1) Introduction, Merits and Demerits of DPP, Selection Site of DPP, Working of DPP? Ans)
1) Introduction, Merits and Demerits of DPP, Selection Site of DPP, Working of DPP? Ans)
1) Introduction, Merits and Demerits of DPP, Selection Site of DPP, Working of DPP? Ans)
of DPP?
ANS) The diesel engine power plant generates the electrical energy with the help of diesel
engine which drives the generator. This power plant is generally compact and be installed
where it is required. The capacity of diesel engine power plant may range from a few KW to
50 MW or more. The capacity augmentation may be done by installing more diesel engine
power plant modules.
Diesel engine is more efficient than other heat engine of comparable size and it uses fuel
that is cheaper than petrol. Diesel engines are used in rail road locomotives, road building
and farm machinery, electric generator for small supply units, etc.
The conventional power plants (thermal, nuclear, and hydroelectric) are attractive under
certain conditions and are rivals to diesel engine power plants. Gas turbine power plant is
also superior to diesel engine power plant where fuel is very cheap .
5 It does not require warming period and standby losses are less.
1 Higher generation cost per KW.
6 Noise is more.
I. Distance from the load centre – The site should be as near to the load centre as possible in
order to avoid transmission costs and losses.
II. Availability of land – The land should be available at cheap rate to keep the capital cost of
the plant to the reasonable one.
III. Availability of fuel – The fuel should be easily available and at reasonable rate.
VI. Distance from populated area – The site should be away from thickly populated area
because of noise and nuisance caused from exhaust.
VII. Type of land – The land should be of high bearing capacity to withstand the load of the
plant and also vibrations transmitted to the foundations from compressors and diesel
1. It is quick in starting and stopping Once the turbine is brought uup to the rated speed by
the starting motor and the fuel is ignited, theturbine will be accelerated from cold start to
full load without waatnup time. That is why a GT power plant is also used as a peak load
power plant.
3. The weight of the plant per kW output is less. More power outputto weight ratio of gas
turbines makes them well suited tor transportapplications such as aircraft propulsion,
marine power plants, ete. Furthertor a given capacity, floor space required for installation is
4. The GT power plants are available in standard sizes and the capitalcost per kW is less.
6. The gas turbines operate at temperatures (1000 to 1200°C) above thelimit of turbine
materials by using blades and vanes with complexinternal cooling passages. Thus, the
thermal efficiency is high.
7. Further higher efficiency is achieved by operating GT power plantin combined cycle mode
with steam power plant. Besides the higherefficiency, this combined plant also has low
investment costs, operatng flexibility, and low environmental impactoil and pulverized coal,
can be used.water. Therefore, the plant can be installed where water is not avall
8. Almost any hydrocarbon fuel, from high octane gasoline to heavy diesel
9. A gas turbine power plant (open cycle) does not require much coostablein ample
2 Disadvantages
1.The part load etficiency of the open cycle GT power plant. decreases rapidly because the
considerable percentagepower developed by the turbine is used to drive the compresso
4. The open cycle GT power plant has high air flow rate in order to limitthe maximum GT
inlet temperature. Therefore, it results in increasedloss of heat in the exhaust gases if waste
heat is not utilized.
5. The open cycle GT power plant requires air and gas filters of very high quality to prevent
erosion and corrosion of turbine blades.
2. Availability of Land:
The land should be available at cheap rate in order to keep the capital cost of the plant low.
3. Availability of Fuel:
The fuel should be easily available and at reasonable rate.
6. Type of Land:
The land should be of high bearing capacity to withstand the load of the plant and also the
vibrations transmitted to the foundations from compressors and turbines.
maximum temperature in order to prevent damage to the turbine. Turbines that normally
operate on bunker C oil must be started on diesel oil and transferred to bunker C at or
above idle speed.
The starting and stopping of gas turbine power plant needs a certain procedure, which has
to be properly controlled in correct sequence. This can be accomplished automatically.
Operation of master switch initiates the starting or stopping sequence, which then proceeds
automatically through the various steps required.