Objectives: at The End of This Unit, The Students Should Be Able To
Objectives: at The End of This Unit, The Students Should Be Able To
Objectives: at The End of This Unit, The Students Should Be Able To
I. Objectives
At the end of this unit, the students should be able to:
a. Express their insights on globalization and multicultural literacies;
b. Cite the benefits and challenges of crossing international borders while preserving and promoting
their culture;
The challenge here while you savour and address the needs of global market, there
is a corresponding responsibility for you to continue to preserve and even promote your
culture. The later include your heritage, tradition, language, songs, beliefs, literature
and many more that truly depict the uniqueness of your community. If this is
continually exercised by the people around, then you can truly claim that despite
globalization, you continue to value localization. The conduit of the two makes learning
more relevant practical, and meaningful.
Learning experiences in the new era where tremendous advancement of science and
technology is observed challenge the academic institutions. Some of which are the strength
of the educational system where the curriculum needs to be relevant; the development of
human potential where each one needs to enrich his/ her competencies in various fields,
capacity building of the community towards environment protection. These are important
aspects of globalization where every member of the academic community needs to be
aware of and responsive about.
Students and teachers alike share lots of ideas on globalization and how it impacts
the progress of the nation and of the world. Moreover, people from all walks of life become
conscious of political, economic, social issues which are brought about by globalization.
According to Coatsworth, J. (2004), globalization happens when the movement of people,
goods or ideas among countries and region accelerates. This reality apparently challenges
the academe to keep track and be able to address the need of the world. Progress of the
country is no longer solely dependent within the development of specific country or region
but it is how one is able to cultivate and strengthen his/her potential for the benefits of
global community.
Many experts from the different fields share their ideas on globalization .
The captivating scenes of the global culture somehow lead people to lose sight of seeing the
beauty and the love for the local culture. Although it is a common understanding that both
scenarios are needed to become part of the global academic community, there is a nagging
call now to respond to the diverse challenges
The use of technology has become ubiquitous. This reality consciously and
unconsciously breeds and seemingly becomes the common source of agreement as well as
disagreement; creation as well as destruction, hard work as well as indolence, unity as well
as discordance; love as well as indifference, etc. Which are experienced in the family, in
school and the community? Certainly to many, confusion arises because generally local
cultures dictate the ones promoting the positive values, love, respect, unity, justice, and the
like. The ethos of globalization, however, challenges the people to be highly analytical,
creative, and decisive to choose options and do things which can make them productive and
competitive and value-laden members of the bigger community.
Dear; EL
I just heard that you have receive a new job. I couldn’t be happier for
you. Congratulations!!
It’s been a long since your last visit, so I thought I should write to you
and see how everything is. So how are you doing? Hope you started
your new job last week. It Must be really exciting and fun.
Get back here soon. We miss you. When you do get back maybe we
can get all together with our friends and go our favorite place.
Hope to see you soon !!!
Sincerely yours,
Marc Rainiero Victorio