Chapter 5-Embankment Dam
Chapter 5-Embankment Dam
Chapter 5-Embankment Dam
Embankment dam possesses many outstanding merits which could be summarized as follows:
A. Suitability of the type to different site conditions such as wide valleys, steep sided gorges,
B. Adaptability to a broad range of foundation condition such as rock and pervious soil
C. use of natural materials,
D. Extreme flexibility to accommodate different fill materials,
E. Highly mechanized and effectively continuous construction process,
F. Appreciable accommodation of settlement-deformation without risk of serious cracking and
possible failure.
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A core should not be composed of silt which tends to swell upon saturation. To avoid swelling
tendencies, the elasticity index should not exceed 30.
Typical requirements for core compaction are
90 – 97% of standard proctor maximum, or
87 – 95% of modified proctor maximum.
Water content: - as high as possible consistent with the above requirements.
Core thickness: - to control erosion and provide good compaction a minimum core thickness in
meters is given by
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b = 6 + 0.1h (clay)
b = 6 + 0.3h (silt)
Where: h = head difference at that point;
b = core width at that point.
5.2.3 Shell
The purpose of shell is to provide structural support for the core and to distribute the loads over
the foundation. The shell also acts as foundation for most of the appurtenances. Sometimes the
core and shell of a dam are constructed of the same material (homogenous dam).
Shell (embankment) materials
Availability and strength are the requirements for selection.
Strength: - the strength for the upstream side should be that at the inundated condition. The same
strength should be used for the downstream face which is below the maximum
phreatic line.
Permeability: - high permeability is desirable from the standpoint of pressure buildup during
construction and stability during sudden drawdown.
Typical compaction requirements:
95 – 100% of standard proctor maximum;
92 – 97% of modified proctor maximum.
Slopes: - shell slopes are based on stability analysis. When the stability is insufficient,
improvements are possible by adopting
a. Flatter slopes;
b. Increasing strength through high density;
c. Treatment for weak foundation;
d. Drainage of the foundation and embankment.
Table 5-2: Tentative slopes of shoulder for different embankment materials
Soil type Upstream Downstream
Gravel, sandy gravel with core 2.5H : 1V 2.0H : 1V
Clean sand with core 3.0H : 1V 2.5H : 1V
Low density silt, micaceous silt 3.5H : 1V 3.0H : 1V
Low plasticity clay 3.0H : 1V 2.5H : 1V
Composite slopes: - are used for large dams. They can be found in two ways: a series of straight
slopes or a constant slope with berms.
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A berm is a level surface on the slope that can serve the following purposes
1. Increases slope stability by increasing dam width;
2. Breaks the continuous downstream slope to reduce surface erosion
3. Provides level surface for maintenance operations, roads, etc.
Berm is also used at the bottom of a zone of riprap to provide supporting shoulder.
5.2.4 Height of dam:
Required height of an embankment dam is the vertical distance from the foundation to the water
surface in the reservoir, when the spillway is discharging at design capacity, plus a free board
Free Board = maximum wave run-up height + allowance for settlement + allowance for
Maximum wave run-up height = 4hw/3
Where: hw = effective wave height (with expectancy of 1%)
Table 5-3: Wave run-up to maximum wave height ratio on slopes
Slope Ratio of run-up to maximum wave height
Smooth Surface Riprap surface
1.5H : 1V 2.5 1.6
1H : 1V 2.0 1.3
Maximum vertical height of run-up = Expected wave height * appropriate factor from Table 5-3
Settlement allowance: the following may be used as guide.
For foundation: 1% of height of dam
For embankment: 1-2% of height of embankment
Splash allowance could be taken 0.30 – 0.50m.
5.2.5 Top Width:
Should be sufficient to keep the phreatic line with in the dam when the reservoir is full
Should be sufficient to withstand wave action and earthquake shock
Has to satisfy secondary requirements such as minimum roadway width.
5.2.6 Appurtenances
Transition filter: - it is provided between core and shell to prevent migration of the core material
into the pores of the shell material. It is particularly needed between clay cores and
rock and gravel shells.
The objective of transition filter is to carry away seepage that has passed through the
core and cut-off and to prevent stratum of the upper part of the downstream shell.
Toe drain: - it helps to prevent sloughing of the downstream face as a result of rain water or
seepage saturation. In small dams, the toe drain serves also as internal drain. In large
dams with pervious foundation, the toe drain and the internal drain are sometimes
combined. Drains need protective filter (inverted filter) to prevent clogging of the
Riprap: - required to cover the upstream/downstream face.
Normally riprap extended from above the maximum water level to just below the
Sod: - required on the downstream face to prevent rain wash.
For economic reasons, the material available at the particular site has to be employed as
much as possible for the construction of the earth dam and the quantity of imported
material should be minimized.
Internal drains: - they are essential in large dams where the d/s shell is not so pervious.
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Figure 5-3 Principal variants of earth fill embankment dams (Values of m are examples)
The central core earth fill profile, shown in Figure 5-3 (c) and (d), is the most common for larger
embankments dams. Larger embankment dams are also zoned and constructed of a variety of
materials Figure 5-3 (f), either extracted from different local sources or prepared by mechanical
or hydraulic separation of source material into fractions with different properties.
An important element in a zoned dam is an impermeable blanket or core which usually consists of
clayey materials obtained locally. In locations where naturally impermeable materials are
unavailable the dams are built of rock or earth-rock aggregates as shown in Figure 5-4, and the
impermeable layers of reinforced concrete, asphalt concrete, or riveted sheet steel are placed on
the upstream face of the dam.
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Figure 5-4 Principal variants of rock fill embankments dams (values of m are examples)
Selection of the optimum type of embankments for a specific location is determined largely by
the nature and availability of different fill materials in sufficient quantity.
The primary loads acting on an embankment do not differ in principle from those applicable to
gravity dams. There are, however, the conceptual differences there referred to with regard to the
water load which is exerted inside the upstream shoulder fill. Self weight load, similarly a
distributed internal body load, is significant with respect to stability and internal stress for the
embankment and for a compressible soil foundation.
Because of such differences, embankments dam analysis is less formalized and is carried out
quite differently from concrete dam analysis.
5.3. Causes of Failure of Embankment dams
Embankment dams, like any other engineering structure, may fail due to improper design, faulty
constructions, lack of maintenance, etc. Generally, causes of failure are grouped into three
classes: Hydraulic failure, Seepage failure and Structural failure.
Hydraulic failures: About 40% of earth dam failures have been attributed to these causes due to;
1. Overtopping. Occurs when the design flood is less than the coming flood. Spillway and
outlet capacity must be sufficient to prevent overtopping. Freeboard should also be
sufficient to prevent overtopping by wave action.
2. Erosion of upstream faces. Wind waves of water developed due to wind near the top
water try to notch-out the soil from u/s face and may even sometimes cause the slip
of the u/s slope.(upstream slope pitching or rip rap should be applied.)
3. Erosion of downstream face by gully formation. Heavy rains falling directly over d/s face
and the erosive action of the moving water may lead to the formation of gullies on
the d/s face, ultimately leading to the dam failure.
4. Cracking due to frost action. Frost in the upper portion of dam may cause heaving of soil
with dangerous seepage. Consequently failure. Provide an additional free board
allowance up to a maximum of say 1.5m may be provided.
Seepage failure: controlled seepage or limited uniform seepage is inevitable in all embankments
and it does not produce any harm. However, uncontrolled or concentrated seepage through the
dam or the foundation may lead to piping* or sloughing† and the subsequent failure of the dam.
The progressive erosion and subsequent removal of soil grains from within the body of the dam or the
foundation of the dam
The progressive removal of soil from the wet d/s face.
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Structural failure: about 25% of the dam failures have been attributed to structural failures.
Structural failures are generally caused by shear failures, causing slides.
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5. Outlet works (tunnels and culverts): outlet works should where practicable be constructed
as a tunnel driven through the natural ground of the dam abutments. Where this is
difficult or uneconomical a concrete culvert founded on rock is a satisfactory alternative.
6. Upstream face protection: several options are available for protection of the upstream
face against wave erosion, ranging from traditional stone pitching with grouted joints
through concrete facing slabs to the use of concrete block work, rock armoring and
7. Embankments crest: the top width of larger earthen dam should be sufficient to keep the
seepage line well within the dam, when reservoir is full. The crest should have a width of
not less than 5m, and should carry a surfaced and well-drained access road. The top width
(W) of the earth dam can be selected as per the following recommendation:
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W 3 , For very low dams 4.1
W 0 . 55 H 0 .2 H , For dams lower than 30m 4.2
W 1 . 65 H 1 . 5 3 , For dams higher than 30m 4.3
Where: H is the height of the dam.
5.5. Seepage analysis
Seepage occurs through the body of all earthen dams and also through their pervious foundation.
The phreatic surface of the seepage regime, i.e. line within the dam section below which there is
positive hydrostatic pressures in the dam, must be kept well clear of the downstream face to avoid
high pore water pressures which may promote slope instability.
The amount of seepage can be easily computed from the flow net, which consists of two sets of
curves, known as „Equipotential line‟ and „stream lines‟, mutually perpendicular to each other.
For homogeneous embankments dam, discharge per unit width (q) of the dam passing through a
flow net is described as:
N f
q kH
Where: H is the head differential.
Nf is number of stream lines.
Nd id number of Equipotential lines.
5.6. Determination of Phreatic Lines
It is absolutely essential to determine the position of the phreatic line, as its position will enable to
determine the following:
i. The divide line between the dry (or moist) and submerged soil.
ii. The top stream line and hence, helps us in drawing the flow net.
iii. To ensure that the phreatic line doesn‟t cut the downstream face of the dam, which is
extremely necessary for preventing softening of the dam.
Figure 5-6 Seepage through homogenous dam section with horizontal filter
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Where; FD is the distance of the focus from the directrix, called focal distance
and is represented by S.
If the horizontal distance between the already determined point A and the focus (F) is taken as
say b, then (b, H) represents the coordinates of the point A on the parabola. And hence;
b H bS
2 2
S b H b
2 2
The center point (C) of FD will then be the vertex of the parabola. When x = 0, y= S. Hence the
vertical ordinate FJ at F will be equal to S.
Knowing the points A, C, and J and working out a few more points from the equation, the
parabola can be easily drawn and corrected for the curve BI, so as to get the seepage line BIJC.
The amount of seepage can also be calculated easily from the equation of the seepage line as
derived below.
Darcy‟s law is defined as, q = KiA. When steady conditions have reached, the discharge crossing
any vertical plane across the dam section (unit width) will be the same. Hence, the value i and A
can be taken for any point on the seepage line
A y *1
q K y
But from the equation of the parabola,
y S 2 xS
q K . S 2 xs
.2 S . S
2 xs
q KS
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An earth dam made of a homogeneous material has a horizontal filter and other parameters as
shown in the figure. Determine the phreatic line and the seepage quantity through the body of the
Ø = 25°
2 :1 c = 2 4 kN /sq.m
dry = 1 8.0 kN /cu.m 3 :1
k = 5 *1 0^-6 m /sec
1 30
Ø = 12° dry = 1 8.3 kN /cu.m
c = 5 4 kN /sq.m sub = 1 8.3 kN /cu.m
x y xS
2 2
At point A, x = 65m, and y = 20m. Inserting into the parabola equation, S = 3.07m. Working out
a few more points from the equation, the parabola can be easily drawn and corrected for the curve
at the upstream face of the dam, so as to get the seepage line.
x -1.51 0 10 15 25 30 40 45 55 65
y 0 9.06 69.26 99.36 159.56 189.66 249.86 279.96 340.16 400.36
y 0 3.01 8.32 9.97 12.63 13.77 15.81 16.73 18.44 20.01
P hreatic line
25 25 5 15 60
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α is the angle which the discharge face makes with the horizontal. a and ∆a can be connected by
the general equation;
180 o
a a a o
An earth dam made of a homogeneous material has the coefficient of permeability K= 5*10 -4 cm/
sec and the other parameters are as shown in the Figure 5-9. Determine the phreatic line and the
seepage quantity through the body of the dam.
RL = 200.0m
RL = 197.5m
H = 19.5m 3:1
RL = 178.0m
α will be equal to 180o for a horizontal filter case and it will be less than 90o when no drainage is
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T T1 T 2 T 3 ....
The total disturbing moments over the sliding surface will be equal to
M d
T r i i
r Ti
The magnitude of shear strength developed in each slice will depend upon the normal
components of that slice. Its magnitude will be:
c L N tan
Where; c is the unit cohesion of the soil
∆L is curved length of the slice
Ф is the angle of internal friction
N is equal to Wcosα
The total resisting force will be summation of resisting forces for all slices;
c L N tan
c L N tan
The total resisting moment over the entire sliding surface will be equal to
M r
r c L N tan
Hence the factor of safety against sliding
M c L tan N
FS r
M d T
For determining the stability of the proposed side slope of an earth dam it is necessary to find the
least factor of safety which may occur on any of the possible surfaces of slippage or slip circles.
Slip circle which yields the least factor of safety is the most critical and hence it is known as
critical surface slippage or critical slip circle. For locating the critical surface of slippage, it is
necessary to try several different surfaces of slippage as one trial gives the value of factor of
safety for that arc only.
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For preliminary analysis 4 to 5 slices may be sufficient; however, 10 to 15 slices are considered in
general. It is not necessary for the analysis to make all the slices of equal width, but for the sake
of convenience it is customary to have slices of equal width.
In order to reduce the number of trials, Fellenius has suggested a method of drawing a line,
representing the locus of the critical slip circle. The determination of this line PQ is shown in
Figure 5-11. The point P is obtained with the help of directional angles α1 and α2 as shown in
Table 5-4
Phreatic line
h4 V42
W4 τ4
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Consider slice number 4 in Figure 5-12, the weight of the slice is defined as;
W 4 dry * V 41 sat
* V 42
α4 read from the scaled drawing of the earth fill dam. And tangential component of W4 is defined
as, whish is shear stress developed at failure plane,
T 4 W 4 sin 4
The pore pressure for slice 4 is represented by the piezometric head h4. Hence pore water pressure
U w4 w h4
Shear strength developed for the slice is quantified from two soil parameters, apparent cohesion c
and angle of shearing resistance ф. Shear strength at failure plane is defined as
4 cL 4 W 4 cos 4 w h 4 L 4 tan
Where; L4 is
cos 4
The factor of safety of slide 4 is
T4 cL 4 W cos 4 w h 4 L 4 tan
FS 4
4 W 4 sin 4
The factor of safety for the entire circle is then given by the equation
c L i i
W cos
i i w
h i L i tan
W sin
i i
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5.7.2. Stability of earth dam against horizontal shear developed at the base
of the dam
Approximate method for checking the stability of u/s and d/s slopes under steady
seepage from consideration of horizontal shear at base
1. Stability of u/s slope during sudden drawdown
It is based on the simple principle that a horizontal shear force Pu is exerted by the saturated soil.
The resistance to this force Ru is provided by the shear resistance developed at the base of the soil
mass, contained within the u/s triangular shoulder GMN of Fig.
Considering unit length of the dam, the horizontal force Pu is
h 2 2 h
Pu 1 tan 45 w 1
2 2 2
sub h1 dry h h1
Where; h
Shear resistance Ru of u/s slope portion of the dam developed at base GN is given by
R u cB u W tan cB u sub B u h tan
Where; W is the weight of the u/s triangular shoulder of the dam
Pu 2 tan 45 w 2
2 2 2
sub h 2 dry h h 2
Where; h
Shear resistance Rd of d/s slope portion of the dam is given by;
R d cB d W tan cB u dry A1 sub
A 2 tan
The downstream profile RTS of the downstream slope portion of the dam has an area A1 and of
dry soil above seepage line and the area of submerged soil say A2 below the seepage line.
The entire weight W may be calculated on the basis of submerged soil as it will be on a still safer
side. In that case,
W sub B d h
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1 2 0 .2
A1 A1
7 1 .3
1 3 .8
P hreatic line
1 2 .5
A3 A3
A4 A4
25 25 5 15 60
Fig. Sample of failure circle, slices and related measurments of the earth dam section
Geometric properties of slices
Upstream Downstream
Slice Area(m ) 2
(deg) hw (m) L (m) 2
Area (m ) (deg) L (m)
A1 25.97 32 0 14.5 68.58 40 18
A2 111.68 24 6.1 22 111.48 28 15.4
A3 120.83 15 6.2 20.7 96.1 17 14.2
A4 55.52 4 3.6 20.1 40.11 7 13.7
The stability design then proceeds by first considering the entire embankment and its interaction
with the foundation.
Shear resistance of the dam at the base(R)
R = C + W tanΦ
Where: C = total cohesive resistance of the soil at the base
= c*B*1 = 24 * 130 * 1
= 3120 kN
Wtan = 23753 * tan250
= 11076 kN
R = 3120 + 11076
= 14196 kN
Horizontal force due to hydrostatic pressure of water
P = ½ w h2 = ½ * 10 * 202
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= 2000kN
Factor of safety against failure due to horizontal shear at the base
FS = R/P = 7.1 > 1.5 Safe!
Pu 1 tan 45 w
2 2 2
14 . 7 * 25 2 2 25 13 . 8
tan 45 10
2 2 2
2816 . 6
Shear resistance Ru of upstream slope portion of the dam developed at base GN is given by,
R u cB u W tan 54 * 75 11846 . 4 * 0 . 47 9574 . 1
Where; W is the weight of the upstream triangular shoulder of the dam.
It has been known that the maximum intensity of shear stress occurs at a distance 0.6Bu (where Bu
is the base length of the upstream shoulder) from the heel and is equal to 1.4 times the average
shear intensity.
Hence, maximum shear stress induced (τmax) = 1.4(Pu/Bu)
= 1.4 (2816.6/75)
= 52.6
The unit shear resistance developed at the same point is
τf = c + 0.6hsubtan
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Pu tan 45 10 2683 . 7
2 2 2
R u cB u W tan 54 * 60 9924 * 0 . 47 7904 . 3
Ru 7904 . 3
FS 2 .9 1 .5 Safe!
Pu 2683 . 7
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c Li N tan
i 2013 . 54
FS 1 . 66 1 . 5 Safe!
1214 . 56
Downstream slope
Slice Area W T N l N‟=N-ul tanΦ N‟tanΦ Cl N‟tanΦ+cl
A1 68.58 40 1234.44 793.48 945.64 18 945.64 0.47 444.45 432 876.45
A2 111.48 28 2006.64 942.06 1771.76 15.4 1771.76 0.47 832.73 369.6 1202.33
A3 96.1 17 1729.8 505.74 1654.22 14.2 1654.22 0.47 777.48 340.8 1118.28
A4 40.11 7 721.98 87.99 716.6 13.7 716.6 0.47 336.8 328.8 665.6
2329.27 Σ (N‟tanΦ+cl) 3862.66
3862 . 66
FS 1 . 66 1 . 5 Safe!
2329 . 27
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Determine the size of the bed material for the embankment dam with the grain size shown below.
Grain size Riprap Dam
D15 70 mm 0.3 mm
D85 130 mm 2.0 mm
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Drain Conduit:
Function: to collect water from the filter and carry it away with as little head as possible.
Quantity of Flow: Estimated from the seepage analysis. A factor of safety of 5 is not uncommon.
Simplest conduit: uniform coarse fragmental material (coarse sand, gravel, crushed rock, etc.)
A properly designed filter must surround the drain. For high discharges or when suitable crushed
rock is not available, pipe conduits wig perforated and flexible joints are employed.
Types of drain
Trench drain:
Trench drain is used for intercepting seepage through homogeneous foundations and those
containing horizontal pervious strata or seams
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Riprap is required on the upstream slope and the downstream slope below the tail water level. An
estimation of the required weight of rock pieces required for riprap is given by Hudson as
W (H2 ρst tan α) / (3.2Δ2)
Where: the factor 3.2 is for smooth quarry stone
ρst = density of rock
α = angle of slope
Δ = (ρst – ρw)/ ρw
ρw = density of water
Types of riprap
Dumped riprap: consists of angular broken rock dumped from truck and spread.
Hand-placed riprap: consists of more or less prismatic stone placed on end to form rough
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