BPG Con y de Roux Largo
BPG Con y de Roux Largo
BPG Con y de Roux Largo
In the early era of Roux en Y gastric bypass (RYGB), Roux limb length
typically was in the range of 50 cm to 75 cm and rarely exceeded 100 cm
[1–3]. In that era, Roux limb length was focused on elimination of bile
reflux. In our early experience with RYGB, when using a 50-cm to 75-cm
Roux limb, many of the heaviest patients failed to achieve satisfactory
weight loss postoperatively. This observation led us to design a prospective
randomized clinical study to learn whether a modest increase in Roux limb
length would improve weight loss results without producing a higher
incidence of metabolic and other complications. In our prospective
randomized study, a 150-cm Roux limb was compared with a conventional
75-cm Roux limb in 45 patients. The 150-cm measurement was chosen
arbitrarily and dubbed ‘‘long limb.’’ This modification is illustrated in
Fig. 1. Gastric pouch volume was the same in both groups. Because weight
loss results generally were satisfactory in less obese patients when using a 50-
to 75-cm limb RYGB, we restricted our protocol to super obese patients
who weighed at least 200 pounds more than their ideal body weight
according to standard life insurance tables [4]. We used the number of
pounds overweight in our selection of patients because body mass index
(BMI) was not a commonly used weight measurement in 1984 when the first
patient was entered into our prospective study. Extending Roux limb length
beyond 100 cm was not evaluated carefully before the publication of the
results of our prospective study in 1992 [5].
0039-6109/05/$ - see front matter Ó 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
doi:10.1016/j.suc.2005.03.003 surgical.theclinics.com
Fig. 1. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in which the TA 90-B stapler (U.S. Surgical Corp., Norwalk,
Connecticut) is fired across the cardia of the stomach to create a 20 G 5 cm3 upper pouch. The
jejunum is divided approximately 30 cm distal to the ligament of Treitz with the distal end
anastomosed to the upper stomach using a circular stapler to create a 1.1-cm diameter
anastomosis. The proximal end of the jejunum is anastomosed 150 cm below the gastro-
jejunostomy. (From Brolin RE, Kenler HA, Gorman JG, et al. Long-limb gastric bypass in the
super-obese: A prospective randomized study. Ann Surg 1992;215:388; with permission.)
Fig. 2. Weight loss in pounds through 4 years postoperatively. *Significant difference between
the two groups (P ! 0.02 by unpaired Student t test). (From Brolin RE, Kenler HA, Gorman
JG, et al. Long-limb gastric bypass in the super-obese: A prospective randomized study. Ann
Surg 1992;215:389; with permission.)
225 cm in a few patients, although the numbers of patients who had limb
measurements at 225 cm or any other specific length was not stated in that
report. Weight loss at 2 years postoperatively was substantially greater in
the patients who had longer Roux limbs. There was no difference in
metabolic sequelae between patients who had short and long limbs;
however, several patients who had long limbs had ‘‘troublesome’’ diarrhea.
In 1997, Sugerman et al [8] reported a series of 22 superobese patients who
failed to lose weight following conventional RYGB. They had revisional
operations that incorporated a 140-cm Roux limb, a long unmeasured
biliopancreatic limb, and a 150-cm common channel. This series followed
a group of 5 patients who underwent RYGB with unsatisfactory weight loss
who underwent a revisional RYGB that incorporated the same Roux limb
measurement and a 50-cm common channel. All 5 patients developed severe
protein calorie malnutrition with two late deaths secondary to hepatic failure.
Sugerman’s group concluded that biliopancreatic diversion that incorporated
a small upper gastric pouch and a 50-cm common channel was unduly severe
and could not be recommended. Conversely, the same procedure with a 150-
cm common channel resulted in a mean loss of excess weight of 69% at 5 years
postoperatively and manageable nutritional sequelae.
In 2000, MacLean et al [9] reported a significant difference in successful
weight loss outcome following isolated RYGB between 96 superobese
patients and 178 patients with a BMI of less than 50 kg/m2. Although the
superobese patients lost more weight than their less obese counterparts,
their final mean BMI was 35 G 7 kg/m2. Moreover, 41 of the 96
superobese patients (43%) failed to lose 50% of their excess weight. All
274 patients were randomized in a short (40 cm) versus long (100 cm)
Roux limb comparison [10]. MacLean et al also varied the length of the
biliopancreatic limb (10 cm in the short limb group versus 100 cm in the
long limb group). The superobese patients who had longer Roux and
biliopancreatic limbs had significantly greater weight loss. Conversely, in
the less obese patients (BMI ! 50 kg/m2) there was no difference in
weight loss between the two groups. There also was no difference in the
incidence of metabolic sequelae.
In 2001, Choban and Flancbaum [11] reported the results of a pro-
spective, randomized comparison of three Roux limb lengths in 133
patients, including a 75-cm versus 150-cm limb length in 69 patients with
a BMI of up to 50 kg/m2. Sixty-four superobese patients were randomized
to receive Roux limbs of 150 cm or 250 cm. Gastric pouch volume and
length of the biliopancreatic limb were the same in all patients. In the less
obese patients, the difference in limb length had no impact on postoperative
weight loss. Conversely, the superobese patients who had 250-cm Roux
limbs had significantly greater weight loss compared with the patients who
had 150-cm limbs at 18 months postoperatively. This difference seemed to
persist beyond 18 months but lost statistical significance as the number of
patients that was available for follow-up decreased over time. The relative
incidence of nutritional deficiencies was not addressed in this study.
In 2003, Feng et al [12] compared Roux limb lengths in 58 patients who
underwent laparoscopic RYGB. The short Roux limb group included 45
patients who had lengths that ranged from 45 cm to 100 cm, whereas the
limbs were 150 cm in remaining 13 patients. In this study, the difference in
weight loss between the short and long limb groups was not significant;
however, the number of patients that had long limbs was small and the
mean BMI for the entire series was 44 kg/m2. Nonetheless, a ‘‘trend toward
an increased portion of patients with O50% excess weight loss (P ¼ 0.07)
was observed in the extended Roux limb group.’’ This trend might have
achieved statistical significance if more patients who had long limbs were
included in this study.
In 2002, we reported the results of a 10-year evaluation of a ‘‘distal’’
RYGB in which the Roux enteroenterostomy was performed at 75 cm above
the ileocecal junction [13]. This distal RYGB incorporated a 15-cm to 25-cm
biliopancreatic limb and an upper gastric pouch with a capacity of up to 30
cm3. Forty-eight superobese patients with a mean BMI of 68 kg/m2, who
had the distal RYGB were compared retrospectively with superobese
patients who had ‘‘short’’ (50–75 cm) and ‘‘long’’ (150 cm) Roux limbs. Figs.
3 and 4 show weight loss expressed in pounds and BMI units through 5
years postoperatively. There were significant differences in weight loss
among the three groups that began at 6 months postoperatively and
persisted throughout the study. Greater weight loss was associated con-
sistently with progressively longer Roux limb lengths. The duration of
weight loss before stabilization also correlated with limb length. The short
Fig. 3. Weight loss in pounds through 5 years postoperatively. There were significant
differences between each of the three groups at at least 1 year postoperatively. *Significant
difference between the short limb group and distal RY gastric bypass (D-RY) and 150-cm
patients at 6 months postoperatievly (P ! 0.05 by ANOVA with Student-Newman-Keuls test).
(From Brolin RE, Lamarca LB, Kenler HA, et al. Malabsorptive gastric bypass in patients with
super obesity. J Gastrointest Surg 2002;6:198; with permission.)
limb group stabilized between 12 and 18 months, whereas the patients who
had 150-cm limbs or distal RYGB stabilized at 24 and 36 months,
respectively. The percentage of weight that was regained from the mean time
of stabilization was the same in patients who had short limbs and 150-cm
limbs. Less weight was regained following distal malabsorptive RYGB; this
Fig. 4. Change in BMI through 5 years postoperatively. There were significant differences
between each of the groups at 12, 24, and 36 months postoperatively. *Significant difference
between the Dry patients and the shorter limb groups noted at 6, 18, 48, and 60 months
(P ! 0.05; by ANOVA with Student-Newman-Keuls test). (From Brolin RE, Lamarca LB,
Kenler HA, et al. Malabsorptive gastric bypass in patients with super obesity. J Gastrointest
Surg 2002;6:199; with permission.)
Table 1
Postoperative metabolic deficiencies
Operation Iron B-12 Anemia Vit A Vit D Calcium Albumin
a a
Short (N ¼ 80) 42 (52%) 30 (37%) 33 (41%) – – –a –a
150 cm (N ¼ 102) 46 (45%) 34 (33%) 36 (35%) –a –a –a –a
b b
D-RY (N ¼ 39) 19 (49%) 3 (8%) 36 (74%) 4 (10%) 20 (51%) 4 (10%) 5 (13%)
Not measured.
Significant difference between D-RY patients and the other two groups. (Less than 0.003
by chi square test).
From Brolin RE, Lamarca LB, Kenler HA, et al. Malabsorptive gastric bypass in patients
with super obesity. J Gastrointest Surg 2002;6:201; with permission.
RYGB that is performed with at least a 150-cm Roux limb results in
significantly greater weight loss than shorter (!100-cm) Roux limb
procedures in superobese patients (BMI R50 kg/m2). Conversely, longer
Roux limb procedures do not provide greater weight loss in less obese (BMI
! 50 kg/m2) patients. Modest elongation of the Roux limbdin the range of
150 cm to 200 cmddoes not result in more frequent nutritional sequelae
compared with shorter Roux limb procedures. Conversely, RYGBs, in
which the Roux or the biliopancreatic limb is very long with anastomosis to
the mid or distal ileum (very, very long), usually results in more metabolic
problems than RYGBs in which the Roux limb measures up to 150 cm and
the biliopancreatic limb is short. The current (2005) CPT codes do not
stratify Roux limb length adequately on the basis of weight loss outcome or
late nutritional sequelae.
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