Assignment Cover Sheet: Deadline: 24/05/2010
Assignment Cover Sheet: Deadline: 24/05/2010
Assignment Cover Sheet: Deadline: 24/05/2010
Deadline: 24/05/2010
Feedback and Assessment Criteria:
Demonstration Adherence to the specified task requirements Dashboard Design Functionality of system Implementation Use of Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) Use of PHP Use of MySQL Use of AJAX Use of appropriate Dynamic HTML (DHTML) Report structure and quality Additional Feature
Excellen t
Satisfacto ry
Tutors signature:
The University of Northamptons Policy on Plagiarism & Mitigating Circumstances will be strictly implemented. By submitting this signed* assignment you are asserting that this submission is entirely your own individual work.
CSYM019 Assignment
Deliverables: 1. Website with the appropriate web-pages, server scripts and database table(s). 2. A demonstration of the dashboard application on Tuesday24th May 2011. 3. Report on the design and implementation of the dashboard system, your report should include: Introduction Design Implementation Testing Conclusion Appendices User Guide
The assignment is due on 24th May 2011 and must be handed into the assignment handling office. You will be awarded marks for using your initiative to further enhance the functionality of the system. You will be required to demonstrate your assignment in a session following the hand in date. Failure to demonstrate may result in a Fail grade. Marking Guideline:
FAIL, poorly created web pages, little or no functional features, little understanding of the code used. Failure to demonstrate. PASS, All tasks attempted, mostly functional web pages, reasonable level of understanding shown, employing most technologies (from HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, MySQL and AJAX). MERIT, As above, additional features and functionality, a good level of understanding shown, employing nearly all the technologies. DISTINCTION, 70% + As above, a fully functional web site employing all the technologies, demonstrating a high level of understanding demonstrated.
CSYM019 Assignment