0599 Bgcse Agriculture

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Table of Contents

Section Page


Acknowledgements ii

1. Introduction 1

2. Aims 2

3. Assessment Objectives 3

4. Scheme of Assessment 5

5. Content 7

6. Coursework 26
7. Grade Descriptions 28

8. Appendices A. Examples of Tasks for Practical Work 30

B. Guide to Marking the Practical 32

C. Examples of Project work 34

D. Components of the Project Report 35

E. Glossary of Terms




ISBN -- 99912- I -300 - 0


The Ministry of Education is pleased to Critical to the success of our secondary

authorise the publication of this senior education programme is the recognition of
s e c o n d a r y s yl l a b u s wh i c h m a r k s a individual talents, needs and learning
watershed in the development of the public styles. Hence, the role of the teacher in the
education system in Botswana and signals classroom has changed. S/he must be a
another milestone of progress in fulfilment proficient manager and facilitator; a
of the goals set by the Revised National director of learning activities. S/he should
Policy on Education, Government Paper be conscious of students' needs to take on
No. 2 of 1994. board a measure of accountability and
responsibility for their own learning. S/he
In this era of widespread and rapid must also take into account the widening
technological change and an increasingly range of ability of the student body and the
inter-dependent global economy, it is different levels of achievement which they
essential that all countries foster human aspire to. This means active participation
resources by preparing children adequately for all and the creation of rich and diverse
for their future. Survival in the coming learning environments.
millennium will depend on the ability to
accommodate change and to adapt to It is important then that we value the
environmental needs and emerging socio- students' own experiences, build upon
economic trends. It is the wish of what they know and reward them for
government to prepare Batswana for future positive achievement. At the same time,
growth and adaptation to ongoing change we mu st be p rep are d t o o ffe r them
in the socio-economic context; specifically guidance and counselling at all levels;
the transition from an agro-based economy assisting them to make the best decisions
to the more broadly based industrial in keeping with their own interests, career
economy which we are aiming at. prospects and preferences. In that way we
shall prevail in nurturing at the roots of our
The senior secondary programme builds system, the national ideals of democracy,
on the Ten Year Basic Education development, self-reliance, unity and
programme and seeks to provide quality social harmony.
learning experiences. It aims to prepare
our students for the world of work, further This syllabus document is the outcome of
education and lifelong learning. However, a great deal of professional consultation
secondar y education must also pa y and collaboration. On behalf of the
attention to the all round development of Ministry, I wish to record my appreciation
the individual. It should provide not only and thank sincerely those who contributed
for the acquisition of those skills needed to and were involved in the production of
for economic, scientific and technological this syllabus.
advancement. It should also provide for
the development of cultural and national
identity and the inculcation of attitudes
and values which nurture respect for one's P. T. Ramatsui
self and for others. Permanent Secretary
Ministry of Education

The Senior Secondary Agricultural Assessment Syllabus was developed with

assistance of the Senior Secondary Agricultural Task Force that operated under the
Curriculum Development Division in the Department of Curriculum Development
and Evaluation.

Special gratitude is given to the following members of the Task Force for their
invaluable commitment, dedication and contributions to the development of this

Mr F. Amprako (Chairperson) Moeding College

Mrs C. Kelepile (Vice Chair) Shoshong Senior Secondary School
Mr T. Matlapeng (Vice Secretary) Ledumang Senior Secondary School
Mrs M. Keitheile Examinations Research and Testing Division
Dr. F. Tladi Botswana College of Agriculture
Mr M. Segonetso Forum on Sustainable Agriculture
Mrs I.S. Malambe Department of Secondary Education
Mr A. Ntuma Botswana College of Open and Distance
Learning (BOCODOL)
Mr D. Keoletile Tapologo CJSS
Mr N. Ncube Lobatse Senior Secondary School
Mr P. Baliki Swaneng Hill School
Mrs S. Keetshabe Kgari Sechele Senior Secondary School
Mr E. Motseonageng Ghanzi Senior Secondary School
Mr T. Selema Shashe River School
Mrs D. Mmemo Mater Spei College
Ms K. Hulela Regional Inservice Office (Serowe)
Mr K.J. Mabusa Regional Inservice Office (Maun)
Mr M.J. Ketlhoilwe Curriculum Development Division
Mr V.P. Molefe Curriculum Development Division
Mrs 0. Mokgatle Department of Secondary Education
Ms G.T. More Examinations Research and Testing Division

The Examinations Research and Testing Division acknowledges contributions

submitted by the different Departments of the Ministry of Education and the Ministry
of Agriculture. The Division would also like to acknowledge the technical support
provided by the University of Cambridge Local Examinations Syndicate (UCLES) in
the production of this syllabus.


As part of the Botswana General Certificate of Secondary Education Programme, this

Agriculture Assessment Syllabus is designed to assess candidates who have completed a
two-year course based on the Senior Secondary School Agriculture Teaching Syllabus.

The syllabus aims to assess positive achievement at all levels of ability. Candidates will
be assessed in ways that encourage them to show what they know, understand and can

The syllabus will be assessed by two papers, details of which are given in the Scheme of

Candidates will be graded on a scale A — G. As a guide to what might be expected of a

candidate's performance, grade descriptions are given later in section 7.

This syllabus should be read in conjunction with:

(a) the Senior Secondary School Agriculture Teaching Syllabus;

(b) the specimen question papers and marking schemes.

Syllabus-specific requirements and any further information are given in the Appendices.


Candidates following this syllabus should acquire and develop:

1 an appreciation of Agriculture as an applied science;

2 interest and awareness of existing problems and opportunities in Agriculture in the

context of rural development;

3 exposure to out of school farming activities such as Agricultural fairs, field trips and
the job shadowing exercise in preparation for the world of work;

4 skills to demonstrate the value of Agriculture to the family, community and the
national and world economies;

5 initiative, problem solving abilities and scientific methods so as to encourage a spirit

of resourcefulness and self-reliance;

6 a desirable behavioural pattern and frame of mind in interacting with the environment
in a manner that is protective, preserving and nurturing;

7 business and entrepreneual skills necessary to develop and manage an Agricultural


8 skills that are relevant to Agriculture that include objectivity, precision, initiative,
experimentation and research;

9 knowledge and understanding about the efficient use of available government

assistance programmes aimed at Agricultural development in Botswana;

10 knowledge and understanding of the recent technological developments in


As far as possible, the Aims will be reflected in the Assessment Objectives; however,
some aims cannot be readily assessed.


There are three main Assessment Objectives.

1. Knowledge with Understanding

2. Handling Information, Application and Problem Solving
3. P r a ct i c al a nd Inv e st i g a t i ve Ski l l s

A description of each Assessment Objective follows:

1. Knowledge with Understanding

Candidates should be able to demonstrate Agricultural Knowledge and Understanding in

relation to:

1.1 correct use of terms, symbols, quantities and units of measurement;

1.2 correct reference to facts, concepts, laws and principles;

1.3 safe Agricultural practices that prepare students for a productive life;

Questions assessing these objectives will often begin with one of the following words:
define, describe, outline, state etc

2. Handling Information, Application and Problem Solving

Candidates should be able to use oral, written, symbolic, graphical, tabular, diagramatic
and numerical presentations to:

2.1 locate, select, organise and present information from a variety of sources;

2 .2 translate information from one form to another;

2.3 use information to identify patterns, report trends, draw inferences, make
predictions and propose hypothesis.

2.4 present reasoned explanations for phenomena, patterns and relationships;

2.5 solve problems of a quantitative and qualitative nature.

3. Practical and Investigative Skills

3.1 Practical Skills and Techniques

Candidates should be able to:

3.1.1 understand and follow instructions;

3.1.2 choose and use suitable techniques, equipment and materials safely and correctly;

3.1.3 record observations, measurements and estimates.

3.2 Practical Investigations Carried Out by Students

Candidates should be able to:

3.2.1 identify problems and plan an investigation;

3.2.2 organise and carry out an investigation;

3.2.3 interpret and evaluate observations and experimental data;

3.2.4 draw conclusions and make recommendations;

Weighting of Assessment Objectives
For the overall assessment, the approximate weightings of the Assessment Objectives
will be as follows:

1. K no w l e d g e w i t h U n de r s t a nd i n g 30%

2. Handling Inf ormation, Application 40%

and Problem Solving

3. Practical and Investigative Skills 30%


The assessment will consist of school-based assessment and a terminal examination. All
candidates should be entered for Papers 1, 2 and 3.

The Papers

Paper 1
Written 45 Minutes 40 marks

This paper will consist of 40 multiple choice items, each with four possible responses. The
paper will test Assessment Objectives 1 and 2.

Paper 2
Written 2 hours 15 minutes 100 marks
Section A

This section will have compulsory short-answer questions and will be marked out of a total
of 60. The paper will test Assessment Objectives 1 and 2.

Section B

This section will have seven essays. Candidates will be allowed to select four essays. Each
essay will be marked out of 10 and will test Assessment Objectives 1 and 2.

Paper 3

Coursework Five Terms 155 marks

This paper is a continuous assessment of candidates' practical work. It will consist of

practical tests and project work. Four practical tests will each be marked out of 20; the
Project will be marked out of 75. This paper will test Assessment Objectives 2 and 3.

For details see:

Appendix B: Guide to Marking the Practical;
Appendix D: Components of the Project Report.

Weighting of the Papers

P a p e r s Weight (%)
1 40
2 40
3 20
Assessment Grid

The following grid summarizes the connection between the Assessment Objectives and
the papers.

Assessment Objectives Paper 1 Paper 2 Paper 3

2 V V
- V
3 . V


The Syllabus content is arranged in three columns:

(a) Topics
( b ) General Objectives
( c ) Specific Objectives

(a) A Topic refers to those components of the subject which candidates should have

(b) Each topic is then defined in the second column in terms of General Objectives.
It is derived from the topics and is the general knowledge, understanding and
demonstration of skills on which candidates may be assessed.

(c) The Specific Objectives in the third column list the content to be covered by
candidates. Thus once a topic has been identified in the first column, the second
and third columns show in increasing detail which aspects of the topic are likely
to be assessed.

The content material is divided into the following sections:

1. General Agriculture
2. Crop Husbandry
3. Ornamentals, Lawn Management and Landscaping
4. Livestock Husbandry
5. C r o p a n d Li v e s t o c k I m p r o v e m e n t
6. Agricultural Economics
7. Agricultural Engineering


Topic General Objective Specific Objective

Candidates should be able to: Candidates should be able to:
1.1 Trends of acquire knowledge and identify the developmental stages
Agriculture understanding of the from hunting and gathering through
transition from hunting and domestication, shifting cultivation,
gathering to commercial settled agriculture to commercial
farming farming;
discuss the above developmental
stages and their impact on the
1.2 Environmental Understand how crops and describe how temperature, wind,
influences animals are affected by the humidity, rainfall, frost and
environmental photoperiodism affect the growth of
plants and animals;
state the effects of day length on plant
suggest ways of modifying the effects
of environmental factors;
describe the water cycle.
1.3 Principles of Know the different classes of define l a n d t e n u r e ;
land use land capability classification describe the land tenure systems of
and the land tenure system of Freehold, State land and Communal
Botswana land in Botswana;
describe leasehold and inheritance
with respect to Freehold, Stateland
and Communal land;
describe the advantages and
disadvantages of the land tenure
list the eight classes of the United
States Department of Agriculture
(USDA) land capability classification;
describe the characteristics of the
above 8 classes;
deduce the use of each class.
1.4 Agricultural Acquire knowledge on define Agricultural technology and
technology Agricultural technology give examples;
discuss the use of a farming system as
a technology transfer approach.


Topic General Objective Specific Objective

Candidates should be able to: Candidates should be able to:
2.1 Principles of Acquire knowledge on the state the conditions necessary for
Plant Growth principles of plant growth in plant growth;
relation to plant structure and describe the internal structure of a
physiological processes leaf, stem and root for a
monocotyledonous and a
dicotyledonous plant;
state the functions of the parts
identified above;
describe with the longitudinal section
of a root;
describe the manufacture and
utilization of food in plants
describe movement of water and
dissolved substances into and in the
discuss food storage in plants;
describe the types of reproduction in
list the parts used for asexual
propagation in plants;
demonstrate any two of the following
methods of plant propagation-
grafting, cutting, budding or layering;
identify from specimens, the structure
of the flower of a maize and bean
describe the functions of various parts
of the flower described above;
describe the mechanism of pollination
in maize (wind pollination) and bean
(insect pollination);
define fertilization;
describe the process of fertilization in
a named plant, including seed and fruit
define tropism;

• Legumes- green beans or green peas
or ground nuts or field beans or
a) Leafy vegetables- spinac or kale or
cauliflower, cabbage or lettuce or
Fruits- tomato or eggplant or green
Only one vegetable from the above list
should be selected, grown and studied in
relation to the objectives stated below.
The field crops to choose from are maize
or sorghum or millet and only one is to be
selected and studied according to the
above objectives.
The selected vegetable and field crop
should be grown in the school.

2.4 Crop Show understanding of the

Protection principles underlying crop

explain the negative and positive

2.4.1 Weeds
effects of weeds on crops;
identify four weeds found in
collect and preserve for display some
local weeds found in Botswana
(English common names and
Scientific names to be used for
state the different ways of classifying
weeds as in length of growing period,
morphology and method of dispersal;
describe biological, cultural,
mechanical and chemical weed
state advantages and disadvantages of
each of the weed control methods.

2.4.2 Pests Acquire knowledge on the
describe classification of pests
common pests affecting crops
according to mode of feeding;
and their control methods identify at least one pest from each of
the groups of pests of biting and
chewing, piercing and sucking as well
as boring pests;
identify and preserve for display local
insects and other pests;
describe one pest from each of the
biting and chewing pests, piercing and
sucking pests and boring pests, in
relation to the following:
a) life cycle,
b)method of control,
c) host crop,
d)damage caused to crops;

The list of pests to choose from is as

biting and chewing: grasshoppers or leaf
miners or termites, beetles or locusts
piercing and sucking: aphids or mealy
bug or scale insects
koring pests: stalk borer or weevil or
American bollworm
discuss damage caused by and control
of nematodes and rodents.

2.4.3 Diseases Acquire knowledge on crop define disease

diseases, their modes of describe the mode of infection,
infection and control harmful effects, prevention and
control of one plant disease from each
of the following groups:
Bacterial Diseases: Bacterial Blight of
Cowpeas or Black rot of Cabbage or
Bacterial Wilt of Tomatoes or Soft rot of

Fungal Diseases: Sorghum downy mildew
or Sorghum Smuts or Maize Smut or Leaf
Blight of Sorghum/Maize or Early and
Late Leaf spots of Groundnuts or
Charcoal rot on Sorghum/Maize.
Virus Diseases: Maize Dwarf Mosaic
Virus on Sorghum or Maize Streak Virus
on Maize or Groundnut rosette Virus or
Cowpea Aphid-borne Mosaic Virus or
Tobacco Mosaic Virus on Tomatoes.
2.4.4 Pesticides Acquire knowledge on the use classify pesticides according to what
of pesticides they control
define contact, systemic, and stomach
2.4.5 Herbicides Acquire knowledge on the define herbicides
various herbicides describe with examples selective
herbicides and non selective
2.4.6 Use of farm Acquire skills on the care and define the terms active ingredient and
chemicals safe use of handling farm inert material
chemicals describe the following forms of
pesticides: Dusts, Granules,
Fumigants, Sprays and Aerosols;
demonstrate the proper use of a
knapsack sprayer including its
describe the necessary precautions
taken when handling and storing farm
chemicals to minimise pollution and
describe possible environmental
hazards of farm chemicals.


Topic General Objective Specific Objective

Candidates should be able to: Candidates should be able to:
3.1 Ornamentals Acquire the required skills identify two plants for each of the
necessary to manage and grow following: Potting, Bedding and
ornamental crops Flower cutting;
demonstrate the proper use of pots,
seed beds and seed boxes including
the importance of cleanliness of
equipment as a precaution against
choose only one plant from above and
study practically under the following
demonstrate preparation of standard
soil mixes;
demonstrate the hardening off of
practice the following activities:
pricking out of seedlings, timing of
planting, transplanting, suitable
spacing, apply suitable fertilisers;
demonstration of one suitable method
of irrigation;
state timing and the required
frequency of irrigation;
discuss the control of one common
pest and one common disease of the
chosen crop;
discuss pruning and topiary of
discuss the preparation and marketing
of the ornamental crop chosen.
3.2 Lawn Acquire skills necessary to define lawn
management grow and manage lawns.
state the importance of lawns;
explain the preparation of land into a
tilth suitable for lawn;
demonstrate proper use of fertilisers
and manures;

• identify three plant species used for
demonstrate the use of planting
materials for lawns
practice appropriate management of
lawns in relation to timing of planting,
weed control, mowing, edging,
spiking, scarification, irrigation, pest
and disease control;
identify appropriate equipment for use
in management of lawn.
3.3 Landscape Show understanding and define landscaping
Design acquire skills on principles of describe any two kinds of landscapes
landscape designing from the following list: Formal
landscape, Garden, Rockery, Civic
space, Cemetery, Park, Playground or
explain the use of five different
materials in landscaping;
explain the use of plant life in
landscape design
describe the environmental impacts of
landscape design;
observe existing examples of built
landscapes through the use of field


Topic General Objective Specific Objective

Candidates should be able to: Candidates should be able to:
4.1 Livestock Understand essential aspects of outline reasons for housing livestock;
Management livestock housing and general describe type of housing needed for
well being one type of livestock (broilers, layers,
rabbits, dairy animals or pigs);
describe qualities of a good livestock
Understand the proper define stockmanship;
handling and stockmanship of explain stockmanship in the following

livestock areas for one of the following
livestock (broilers or layers or rabbits
or dairy animals or pigs):
a) animal handling,
b) record keeping,
c) rearing of young stock,
d) nutrition and feeding practices.
4.2 Anatomy and Acquire understanding of farm describe structure and function of the
physiology animal anatomy and the male and female reproductive systems
physiology of digestion and of cattle and chickens
reproduction describe digestion in ruminant and
non-ruminant animals including
enzymatic action.
state at least four signs of heat in
cow a
state the relevance of signs of heat for
describe oestrous cycle of a cow
state the relationship between oestrous
cycle and pregnancy;
s t a t e the roles of oestrogen,
progesterone, follicle stimulating
hormone, corpus luteum, leiitinising
hormone and testosterone in the
reproductive system of a ruminant.
4.3 Livestock Know and understand describe characteristics of healthy
health livestock health and diseases animals;
and disease outline general methods of prevention
of livestock diseases;
classify Coccidiosis, Trypanosomiasis,
Fowl Typhoid, Tubercolosis, Mastitis,
Botulism, Anthrax, Contagious
Abortion, Foot and Mouth, Swine
Fever, Newcastle, Heartwater, Rabies,
Rickets, Piglet Anaemia,
Aphosphorisis and Contagious Bovine
Pleuro Pneumonia (CBPP) on the
basis of causative agent and host
animal(s) affected;
choose one disease from above and
describe the etiology, symptoms,
prevention and control of the disease;
classify round worms, tape worms,

liver fluke, ticks, flies, mites, lice and
tsetse fly into internal or external
describe the host, life cycle and
control of one internal and one
external parasite from the objective
4.4 Game farming Acquire skills on the differentiate game farming, game
and Game principles of game farming and ranching and game and livestock
Ranching game ranching ranching;
name at least five game animals;
explain four importance of game
explain the following ecological
principles used in selecting a suitable
game farm: size of area, flow of
energy, carrying capacity, numbers of
game and ecosysystem concept;
outline the habitat preference of three
species found in different habitats of
Botswana. Only one species from
each of the three geographical areas
should be selected. The species list to
choose from is as follows;
Chobe area: Roam Antelope or
Elephant or Buffalo;
Tuli Block: Impala or Kudu;
Kalahari: Gemsbok or Eland or
describe either Capture of game by
means of movable capture corrals or
Capture of game by use of crossbows,
dart guns and game capture drugs;
outline Ostrich farming in relation to
the following:
a) extensive, semi- intensive and
intensive farming
b) incubation of Ostrich eggs,
c) the need to mark birds in
by the use of microchips
d) advantages of Ostrich meat beef
Amount of substance mole mol

(b) Derived SI units are listed below

Energy joule
kilojoule kJ

calorie is obsolete)

(c) Recommended units for area, volume and density are listed below

Area square metre 1112

square decimetre dM2

square centimetre CM2

square millimetre MM2

hectare = 104 m2 ha
volume cubic millimetre MM3

cubic centimetre CM3 (not ml)

cubic decimetre (preferred to litre dm3
cubic kilometre km3
litre litre (not I)
density kilogram per cubic metre Or kg m-3
gram per cubic centimetre or g cm-3

(c) Use of Solidus

Negative indices — symbols combined in a quotient — will be written as, for example, either ms-' or

metre per second.

The solidus (/) will not be used for a quotient, e.g. m/s for metre per second.
The solidus (/) is used in tables and graphs to separate a physical quantity from its appropriate unit,
e.g. time/s, rot time measured in seconds (see section 3).

3. Presentation of data

(a) Tables

() Each column of a table will be headed with the physical quantity and the appropriate SI
units, e.g. time/s, rather than time(s).
There are three acceptable methods of stating units, e.g. metre per sec or in per s or m s.

(ii) The column headings of the table can then be directly transferred to the axes of a
constructed graph.

(b) Graphs

) The independent variable will be plotted on the x (horizontal axis) and the dependent

variable plotted on the y (vertical axis).

(n) The graph is the whole diagrammatic presentation. It may have one or several curves

plotted on it.

(iii) Curves and lines joining points on the graph should be referred to as 'curves'

(iv) Points on the curve should be clearly marked as crosses (x) encircled dots (0). If a

further curve is included, vertical crosses (+) may be used to mark the points.

(c) Pie Charts

These should be drawn with the sectors in rank order, largest first, beginnirig at 'noon' and

proceeding clockwise. Pie Charts should preferably contain no more than six sectors.

(d) Bar Charts

These are drawn when one of the variables is not numerical, e.g. number of eggs of different

colours. They should be made up of narrow blocks of equal width which do not touch.

(e) Column Graphs These are drawn when plotting frequency graphs from discrete data, e,g.

frequency of occurrence

of nests with different numbers of eggs. They should be made up of narrow blocks of equal width
which do not touch.

(f) Histograms

These are drawn when plotting frequency graphs with continuous data, e.g. frequency of

occurrence of stems of different lengths or chicks of different masses. The blocks should be

drawn in order of increasing magnitude and should be touching.


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