A Comprehensive Review On Small Satellite Microgrids
A Comprehensive Review On Small Satellite Microgrids
A Comprehensive Review On Small Satellite Microgrids
fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics
0885-8993 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics
0885-8993 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics
Fig. 1. An inclusive structure of the SmallSat, important subsystem including energy generation module, storage module and converter topologies.
management the latest non-isolated and isolated converter operations. The paper is concluded with a brief discussion
architectures, switches, and suitable protocols are described in regarding future directions in Section VII.
Section III. Section IV includes an overview of the latest
developments in space-qualified solar cells, panels along with II. ELECTRICAL POWER SYSTEM AND ARCHITECTURES
the PV architecture for SamallSat applications. The state-of- The EPS is essentially the lifeline of the other subsystems in
the-art power storage and different battery technologies any satellite which incorporates the power generation, energy
available for SmallSats are discussed, followed by the battery storage, power distribution, and management system (PDMS),
charge regulation in Section V. Section VI is a discussion of the including the loads. The EPS comprises approximately one-
challenges and some potential solutions in EPS design and third of the total satellite mass [30]. The prime function of the
0885-8993 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics
EPS is to maintain continuous power supply to the satellite bus TABLE III
during its mission life, including adequate power even during POWER CONSUMPTION OF DIFFERENT SUBSYSTEMS AND
the eclipse when no power is generated from solar panels and PAYLOADS FOR SOME NANOSATS.
protection under fault conditions. The EPS manages the power
Subsystem Power Sizing (W)
input from the solar panels, charges/discharge onboard Nano Refer Total
batteries, and distributes the electrical power to the subsystem CA
Satellites ence ADCS OBDH COM Pow
elements of the satellite at their required voltage levels. er
Additionally, the monitoring, operation status, and health of the NanoSat [39] 0.375 0.2 1.9 0.24 2.71
EPS subcomponents are communicated to the onboard ISRASAT1 [40] 1.22 1.7 1.87 0.5 4.66
SuryaSat [41] 3 0.04 0.48 0.50 4.02
computer [33], [34]. Indicatively, the power budgets for some ESTCube1 [42] 1.29 0.3 6.2 4.48 12.2
SmallSats subsystems are given in Table III. As mentioned, the NanoSat [43] 0.375 0.412 3.13 0.5 4.17
spacecraft EPS can be regarded as a microgrid, since it is the CubeSat [44] 1.23 0.38 1.26 0.3 3.17
composition of modular dc-dc micro-converters, distributed 3Cat- [45] 2.5 3.2 15.1 10.5 31.0
energy resources, and several loads [31], [32], [35]. The block
diagram of a comprehensive EPS with the two basic
architectures is shown in Fig. 2 (a) and (b).
Depending on the exploitation mode of the solar power, two
well-known topologies are derived: the Direct Energy Transfer
(DET) and the Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT)
architectures, shown in Fig. 2 (a) and (b) respectively. The DET
architecture operates at a fixed voltage point on the I-V
characteristics, distributes the necessary power to the loads in a
regulated or unregulated form, and shunts unnecessary power.
This conversion method is simple yet. DET architectures are
mostly encountered in applications with power budgets less
than 100W [36]. However, the PV I-V curve is a direct function
of the solar cell temperature, irradiation, and degradation
therefore, DET architectures are not exploiting the full potential
of the harvested solar power by the solar arrays. To overcome
this limitation, the MPPT-based architecture is proposed [37],
which essentially forces the solar array output voltage to be
always set at the value which results in the maximum power
transfer from the array to the aggregated load, regardless of the
solar cell temperature and degradation degree. MPPT
architectures demand at a minimum one dedicated dc-dc
converter in series with the PV array to drive the PV cell
operating voltage and it demands at a minimum 4-7% of the
solar array nominal output power to operate [36].
The main DC power bus can either be regulated or
unregulated to dispatch power to the loads. In the case of an
unregulated topology, the main bus follows the battery voltage,
while regulated bus architectures demand the usage of dc-dc
converters to achieve full regulation of the main bus voltage. In Fig. 2. The two basic architectures of EPS (a) DET solar power conversion
Fig. 2 (a) and (b), both DET and MPPT topologies are shown and (b) MPPT solar power conversion topologies with unregulated buses.
with unregulated bus voltages which can be regulated with the
addition of dc-dc regulators illustrated by dashed lines. A
assurance [46]. Moreover, tasks are formulated based on the
comparison of the peak power tracking EPS architectures in
number of duties, task priority, the maximum and minimum
[38], demonstrate that EPS architecture with series connected
duration of the task, and execution time [47].
MPPT converters and unregulated dc-bus has greater reliability,
lower component count, good battery life, and the highest
efficiency for all operating modes.
In terms of EPS sizing, the SmallSat power budget is defined The Power Distribution and Management Subsystem
according to the worst-case scenario which is the simultaneous (PDMS) of the EPS distributes the flow of the power pertaining
operation of the loads and not according to the installed load dc-dc converters at different distribution levels to regulate,
capacity. Therefore, task scheduling strategies in SmallSats can control the generated power, and supply power to various
be strongly related to energy harvesting from PV, optimal analog and digital loads [48], [49]. The PDMS component
power management, efficiency, and quality-of-service blocks are bus regulators, battery charge/discharge dc-dc
0885-8993 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics
A. DC-DC Converters
Fig. 3. The Distributed Power Architecture - DiPA.
SmallSat dc-dc converters are core building blocks of the
EPS that ensure reliable and efficient power delivery. The
converter design must be able to maintain constant output
voltage regardless of input disturbances, while power quality
must be high so that sensitive onboard equipment operates
seamlessly. At the converter power stage, the switching devices
are mostly high-efficiency field-effect transistors (FETs) due to
small gate charge, on-state resistance, and less complicated
drive circuit, which can more efficiently switch at higher
frequencies [50]-[52]. Most of the typical voltages required for
the CubeSat onboard equipment are in the range of 3 to 6 volts.
The EPS is highly segmented, each segment of which is usually
supplied through a dedicated buck or boost dc-dc converter and
necessary switching gear [53]. These subsections are well
fragmented to overcome the noises and ripple creeping since
the nature of the loads can be RF, analog, or digital [54].
Depending on system architecture, isolation and voltage
regulation are required at different stages of power conversion.
Moreover, for interfacing low voltage renewable sources, (a)
galvanically isolated dc-dc converters are the best suitable
solutions [55]. Regarding distribution in modern satellites, two
basic design approaches prevail: distributed power architecture
(DiPA) and decentralized power architecture (DePA) [56]. The
DiPA approach is very popular for ensuring dynamic, efficient,
and reliable system performance. This approach uses an
isolated DC-DC converter and multiple POL converters, as
shown in Fig. 3. An isolated converter called an intermediate
bus converter (IBC), supplies an intermediate fully regulated,
semi-regulated, or simply unregulated voltage to the subsequent
non-isolated voltage regulators, namely the POL converters.
The IBC is usually physically distanced from the main digital
devices board, due to mechanical considerations and cooling.
However, every POL converter is mounted on a board near the
corresponding loads to minimize the parasitic impedances.
Overcoming the disadvantages of the greater number of
conversion stages and losses in DiPA, the DePA has been
proposed [56]. As shown in Fig. 4 (a) and (b), there are two (b)
main variations of DePA: in the first one (Fig. 4a), a single
isolated converter with multiple outputs followed by several Fig. 4. The Decentralized Power Architecture - DePA, (a) single input
with multiple outputs, (b) multiple isolated converters.
load switches, is responsible for the power distribution to the
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics
Converter Topologies
Non-isolated Isolated
Active-clamp- Magnetic
Buck Boost Buck-Boost Fly-back Half-bridge
forward Feed-back
Common- 2- I/P,
Switch-near- Ripple- Interleaved 2- O/P
Conventional 2-inductor damping 2-
ground cancellation Interleaved
Fig. 5. State-of-the-art converter topologies reviewed and categories for space mission applications in this paper.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics
M1 IL Io L1 D L2
Fuse 1 L IPV Io
+ +
Vbat Vo +
M2 - + +
- Cin M Ct Co RL Vo
- -
Half-bridge 1 -
Fuse 2
IPV L1 L2 L3 Io
Half-bridge 2
Fig.7. The load-side redundant buck converters topology. +
Cin M Ct Co - RL Vo
connects two buck-derived converters differentially ensuring -
zero common mode current in the ground which makes the -
converter safe at slight ground bouncing, improves the
converter electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), and negates
the parasitic effects at normal operation. In this converter, two (b)
inductors are cumulatively coupled at the output stage for
reduction of phase current ripple while increasing the efficiency
by reducing the component count of the EPS. The coupled
inductors offer a moderate transient handling capability and
more power density [62]. For the CubeSat application, the load-
side redundant buck converter topology has been proposed in
[63], as shown in Fig. 7. This converter consists of two
independent half-bridge switching modules and a common
inductor. The half-bridge module and inductor are connected
through a fuse for over-current protection. In the fault
conditions, the redundant module activates based on the
designed fault diagnostic system. However, the feasibility of (c)
redundant components in smaller satellites needs some special
efforts due to the restricted satellite weight and volume.
2) Boost-derived converter topologies: The low output
voltage of the PV with a parallel-connected structure makes it
very high demanding to achieve high efficiency, low cost, and
high-step-up dc-dc conversion [64]. In satellite applications
where the bus voltage is greater than the solar array one, for the
implementation of MPPT a boost power converter is applied.
Garcia et al. [65] have compared and analyzed some boost-
based topologies for space applications that use a 100V voltage
bus, as shown in Fig. 8 (a) to (f). These boost dc-dc converters (d)
are: conventional, boost converter with a switch near-ground
topology, two inductor boost converter, boost converter with
ripple cancellation, common damping two-inductor, and
interleaved boost. Depending on the satellite’s requirements in
terms of operational voltage range, the capability of power
handling, operational voltage, conduction emission, and solar
array output impedance the topologies are designed and
optimized. The analysis has been carried out from the viewpoint
of the control loop bandwidth, mass, and power losses. From
these topologies, the conventional boost topology requires
fewer components and therefore it is characterized by high (e)
0885-8993 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics
La1 D1 Lb1
D5 L2
D2 D3
M1 Ct1 L1 + +
C2 - R2 VO2
IPV Io D1 -
+ M1 M2
La2 D2 Lb2 D6
+ RL + - M3 D
Cin Co Vo
M2 - D4 M4 + +
Ct2 - C1 - R1 Vo1
- VB -
Fig. 8. The boost dc-dc converter topologies, (a) conventional, (b) boost IBatt
converter with a switch near ground, (c) two inductor boost converter, (d) Cob
boost converter with ripple cancellation, (e) common damping two- L1 L3 Cn2
inductor, and (f) interleaved. Batt
Ct1 Ct2
+ D3
Converter Reliability Bandwidth Mass
topology (Hz) (gr) + RL +
Cin M2 Co Vo
(a) High 300 207.8 - -
(b) High 300 287.1 D1
(c) Medium 300 336.1 - L2 L4
(d) High 400 161.6
(e) High 30 e3 336.1
(f) High 600 161.3
Fig.11 High 100e3 Unkn. Fig. 10. Circuit diagram of B2R topology.
reliability. However, it leads to high power losses due to its without requiring any battery operation, in the second mode, the
reverse recovery diode. Table IV gives a comparison based on loads are supplied directly from the battery power, while in the
reliability, mass, bandwidth frequency, and input current ripple. third operation mode, the converter supplies the loads through
Moreover, the bandwidth efficiency of (d) and (e) is better the combined operation of the PV and the battery. One of the
compared to other given topologies. In SmallSat applications prominent features is the converter battery base is grounded
(a), (b), and (c) looks feasible with a good trade-off between avoiding the noise of battery damage, hence, increasing the
reliability, efficiency, and the component count of the battery's useful life. Therefore, this topology is characterized by
topologies. For the switch near-ground topology shown in Fig. reduced size, low losses, and high efficiency.
8 (b), the implementation of the driving circuit is easier 3) Buck-boost based converter topologies: The converters
compared to the rest of the same category given the fact that the described here can step up or down the input voltage to a
power transistor is grounded. In addition, this converter regulated output voltage level and they support bi-directional
topology combined with a DET EPS architecture offers good power flow, enabling the fully controlled charge and discharge
efficiency [65]. Furthermore, the two-inductor boost converter of the onboard batteries, based on the monitored state of the
in Fig. 8 (c) has the merit of operating at continuous conduction charge (SOC) [68]. A high-efficiency step-up and step down-
mode (CCM) and therefore, this converter requires a small conversion with the buck-boost regulator (B2R) is presented in
output capacitor to achieve reduced output current ripple. [69], which is shown in Fig. 10. The use of the converter has
Another effective solution to step-up the voltage level is the been applied in DET architectures of unregulated or regulated
interleaved structure, which improves transient response, bus voltages with the battery directly connected to the main dc
decreases output current ripple, and can reduce the passive bus. In case the MPP architecture is selected, the usage of B2R
component size [66]. Gorji et al. [67] presented an interleaved assists towards maintaining the main bus voltage close to the
dc-dc boost converter with two input/multi-output capabilities MPP solar array voltage level, a fact that ensures better
for spacecraft applications represented in Fig. 9. The main task performance, as shown in the practical application of such
of this converter is MPPT power supply, bus voltage regulation, configurations in SmallSat [70]. This is an advantage that is not
and battery charge control. The proposed converter replaces offered by a single buck or a single boost converter alone. B2R
three separated converters through the usage of one compact topology has been improved in [70]. A multi-port dc-dc
circuit and operates in three different operation modes. In the converter is drawn by merging two inductors, a topology known
first operation mode, the loads are supplied directly by the PV as buck-buck-boost regulator (B3R). All the discussed
0885-8993 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics
L1 Cn2
M1 M3
+ D3
+ RL +
Cin M2 Co Vo
- -
L2 D1 Fig. 13. Improved Weinberg topology for bi-directional power flow.
+ - + VLo-
Io LK1 Ipri Isec Do1 Lo iLo
Fig. 11. Circuit diagram of B3R topology. + + +
LM Vpri Vsec Do2 Co Ro Vo
L1 MH1 MH2 MH3 La2 + Vaux -
- - -
IBatt IL1 IBuss LK3 Iaux
L2 C1 C2 + VDS2 -
Vin + VCL-
VBatt L3 + RL + CL +
CBatt CBus VBus M12 VDS12
- - -
+ DCL +
ML1 ML2 ML3 Vcb Cb M11
- -
operations of B2R are performed by B3R topology, including efficiency. This topology adds the diode and switches to realize
step-up, step-down of the solar array power to the battery level, the function of the bidirectional power flow, as shown in Fig.
and step-down battery power to the regulated bus level. Thus, 13. This topology works on two modes, buck, and boost modes,
this topology gives mass and cost savings as compared to B2R, achieving thus bi-directional power flow and consequently
since the passive, and protection components are reused for PV higher energy density within a smaller mass.
array and battery regulations as appears in Fig. 11.
Conventional bi-directional converters are very challenging C. Isolated Converter Topologies
at extreme duty cycle operation, which is required to bridge the Specific satellite digital loads operate at higher currents (5
high voltage gap between battery cells and the main dc bus. to 10A or more) while demanding a low voltage supply, which
Additionally, the battery's low voltage side increases current should be characterized by minimized ripple and fluctuations.
stress on the converter which is associated with more losses. In Although, before the final load voltage, multiple stages of
SmallSat applications, a bi-directional interleaved PWM power conversion are accomplished. Regulation and isolation
converter with high voltage-conversion and current balancing are required to be implemented [56]. In the past decade,
ability is proposed in [71]. This converter is derived from the isolated converters are widely employed in various formats in
conventional interleaved PWM three-phase converter by SmallSat applications. In addition, instead of using multiple
adding two additional capacitors C1 and C2 as given in Fig. 12. converters working independently, one multi-port converter can
Thus, by adding the capacitors the voltage conversion ratio is be used instead, offering several advantages, such as fewer
tripled at a given duty cycle, which relieves the stresses on the conversion stages and a smaller number of components,
switches, and inductor current is balanced by the added however, at the cost of reliability given that it can be proven a
capacitors. This procedure contributes to efficient power Single Point of Failure (SPoF).
conversion for a single-cell battery SmallSat EPS. This 1) Single-input single-output (SISO) converter topologies:
converter operates at step-up and step-down at charge and The conventional active-clamp-forward (ACF) converter
discharge of the battery, respectively. However, analysis is topology is comparatively due to its less component count,
performed based on ideal circuit elements with large capacitors, simple structure, and regarding its switch voltage stress, the
and parasitic components are not considered. Finally, in [72] a good clamping competence, is a good candidate for SmallSat
new bidirectional converter is proposed, being an improved applications. However, the high switching stress, large di/dt,
Weinberg topology. A conventional buck circuit is placed on and pulsating input current are the drawbacks in this converter
one side and a Weinberg boost topology circuit on the other [73]. To overcome the disadvantages, a new ACF, shown in
side. It has a simple structure, high power density, and Fig. 14, with a continuous current waveform is proposed in
0885-8993 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics
D3A L3 +
+ C1 RL1 VO1
D3B C3 RL3 VO3 -
L2 +
+ -
D2B C2 RL2 VO2 Vin
M +
D1A L1 C3 RL3 VO3
+ -
D1B C1 RL1 VO1
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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Transactions on Power Electronics
converter operates at MPPT, while the battery is being charged topologies for spacecraft applications are summarized in Table
and the loads receive fully regulated power. The three circuit VII.
stages are based on the half-bridge converter control which
operates on modified PWM with a constant switching cycle and D. Converter Switches
results in two independent control variables d1, and d2 duty While previously silicon-based switching technologies (Si)
cycles for operating switches M1 and sM2 respectively, which dominated the space industry, by mid 2010s gallium nitride
tightly regulates two ports of the converter, whereas the third (GaN) switches have dominated over the Si ones. GaN devices
port offers balance to the circuit. However, the control design are radiation tolerant, and sustainable for the high-temperature
is more complicated and demands more modeling efforts as space environment. Additionally, these devices offer higher
compared to classic two-port converters. Further analysis and efficiencies with lower cost, mass, and volume, therefore
operation of the circuit are reported in [79], [80]. For more achieving higher power densities. The radiation tolerance of
insights, the main features of the reviewed dc-dc converter this switching device is due to the high bandgap energy of 3.4
0885-8993 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
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0885-8993 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics
Fig. 20. Space solar cell technologies and their efficiencies [91], [92].
Applied Solar
Manufacturer Name of Panels Efficiency
SoleAero SolAero ZTJ 29.5%
B. Design and Construction of Multi-junction Solar Cells
Solar Panel
DHV (5×5 cm, 1U, 3U,
The MJSC are manufactured by the combination of several
Advance layers of gallium arsenide (GaAs), indium gallium phosphate
(InGaP), and germanium (Ge) or Si to capture the largest
SolAero XTJ possible spectrum of sunlight. The architecture of the 3-J solar
Prime 30.7% cell is shown in Fig. 21, which highlights the design layers of
SolAero XTJ 29.5%
SpectroLab Space Solar Panel the 3-J Ge/GaAs/InGaP solar cell. Such cells are easier to
SolAero UTJ 28.3%
manufacture compared to other higher-order MJSC which
SolAero ITJ 26.8%
achieve better performance [105]. Moreover, this solar cell is
super radiation tolerant and owes a higher cell MPP voltage
In terrestrial applications, the most common solar cells are Si- (VMPP). The 3-J solar cell consists of three p-n junctions
based, which can reach up to ~20% conversion rates. However, arranged one on top of another, connected via tunnel junctions
such cells perform even worse when in orbit, not only due to for the addition of sub-voltages and maintaining the overall
their inherent low conversion rates but most importantly polarity of the device. For a single-junction GaAs, the nominal
because they experience severe efficiency degradation over cell voltage is 0.89V and the temperature coefficient is 2 mV/°C
time deriving from the radiation environment. Thus, Si solar at VMPP [106]. In addition, the radiation response of the cell
cells are not preferred for modern satellite applications. To is controlled by the most radiation-sensitive sub-cell
overcome the limitations of Si-cells, multi-junction solar cells photocurrent [107]. The conversion efficiency of the 3-J solar
(MJSC) have been developed for space applications. MJSCs are cell has been steadily improved to approximately more than
well over 10% more efficient compared to Si-based ones [93]. 30% at the beginning of life (BOL) [108]. The base layers of
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics
Fig. 22. Wavelength spectrum covered by the base layers of the structure.
q⋅( vi + I Rs ) (v i + I i R i )
i i i
I = min( I i ) (3)
i i
I= I − I sh e a ⋅K ⋅T − 1 −
i s
Rsh For the I-V model of the panels, as the shunt current Ish is
minimum, shunt resistance Rsh may be neglected [116].
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics
Series LOAD
+ Relay
D (t)
Duty ratio
Peak Power
Isa Tracker
Fig. 25. An architecture of PPT for a mission with wide solar and
temperature variations.
D. The Maximum Power Point Tracking Fig. 26. Energy densities of different batteries for nano satellite
In MPPT architectures, a switch-mode converter is placed in
series with the solar array to dynamically regulate the array (rechargeable) and are the main storage devices required for the
output impedance to match the loads. The majority of the mission life. The secondary batteries according to their
SmallSats utilize MPPT architecture [38]. It manipulates either volumetric and specific energy densities for nano satellite
the operating current or voltage of the solar array and drives the applications are shown in Fig. 26. Another, vital step in any
operating point of the solar array by controlling the operation satellite design is the correct sizing and right selection of the
of the switching converter between the rest of PDMS and the battery type, capacity, and technology which are made
solar array. The MPP calculation depends on the number of according to each mission’s requirements. The most prominent
parameters such as relative positioning to the Sun, PV cell type, aspect in sizing and right selection is the mission lifetime, the
operating temperature, and total solar irradiation [117], [118]. power/energy budgets, and the operating temperature range
The block diagram of MPPT architecture is shown in Fig. 25. along with the available thermal management strategy [124].
There are several MPPT calculation techniques, to name a few Moreover, the space extreme conditions need intense design
perturb and observe (P&O), constant voltage, artificial neural and component selection strategies because batteries are
networks, and incremental conductance (INC), each chemical reaction-based energy releasing devices and operating
characterized by different accuracy degrees and complexity environmental conditions affect their performance. In some
[119]. P&O algorithm is mostly used in LEO SmallSats due to missions the temperatures fluctuate from -20 to -100°C which
its easy implementation, low complexity, and accurate tracking greatly affect the rate of charge and discharge. Also, thermal
of MPP [120]. However, it suffers from plenty of drawbacks runaway can occur if a battery gets too hot [125].Thus it must
such as steady-state oscillation around the maximum power be made certain that the batteries can function at these
[121], therefore there are several efforts i.e., incremental temperatures where batteries need to undergo intense testing
perturbation and observation (IP&O), the optimal P&O towards under several different conditions to be approved for use. Also,
improving it, without compensating them completely [122]. to protect batteries from the extreme fluctuations of space,
heaters are added throughout the battery’s cells to regulate their
To maintain the continuous operation of the satellite under
eclipse and peak load periods, all SmallSat require an energy A. State-of-the-art Battery Technologies
storage system (ESS) that includes batteries. Cell is the A survey made in [126] reveals that for nano-satellite
elementary unit of the battery and multiple cells are series, applications batteries used are 4% Lithium-Chloride (Li-Cl),
parallel, or both combined as a battery pack. The onboard 12% Lithium-polymer (Li-po), 16% Nickel-Cadmium (Ni-Cd),
batteries are differentiated based on their usage as the primary and 2% other chemistries. While the rest of 66% Li-ion batteries
and secondary batteries: the primary batteries (e.g., pyro have been applied. The Li-Cl is one of the highest energy
batteries) are not rechargeable; they are used for short mission content carrier batteries however, the high energy capability
requirements (approximately from a single day to a week), after makes it very sensitive from the designing point of view [127].
usage they are disposed-off [123]. On the other hand, the Previously, battery technologies including nickel-hydrogen
secondary batteries are rechargeable and are an essential, (Ni-H2) have been employed in different space missions [128].
permanent part of the EPS. In this review, we focus only on the The Ni-Cd up to the 1990s was a good solution for LEO space
secondary batteries, which are for long period applications applications due to their high reliability and long-life cycle,
0885-8993 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics
Energy Density
Manufacturer Product Name Cells Used
Rechargeable Space
EaglePicher Li-ion 105
EaglePicher Battery (LP-33330)
NanoPower BP4
GomSpace GomSpace NanoPower Li-ion 1432- 154
NanoPower BPX
while Ni–H2 battery was the choice for flights requiring high ranges [135]. SC could be used as the sole energy storage
charge rates, varied operating temperatures, and resiliency to system for CubeSat that overcomes some of the disadvantages
disturbances [129]. However, Ni-Cd battery has a relatively low of Li-ion batteries like limited lifetime, high cost, and stable
energy density while Ni-H2 holds a reduced cycle. Striving to temperature requirements [136]. However, the low energy
overcome the drawbacks, Li-ion technology has emerged, and density of SC makes it limited as main energy storage system.
it has several benefits such as a long-life cycle, low self- Therefore, a hybrid energy storage system of SC and Li-ion
discharge rate, improved working life, and no memory effect. offer the advantages of each technology for the challenging
The li-ion cells are extensively applied in CubeSats because of mission requirements. Chin et al. [137], have proven an
their right size, tolerance in the space environment (±1000C). onboard Li-ion battery and SC technologies, a hybrid ESS in
These cells are available Cylindrical 18650 in an improved 2U CubeSat flight. The primary and secondary phases of the
form of 3500-3600 mAh, an average voltage of 3.6 V, and 50g mission have been completed. The results have shown an
of weight. The energy density of 18650 cells is 762 Wh/l and excellent agreement between the two technologies and the
252 Wh/kg [123]. Moreover, Li-ion batteries have low volume performance characteristics in different conditions. The ground
and mass and are available in a variety of forms [130]. The test results have sufficiently met, particularly concerning the
available cells are 65mm in length and 18mm diameters bearing percent of capacity contributions between the Li-ion cell and
efficiency of up to 97% at BOL [131], [132]. Another similar the SC. A feasibility study in [138], demonstrates that the
battery technology is polymer Li-ion (Li-Po) which is available supercapacitors can qualify in a radiation environment, high
in a pouch instead of a cylinder, which gives freedom to develop cycles life (>100K), testing and launching process for small
lighter and thin cell designs for achieving advanced specific satellite applications. The characterization of different battery
energy. Therefore, Li-Po cells are suitable for high power and technologies suitable for SmallSat applications is examined in
energy SmallSat applications; however, they are exposed to [139] which has reported procedures and results of several
temperature and external mechanical destruction of the space environmental-related tests of performance degradations for Li-
environment for their thin cell casings [133]. This problem has Po cells.
been solved by wrapping each cell in a thin copper layer and
soldering the copper substrate to the battery cells with the B. Battery Charge Regulator
power conditioning board [134]. Generally, a Li-ion cell has a The battery charge regulator is responsible for harnessing
larger capacity, but Li-Po has a gravimetric energy capacity of solar power to sufficiently charge the battery cells. The battery
1.2 to 1.6 times larger and only 17% volume of Li-ion. Some charging system interfaces the battery and solar panels. It is a
available latest battery technologies for SmallSat applications programmable buck-boost converter and can operate in the
are presented in Table IX [30]. Supercapacitors (SC) or constant voltage or current mode depending on the battery state.
ultracapacitors can be considered an alternative ESS for small Though, modern battery technologies are characterized by
satellites because of their high-power density, long improved Wh efficiency and extraordinary power density.
charge/discharge life, and operation in wider temperature However, batteries including Li-ion or Li-Po are not tolerant to
0885-8993 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics
Integrated LOAD
EPS architecture, low power, low mass, and size constraints.
Controller/ Whereas the space-capable and reliable systems require greater
SOLAR Charger resources of power, volume, and mass [142]. While COTS
+ components are used in the design of the SmallSats, which are
primarily not dedicated to the space weather. Typically, the
C BATT COTS components better perform than space rated parts but
lacking the harsh environments survivability [143]. On the
- BATT other hand, military version aerospace and avionics electronic
Current components are crafted to sustain space radiation, vacuum,
vibration, and extreme temperatures encountered in the upper
atmosphere and at the lift-off process. The extreme
SA Current
Sensor temperatures at the surface of the spacecraft fluctuate up to
±1000C at LEO [13], which shortens the life span of the casual
electronic components but also mangles the usual operational
Fig. 27. Integrated battery charger and array controller. functionality of the satellite. According to the standard in [144],
for SmallSat extreme temperatures (i.e., hot, and cold cases)
overcharging. An integrated array controller battery charger is
and rate of change of temperatures, testing in a vacuum is
proposed for SmallSat in [140], which can be seen in Fig. 27.
mandatory. Eight thermal cycles shall be performed between
The circuit is placed between array bus and battery/load,
maximum and minimum temperature limits. However, the
ducking a direct contact of bus voltage and the battery voltage
temperature is not the only factor, but cosmic rays also pose an
to clamp. With this approach, the battery charging with
additional challenge which is a constant bombardment of the
available power or fully powering the bus is possible, which on
highly energetic particles carrying energy ions with the
the other hand results in more efficiency in battery charging
capability to energies electronic components of the spacecraft,
[141]. The control function is carried out by a single PWM
resulting in damages and malfunctioning. The satellites orbiting
system, where a current control boost converter is used to feed
low altitudes are more vulnerable to these radiations [145].
the solar array power to the load and after processing, to the
There are two types of effects to the satellite electronics from
battery. The control functionalities are accomplished by
the radiations: single event effects (SEEs) and total ionizing
varying the duty cycle with the current of the battery as a
dose (TID). SEE, is an instantaneous failure mechanism
controlled variable. Moreover, the array voltage is linearly
expressed in terms of a random failure rate and TID is a long-
varied across different power generating points to support the
term failure mechanism that is rated by mean time to failure.
variations in power requirements. The integrated controller
Also, there is less structural mass shielding the electronics, but
efficiently charges the battery with constant current to the
the TID radiation effect can be reduced and the tolerance to this
setpoint and protects the battery by turning off to zero
radiation is improved with thinner oxides and finer IC
thereafter. This is performed by controlling the converter duty
geometries [146]. The vacuum of outer space produces
cycle. For implementation, a PWM controller in conjunction
whiskers. Whiskers are spider-web-thin conductive filaments
with an analog-based two-loop control scheme is applied.
that grow on cadmium, zinc, and metal surfaces of the tin. Tin
In the first loop known as, Battery Charge Controller (BCR)
seems to be more likely to grow over time whiskers in a
loop, the charge reference signal is compared with battery
vacuum, providing a short circuit path between metal-plated
current by the integrated controller and generates a control
surfaces [147]. However, many dedicated SmallSats of this
signal to control the duty cycle of the converter. The current
category are offering an incredible job to explore space
controlled boost converter with an additional outer voltage loop
environments, which will enable building more robust and
is involved in this scheme to cut the overcharging current of the
reliable systems [148]. In addition, at the time of left-off
battery. In the second loop, the detected output battery voltage
vibration is the sudden application of 9.2 million pounds of
is compared with the set battery charge reference voltage. The
thrust to the satellite [146]. There have been many reasons cited
voltage loop senses the set voltage, and the battery charge
for the high failure rate of SmallSat, such as ambitious
current is minimized to zero indicating the required SOC.
technology infusion and the lack of testing, possibly related to
Similarly, the battery current reference point is pulled down to
low budgets in the hobbyist and academic sectors. The
zero by the battery voltage loop active pull-down.
electronic components used must be designed and tested to
withstand the shocks, vacuum, required temperature, and
radiation hardened. The Small Spacecraft Systems Virtual
Institute NASA in [143], presents state-of-the-art small
Recently, the SmallSat missions have been transformed to spacecraft technologies for EPS applications. Although,
commercial ventures instead of academic and experimental potential and less expensive fabrication tools, and testing
projects changing the prospect of specifications and reliability facilities for vacuum and high-thermal gradient are reported in
of the CubeSat. The specific orbits have been extended to larger [149]. Moreover, the analysis of thermal, degradation and
and mission lifetimes have been extended from months to years. management for the EPS equipment are very important in the
The main challenge in SmallSat design is the requirement of design process.
highly reliable and capable components, efficient and simple
0885-8993 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics
A. Thermal and Degradation Analysis of Solar Cell VII. CONCLUSIONS AND FUTURE PERSPECTIVES
When exposed to this radiating environment, the This paper has reviewed in a holistic manner, the state-of-
semiconductors and mainly, the solar cell electrical the-art developments from origin to classification and
performance degrades. This effect is very dangerous and can utilization of SmallSat EPS, an overview of recent research and
lead to mission failures. Hence, the radiation response of the advances in SmallSat is presented aiming to highlight the
solar cells employed in the spacecraft is extremely important current attention from academia and industry. For the LEO
for mission life prediction. For the prediction of the degradation satellite bus regulation, battery rapid charge-discharge
level of the solar cells particularly some electrical parameters, regulations, and subsystem distributions different converter
e.g., open-circuit voltage, short circuit current, and the topologies are available, some of the important topologies have
maximum power reaction in the radiation environment are been comprehensively reviewed i.e., non-isolated, isolated, uni-
necessary to be identified. Xin et al. [150] and Sato et al. [151] directional, bi-directional, current-fed, and voltage-fed
have presented performance evaluation and prediction of topologies are analyzed in this paper. For bus regulation, some
InGaP/GaAs/Ge 3-J solar cells under the irradiation important converter topologies are provided to give an
environment. By calculating the open-circuit voltage and the insightful understanding of SmallSat power bus regulation.
short-circuit current, the degradation curves show an accuracy Additionally, for the switching applications of SmallSat
of 5%, which is a good agreement with experimental data. For converters and regulators and load ON/OFF switches some up
satellite applications, Meng et al. [152] have presented a to date GaN converter switches are investigated and compared
degradation model of the orbiting current for GaInP/GaAs/Ge with classical Si-based switches, which shows high efficiency
3-J solar cells. The performance parameter, which is crucial for for SmallSat applications. Moreover, state-of-the-art solar
describing the degradation of a solar cell model, is the output power generation technologies have been discussed with the
current. To model the variation tendency of the output current, focus on the solar cells and panels available for SmallSat
a mathematical model is established. The results of the applied applications. For power generation various types of PV
degradation model for lifetime prediction of 3-J solar cells technologies are surveyed, standard design layer of the 3-J solar
contribute to the life expectancy of the cells for space cell and PV circuit model is presented in this paper, including
applications. On the other hand, high temperatures extremely commercially available space solar cells, panels, and their
degrade the performance of the solar cell. To obtain better characteristics. Although, state-of-the-art space version solar
performance, passive treatment method such as back surface panels with pragmatic solar cells are illustrated which offer
coatings and paint is applied [153]. Furthermore, the solar array excellent candidates for future missions with high conversion
backside thermal surface treatment showed temperature efficiencies. The state-of-the-art battery technologies are
reduction to a great extent, increasing the efficiency of the solar reviewed and analyzed, with recent developments for the
cells broadly. Some thermal analysis, control, and the design of SmallSat application, where characterization of different
small satellites are reported respectively in [154] [155]. battery technologies is carried out, and various commercially
available battery chemistries are examined. Additionally, the
B. Electronic Equipment and Battery Management main SmallSat design challenges and some potential solutions
The design of the satellite must be validated with all are addressed. This paper presents a clear picture for the
contemplations of the environmental conditions from launch to selection of state-of-the-art architectures, converter topologies,
operation in orbit. The satellite is designed to sustain in the Solar cells, and battery technologies that result in building a
permissible temperature range and space vacuum atmosphere. more reliable, efficient, and robust EPS for SmallSat
To ensure the satellite functionality and survivability in space applications. Future challenges and prospective are summarized
harsh weather for the mission lifetime span, suitable thermal as follows:
management and design are mandatory to keep all the onboard • Application of state-of-the-art technologies in the design,
equipment to their acceptable scaled temperatures. There are modeling, and architectures of electrical power systems for
two thermal control techniques excessively discussed, active CubeSats will result in a sufficiently reliable and robust
and passive but the latter one is referred to as the best solutions EPS.
for NanoSats and CubeSats [156]. Passive thermal control • Most of the small satellite consists of subsystem COTS
generally relies on multi-layer insulations to shield the components that are modular. These components are to be
spacecraft from the incident heat fluxes of the space planned depending on configuration and application
environment. These multi-layers are coatings and surface requirements. For individual constraints, optimized
finishes, heat sinks, and thermal insulations. Surface finishes modular components are needed to meet the strict space
are applied on both the exterior and interior surfaces of the requirements in terms of generated power, volume, and
NanoSats and CubeSat. To obtain acquired emissivity and mass.
absorptivity two or more layers are combined and applied • In future assessments for small spacecraft applications, the
[157]. Excessive cooling can damage and degrade the battery 4-junction GaAs solar cells have emerged with more
module. For active control, a major technique is the application efficiency and reliability. Another advanced solar cell is
of a thin film heater. The heaters are resistors and are part of the IMM, which is lighter in weight and is a more efficient
closed-loop system of the controller and sensors. solar cell. Thus, 4-junction GaAs and IMM solar cells are
recommended for CubeSat analysis.
0885-8993 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
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2013, pp. 97-106.
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics
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Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics
0885-8993 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics
0885-8993 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
This article has been accepted for publication in a future issue of this journal, but has not been fully edited. Content may change prior to final publication. Citation information: DOI 10.1109/TPEL.2022.3175093, IEEE
Transactions on Power Electronics
J. M. Guerrero is with the Villum Center for Research on Microgrids J. M. Guerrero was supported by VILLUM FONDEN under the VILLUM
(CROM), AAU Energy, Aalborg University, 9220 Aalborg East, Denmark Investigator Grant (no. 25920): Center for Research on Microgrids
(Tel: +45 2037 8262; Fax: +45 9815 1411; e-mail: joz@energy.aau.dk). (CROM); www.crom.et.aau.dk
0885-8993 (c) 2021 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Jorge Morales-Saldana. Downloaded on May 15,2022 at 20:33:37 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.