One - Page - 32 Dungeon Flora e Fauna
One - Page - 32 Dungeon Flora e Fauna
One - Page - 32 Dungeon Flora e Fauna
1 Dark Hoppers are 2-inch long bugs that 11 Dead-white patches of Snowmold are common
resemble crickets. They can jump several feet on organic surfaces underground. Once this
and inflict extremely painful bites when they pernicious fungus infests a living host, it slowly
land on warm-blooded creatures. turns exposed flesh snow white.
2 Photosensitive Stone Snails are fist-sized 12 The Sootfeather, a chicken-size, flightless bird,
creatures that creep along tunnel walls, ceilings, provides underground cultures with food,
and floors, feeding on organic debris. They hide insulating feathers, and loud warnings when
in their stone-like shell when they detect light . strangers are near. They are omnivorous
The snails are utterly harmless but delicious. scavengers that can see in the dark.
3 Slickfoot Worms are transparent flatworms 13 Shalevine has broad, stiff leaves with a stony
that live in dark and damp locations. They are appearance and texture. It grows in horizontal
harmless but more than one adventurer has clumps, and cave-dwellers often plant it near
taken a split after stepping on one. pits, where it creates natural camouflage.
4 Stone Moths change color to match whatever 14 Chill Lichen grows in deep caves and draws
they land on. Artists use their wings to make ambient heat from the rock to sustain itself.
pigments that change color; chemists use them Colonies can cover miles of cave walls, reducing
to make hallucinogenic poisons. air temperatures to below freezing.
5 Sparker Bugs have low-slung bodies that are 15 Foot-long Ribbon Worms have a leathery
covered in metallic hair. They accumulate a exterior covered in tiny hooks. They live in
powerful static charge as they crawl about and crevices and ambush passing prey with jets of
discharge it to kill their prey. The spark is sticky mucus. The worms exude slime that
disconcertingly loud and causes minor damage quickly hardens and use it to build homes that
to larger creatures. can jam doors or mechanisms.
6 Whoever first ate a Glimmer Slug must have 16 Steel Grubs from the plane of earth feed on
been drunk or starving. The mollusks glow stone and metallic ores. The tiny holes they dig
green, warning predators of their foul taste. through underground walls, ceilings, and floors
Eating one grants dark vision for a short time. weaken structures and cause cave-ins.
7 Skitter Beetles have spiky shells and move 17 Spine Fungus grows on stone surfaces in dry
quickly using their long legs. They are carrion areas. It is harder than seasoned oak and has a
eaters and are sometimes responsible for curvy, shelf-like shape with razor sharp edges
turning zombies into skeletons. Necromancers that cause minor wounds. Underground
value these insects as spell components. cultures use this material to make weapons.
8 Ghost Grass is a pallid plant that thrives in 18 Duster Beetles scrape food from stone
darkness. Its five-foot tall stalks create dense surfaces and excrete dust that quickly obscures
cover that lurking predators use to good effect. footprints in underground locales.
9 Underground pools and streams are home to 19 Blightwall fungus consumes rotting organic
Shadow Eels, slim predators that snatch small matter and grows several feet per day, forming
creatures from the water's edge. Swarming eels vertical sheets that resemble stone. It can
drawn to the scent of blood can inflict painful easily confuse unwary adventurers who find
bites laced with a mild paralytic poison. dead ends where they expect open passages.
10 Globe-shaped Bloodberries are parasitic fungi 20 Cave Anglers cling to the ceilings of
that feed on the flesh of giant mushrooms. They underground chambers and capture flying
are filled with a smelly, sticky red goo. Chemists insects using hanging, hair-fine threads. The
make a powerful glue with this substance. mild acidic poison on their snares can cause
temporary blindness.
Written by Mark A. Thomas. Icon by Lorc. OP7024 Copyright 2019 PBE Games, licensed for private use.