Engines Essay
Engines Essay
Engines Essay
Prin intermediul acestui referat, am dorit să evidențiez istoria motoarelor de la apariția lor și până în zilele
noastre. În prima parte a lucrării am evidențiat faptul că, încă din cele mai vechi timpuri oamenii oamenii au dorit
să-și ușureze anumite treburi inventând astfel primele „motoare” rudimentare. În cea de-a doua parte am descris
tipurile de motoare moderne, precum motorul cu combustie și motorul electric.
Industrial Revolution
The Watt steam engine was the first type of steam engine to make use of steam at a pressure just
above atmospheric to drive the piston helped by a partial vacuum. It enabled rapid development
of efficient semi-automated factories on a previously unimaginable scale in places where
waterpower was not available. Later development led to steam locomotives and great expansion
of railway transportation.
The first commercially successful automobile, created by Karl Benz, added to the interest in light
and powerful engines. The lightweight gasoline internal combustion engine, operating on a four-
stroke Otto cycle, has been the most successful for light automobiles, while the more
efficient Diesel engine is used for trucks and buses. However, in recent years, turbo Diesel
engines have become increasingly popular, especially outside of the United States, even for quite
small cars.
Speed: refers to crankshaft rotation in piston engines and the speed of compressor/turbine rotors
and electric motor rotors. It is measured in revolutions per minute (RPM).
Thrust: is the force exerted on an aircraft engine or its propeller after it has speeded up the air
passing through it.
Torque: is a turning moment on a shaft and is calculated by multiplying the force causing the
moment by its distance from the shaft.
Power: is the measure of how fast work is done.
Types of engines
I) Combustion engine
Combustion engines are heat engines driven by the heat of a combustion process.
Environmental effects
The operation of engines typically has a negative impact upon air quality and ambient sound
levels. There has been a growing emphasis on the pollution producing features of automotive
power systems. This has created new interest in alternate power sources and internal-combustion
engine refinements. Though a few limited-production battery-powered electric vehicles have
appeared, they have not proved competitive owing to costs and operating characteristics.
Some motors are powered by potential or kinetic energy, for example some funiculars, gravity
plane and ropeway conveyors have used the energy from moving water or rocks, and some
clocks have a weight that falls under gravity. Other forms of potential energy include
compressed gases (such as pneumatic motors), springs (clockwork motors) and elastic bands.