Math 1A: Calculus: Saad Qadeer (Qadeer@math -
Math 1A: Calculus: Saad Qadeer (Qadeer@math -
Math 1A: Calculus: Saad Qadeer (Qadeer@math -
• Lectures: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu & Fri 8-9 am (3 Evans Hall)
• Discussion Sections: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu & Fri 9-10 am (3 Evans Hall)
• Office Hours: Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu & Fri 11-12 in 848 Evans Hall.
• Homeworks & Quizzes: Homeworks and quizzes will be assigned in all weeks except
the last one. Homeworks will be due on Thursdays and will be assigned one week prior.
Quizzes will be held on Fridays and will test the material covered in the last homework.
Only the best 5 quizzes will count. There will be no make-up quizzes except in cases
of medical emergencies.
• Exams: There will be two mids (on July 13 and August 3 ) and one (comprehensive)
final on August 14 . Under no circumstances shall these dates be changed or adjusted
so please mark them in your calenders. The lower mid score will be dropped in favour
of the higher one.
• Grading: The final aggregate will be calculated by: homeworks: 20%; quizzes: 10%;
mids: 30% with only the better mid counted; and final: 40%. We’ll use bCourses for
recording scores.
• Class Structure: The discussion section and lecture shall be meshed into a two hour
session with a ten-minute break in between (if appropriate). We shall have lectures,
problem-solving sessions, group-work, etc in whatever order seems sensible on the day.
• Course Outline: