2 R topics documented:
Suggests afex,
VignetteBuilder knitr
Config/testthat/edition 3
Config/testthat/parallel true
Encoding UTF-8
Language en-US
LazyData true
Roxygen list(markdown = TRUE, roclets = c(``rd'', ``namespace'', ``collate'',
R topics documented:
ggstatsplot-package . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
bugs_long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
bugs_wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
combine_plots . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
ggbarstats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
ggbetweenstats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
ggcoefstats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
ggcorrmat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
ggdotplotstats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
gghistostats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
ggpiestats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
ggscatterstats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
ggwithinstats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
grouped_ggbarstats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38
grouped_ggbetweenstats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40
grouped_ggcorrmat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44
grouped_ggdotplotstats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47
grouped_gghistostats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
grouped_ggpiestats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53
grouped_ggscatterstats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55
grouped_ggwithinstats . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59
iris_long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
movies_long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
movies_wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
theme_ggstatsplot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65
ggstatsplot-package 3
Titanic_full . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 66
VR_dilemma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
Index 68
ggstatsplot is an extension of ggplot2 package. It creates graphics with details from statisti-
cal tests included in the plots themselves. It provides an easier API to generate information-rich
plots for statistical analysis of continuous (violin plots, scatterplots, histograms, dot plots, dot-and-
whisker plots) or categorical (pie and bar charts) data. Currently, it supports the most common types
of statistical tests: parametric, nonparametric, robust, and Bayesian versions of t-test/ANOVA, cor-
relation analyses, contingency table analysis, meta-analysis, and regression analyses.
The main functions are-
Maintainer: Indrajeet Patil <> (ORCID) (@patilindrajeets)
[copyright holder]
4 bugs_long
See Also
Useful links:
• Report bugs at
Tidy version of the "Bugs" dataset.
A data frame with 372 rows and 6 variables
This data set, "Bugs", provides the extent to which men and women want to kill arthropods that vary
in freighteningness (low, high) and disgustingness (low, high). Each participant rates their attitudes
towards all anthropods. Subset of the data reported by Ryan et al. (2013).
bugs_wide 5
This data set, "Bugs", provides the extent to which men and women want to kill arthropods that vary
in freighteningness (low, high) and disgustingness (low, high). Each participant rates their attitudes
towards all anthropods. Subset of the data reported by Ryan et al. (2013).
6 combine_plots
Wrapper around patchwork::wrap_plots that will return a combined grid of plots with annota-
guides = "collect",
plotgrid.args = list(),
annotation.args = list(),
plotlist A list containing ggplot objects.
guides A string specifying how guides should be treated in the layout. 'collect' will
collect guides below to the given nesting level, removing duplicates. 'keep'
will stop collection at this level and let guides be placed alongside their plot.
auto will allow guides to be collected if a upper level tries, but place them along-
side the plot if not. If you modify default guide "position" with theme(legend.position=...)
while also collecting guides you must apply that change to the overall patchwork
(see example).
plotgrid.args A list of additional arguments passed to patchwork::wrap_plots, except for
guides argument which is already separately specified here.
A list of additional arguments passed to patchwork::plot_annotation.
... Currently ignored.
Combined plot with annotation labels
# loading the necessary libraries
Bar charts for categorical data with statistical details included in the plot as a subtitle.
counts = NULL,
type = "parametric",
paired = FALSE,
results.subtitle = TRUE,
label = "percentage",
label.args = list(alpha = 1, fill = "white"),
k = 2L,
proportion.test = TRUE,
perc.k = 0,
bf.message = TRUE,
ratio = NULL,
conf.level = 0.95,
sampling.plan = "indepMulti",
8 ggbarstats
fixed.margin = "rows",
prior.concentration = 1,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
caption = NULL,
legend.title = NULL,
xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_bw(),
ggstatsplot.layer = TRUE,
package = "RColorBrewer",
palette = "Dark2",
ggplot.component = NULL,
output = "plot",
data A dataframe (or a tibble) from which variables specified are to be taken. Other
data types (e.g., matrix,table, array, etc.) will not be accepted.
x The variable to use as the rows in the contingency table. Please note that if there
are empty factor levels in your variable, they will be dropped.
y The variable to use as the columns in the contingency table. Please note that
if there are empty factor levels in your variable, they will be dropped. Default
is NULL. If NULL, one-sample proportion test (a goodness of fit test) will be run
for the x variable. Otherwise an appropriate association test will be run. This
argument can not be NULL for ggbarstats function.
counts A string naming a variable in data containing counts, or NULL if each row repre-
sents a single observation.
type A character specifying the type of statistical approach. Four possible options:
• "parametric"
• "nonparametric"
• "robust"
• "bayes"
Corresponding abbreviations are also accepted: "p" (for parametric), "np" (for
nonparametric), "r" (for robust), or "bf" (for Bayesian).
paired Logical indicating whether data came from a within-subjects or repeated mea-
sures design study (Default: FALSE). If TRUE, McNemar’s test expression will be
returned. If FALSE, Pearson’s chi-square test will be returned.
Decides whether the results of statistical tests are to be displayed as a subtitle
(Default: TRUE). If set to FALSE, only the plot will be returned.
label Character decides what information needs to be displayed on the label in each
pie slice. Possible options are "percentage" (default), "counts", "both".
label.args Additional aesthetic arguments that will be passed to geom_label.
k Number of digits after decimal point (should be an integer) (Default: k = 2L).
ggbarstats 9
Decides whether proportion test for x variable is to be carried out for each level
of y (Default: TRUE). In ggbarstats, only p-values from this test will be dis-
perc.k Numeric that decides number of decimal places for percentage labels (Default:
bf.message Logical that decides whether to display Bayes Factor in favor of the null hypoth-
esis. This argument is relevant only for parametric test (Default: TRUE).
ratio A vector of proportions: the expected proportions for the proportion test (should
sum to 1). Default is NULL, which means the null is equal theoretical proportions
across the levels of the nominal variable. This means if there are two levels
this will be ratio = c(0.5,0.5) or if there are four levels this will be ratio =
c(0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25), etc.
conf.level Scalar between 0 and 1. If unspecified, the defaults return 95% confidence/credible
intervals (0.95).
sampling.plan Character describing the sampling plan. Possible options are "indepMulti"
(independent multinomial; default), "poisson", "jointMulti" (joint multino-
mial), "hypergeom" (hypergeometric). For more, see ?BayesFactor::contingencyTableBF().
fixed.margin For the independent multinomial sampling plan, which margin is fixed ("rows"
or "cols"). Defaults to "rows".
Specifies the prior concentration parameter, set to 1 by default. It indexes the ex-
pected deviation from the null hypothesis under the alternative, and corresponds
to Gunel and Dickey’s (1974) "a" parameter.
title The text for the plot title.
subtitle The text for the plot subtitle. Will work only if results.subtitle = FALSE.
caption The text for the plot caption.
legend.title Title text for the legend.
xlab Custom text for the x axis label (Default: NULL, which will cause the x axis label
to be the x variable).
ylab Custom text for the y axis label (Default: NULL).
ggtheme A function, ggplot2 theme name. Default value is ggplot2::theme_bw().
Any of the ggplot2 themes, or themes from extension packages are allowed
(e.g., ggthemes::theme_fivethirtyeight(), hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum_ps(),
Logical that decides whether theme_ggstatsplot theme elements are to be dis-
played along with the selected ggtheme (Default: TRUE). theme_ggstatsplot is
an opinionated theme layer that override some aspects of the selected ggtheme.
package Name of the package from which the given palette is to be extracted. The avail-
able palettes and packages can be checked by running View(paletteer::palettes_d_names).
palette Name of the package from which the given palette is to be extracted. The avail-
able palettes and packages can be checked by running View(paletteer::palettes_d_names).
A ggplot component to be added to the plot prepared by ggstatsplot. This
argument is primarily helpful for grouped_ variants of all primary functions.
Default is NULL. The argument should be entered as a ggplot2 function or a list
of ggplot2 functions.
10 ggbetweenstats
See Also
grouped_ggbarstats, ggpiestats, grouped_ggpiestats
# for reproducibility
A combination of box and violin plots along with jittered data points for between-subjects designs
with statistical details included in the plot as a subtitle.
plot.type = "boxviolin",
type = "parametric",
pairwise.comparisons = TRUE,
pairwise.display = "significant",
p.adjust.method = "holm",
effsize.type = "unbiased",
bf.prior = 0.707,
bf.message = TRUE,
results.subtitle = TRUE,
xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
ggbetweenstats 11
caption = NULL,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
k = 2L,
var.equal = FALSE,
conf.level = 0.95,
nboot = 100L,
tr = 0.2,
centrality.plotting = TRUE,
centrality.type = type,
centrality.point.args = list(size = 5, color = "darkred"),
centrality.label.args = list(size = 3, nudge_x = 0.4, segment.linetype = 4),
outlier.tagging = FALSE,
outlier.label = NULL,
outlier.coef = 1.5,
outlier.shape = 19,
outlier.color = "black",
outlier.label.args = list(size = 3),
point.args = list(position = ggplot2::position_jitterdodge(dodge.width = 0.6), alpha
= 0.4, size = 3, stroke = 0),
violin.args = list(width = 0.5, alpha = 0.2),
ggsignif.args = list(textsize = 3, tip_length = 0.01),
ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_bw(),
ggstatsplot.layer = TRUE,
package = "RColorBrewer",
palette = "Dark2",
ggplot.component = NULL,
output = "plot",
data A dataframe (or a tibble) from which variables specified are to be taken. Other
data types (e.g., matrix,table, array, etc.) will not be accepted.
x The grouping (or independent) variable from the dataframe data.
y The response (or outcome or dependent) variable from the dataframe data.
plot.type Character describing the type of plot. Currently supported plots are "box" (for
only boxplots), "violin" (for only violin plots), and "boxviolin" (for a com-
bination of box and violin plots; default).
type A character specifying the type of statistical approach. Four possible options:
• "parametric"
• "nonparametric"
• "robust"
• "bayes"
Corresponding abbreviations are also accepted: "p" (for parametric), "np" (for
nonparametric), "r" (for robust), or "bf" (for Bayesian).
Logical that decides whether pairwise comparisons are to be displayed (default:
TRUE). Please note that only significant comparisons will be shown by default.
12 ggbetweenstats
See Also
grouped_ggbetweenstats, ggwithinstats, grouped_ggwithinstats
# to get reproducible results from bootstrapping
Plot with the regression coefficients’ point estimates as dots with confidence interval whiskers and
other statistical details included as labels.
output = "plot",
statistic = NULL, = TRUE,
conf.level = 0.95,
k = 2L,
exclude.intercept = FALSE,
effsize = "eta",
meta.analytic.effect = FALSE,
meta.type = "parametric",
bf.message = TRUE,
sort = "none",
xlab = "regression coefficient",
ylab = "term",
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
caption = NULL,
only.significant = FALSE,
point.args = list(size = 3, color = "blue"),
errorbar.args = list(height = 0),
vline = TRUE,
vline.args = list(size = 1, linetype = "dashed"),
stats.labels = TRUE,
stats.label.color = NULL,
stats.label.args = list(size = 3, direction = "y"),
package = "RColorBrewer",
palette = "Dark2",
ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_bw(),
ggstatsplot.layer = TRUE,
x A model object to be tidied, or a tidy data frame containing results from a regres-
sion model. Function internally uses parameters::model_parameters to get
a tidy dataframe. If a data frame is used, it must contain columns named term
(names of predictors) and estimate (corresponding estimates of coefficients or
other quantities of interest).
output Character describing the expected output from this function: "plot" (visualiza-
tion of regression coefficients) or "tidy" (tidy dataframe of results parameters::model_parameters
or "glance" (object from performance::model_performance).
statistic Which statistic is to be displayed (either "t" or "f"or "z" or "chi") in the label.
This is relevant if the x argument is a dataframe.
16 ggcoefstats Logical. Decides whether to display confidence intervals as error bars (Default:
conf.level Numeric deciding level of confidence or credible intervals (Default: 0.95).
k Number of digits after decimal point (should be an integer) (Default: k = 2L).
Logical that decides whether the intercept should be excluded from the plot
(Default: FALSE).
effsize Character describing the effect size to be displayed: "eta" (default) or "omega".
This argument is relevant only for models objects of class aov, anova, aovlist,
"Gam", and "manova".
Logical that decides whether subtitle for meta-analysis via linear (mixed-effects)
models (default: FALSE). If TRUE, input to argument subtitle will be ignored.
This will be mostly relevant if a data frame with estimates and their standard
errors is entered.
meta.type Type of statistics used to carry out random-effects meta-analysis. If "parametric"
(default), metafor::rma function will be used. If "robust", metaplus::metaplus
function will be used. If "bayes", metaBMA::meta_random function will be
bf.message Logical that decides whether results from running a Bayesian meta-analysis as-
suming that the effect size d varies across studies with standard deviation t (i.e.,
a random-effects analysis) should be displayed in caption. Defaults to TRUE.
sort If "none" (default) do not sort, "ascending" sort by increasing coefficient
value, or "descending" sort by decreasing coefficient value.
xlab, ylab Labels for x- and y- axis variables, respectively (Defaults: "regression coefficient"
and "term").
title The text for the plot title.
subtitle The text for the plot subtitle. The input to this argument will be ignored if
meta.analytic.effect is set to TRUE.
caption The text for the plot caption.
If TRUE, only stats labels for significant effects is shown (Default: FALSE). This
can be helpful when a large number of regression coefficients are to be displayed
in a single plot. Relevant only when the output is a plot.
point.args Additional arguments that will be passed to ggplot2::geom_point geom. Please
see documentation for that function to know more about these arguments.
errorbar.args Additional arguments that will be passed to ggplot2::geom_errorbarh geom.
Please see documentation for that function to know more about these arguments.
vline Decides whether to display a vertical line (Default: "TRUE").
vline.args Additional arguments that will be passed to ggplot2::geom_vline geom. Please
see documentation for that function to know more about these arguments.
stats.labels Logical. Decides whether the statistic and p-values for each coefficient are to be
attached to each dot as a text label using ggrepel (Default: TRUE).
Color for the labels. If set to NULL, colors will be chosen from the specified
package (Default: "RColorBrewer") and palette (Default: "Dark2").
ggcoefstats 17
Additional arguments that will be passed to ggrepel::geom_label_repel geom.
Please see documentation for that function to know more about these arguments.
package Name of the package from which the given palette is to be extracted. The avail-
able palettes and packages can be checked by running View(paletteer::palettes_d_names).
palette Name of the package from which the given palette is to be extracted. The avail-
able palettes and packages can be checked by running View(paletteer::palettes_d_names).
ggtheme A function, ggplot2 theme name. Default value is ggplot2::theme_bw().
Any of the ggplot2 themes, or themes from extension packages are allowed
(e.g., ggthemes::theme_fivethirtyeight(), hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum_ps(),
Logical that decides whether theme_ggstatsplot theme elements are to be dis-
played along with the selected ggtheme (Default: TRUE). theme_ggstatsplot is
an opinionated theme layer that override some aspects of the selected ggtheme.
... Additional arguments to tidying method. For more, see parameters::model_parameters.
Important: In case you want to carry out meta-analysis using this function, it assumes that you
have already downloaded the needed package (metafor, metaplus, or metaBMA) for meta-analysis.
1. All rows of regression estimates where either of the following quantities is NA will be removed
if labels are requested: estimate, statistic, p.value.
2. Given the rapid pace at which new methods are added to these packages, it is recommended
that you install the GitHub versions of parameters and performance in order to make most
of this function.
# for reproducibility
# model object
mod <- lm(formula = mpg ~ cyl * am, data = mtcars)
# to get a plot
ggcoefstats(x = mod, output = "plot")
Correlation matrix plot or a dataframe containing results from pairwise correlation tests. The pack-
age internally uses ggcorrplot::ggcorrplot for creating the visualization matrix, while the cor-
relation analysis is carried out using the correlation::correlation function.
cor.vars = NULL,
cor.vars.names = NULL,
output = "plot",
matrix.type = "upper",
type = "parametric",
tr = 0.2,
partial = FALSE,
k = 2L,
sig.level = 0.05,
conf.level = 0.95,
bf.prior = 0.707,
p.adjust.method = "holm",
pch = "cross",
ggcorrplot.args = list(method = "square", outline.color = "black"),
package = "RColorBrewer",
palette = "Dark2",
colors = c("#E69F00", "white", "#009E73"),
ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_bw(),
ggstatsplot.layer = TRUE,
ggplot.component = NULL,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
caption = NULL,
data Dataframe from which variables specified are preferentially to be taken.
cor.vars List of variables for which the correlation matrix is to be computed and visual-
ized. If NULL (default), all numeric variables from data will be used.
cor.vars.names Optional list of names to be used for cor.vars. The names should be entered
in the same order.
output Character that decides expected output from this function. If "plot", the visu-
alization matrix will be returned. If "dataframe" (or literally anything other
than "plot"), a dataframe containing all details from statistical analyses (e.g.,
ggcorrmat 19
Logical that decides whether theme_ggstatsplot theme elements are to be dis-
played along with the selected ggtheme (Default: TRUE). theme_ggstatsplot is
an opinionated theme layer that override some aspects of the selected ggtheme.
A ggplot component to be added to the plot prepared by ggstatsplot. This
argument is primarily helpful for grouped_ variants of all primary functions.
Default is NULL. The argument should be entered as a ggplot2 function or a list
of ggplot2 functions.
title The text for the plot title.
subtitle The text for the plot subtitle. Will work only if results.subtitle = FALSE.
caption The text for the plot caption.
... Currently ignored.
See Also
# for reproducibility
A dot chart (as described by William S. Cleveland) with statistical details from one-sample test
included in the plot as a subtitle.
xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
caption = NULL,
type = "parametric",
test.value = 0,
bf.prior = 0.707,
bf.message = TRUE,
effsize.type = "g",
conf.level = 0.95,
nboot = 100,
tr = 0.2,
k = 2,
results.subtitle = TRUE,
point.args = list(color = "black", size = 3, shape = 16),
centrality.plotting = TRUE,
centrality.type = type,
centrality.line.args = list(color = "blue", size = 1),
ggplot.component = NULL,
ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_bw(),
ggstatsplot.layer = TRUE,
output = "plot",
data A dataframe (or a tibble) from which variables specified are to be taken. Other
data types (e.g., matrix,table, array, etc.) will not be accepted.
x A numeric variable from the dataframe data.
y Label or grouping variable.
xlab Labels for x and y axis variables. If NULL (default), variable names for x and y
will be used.
22 ggdotplotstats
ylab Labels for x- and y- axis variables, respectively (Defaults: "regression coefficient"
and "term").
title The text for the plot title.
subtitle The text for the plot subtitle. Will work only if results.subtitle = FALSE.
caption The text for the plot caption.
type A character specifying the type of statistical approach. Four possible options:
• "parametric"
• "nonparametric"
• "robust"
• "bayes"
Corresponding abbreviations are also accepted: "p" (for parametric), "np" (for
nonparametric), "r" (for robust), or "bf" (for Bayesian).
test.value A number indicating the true value of the mean (Default: 0).
bf.prior A number between 0.5 and 2 (default 0.707), the prior width to use in calculat-
ing Bayes factors and posterior estimates.
bf.message Logical that decides whether to display Bayes Factor in favor of the null hypoth-
esis. This argument is relevant only for parametric test (Default: TRUE).
effsize.type Type of effect size needed for parametric tests. The argument can be "d" (for
Cohen’s d) or "g" (for Hedge’s g).
conf.level Confidence/Credible Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (95%).
nboot Number of bootstrap samples for computing confidence interval for the effect
size (Default: 100).
tr Trim level for the mean when carrying out robust tests. In case of an error,
try reducing the value of tr, which is by default set to 0.2. Lowering the value
might help.
k Number of digits after decimal point (should be an integer) (Default: k = 2L).
Decides whether the results of statistical tests are to be displayed as a subtitle
(Default: TRUE). If set to FALSE, only the plot will be returned.
point.args A list of additional aesthetic arguments passed to geom_point.
Logical that decides whether centrality tendency measure is to be displayed as
a point with a label (Default: TRUE). Function decides which central tendency
measure to show depending on the type argument.
• mean for parametric statistics
• median for non-parametric statistics
• trimmed mean for robust statistics
• MAP estimator for Bayesian statistics
If you want default centrality parameter, you can specify this using centrality.type
Decides which centrality parameter is to be displayed. The default is to choose
the same as type argument. You can specify this to be:
• "parameteric" (for mean)
• "nonparametric" (for median)
ggdotplotstats 23
See Also
grouped_gghistostats, gghistostats, grouped_ggdotplotstats
# for reproducibility
# plot
data = ggplot2::mpg,
x = cty,
y = manufacturer,
title = "Fuel economy data",
xlab = "city miles per gallon",
caption = substitute(
paste(italic("Source"), ": EPA dataset on")
24 gghistostats
Histogram with statistical details from one-sample test included in the plot as a subtitle.
binwidth = NULL,
xlab = NULL,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
caption = NULL,
type = "parametric",
test.value = 0,
bf.prior = 0.707,
bf.message = TRUE,
effsize.type = "g",
conf.level = 0.95,
nboot = 100,
tr = 0.2,
k = 2L,
ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_bw(),
ggstatsplot.layer = TRUE,
bar.fill = "grey50",
results.subtitle = TRUE,
centrality.plotting = TRUE,
centrality.type = type,
centrality.line.args = list(size = 1, color = "blue"),
normal.curve = FALSE,
normal.curve.args = list(size = 2),
ggplot.component = NULL,
output = "plot",
data A dataframe (or a tibble) from which variables specified are to be taken. Other
data types (e.g., matrix,table, array, etc.) will not be accepted.
x A numeric variable from the dataframe data.
binwidth The width of the histogram bins. Can be specified as a numeric value, or a
function that calculates width from x. The default is to use the max(x) -min(x)
/ sqrt(N). You should always check this value and explore multiple widths to
find the best to illustrate the stories in your data.
gghistostats 25
xlab Labels for x and y axis variables. If NULL (default), variable names for x and y
will be used.
title The text for the plot title.
subtitle The text for the plot subtitle. Will work only if results.subtitle = FALSE.
caption The text for the plot caption.
type A character specifying the type of statistical approach. Four possible options:
• "parametric"
• "nonparametric"
• "robust"
• "bayes"
Corresponding abbreviations are also accepted: "p" (for parametric), "np" (for
nonparametric), "r" (for robust), or "bf" (for Bayesian).
test.value A number indicating the true value of the mean (Default: 0).
bf.prior A number between 0.5 and 2 (default 0.707), the prior width to use in calculat-
ing Bayes factors and posterior estimates.
bf.message Logical that decides whether to display Bayes Factor in favor of the null hypoth-
esis. This argument is relevant only for parametric test (Default: TRUE).
effsize.type Type of effect size needed for parametric tests. The argument can be "d" (for
Cohen’s d) or "g" (for Hedge’s g).
conf.level Confidence/Credible Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (95%).
nboot Number of bootstrap samples for computing confidence interval for the effect
size (Default: 100).
tr Trim level for the mean when carrying out robust tests. In case of an error,
try reducing the value of tr, which is by default set to 0.2. Lowering the value
might help.
k Number of digits after decimal point (should be an integer) (Default: k = 2L).
ggtheme A function, ggplot2 theme name. Default value is ggplot2::theme_bw().
Any of the ggplot2 themes, or themes from extension packages are allowed
(e.g., ggthemes::theme_fivethirtyeight(), hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum_ps(),
Logical that decides whether theme_ggstatsplot theme elements are to be dis-
played along with the selected ggtheme (Default: TRUE). theme_ggstatsplot is
an opinionated theme layer that override some aspects of the selected ggtheme.
bar.fill Character input that decides which color will uniformly fill all the bars in the
histogram (Default: "grey50").
Decides whether the results of statistical tests are to be displayed as a subtitle
(Default: TRUE). If set to FALSE, only the plot will be returned.
Logical that decides whether centrality tendency measure is to be displayed as
a point with a label (Default: TRUE). Function decides which central tendency
measure to show depending on the type argument.
• mean for parametric statistics
• median for non-parametric statistics
• trimmed mean for robust statistics
26 gghistostats
See Also
grouped_gghistostats, ggdotplotstats, grouped_ggdotplotstats
# for reproducibility
Pie charts for categorical data with statistical details included in the plot as a subtitle.
y = NULL,
counts = NULL,
type = "parametric",
paired = FALSE,
results.subtitle = TRUE,
label = "percentage",
label.args = list(direction = "both"),
label.repel = FALSE,
k = 2L,
proportion.test = TRUE,
perc.k = 0,
bf.message = TRUE,
ratio = NULL,
conf.level = 0.95,
sampling.plan = "indepMulti",
fixed.margin = "rows",
prior.concentration = 1,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
caption = NULL,
legend.title = NULL,
ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_bw(),
ggstatsplot.layer = TRUE,
package = "RColorBrewer",
palette = "Dark2",
ggplot.component = NULL,
output = "plot",
data A dataframe (or a tibble) from which variables specified are to be taken. Other
data types (e.g., matrix,table, array, etc.) will not be accepted.
x The variable to use as the rows in the contingency table. Please note that if there
are empty factor levels in your variable, they will be dropped.
28 ggpiestats
y The variable to use as the columns in the contingency table. Please note that
if there are empty factor levels in your variable, they will be dropped. Default
is NULL. If NULL, one-sample proportion test (a goodness of fit test) will be run
for the x variable. Otherwise an appropriate association test will be run. This
argument can not be NULL for ggbarstats function.
counts A string naming a variable in data containing counts, or NULL if each row repre-
sents a single observation.
type A character specifying the type of statistical approach. Four possible options:
• "parametric"
• "nonparametric"
• "robust"
• "bayes"
Corresponding abbreviations are also accepted: "p" (for parametric), "np" (for
nonparametric), "r" (for robust), or "bf" (for Bayesian).
paired Logical indicating whether data came from a within-subjects or repeated mea-
sures design study (Default: FALSE). If TRUE, McNemar’s test expression will be
returned. If FALSE, Pearson’s chi-square test will be returned.
Decides whether the results of statistical tests are to be displayed as a subtitle
(Default: TRUE). If set to FALSE, only the plot will be returned.
label Character decides what information needs to be displayed on the label in each
pie slice. Possible options are "percentage" (default), "counts", "both".
label.args Additional aesthetic arguments that will be passed to geom_label.
label.repel Whether labels should be repelled using ggrepel package. This can be helpful
in case the labels are overlapping.
k Number of digits after decimal point (should be an integer) (Default: k = 2L).
Decides whether proportion test for x variable is to be carried out for each level
of y (Default: TRUE). In ggbarstats, only p-values from this test will be dis-
perc.k Numeric that decides number of decimal places for percentage labels (Default:
bf.message Logical that decides whether to display Bayes Factor in favor of the null hypoth-
esis. This argument is relevant only for parametric test (Default: TRUE).
ratio A vector of proportions: the expected proportions for the proportion test (should
sum to 1). Default is NULL, which means the null is equal theoretical proportions
across the levels of the nominal variable. This means if there are two levels
this will be ratio = c(0.5,0.5) or if there are four levels this will be ratio =
c(0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25), etc.
conf.level Scalar between 0 and 1. If unspecified, the defaults return 95% confidence/credible
intervals (0.95).
sampling.plan Character describing the sampling plan. Possible options are "indepMulti"
(independent multinomial; default), "poisson", "jointMulti" (joint multino-
mial), "hypergeom" (hypergeometric). For more, see ?BayesFactor::contingencyTableBF().
fixed.margin For the independent multinomial sampling plan, which margin is fixed ("rows"
or "cols"). Defaults to "rows".
ggpiestats 29
Specifies the prior concentration parameter, set to 1 by default. It indexes the ex-
pected deviation from the null hypothesis under the alternative, and corresponds
to Gunel and Dickey’s (1974) "a" parameter.
title The text for the plot title.
subtitle The text for the plot subtitle. Will work only if results.subtitle = FALSE.
caption The text for the plot caption.
legend.title Title text for the legend.
ggtheme A function, ggplot2 theme name. Default value is ggplot2::theme_bw().
Any of the ggplot2 themes, or themes from extension packages are allowed
(e.g., ggthemes::theme_fivethirtyeight(), hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum_ps(),
Logical that decides whether theme_ggstatsplot theme elements are to be dis-
played along with the selected ggtheme (Default: TRUE). theme_ggstatsplot is
an opinionated theme layer that override some aspects of the selected ggtheme.
package Name of the package from which the given palette is to be extracted. The avail-
able palettes and packages can be checked by running View(paletteer::palettes_d_names).
palette Name of the package from which the given palette is to be extracted. The avail-
able palettes and packages can be checked by running View(paletteer::palettes_d_names).
A ggplot component to be added to the plot prepared by ggstatsplot. This
argument is primarily helpful for grouped_ variants of all primary functions.
Default is NULL. The argument should be entered as a ggplot2 function or a list
of ggplot2 functions.
output Character that describes what is to be returned: can be "plot" (default) or
"subtitle" or "caption". Setting this to "subtitle" will return the expres-
sion containing statistical results. If you have set results.subtitle = FALSE,
then this will return a NULL. Setting this to "caption" will return the expres-
sion containing details about Bayes Factor analysis, but valid only when type =
"parametric" and bf.message = TRUE, otherwise this will return a NULL.
... Currently ignored.
See Also
grouped_ggpiestats, ggbarstats, grouped_ggbarstats
# for reproducibility
data = mtcars,
x = vs,
y = cyl
Scatterplots from ggplot2 combined with marginal histograms/boxplots/density plots with statisti-
cal details added as a subtitle.
type = "parametric",
conf.level = 0.95,
bf.prior = 0.707,
bf.message = TRUE,
tr = 0.2,
k = 2L,
results.subtitle = TRUE,
label.var = NULL,
label.expression = NULL,
point.args = list(size = 3, alpha = 0.4),
point.width.jitter = 0,
point.height.jitter = 0,
point.label.args = list(size = 3),
smooth.line.args = list(size = 1.5, color = "blue"),
marginal = TRUE,
marginal.type = "densigram",
marginal.size = 5,
xfill = "#009E73",
yfill = "#D55E00",
xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
caption = NULL,
ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_bw(),
ggstatsplot.layer = TRUE,
ggplot.component = NULL,
output = "plot",
ggscatterstats 31
data A dataframe (or a tibble) from which variables specified are to be taken. Other
data types (e.g., matrix,table, array, etc.) will not be accepted.
x The column in data containing the explanatory variable to be plotted on the x-
axis. Can be entered either as a character string (e.g., "x") or as a bare expression
(e.g, x).
y The column in data containing the response (outcome) variable to be plotted on
the y-axis. Can be entered either as a character string (e.g., "y") or as a bare
expression (e.g, y).
type A character specifying the type of statistical approach. Four possible options:
• "parametric"
• "nonparametric"
• "robust"
• "bayes"
Corresponding abbreviations are also accepted: "p" (for parametric), "np" (for
nonparametric), "r" (for robust), or "bf" (for Bayesian).
conf.level Scalar between 0 and 1. If unspecified, the defaults return 95% confidence/credible
intervals (0.95).
bf.prior A number between 0.5 and 2 (default 0.707), the prior width to use in calculat-
ing Bayes factors and posterior estimates.
bf.message Logical that decides whether to display Bayes Factor in favor of the null hypoth-
esis. This argument is relevant only for parametric test (Default: TRUE).
tr Trim level for the mean when carrying out robust tests. In case of an error,
try reducing the value of tr, which is by default set to 0.2. Lowering the value
might help.
k Number of digits after decimal point (should be an integer) (Default: k = 2L).
Decides whether the results of statistical tests are to be displayed as a subtitle
(Default: TRUE). If set to FALSE, only the plot will be returned.
label.var Variable to use for points labels. Can be entered either as a bare expression (e.g,
var1) or as a string (e.g., "var1").
An expression evaluating to a logical vector that determines the subset of data
points to label. This argument can be entered either as a bare expression (e.g., y
< 4 & z < 20) or as a string (e.g., "y < 4 & z < 20").
point.args A list of additional aesthetic arguments to be passed to ggplot2::geom_point
geom used to display the raw data points.
point.width.jitter, point.height.jitter
Degree of jitter in x and y direction, respectively. Defaults to 0 (0%) of the reso-
lution of the data. Note that the jitter should not be specified in the point.args
because this information will be passed to two different geoms: one displaying
the points and the other displaying the *labels for these points.
A list of additional aesthetic arguments to be passed to ggrepel::geom_label_repel
geom used to display the labels.
A list of additional aesthetic arguments to be passed to ggplot2::geom_smooth
geom used to display the regression line.
32 ggscatterstats
• If you set marginal = TRUE, the resulting plot can not be further modified with ggplot2 func-
tions since it is no longer a ggplot object. In case you want a ggplot object, set marginal =
FALSE. Also have a look at the ggplot.component argument.
• The plot uses ggrepel::geom_label_repel to attempt to keep labels from over-lapping to
the largest degree possible. As a consequence plot times will slow down massively (and the
plot file will grow in size) if you have a lot of labels that overlap.
ggwithinstats 33
See Also
grouped_ggscatterstats, ggcorrmat, grouped_ggcorrmat
# to get reproducible results from bootstrapping
A combination of box and violin plots along with raw (unjittered) data points for within-subjects
designs with statistical details included in the plot as a subtitle.
type = "parametric",
pairwise.comparisons = TRUE,
pairwise.display = "significant",
p.adjust.method = "holm",
effsize.type = "unbiased",
bf.prior = 0.707,
bf.message = TRUE,
results.subtitle = TRUE,
xlab = NULL,
34 ggwithinstats
ylab = NULL,
caption = NULL,
title = NULL,
subtitle = NULL,
k = 2L,
conf.level = 0.95,
nboot = 100L,
tr = 0.2,
centrality.plotting = TRUE,
centrality.type = type,
centrality.point.args = list(size = 5, color = "darkred"),
centrality.label.args = list(size = 3, nudge_x = 0.4, segment.linetype = 4),
centrality.path = TRUE,
centrality.path.args = list(color = "red", size = 1, alpha = 0.5),
point.path = TRUE,
point.path.args = list(alpha = 0.5, linetype = "dashed"),
outlier.tagging = FALSE,
outlier.label = NULL,
outlier.coef = 1.5,
outlier.label.args = list(size = 3),
violin.args = list(width = 0.5, alpha = 0.2),
ggsignif.args = list(textsize = 3, tip_length = 0.01),
ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_bw(),
ggstatsplot.layer = TRUE,
package = "RColorBrewer",
palette = "Dark2",
ggplot.component = NULL,
output = "plot",
data A dataframe (or a tibble) from which variables specified are to be taken. Other
data types (e.g., matrix,table, array, etc.) will not be accepted.
x The grouping (or independent) variable from the dataframe data.
y The response (or outcome or dependent) variable from the dataframe data.
type A character specifying the type of statistical approach. Four possible options:
• "parametric"
• "nonparametric"
• "robust"
• "bayes"
Corresponding abbreviations are also accepted: "p" (for parametric), "np" (for
nonparametric), "r" (for robust), or "bf" (for Bayesian).
Logical that decides whether pairwise comparisons are to be displayed (default:
TRUE). Please note that only significant comparisons will be shown by default.
To change this behavior, select appropriate option with pairwise.display ar-
gument. The pairwise comparison dataframes are prepared using the pairwiseComparisons::pairw
function. For more details about pairwise comparisons, see the documentation
for that function.
ggwithinstats 35
Decides which pairwise comparisons to display. Available options are:
• "significant" (abbreviation accepted: "s")
• "non-significant" (abbreviation accepted: "ns")
• "all"
You can use this argument to make sure that your plot is not uber-cluttered when
you have multiple groups being compared and scores of pairwise comparisons
being displayed.
Adjustment method for p-values for multiple comparisons. Possible methods
are: "holm" (default), "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY",
"fdr", "none".
effsize.type Type of effect size needed for parametric tests. The argument can be "eta"
(partial eta-squared) or "omega" (partial omega-squared).
bf.prior A number between 0.5 and 2 (default 0.707), the prior width to use in calculat-
ing Bayes factors.
bf.message Logical that decides whether to display Bayes Factor in favor of the null hypoth-
esis. This argument is relevant only for parametric test (Default: TRUE).
Decides whether the results of statistical tests are to be displayed as a subtitle
(Default: TRUE). If set to FALSE, only the plot will be returned.
xlab Labels for x and y axis variables. If NULL (default), variable names for x and y
will be used.
ylab Labels for x and y axis variables. If NULL (default), variable names for x and y
will be used.
caption The text for the plot caption.
title The text for the plot title.
subtitle The text for the plot subtitle. Will work only if results.subtitle = FALSE.
k Number of digits after decimal point (should be an integer) (Default: k = 2L).
conf.level Scalar between 0 and 1. If unspecified, the defaults return 95% confidence/credible
intervals (0.95).
nboot Number of bootstrap samples for computing confidence interval for the effect
size (Default: 100).
tr Trim level for the mean when carrying out robust tests. In case of an error,
try reducing the value of tr, which is by default set to 0.2. Lowering the value
might help.
Logical that decides whether centrality tendency measure is to be displayed as
a point with a label (Default: TRUE). Function decides which central tendency
measure to show depending on the type argument.
• mean for parametric statistics
• median for non-parametric statistics
• trimmed mean for robust statistics
• MAP estimator for Bayesian statistics
If you want default centrality parameter, you can specify this using centrality.type
36 ggwithinstats
Decides which centrality parameter is to be displayed. The default is to choose
the same as type argument. You can specify this to be:
• "parameteric" (for mean)
• "nonparametric" (for median)
• robust (for trimmed mean)
• bayes (for MAP estimator)
Just as type argument, abbreviations are also accepted.
A list of additional aesthetic arguments to be passed to ggplot2::geom_point
and ggrepel::geom_label_repel geoms, which are involved in mean plotting.
A list of additional aesthetic arguments to be passed to ggplot2::geom_point
and ggrepel::geom_label_repel geoms, which are involved in mean plotting.
centrality.path.args, point.path.args
A list of additional aesthetic arguments passed on to geom_path connecting raw
data points and mean points.
point.path, centrality.path
Logical that decides whether individual data points and means, respectively,
should be connected using geom_path. Both default to TRUE. Note that point.path
argument is relevant only when there are two groups (i.e., in case of a t-test). In
case of large number of data points, it is advisable to set point.path = FALSE
as these lines can overwhelm the plot.
Decides whether outliers should be tagged (Default: FALSE).
outlier.label Label to put on the outliers that have been tagged. This can’t be the same as x
outlier.coef Coefficient for outlier detection using Tukey’s method. With Tukey’s method,
outliers are below (1st Quartile) or above (3rd Quartile) outlier.coef times
the Inter-Quartile Range (IQR) (Default: 1.5).
A list of additional aesthetic arguments to be passed to ggrepel::geom_label_repel
for outlier label plotting.
violin.args A list of additional aesthetic arguments to be passed to the geom_violin.
ggsignif.args A list of additional aesthetic arguments to be passed to ggsignif::geom_signif.
ggtheme A function, ggplot2 theme name. Default value is ggplot2::theme_bw().
Any of the ggplot2 themes, or themes from extension packages are allowed
(e.g., ggthemes::theme_fivethirtyeight(), hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum_ps(),
Logical that decides whether theme_ggstatsplot theme elements are to be dis-
played along with the selected ggtheme (Default: TRUE). theme_ggstatsplot is
an opinionated theme layer that override some aspects of the selected ggtheme.
package Name of the package from which the given palette is to be extracted. The avail-
able palettes and packages can be checked by running View(paletteer::palettes_d_names).
palette Name of the package from which the given palette is to be extracted. The avail-
able palettes and packages can be checked by running View(paletteer::palettes_d_names).
ggwithinstats 37
A ggplot component to be added to the plot prepared by ggstatsplot. This
argument is primarily helpful for grouped_ variants of all primary functions.
Default is NULL. The argument should be entered as a ggplot2 function or a list
of ggplot2 functions.
output Character that describes what is to be returned: can be "plot" (default) or
"subtitle" or "caption". Setting this to "subtitle" will return the expres-
sion containing statistical results. If you have set results.subtitle = FALSE,
then this will return a NULL. Setting this to "caption" will return the expres-
sion containing details about Bayes Factor analysis, but valid only when type =
"parametric" and bf.message = TRUE, otherwise this will return a NULL.
... Currently ignored.
1. Please note that the function expects that the data is already sorted by subject/repeated mea-
sures ID.
2. To carry out Bayesian analysis for ANOVA designs, you will need to install the development
version of BayesFactor (0.9.12-4.3). You can download it by running: remotes::install_github("richarddmo
See Also
grouped_ggbetweenstats, ggbetweenstats, grouped_ggwithinstats
# setup
data = WineTasting,
x = Wine,
y = Taste,
type = "np", # non-parametric test
pairwise.comparisons = TRUE,
outlier.tagging = TRUE,
outlier.label = Taster
38 grouped_ggbarstats
Helper function for ggstatsplot::ggbarstats to apply this function across multiple levels of a
given factor and combining the resulting plots using ggstatsplot::combine_plots.
counts = NULL,
output = "plot",
plotgrid.args = list(),
annotation.args = list(),
data A dataframe (or a tibble) from which variables specified are to be taken. Other
data types (e.g., matrix,table, array, etc.) will not be accepted.
x The variable to use as the rows in the contingency table. Please note that if there
are empty factor levels in your variable, they will be dropped.
y The variable to use as the columns in the contingency table. Please note that
if there are empty factor levels in your variable, they will be dropped. Default
is NULL. If NULL, one-sample proportion test (a goodness of fit test) will be run
for the x variable. Otherwise an appropriate association test will be run. This
argument can not be NULL for ggbarstats function.
counts A string naming a variable in data containing counts, or NULL if each row repre-
sents a single observation.
grouping.var A single grouping variable (can be entered either as a bare name x or as a string
output Character that describes what is to be returned: can be "plot" (default) or
"subtitle" or "caption". Setting this to "subtitle" will return the expres-
sion containing statistical results. If you have set results.subtitle = FALSE,
then this will return a NULL. Setting this to "caption" will return the expres-
sion containing details about Bayes Factor analysis, but valid only when type =
"parametric" and bf.message = TRUE, otherwise this will return a NULL.
plotgrid.args A list of additional arguments passed to patchwork::wrap_plots, except for
guides argument which is already separately specified here.
grouped_ggbarstats 39
A list of additional arguments passed to patchwork::plot_annotation.
... Arguments passed on to ggbarstats
xlab Custom text for the x axis label (Default: NULL, which will cause the x
axis label to be the x variable).
ylab Custom text for the y axis label (Default: NULL).
type A character specifying the type of statistical approach. Four possible op-
• "parametric"
• "nonparametric"
• "robust"
• "bayes"
Corresponding abbreviations are also accepted: "p" (for parametric), "np"
(for nonparametric), "r" (for robust), or "bf" (for Bayesian).
paired Logical indicating whether data came from a within-subjects or re-
peated measures design study (Default: FALSE). If TRUE, McNemar’s test
expression will be returned. If FALSE, Pearson’s chi-square test will be re-
results.subtitle Decides whether the results of statistical tests are to be dis-
played as a subtitle (Default: TRUE). If set to FALSE, only the plot will be
label Character decides what information needs to be displayed on the label
in each pie slice. Possible options are "percentage" (default), "counts",
label.args Additional aesthetic arguments that will be passed to geom_label.
k Number of digits after decimal point (should be an integer) (Default: k = 2L).
proportion.test Decides whether proportion test for x variable is to be car-
ried out for each level of y (Default: TRUE). In ggbarstats, only p-values
from this test will be displayed.
perc.k Numeric that decides number of decimal places for percentage labels
(Default: 0).
bf.message Logical that decides whether to display Bayes Factor in favor of
the null hypothesis. This argument is relevant only for parametric test
(Default: TRUE).
ratio A vector of proportions: the expected proportions for the proportion test
(should sum to 1). Default is NULL, which means the null is equal theoretical
proportions across the levels of the nominal variable. This means if there
are two levels this will be ratio = c(0.5,0.5) or if there are four levels
this will be ratio = c(0.25,0.25,0.25,0.25), etc.
conf.level Scalar between 0 and 1. If unspecified, the defaults return 95%
confidence/credible intervals (0.95).
sampling.plan Character describing the sampling plan. Possible options are
"indepMulti" (independent multinomial; default), "poisson", "jointMulti"
(joint multinomial), "hypergeom" (hypergeometric). For more, see ?BayesFactor::contingenc
fixed.margin For the independent multinomial sampling plan, which margin
is fixed ("rows" or "cols"). Defaults to "rows".
prior.concentration Specifies the prior concentration parameter, set to 1 by
default. It indexes the expected deviation from the null hypothesis under the
alternative, and corresponds to Gunel and Dickey’s (1974) "a" parameter.
40 grouped_ggbetweenstats
subtitle The text for the plot subtitle. Will work only if results.subtitle
caption The text for the plot caption.
legend.title Title text for the legend.
ggtheme A function, ggplot2 theme name. Default value is ggplot2::theme_bw().
Any of the ggplot2 themes, or themes from extension packages are allowed
(e.g., ggthemes::theme_fivethirtyeight(), hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum_ps(),
ggstatsplot.layer Logical that decides whether theme_ggstatsplot theme
elements are to be displayed along with the selected ggtheme (Default:
TRUE). theme_ggstatsplot is an opinionated theme layer that override
some aspects of the selected ggtheme.
package Name of the package from which the given palette is to be extracted.
The available palettes and packages can be checked by running View(paletteer::palettes_d_
palette Name of the package from which the given palette is to be extracted.
The available palettes and packages can be checked by running View(paletteer::palettes_d_
ggplot.component A ggplot component to be added to the plot prepared by
ggstatsplot. This argument is primarily helpful for grouped_ variants of
all primary functions. Default is NULL. The argument should be entered as
a ggplot2 function or a list of ggplot2 functions.
See Also
ggbarstats, ggpiestats, grouped_ggpiestats
# for reproducibility
# plot
# let's skip statistical analysis
data = diamonds_short,
x = color,
y = clarity,
grouping.var = cut,
plotgrid.args = list(nrow = 2)
Violin plots for group or condition comparisons in between-subjects
designs repeated across all levels of a grouping variable.
grouped_ggbetweenstats 41
Helper function for ggstatsplot::ggbetweenstats to apply this function across multiple levels
of a given factor and combining the resulting plots using ggstatsplot::combine_plots.
outlier.label = NULL,
output = "plot",
plotgrid.args = list(),
annotation.args = list(),
data A dataframe (or a tibble) from which variables specified are to be taken. Other
data types (e.g., matrix,table, array, etc.) will not be accepted.
x The grouping (or independent) variable from the dataframe data.
y The response (or outcome or dependent) variable from the dataframe data.
grouping.var A single grouping variable (can be entered either as a bare name x or as a string
outlier.label Label to put on the outliers that have been tagged. This can’t be the same as x
output Character that describes what is to be returned: can be "plot" (default) or
"subtitle" or "caption". Setting this to "subtitle" will return the expres-
sion containing statistical results. If you have set results.subtitle = FALSE,
then this will return a NULL. Setting this to "caption" will return the expres-
sion containing details about Bayes Factor analysis, but valid only when type =
"parametric" and bf.message = TRUE, otherwise this will return a NULL.
plotgrid.args A list of additional arguments passed to patchwork::wrap_plots, except for
guides argument which is already separately specified here.
A list of additional arguments passed to patchwork::plot_annotation.
... Arguments passed on to ggbetweenstats
plot.type Character describing the type of plot. Currently supported plots are
"box" (for only boxplots), "violin" (for only violin plots), and "boxviolin"
(for a combination of box and violin plots; default).
xlab Labels for x and y axis variables. If NULL (default), variable names for x
and y will be used.
ylab Labels for x and y axis variables. If NULL (default), variable names for x
and y will be used.
42 grouped_ggbetweenstats
See Also
ggbetweenstats, ggwithinstats, grouped_ggwithinstats
# to get reproducible results from bootstrapping
Helper function for ggstatsplot::ggcorrmat to apply this function across multiple levels of a
given factor and combining the resulting plots using ggstatsplot::combine_plots.
cor.vars = NULL,
output = "plot",
plotgrid.args = list(),
annotation.args = list(),
data Dataframe from which variables specified are preferentially to be taken.
cor.vars List of variables for which the correlation matrix is to be computed and visual-
ized. If NULL (default), all numeric variables from data will be used.
grouping.var A single grouping variable (can be entered either as a bare name x or as a string
output Character that decides expected output from this function. If "plot", the visu-
alization matrix will be returned. If "dataframe" (or literally anything other
than "plot"), a dataframe containing all details from statistical analyses (e.g.,
correlation coefficients, statistic values, p-values, no. of observations, etc.) will
be returned.
plotgrid.args A list of additional arguments passed to patchwork::wrap_plots, except for
guides argument which is already separately specified here.
A list of additional arguments passed to patchwork::plot_annotation.
... Arguments passed on to ggcorrmat
cor.vars.names Optional list of names to be used for cor.vars. The names
should be entered in the same order.
partial Can be TRUE for partial correlations. For Bayesian partial correlations,
"full" instead of pseudo-Bayesian partial correlations (i.e., Bayesian corre-
lation based on frequentist partialization) are returned.
matrix.type Character, "upper" (default), "lower", or "full", display full
matrix, lower triangular or upper triangular matrix.
sig.level Significance level (Default: 0.05). If the p-value in p-value matrix
is bigger than sig.level, then the corresponding correlation coefficient
is regarded as insignificant and flagged as such in the plot. Relevant only
when output = "plot".
colors A vector of 3 colors for low, mid, and high correlation values. If set to
NULL, manual specification of colors will be turned off and 3 colors from
the specified palette from package will be selected.
pch Decides the point shape to be used for insignificant correlation coefficients
(only valid when insig = "pch"). Default: pch = "cross".
46 grouped_ggcorrmat
See Also
ggcorrmat, ggscatterstats, grouped_ggscatterstats
grouped_ggdotplotstats 47
# for reproducibility
# for plot
data = iris,
grouping.var = Species,
type = "robust",
p.adjust.method = "holm"
# for dataframe
data = ggplot2::msleep,
grouping.var = vore,
type = "bayes",
output = "dataframe"
Grouped histograms for distribution of a labeled numeric variable
Helper function for ggstatsplot::ggdotplotstats to apply this function across multiple levels
of a given factor and combining the resulting plots using ggstatsplot::combine_plots.
output = "plot",
plotgrid.args = list(),
annotation.args = list(),
data A dataframe (or a tibble) from which variables specified are to be taken. Other
data types (e.g., matrix,table, array, etc.) will not be accepted.
x A numeric variable from the dataframe data.
y Label or grouping variable.
48 grouped_ggdotplotstats
grouping.var A single grouping variable (can be entered either as a bare name x or as a string
output Character that describes what is to be returned: can be "plot" (default) or
"subtitle" or "caption". Setting this to "subtitle" will return the expres-
sion containing statistical results. If you have set results.subtitle = FALSE,
then this will return a NULL. Setting this to "caption" will return the expres-
sion containing details about Bayes Factor analysis, but valid only when type =
"parametric" and bf.message = TRUE, otherwise this will return a NULL.
plotgrid.args A list of additional arguments passed to patchwork::wrap_plots, except for
guides argument which is already separately specified here.
A list of additional arguments passed to patchwork::plot_annotation.
... Arguments passed on to ggdotplotstats
point.args A list of additional aesthetic arguments passed to geom_point.
type A character specifying the type of statistical approach. Four possible op-
• "parametric"
• "nonparametric"
• "robust"
• "bayes"
Corresponding abbreviations are also accepted: "p" (for parametric), "np"
(for nonparametric), "r" (for robust), or "bf" (for Bayesian).
tr Trim level for the mean when carrying out robust tests. In case of an error,
try reducing the value of tr, which is by default set to 0.2. Lowering the
value might help.
k Number of digits after decimal point (should be an integer) (Default: k = 2L).
centrality.line.args A list of additional aesthetic arguments to be passed
to the geom_line used to display the lines corresponding to the centrality
xlab Labels for x and y axis variables. If NULL (default), variable names for x
and y will be used.
subtitle The text for the plot subtitle. Will work only if results.subtitle
caption The text for the plot caption.
test.value A number indicating the true value of the mean (Default: 0).
bf.prior A number between 0.5 and 2 (default 0.707), the prior width to use
in calculating Bayes factors and posterior estimates.
bf.message Logical that decides whether to display Bayes Factor in favor of
the null hypothesis. This argument is relevant only for parametric test
(Default: TRUE).
effsize.type Type of effect size needed for parametric tests. The argument
can be "d" (for Cohen’s d) or "g" (for Hedge’s g).
conf.level Confidence/Credible Interval (CI) level. Default to 0.95 (95%).
nboot Number of bootstrap samples for computing confidence interval for the
effect size (Default: 100).
results.subtitle Decides whether the results of statistical tests are to be dis-
played as a subtitle (Default: TRUE). If set to FALSE, only the plot will be
grouped_ggdotplotstats 49
See Also
grouped_gghistostats, ggdotplotstats, gghistostats
# for reproducibility
# plot
data = df,
x = cty,
50 grouped_gghistostats
y = manufacturer,
grouping.var = cyl,
test.value = 15.5,
ggplot.component = ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(
sec.axis = ggplot2::dup_axis(),
limits = c(12, 24),
breaks = seq(12, 24, 2)
Helper function for ggstatsplot::gghistostats to apply this function across multiple levels of
a given factor and combining the resulting plots using ggstatsplot::combine_plots.
binwidth = NULL,
output = "plot",
plotgrid.args = list(),
annotation.args = list(),
data A dataframe (or a tibble) from which variables specified are to be taken. Other
data types (e.g., matrix,table, array, etc.) will not be accepted.
x A numeric variable from the dataframe data.
grouping.var A single grouping variable (can be entered either as a bare name x or as a string
binwidth The width of the histogram bins. Can be specified as a numeric value, or a
function that calculates width from x. The default is to use the max(x) -min(x)
/ sqrt(N). You should always check this value and explore multiple widths to
find the best to illustrate the stories in your data.
output Character that describes what is to be returned: can be "plot" (default) or
"subtitle" or "caption". Setting this to "subtitle" will return the expres-
sion containing statistical results. If you have set results.subtitle = FALSE,
then this will return a NULL. Setting this to "caption" will return the expres-
sion containing details about Bayes Factor analysis, but valid only when type =
"parametric" and bf.message = TRUE, otherwise this will return a NULL.
grouped_gghistostats 51
See Also
gghistostats, ggdotplotstats, grouped_ggdotplotstats
# for reproducibility
# plot
data = iris,
x = Sepal.Length,
test.value = 5,
grouping.var = Species,
bar.fill = "orange",
ggplot.component = list(
ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = seq(3, 9, 1), limits = (c(3, 9))),
ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(breaks = seq(0, 25, 5), limits = (c(0, 25)))
plotgrid.args = list(nrow = 1),
annotation.args = list(tag_levels = "i"),
grouped_ggpiestats 53
Helper function for ggstatsplot::ggpiestats to apply this function across multiple levels of a
given factor and combining the resulting plots using ggstatsplot::combine_plots.
y = NULL,
counts = NULL,
output = "plot",
plotgrid.args = list(),
annotation.args = list(),
data A dataframe (or a tibble) from which variables specified are to be taken. Other
data types (e.g., matrix,table, array, etc.) will not be accepted.
x The variable to use as the rows in the contingency table. Please note that if there
are empty factor levels in your variable, they will be dropped.
y The variable to use as the columns in the contingency table. Please note that
if there are empty factor levels in your variable, they will be dropped. Default
is NULL. If NULL, one-sample proportion test (a goodness of fit test) will be run
for the x variable. Otherwise an appropriate association test will be run. This
argument can not be NULL for ggbarstats function.
counts A string naming a variable in data containing counts, or NULL if each row repre-
sents a single observation.
grouping.var A single grouping variable (can be entered either as a bare name x or as a string
output Character that describes what is to be returned: can be "plot" (default) or
"subtitle" or "caption". Setting this to "subtitle" will return the expres-
sion containing statistical results. If you have set results.subtitle = FALSE,
then this will return a NULL. Setting this to "caption" will return the expres-
sion containing details about Bayes Factor analysis, but valid only when type =
"parametric" and bf.message = TRUE, otherwise this will return a NULL.
plotgrid.args A list of additional arguments passed to patchwork::wrap_plots, except for
guides argument which is already separately specified here.
A list of additional arguments passed to patchwork::plot_annotation.
... Arguments passed on to ggpiestats
54 grouped_ggpiestats
See Also
# grouped one-sample proportion test
# let's skip statistical analysis
data = mtcars,
grouping.var = am,
x = cyl
Scatterplot with marginal distributions for all levels of a grouping
Grouped scatterplots from ggplot2 combined with marginal distribution plots with statistical de-
tails added as a subtitle.
56 grouped_ggscatterstats
label.var = NULL,
label.expression = NULL,
output = "plot",
plotgrid.args = list(),
annotation.args = list(),
data A dataframe (or a tibble) from which variables specified are to be taken. Other
data types (e.g., matrix,table, array, etc.) will not be accepted.
x The column in data containing the explanatory variable to be plotted on the x-
axis. Can be entered either as a character string (e.g., "x") or as a bare expression
(e.g, x).
y The column in data containing the response (outcome) variable to be plotted on
the y-axis. Can be entered either as a character string (e.g., "y") or as a bare
expression (e.g, y).
grouping.var A single grouping variable (can be entered either as a bare name x or as a string
label.var Variable to use for points labels. Can be entered either as a bare expression (e.g,
var1) or as a string (e.g., "var1").
An expression evaluating to a logical vector that determines the subset of data
points to label. This argument can be entered either as a bare expression (e.g., y
< 4 & z < 20) or as a string (e.g., "y < 4 & z < 20").
output Character that describes what is to be returned: can be "plot" (default) or
"subtitle" or "caption". Setting this to "subtitle" will return the expres-
sion containing statistical results. If you have set results.subtitle = FALSE,
then this will return a NULL. Setting this to "caption" will return the expres-
sion containing details about Bayes Factor analysis, but valid only when type =
"parametric" and bf.message = TRUE, otherwise this will return a NULL.
plotgrid.args A list of additional arguments passed to patchwork::wrap_plots, except for
guides argument which is already separately specified here.
A list of additional arguments passed to patchwork::plot_annotation.
... Arguments passed on to ggscatterstats
point.label.args A list of additional aesthetic arguments to be passed to
ggrepel::geom_label_repel geom used to display the labels.
smooth.line.args A list of additional aesthetic arguments to be passed to
ggplot2::geom_smooth geom used to display the regression line.
point.args A list of additional aesthetic arguments to be passed to ggplot2::geom_point
geom used to display the raw data points.
grouped_ggscatterstats 57
See Also
ggscatterstats, ggcorrmat, grouped_ggcorrmat
# to ensure reproducibility
# using labeling
# (also show how to modify basic plot from within function call)
data = dplyr::filter(ggplot2::mpg, cyl != 5),
x = displ,
y = hwy,
grouping.var = cyl,
type = "robust",
label.var = manufacturer,
label.expression = hwy > 25 & displ > 2.5,
ggplot.component = ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(sec.axis = ggplot2::dup_axis())
data = dplyr::filter(
grouped_ggwithinstats 59
.data = movies_long,
rating == 7,
genre %in% c("Drama", "Comedy")
x = budget,
y = length,
grouping.var = genre,
bf.message = FALSE,
label.var = "title",
marginal = FALSE,
annotation.args = list(caption = "All movies have IMDB rating greater than 7")
A combined plot of comparison plot created for levels of a grouping variable.
outlier.label = NULL,
output = "plot",
plotgrid.args = list(),
annotation.args = list(),
data A dataframe (or a tibble) from which variables specified are to be taken. Other
data types (e.g., matrix,table, array, etc.) will not be accepted.
x The grouping (or independent) variable from the dataframe data.
y The response (or outcome or dependent) variable from the dataframe data.
grouping.var A single grouping variable (can be entered either as a bare name x or as a string
outlier.label Label to put on the outliers that have been tagged. This can’t be the same as x
output Character that describes what is to be returned: can be "plot" (default) or
"subtitle" or "caption". Setting this to "subtitle" will return the expres-
sion containing statistical results. If you have set results.subtitle = FALSE,
then this will return a NULL. Setting this to "caption" will return the expres-
sion containing details about Bayes Factor analysis, but valid only when type =
"parametric" and bf.message = TRUE, otherwise this will return a NULL.
60 grouped_ggwithinstats
See Also
# to get reproducible results from bootstrapping
Edgar Anderson’s Iris Data in long format.
A data frame with 600 rows and 5 variables
• id. Dummy identity number for each flower (150 flowers in total).
• Species. The species are Iris setosa, versicolor, and virginica.
• condition. Factor giving a detailed description of the attribute (Four levels: "Petal.Length",
"Petal.Width", "Sepal.Length", "Sepal.Width").
• attribute. What attribute is being measured ("Sepal" or "Pepal").
• measure. What aspect of the attribute is being measured ("Length" or "Width").
• value. Value of the measurement.
This famous (Fisher’s or Anderson’s) iris data set gives the measurements in centimeters of the
variables sepal length and width and petal length and width, respectively, for 50 flowers from each
of 3 species of iris. The species are Iris setosa, versicolor, and virginica.
This is a modified dataset from datasets package.
movies_long Movie information and user ratings from (long format).
Movie information and user ratings from (long format).
64 movies_wide
movies_wide Movie information and user ratings from (wide format).
theme_ggstatsplot 65
A data frame with 1,579 rows and 13 variables
• title. Title of the movie.
• year. Year of release.
• budget. Total budget in millions of US dollars
• length. Length in minutes.
• rating. Average IMDB user rating.
• votes. Number of IMDB users who rated this movie.
• mpaa. MPAA rating.
• action, animation, comedy, drama, documentary, romance, short. Binary variables represent-
ing if movie was classified as belonging to that genre.
• NumGenre. The number of different genres a film was classified in an integer between one
and four
Modified dataset from ggplot2movies package.
The internet movie database,, is a website devoted to collecting movie data
supplied by studios and fans. It claims to be the biggest movie database on the web and is run by
Movies were selected for inclusion if they had a known length and had been rated by at least one
imdb user. Small categories such as documentaries and NC-17 movies were removed.
Common theme used across all plots generated in ggstatsplot and assumed by the author to be
aesthetically pleasing to the user/reader.
theme_ggstatsplot(ggtheme = ggplot2::theme_bw(), ggstatsplot.layer = TRUE)
ggtheme A function, ggplot2 theme name. Default value is ggplot2::theme_bw().
Any of the ggplot2 themes, or themes from extension packages are allowed
(e.g., ggthemes::theme_fivethirtyeight(), hrbrthemes::theme_ipsum_ps(),
Logical that decides whether theme_ggstatsplot theme elements are to be dis-
played along with the selected ggtheme (Default: TRUE). theme_ggstatsplot is
an opinionated theme layer that override some aspects of the selected ggtheme.
A ggplot2 object with the theme_ggstatsplot theme overlaid.
Titanic dataset.
A data frame with 2201 rows and 5 variables
• id. Dummy identity number for each person.
• Class. 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Crew.
• Sex. Male, Female.
• Age. Child, Adult.
• Survived. No, Yes.
This data set provides information on the fate of passengers on the fatal maiden voyage of the ocean
liner ’Titanic’, summarized according to economic status (class), sex, age and survival.
This is a modified dataset from datasets package.
VR_dilemma 67
Virtual reality moral dilemmas.
A data frame with 68 rows and 4 variables
• id. Dummy identity number for each participant.
• order. The order in which the participants completed the two sessions: "text_first" (0) or
"text_second" (1).
• modality. Describes how the moral dilemmas were presented to the participants: either in text
format ("text") or in Virtual Reality ("vr").
• score. Proportion of "utilitarian" decisions. In other words, of the 4 decisions, how many
affirmative were responses. Range: 0 (all utilitarian) - 1 (none utilitarian).
Dataset from a study where participants completed identical moral dilemmas in two different ses-
sions held on separate days: in one session, they read text description of the scenario, while
in another session they completed the same scenarios in Virtual Reality (videos: https://www. The study investigated if there was a discrepancy between
how people judged the same scenarios while reading them in text versus experiencing them in vir-
tual reality.
∗ datasets VR_dilemma, 67
bugs_long, 4
bugs_wide, 5
iris_long, 63
movies_long, 63
movies_wide, 64
Titanic_full, 66
VR_dilemma, 67
_PACKAGE (ggstatsplot-package), 3
bugs_long, 4
bugs_wide, 5
combine_plots, 6
iris_long, 63
movies_long, 63
movies_wide, 64
theme(legend.position=...), 6
theme_corrmat (theme_ggstatsplot), 65
theme_ggstatsplot, 65
theme_pie (theme_ggstatsplot), 65
Titanic_full, 66