What Is Veneer
What Is Veneer
What Is Veneer
What is a veneer?
Resolving the confusion
bout 20 years ago, by far the most popular veneers” seems to be a redun-
tioners who will place them, cedure for dentists when com- Thin, laboratory-made
direct RBC veneers are indi- pared with the technique ceramic veneers have composed
cated when teeth need restora- required for laboratory-made the majority of veneers placed to
tion of small-to-moderate–sized veneers. date. Minimal tooth reduction,
carious lesions, accompanied by Currently, placement of almost all in enamel and not
mild discoloration or malposi- “stock” indirect ceramic veneers, extending into dentin, provides
tioning, or when there are no without cutting tooth structure, excellent retention of these thin
carious lesions but a need to is being advertised and popular- ceramic veneers to acid-etched
cover mild discoloration or to ized. When good judgment is enamel. Properly made, etched
correct slight-to-moderate tooth used about when to accomplish ceramic placed over etched
malpositioning. the technique, the resultant enamel simply does not come off.
Direct RBC veneers require “stock” veneers can be strong, In cases of accidental breakage
artistic ability and dexterity, but long-lasting and esthetically or subsequent dental caries,
they are not accompanied by a acceptable. However, this tech- such veneers are extremely diffi-
laboratory bill, and the dentist nique cannot be adapted suc- cult to remove and must be cut
is in total control of the clinical cessfully to many teeth. from the acid-etched enamel.
procedure. Often, this type of When indirect ceramic
veneer is indicated rather than veneers are placed on deeply cut
more extensive veneers because teeth and bonded onto dentin
Whenever possible,
of the lower cost to the patient surfaces, the retention of the
and the potentially excellent clinicians should avoid dentin bonding is good at first.
esthetic result. When teeth are placing thick ceramic However, experienced veneer
severely discolored, or correction veneers bonded to deeply users know from clinical experi-
of significant tooth malposi- cut dentin surfaces to ence that many such veneers
tioning will be accomplished by prevent postoperative tooth come off only months or years
veneers instead of orthodontic after cementation. After years of
sensitivity and increase the
treatment, more extensive indi- clinical experience, it is my
rect placement veneers are veneers’ longevity. opinion that veneers bonded to
indicated. deeply cut dentin surfaces are
Indirect ceramic veneers far less successful and have
without tooth structure Indirect ceramic or resin- shorter longevity than thin
removal. One of the earliest based composite veneers ceramic veneers placed on mini-
suggestions regarding indirect with minimal tooth prepara- mally cut acid-etched enamel.
ceramic veneers indicated that tion. The technique of placing Unfortunately, laboratory
teeth could receive veneers fired-ceramic veneers over teeth technicians prefer to make thick
without anesthetic or removal of with minimal tooth reduction veneers, as it is easier for them
tooth structure. In some situa- (up to about 1 millimeter) has to create adequate color in
tions, this type of veneer can be dominated veneer procedures for porcelain when the veneers are
successful. It should be obvious about 15 years. Pressed-ceramic thick. As a result, technicians
that these veneers should not be veneers often are used, but they encourage dentists to prepare
placed on teeth in labial or require reduction of more tooth teeth deeply for veneers, often
buccal version or on teeth that structure. Indirect resin-based unaware of the clinical bonding
are large and highly contoured, composite veneers have been and retention disadvantages of
because the combination of the used minimally for several rea- thick veneers placed on deeply
facially oriented or large teeth sons: dentists’ ability to place cut dentin.3
and the thickness of the veneers direct resin-based composite Whenever possible, clinicians
creates an unsightly “buck- themselves; the difficulty in should avoid placing thick
toothed” appearance. This tech- bonding laboratory-made, fully ceramic veneers bonded to
nique certainly is less traumatic cured resin-based composite deeply cut dentin surfaces to
and more reversible for patients veneers to acid-etched tooth prevent postoperative tooth sen-
than are more extensive veneer structure; and the color unpre- sitivity and increase the
procedures, and it is a simple dictability and difficulty of color veneers’ longevity. There are
and less time-consuming pro- correction at seating. techniques that allow laboratory