Quarter 4 - Week 4: Compose Effective Paragraphs
Quarter 4 - Week 4: Compose Effective Paragraphs
Quarter 4 - Week 4: Compose Effective Paragraphs
GOOD DAY! Welcome to Quarter 4, week 4. This Learning Activity Sheet (LAS) aims to improve
your ideas in composing an effective paragraphs.
A PARAGRAPH is a group of sentences that focus on one main point. Paragraphs break writing
into manageable parts, which is important for several reasons. Effective paragraphing shows the
series of ideas a writer builds within an essay or research paper. Paragraphs also identify the
organizational structure of the draft, making it easier to follow the writer’s purpose, thesis, and
supporting points. This structure enables writers to revise so that ideas are arranged clearly in the
final draft of the paper.
The following guidelines will help you develop effective paragraphs to engage your readers and
to make your writing more organized, focused, and clear.
Focuses on one main point or example
Usually has a topic sentence that ties information together
Contains sentences that all relate to or expand on a specific idea
Presents ideas in a logical way to establish credibility
Is well-developed with detail but not overly long
Flows smoothly and uses transitional words and phrases
Avoids repetition by using pronouns and synonyms to refer to similar ideas
Guides readers with transitional sentences that act as verbal and logical bridges ---
referring back to a previous sentence or paragraph or ahead to the next
Provide a bridge between the introduction and the rest of the paper
Begin or elaborate on a new point
Break up lengthy discussions or descriptions for readers
Contrast ideas developed earlier
Refute a claim or counter-argument
Indicate a shift in time and place
Change3 speakers in a dialogue
Set up the conclusion to the paper
Note: In a longer paper, the introduction and/or conclusion may be more than one paragraph.
Now that you have an idea about how a paragraph works, here are the basics.
The first sentence of a paragraph is the topic sentence. It tells what the paragraph will be about.
A sentence like, “I go to school,” is a rather weak topic sentence because it doesn’t tell anything
about what you will be saying about going to school. A topic sentence that says, “I go to a very
strange school,” is not only more interesting, it tells something about what you will be saying.
The sentences which follow the topic sentence add specific details to tell more about the topic.
The details need to make the topic more interesting or help explain what you mean. Every sentence
in the middle of the paragraph, or the body, needs to be about the topic stated in the topic
sentence. If you were to use the topic sentence about going to a strange school, a middle sentence
might say, “From a distance my school looks like a space ship.”
The last sentence of your paragraph is the concluding sentence, or closing. This sentence
reminds the reader of what the topic is about and what it means. For the paragraph about a
strange school, this could be closing sentence. “Because of its shape, location, and the strange
noises coming from the factory down the hill, it is clear that I go to a strange school.”
Just remember that every paragraph, just like every story or book, has a beginning, a middle,
and an end.
1. Topic sentence: The mixture of ginger and honey has many health benefits for treating
respiratory problems that are unmatched by any other magic potion.
a. Therefore, you should take this mixture every morning on an empty stomach.
b. In conclusion, this mixture provides instant relief so people suffering from cough, sore
throat and runny nose.
CONCLUDING SENTENCE: ____________________________________________________________
2. Topic sentence: acquiring piano skills might seems hard at first, but if you’re serious about
it, you’ll be playing your first songs independently in a very short time.
a. Learning to play the piano is almost like climbing Mt. Everest.
b. Piano lessons from experts can make your learning experience less overwhelming and
more fun.
DIRECTION: Every sentence in a paragraph must contribute to the main idea. Most of the
sentences in a paragraph simply support the main idea. Some may state or summarize that idea.
(A) There is one sentence in each of the following paragraphs that DOES NOT contribute to the
main idea. It does not belong in the paragraph. Write the sentence that should be removed
from each paragraph.
1. Jim is looking forward to Election Day. It’s fun to vote and exciting to watch the election
results. He’ll be rooting for his candidate to win and enjoying the suspense if the vote is
close. The following day will be a good time to play video games.
2. April is beginning the lengthy process of choosing a college to attend. She is buying and
reading guides to the best schools. She hasn’t completely ruled out working for a year
before attending college. She’s checking out the many websites that provide information for
picking the right college or university. She’s even researching the climate of the area of
every school she considers.
3. Bill is one of those people who just doesn’t have to worry about gaining too much weight.
He is the best tennis player I’ve ever met. Bill can eat any amount of any food he likes
without putting on an ounce. He can go for weeks without exercising with no apparent
effect. It just doesn’t seem fair!
4. Scientists are learning a great deal about the aging process. This knowledge will allow
doctors to help their patients live longer and better lives. They will be able to defeat
diseases associated with aging and perhaps even delay the onset of old age. Many doctors
would agree that some medicines are much too expensive.
DIRECTIONS: Write a paragraph to give information about your new bicycle and why you like it. Fill
in the following information.
Compose an effective paragraph using the information you have written above.
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