a
combination of hard work and rigorous effort. The unification role of essentialism
is represented in the core curriculum that aims to transfer the essential knowledge
and skills needed for the equal and well-balanced citizens. The discrimination
function of essentialism comes out in politics, natural sciences in the form of
• Application in Learning and Expected Outcome from the Students:
Essentialist educators focus on transmitting a series of progressively difficult topics
and promoting students to the next level. Subjects are focused on the historical
context of the material world and culture and move sequentially to give a solid
understanding of the present day.
• The teachers impart knowledge mainly through conducting lectures, during which
students are expected to take notes. The students are provided with practice
worksheets or hands-on projects, followed by an assessment of the learning
material covered during this process
• Definition and Main Points: Behaviorism is a teacher centered philosophy that is
closely related to realism. This philosophy focuses on human behavior as a
reaction to external stimuli and believes that changing the environment can change
o Operant Conditioning (B.F. Skinner) - Subject learns behavior by
associating it with consequences.
o Classical Conditioning (Ivan Pavlov) - Subject learns to associate two
unrelated stimuli with each other.
• Behaviorists believe that if teachers provide positive reinforcement, or rewards,
whenever students perform a desired behavior, they will learn to perform the
behavior on their own. The same concept applies to punishments. Behaviorists
think people act in response to internally or externally generated physical stimuli.
• Application in Learning and Expected Outcome from the Students:
Behaviorism is key for educators because it impacts how students react and
behave in the classroom and suggests that teachers can directly influence how
their students behave. It also helps teachers understand that a student’s home
environment and lifestyle can be impacting their behavior, helping them see it
objectively and work to assist with improvement.
• Definition and Main Points: Humanism is a student-centered philosophy that
focuses on enhancing one's innate goodness, rejects the idea of group-oriented
education, and upholds the idea of enhancing individual development.
• The humanistic approach places a great deal of emphasis on students' choice and
control over the course of their education. Students are encouraged to make
choices that range from day-to-day activities to periodically setting future life goals.
• Application in Learning and Expected Outcomes from the Students:
Fostering engagement to inspire students to become self-motivated to learn. The
effectiveness of this psychology approach is based on learners feeling engaged
and self-motivated, so they want to learn. So humanistic learning relies on
educators working to engage students, encouraging them to find things they are
passionate about, so they are excited about learning.
• Definition and Main Points: Constructivism refers to the idea that learners
construct knowledge for themselves---each learner individually (and socially)
constructs meaning--- as he or she learns.
• Constructivism is based on the idea that people actively construct or make their
own knowledge, and that reality is determined by your experiences as a learner.
• Application in Learning and Expected Outcome from the Student: Teachers
and instructors that understand the constructivist learning theory understand that
their students bring their own unique experiences to the classroom every day.
Their background and previous knowledge impacts how they can learn. Educators
can use constructivist learning theory to help their students understand their
previous knowledge.
• Definition in Learning and Main Point: Reconstructionism is another student-
centered philosophy that promotes world social progress, focuses on world events,
controversial issues, and developing a vision for a new better world. This
philosophy is associated with pragmatism and essentialism.
• Reconstructionist’ educational aims are to improve and reconstruct society as
need be, as well as education for change and social reform. Thus, the study of
contemporary social problems become the centerpiece of curriculum content.
• Application in Learning and Expected Outcome from the Students: Paulo
Freire (1921-1997) was a Brazilian whose experiences living in poverty led him to
champion education and literacy as the vehicle for social change. In his view,
humans must learn to resist oppression and not become its victims, nor oppress
others. To do so requires dialog and critical consciousness, the development of
awareness to overcome domination and oppression. Rather than "teaching as
banking," in which the educator deposits information into students' heads, Freire
saw teaching and learning as a process of inquiry in which the child must invent
and reinvent the world. For social reconstructionist and critical theorists, curriculum
focuses on student experience and taking social action on real problems, such as
violence, hunger, international terrorism, inflation, and inequality. Strategies for
dealing with controversial issues (particularly in social studies and literature),
inquiry, dialogue, and multiple perspectives are the focus. Community-based
learning and bringing the world into the classroom are also strategies.
o Values, affective domains, religion, beliefs
• PRINCIPLES OF HINDUISM: Hindu culture is scriptures under its strict principles call the
Vedic Dharma. It is every Hindus’ role to attain the four main aims of life which includes
moksha (libration), karma (pleasure), artha (wealth) and dharama (virtue).
• Avvaiyar, in fact, defines each of the four Purusharthas for us. She says that wealth is that
which is earned without doing wrong. A bee gathers honey from flowers, but in the
process, no harm comes to the flower. In fact, the very act of gathering honey is beneficial,
because the bee helps in pollination. She defines Kama as the love that a man and woman
have for each other, where their views are similar, where they are mutually supportive.
Such a relationship is the ideal one. Dharma, according to Avvaiyar, is to give of one’s
wealth to others. As for moksha, Avvaiyar says moksha comes from thinking of Him, and
being oblivious to all else. Tholkappiyar says that we must first enjoy family life, and then
distance ourselves from this worldly life, physically, by our departure to a forest and
spiritually, by not thinking of anything but God.
• The Brahmacharya Ashram is the first (student stage). The second stage, known as
Grihastha (household age), The third stage is the Vanaprastha (hermit stage), in which
the individual's home responsibilities are fulfilled, and the last step is the Sannyasa
(wandering ascetics),. As a result, women did not play a significant part in ancient Hindu
culture when it came to education. Nari (woman) had to be a daughter, a wife, and a
mother all at the same time.
• They think that education can provide people with the abilities they need to live/survive,
but that vidya is acquired for life.
• Current usage of the term vidya includes the following;
1. To attain knowledge, as in vidya prapt karna (to learn about something in as specific
2. To provide knowledge, as in vidya pradaan karna (to teach).
3. To concentrate in studies, as in vidya par dhiyaan diya karo (be devoted towards
4. The formal Education system, as in vidya pradaan karna bahoot zaruri hai (it is very
important to attain knowledge).
• The person who gives the beginners or buddhihin vidya or gyaan is known as a "acharye,"
which means "knowledgeable person." A teacher, a village elder, a guide, or an instructor
are all examples of archaryes. People who are gyaani in a given field are usually referred
to as gyaani. A mathematician, for example, will be referred to as "Bhaskaracharya." Guru
(teacher/educator) is derived from the phrase acharye.
o Good conduct
o Build moral skiils
o Proper socia; relationship
o How we build relationship to other – from family, friend, religion
- characterized as a system of social and ethical philosophy rather than a religion.
- conformity and acceptance of social roles
- cultivation of conscience and character
• EDUCATION IN CONFUCIANISM: Confucius' view of education is based on the
conviction that “man is born with uprightness. Even immoral persons have an upright
essence. So confucius said, “by nature, men are alike”
• True education according to him is self-education.
• Accordingly, the aim of education is to inculcate ren (humanity) through li (normative
behaviours) so that learners can realise and broaden dao (Way). To achieve this aim, the
curriculum should be holistic, broad-based, and integrated; students should constantly
practice what they have learned through self-cultivation and social interaction. Supporting
the curriculum is learner-focused education, where the teacher is sensitive to the individual
needs of students. The “enlightening approach” is recommended, where the teacher
encourages and guides students using the questioning technique and peer learning.
o Balance od human and environment etc.
• Taoism (or Daoism) is a philosophy that originated in ancient China and continues to be
practiced today, mostly throughout Asia but in small numbers around the world. Tao
means “the way,” and practitioners follow “the way” that is described in the central book of
Taoism, the Tao Te Ching.
• Taoism can be difficult to understand because its central term, the Tao, is specifically
defined as something which cannot be defined or described. The philosophy and central
practijces of Taoism focus on universal, holistic, and peaceful principles such as living in
harmony with nature and natural order. The Tao is often described as the universe and
living under its laws of cause and effect is ideal for a life that leaves the most positive
impact on the world.
• EDUCATION: For the Taoist, education is a solo quest without walls or boundaries. The
Taoist seeks to understand the naturalness of everything as it exists in the present. Instead
of trying to know each separate piece, the Taoist tries to understand the whole, for the
whole is the Tao. For example, we can say that we know someone, but we do not
understand them. But to say that we understand someone, is that not better than saying
that we know them? In Taoism, the key is not to know something; the key is to understand
it. One goes about this through self-education and transformation. This kind of education
is also natural; it just needs to be recognized as such and developed to its fullest.
• In addition, the Taoist is an educator in a sense. The Taoist teaches by example. Lao Tsu
said, "...The Master, by residing in the Tao, sets an example for all beings..." Naturally,
when others see one who is enlightened, they will realize it, and they will learn.
o Avoiding worldly things
• BUDDHIST PHILOSOPHY: Buddhism is one of the most remarkable developments of
Indian thought. It is an offshoot of later vedic thought. Buddhism is founded on the rejection
of certain orthodox Hindu Philosophical concepts. It has many philosophical views with
Hinduism, such as belief in Karma, a cause-and-effect relationship between all that has
been done and all that will be done. Events that occur are held to be direct results of
previous events. The ultimate goal for both is to eliminate Karma (both good & bad), end
the cycle of rebirth and suffering and attain freedom (Moksha or Nirvana).
• Buddhist education system (200B.C to 200 A.D) was founded by Lord Gautam Buddha.
Gautam Buddha was primarily an ethical teacher and reformer and not a philosopher. He
was concerned mainly with the problems of life. He avoided the discussion of metaphysical
question because they are ethically useless and intellectually uncertain. He always
discussed the most important questions of suffering, its cessation and the path leading to
its cessation.
• Thus Buddha‘s enlightenment which he tried to share with all fellow-beings has come to
be known as the four Noble Truths. Four Noble truths are:
1.There is suffering
2.There is cause of suffering
3. There is cessation of suffering
4. There is a way to cessation of suffering
• EDUCATIONAL PHILOSOPHY OF BUDDHISM: Buddhist Education offered to impart
education to all. Many people shifted to Buddhist system of education. It was for the first
time in India that education was institutionalised on a large-scale during Buddhist
movement. It is also a historical fact that with the arrival of Buddhist era great international
centres of education like Nalanda, Takshashila, Vikramshila, Ballabhi, Odantapuri, Nadia,
Amravati, Nagahalla and Saranath were in prominence. Educational centres in Buddha
period developed in Viharas and Sanghas.
• Aims of Education : The Buddhist educational aims were comprehensive based on
knowledge, social development, vocational development, religious development,
character development aims which were as follows:
o To follow the moral values of Buddhist religion
1. To adopt good conduct and violence
2. To achieve the final goal of Nirvana
3. To propagate Buddhism
4. To eradicate Vedic karmakanda or ritualism
5. To give up caste system
6. To take the teachings of Buddhism to the masses.
7. To leave yajna and sacrifices for achieving knowledge
8. To provide education in the language of masses i.e Pali
9. To emphasise the progress and development of the society rather than the individual
10. To provide education through the new system this was stated by Buddha.
• Principles of Education
o Avidya that is ignorance must be removed through education as it is the root
cause of sufferings
o Education should be provided in peaceful surroundings in Buddhists
monasteries, viharas and organised educational institutions instead of
o Pupils should be educated in a democratic atmosphere
o Religion
o The people are called Muslim
o Tradition, social values
o Teaching sacrifices (study and review, make projects) to students because later or
sooner there will be good things that will happen
Pre- colonial
• Informal
• Vocational training
• Oral tradition
• Baybayin
Pre- Spanish Period
• Influence the Catholic ways to Filipinos
• Education was informal, unstructured, and methodless as early as the pre-Magellanic era.
Parents and tribal tutors gave greater vocational instruction and less academic teaching
to their children (3 Rs).
• During the Spanish colonization, the pre-Spanish educational system underwent
significant alterations. The Spanish Missionaries took the place of the tribal tutors.
Spanish Period
• The Spanish Missionaries took the place of the tribal tutors. The focus of education was
on religion. It was reserved for the upper crust, particularly during the early years of
Spanish colonization.
• The Educational Decree of 1863, which provided for the establishment of at least one
primary school for boys and girls in each town under the responsibility of the municipal
government, as well as the establishment of a normal school for male teachers under the
supervision of the Jesuits, liberalized access to education for Filipinos.
• Primary education was free, and Spanish classes were required. During that time,
education was insufficient, censored, and controlled.
American Period
• Americans saw education as the main tool to defeat a triumphant nationalism
(Constantino, 1966).
• The well-known Thomasites came to the Philippines, which was composed of soldier-
teachers to build and teach in schools.
• In 1903, Americans passed the Pensionado Act which provided scholarships to Filipino
students, especially males, to study in the United States to learn American culture. This is
part of their pacification efforts after the Philippine-American war.
• The “Philippine” education forced the Filipinos to learn a foreign language, along with its
foreign concepts through the American POV (Counts, 1925).
• The Department of Education, then called Bureau of Education, was always headed by
the Americans until the Commonwealth Republic was established. This way, it became
easier for them to create curriculums that will pacify the Filipinos.
• The Reorganization Act of 1916 provided the Filipinization of all department secretaries
except the Secretary of Public Instruction.
• By the time of turning over the department, the education system had already been
Commonwealth Period
• National Council of Education was established in 1936 whose task is to recommend
further improvements for our educational system
• Vocational and adult education were given emphasis
• An effort to develop a common language started in compliance of the 1935 Constitution
• Pres. Quezon greatly encouraged to revive the native cultures of the Philippines and our
desirable values to counteract the American cultural influence
• Quezon’s Code of Ethics: required in schools to foster a love of the country, especially the
• Educational Act of 1940
o Grade 1 should accept 7 years old
o Elementary: from 7 years, became 6 years
o June to March, to July to April
Japanese Period
• Military Order No. 2 of 1942 enshrined Japanese educational policies. The Commission
of Education, Health, and Public Welfare was founded by the Philippine Executive
Commission in June 1942, and schools were reopened.
• The Ministry of Education was established on October 14, 1943, by the Japanese-
sponsored Republic. Tagalog, Philippine history, and character education were only
taught to Filipinos during the Japanese occupation.
• Japanese educational policies were embodied in Military Order No. 2 in 1942. The
Philippine Executive Commission established the Commission of Education, Health and
Public Welfare and schools were reopened in June 1942. On October 14, 1943, the
Japanese – sponsored Republic created the Ministry of Education. Under the Japanese
regime, the teaching of Tagalog, Philippine History, and Character Education was
reserved for Filipinos. Love for work and dignity of labor was emphasized. On February
27, 1945, the Department of Instruction was made part of the Department of Public
• The importance of labor dignity and love for work was underlined. The Department of
Instruction was absorbed into the Department of Public Instruction on February 27, 1945.
Likewise, the State hereby recognizes the complementary roles of public and private
higher education institutions and technical-vocational institutions in the educational
system and the invaluable contribution that the private tertiary schools have made and will
make to education. For these intents, the State shall:
o (a) Provide adequate funding and such other mechanisms to increase the
participation rate among all socioeconomic classes in tertiary education.
o (b) Provide all Filipinos with equal opportunity to quality tertiary education in both
the private and public educational institutions.
o (c) Give priority to students who are academically able and who come from poor
o (d) Ensure the optimized utilization of government resources in education.
o (e) Provide adequate guidance and incentives in channeling young Filipinos in their
career choices and towards the proper development and utilization of human
resources; and
o (f) Recognize the complementary roles of public and private institutions in tertiary
educational system.
o Social interaction contributes to teachers expectations and performance
o Social interaction in schools affects the development of gender roles and that teacher’s
expectations of pupils intellectual; abilities affect how much students learn.
o Theory that encourages us to generate direct meaning to different situation – in subjective
manner, preferences, and feelings
o Encourage us teachers to understand students why we see them like that and act like that
o Humans have different interpretations of our world
o It is important that when we see symbol is we must understand each other’s view of point
o We must frequently check, and critique students
o And if we know the real meaning of their symbols, we will understand them more
o The theory teaches us not to be judgmental
o It broadens our mind and encourage us to know our students more.
• Symbolic Interactionism in Classroom - This perspective focuses on social interaction in
the classroom, on the playground, and in other school venues. Specific research finds that
social interaction in schools affects the development of gender roles and that teachers’
expectations of pupils’ intellectual abilities affect how much pupils learn
• A body of research shows that teachers’ views about students can affect how much the
students learn, known as the Pygmalion Effect.
o When teachers think students are smart, they tend to spend more time with them,
to call on them, and to praise them when they give the right answer.
• Other research focuses on how teachers treat girls and boys.
o Several studies found that teachers call on boys more often and praise them more
o Teachers did not do this consciously, but their behavior nonetheless sent an
implicit message to girls that math and science are not for girls and that they are
not suited to do well in these subjects.
o Teachers applying labels that students are never able to lose.
o A system can be defined as an interrelated set of elements functioning as an operating
unit (Senge, 2006)
o Working together
School as a System
o Schools are social systems in which two or more persons work together in a coordinated
manner to attain common goals (Norlin, 2009).
School as Open system
o Schools constantly interact with their environments. In fact, they need to structure
themselves to deal with forces in the world around them (Scott, 2008).
o Regularly exchange feedback; constantly interact with the environment
Open systems contain five basic elements: inputs, transformation process, outputs,
feedback, and the environment.
o School is an open system because it is a continuous process
o It is open for different stakeholders; hence it is directly link in the society
o In Creating activities and plans, the society has always been considered
o Why school need to be open in the society?
▪ Students are future good citizens
▪ The aim of education is aligned in the society
▪ Even if the school is an organization, it is still open and willing to interact with other
stakeholders in the society to be able to improve
▪ School needs the help from stakeholders outside which is capable in the
transformation of the school
Open system basic elements:
- requirements needed by school to be open
- Systems such as schools use four kinds of inputs or resources from the environment:
human resources, financial resources, physical resources, and information resources.
Human resources include administrative and staff talent, labor, and the like. Financial
resources are the capital the school/school district uses to finance both ongoing and long-
term operations. Physical resources include supplies, materials, facilities, and equipment.
Information resources are knowledge, curricula, data, and other kinds of information
utilized by the school/school district.
Transformation process
- project, programs, and activities
- The interaction between students and teachers is part of the transformation or learning
process by which students become educated citizens capable of contributing to society.
This transformation process includes the internal operation of the organization and its
system of operational management. Some components of the system of operational
management include the technical competence of school administrators and other staff,
their plans of operation, and their ability to cope with change.
- tangible results, outcome, grades, jobs of the former students
- The attainment of goals or objectives of the school district and are represented by the
products, results, outcomes, or accomplishments of the system. Although the kinds of
outputs will vary with a specific school, they usually include one or more of the following:
growth and achievement levels of students and teachers, student dropout rates, employee
performance and turnover, school-community relations, and job satisfaction.
- satisfaction, beneficial aspects, healthy relationship of former students
- feedback is crucial to the success of the school operation. Negative feedback, for
example, can be used to correct deficiencies in the transformation process or the inputs
or both, which in turn will have an effect on the school's future outputs.
Environment - The environment surrounding the school/school district includes the social,
political, and economic forces that impinge on the organization. The environment in the
open systems model takes on added significance today in a climate of policy