The Military Balance 1961
The Military Balance 1961
The Military Balance 1961
Published online: 22 Jan 2009.
To cite this article: (1961) Erratum, The Military Balance, 61:1, 25-25, DOI: 10.1080/04597226108459683
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ICBMs .. .. 63 50+
MRBMs . . 186 200
Long range bombers 600 190
Medium range bombers . . 2¿00 1,100
Aircraft carriers* 58
Nuclear submarines 22 2
Conventional submarines* 266 480
Cruisers* 67 25
Mobilized manpower 8,195,253 men 7,994,300men
Downloaded by [University of York] at 01:44 09 October 2014
Published online: 22 Jan 2009.
To cite this article: (1961) Foreword, The Military Balance, 61:1, 1-1, DOI: 10.1080/04597226108459672
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This is the third annual estimate compiled by the Institute of the nature and size of
military forces of the groups of states involved in the Cold War - the Communist
bloc (excluding Yugoslavia but including Albania which is still formally a member
of the Warsaw Pact) and all those countries with which the United States has mutual
defence treaties. The demand for previous editions of this pamphlet has shown
that it fills an important gap in public knowledge, and is considered useful as a
guide to the strategic balance between the great powers and their allies and of the
orders of magnitude involved in the problem of disarmament.
The Institute assumes full responsibility for the facts and judgments which
the pamphlet contains. Since not all the countries have been equally co-operative
in producing the relevant information, there are some gaps and some estimated
This pamphlet examines the military balance as it existed at the end of
October 1961 and as it may change during the ensuing year. However, in view of
the number of emergency measures taken on both sides during the summer and
autumn of 1961 as a result of the Berlin crisis, some of the figures it contains, par-
ticularly of manpower, may not remain accurate throughout the whole of the next
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Publisher: Routledge
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37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK
To cite this article: (1961) The Soviet Union, The Military Balance, 61:1, 2-6, DOI: 10.1080/04597226108459673
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THE SOVIET UNION a total strength of perhaps 3,800,000 men
- some five per cent larger than at the end
(Population 218 million) of 1959.
The Soviet military budget for 1961
General (calendar year) was set at 9,255 million
Throughout 1960 and the first half of 1961 roubles ($10,180 million) but it was an-
the Soviet military policy followed the same nounced on July 8, 1961, that it would be
course as that pursued by the United States increased by one-third, i.e. 3,114 million
in the mid-1950s and by Britain after 1957: roubles ($3,415 million) to 12,339 million
an attempt was made to absorb the cost of roubles ($13,573 million). In real terms, the
technological development and new weapons total size of the augmented Soviet budget is
by placing increased emphasis on nuclear estimated to be of the order of between
fire power and reducing the amount of $20,000 and $25,000 million. It is not likely
mobilized manpower. It was clear that the that all this one-third increase can be spent
Soviet government had, at the end of 1959, during 1961, and only part of it will be
Downloaded by [Moskow State Univ Bibliote] at 20:18 05 December 2013
reached a considered decision that their needed to meet the increased bill for man-
progress in missile technology, coupled with power; this suggests that it is also intended
the demands of the economy, especially to accelerate weapons development and
agriculture, for more men, justified such a production.
policy. However, during July 1961, the
Soviet government announced, in response
to its own estimate of a darkening inter- Air and Missile Power
national horizon, a revision of this emphasis Soviet policy statements continue to place
on the deterrent effect of nuclear missiles, marked emphasis on the development of
and has been anxious since then to make long range missiles as a deterrent to aggres-
clear that it is building up the strength of sion and a support to diplomacy. It is con-
virtually all its forces except surface ships. sidered possible that the Soviet Union could,
Under the law of January 15, 1960, the if the programme had rated a high enough
Soviet forces were to be reduced from priority, have by now built up a force of
3,623,000 men to 2,423,000 men by the end 200 ICBMs, the original three-stage liquid-
of 1961, a reduction of 1,200,000 men over fuelled missile which has been under devel-
two years, but its suspension was announced opment since the mid-fifties. The reasons
on July 8, 1961. No official Soviet figures that make it doubtful if they have actually
of the current strength of the forces has been created an operational force of this size are:
published but it is not likely that more than (a) the difficulties of building bases for so
600,000 men were demobilized, principally large a missile and their strategic
in the ground forces. Thus the total strength vulnerability:
of the forces in mid-1961 was about 3,000,000 (b) the fact that they now have a smaller
men. In addition, it was announced on second generation ICBM under active
August 29, 1961, that the demobilization of development which is likely to be
certain categories of other ranks, whose easier to conceal:
period of military service was completed, (c) the demands of the Soviet space and
had been suspended until the signature of a other programmes upon scientific man-
German peace treaty. When men called up power:
in 1961 have completed their training and Consequently the present figure of opera-
been absorbed into units at the end of the tional ICBMs is more likely to be in the
year, the effect of this decree (unless it is neighbourhood of 50 than 200.
rescinded) will be to increase the size of the Unlike the United States Soviet policy
Soviet forces by up to 800,000 men, giving places considerable emphasis on conceal-
ment of bases. Apart from the two main as a result of service and industrial pressure,
missile test centres near the Caspian Sea, it higher priority is being given to aircraft
can be assumed only that the location of development than in the late fifties. The
ICBM sites are influenced by the rail com- following gives some indication of Soviet
munications network. strength in this field.
As far as MRBMs are concerned, the figure
of 200 has been quoted in the West, and in (i) Strategic Striking Power
view of Soviet concentration on MRBMs
this estimate seems reasonable. Soviet state- Missiles
ments allege that they exist in considerable (a) The principal operational ICBM is
quantities, and since there are not the same propelled by a three-stage liquid fuel engine
indications of a need to decelerate their and has an operational range of up to
build-up in order to make room for a more 8,000 miles.
advanced type as with ICBMs, this is very A second generation ICBM is now being
probably the case. From their ranges and developed. It is propelled by a storable
from published Soviet statements, it is liquid fuel and will probably be smaller and
reasonably clear that Soviet policy is to site more accurate than its predecessor, but still
them near the western, southern and eastern more bulky than the U S Minuteman.
Downloaded by [Moskow State Univ Bibliote] at 20:18 05 December 2013
borders of the Soviet Union, on the Pacific (b) There are two operational IRBMs.
coast and in Siberia, so that they cover the One has a range of about 1,800 miles and is
mam bases of Western medium range air propelled by a two-stage liquid fuel engine:
and missile power from Britain to Okinawa the other has a range of about 1,000 miles,
and Japan. is also liquid fuelled, and can carry a 1,800 lb
The strategic missile forces are organized atomic warhead.
as an autonomous arm of the service, under
the command of Marshal Kiril Moskalenko. Long-range and Medium Bombers
In July 1961 Marshal Malinovsky, the Soviet The Strategic Bomber Force consists
Defence Minister, spoke of the reorganiza- mainly of the following aircraft:
tion of the Soviet forces to create tactical (a) 70 turbo-prop Bears* (TU 20); range
missile units capable of operating inde- 7,000 miles, bomb-load 20 tons, maximum
pendently. speed 550 miles per hour, now able to carry
In spite of their concentration on rockets two short range air to ground missiles
and ballistic missiles, the Russians have not similar to U S Hound Dog.
neglected their Air Force, which comprises 120 4-jet Bisons; range 6,050 miles, bomb-
some 15,000 operational aircraft, organized load 10 tons, maximum speed 600 miles per
into five major components, namely: hour, operational ceiling 50,000.
(1) the long-range strategic bomber force; (b) 1,000 twin-jet medium bomber Badgers
(2) the tactical, or front line, force which (TU 16); range 3,500 miles, bomb-load 4-5
includes fighters and tactical bombers; tons, speed 587 miles per hour, operational
(3) the fighter interceptor force; ceiling 40,000 feet.
(4) the land-based fleet air arm; Delta-wing 4-jet Bounder (similar to but
(5) the air transport force. somewhat larger than the U S B58), speed
The heavy bomber force has been kept at supersonic (probably Mach 2), range 1,650
a considerably lower strength than that of miles; said to be capable of using grass
the U S Strategic Air Command, though the runways; prototype displayed in 1961.
general lines of development, including New types shown at Tushino Air Show in
stand-off bombs and missiles, are similar. 1961 included nine of a medium bomber,
On the other hand the Soviet Union has Blinder, somewhat similar to the U S B58
built up a very strong force of medium and probably being developed for use with
bombers suitable for use all over the Eurasian a longer range air to ground missile com-
theatre and its coasts, and an efficient light * It should be made clear that this menagerie of names
bomber force. It seems probable that, partly for Soviet aircraft is of NATO, not Soviet, origin.
parable to Skybolt, and capable of air Fighter Planes
refuelling. It is estimated that there are about 10,000
A small proportion of this force is based fighter aircraft of all kinds, and that intensive
on the Kola peninsula and in Siberia, while development is in hand to produce types
the rest is based in western and south-west with higher ceilings and improved air-to-air
Russia. Bisons and Badgers have also been weapons.
adapted as tankers for in-flight refuelling. (a) The standard all-weather interceptor
of recent years, the subsonic Yak 25 Flash-
light, is now obsolescent, although two
(ii) Tactical Air Power improved versions, one of them redesigned
It is clear that the tactical bomber forces as a light bomber, are still in service. How-
are going through a much sharper period of ever a new all-weather delta-winged inter-
transition than the heavy bomber forces, ceptor provisionally called Flashlight C, was
with older aircraft such as the turbo-jet displayed in July 1961.
Beagle and possibly the twin-jet Blowlamp (b) The most important day fighters are:
and Backfin, being replaced. The earlier Maximum Ceiling
estimate of 4,000 operational aircraft is speed
therefore now too high. The principal tactical
Downloaded by [Moskow State Univ Bibliote] at 20:18 05 December 2013
To cite this article: (1961) The Warsaw pact nations, The Military Balance, 61:1, 6-7, DOI: 10.1080/04597226108459674
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The W class is 245 feet long with a 1,050 Their displacement varies from 1,000 to
tons displacement. It has a speed of 16 knots 2,700 tons, and their speed from 28 to 38
on the surface and 13 knots submerged, and knots.
a radius of action of 10,000 miles. There are
about 130 of these in service.
The Z class is 290 feet long with a sub- (iii) Fleet Air Arm
merged displacement of 2,600 tons. It is There are no aircraft carriers in the Soviet
capable of 20 knots on the surface and 13 Navy, but there is a land-based Fleet Air
knots submerged, with a radius in excess of Arm which now appears to be getting a
20,000 miles. There are at least 20 of these lower priority than formerly. It consists
in service. A small number have been con- mainly of:
verted to fire missiles, probably in a manner (a) the torpedo-carrying IL 28 Beagle and
similar to the G class. They are stationed TU 14 Bosun with ranges of 1,500-1,800
principally in the Baltic and the Far East. miles;
The K and Q type, which were built (b) the TU 16 Badger-range of 3,500
between 1945 and 1955, are medium range miles.
vessels; their radius of action is about 7,000 A new twin-jet swept-wing flying boat and
miles and their displacement varies from an anti-submarine turbine helicopter with a
1,400 to 680 tons. short range missile were displayed in 1961.
Downloaded by [University of Leeds] at 07:32 16 November 2014
in 1961. About 700,000 are called up each than destroyers, of which there are 4. There
year, and serve three years in the Army. are 26 submarines (a small increase on
(ii) The armed forces are organized by the 1960), of which half are Soviet W class
Ministry of Defence, advised by a National medium range craft; frigates; MTBs; gun-
Defence Council whose Chairman is the boats and patrol craft. The Navy is not an
Chairman of the People's Republic: control offensive force and is ineffective except for
is exercised through 13 Military Regions. inshore defence.
The Land Army consists of about 30-35
armies. These are of 3 divisions each, i.e. an
Army is equivalent to a Western Army THE FAR EAST
Corps. In peacetime there is no operational
headquarters higher than the Army; but in NORTH KOREA
wartime Armies are grouped in Field Annies.
The strength of an active Army could be The Soviet Union concluded a mutual
between 50,000-60,000. defence treaty with North Korea on July 7,
(iii) No reliable figures are available for at1961. The North Korean forces are estimated
the size of the Militia, but the declared inten- 338,000 men.
This article was downloaded by: [University of Arizona]
On: 28 October 2014, At: 19:16
Publisher: Routledge
Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House,
37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK
Published online: 22 Jan 2009.
To cite this article: (1961) China, The Military Balance, 61:1, 7-7, DOI: 10.1080/04597226108459675
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East Germany* (16,213,000) 100,000 tion is to embody every third person in the
Hungary (10,002,000) 80,500 population. It is static, sketchily armed, and
Albania (1,607,000) 27,800 organized as much for forced labour as
The satellite air forces number a total of defence. The Public Security forces, includ-
about 2,900 planes, about 80 per cent of ing the armed police, consist of about
which are jet fighters. 200,000 men.
The satellite naval forces are of little
importance and only of value for local
defence. The Air Force
This has a total strength of 3,000 aircraft,
CHINA including 400 naval aircraft. China is now
building jet fighters and trainers, but the
The Army backbone of the force consists of Soviet
MIG 15s, 17s and probably 19s, EL 28 light
(i) The Army consists of 2,216,000 men, bombers and helicopters. Training is in-
organized in: approximately 115 divisions hibited by shortage of aviation spirit.
of infantry; 2 or 3 armoured divisions; 1 or
2 airborne divisions; supporting troops; and
cavalry for desert areas. The Navy
There are 125,000,000 men of military age China has no operational ships heavier
Downloaded by [University of Arizona] at 19:16 28 October 2014
in 1961. About 700,000 are called up each than destroyers, of which there are 4. There
year, and serve three years in the Army. are 26 submarines (a small increase on
(ii) The armed forces are organized by the 1960), of which half are Soviet W class
Ministry of Defence, advised by a National medium range craft; frigates; MTBs; gun-
Defence Council whose Chairman is the boats and patrol craft. The Navy is not an
Chairman of the People's Republic: control offensive force and is ineffective except for
is exercised through 13 Military Regions. inshore defence.
The Land Army consists of about 30-35
armies. These are of 3 divisions each, i.e. an
Army is equivalent to a Western Army THE FAR EAST
Corps. In peacetime there is no operational
headquarters higher than the Army; but in NORTH KOREA
wartime Armies are grouped in Field Annies.
The strength of an active Army could be The Soviet Union concluded a mutual
between 50,000-60,000. defence treaty with North Korea on July 7,
(iii) No reliable figures are available for at1961. The North Korean forces are estimated
the size of the Militia, but the declared inten- 338,000 men.
This article was downloaded by: [University of Sussex Library]
On: 14 January 2015, At: 02:27
Publisher: Routledge
Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House,
37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK
To cite this article: (1961) The Far East, The Military Balance, 61:1, 7-7, DOI: 10.1080/04597226108459676
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East Germany* (16,213,000) 100,000 tion is to embody every third person in the
Hungary (10,002,000) 80,500 population. It is static, sketchily armed, and
Albania (1,607,000) 27,800 organized as much for forced labour as
The satellite air forces number a total of defence. The Public Security forces, includ-
about 2,900 planes, about 80 per cent of ing the armed police, consist of about
which are jet fighters. 200,000 men.
The satellite naval forces are of little
importance and only of value for local
defence. The Air Force
This has a total strength of 3,000 aircraft,
CHINA including 400 naval aircraft. China is now
building jet fighters and trainers, but the
The Army backbone of the force consists of Soviet
MIG 15s, 17s and probably 19s, EL 28 light
(i) The Army consists of 2,216,000 men, bombers and helicopters. Training is in-
organized in: approximately 115 divisions hibited by shortage of aviation spirit.
of infantry; 2 or 3 armoured divisions; 1 or
2 airborne divisions; supporting troops; and
cavalry for desert areas. The Navy
Downloaded by [University of Sussex Library] at 02:27 14 January 2015
There are 125,000,000 men of military age China has no operational ships heavier
in 1961. About 700,000 are called up each than destroyers, of which there are 4. There
year, and serve three years in the Army. are 26 submarines (a small increase on
(ii) The armed forces are organized by the 1960), of which half are Soviet W class
Ministry of Defence, advised by a National medium range craft; frigates; MTBs; gun-
Defence Council whose Chairman is the boats and patrol craft. The Navy is not an
Chairman of the People's Republic: control offensive force and is ineffective except for
is exercised through 13 Military Regions. inshore defence.
The Land Army consists of about 30-35
armies. These are of 3 divisions each, i.e. an
Army is equivalent to a Western Army THE FAR EAST
Corps. In peacetime there is no operational
headquarters higher than the Army; but in NORTH KOREA
wartime Armies are grouped in Field Annies.
The strength of an active Army could be The Soviet Union concluded a mutual
between 50,000-60,000. defence treaty with North Korea on July 7,
(iii) No reliable figures are available for at1961. The North Korean forces are estimated
the size of the Militia, but the declared inten- 338,000 men.
This article was downloaded by: [University of California Santa Cruz]
On: 11 February 2015, At: 06:21
Publisher: Routledge
Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House,
37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK
Strategic forces
Published online: 22 Jan 2009.
To cite this article: (1961) Strategic forces, The Military Balance, 61:1, 8-9, DOI: 10.1080/04597226108459677
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These are under national command and of which there are between thirty and forty
comprise the United States Strategic Air now in service, will partially replace the B.47.
Command, R A F Bomber Command, the One-third of these forces is now kept con-
United States First and Seventh Fleets and tinuously on 'ground alert', which will enable
the United States nuclear powered sub- them to leave their bases within 15 minutes
marines, equipped with the Polaris missiles. of receiving warning of attack. The propor-
In addition, IRBM bases in Europe are in tion is to be increased to one-half by the
operation or under construction. Exceptions middle of 1962.
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Cruz] at 06:21 11 February 2015
to the nationally controlled strategic forces Missiles. The First Missile Division oper-
are the NATO controlled Striking Fleet ates the Atlas and Titan ICBMs. The present
Atlantic, which is also nationally designated long-term programme comprises 25 Atlas
the US Second Fleet and the NATO and Titan squadrons, including 6 Atlas
Carrier Striking Force, South, which is squadrons with 12 missiles permanently on
nationally designated the US Sixth Fleet, launchers. By early in 1962 three main bases
operating in the Mediterranean. An essential of the present 'soft' Vandenberg and Warren
component of the strategic forces of the types will have been completed. By then
West is its air and missile warning systems. there will also be one 'hard' Titan base (at
Denver, Colorado) and two more 'semi-hard'
(1) United States Air and Missile Bases Atlas bases. This will mean that 54 Atlas
The chief concern of United States defence and nine Titans are operational.
in the eventuality of a general war will be a The Snark guided missile is to be with-
surprise attack by nuclear-armed ICBMs. drawn by the end of 1961.
For this, it is developing forces which can The Minuteman, a solid propellant ICBM,
survive and respond to a first attack. capable of being mounted on a mobile base
Strategic Air Command is divided into (though the first six squadrons are to be
(a) the Fifth Air Force with Headquarters based on fixed sites), will not be operational
in California, and the Second and until late in 1962.
Eighth Air Force with Headquarters (2) RAF Bomber Command
in Louisiana and Massachusetts. RAF Bomber Command is equipped with
(b) the First Missile Division with Head- about 180 Vulcan, Valiant and Victor
quarters in California. bombers, capable of carrying free falling
(c) the 16th Air Force in Spain, the 7th nuclear or conventional bombs. They are able
Air Division in the UK, and the 3rd to refuel in flight from Valiant jet tankers. (It
Air Division based on Guam. Each of is now doubtful if the guided stand-off bomb
these overseas units operates several Blue Steel, with a range of 400 miles, will
advance bases. be available in 1962.)
Strategic Aircraft. The SAC has over
1,500 bombers capable of delivering nuclear (3) European Missile Bases
bombs. Of these, some 1,000 are B.47s, and There are sixty Thor IRBMs based in the
600 are long-range B.52s based in the United United Kingdom. Work on the site for 30
States. Both types of aircraft use in-flight Jupiter IRBMs in Italy is scheduled to be
refuelling to extend their range. The B.58, completed by the end of 1961. There is no
evidence that work on the site for 15 more then serve to confirm. Fylingdales is also to
Jupiters in Turkey is proceeding. have a reception system for MIDAS signals.
(A) Allied Command, Europe the NATO Powers can muster 5,000 tac-
Allied Command has its headquarters near tical aircraft which operate from some 220
Paris and stretches from northern Norway operational bases. Nearly 5,000 miles of
to the southern frontiers of Turkey and the fuel supply systems are in service for the
Mediterranean. The Air Forces in Europe of supply of the forces, 26,500 miles of com-
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On: 30 December 2014, At: 14:52
Publisher: Routledge
Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House,
37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK
To cite this article: (1961) North Atlantic treaty organization, The Military Balance, 61:1, 9-21, DOI:
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evidence that work on the site for 15 more then serve to confirm. Fylingdales is also to
Jupiters in Turkey is proceeding. have a reception system for MIDAS signals.
(A) Allied Command, Europe the NATO Powers can muster 5,000 tac-
Allied Command has its headquarters near tical aircraft which operate from some 220
Paris and stretches from northern Norway operational bases. Nearly 5,000 miles of
to the southern frontiers of Turkey and the fuel supply systems are in service for the
Mediterranean. The Air Forces in Europe of supply of the forces, 26,500 miles of com-
munications and signal network are in use, German forces; 4th A T A F (under Ameri-
and an efifective early warning radar system can command) in southern Germany, in-
has been developed. Deployment of tactical cludes American, Canadian, French and
nuclear weapons into N A T O land forces is German forces.
now almost complete. They are principally
the Honest John missile, but include some (ii) Allied Forces Northern Europe has its
Corporals and 280 mm. cannon. Joint pro- headquarters at Kolsaas in Norway and is
duction in European NATO countries of responsible for the defence of Norway,
two anti-aircraft weapons Hawk and Side- Denmark, Schleswig-Holstein and the Baltic
winder is continuing, as well as three types approaches. It comprises approximately one
of aircraft, the F104G Starfighter, the Norwegian and one Danish division, as well
Breguet Atlantic, and the Fiat G91 light as the tactical air forces of these countries
fighters. and their naval forces. One German division
Allied Command Europe is divided into in Schleswig-Holstein and units of the
the following subordinate commands: German Baltic fleet are also committed to
(i) Allied Forces Central Europe has its
headquarters in Fontainebleau and com- (iii) Allied Forces Southern Europe has its
prises 23 divisions (out of the required 30) headquarters in Naples and is responsible
Downloaded by [University of Alberta] at 14:53 30 December 2014
about 25 aircraft carriers. Of these, six naval forces of Belgium, France, the Nether-
American carriers have been converted for lands and the United Kingdom.
anti-submarine duties. Britain has 3
carriers, France, Canada and the Nether-
lands have one each. The carriers Norad
designated for anti-submarine missions North American Air Defence Command is
carry American and/or Canadian S2F maintained under an agreement between the
Trackers, British Fairey Gannets, largely United States and Canada, which integrates
replaced by Sea Vixens, and Scimitars and the Canadian and American Air Defence
Wessex helicopters, French 1050 Alizes and Commands. The Headquarters are at Col-
anti-submarine helicopters. In all, NATO orado Springs.
anti-submarine carriers could embark about Canadian Air Defence Command cur-
400 to 500 aircraft of various types. rently has nine squadrons of CF-100 inter-
(2) Other surface ships in these national ceptors armed with air-to-air missiles.
navies include about 440 destroyers, frigates American Air Defence Command weapons
and destroyer escorts. (The United States consist of F-104 all-weather interceptors and
has over 260 of these types, the Royal Navy Bomarc missiles. The defence of American
has over 47 to contribute, while the other cities depends mainly on 15 Nike-Hercules
navies have lesser numbers.) A considerable ground-to-air missile units.
proportion of these anti-submarine ships are In 1962, Canada should receive 2 Bomarc
of World War II construction but many missile units for which the sites in Quebec
have been modernized and progress is being and Ontario, are ready, and for the opera-
made in building replacements. tion of which 500 men have been trained.
(3) With regard to submarines the trend These defences are supported by an ex-
in most navies has been to change their role tended radar system. Supplementing the
from commerce destruction to anti-sub- BMEWS station in Greenland and Alaska,
marine warfare, although they retain the there are three lines of radar stations in
former mission in addition. Of the 16 nuclear Canada, and the 'contiguous radar system'
and 243 conventional submarines belonging in the United States is supported by ships
to NATO maritime countries, well over and radar aircraft in the Pacific and the
150 would be available for anti-submarine Atlantic and a number of 'Texas Tower'
duties in the Atlantic. radar stations near the Atlantic coast.
\M% N.A.T.O. Countries
W M Warsaw Pact Countries ICELAND
Excluding N.A.T.O. Naval
Forces in the Mediterranean
Downloaded by [University of Alberta] at 14:53 30 December 2014
S.E.A.T.O. Countries
Communist Countries
Bilateral Treaty Countries
Excluding U.S. 7th. Fleet
Downloaded by [University of Alberta] at 14:53 30 December 2014
BELGIUM (40 long range maritime aircraft
General Population: 9,200,000 are earmarked for assignment
Length of military service: one to SACLANT in the event of
year hostilities)
Total armed forces: 110,000
Defence Budget $321,432,302
Army Total strength: 85,000 General Population: 4,565,500
2 mechanized divisions Length of military service: 16
Navy Total strength: 5,000 months
Total active armed forces: 43,000
50 minesweepers
Defence budget: $179,068,627
Air Force Total strength: 20,000
Approximately 200 fighter and Army Total active strength: 29,000
reconnaissance aircraft, in- 2f infantry brigade groups
cluding F84s, CFlOOs, and Navy Total strength: 7,000
Hunter VI 4 ocean escorts
7 coastal escorts
Downloaded by [University of Alberta] at 14:53 30 December 2014
3 coastal submarines
General Population: 18,000,000 13 fast patrol boats and seaward
Voluntary military service defence craft
Total armed forces: 119,300 in- 18 minesweepers and minelayers
creasing to 135,000 (of which Air Force Total active strength: 7,000
- up to 14,000 are stationed in 3 fighter-bomber squadrons
Europe) (F.100)
Defence Budget: $1,614,500,000 3 all-weather fighter squadrons
Army Total strength: 47,800 increasing (F.86D)
to 53,750 1 interceptor day-fighter squad-
1 brigade group in Germany ron (Htmter)
3 brigade groups stationed in 1 reconnaissance flight (F.84F)
Canada 1 transport squadron
Navy Total strength: 20,000, increasing 1 search and rescue squadron
to 21,480 1 Nike battalion is established in
1 aircraft carrier the Copenhagen area
25 destroyers Apart from 1 ocean escort, 1
14 frigates coastal escort and the transport
12 small ships and SAR squadrons, all forces
3 submarines (one on loan from are earmarked for NATO
the USA, two from the UK)
Air Force Total strength: 51,500, increasing
to 52,490 General Population: 45,000,000
5 all-weather fighter squadrons Military service: 27 months
operating under NORAD now Total armed forces: 1,008,791
being re-equipped with the Defence budget: $2,438,177,874
F.101 Voodoo Army Total strength: 804,000
8 day fighter squadrons 2 divisions are at the disposal of
4 all-weather fighter squadrons, SACEUR in Germany and a
equipped with the F.86D and small brigade, which is being
CF.100, stationed in Europe reinforced, is in Berlin
4 transport squadrons 2 divisions are now stationed in
4 maritime squadrons France and 2 in Algeria
The Army is equipped with the Navy Total strength: 26,000
French SS-10 and 11 solid 1 naval air wing
propellant anti-tank guided 3 minesweeper squadrons
missile 3 MTB squadrons
Navy Total strength: 67,791 2 destroyer squadrons
1 aircraft carrier 1 landing craft squadron
1 commando carrier All at the disposal of NATO
1 battleship Air Force Total strength: 80,000
4 cruisers 1 transport wing
84 support ships, including 7 new 4 fighter-bomber wings
destroyers armed with surface- 1 fighter wing
to-air missiles. These will prob- 1 reconnaissance wing
ably join the Mediterranean All at the disposal of NATO
Fleet, and will therefore not be
at the disposal of NATO GREECE
19 submarines General Population: 8,357,000
160 other craft Length of military service: 24 to
Air Force Total strength: 137,000 30 months according to the
The Air Force is organized as arm of the service
Downloaded by [University of Alberta] at 14:53 30 December 2014
21-24 months for the Navy and 16 destroyers and frigates
Air Force for non-specialists 3 submarines
20-22 months for the Army 22 minesweepers
Total armed forces: 142,000 30 small craft
Defence budget: $530,000,000 The Fleet Air Squadron com-
Army Total strength: 98,000 prises about 50 aircraft
2 infantry divisions assigned to Air Force Total strength: 12,500
NATO 350 aircraft including a number
Navy Total strength: 23,000 of F.84Gfighter-bombersunder
1 aircraft carrier national command
2 light cruisers
22 destroyers and frigates
6 coastal escort vessels TURKEY
6 submarines General Population: 28,000,000
65 minesweepers Length of military service:
Air Force Total strength: 21,000 24 months for the Army and
Approx. 225 fighters and recon- Air Force
naissance aircraft 36 months for the Navy
Total armed forces: 500,000
NORWAY Army 22 divisions
General Population: 3,600,000 Navy 9 destroyers
Length of military service: 10 submarines
16 months for the Army 100 other craft
18 months for the Navy and Air Force 1 squadron of F. 100s,
the Air Force 2 squadrons of F.84s and 86s
Total armed forces: 37,000
Defence budget: $176,000,000
Army Total strength: 20,000 UNITED KINGDOM
1 division General Population: 52,000,000
Navy Total strength: 7,000 Military service: Voluntary.
6 destroyers and frigates National Service ends in 1962
5 submarines Total armed forces: 454,330
25 other craft Defence budget: $4,653,360,000
Army Total strength: 200,000 1 guided-missile destroyer will be
Of this total 53,000 are stationed completed in 1962 and will be
in Germany and Berlin, some be equipped with Sea Slug and
20,000 in the Mediterranean, Sea Cat surface-to-air missiles.
Middle East and Africa, and An improved version of Sea
20,000 in the Far East. In Slug is now being developed.
terms of infantry battalions, The new anti-submarine heli-
the division is: Germany and copter Wessex is now coming
Berlin 20; Middle East and into service. Aircraft carriers
Africa 13; Caribbean 1; Far are receiving the Scimitar
East 4. In Malaya, these form fighter-bombers and the Sea
part of a Commonwealth Vixen which will be equipped
Brigade Group. There are 7 with the US Sidewinder and
Gurkha battalions in the Far British Firestreak air-to-air
East, but one is shortly to be missile respectively.
transferred to Britain.
In terms of formations, 7 brigades The first operational squadron of
are committed to NATO in Buccaneer low-level supersonic
Germany, 1 brigade is in Ber- bombers is expected to be
formed in 1962.
Downloaded by [University of Alberta] at 14:53 30 December 2014
for two years, but over 90% planes. Range 20 miles. Pro-
of men serving in the US forces gress is being made with an
are volunteers improved version
Total armed forces: 2,606,000
Estimated defence expenditure: The equipment of the American
$48,506,000,000 Army with the M60 tank is
Army Total strength: 967,000 still proceeding. The M60
weighs 50 tons, mounts a 105
The Army consists of a Strategic mm. gun. The 8 in. self-
Army Corps of two airborne propelled M55 howitzer is also
and one infantry divisions, and in use. It has a range of over
11 combat divisions. The pre- 10 miles and can fire a nuclear
sent increase to over 1,000,000 shell. Most armoured units are
by the end of 1961 will raise still equipped with the 44-ton
the number of combat divisions M48 tank.
to 16.
The Seventh Army of 5 divisions Navy Total strength: 635,787
and 3 armoured brigades, and The Navy consists of 819 opera-
comprising 200,000 men, is tional ships (383 warships, 232
allocated to NATO and sta- combatants and 204 auxiliaries)
tioned in Germany. This at the end of 1961. These are
strength may be increased to organized into four fleets (1st,
300,000 during 1962. Three 2nd, 6th and 7th), each of
divisions are stationed in the which includes attack carriers,
Far East. anti-submarine carriers, sur-
MISSILES face and sub-surface anti-sub-
CD Surface-to-surface short range marine forces, cruisers, and
include: associated logistic and amphi-
Redstone: A liquid-propellant bious forces.
missile, range 200 miles The attack carriers Constellation
Pershing: a solid-fuel develop- and Kitty Hawk have been
ment of Redstone, range 100- commissioned and the Navy
300 miles has received the nuclear-pow-
Corporal: range 75 miles ered attack carrier Enterprise
and the nuclear-powered (ii) Attack
cruiser Long Beach. Seventeen A3J Vigilante: An all-weather
new destroyers and frigates attack twin-jet supersonic air-
armed with guided missiles craft which can be carrier and
have joined the fleet in recent land-based: can use conven-
years and 28 more are under tional or nuclear weapons
construction. against sea and land targets in
The Navy has 21 nuclear-pow- any weather: maximum speed
ered submarines in service, six about Mach 2; will enter fleet
of which are fleet ballistic service in 1962.
missile submarines. A2F Intruder: A twin turbo-jet-
In August 1961, the Navy an- powered low level naval attack
nounced that it would operate bomber. It is designed to per-
one additional attack carrier form close ground support
and air group. 22 amphibious missions for tactical forces or
ships and 11 fleet support ships fly long distances to deliver
are also to be reactivated. The nuclear bombs.
Navy will operate one addi- A3D Skywarrior: Twin-jet, car-
tional support carrier and air rier-based, heavy attack plane,
which can carry nuclear weap-
Downloaded by [University of Alberta] at 14:53 30 December 2014
To cite this article: (1961) Central treaty organization, The Military Balance, 61:1, 21-21, DOI: 10.1080/04597226108459679
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Thor: liquid-fuelled IRBM, range (iv) Air-to-air
1,500 miles. Genie: missile with a nuclear
Matador: jet-powered winged warhead carried by fighter-
missile, range 300-500 miles. interceptors, range 2-4 miles,
Mace: improved version of Mata- speedMach3.
dor. Range 350 miles, speed
supersonic, nuclear warhead. Falcon: with nuclear or non-
nuclear warhead, range 5 miles,
(ii) Air-to-ground speed supersonic.
Hound Dog: for use on B.52s.
Range 350 miles, speed super-
sonic, nuclear warhead.
Bullpup: see under Navy. Marine Total strength: 177,000. This will
Corps be increased to 190,000 in the
(iii) Surface-to-air first half of 1962. Organized in
Bomarc: long-range ram-jet mis- three divisions, each with then-
own air wing and amphibious
Downloaded by ["Queen's University Libraries, Kingston"] at 15:53 02 February 2015
To cite this article: (1961) South‐East Asia treaty organization, The Military Balance, 61:1, 22-22, DOI:
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The members of SEATO are Australia, p. 9) based on Manila, units of Strategic
France, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philip- Air Command based on Okinawa and Guam
pine Republic, Thailand, the United King- and the British Far Eastern Fleet based on
dom and the United States. SEATO does Singapore.. The Commonwealth Strategic
not yet have a centralized command struc- Reserve in Malaya includes British, Austra-
ture and forces remain under national con- lian and New Zealand battalions and sup-
trol. SEATO co-operation is concerned not porting units, and Australian and New
only with military defence against aggression, Zealand naval and tactical air units, but the
but also with the problem of subversion. Malay Federation has recently made it clear
The main strategic forces are provided by that bases in Malaya would not be available
the US Seventh Fleet (see strategic forces, for SEATO operations.
AUSTRALIA 4 frigates
Downloaded by [Simon Fraser University] at 00:16 03 February 2015
To cite this article: (1961) US mutual defence treaties, The Military Balance, 61:1, 23-23, DOI: 10.1080/04597226108459681
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Those countries which have Mutual Defence Voluntary military service
Treaties with the United States are Japan, Defence budget: $112,857,143
Formosa, and South Korea. Army Total strength: 550,000
Their forces are as follows: 18 divisions, including 40 artillery
battalions and 7 tank com-
JAPAN panies
General Population: 93,400,000 There are also about 12,000
Voluntary military service Koreans serving in the country
Total armed forces: 233,000 with the US Army
Defence budget: $3,050,500,000 Navy 6 destroyers and frigates
Army Total strength: 170,000 12 minesweepers and minelayers
6 divisions 44 other craft
4 combined brigades Air Force 1 wing of 75 F.86F fighter-
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Publisher: Routledge
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To cite this article: (1961) Part III Table I Mobilized manpower, The Military Balance, 61:1, 24-25, DOI:
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Percentage Percentage
Total of male Total of male
Country forces labour Country forces labour
force force
ALLIANCES 6,682,235 3.47
Japan 233,000 .85
Taiwan 680,000 25.19
South Korea 600,000t 10.91
POWERS 8,195,253 3.49 BLOC 7,994,300
* Maximum t Estimated
ICBMs .. .. 63 50+
MRBMs . . 186 200
Long range bombers 600 190
Medium range bombers . . 2¿00 1,100
Aircraft carriers* 58
Nuclear submarines 22 2
Conventional submarines* 266 480
Downloaded by [University of California Santa Cruz] at 10:44 22 November 2014
Cruisers* 67 25
Mobilized manpower 8,195,253 men 7,994,300men