Engleza Simplu Ca ABC, Pasul 5
Engleza Simplu Ca ABC, Pasul 5
Engleza Simplu Ca ABC, Pasul 5
Lesson 201
Robinson Crusoe was born in England in 1632. His father was from Germany. He went to
England when he was a young man. When he was 20, his father, who was a clever man offered
him a job. But Robinson didn’t want to live in England, he wanted to go to sea. One day he met
a friend. His friend told him that he wanted to go on a journey on hifather’s ship.
M-am născut în Brașov. = I was born in Brașov.
Noi am fost fericiți acolo. = We were happy there.
Era un câine pe plajă. = There was a dog on the beach.
Erau o mulțime de oameni pe plajă. = There were many people on the street.
Când aveam 19 ani am început să învăț engleză. = When I was nineteen, I started to learn
-Unde te-ai născut? = Where were you born?
-M-am născut în Brașov. = I was born in Brașov.
-Unde locuiești? = Where do you live?
-Locuiesc în Brașov. = I lived in Brașov.
-Îți place să locuiești acolo? = Do you like to live there?
-Da, îmi iubesc orașul! = Yes, I love my city!
Lesson 202
One day without saying goodbye to his mother or to his father he left home. He went to his
friend and the next day they started a journey. On his first night at sea there was a heavy storm.
Some days later there was another great storm. They couldn’t bring the ship to land. It went
down to the bottom of the sea.
Am plecat de acasă la 20 de ani. = I left home when I was twenty.
La 27 de ani m-am căsătorit. = At the age of twenty seven I got married.
Am avut primul copil la 29 de ani. = I had my first child at the age of twenty nine.
Nu am putut ajunge acolo. = I couldn’t get there!
Am înțeles! = I understood!
-Îți place să călătorești? = Do you like to travel?
-Da, vizităm multe locuri, în special vara. = Yes, we visit many places, especially in the summer.
-Câți ani aveai când ai plecat de-acasă? = how old were you when you left home?
- 18. Tu? = Eighteen. You?
-Am stat cu părinții până la 25 de ani, cand am obținut primul serviciu. = I stayed with my
parents until I was twenty five, when I got my first job.
-Ce ai făcut? = What did you do?
-Programare, bineînțeles! = Computer programming, of course!
Lesson 203
His first journey was bad, but Robinson didn’t want to go home. He wanted to go to sea again.
He found a man with a ship. He was a good man And took Robinson with him in a voyage to
Guinea on the west coast of Africa. Robinson bought some goods from England and sold them
in Africa. When he got back home he had 300 pounds in his hands.
Am început călătoria devreme dimineața. = I/we started the journey early in the morning.
Câteva zile mai târziu ne-am întâlnit din nou. = Some days later we met again.
N-am putut să îi aștept acolo. = I couldn’t wait there.
Era prea frig. = It was too cold.
-Cum a fost călătoria ta? = How was your journey?
-Foarte bună, muțumesc! = Very good/ nice, thank you!
-La ce oră ați ajuns aici? = What time did you get here?
Lesson 204
Robinson used the 300 pounds for a very long journey to Brazil. After four years there he had a
large sugar farm. He was a happy man: he had money, a lot of land and no problems. With other
farmers he decided to go back to Guinea. They wanted to buy some tools from Europe and from
Africa he wanted slaves for their farms.
Și-a folosit toți banii ca să înceapă o afacere nouă. = He used all his money to set up a new
A făcut o fermă mare. = He made a big farm.
După câțiva ani avea mulți bani. = After some years he had a lot of money.
Era foarte ocupat în fiecare zi. = he was very busy every day.
Avea nevoie de mai mulți bani ca să cumpere niște unelte. = He needed more money to buy
some tools.
-Unde găsesc biroul de informații? = Where do I find the information office?
-Mergi înainte, e pe dreapta. = Go ahead, it’s on the right!
-Mulțumesc foarte mult! = Thank you very much!
-Cu placere! = You’re welcome!
Lesson 205
On 1st September 1659, eight years after his first sea journey, Robinson left Brasil for Africa
with ten other farmers. The first days were good, but then there was a great storm. They were
afraid for their lives. Then, one morning, they saw an island. They put a small boat in the water
but the strong wind turned the boat and threw them into sea.
Am plecat la muncă la 7. = I left to work at 7.
A fost o zi obișnuită. = It was a common day.
Am băut o cafea la serviciu cu colegii mei.= I drank a coffee at work with my colleagues.
Toată lumea vroia să știe mai multe despre weekendul meu. = Everybody wanted to know more
about my weekend.
Am vorbit mult astăzi. = I spoke a lot today.
-Unde merge acest tren? = Where does this train go?
-Merge la București. = It goes to Bucharest.
-Ești turist? = are you a tourist?
-Nu, sunt aici cu afaceri. = No, I’m here on business.
Lesson 206
The water threw Robinson on land but all his friends were dead. He was very weak and almost
dead. He slept in a tree that night because he was afraid of animals. When he woke up in the
morning the sea was quiet and his ship was at about half a mile from the land. He swam to the
ship.There he found many important things: food, drink, guns, pens and paper, money, clothes,
knives, books.
Lui îi e frică de șerpi. = He is afraid of snakes.
Mie mi-era teamă de întuneric. = I was afraid of the dark.
Ți-e frică de ei? = Are you afraid of them?
Am dormit într-un cort. = We slept in a tent.
Copiii au înotat în mare. = The children swam in the sea.
-La ce oră pleacă trenul de București? = What time does the train to Bucharest leave?
-La 6.45. = At 6.45.
-La ce oră ajunge acolo? = what time does it get there?
-Ajunge acolo la 7.30 = It gets there at 7.30.
Lesson 207
Robinson took a small ship and brought useful things with him from the island. He worked for
three days and made eleven journeys between the beach and the ship. Then the storms started
again, and one morning he couldn’t see the ship. It was under the sea, with his 10 friends. He
looked round the island and found a good place for his home.
Ti-am adus un cadou. = I brought you a present.
Am lucrat acolo doi ani. = I worked there for two years.
Când am plecat acasă, a început să plouă. = When we left home it started to rain.
Nu am putut ajunge acolo la timp, traficul a fost imposibil! = We/ I couldn’t get there in time,
the traffic was impossible.
Ați putut ajunge acolo la timp? = Could you get there in time?
-Trebuie să schimb acest tren? = Must I change this train?
-Da, în Timișoara. = Yes, in Timișoara.
-La ce oră ajungem acolo? = What time do we get there?
-La 6 dimineața. = At 6 o’clock in the morning.
Lesson 208
Near the cave he made a tent with the materials he brought from the ship. Then he cut down
young trees and built a strong wall round his home. He used the cave for food and water and for
the things from the ship. He also slept there. After ten days on the island he thought that he
wanted to remember the date, so he cut into a tree with big letters. I CAME ON THIS ISLAND
Ei au construit o cabană lângă pădure. = They built a cottage in the forest.
Ți-am adus geanta din mașină. = I brought you the bag from the car.
Am folosit toți banii ca să cumpăr ce aveam nevoie. = I used al my money to buy what I needed.
Am dormit la un hotel. = We slept in a hotel.
Nu mi-am putut aminti adresa.
-Cu câte zile înainte trebuie să rezerv biletul? = How many days ahead must I book the ticket?
-Cel puțin 5. = At least 5.
-De unde pot lua autobuzul către aeroport? = Where can I get the coach to the airport?
-La ce oră vine? = What time does it come?
Lesson 209
He cut down trees with the tools from the ship and made a table, a chair, shelves and boxes for
his home. In the morning he went hiking on the island for the food of the day. Then he worked
in his home. After lunch he slept for two hours because it was very hot. Then, in the evening, he
worked again. At night he read and began to write his story.
Vecinii mei au tăiat mărul. = My neighbours cut the apple tree.
Sâmbătă am făcut o prăjitură. = On Saturday I made a cake.
Joi am mers la cumpărături. = On Thursday I went shopping.
Am citit scrisoarea aceea de două ori. = I read that letter twice.
Am început acest curs cu două luni în urmă. = I started this course two months ago.
-Pot să vorbesc cu tatăl tău? = Can I speak to your father?
-Da, poți. = Yes, you can.
-Nu, nu poți, nu e acasă. = No, you can’t, he’s not at home.
-Trebuie să vorbesc engleză? = Must I speak English?
-Nu, nu trebuie! = No, you mustn’t!
Lesson 210
After ten difficult months on the island, Robinson had a good home and a lot of food. One day
he decided to explore the country. He found a lot of trees and also good vegetables. There were
no people on the island. His home was near the beach. He wanted to see a ship one day and go
back to England.
Când și-a terminat el casa? = When did he finish his house?
A găsit mâncare pe insula? = Did he find food on the island?
Ce mâncare a găsit? = What food did he find?
Erau mulți oameni pe stradă. = There were many people in the street.
Nu erau mulți oameni la petrecere. = There weren’t many people at the party.
-Pot fuma aici? = Can I smoke in here?
-Da, poți. = Yes, you can!
-Nu, nu poți. = No, you can’t!
-Spune-mi ceva despre tine. = Tell me something about yourself.
-Numele meu este…= My name is..
-M-am născut în..= I was born in…
Lesson 211
It rained every day from the middle of August to the middle of October. Robinson had to stay
inside. He ate dry fruit and made plates cups, spoons and other things for the kitchen. In
September he celebrated one year on the island: three hundred sixty five days.
A plouat Duminică? = Did it rain on Sunday?
Ce ai făcut în weekend? = What did you do at the weekend?
Ai mers undeva? = Did you go anywhere?
Cum ai mers acolo? = How did you go there?
Ce ai făcut acolo? = What did you do there?
-Pot intra? = Can I come in?
-Da, poți./ Nu, nu poți. = Yes, you can. / No, you can’t.
Lesson 212
When the rained stopped Robinson went for a walk. He saw another island to the west. The other
island wasn’t very far. He could go there by boat. He wandered if there were cannibals on that
island. He thought it was dangerous to go there.
Unde ai mers la plimbare? = Where did you go for a walk?
Ți-ai întâlnit prietenii? = Did you meet your friends?
Unde v-ați întâlnit? = where did you meet?
Era departe. = It was far.
Nu era departe (de aici). = It wasn’t far (from here).
-Ce limbi străine vorbești? = What foreign languages do you speak?
-Franceză și Germană. = French and German.
Lesson 213
One day when he went for a walk on the island he found a parrot and took it home. After some
years, Pol, his parrot could say his name. Later he also found a young goat on the island and
took it home. He wanted to have a lot of goats near the house.
Ce ai făcut ieri? = What did you do yesterday?
Ce ai făcut în weekend? = What did you do at the week-end?
Ce ai făcut în vacanță? = What did you do on holiday?
Ce ai vizitat acolo? = What did you visit there?
Când te-ai întors? = When did you come back?
-Locuiești în Londra? = do you live in London?
-Nu. Locuiesc în Manchester. = No, I don’t. I live in Manchester.
Lesson 214
Robinson had a bag of old corn from the ship. He planted the corn near the house. After some
weeks new corn began to come out of the ground. He worked hard and his life was better every
day. After one more year on the island he was happy there, because his life was good.
-Unde ai lucrat înainte? = Where did you work before?
-Ce ai făcut acolo? = What did you do there?
-Câți colegi ai avut? = how many colleagues did you have?
-Cum era șeful tău? = How was your boss?
-Ți-a plăcut job-ul tău? = Did you like your boss?
-Practici vreun sport? = Do you practice any sports?
-Ce sporturi practici? = what sports do you practice?
-Cât de des mergi la sala de sport? = How often do you go to the gym?
-Ce faci în timpul liber? = What do you do in your free time?
Lesson 215
Robinson had time to read, to think and to write every day.He thought about his father and his
life before coming to the island.He also thought about the other island every day. It was
dangerous to go there, but maybe it was his chance to find a ship and go back to England.
Am avut destul timp să citesc un roman. = I had enough time to read a novel.
Am scris câteva emailuri în fiecare zi. = I wrote some emails every day.
M-am gândit la asta. = I thought about that.
Am făcut un plan. = I made a plan.
Am decis să renunț la slujba mea actuală. = I decided to quit my present job.
-Te duci la facultate în fiecare dimineață? + Do you go to the university every morning?
-Da, sunt încă student. = Yes, I am still a student.
-Câte ore poți lucra pe zi. = How many hours can you work a day?
-4 ore. = Four hours.
Lesson 216
Robinson woke up every morning and planned his day. He worked with a smile on his face. He
killed and ate a lot of animals. He used the coats from these animals for new clothes. He made a
jacket, a hat, and short trousers. He also made an umbrella. Then he could walk on the island in
the rain and in the sunshine.
Nu m-am trezit devreme ieri. = I didn’t wake up early yesterday.
Ei nu mâncau carne. = They didn’t eat meat.
Nu mi-am luat umbrela. = I didn’t take my umbrella.
Nu am lucrat alaltăieri. = I didn’t work the day before yesterday.
Nu am mers la plimbare, a fost o zi ploioasă. = I didn’t go for a walk, it was a rainy day.
-El e încă la birou? Lucrează prea mult. = Is he still at the office? He works too much!
Lesson 217
One day Robinson started a journey to the other island. He took the umbrella, food and water
into the boat. Unfortunately, soon after he started his journey, a great storm started. He fought
hard to get back on the island. He was happy when he was again in his little house.
Ei nu m-au întrebat despre asta. = They didn’t ask about that.
Nu i-am înțeles. = I didn’t understand them.
Nu mi-au spus încă. = They didn’t tell me yet.
Nu am știut ce să fac. = I didn’t know what to do.
Ea nu s-a întors în acea zi. = She didn’t come back that day.
-Părinții tăi sunt acasă? = Are your parents at home.
-Da, sunt! Intră! = Yes, I am! Come in!
Lesson 218
After some hours, he heard: Robin, Robin, Robin, Crusoe. At first he was afraid.Then, he
realized it was Pol, his parrot. After eleven years on the island he had more than fifty goats, a big
garden, and two good houses. He made cakes. He was busy every day. But then, his life
Nu te-am auzit. = I didn’t hear you.
Îți dai seama că.. = Do you realize that..
Mi-am dat seama că era mai bine să plec. = I realized it was better to go.
Ce s-a întâmplat? = What happend?
Cine a zis asta? = Who said that?
-Unde sunt ei acum? = Where are they now?
-La școală. = At school?
-La ce oră se întorc? = What time do they come back?
-Pe la ora 1.30. = At about 1.30.
Lesson 219
One day he saw on the island a mark of a man’s foot. He got very scared. He went home and
didn’t get out for three days. Was it another man on his island? Was it the footstep of a cannibal
who came from the other island? He was scared. He made stronger walls round his house.
-Ce ai văzut? = What did you see?
-Nu am văzut nimic. = I didn’t see anything.
Am văzut acel film de două ori. = I saw that film twice.
-Cum te simți? = How do you feel?
-Cum te-ai simțit? = How did you feel?
-Fiica ta e la școală? = Is your girl at school?
-Da, este. = Yes, it is.
-La ce oră se întoarce? = What time does she come back?
-Va fi acasă curând. = She will be home soon.
Lesson 220
One day when he walked on the island, he saw a boat. Then he walked to a different place on the
coast. On the beach, in the hot sun, he saw some bones.They were the bones of a man. It was
clear! Cannibals cooked and ate people there, on his island!
-Unde a mers (el) ? = Where did he go?
-Ce a văzut el acolo? = What did he see there?
-A văzut pe cineva? = Did he see anybody?
-Îi era frică? = Was she afraid?
-De ce îi era frică? = What was he/she afraid of?
-Unde este bunica ta? = Where is your grandmother?
-E în grădină. = She’s in the garden.
-La ce oră vine pilotul? = What time does the pilot come?
-Vine de la aeroport la 5. = He comes from the airport.
Lesson 221
He felt sick after he saw those bones, but he made plans. He found a place on top of a hill. From
there he could watch the beach with the bones. He wanted to kill the cannibals when they came
with another man for their dinner. He was afraid and he stopped working in his house or in the
garden. He was afraid that the cannibals could hear the noise he made.
-A făcut un plan? = Did he make a plan?
-Care era planul lui? = What was his plan?
-Unde a lucrat el? = Where did he work?
El se putea apăra. = He could defend himself.
El nu se putea apăra. = He couldn’t defend himself.
-Ce fac copiii în weekend? = What do the children do at the weekend.
-Merg la cinema. = They go to the cinema.
-Ce film vor să vadă? = What film do they want to see?
-Tarzan. = Tarzan.
Lesson 222
Robinson found a cave. He made fires and cooked inside the cave. He went every day to his
place on the hill and waited for the cannibals. But nobody came. Nothing happened. After some
months he went back to his old life. He tried to forget about the mark on the sand the bones and
the cannibals.
El a vizitat o peșteră. = He visited a cave.
Era foarte mare și interesantă. = It was very large and interesting.
Erau mulți turiști acolo. = There were many tourists there.
Erau mulți oameni acolo? = Were there many people there?
Nu erau mulți oameni acolo. = There weren’t many people there.
-Tatăl tău e acasă? = Is your father home?
Trebuie sa-l văd acum. = I must see him now.
-E încă la birou. = He is still at the office.
Lesson 223
It was the summer of his 23rd year on the island. One morning, before it was light, he saw a fire
on the beach. He ran quickly to the hill. He saw nine men on the beach. They sat around a fire.
The weather was hot, so the fire was for food. They danced. When they left he went to the
beach. There were bones! The bones of two men.
-Când ai ajuns acolo? = When did you go there?
-Când ai mers acolo prima oară? = When did you go there for the first time?
-Te-au așteptat la aeroport? = Did they wait for you at the airport?
-Cine a condus (mașina)? = Who drove?
-Erai obosit(ă)? = Were you tired?
Boy - Vreau niște fân. = I want some hay.
Farmer - Pentru tatăl tău? = For your father?
Boy - Nu, pentru cal, tata nu mănâncă fân. = No, for the horse, father doesn’t eat hay.
Lesson 224
For a long time after the cannibals’ visit to his island, Robinson didn’t sleep well. He woke up in
the middle of the night and looked for men on the island. One day there was a great storm. The
wind was strong and he couldn’t sleep. He went to the hill. He watched and listened. He saw
something. Was it a ship near his island?
To look for, tr. looked for = a căuta
I looked for a car on google. = Am căutat o mașină pe google.
To search for, tr. searched for = a căuta
I searched for a car there. = Am căutat o mașină acolo.
I did this for a long time. = Am făcut asta mult timp.
I worked there for a long time. = Am lucrat acolo mult timp.
Teacher’s book = cartea profesorului/ profesoarei
Teachers’ books = cărțile profesorilor/ profesoarelor
Students’ books = cărțile studenților
Children’s books = cărțile copiilor
-Ce vrei să faci mâine? = What do you want to do tomorrow?
-Care sunt planurile tale pentru weekend? = What are your plans for the weekend?
-Ce fel de job vrei să obții? = What kind of job do you want to get?
-Cum o să obții acel job? = How will you get that job?
-Ce trebuie să faci ca să obții acel job? = What do you have to do to get that job?
-Unde e soțul tău? = Where is your husband?
-E la restaurant. Merge la restaurant în fiecare seară! = He is at the restaurant. He goes to the
restaurant every evening.
-Chiar? = Really?
-Da, e ospătar. = Yes, he is a waiter!
Lesson 225
In the morning he went to the beach. There was a ship near the island, but it was under the water.
There was nobody from the ship on the beach. He cried. It was his worst day in 23 years! He
went back to his house and got ready for a journey to the ship. Maybe there was a man on the
ship! Maybe he was sick and couldn’t cry for help.
Because he hoped that he could meet some men that day.
To cry = a plânge, a striga
Bad, worse, the worst = rău, mai rău, cel mai rău
Good, better, the best = bun, mai bun, cel mai bun
To get ready, tr. got ready = a se pregăti
I got ready for work. = M-am pregătit pentru muncă.
-Unde a mers el? = Where did he go?
-Merge el acolo în fiecare zi? = Does he go there every day?
-Era cineva acolo? = Was anybody there?
Nu era nimeni acolo. = There wasn’t anybody there.
Nu am putut să-l ajut. = I couldn’t help him.
Bărbatul: (către un copil care plânge pe stradă) Unde locuiești?
Man (to a child crying in the street): Where do you live?
Bebelușul: Cu mama.
Baby : With my mother.
Bărbatul: Și unde locuiește mama ta?
Man: And where does your mother live?
Bebelușul: Cu tata.
Baby: With dad.
Bărbatul: Și unde locuiește tatăl tău?
Man: And where does you father live?
Bebelușul: Acasă.
Baby: Home.
Lesson 226
Two hours later he got to the ship. There, he found eight dead men. He found some bottles of
wine, some good guns and some tools on the ship. He also found some things for the kitchen and
some new shirts. He really wanted some shoes, so he took them from the dead men. He put
everything into his boat and went home. He was very tired that evening.
Shirt = cămașă
To get to = To arrive at = a ajunge
Past Tense Simple
To understand, tr. understood = a înțelege
I understood very well what you said.
I didn’t understand that!
Did you understand me?
-La ce oră te-ai întors? = What time did you come back?
-Pe la 10. = At about 10.
-Cum a fost petrecerea? = How was the party?
-Excelentă. = Excellent!
-Câți oameni erau acolo? = How many people were there?
Lesson 227
He really wanted to go back to England. He really wanted to meet other people and have some
friends. For two or three years he watched for the cannibals, but they didn’t return to his island.
Then, one morning he saw five boats on the beach. There were twenty or thirty men on the
island. They made a fire and danced around it. Then, they brought two men from their boats.
They were prisoners.
To return = to come back = a se întoarce
Surprised = scared = speriat
I brought you a present. = Ți-am adus un cadou.
Prezentul Continuu
Format din TO BE present simple + Verb+ ING
I am teaching. = Eu predau.
Este folosit pentru a exprima:
1. Acțiuni care se desfășoară în momentul vorbirii – NOW:
I am going to work. = Merg la serviciu.
I am learning English. = Învăț engleză.
I am going = eu merg
You are going = tu mergi
He is going = el merge
I am not going. = Nu merg.
You are not going = Nu mergi.
He is not going. = Nu merge.
Am I going? = Merg eu?
Are you going? = Mergi tu?
What are you doing now? = Ce faci acum?
Is he going? = Merge el?
2. Acțiuni viitoare (viitor apropiat):
I am going to Bucharest tomorrow. = Merg la București mâine.
Right now:
Eu scriu un email. = I am writing an email.
Tu înveți engleză. = You are learning English.
Ei lucrează. = They are working.
Copiii sunt în bucătărie, mănâncă. = The children are in the kitchen, they are eating.
Mama e în curte, vorbește cu un vecin. = Mother is in the yard, she is speaking with a neighbour.
-Ce faci? = What are you doing?
-Învăț engleză. = I am learning English.
-La ce oră vei termina. = What time do you finish?/ What time will you finish?
-Cam într-o jumătate de oră. = In about half an hour.
Lesson 228
The cannibals killed one of the two prisoners, then they cut him. The other prisoner stood behind
the dead man. The cannibals were busy and didn’t look at him. In that moment, the prisoner
looked round him and then ran very fast across the beach. He came close to the place were
Robinson was. Three cannibals followed him.
Ugly = urât
To cut, cut = a tăia
To stand, stood = a sta în picioare
To stand up, stood up = a se ridica în picioare
To follow, followed = a urma
Merg pe o stradă veche. = I am walking on an old street.
Sunt mulți oameni pe peste tot.= There are many people everywhere.
Unii dintre ei se plimbă. = Some of them are walking.
Vad un om în vârstă la o masă. = I see an old man at a table.
El citește un ziar. = He is reading a newspaper.
Cățelul visează. = The dog is dreaming.
To dream = a visa
-Lucrezi? = Are you working?
-Nu, mă gândesc. = No, I am thinking.
-La ce te gândești? = About what are you thinking?/ What are you thinking about?
-Mă gândesc la pregătirile pentru Crăciun. = I am thinking of/ about the preparations for
Lesson 229
There was a little river between Robinson and the men. The prisoner jumped into the river and
swam across it. He was a very good swimmer. One of the cannibals stopped at the river. He
couldn’t swim, so he left to the beach. The other two followed the prisoner. Robinson took his
gun and ran quickly down the hill. He killed the two cannibals.
Escape, escaped
To jump, jumped = a sări
To swim, swam = a înota
One of my friends came yesterday. = unul dintre prietenii mei a venit ieri.
To leave, left = a pleca, a părăsi
Cerșetorul a sărit în fața mașinii. = The beggar jumped in front of the car.
To jump, jumped = a sări
To beg, begged = a cerși, a implora
Beggar = cerșetor
De ce a făcut asta? = Why did he do this?
Nu a văzut mașina. = He didn’t see the car.
L-a putut (el) salva? = Could he save him?
To save, saved = a salva
Cum a făcut el asta. = How did he do this?
-Unde sunt copiii? = Where are the children?
-Se joacă în grădină. = They are playing in the garden.
Lesson 230
He looked at the prisoner. He was a tall young man with strong arms and legs. He was about 26
years old. He had a kind face and intelligent eyes. He had long black hair. He wore no clothes.
Robinson spoke to him and he came nearer. He fell on the ground and put Robinson’s foot on his
head. He accepted to be his slave.
To wear, wore = a purta o haină
Near, nearer = aproape, mai aproape
To fall, fell = a cădea
To accept, accepted = a accepta
El s-a uitat la inel și a decis să-l cumpere. = He looked at the ring and decided to buy it.
Ring = inel
To decide, decided = a decide
Câți ani aveai când ai ajuns aici? = How old were you when you got here?
Când ai venit aici? = When did you come here?
Erai aici atunci? = Were you here then?
Nu, nu eram. = No, I wasn’t.
-Ce faci în bucătărie? = What are you doing in the kitchen?
-Gătesc. = I am cooking.
-Ce gătești? = What are you cooking?
-Cina noastra. = Our dinner.
Lesson 231
One of the cannibals wasn’t dead. The prisoner spoke to Robinson. He wanted his knife.
Robinson gave him his knife. He went to the cannibal and cut his head off. When the cannibal
was dead, the slave laughed. He gave Robinson the knife and the cannibal’s head. They quickly
put the two men under the ground. The other cannibals couldn’t find them now.
To laugh, laughed = a râde
L-ai găsit? = Did you find it?/ Did you find him?
Unde era? = Where was he/ it?
Cum l-ai găsit? = How did you find it/him?
Mama lui ne-a zis că a plecat în oraș. = His mother told us that he left downtown.
Ai vorbit cu el? = Did you speak to him?
-Ai găsit un cadou pentru mama ta? = Did you find a present for your mother?
-Da. = Yes, I did.
-Ce este? = What is it?
-O geantă drăguță. = A nice purse.
Purse = geantă
Lesson 232
They walked to the cave. The slave was very hungry and tired. Robinson gave him bread, dry
fruit and water. He slept a little. They started to speak. Later, Robinson taught him the names of
many things in English. He named the slave Friday. He taught the slave to call him Master.
To teach, taught = a învăța pe altcineva
To name, named = a numi
Master = stăpân
I taught them English. = I-am învățat engleză.
I learnt English. = Am învățat engleză.
Am plecat pe la 6 dimineața. = I left at 6 in the morning.
Cerul era limpede. = The sky was clear.
Nu erau nori. = There weren’t any clouds.
Am sperat că vremea va fi frumoasă. = I hoped the weather would be beautiful.
To hope, hoped = a spera
Am ajuns la gară pe la 6.50. = We/ I got to the station at about six fifty/ ten minutes to seven.
-Unde ați mers? = Where did you go?
-Am mers la Predeal. = We went to Predeal.
-Cum a fost vremea? = How was the weather?
-Excelentă! A fost o zi frumoasă, însorită. = Excellent! It was a sunny day!
Lesson 233
In the morning they left the cave and went on the beach. There weren’t any cannibals on the
island. There were man’s bones on the island. They made a fire and put the bones on it. Friday
wanted to eat the meat on the bones, because he was a cannibal too, but Robinson stopped him.
M-am trezit devreme în dimineața asta. = I woke up early this morning.
M-am spălat și m-am îmbrăcat. = I got washed, and I got dressed.
To get washed = a se spăla
To get dressed = a se îmbrăca
La micul dejun am mâncat un sanwich și un iaurt. = For breakfast I ate a sandwich and a
Am mers cu mașina la serviciu. = I drove to work.
Am mers pe jos la serviciu. = I walked to work.
Am ajuns la birou la 9. = I got to the office at 9.
-Ce mai faci? = How are you?
-Nu așa bine.. = Not so well.
-Ce s-a întâmplat? = What happened?
-Am avut o ședință care a durat vreo 2 ore.. = I had a staff meeting which took about two hours.
At least = cel puțin
Lesson 234
Then they went to the house. Robinson gave Friday some trousers from the ship, a coat and a
hat. Friday was kind and a good friend. Robinson taught him many things. Friday was afraid of
the guns. He learnt everything very quickly. He helped Robinson a lot. Soon, he spoke English.
Come quickly! = Vino repede!
La serviciu am băut o cafea cu colegii mei. = At work I drank a coffee with my colleagues.
Am mers în curte să o bem fiindcă unii dintre ei doreau să fumeze. = We went in the yard to
drink it because some of them wanted to smoke.
Colega mea fumează mult. = My colleague smokes a lot.
Până la 12 a fumat 10 țigări. = By 12 o’clock she smoked ten cigarettes.
Nu vrea să renunțe la fumat. = She doesn’t want to quit smoking.
-Ce ai făcut la serviciu? = What did you do at work?
-Ca de obicei, o mulțime de clienți, telefoane și ședințe. = As usually, a lot of clients, phone calls
and staff meetings.
-Da, așa plictisitor! = Yes, so boring!
-Întotdeauna vorbim despre aceleași lucruri, dar nimic nu se schimbă. = We always speak about
the same things, but nothing changes.
Last = ultimul, ultima
Lesson 235
Friday told Robinson about his life, his family and his island. Robinson found that Friday’s
people were cannibals and their home was not far. Friday told him that one day, a big ship with
white people came to his island. Some of them died in the sea, but other seventeen people were
still on the island. “Why didn’t you eat them?” Robinson asked him. “They are friends” Friday
replied. “We don’t eat friends.”
To reply, replied = a răspunde, a replica
Why didn’t come earlier? = De ce n-a venit mai devreme?
Why didn’t you finish earlier Step 5? = De ce n-ai terminat mai devreme Pasul 5?
Why didn’t you go to the party? = De ce nu ai mers la petrecere?
Am vorbit cu șeful despre salariul meu zilele astea. = I spoke with my boss about my salary/
wage these days.
I-am spus că vroiam o mărire. = I told him I wanted a raise.
M-a întrebat de ce meritam mai mult. = He asked me why I deserved more.
To deserve, deserved = a merita
I-am explicat că de când colega mea a plecat trebuia să lucrez pentru doi. = I explained to him
that I had to work for two.
To have to, had to = a trebui
To explain, explained = a explica
El a acceptat doar o mică mărire. = He only accepted a little raise.
-Hai să ne oprim la o cafea! = Let’s stop for a coffee!
-Ok, e o idee bună! = Ok, that’s a good idea!
-Hai să intrăm în această cafenea, arată bine. = Let’s get into this café, it looks good.
-Ok, să intrăm! = Ok, let’s get in!
Lesson 236
Robinson asked Friday if he wanted to see his people again. He said that he wanted to go to
them, but only with Master. “Friday loves Master” he said, “Master can teach my people many
things.” They made a boat and waited for December, the best month for the journey to Friday’s
What are they doing? = Ce fac ei?
They get ready for a journey. = Ei se pregătesc pentru o călătorie.
Curious = curios
Obviously = evident
Am fost foarte ocupată sâmbătă. = I was very busy on Saturday.
Am gătit, am făcut curățenie și am călcat. = I cooked, I cleaned my house and I ironed.
To iron, ironed = a călca
Nu am avut timp să ies în oraș sau să mă uit la televizor. = I didn’t have time to go out or to
watch tv.
Nu am mers în oraș deoarece vremea era proastă. = I didn’t go out because the weather was bad.
Nu am cumpărat acei pantofi. = I didn’t buy those shoes.
Erau prea scumpi. = They were too expensive.
-Am avut un week-end ocupat. = I had a busy weekend.
Ne-am mutat într-o casă nouă. = We moved to a new house.
To move, moved = a se muta
-De ce v-ați mutat? = Why did you move?
-Chiria era prea mare. = The rent was too big.
În plus, vroiam o curte mai mare. = Besides, we wanted a bigger yard.
-Vă place casa cea nouă? = Do you like the new house?
-Foarte mult! = Very much! I/ We love it!
Lesson 237
One morning Friday went to the beach for fish. After ten minutes he ran back to the house. On
the beach there were twenty cannibals and they had three prisoners. One of the prisoners was a
white man. Robinson and Friday went to the beach with guns, and killed four cannibals. The
others ran to the boats. Robinson saved the white man and then they killed five more cannibals
in their boats.
Bloody story = poveste sângeroasă
Blood = sânge
Fiul meu a avut o zi ocupată ieri. = My son had a busy day yesterday.
A mers la scoală la ora 12. = He went to school at 12.
A terminat la 6, și apoi s-a dus să joace basket. = He finished at 6 and then went to play
A venit acasă la 8.30, și și-a făcut toate temele pentru luni. = He came home at 8.30/ half past
eight and did all the homework for Monday.
-Unde ați mers la cinema? = Where did you go to the cinema?
-Am mers la Cinema One. = We went to Cinema One.
-V-a plăcut filmul? = Did you like the movie?
-Nu, a fost așa de plictisitor! = No, it was so boring!
Boring = plictisitor
Lecția 238
The white man who they saved was Spanish. His name was Christianus. After the cannibals left
in one of the boats, Friday found another prisoner in a boat. To their surprise, that man was
Friday’s father! Friday was so happy that his father was saved! He laughed, he jumped up and
down, danced and sang. “This is my father!”, he said. “I am the happiest son in the world!”
To sing, sang = a cânta
Happy, happier, the happiest = fericit, mai fericit, cel mai fericit
Big, bigger, the biggest = mare, mai mare, cel mai mare
To fight, fought against = a lupta împotriva
To go on = to continue = a continua
Am mers la un interviu lunea trecută. = I went to an interview last Monday.
M-au întrebat despre pregătirea mea profesională. = They asked me about my professional
Le-am spus că am terminat facultatea anul trecut. = I told them that I graduated university last
To graduate, graduated = a absolvi
Deasemenea, m-au întrebat despre experiența mea de muncă. = They also asked me about my
work experience.
Work experience = experiență profesională
Le-am spus că am lucrat doar un an ca și contabil. = I told them that I worked only for a year as
an accountant.
-Unde ai învățat engleză? = Where did you learn English?
-Am mers la un curs. = I attended a course.
To go, went = a merge
To attend, attended = a urma un curs
-Ți-a plăcut? = Did you like it?
-Da, a fost foarte interactiv, am invățat o grămadă de lucruri noi! = Yes, it was very interactive, I
learnt many things.
I wish you all the best! = Vă doresc toate cele bune!
Lecția 239
Half an hour later, there was a big storm. Perhaps the cannibals who left the island died in the
sea. Robinson gave bread and fruit to Christianus and Friday’s father. Soon, they felt better.
Now, there were four people on the island. With Friday’s help, Robinson could speak to his
father. “Will cannibals come back to this island?”. “No”, Friday’s father said, they are afraid of
the guns.
-Unde ai lucrat înainte? = Where did you work before?
-Am lucrat pentru compania ABC în Brașov. = I worked for ABC Company in Brasov.
-Care este ultima școală pe care ai absolvit-o? = What/ Which is the last school you graduated?
-Liceul. = High school.
-Ce te face un bun candidat pentru acest job? = What makes you a good candidate for this
-Pot să pornesc aerul conditionat? E prea cald aici! = Can I start the air conditioning? It’s too hot
in here!
-Bineînțeles! = Of course!
To memorize, memorized = a memora
As much as you can. = Cât de mult poți.
Lecția 240
The four men soon forgot about the cannibals and thought about the future. Robinson asked
Friday’s father about the seventeen white men who lived with his people. He found that they
were very unhappy. They made a plan. Christianus and Friday’s father will go to the other island
and will bring the white men to Robinson’s island. Together, they could build a small ship and
go to Spanish America.
Mi-am început ziua la 8. = I began my day at 8.
Întâi am mers la o cafenea drăguță să-mi beau cafeaua. = First, I went to café to drink my coffee.
Vremea era minunată! = The weather was wonderful!
Mi-am băut cafeaua și apoi am mers la facultate. = I drank my coffee, and then I went to the
După 3 ore m-am întors acasă. = After three hours I came back home.
To get back = to go back = to come back
-Cum a fost ziua ta? = How was your day?
-Nimic neobișnuit! = Nothing unusual.
-Ai vreun plan pentru seara de Crăciun? = Do you have a plan for the Christmas EVE?
-Aș vrea să merg la părinții mei câteva zile. = I’d like to go to my parents for a few days.
Again = din nou
Sentence = propoziție
Lecția 241
Now, on the island there were four people: Robinson, Friday, Christianus and Friday’s father.
They worked hard for six months. They put a lot of fruit and corn in the cave. They put fruit in
the sun, they made everything ready for sixteen more men on the island, and then for a sea
journey. When everything was ready, Christianus and Friday’s father went to the other island to
bring the white men.
Ready = gata, pregătit, finalizat
Are you ready? = Ești gata?
To call, called = A suna, a telefona
Elena este nepoata mea (de frate). = Elena is my niece.
Părinții ei sunt în străinătate și ea stă cu noi o săptămână. = Her parents are abroad and she stays
with us for a week.
Ea are 17 ani. = She is seventeen.
Ea e o fată foarte independentă. = She is a very independent girl.
Și îi place mult să iasă în oraș. = And she really likes to go out.
-Îți place să dansezi? = Do you like to dance?
-Da. = yes I do
-Fumezi? = Do you smoke?
-Nu. = No, I don’t.
-Mănânci carne? = Do you eat meat?
Meat = carne (în general)
-Da. = Yes, I do.
Lecția 242
After eight days without Christianus and Friday’s father, they saw a ship coming to their island.
Robinson and Friday took their guns and went up on the hill. They had to watch and wait. The
visitors were Englishmen and they had three prisoners. The prisoners were very sad. At two
o’clock in the afternoon it was very hot, and the men went to sleep under the trees. Robinson
went to the three prisoners and spoke to them.
Someone = somebody = cineva
Upset = supărat
O pată roșie a apărut pe mâna lui în această dimineață. = A red spot appeared on his hand this
To appear, appeared = a apărea
Spot = pată
Arm = braț
Hand = mână
Așa că a trebuit să mergem la doctor. = So we had to go to the doctor.
Doctorul a zis că nu era nimic grav. = The doctor said that it wasn’t anything serious.
E grav? = Is it serious?
Era grav? = was it serious?
-Pot să intru? = Can I come in?
-Bineînțeles! Te rog ia loc! = Of course, please sit down!
-Pot fuma aici? = Can I smoke in here?
-Nu, îmi pare rău, e interzis. = No, I’m sorry it’s forbidden.
Lecția 243
He found that one of the prisoners was the captain of the ship and some bad sailors took the ship
from him. Robinson set the prisoners free and gave them guns. First, they killed the most
dangerous two men. Then, they made the others prisoners. Finally, the captain took his ship
back. He spoke to every sailor. He took back to the ship the good men. He decided to leave the
others on the island.
To set free, set free = a elibera
Dangerous = periculos
More dangerous = mai periculos
The most dangerous = cel mai periculos
Am primit un cățeluș duminica trecută. = We received a puppy last Sunday.
Puppy = cățeluș
To receive, received = a primi
Am vrut să mă descotorosesc de el, dar a fost imposibil. = I wanted to get rid of it. But it was
To get rid of, got rid of = a se descotorosi de
Copiii îl adoră. = The children adore it.
To adore, adored = a adora
A trebuit să îl ducem la veterinar. = We had to take it to the vet.
-Pot să merg la petrecere? = Can I go to the party?
-Da, cu o condiție- trebuie să te întorci înainte de ora 11. = Yes, on one condition, you must
come back by 11.
-Nu pot sta puțin mai mult? = Can’t I stay a little longer?
-Nu, trebuie să fii acasă la 11. = No, you must be home at eleven.
Last = ultimul
Lecția 244
In the morning the captain came back to the island. ”Master Crusoe”, he said, “Look! Your ship
is ready!” Robinson couldn’t speak for some minutes. Then, he cried, because he was very
happy. On the ship, the captain gave him food and drink, new clothes: shoes, trousers, jacket and
a hat.
Copiii au venit de la școală la 12.45. = The children came back from school at 12.45./ at quarter
to 1 pm.
Au luat prânzul. = They had lunch.
Apoi s-au dus în curte să se joace puțin. = Then, they went to the yard to play a little.
Și-au făcut toate temele și apoi au sunat niște prieteni. = They did all their homework and then
they called some friends.
Mai târziu au mers în oraș cu prietenii lor. = Later they went out with their friends.
C. Conversation
-Câti ani au copiii tăi? = How old are they? How old are your children?
-10 și 12. = Ten and twelve.
-Unde merg la școală? = Where do they go to school?
-Merg la școala generală numărul 6. = They go to the elementary school number 6.
-E departe? = Is it far?
-Nu, e aproape. = No, it’s close.
Lesson 245
Before they left, Robinson told the prisoners about the things he had on the island and how they
could survive there. He also told them about Christianus, Friday’s father and the white men who
had to come to the island. Robinson took some things from the island: his hat, his umbrella and
his parrot. With his man Friday he left the island on 19th December 1686.
To survive, survived = a supraviețui
Sure = sigur
-Ce ai făcut la muncă? = What did you do at work?
-Ai avut o zi bună? = Did you have a good day?
-Te-ai întâlnit cu acel client important? = Did you meet that important client?
-Unde ați luat prânzul? = Where did you have lunch?
-Ce ați mâncat la prânz? = What did you have/ eat for lunch.
-Ce-ai zice să ieșim în seara asta (în oraș)? = What about going out tonight?
-E o idee bună! = That’s a nice idea!
-Ok, hai să ne întâlnim la 7.30 la Waldo Cafe. = Ok, let’s meet at 7.30 at Waldo Cafe
-În regulă, ne vedem acolo. = All right, see you there!
Lesson 246
In June 1687 he got to England again. It was the first time after 35 years. He had no money, but
the captain gave him 200 pounds because he saved him and his ship. He visited his hometown,
York. His mother and father were dead, but he found two sisters and the children of his older
brother. They didn’t have much money and Robinson helped them.
Hometown = oraș natal
News = știri, vești
Tragedy, tragedies = tragedie, tragedii
Unde ai mers în vacanță? = Where did you go on holiday?
La ce hotel ai stat? = At what hotel did you stay? What hotel did you stat at?
Unde ai mâncat? = Where did you eat?
Cum a fost mâncarea? = How was the food?
Ce locuri ai vizitat? = What places did you visit?
-Bună! Mă bucur mult să te văd! Intră! = Hello! I’m so glad to see you! Come in!
-Bună! Mă bucur că m-am întors. = Hello! I’m glad that I came back!
-Ia loc! Ți-e foame? = Have a seat! Are you hungry?
-Da, aș dori să mănânc ceva. = Yes, I’d like to eat something.
Lesson 247
Then he went to Lisbon in Portugal. Money from his farm in Brasil went to a bank there every
year. He had 5000 pounds in the bank. Later, he sold his farm. He was a very rich man. He went
back to England and helped his sisters and his brother’s children.
To sell, tr. sold = a vinde
-Ai cumpărat tot ce ne trebuie pentru petrecere? = Did you buy everything we need for the
-Da, am cumpărat tot ce mi-ai spus. = Yes, I bought everything you said.
-Nu, nu am avut timp să merg la cumpărături încă. = No, I didn’t have time to go shopping yet.
-La ce oră va începe petrecerea? = What time will the party begin?
-Va începe la 9. = It will start at 9.
-Scuzați-mă! = Excuse me!
-Da, pot să vă ajut? = Yes? Can I help you?
-Îmi spuneți vă rog drumul către gară? = Will you please tell me the way to the station?
The way = drumul, calea
Road = drum
-Da, puteți să mergeți cu autobuzul dacă vreți. = Yes, you can go by bus if you want.
Stația de autobuz e acolo. = The bus station is there.
Trebuie să luați autobuzul numărul 4. = You must take bus number four.
-Mulțumesc mult! = Thank you so much!
The end = sfârșitul
Lesson 248
Robinson found a wife. They lived in London and had three children: two sons and a daughter.
He was happy with his new family, but then his wife died. His brother’s son talked to him about
the sea again.
-Ce mai face fratele tău? = How is your brother?
-Unde lucrează? = where does he work?
-E căsătorit? = Is he married?
-Are copii? = Does he have any children?
-Tot mai merge deseori pe munte?
To be
I’m NOT = eu nu sunt
You’re NOT = tu nu ești
He’s NOT = el nu este
She’s NOT = ea nu este
It’s NOT = nu este
We’re NOT = noi nu suntem
You’re NOT = voi nu sunteți
They’re NOT = ei nu sunt
Am I ? = sunt eu?
Are you? = ești tu?
Is he? = este el?
Is she? = este ea?
Is it? = este obiectul, animalul?
Are we? = suntem noi?
Are you?= sunteți voi?
Are They? = sunt ei?
I wasn’t = eu nu eram
You weren’t = tu nu erai
He wasn’t = el nu era
She wasn’t = ea nu era
It wasn’t = obiectul, animalul nu era
We weren’t = noi nu eram
You weren’t = voi nu erați
They weren’t = ei, ele nu erau
Was I? = eram eu?
Were you? = erai tu?
Was he? = era el?
Was she? = era ea?
Was it? = era obiectul, animalul?
Were we? = eram noi?
Were you? = erați voi?
Were they? = erau ei, ele?
I will be/ I’ll be = eu voi fi
I won’t be = eu nu voi fi
Will I be? = voi fi eu?
-Scuzati-mă! Cum pot ajunge în Piața Sfatului? = Excuse me! How can I get to Piata Sfatului
-Mergeți drept înainte! O veți vedea pe partea stângă. = Go straight ahead! You will see it on the
-Mulțumesc mult, apreciez ajutorul dumneavoastră! = Thenk you so much, I appreciate your
Lesson 249
In 1694 Robinson and Friday went back to their island. There were a lot of men and women
there. They listened to their story. After they left to England, Christianus and Friday’s father
came back to the island. They lived and worked with the English prisoners. Then, more men and
women came from Spanish America. There were twenty children on the island. Then they
visited Brasil. Robinson thought that maybe, one day, he would go back to live on the island.
Can = a pute, a fi în stare
Can’t / cannot
Can I?
Could = am putut..
Could I?
Must = a trebui
Must I?
I had to = a trebuit
I didn’t have to = nu a trebuit
Did I have to? A trebuit?
-Bună! Este Hotelul Aro? = Hello! Is it Aro hotel?
-Da. = yes it is.
-Mai aveți camere libere? = Do you have any spare rooms?
Spare = liber
-Da, și avem și trei apartamente. = Yes, and we also have three apartments.
-Aș dori să fac o rezervare pentru 21 Decembrie. = I’d like to make a reservation for the 21st of
-O cameră sau un apartament? = a room or an apartment?
-O cameră dublă, vă rog. = a double room, please!
-Costă 100 euro, tot mai vreți rezervarea? = It is 100 euro do you still want the reservation?
-Da, bineînțeles, mulțumesc mult!= Yes, of course! Thank you very much!
Lesson 250
So, dear ones, I hope you enjoyed this material, and that now you find English easier than ever.
In the next materials we’ll speak about other stories.
Past tense simple
To rember
I remembered
I didn’t remember
Did I remember?
Future tense simple
I will remember
I won’t remember
Will I remember?
-So, dear ones, did you like the course?
-What did you like about it?
-Do you have any suggestions for future lessons?
-What kind of materials do you want me to create for you?
I can’t wait to hear from you!