0562 Bgcse Setswana Syllabus Amendment
0562 Bgcse Setswana Syllabus Amendment
0562 Bgcse Setswana Syllabus Amendment
Setswana BGCSE Paper 2: Section B has been updated in the assessment syllabus to include
information relating to the short answer questions that appear on the question paper yet it is not
included in the syllabus. The part was omitted during the finalization of the syllabus even though
it was part of the original plan when the document was developed.
Therefore, the Scheme of Assessment for Setswana Paper 2: Section B should read:
“a prose passage of approximately 400-500 words will be set. Candidates will be required to
answer short answer questions derived from the passage and then summarize the whole
passage in not more than 100- 150 words of continuous prose.”