CS-LIFT Field Visit and Video Documentation Brief: Action Flow
CS-LIFT Field Visit and Video Documentation Brief: Action Flow
CS-LIFT Field Visit and Video Documentation Brief: Action Flow
EAI Team
Joel Dizon, Program Manager
Adam Anay, Program Coordinator
Dr. Jovar Pantao, CS-LIFT consultant
Irish Jane Calungsod, Communications Officer
2 Interns (Jaymilyn Geronimo, Joshua delos Reyes)
2 Videographers
1 Driver
Action Flow
How has your school coped up with the modular set-up of instruction? Challenges?
When conflict happens in the community, how does it affect schools and students?
How do you assess your students’ capability to overcome life’s challenges and
vulnerability to issues affecting the community? (For teacher also)
What is your name, and how many years have you been teaching EsP?
What was your reaction when you first learned about PVE-E during the training? Do you
think it is relevant and important to include PVE-E in the classroom instruction, in EsP?
What preparations have you made before the CS-LIFT modules were distributed to the
What are short-term positive effects that you have observed from your students after
they took the lessons from the CS-LIFT modules? What do you think are its long-term
Given that the modules are designed as self-learning materials, and with the pandemic
situation that limits your interaction with the students, can you share what were some of
the feedbacks you receive from the students? How did you address it?
Can you show some of the outputs that your students have submitted? What are your
thoughts about it?
What is your name and what Grade level are you now?
Can you share your studying routine during the pandemic?
Can you recall and share to us some of the topics and lessons from your EsP subject
(especially the CS-LIFT modules)? Given that these are new set of lessons or different
from the previous ones you took, what was your reaction when you first studied and
answered the activity in Lesson 1?
What part of the module/lesson did you enjoy? What was your favorite Aralin? Why is it
your favorite Aralin? What was your favorite radio drama? In one of the dramas you
listened, were you able to see yourself or did you feel that you can relate to the
What values have you learned from the self-learning modules CS-LIFT modules? Do you
living these values can promote peace and understanding in the community?
Now that you have completed the lessons from the CS-LIFT modules, how do you
assess your critical thinking skills and behavior towards issues on peace, conflict,
terrorist ideologies and recruitment? (How do you respond to fake information on the
What do you think are the positive impacts when students know and understand good
and bad information?
Are you currently part of civic engagements, and peacebuilding youth initiatives? If so,
how is your experience?
What’s your ultimate dream for your community and fellow youth?
Note: Some of these questions are optional. Follow-up questions are expected.
1. Principal
2. CS-LIFT teachers
3. 2-3 Students and preferably boy and girl; part of the pilot class of the CS-LIFT modules
for Grade 10 EsP; has good standing in the class; has confidence speaking in front of
the camera, to prepare cultural attires for B-rolls – once identified, we request to have
the names sent in advance
4. Extra (schoolteachers, other students, student performers in cultural attire) - optional
1. Teacher’s Office (we want to highlight what a typical day of a teacher looks like in a
modular set-up of instruction, i.e. preparing/printing/distributing modules; checking
students’ outputs; attending online class and meetings, etc. )
2. Empty classroom and school premises
3. Module distribution area
4. Community outside the school
Photo/video and story release form signed by the student and parent to be facilitated by EAI