Office Quotes
Office Quotes
Office Quotes
The 1st Rule of business is customer acquisition. (How you will get the customers is the first
The 2nd rule of business is to promote, promote and promote at 10X Level.
The 3rd rule is customer satisfaction and employee well-being.
The 4th rule is to build the best business system.
The 5th rule is to keep on expanding.
1. The 10X Rule assumes the target is never the problem. Any target attacked with the right actions
in the right amounts with persistence is attainable.
2. Average action: Mediocre Life / Massive Action: Awesome Life.
3. The problem isn’t competition; it is Obscurity. No one knows who you are. People don’t know
you or about your new product so making Massive Action a discipline will break you through
4. “Let’s say we show the product to 100 people. We’re bound to sell at least three of them. That’s
conservative and realistic.” Even the most amazing product on earth might require 100 calls just
to get the 10 meetings. So go out and get them.
5. I find that the greater the commitment I make to a client, the higher my level of delivery
naturally becomes. It is as though I’m promising to both them and myself to reach new levels of
what I’m able to do for them.
6. “I would rather die in expansion than die in contraction. I would rather fail pushing forward than
in retreat.” – Grant Cardone
7. Fear doesn’t just tell you what to do; it also tells you when to do it. The time is always now—
and when you experience fear, it’s a sign that the best time to take action is at that very moment.
Everything you've ever wanted is on the other side of fear.
8. Even if I failed, I knew that my mind-set and actions were in the right place.
9. Big thinking, massive actions, expansion, and risk taking are necessary for your survival and
future growth.
10. If you don’t go to work every day—and do everything within your power to succeed—then you
are stealing from your family, future, and the company for which you work.
11. Remember: Success Is Overcoming A Challenge. Therefore, you can’t succeed without some
kind of difficulty. And the bigger the problem is, the bigger the opportunity as well. Every
challenge provides an opportunity to win. Winning in life is vital. Every minute of every day,
your mind is automatically keeping a running tab on your wins, losses, and ties—and is doing so
based on what you know to be your full potential. The more you win in life, the higher your
potential will be—and the more you will grow to love challenges. I like challenges, give me a
challenge and I will beat you to it!
12. Although you can train to increase your skills and your confidence, courage is only attained by
doing—especially doing things that you fear. Who wants to do business with or support
someone who readily gives in to his fears? Who wants to invest in a project when the people
behind it don’t act with confidence and courage?
If you are going to be a leader you have to go through all this challenges and problems to get
strong. Stronger than ever to make the best company.
13. The successful fully and consistently commit to activities— some of which require them to put it
all on the line. It also relates to operating with some level of danger and refusing to play it safe.
14. Be Dangerous: Unfortunately, many people get to the point where they’re so intent upon
avoiding danger that they cease to truly live life! You’ll probably see that you have done
yourself just as much harm by being “careful” than by being dangerous. Carefulness also wastes
15. Focus on “Now”. NOW is the period of time that successful people utilize most often to create
the futures they desire. You cannot allow even one second of worry or analysis to delay you in
situations like these—because every second you spend thinking is a second of action that you’re
You will be amazed how much you can get done when you quit thinking, calculating, and
procrastinating and just get on with it and make a habit of acting now—it will also make acting a
habit. The 10X Rule Requires That You Take Action Now In Massive Quantities And