Ca7 & Ca11

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CA-7 is an automated job scheduler that allows jobs to be scheduled and manipulated in various ways. Common terms related to job scheduling are job triggering, which pulls a job into the queue for execution, and job dependency, which causes a job to wait for other dependencies to be satisfied before running.

Common terms related to job scheduling in CA-7 include job triggering, which pulls a job into the execution queue, and job dependency, which causes a job to wait for other dependencies to be satisfied before running.

In CA-7, jobs can be scheduled to run on calendars, triggered by other jobs, and have requirements like user sign-off. They can also be manipulated through commands like canceling or forcing completion.

CA-7 & CA-11


CA-7 / CA-11 CLASS OUTLINE WHAT IS CA-7....................................................................................................................................PAGE 1 DEFINE SOME TERMS - JOB TRIGGERING - JOB DEPENDENCY - FORCE COMPLETE - CANCEL HOW JOBS ARE SCHEDULED....................................................................................................PAGE 2 - 3 - CALENDAR SCHEDULE - TRIGGERED JOB REQUIREMENTS .......................................................................................................................PAGE 4 - SUBMIT TIME - USER REQUIREMENT - JOB DEPENDENCY SIGN-ON TO CA-7 (THREE WAYS) ............................................................................................PAGE 5 - CA7CLIST FROM TSO COMMAND LINE - CA OPTION FROM YOUR SPF MENU THEN SELECT 7 - CA7ONL SELECTION ON TPX ENTER SOME LIST COMMANDS .......................................................................................PAGE 6 - 7 - LJOB (LISTS SCHEDULES, TRIGGERS, REQUIREMENTS FOR A JOB) - LACT (LIST ALL JOBS CURRENTLY ACTIVE ON CA7) - FSTRUC (LISTS THE FLOW OF A JOBSTREAM) - LSCHD (CALENDAR LIST OF WHEN A JOB RUNS) - LPRRN (LISTS THE LAST TIME A JOB COMPLETED) #JI / #JEND CONTROL CARDS ...................................................................................................PAGE 8 -ALLOWS DIFFERENT VERSIONS OF JCL TO RUN FROM A SINGLE MEMBER WHAT IS CA-11..................................................................................................................................PAGE 9 - DIRECTS CA-7 WHICH STEP TO RESTART A JOB IN - PERFORMS DATASET AND GDG MAINTENANCE - D50W200S - REPORT OF ALL ACTIVITY PROCESSED IN CA-11 CA-7 RESTART SCREEN (CA-11 MAKES RESTARTS SIMPLER ) CA-7 JOBSCREEN - FIELD TO ACTIVATE CA-11 ......................................................................PAGE 10 USING CA-11 TO INCORPORATE RESTORE JCL INTO YOUR JOB.................................PAGE 11 - 16 STEPS TO FOLLOW: - ENTER RESTORE STEPS INTO JCL - ADD CONDITION CODE CHECKING TO JCL (JOBCARD & RESTORE STEP) - ADD #SCC STATEMENTS TO ALLOW CA-7 TO ACCEPT RC OTHER THAN 0 (PRODSUPP ................................................................................................................................................ DOES) - UPDATE CA-7 JOBSCREEN TO ACCEPT #SCC (PRODSUPP DOES) - DOCUMENT RESTART INSTRUCTIONS - IF MORE THAN ONE SET OF RESTORE STEPS, NEED TO USE A DIFFERENT CONDITION CODE FORCE CA07RMS STEP TO RECEIVE A RC OTHER THAN 0 (PRODSUPP DOES)


CA-11 CONSIDERATIONS WHEN CODING JCL.........................................................................PAGE 17 - UNIQUE JOBNAMES - UNIQUE STEPNAMES - UNIQUE NON-GDG DATASET NAMES - CATALOG DATASETS WHEN POSSIBLE - ALWAYS CODE THE DISPOSITION PARAMETER CA-7 HELPFUL HINTS.....................................................................................................................PAGE 18 - SOME OF THESE HINTS WILL BE MORE USEFUL WHEN YOU GAIN MORE EXPERIENCE


CA-7 is our automated job scheduler. Jobs can be scheduled to run and manipulated in a variety of ways. Two common terms that have caused confusion are "job triggering" and "job dependency." Job triggering means a job's JCL is being pulled into the CA-7 queue for execution. If it has no other dependencies on it, it runs right away. But if there are other dependencies, it will wait for them to be satisfied. In other works, when a job is triggered, it doesn't necessarily run right then. A job dependency is a job that must complete before the job waiting in the queue can run. Upon successful completion of the preceding job, the job waiting in the queue will be submitted. However, if the dependent job does not complete successfully, the job dependency will not be posted. Also, the terms "force complete" and "cancel" both mean to remove a job form the CA-7 queue. But the results are completely different. A job is forced complete when it returns an acceptable condition code, or when it does not require an immediate remedy, and the job stream can continue. Forcing a job complete tells CA-7 to treat the job as having completed successfully, and to continue processing. Any dependencies of this job on other jobs will be posted, and any job triggering by this job will be done. Canceling a job from the queue does just the opposite. The job will be removed from the CA-7 queue, but no job triggering will be done, and any dependencies of this job on others will not be posted. This command is used to stop a job stream.

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CA -7 SCHEDULING Jobs can be scheduled in two different ways: 1) Calendar scheduled 2) Triggered Calendar scheduled means a job has been added to one of the CA-7 calendars for a specific day(s) and time

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CA-7 SCHEDULING Triggered means job 'B' will only run when job 'A' triggers it in.

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Jobs can have 3 different dependencies: 1) Submit time 2) User requirement 3) Job dependency Jobs can be scheduled using any or all of the above methods.

Submit time means that at its set time, the job will automatically be submitted by CA-7, provided any other dependencies have been met. Job dependencies are posted by completion of preceding jobs. All jobs are set up with a "look back" time. That determines how far CA-7 will look back to see if the proceeding jobs completed successfully during that timeframe. User requirements are text messages that need to be manually posted for the job to be submitted.

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ACCESSING CA-7 There are 3 different ways to access CA-7. 1) TSO CA7CLIST from the command line on nearly any TSO screen. 2) Select the CA option at the SPF PRIMARY OPTION MENU. From there, select 7 at the CA PRODUCT SYSTEM MENU. 3) CA7ONL option from the TPX menu. Option 1:

Option 2:

Option 3

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LJOB, LIST=NODD, JOB=jobname This command will display what job this one is triggered by, what jobs it will trigger, what jobs are dependent on this job, and dependencies for this job (jdeps and user requirements).

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HELPFUL DISPLAYS 1) LACT, SEQ=JOB All jobs currently active through CA-7.


All jobs triggered by JOBA, and all subsequent jobs triggered by those.


This command is only valid on jobs set up on a calendar schedule. It gives a calendar listing of what dates the job will run in the current year in schedule ID order. Same as the above, but all schedule ID's are included in one annual listing. Displays the last time JOBA completed successfully.


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#JI / #JEND CONTROL CARDS Running a job under multiple schedule ID's allows us to run different versions of JCL from a single member. SYNTAX: #JI,ID=XXX XXX=schid of the job in which this JCL should be used. //JCL to be executed when that schid runs #JEND designates the end of the JCL to be run on this schid.

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CA-11 is our rerun management package. Its 2 main functions are: 1) Directs CA-7, which step to restart the job in, no restart parm needed. 2) Performs data set and GDG maintenance. CA-11 inserts a step at the beginning of the job called CA07RMS. Within this step, CA-11 scans the JCL being run and looks for any data sets being created in the job. If the first instance of a file in the job has a disposition beginning with "NEW," CA-11 then checks the system catalog to see if there is already an existing data set by that name. If there is, CA-11 then deletes it to prevent a NOT CAT 2 error. THIS HAPPENS WHETHER IT IS A PRODUCTION RUN OF THE JOB, OR A RESTART. Also, if necessary, GDG adjustments are made by CA-11 in this step. Any changes to bias numbers, (+1) to (0) on a restart, for example, are done by CA-11. All activity processed through CA-11 is logged to a data set called the JEHF (job execution history file). On Sunday nights, a tracking job is run against that file. This job creates a report showing all jobs that were restarted through CA-11 during the previous 7 days, and their ABEND codes. The report is available in SAR under the jobname, D50W200S

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In the event that an abended job would require a separate restore job to run before restarting, CA-11 can be used to incorporate restore JCL right into your regularly scheduled productions jobs. Utilizing the CA-7 restart options, the CA-11 step can be forced to return a predetermined condition code. The restore steps are then coded so they will only execute when the job is restarted with that specific condition code. We mainly use "03" as the condition code for jobs running in this manner, since that is not a normal return code, and there is no chance of this step getting that code unless you specify it. Using this option will enable you to eliminate many of the steps involved in restarting jobs that require restores before the restart. Here are the guidelines for using this handy feature of CA-11.

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1) Enter the restore step(s) into the production job immediately before the step that requires the restore to run before restarting. Be sure the restore steps being copied or entered in are numbered logically for easy reference. Also be sure no step names are duplicated. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//G60N043W // // // // // JOB 'PROD-7753-PC' 'BUILD FORM FILES', MSGLEVEL=(1,1) MSGCLASS=G CLASS=1, REGION=4096K. COND=(3,LT)


Place a condition parm of (3,LT) on the jobcard. This will only allow steps with a condition code of 3 or less in the job. NOTE: CONDITION PARAMETERS CODED ON THE JOBCARD ARE CHECKED BEFORE PARMS CODED ON THE INDIVIDUAL STEPS. FOR THAT REASON, GREAT CARE MUST BE TAKEN TO INSURE THE CONDITION CODING YOU CHOOSE WILL EXECUTE ALL STEPS PROPERLY -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

3) Condition code the restore steps (3, NE, CA07RMS.RMS@20). This will ensure that these steps will only run when the CA-11 step is forced to return a condition code 03. In a normal successful run of the job, these steps will flush.

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//G60N014W JOB 'PROD-7735-PC', // 'BUILD FORM FILES', // MSGLEVEL=(1,1), // MSGCLASS=G, // CLASS=1,REGION=4096K # SCC,COND=(3,LT,RMS@20) # SCC,COND=(0,NE,*-RMS@20) 4) Add 2 #SCC statements to the JCL immediately after the jobcard. They are #SCC,COND=(3,LT,RMS@20) and #SCC,COND=(0,NE,*-RMS@20). The first statement tells CA-7 to pass a condition code of 03 or less in the CA07RMS step as acceptable and not flag the job as abended. The second tells CA-7 not to accept any condition code other than 00 in all other steps. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

5) The CA-7 JOB screen must be set. The RO field should be #S. This tells CA-7 to read the #SCC entries added after the jobcard. Those entries dictate which condition codes are acceptable, if any, and not to flag the job as abended on these condition codes. ALSO, the job must be running through CA-11 to use this function, so the INSERT-RMS field must be set to Y

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//**************************************************************************** //* STEP020 - USE INPUTED RELEASED COMPANIES TO BUILD CERT FILE //* //* STEP | RESTART | SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS //* ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//* STEP020 | STEP012 | RESTART IN STEP012 THROUGH //* | | CA-11 AND FORCE THE CA-11 //* | | STEP TO RETURN A CONDITION //* | | CODE 03. //**************************************************************************** //STEP020 EXEC PGM=UWNCFC02, // COND=(3,LT) //IUWNCF02 DD DSN=G60.PROD.NEWCASE.SORT, // DISP=SHR //OUWNCF02 DD DSN=G60.PROD.NEWCASE,CERT, // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // UNIT=DISK, // SPACE=(TRK,(8,2),RLSE) //* ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------//* //**************************************************************************** //* STEP012 - USE RELEASED COMPANIES TO REBUILD CERT FILES //* //* STEP | RESTART | SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS //* -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------// STEP012 | STEP012 | THIS STEP WILL ONLY EXECUTE // | | ON A RESTART OF A STEP020 // | | ABEND. FORCE THE CA-11 STEP // | | TO RETURN A CONDITION // | | CODE 03. //**************************************************************************** //STEP012 EXEC PGM=UWNCFC04, // COND=(3.NE.CA07RMS.RMS@20) //IUWNCFR1 DD DSN=G60.PROD.NEWCASE.CERT, // DISP=SHR //OUWNCFR2 DD DSN=G60.PROD.CMPY.SORT, // DISP=(NEW,CATLG,DELETE), // UNIT=DISK // SPACE=(TRK,(8,2),RLSE) 6) The documentation for the step requiring the restore should state the restart step (the first restore step) and instructions to force the CA-11 step to get a condition code 03. ALSO, in the event one of the restore steps would ABEND, to be restarted, the CA-11 step must again be marked to return a code 03, or the steps will flush. It is good for this to be mentioned in the documentation of the restore steps as well. 7) As always, there are exceptions to the rule. If you use more than 1 set of restore steps in a single job, be sure to use different condition codes. For example, code 1 set of restore ............................................steps to run if the CA07RMS step returns a condition code 03. But code the other set of restore steps to run if the CA07RMS step returns a condition code 01. Since 01 is less than 03, the remaining steps coded (3,LT) will still execute.

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CA-11 CONSIDERATIONS WHEN CODING JCL UNIQUE JOB NAMES. MVS does not allow concurrent execution of more than 1 job of the same name. Also, in CA-11, only 1 CMT member may exist under each name. UNIQUE STEP NAMES. CA-11 restarts are performed by the specific step name. If a job abends, and there is more than 1 step by that name, CA-11 will restart the job in the first step of that name. If this occurs and is not discovered until after the job has run and abended, it cannot restart through CA-11, since steps cannot be deleted and step names cannot be changed. USE GDG'S WHENEVER POSSIBLE Using a generation data group (GDG) allows several generations of a backup under the same data set name. When rerunning/restarting a job, all GDG adjustments are made by CA-11. UNIQUE NON-GDG DATASET NAMES Unique non-GDG data set names reduce the risk of using an incorrect file. And since CA-11 will attempt to uncatalog and/or delete any file being newly created, it may remove data set of the same name that is referenced again in a subsequent step or job. CATALOG DATASETS WHEN POSSIBLE Avoid using temporary (&&TEMP) files. Create new data sets using a disposition of (NEW, CATLG, DELETE), then delete them with an IEFBR14 after they are last used. MVS deletes any data set with a &&TEMP name when the job ends, leaving that step non-restartable, as the necessary files no longer exist. ALWAYS CODE THE DISPOSITION PARAMETER If a disposition is not specified, the MVS system assigns it a default disposition of (NEW, DELETE, DELETE). In order to prevent NOT CAT 2 errors, CA-11 will uncatalog and/or delete any non-GDG data whose first occurrence of disposition begins with NEW. With (NEW, DELETE, DELETE) you will lose a data set you may have wanted to catalog or keep.

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CA/7 Helpful Commands

Here are some PF keys and commands that were found helpful for CA/7. There are different ways to access CA/7. These PF keys will only work when accessing CA/7 as a main option off your TPX screen (See Page 5, Option 3). If you access CA/7 through TSO, the PF keys will not be recognized. PF Key PF 7 & Shift PF 9 PF 1 PF12 PF 4 PF 2 PF 10 Description The FSTRUC command. If you list the trigger job it will list all jobs in that structure The LJOB command. Lists items such as which schedule the job is on, if the job is executable, job requirements, dependencies, triggers, etc. Active jobs Jobs waiting to be submitted. They have some type of dependency on them. The dependency can be a job dependency, a time dependency, or a user requirement. Another view of PF 12. This view gives you the actual dependencies that the job is waiting for. If you want to just see your particular job instead of all jobs, at the end of the pf4 command, type ,job=jobname Jobs waiting that are already submitted. All dependencies have been met and the job is just waiting to be run. The jobs will go from the PF12/PF4 screen to this screen. Jobs in abended status

A couple more helpful hints: Jobs running from the override library (one shot only) Use the PF 9 key and look for a line after the LAST MAINTENANCE LINE. You should see a line that reads JCL SET FOR RETRIEVAL FROM OVERRIDE LIBRARY FOR NEXT RUN. This line gets removed as soon as the job hits the queue (meaning it will be in the pf2, pf4/pf12 screen). Non-executable jobs Use the PF9 key. Look for a flag called JCL SET FOR EXEC ON MAIN. Y= EXECUTABLE N=NON-EXECUTABLE This change requires someone to physical go into a screen and change the flag back and forth. So when you make a change to the schedule to make a job either executable or non-executable, you can go out and verify that the change was made by looking at this field.

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