Douchette Bluetooth Voyager
Douchette Bluetooth Voyager
Douchette Bluetooth Voyager
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Honepvell Geffing Sfarred
VoyagerrM 12029 Power Suppryハ ssembry「fゎ crudeり
Cordless Single― Line Laser Bar Code Scanner
‖ ‖‖ II‖ IⅢ
VG1202‐ OS Rev B
R5485 Connection
晉 淵柵 脩 肺
Scan the Program Keyboard Country bar code below, then sc
the numeric bar code(s) from the end of this document, then the S
bar code to program the keyboard for your country. As a generr
rule, the following characters are not supported by the scanner f
countries other than the United States:
@ l$#tlll=/'\<>-.
China 92 Italy 5
The RS485 interface defaults to port 5B lf yOu have an!BM POS Finland 2 Japan 28 Turkey 24
terminal using port 9B,scan the appropriate code below to program France 3 Korea 93 USA(Defau‖ ) 0
the terminal,then power cyc!e the cash register.
││l llllllⅢ ‖‖
lBM Port9B HHBCR‐ 1
Great Britain
7 Slovenia
IⅢ ‖
‖Ⅲ ‖
‖Ⅲ II‖ I‖
││││llllllllllllllllll‖ ││IIIIIIIIII
,", oi[8?IHBCR-2
Note: For additional R5485 intertace selections, see the User's
Guide for your product at our website,
www. h on eywe ll aidc. c om.
>ked Link O ut-of-Stan d M o de slC o d eG ate@ nctivarti o n
,u link a scanner to a base using the Locked Link Mode, other When the scanner is in the stand, bar codes are automatically read
rners are blocked from being linked if they are inadvertently when they are in the scanner's field of view. When the scannei is oul
ed into the base. lf you do place a different scanner into the of the stand, by default you must push the button on top of the
-', it will charge the scanner, but the scanner will not be linked. scanner to read a bar code. Use the followinq commands to adjust
how the scanner behaves when it is out of thd stand.
lll 1Iililil ilil ll lil] I il ilt ililil[ ilil ]t Presentation Mode Out-ol-Stand: When the scanner is not in the
Locked Link Mode stand, it automatically detects bar codes, then scans and transmits
(Single Scanner) the data. The laser turns off afterward.
tse a dlfferent scanner, you need to unlink the original scanner by Presentation Mode with CodeGate Out-of-Siand: When the
rning the Unlink Scanner bar code, below. scanner is not in the stand, it automatically detects bar codes and
decodes them. However, the data is not transmitted until you press
the button. The laser remains on briefly after the transmission.
erride Locked Scanner
ru need to replace a broken or lost scanner that is linked to a │││lllll llllll‖ ││││││││:│││IIII
-i, scan the Override Locked Scanner bar code with a new Presentation Mode
rner, and place that scanner in the base. The locked link will be Out-otStand
rridden; the broken or lost scanner's link with the base will be
oved, and the new scanner will be linked.
Reread Delay
linking the Scanner
This sets the time period before the scanner can read the same bar
e base has a scanner linked to it, that scanner must be unlinked code a second time. Setting a reread delay protects against
)re a new scanner can be linked. Once the previous scanner is accidental rereads of the same bar code.
rked, it will no longer communicate with the base. Scan the
ink Scanner bar code to unlink a scanner.
Medium Reread Delay
││││lllllll‖ │││lllIllllllIlllllllll
Unlink Scanner
,gramming chart
│││││:││lllllllll‖ lllllllll
IⅢ ‖‖
‖‖ Ⅲ Ⅲ‖
‖‖IⅢ ‖
││││IIIIIIIIIllll‖ llllllll
= H C
l‖ ‖
││││llllllllllll‖ :│:││!││
Suffix Data Format Editor lnstructions
lf you want a carriage return after the bar code, scan the Add CR The following are abbreviated instructions for entering a data format.
Suffix bar code. To add a tab after the bar code, scan the Add Tab For complete instructions refer to your User's Guide, available at our
Suffix bar code. Otheruvise, scan the Remove Sutfix bar code to website,
remove the suffixes.
1. Scan the Enter Data Format symbol.
2. Primary/Alternate Format: scan 0 for Primary Format
IⅢ Ⅲ Ⅲ Ⅲ‖Ⅲ‖ III‖ 3. Terminal Type: scan 099 for any terminal type
Add CR Suffix 4. Code l.D.: scan 99 for any bar code type
5. Length: scan 9999 for any length bar code.
6. Editor commands: use the Programming Chart that follows.
‖ ‖
IⅢ ‖││││‖ ⅢⅢ‖
Ⅲ IⅢ 7. Scan Save to save your entries.
Add Tab Suffix
ilt r llilt ilil II ilt I [ilil ll [ ilililil1iltil I ilililtilll fllt ]l Save
Add code sYmborosies
'' ff5li;lgilr
Note: For a complete list of Code lDs, see the User's Guide for your
product at our website,
User Documentation
For localized versions of this document, and to download the User's
Guide, go to
For patent information, go to
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specifications and other information contained in this document witliout prior
notice, and the reader should in all cases consult Hll lo determine whether
any such changes have been made. The information in this publication does
not represent a commitment on the part of Hll.
Hll shall not be liable lor technical or editorial errors or omissions contained
herein; nor for incidental or consequential damages resulting from the
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