Bias and Prejudice LP

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Grade 9 - English

A. Grade Level Standards:

The learner demonstrates communicative competence through his/ her understanding of British-
American Literature, including Philippine Literature and other texts types for a deeper appreciation of
Philippine Culture and those of other countries.

B. Learning Competencies:

Differentiate biases from prejudices EN9LC-IVf-13.3


At the end of the discussion, students should be able to:

1. Determine the different types of biases and prejudices;

2. Identify statements that show biases and prejudices;
3. Differentiate biases and prejudices;
4. Cite examples of biases and prejudices in the real-life; and
5. Provide ways on how to minimize or avoid bias and prejudice.



2. Reference: Celebrating Diversity through World Literature, Learner’s Material 9 (page
165 –169) and Teacher’s Guide (page 147- 150)
3. Method: Inductive Method
4. Materials: Pictures of objects, Projector, Laptop and Speaker.
5. Values Focus:

a. Fairness
b. Equality



Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

Greetings and Prayer

Teacher: Hello and Welcome!
Today. we are officially in the third quarter. So, I do hope
you still excited to learn new set of lessons.

Let us pray …

Teacher: May I request Vince to lead the prayer.

(Vince lead the prayer).

(Students will pray.)

Attendance and Classroom Management

(students will say their class number)
Teacher: Let’s have attendance once I call your name.
Kindly say your class number.

Teacher: There is no absent in your class today. So, let

us give each other around of applause. (Students are very happy as they clap their

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Response

Teacher: Now, who can still remember the lesson we

have learned last meeting?
(Students raise their hands)
Teacher: Yes, Yanna! “Our lesson last meeting was all about the
relevance of the material viewed or

Teacher: Very good Yana! Can you explain, how will

you determine as a student if the material you watch or
listened is relevant?

Yes Liza. As a student, we greatly appreciate the

lessons and all the literary text when we
understand its relation or how they are
linked to the things we observe and
experience in lives.

Teacher: Very good! Can you share one story or song

you encountered that makes you reminisced some
happenings in your life?

Ma’am, the story of ‘the necklace by guy de

Yes Charlotte! Maupassant. In this story, it taught us that
we should not judge people on appearances
because they may appear to be rich and
successful and they may not be. It also
teaches us we should not pine after material
possessions but realize we are lucky with
what we have.

That’s a nice story, what is the relevance of that story in

I just remember one of my classmates, she
your life?
has a nice bag, good outfit and has a lot
allowance. One day, we discovered that she
is stealing money from her parents. After
that, we never envy all the expensive things
she has.

Teacher: That’s right! Never feel jealous to all the things
that you see. We must be satisfied with what we have and
what we are. We must be honest enough to confess our
mistake instead of running from situations and turning

Do you have any question?

“None Ma’am”
Teacher: (clap once, twice, thrice)
The teacher will ask the students to clap that means the
activity is done and the students are ready to proceed to next

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Response

Teacher: From the story of charlotte, she says that we “Yes Ma’am”
should not judge someone especially if we’re not really “Yes Ma’am”
who the person was. Am I right?

We need to be careful if our actions are fair or unfair to


Teacher: Let’s proceed to our next activity.

 You will be divided into five groups. (groups will
be divided per row).
 Each group will receive an envelope that contains
picture with two color-coded paper. The blue color
represents as “fair’ and the red color will be
 Each member will share their honest answer by (The class will be divided into 4 groups.)
picking colors.
 Each member needs to determine and study the
picture if it portrays fairness and unfairness.

Since we are practicing social distancing.

 The member in front will start to paste the color-

coded paper in the envelop and pass it to the student
behind him/her.
 The last member or the person at the back will be
the representative and he/she will count how many
red and blue colors they have.
 The greater number of votes is the winner. The
teacher will give each representative 2 minutes to
share some reasons. Why do you think your
members pick that color?
 The representative should base their answers
according to his/her classmates’ religion, gender or
stand as a person.


(The students will start voting thru color-

Teacher: Are you ready class? You timer starts now! coded papers)

(After 2 minutes of voting per group, the

representative will be given another 2
minutes to construct her side.)

You still have 1 minute to check your work before the

(Each group will present their work.)

Time’s up

Teacher: As you present your work, Group 1 TL 1: Shutting down ABS-CBN is unfair.
representative will present first. Followed by group 2, The workers were really affected due to
group 3 the group 4 and then the last presenter is group 5. the decision of our president. They don’t
know where will they get money to buy
food and how will they finance the
education of their children. On the other
hand, the network has a large number or
issues to face and they are not paying

Red - 3
Blue- 3

Teacher: Thank you Team Leader 1 for your heart melting

explanation. Next, group 2.
TL 2: From my understanding with the
picture and my groupmates perception in
voting. We have tie! Maybe because I
have classmates who has a grandfather or
father who experienced Martial Law who
has a positive and negative experienced
with it. We should not judge a person
according to his/her past or family
background. Let’s give each and everyone
a chance to prove themselves.

Red – 3

TL3: Being a Filipino, we have freedom

of rights to choose whom are we going to
vote. Inside the church, we should only
share the good words of God not the

Platforms of every political aspirants. We
should respect the house of our Lord God.

Blue- 2

TL 4: LGBTQ is part of our society and

we should respect their chosen gender.
Let’s support building their confidence to
use the right bathroom they chose because
some of them are already transgender and
Red- 3 they have their rights to use it.
Blue- 2

Teacher: Good Job! Grade 9. You were able to determine

if the scenarios from the pictures portray fairness and
unfairness. And, you were able to share some of your sides
by voting.

(Students will clap their hands if they

don’t have a question and ready for the
net activity)

Teacher: (clap once, twice, thrice)

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Response
Presentation of the Lesson
Highlighting the Form

(The teacher will draw a Venn Diagram on the board.)

Teacher: What kind of Diagram is this?

Michael, can you share to your classmate what do we call Student: that is Venn diagram.
this kind of diagram?

Teacher: That’s right! If you saw this diagram, what are
the Ma’am

We are using Venn Diagram to show the

information I’m asking for? What is the use of this
difference and similarities of two topics.

Teacher: if you want to answer, please raise your hand

Yes Ma’am!
Yes, Ma’am!
Yes! Analyn.

Teacher: Bravo! For you to understand well our lesson,

I’ll be using this diagram. Is it fine with you?


(Students will pick and identify if it is under

Teacher: I prepared a strip of paper and pictures. And, Bias and Prejudice)
with your prior knowledge and understanding about bias
and prejudice. Can you identify if it’s under Bias or


2.All Chinese in the country are considered virus carriers 1 2

due to the COVID-19 disease. 3 4


4.You are excluded from your circle of friends because you

are using betel nut/areca nut “ mama” that is part of your

Teacher: Let’s see if your understanding with Bias and

Prejudice is correct.

When Wait Ma’am!

we say

Let me change my answer.

tendency to look at things in a certain way, in preference to

another way. It means a tendency to favor or support or
against a particular one person, group, thing, or point of
view over another resulting in unfairness.

It shows favoritism and unfairness resulting in a bias.

Simply put, it is the tendency to favor one person, group,

thing or point of view over another, often in an unfair way.

Teacher: Are your pictures and statements under Bias is

( Students raised their hand)
You still have time to change it.
Student: According to my opinion and own
knowledge with this issue. Because the
And Prejudice refers to pre-judging before looking at the network is not favor to the current President
evidence. It is an unfavorable opinion or feeling who is Mr. Rodrigo Duterte.
beforehand or without knowledge, thought, or reason.

Prejudice can have a strong influence on how people
behave and interact with others, particularly with those
who are different from another group.
Student: The reason why it’s under Prejudice
Teacher: I’m done with the meaning of Bias and Prejudice. is because we are discriminating the Chinese
people. It doesn’t mean that the virus came
Who answer number 1? Why do you think it is under Bias? from their country. They are all carriers.

(Students raised her hand)

Teacher: Ohhhh! So, you have idea with this issue. That’s
a good explanation.

My mother is working in China and when

she decided to go home. Even my relatives
avoid her because they are afraid that my
mother is one of the carriers. In fact, she is
How about number 2, All Chinese in the country are negative to all her test and she completed her
considered virus carriers due to the COVID-19 disease. 14 days quarantine.

Anthony: Prejudice because they

discriminate my mother without even asking
Teacher: That’s right! Even us Filipino, we experienced and proving if she is a carrier.
this kind of situation. Especially if you are a carrier of the
virus. Most of your neighbors will share gossips about you
and they will avoid you.

Did you experience that? Or one from your family


Anthony, you want to share something?

Carlo: Because it is clear that the church is

favor to her. By wearing pink face mask and
all her pictures in the screen.

Teacher: And that experience of yours is under?

Yes Ma’am!

Yes, Ma’am!

Teacher: how about this picture of Vice President Leni

Robredo? Why is it in Bias? Not Prejudice?

Yes ma’am, I am using it during the break
time and my friends don’t want to
accompany me anymore. And they are
teasing me with the color of my teeth.
Teacher: I am happy because with all your answers. I can
see that you understand the difference of Bias and

Teacher: Last, you are excluded from your circle of friends

because you are using betel nut/areca nut “ mama” that is
part of your lifestyle..

Did you experience this one?

Rico, you’re raising your hand?

Teacher: Class! Don’t forget RESPECT begets

RESPECT. If you want Rico to respect your beliefs in
life, we need to respect his lifestyle. We can’t let him stop
it. But, guide him on how he used it properly inside the

Lilibeth: Judgement Ma’am!

Teacher: That was one of the experiences that explains the
real meaning of prejudice inside our classroom.

Alright, since able to identify the difference of Bias and

Prejudice. What do you think is their similarities?

Any guess?

Lilibeth? Do you have any idea?


Teacher: Very good! As one can notice, the two terms are
similar in most respects and can often be freely
interchanged, but looking closer, there are differences
between the two.

An individual person has full of beliefs, identities, styles,

characteristics, talents, and more that make him/her unique.
An individual does not want to be labeled just by his/her
race or ethnicity, religion, or even gender. But as intricate
as an individual perceives himself/herself to be, he/she
defines other individuals merely by his/her most distinct
social group.

While an individual might all like to believe that he/she is

rational, fair, and logical, it is a sad fact that an individual
is constantly under the influence of prejudices and biases
that affect his/her own beliefs, distort his/her way of
thinking, and sway his/her decisions and judgments he or
she makes each day.

I hope you understand our topic.

Teacher: (clap once, twice, thrice)

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Response
Teacher: Now class, Let’s have checking for
understanding. “Yes Ma’am!”
“Yes Ma’am!”
Teacher: I’ll distribute a piece of paper that contains

Controlled Practice 1


Think-Pair -Share

 Think some of your experiences that shows Bias (Each Student will think and share their
and Prejudices. experiences)
 Look for a partner and share your experiences.
 After 3 minutes, your teacher will do a random
call for your sharing.
 Your partner will be the one who will share your
 After sharing the experience of your partner.
Your task is to give some advice on how to
handle that situation.
 The audience will identify if the situation they
share is under Bias or Prejudice.

Teacher: Listening to your stories broke my heart. It’s

true that we are experiencing Bias and Prejudice (Students are quietly doing their assigned
everywhere. task but they are still practicing Social
The situation that touch my heart is Students outside the
Coastal areas are discriminating you. They think that
you’re not good in Computer and they are better than
you without proving it.

Prove them wrong! It’s not your hometown that

describes you. It’s not your School that defines how
good you are. Ikaw mismo ang gagawa ng paraan to
prove them wrong. Show them receipt of all the
accomplishments you had.

You only have 2 minutes to finish your task.

Teacher: clap once, twice! Congratulations! You were

able to determine bias and prejudice statement in that

(students clap their hands)

Teacher: Now, you can really differentiate bias and

You all did a great job. Let us all clap our hands.


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Response

Teacher: Let’s proceed to your final task.

You are about to showcase your talents:

Group 1: You will present a role play, present a situation that

shows bias or prejudices and after that share us some solution or
your way to stop us from doing it.
(Students start to brainstorm for
their presentation)

Group 2: You will compose a rap/song regarding bias and

prejudice or think of a song that represent it. After that, share to
your classmates why it is containing of biases and prejudices
Times Up!

Group 3: Think of a news that you watch last time. (Students are finalizing their
Present a news reporting that shows prejudices.


Group 4: Using this cartolina, construct and share a slogan

about bias and prejudices.


Teacher: You will be given 10 minutes to prepare for your life

changing presentation.

You will be graded according to the rubrics per task.

Times Up!


Teacher’s Activity Students’ Response

Teacher: In 5 minutes, kindly answer this on a ¼ sheet of
paper answer the following.

Directions: Identify whether the statement for each

item shows bias or prejudice. Write your
answer on a separate sheet of paper.

_______ 1. A mentally disabled person should not

be allowed to go to school. They do not (Students start to answer in ¼ sheet of paper)
possess the capacity to learn.
_______ 2. A big amount of food was shared with
his closest neighbor only.
_______ 3. He's considered dumb because his
grades in all subjects are poor.
_______ 4. The newly opened hotel in our town
accommodates only rich people.
_______ 5. Being a new member of the group, his
opinion was rejected during the meeting
as the senior officers underrated this.

“Yes Ma’am!”
Teacher: Are you done with your work? Let’s answer
your work.

Answers: The students will check their answers and

counts the correct answers they had.

Teacher: Most of you got a perfect score. I am very glad

you have understood our lesson today.

Teacher: Now, do you wish to ask something about the

lesson that we have today?
“No Ma’am.”

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Response
Teacher: For your assignment, Read and understand
the given quotes below. Explain the meaning of these
quotes. Write your answer on your activity notebook.

Teacher: Did you understand what you are going to do “Yes Ma’am”
in your assignment?
Teacher: If you do not have questions to ask, that’s all
for our today’s lesson.
(The students will pray together with their
Teacher: Let us all stand and pray.
All students: Thank you and goodbye Ma’am
Teacher: Good bye class.


Indicator 1: Apply knowledge of content within and across curriculum teaching areas
Indicator 2: Display proficient use of Mother Tongue, Filipino and English to facilitate teaching and
Indicator 3: Use effective verbal and non-verbal classroom communication strategies to support learner
understanding, participation, engagement and achievement
Indicator 4: Establish safe and secure learning environments to enhance learning through the consistent
implementation of policies, guidelines and procedures
Indicator 5: Maintain learning environments that promote fairness, respect and care to encourage learning
Indicator 6: Maintain learning environments that nurture and inspire learners to participate, cooperate and
collaborate in continued learning
Indicator 7: Apply a range of successful strategies that maintain learning environments that motivate
learners to work productively by assuming responsibility for their own learning
Indicator 8: Design, adapt and implement teaching strategies that are responsive to learners with
disabilities, giftedness and talents
Indicator 9: Adapt and use culturally appropriate teaching strategies to address the needs of learners from
indigenous groups

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