e-ISSN: 2456-4435
October-2020 | Vol. 04 th| Issue:5th
International Journal of Research in Indian Medicine
hair reduces and hair starts becoming further in many branches. As per this
gray or white. This is completely normal reference one can conclude that there are
for an individual over the age of 40. innumerable hair follicles. In ashtang
Sometimes white hair develops in early hrudaya sharira sthan it has been
age. To maintain the health of the hair is mentioned that in intrauterine life at six
absolutely essential to create a picture of months after the period of bone
overall health. Just like face mirrors transformation (i.e. asthi dhatu pachan )
one’s health, hair too reflects health and the developing fetus starts developing
well-being. Premature graying may lead hair (fine hair or lanugo hair) along with
as an important cause of developing low snayu (ligaments ), sira (vessels), bala
self-esteem in children. (strength), varna (colour),nakha ( nail),
Palitya generally happens in twacha (skin). Acharya charak in sharir
old age and pittaj prakriti purush. sthan states that during seventh month
Nowadays, premature greying of hair is a the mother feels heart burn due to
common cosmetic problem affecting production of hair (on the head) of the
young population. foetus.
Certain dietary habits,
behavioral life style and psychological Kesha and sharir dosh sambhanda
causes influence premature graying of Vata dosha aashrayee is related to aasthi
hair. This article highlights the causes of dathu aashraya. Vata dosha is
premature graying of hair in children. responsible for krushnavarnata(black
color to hair).vitiation of kaphadosha
Ayurvedic perspective of hair: leads to obstruct nourishment pathway of
hairs. Due to lack of nourishment hairs
The description of kesha and palitya is becomes gray. Vitiation of pitta & rasa
scattered in all the treatises of ayurveda. leads into premature gray hairs.
The hairs present over the scalp surface
are called as chikur, kuntal, baal, kacha, CAUSES:
kesha, shiroruha. Acharya charaka has
enumerated total human hair is 29956. While there are many reasons for white
He further stated that the number of hair in childhood, most can be treated
kesha, shmashru and loma are equal. and cured. A few of the most common
Acharya sushruta believes that there are causes of white hair in children are stated
4 oblique dhamanies, which are divided below.
Genetics: The most common cause of and UV rays may also be responsible
premature graying of hair in children for gray and white hair at a young age.
is genetics. Genes is one factor for These external factors could cause
premature gray hairs. oxidative stress leading to premature
Loss of pigmentation of hair is a greying of hair
symptom of several disorders, like Use of Synthetic Soaps and Shampoos:
vitiligo and piebaldism. Melanin is the The synthetic soaps and shampoos that
pigment responsible for the colour of children use today can make their hair
the skin and hair. rough and even cause graying of hair.
Deficiency: A deficiency of Vitamin Different types of oils (chemical oils),
B12 in the body can also result in the shampoos, soaps and pharmaceutical
premature graying of hair in children. promotions in the name of beauty
Vitamin B12 is not found in enough products for promoting hair care
quantities in a vegetarian diet, so actually contributes to worsen the
children following a vegetarian diet are condition.
at a higher risk of developing this Intake of iodine: Ensure that iodine
condition. intake is adequate. It should be
Anaemia: Iron deficiency can result consume it in moderation – too much
in anemia, which results in fatigue and or too less of it can affect the thyroid
whitening of the hair in children. gland and result in premature graying
Pernicious anemia can also cause of hair.
premature graying of hair in children. DISCUSSION:
Menkes hair syndrome and Hair color is determined by pigment
Kwashiorkor (protein malnutrition) can granules in hair follicles, wherein
also cause premature greying of hair. melanin synthesis is particularly
Diet plays major role in development crucial.
of any disorder. Premature graying occurs in some
Environmental factors: Although the children due to a variety of factors.
primary cause of premature hair The most common factors associated
greying (PHG) is considered to be with grey hair in children are heredity
genetic, certain environmental factors and nutrition.
also play a role. Some external factors The hair care products we use today
such as stress, exposure to pollution are not what they used to be some
years ago. Use of baby shampoo for Premature greying occurs in some children
child, as it contains extracts of due to a variety of factors. The most
vitamins and minerals in it can be common factors associated with grey hair
helpful. Also opt for herbal shampoos in children are heredity and nutrition.
to wash baby’s hair may help.
Classical texts of Ayurveda describe REFERENCES:
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