Asm1 - ComputingProject - PTD-đã chuyển đổi
Asm1 - ComputingProject - PTD-đã chuyển đổi
Asm1 - ComputingProject - PTD-đã chuyển đổi
Student declaration
I certify that the assignment submission is entirely my own work and I fully understand the consequences of plagiarism. I understand that
making a false declaration is a form of malpractice.
Student’s signature
Grading grid
P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 M1 M2 M3 D1 D2
Summative Feedback: Resubmission Feedback:
i.................................................................................Primary research: 7
ii..............................................................................Secondary research: 8
ix...........................................................................Population in research 13
b. Secondary Research...........................................................................................................................................16
i........................................................................................Definition 16
ii......................................................................................... History 16
iii.....................................................................................Technology 17
i....................................................................................Discrimination 28
ii.....................................................................................Harassment: 28
iii............................................................................Unethical Accounting 28
vii........................................................................................Privacy 29
viii..........................................................................Corporate Espionage: 29
I would like to thank teacher Phan Thanh Tra, who guided me through the process of completing this
topic. With not much time as well as limited knowledge, the topic cannot avoid mistakes. I look forward
to the guidance and suggestions of teachers so that we can improve and supplement our knowledge, better
serve the actual work in the future.
Finally, I wish you always full of health, happiness, and success in life.
Sincerely thank!
With the century and technology advancing and rapidly developing have made a series of companies
spring up, continuous progress requires businesses to constantly reinvent themselves to be able to stand on
the market. The concept of business management has also changed a lot with the advent of remote
business management applications.
Accompanied by the outbreak of the covid-19 pandemic, which has not shown any signs of abating,
businesses have been delayed by the nation's ban on gatherings. Business management application has had
the opportunity to rise up and create the concept of business management in the new era. However, with
fierce competition, only the best applications are chosen by many businesses to apply to their business
models, which means that the level of software developers must also improve. to meet the needs of
So in this report, we will learn about the strengths and weaknesses of Base, one of the newly developed
and well-developed remote business management applications, to gain a deeper understanding as well as
improve its limitations.
1. Research objectives:
Explain the theory of consumer behavior. Learn about Vietnamese businesses in general and Da
Nang City in particular.
Discovering customer needs and satisfaction, showing the current state of businesses in Da Nang.
Analyze the influence of product quality, price, distribution and trade promotion on application
usage behavior in Da Nang city
Level of business satisfaction with the product.
The impact of the application on business people
Implement smart contracts that address the storage of critical data needed at different stages of
the supply chain and make it verifiable by all stakeholders in the supply chain.
Track the progress of the business using the application after each stage in the blockchain.
2. Literature review:
i. Primary research:
Primary research is defined as a methodology used by researchers to collect data directly, rather than
depending on data collected from previously done research. Technically, they “own” the data. Primary
research is solely carried out to address a certain problem, which requires in-depth analysis.
Example: A company is ready to release a new type of mobile phone and wants to undertake research
on the appearance and features of the phone they will be releasing soon. Organizations can choose a
qualified sample of respondents who closely match the general population and undertake primary
research with them to learn about their perspectives. Based on this study, the company may now
consider possible alternatives for changing the appearance and functions of the phone.
Here are some of the primary research methods organizations or businesses use to collect data:
1. Interviews (telephonic or face-to-face): Conducting interviews is a qualitative data collection strategy
that has been used for a long time. These interviews can either be performed in person or over the
phone. Interviews are an open-ended strategy in which the interviewer (researcher) and the interviewee
engage in discourse or interaction (respondent).
2. Online surveys: Surveys have come a long way since they were performed using pen and paper. Most
researchers nowadays conduct online questionnaires to respondents in order to collect information from
them. Online surveys are convenient since they may be sent through email or completed online.
Handheld devices such as smartphones, tablets, iPads, and other similar devices may access them.
Secondary research or desk research is a research method that involves using already existing data.
Existing data is summarized and collated to increase the overall effectiveness of research.
Secondary research includes research material published in research reports and similar documents.
These documents can be made available by public libraries, websites, data obtained from already filled
in surveys etc. Some government and non-government agencies also store data, that can be used for
research purposes and can be retrieved from them.
Secondary research is much more cost-effective than primary research, as it makes use of already
existing data, unlike primary research where data is collected first hand by organizations or businesses or
they can employ a third party to collect data on their behalf.
Secondary research is cost effective and that’s one of the reasons that makes it a popular choice among
a lot of businesses and organizations. Not every organization is able to pay huge sum of money to
conduct research and gather data. So, rightly secondary research is also termed as “desk research”, as
data can be retrieved from sitting behind a desk.
Following are popularly used secondary research methods and examples:
1. Data from the internet: Using the internet to obtain secondary data is one of the most common
methods. Data is easily accessible over the internet and may be downloaded with a single click.
2. Government and non-government agencies: Some government and non-government entities can
provide data for secondary research. Businesses and organizations can utilize data from the US
Government Printing Office, the US Census Bureau, and Small Business Development Centers, for
This method is not only about “what” people think but also “why” they think so. For example, consider a
convenience store looking to improve its patronage. A systematic observation concludes that the
number of men visiting this store are more. One good method to determine why women were not
visiting the store is to conduct an in-depth interview of potential customers in the category.
For example, on successfully interviewing female customers, visiting the nearby stores and malls, and
selecting them through random sampling, it was known that the store doesn’t have enough items for
women and so there were fewer women visiting the store, which was understood only by personally
interacting with them and understanding why they didn’t visit the store, because there were more male
products than female ones.
v. Quantitative research:
An example of quantitative research is the survey conducted to understand the amount of time a doctor
takes to tend to a patient when the patient walks into the hospital. A patient satisfaction survey
template can be administered to ask questions like how much time did a doctor takes to see a patient,
how often does a patient walks into a hospital, and other such questions.
vi. Compare qualitative research and quantitative research:
Quantitative Reasearch Qualitative Reasearch
Focuses on exploring ideas and formulating
Focuses on testing theories and hypotheses
a theory or hypothesis
Is analyzed through math and statistical Is analyzed by summarizing, categorizing
analysis and interpreting
Mainly expressed in numbers, graphs and
Mainly expressed in words
Requires many respondents Requires few respondents
Closed (multiple choice) questions Open-ended questions
Key terms are: testing, measurement, Key terms are: understanding, context,
objectivity, replicability complexity, subjectivity
Ask a question.
Perform research.
Establish your hypothesis.
Test your hypothesis by conducting an experiment.
Make an observation.
Analyze the results and draw a conclusion.
Present the findings.
You will say that you have chosen the study area
because of personal and professional interests in
area and this statement must be true. The
Select the study area
of this first phase in research is often
by many students.
The choice between formulating research
Set research goals, objectives,
and developing hypotheses depends on your
and research questions or
research methodology as it will be discussed in
develop hypotheses.
detail below.
Literary evaluation is usually the longest stage in
research process. In fact, the literature review
Conduct document reviews. even before the development of research
and objectives; because you have to check that the
exact same research problem has been solved
Select the data collection The data collection method need to be selected on
method. the basis of an analysis of important advantages
disadvantages related to a number of alternative
collection methods.
Collect key data. The main data collection needs to be preceded by
large degree of preparation and pilot data
may be required in case of questions.
Data analysis. Data analysis plays an important role in achieving
research objectives and objectives. Methods of
analysis differ between secondary and primary
studies, as well as, between qualitative and
quantitative studies.
Make conclusions. Conclusions relate to the level of achievement of
research objectives and objectives. In the final part
the thesis, you will have to prove why you think
research goals and objectives have been achieved.
The conclusion should also include research
limitations and recommendations for future
Follow all the stages described above and organize
the individual chapters into a file that leads to the
Complete the study. completion of the first draft. (research-
A sample is a set of individuals selected from a population and usually is intended to represent
the population in a research study.
Research Degins
with a general ”
The Population
(all the individuals
‘ of interest) ’
question about
a population
The sample is
The results from selected from the
the sample are population.
generalized to
the population
F I G U R E 5.1 The Rel ations hip Between a Po p ula tion and a Sampl e
The individuals who
are selected to
participate in the
research study
• A biased sample is a sample with different characteristics from those of the population.
• Selection bias or sampling bias occurs when participants or subjects are selected in a manner that
increases the probability of obtaining a biased sample.
Sample Size:
• One fundamental question in reaching this goal is determining how large the sample should be to
be representative
• Unfortunately, there is no simple answer to this question, but there are some general guidelines
that can help you choose a sample size.
• In simple terms, the bigger the sample is, the more accurately it represents the population.
• One helpful guide is to review published reports of similar research studies to see how many
participants they used.
Probability sampling:
• Probability sampling: For example, if each individual in a population of 100 people is equally likely
to be selected, then the probability of selection is 1⁄100 for each person
• Individuals are all assigned the same probability; selection must be a random process.
Nonprobability sampling:
• Sampling method is based on factors such as common sense or ease with an effort to maintain
representativeness and avoid bias.
Probability sampling methods:
• Systematic Sampling.
• Combined-Strategy Sampling.
Surveys: We will conduct customer surveys on Google's Google Form platform. We will choose a
nationwide customer base (all 3 regions of Vietnam: Northern Vietnam, Central Vietnam and South
Vietnam) and select a customer group passionate or interested in remote business management, fill this
out online form. Customers who participate in a voluntary survey are not obligated to comply Standard
answers at all, ensuring transparency in answers.
• Survey scope: Nationwide - those who need remote business management applications.
b. Secondary Research:
i. Definition:
Remote working is understood as working remotely or working online. The remote working policy is
chosen by many managers to both ensure work and perform well in epidemic prevention conditions.
ii. History:
Telecommuting came to be in the 1970s to describe work-related substitutions of telecommunication
and related information technologies for travel.
In the 1990s, telecommuting became the subject of pop culture attention. In 1995, the motto that "work
is something you do, not something you travel to" was coined. Variations of this motto include: "Work is
something we DO, not a place that we GO" and "Work is what we do, not where we are."
Telecommuting has been adopted by a range of businesses, governments and not-for-profit
organizations. Organizations may use telecommuting to reduce costs (telecommuting employees do not
require an office or cubicle, a space which needs to be rented or purchased, and incurs additional costs
such as lighting, climate control, etc.). Some organizations adopt telecommuting to improve workers'
quality of life, as teleworking typically reduces commuting time and time stuck in traffic jams. Along with
this, teleworking may make it easier for workers to balance their work responsibilities with their
personal life and family roles (e.g., caring for children or elderly parents). Some organizations adopt
teleworking for environmental reasons, as telework can reduce congestion and air pollution, with fewer
cars on the roads.
iii. Technology:
The roots of telecommuting are found in early 1970s technology that linked satellite offices to downtown
mainframes through dumb terminals using telephone lines as a network bridge. The ongoing and
exponential decreases in cost along with the increases in performance and usability of personal
computers, forged the way for moving the office to the home. By the early 1980s, branch offices and
home workers were able to connect to organizational mainframes using personal computers and
terminal emulation. Telework is facilitated by tools such as groupware, virtual private networks,
conference calling, videoconferencing, virtual call centre, Voice over IP (VoIP), and by the decreasing cost
of good quality laptop computers. It can be efficient and useful for companies since it allows workers to
communicate over long distances, saving significant amounts of travel time and cost. As broadband
Internet connections become more commonplace, more and more workers have adequate bandwidth at
home to use these tools to link their home to their corporate intranet and internal phone networks.
Dropbox is a solution that helps executives manage remote employees by creating a modern workplace
and offering a variety of capabilities. Remote workers can easily sync, share, and collaborate with
document files. This cloud storage solution includes an API that allows remote colleagues to quickly
share large files such as ppt, Photoshop, and Sketch.
Hub Staff:
When it comes to teleworking tools, Hub Staff is a must-have. Business executives can use this app to
keep track of the projects their employees are working on at any given time.
Online timesheet, employee scheduling, screen recording, employee monitoring, payroll software, GPS
tracking, online invoicing and project budgeting are just a few of the great features. Great available with
Hub Staff.
MISA AMIS is the most widely used cloud-based unified business management platform, with
over 12,000 customers being small, medium and large organizations using it to work and run their
businesses from far.
MISA AMIS has several distinguishing features, including:
Full support for remote company management: accounting, human resources, sales, work,
recruitment, recording (online document management), company social network, asset
management, etc.
Interoperability between accounting, CRM and human resource management components.
Businesses can choose any modules they need without having to deploy them all at once. It helps
to cut costs while helping businesses maximize resource efficiency.
Managers can access over 1000 reports instantly from any internet-connected device, capturing
real-time revenue, cost and human resource fluctuations to aid decision-making. fast. Assign
tasks, discuss permissions and approve them all from your mobile device; synthesize and extract
data quickly from departments and sectors.
Employees can quickly understand all business operations, rules and announcements, and apply
for positions online right from their homes.
TeamViewer is a software application that connects people, places and jobs around the world using a
variety of platforms and technologies. This is one of the best tools for screen sharing. It is designed to
make remote screen sharing simple.
v. Private discussion about my topic:
Business administration software BRAVO:
Inheriting and developing from the accumulated experience of previous versions, BRAVO 8R2 Business
Administration Software Solution (ERP-VN) is built from the perspective of overall corporate governance,
solving management problems. multi-industry. In order to help solve management problems for
businesses, management and operating units to improve and improve production and business
BRAVO software is designed according to each module with the purpose of easy management,
decentralization and performance of user operations. The basic modules of the software include:
BRAVO is a product developed on the .NET Framework platform together with Microsoft's SQL database
management system, using WinForms, WCF, SignalR, Xamarin, Angular... browser on personal
computers, tablets and smartphones. These technologies are developed by Microsoft Corporation.
Having a flexible design with a 3-layer structure, BRAVO software is very convenient in adjusting to
management requirements, and BRAVO software also allows users to easily redesign the display
interface themselves. input forms, printable forms and forms of reports...
In addition, with the special design in the interface of BRAVO 8R2, users can change the theme of the
dashboard, customize the display parameters for the dashboard to their liking (such as background color,
background image, font size, font style, etc.) ).
In terms of advantages, the Base Enterprise management platform is built and developed according to
the foreign software business, so the plus point in Base is the modern, neat and scientific design. Not
confusing and confusing like foreign software. However, the minus point is that there are still some
menu fields that use both English and Vietnamese, not really Vietnameseized, so it creates a confusing
feeling for users.
Base allows easy integration with 3rd party applications even though the design and language are
completely different. Users can interact, work in groups via online chat and video calls as well as share
internally easily within the platform. Base applications work on all operating systems and have smooth
apps for users.
On the downside, each Base application only focuses on solving a single problem of the business, users
may need one or more applications in this suite instead of using a single platform with fully functional.
And when using many applications, cost is an issue that will make businesses consider, especially
businesses with a large number of employees.
‘If Work and Human Resources are Base’s strengths, the Finance aspect is its cons. Leaders will find it
very difficult to control the blood flow of their business. Instead, a separate financial management
software will be needed to support when using the Base management solution.
With a professional and in-depth design, Base seems to be the right solution for businesses of the size of
corporations and corporations that require complex management processes, many departments with a
large volume of work. dense work as well as different hierarchies.
1Office is different from an internal social networking tool similar to Facebook, which is a place for
people to share, interact ... towards building more corporate culture. This tool seems to be suitable for
businesses focused on building a sharing culture. On the other hand, social networks can make company
employees somewhat distracted from work.
Workplace – solves problems with managing tasks, processes, projects, applications, schedules,
The HRM module solves the problem of recruitment process for enterprises.
CRM module with marketing, sales and customer care management tools as well as financial
management, warehouse and call center utilities.
1Office solves the problems of synthesizing reports, forms, forms, approvals, human resources in the
enterprise to help reduce the working time for each department. The HRM feature allows connecting
banks for convenient payroll. At this point, the 1Office solution seems to be suitable for public
administration enterprises with many procedures that need approvals, reports, proposals, and is aimed
at building corporate culture. However, for lean businesses that value flexibility and speed, they won't
really need it.
In 1Office, although all features are available, some are not specialized enough, especially in marketing,
customer and CRM aspects. The software does not have an easy-to-use overview dashboard, thus
leaving users with no idea where to start when logging in, so it will take time to learn the process and
instructions for use. The dashboard only applies to Marketing, Sales, and HRM features.
The cost of using 1Office is calculated exactly to each user and limited to each package. In addition to the
subscription cost, customers will have to pay an additional deployment fee of at least 5 million VND and
attend some training sessions.
ERP software is a total management solution for businesses. ERP stands for Enterprise Resource
Planning, ERP is understood as a system used to plan resources in an enterprise. A typical ERP system
includes all the basic functions of a business or organization. An ERP software that integrates many
features, included in a single system, brings many advantages to businesses.
Instead of having to use many small tools and software such as: Recruitment software; Employee
evaluation management software; Sales management software; Task management software; Project
management software; Process management software; Internal management software; Accounting
software, etc. businesses only need to use the overall ERP software system. This software is fully
integrated with basic features that businesses need to use.
Consolidate and manage data centrally
The first advantage of ERP software is the consolidation of data between departments and centralized
management of that data. ERP allows building a unified portal between all departments within the
enterprise. Instead of HR working with administrative-HR software, accountants work with accounting
software, etc. ERP brings the overall software system. Personnel in all departments in the enterprise only
need to work and enter information on only one software. By using the same software system for all
departments, all employees in the enterprise can easily view data and grasp work tasks and goals.
ERP software has the feature of decentralizing use to each position and personnel in the enterprise,
ensuring information security when necessary. ERP also helps to collect the most accurate data and
reporting data according to the standards. Software helps businesses save costs, time and increase
Enterprise management software (ERP) provides an effective integration tool for leaders in managing
and monitoring human resources in the enterprise. ERP helps the human resources department in
particular and the management board not to directly monitor the process and performance of
employees. Through the software, all information and work results of employees are displayed clearly. In
addition, superiors can easily assign work to employees, check and evaluate the work quality of each
employee through the software.
ERP saves time as well as pressure for the management department at the enterprise. Reduce the
burden of costs as well as human resource management, reduce fraud when calculating wages for
employees. Through the software, enterprises can properly assess the capacity as well as the ability and
contribution level of each employee. For businesses with a large size and number of employees, this
software brings enormous benefits.
The biggest advantage of ERP business management software is to connect the entire business
management system into a unified block. ERP helps reduce the burden and level of work for leaders,
managers do not need to spend a lot of time and effort in finding errors, or comparing reports between
All data is linked together on the software system. Thereby minimizing errors in the process of entering,
looking up and comparing data. The figures and data in the enterprise have high accuracy, increasing
transparency and efficiency in the business management and operation process. Limit the risks of data
leakage and theft, ensuring the safety of information data.
In the Vietnamese market, most of the ERP software systems are manufactured by foreign countries and
are provided through an intermediary company in Vietnam. ERP implementation costs up to several
million USD for about 50 users. ERP systems provided by domestic companies also cost from several
hundred million to billions of dong. In the process of using ERP, many costs arise such as: Upgrading new
technology, training personnel, upgrading hardware, etc.
The ERP business management software written on demand has a deployment time lasting from 1-3
years, going through many stages and processes. For enterprises and large corporations, the
implementation period usually lasts from 5 years or more. This limitation is a barrier to corporate
culture, causing many units to use multiple ERP software at the same time in order to choose the right
Human factors:
Human resources in the enterprise need to change the working process to meet the requirements of the
software. This is also a major barrier to the success of the ERP system. Although bringing superior
efficiency compared to manual processes, ERP requires personnel at the enterprise to have qualifications
and skills to work on the software.
CONCLUSION: In general, all business management applications are aimed at certain small,
medium or large businesses to simplify products as well as reduce costs to compete with other
products. There is almost no application that can satisfy all 3 business models, if it is a small
business, it will be a bit redundant, otherwise, it will be lacking. This makes the products very
competitive, so if it is possible to create a product that is both cheap and responsive, the chances
of development are very high and it is easy to be popular in the time of covid-19 now. But it's
hardly an easy thing, so the developers have not yet been able to materialize it.
3. Primary Research:
a. Research plan:
b. Ethical issues:
Ethics is a broad term. At its core, acting ethically in business means building a company around
integrity and trust as well as complying with regulations. However, there are many other issues that
fall under the ethical issues in business definition, including empathy, diversity and acceptance, and
carrying out business in accordance to the company’s values.
i. Discrimination:
One of the biggest ethical issues affecting the business world in 2020 is discrimination. In the last few
months, many corporations have come under fire for lacking a diverse workforce, which is often down to
discrimination. However, discrimination can occur at businesses of all sizes. It applies to any action that
causes an employee to receive unequal treatment.
ii. Harassment:
The second major ethical issue businesses face is harassment, which is often related to racism or sexism.
This can come in the form of verbal abuse, sexual abuse, teasing, racial slurs, or bullying. Harassment can
come from anyone in the company, as well as from customers. In particular, it is an ethical issue for the
business if a supervisor is aware of harassment from a client and takes no action to prevent it.
vii. Privacy:
Employees have recently found that the distinction between work life and personal life has become less
clear. This is mainly due to the advances in technology.
For one thing, employers may punish for posts on social media, particularly if they complain about work
conditions or the company as a whole. Employers may even fire workers who post controversial
statements that go against company values.
Another ethical issue surrounds the use of devices belonging to the company. Employers can now
monitor all worker activity on laptops and cellphones. Whereas this is supposed to check that employees
are sticking to work-related activities during the business day, some employers take it further, tracking
keystrokes and reading emails. The question is where to draw the line between monitoring and spying.
Y = 5n + 20
Y: Minimum number of samples to survey
n: Number of observed variables.
Total: 17
The total number of observed variables in the proposed group is 17, thus, applying the above formula we
have Y = 17 x 5 + 20 = 105.
Small X
Medium X
Large X
Other .
Over 35
e. Data analysis:
After posting the online survey on social media, I received 19 responses on social media and think about
the impact of remote business management applications. I can rely on this for data analysis and make
conclusions and recommendations for the current situation.
The number of participants is 100%. In which, the age group 18-25 accounts for the most. Specifically 94.7%. This
number shows that the people accessing the app are young people who are on the verge of business
development. Next, the age group 25-35 accounts for 5.3%, which shows that the access to technology for older
people is almost very little. Finally over 35 years old, information for this age range is not available because the
age range is within the narrow range of the survey. Thereby, we see app access across different ages....
As shown in the picture above, the surveyed subjects with 52.6% have used applications before and
47.4% have just tried the product.
In this section, there are three types of businesses that are small, medium and large. According to the
survey results, small businesses account for the most 47.4%. In this type of business, in addition to small-
scale businesses, there are startups. Therefore, for them, the technology app is the most necessary and
most convenient thing for them to control the business! Next, are medium enterprises accounting for
21.1%. These medium-sized businesses combine both traditional elements such as books and papers and
modern elements such as management apps to achieve the highest efficiency! Finally, large enterprises
account for 31.6%. In this large enterprise, people will focus on updating according to the trend.
Specifically, when they want to expand their business, many factors are needed, but with the app, they
can control everywhere and also work efficiency.
The survey showed that those who answered "yes" accounted for 88.9%. Therefore, the ability of the
app to work meets the requirements of the business. At the same time, the utility of the app also
increases. The number of people who answered "no" remained 11.1%. While the app is operating, there
are unexpected factors or problems that occur. Therefore, the app needs to be maintained at a certain
time every month. Moreover, add widgets to keep up with trends and relevant links.
As seen above, while operating the app, unexpected errors occur because there are a lot of access rights
that cause unwanted inconvenience to customers. Therefore, in addition to monthly maintenance, it is
necessary to prioritize 24/7 customer care to achieve optimal efficiency when problems occur
In the image above, we see that the needs of the users are all about the convenience and the usage of
the application is the top priority. They need an application that is simple and easy to use for everyone.
Plus, what they want is a multi-function, multi-manager application. In addition, automation is also a
factor for the success of the application.
In this question, participants answered "yes" 100%. This shows the convenience and ease when
customers use the app. With 4.0 technology being popular and the phone is always a necessity, it is easy
for businesses to use the app to optimize efficiency. The productivity of the app always brings the right
requirements to customers.
In this question, although users are very satisfied with the product, the level of trust is not very high,
because the form of remote business management is still quite new. Only a few companies have applied
it to the corporate model, most of the other businesses are operating in the old way.
With the picture above we can see that the remote business management application has helped
businesses a lot in managing and inventorying data. The speed and accuracy of work increases, leading
to markedly improved work productivity as well as sales. Being able to direct remote control to limit
movement saves a lot of time.
In the picture above, we see that the majority of people are satisfied with the product. But there are a
few points to improve that is the level of user information security, this is a top priority issue for
businesses, so we can't take this issue lightly. In addition, the interface also needs to be improved to be
more suitable for everyone.
With the image above, we can see that there are still many things that should be improved for the
product, such as adding interfaces to communicate directly through the app, or increasing access limits
for large businesses to enjoy. more comfortable, etc.. But in general, the application has met the
minimum needs of the business.
CONCLUSION: I reject the hypothesis that I made in the conclusion of the Literature Review. With more
and more business management applications being created, it is impossible to create a product that
meets all needs at a low cost. Instead, businesses can use many applications at the same time according
to their needs to optimize costs as well as work needs.
f. Solution:
i. Idea:
Create a website to help business owners manage employees and companies remotely without having
to be present at the company.
ii. Applicability:
-The practical applicability of this project is very high, because business owners need a the device
supports quick and convenient jobs when not at the company or having an unexpected job that needs
employees to solve urgently.
iii. Tools:
Visual Studio code:
As a free code editor for Windows, Linux and macOS, Visual Studio Code is developed by Microsoft. It is
considered a perfect combination of IDE and Code Editor.
Visual Studio Code supports debugging, comes with Git, has syntax highlighting, smart code completion,
snippets, and code enhancements. Thanks to the customization feature, Visual Studio Code also allows
users to change themes, keyboard shortcuts, and other options.
SQL server:
SQL server is also known as Microsoft SQL Server, it stands for MS SQL Server. This is a type of software
that has been developed by Microsoft and it is used to easily store data according to the RDBMS
iv. Elements:
HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language is a programming language used to build and restructure
the components contained in the Website.
CSS stands for Cascading Style Sheets, it is a language used to find and reformat elements generated by
markup languages (HTML). In short, the language of styling the website. You can simply understand that,
if HTML plays the role of formatting elements on the website such as creating paragraphs, headings,
tables, etc., then CSS will help us to add styles to the elements. That HTML like changing layout, page
color, changing text color, font, changing structure...
JavaScript is a website programming language, integrated and embedded in HTML to make the website
more vivid. JavaScript allows more control over web page behavior than using HTML alone. So what is
the practical application of JavaScript? Slideshows, ad pop-ups, and Google's autocomplete feature are
the most obvious examples for you, they're all written in JavaScript.
PHP is a scripting language created for server-side communications. Therefore, it can handle server-side
functions such as collecting form data, managing files on the server, modifying the database and much
This language was originally created by Rasmus Lerdorf to track visitors to his personal homepage. As it
became more popular, Lerdorf released it as an open source project. This decision encouraged
developers to use, fix, improve the code and eventually make it the scripting language we use today.
Although PHP is considered a general purpose scripting language, it is most widely used for web
development. This is due to one of its standout features – the ability to embed HTML files.
g. User Interface:
i. Home page:
ii. Product Page:
1. 2021. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 8 December 2021].
2. 2021. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 8 December 2021].
Objective: Explain the theory of consumer behavior. Learn about Vietnamese businesses in
general and Da Nang City in particular.
Discovering customer needs and satisfaction, showing the current state of businesses in Da Nang.
Analyze the influence of product quality, price, distribution and trade promotion on application
usage behavior in Da Nang city
Level of business satisfaction with the product.
The impact of the application on business people
Implement smart contracts that address the storage of critical data needed at different stages of
the supply chain and make it verifiable by all stakeholders in the supply chain.
I confirm that the project is not work which has been or will be submitted for another
qualification and is appropriate.
Yes: Q No: ☒
Survey online.
Describe the processes you will use to inform participants about what you are doing:
How will you obtain consent from participants? Will this be written? How will it be made clear to
participants that they may withdraw consent to participate at any time?
Will participants be given the option of omitting questions they do not wish to answer?
Yes: Q No: Q
Where will the data be stored? My personal computer, Google Drive,Gmail. Will mobile
devices (such as USB storage and laptops) be used?
Yes: ☒ No: Q
If yes, please provide further details: They will be used to store research materials
including images, e-books, papers.
How long will the data and records be kept for and in what format?
Six months.
Will data be kept for use by other researchers?
Yes: ☒ No: Q
Data storage and security, both during and after the research (including transfer,
sharing, encryption, protection)
vi. Section Six: Declaration.
I have read, understood and will abide by the university’s Research Ethics Policy:
Yes: ☒ No: Q
I have discussed the ethical issues relating to my research with my Unit Tutor:
Yes: ☒ No: Q
The above information is correct and that this is a full description of the ethics issues that
may arise in the course of my research.