SLB Driving BOOK
SLB Driving BOOK
SLB Driving BOOK
Reference: SLB-QHSE-M001
Version: A03
Release Date: 23-Mar-2015
Produced: 23-Mar-2015
Owner: Global Driving Manager
Author: Gunawan Wiraatmaja, Andy Ball
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Document Control
Owner: Global Driving Manager
Contact Information
Name: Gunawan Wiraatmaja
Revision History
Version Date Description Prepared by
A00 01 Nov 2012 First release – New document consolidates Andy Ball
methodology for risk based Driving and Journey
Management, updated and detailed implementation
of fundamental controls from SLB-QHSE-S001
Version A08, driving guideline documents.
A01 30 Dec 2013 1st revision of the B.O.O.K
New risk based Land Transportation Contractor Gunawan Wiraatmaja
(LTC) Driving and Journey Management
Section 3.5. Addendum-Load Securement Joaquin Gomez Galindo
Procedure of Heavy Vehicles
Table of Contents
S1 – Western Geco
S2 – Wireline
S3 – Well Services
S4 – Segment
List of Figures
Figure 16 Example of local controls and emergency information for Driving Safety Card 69
List of Tables
Table 2 Permissibility of sleeper birth use according to country driving risk level. 23
Table 10 HSE event reporting for mixed use private and Schlumberger business use vehicles. 53
It describes:
1.1 Overview
In order to set relevant driving and journey management controls, assessments shall
be conducted at national level to rate the level of country driving risk. Subsequently,
drivers and vehicle groups are categorized between field (rural) and non-field (urban)
activity, and local assessments are conducted to identify local operational conditions
which represent additional risk. See figure 1.
The process of assessing the risk is made of the three cumulative steps:
Differentiating between:
o Non-Field (urban - most controlled) driving environments
o Field (rural - least controlled) driving environments
To establish the Country Driving Risk Level (CDRL) a Country Driving Risk
Assessment must be performed. This must be renewed every 3 years or earlier if
driving performance indexes indicate driving risk is changing significantly. Any
increase or decrease of the CDRL will require the approval of Area HSE and Area
President. The CDRL is recorded in QUEST under Country Information, driving
It is the Geomarket HSE Manager’s responsibility to conduct the Country Driving Risk
Assessment with specialized assistance from Area HSE Managers, Area Driving
Managers/Champions and the Global Driving Manager.
The risk of driving in a country is heavily influenced by the behavior of other road users
and the definition of driving laws and their enforcement.
The assessment shall be conducted using data input cumulatively from the following
The Country Driving Risk Assessment template can be downloaded from QUEST at:
The assessment is performed using the Driving Risk Evaluation Criteria Table which
has 4 sections. Each sub-section contains descriptions of conditions which influence
driver behaviors or are a direct consequence of prevailing driver behaviors. The
scoring in the assessment is based on the best fit to this criteria table.
When completing the assessment note that external reference information is often
incomplete or un-reliable. Typically the higher risk countries provide less complete and
reliable data.
It is therefore very important when completing the assessment that data is compared
from different sources and that benchmarking is conducted between countries of
similar socio-economic conditions.
– World Health Organization
Road Traffic Death Rates
– Countries
Low = Netherlands, Germany, UK
Medium = USA, Italy
High = Saudi Arabia, Algeria, Nigeria, India
It is essential that GM HSE managers utilize the knowledge and experience of the Area
HSE Manager and Global Driving Manager to assist in this process.
The primary tool for all countries is the World Health Organization Global Status Report
on Road Safety first published in 2009 and updated every 3 years. This represents the
most consistent data set. The report contains a profile for each country, an example of
which is shown in figure 4.
The WHO Global Status Report on Road Safety publishes Road Traffic Death Rates
(RTDR) for each country. Where data is incomplete, WHO assigns a calculated RTDR
based on modeling. The most recent data set is integrated into the assessment,
allowing display of Country Driving Risk automatically. The risk level thresholds are set
as follows:
Reference WHO
– Road Traffic Death Rate per 100,000 of population.
– Update/justify the numbers from other sources in comments section.
This point in the assessment is considered a calibration point. It is based on the WHO
statistics which is the only consolidated and normalized set of reference data. The
scoring is to be input manually to allow for updates to data.
When assessing the score for Road Traffic Death Rate, review other performance
indicator trends when available. The trend is an important indicator of how a country is
coping with road safety and if they are addressing it. It should also be noted that driver
behaviors do not change quickly. Behavior changes come over longer periods of time.
Beware that road traffic accident rates decrease during times of economic downturn,
so a longer term assessment of accident statistics should be undertaken.
This section of the assessment is to establish if 3rd party drivers in the country of
operations have been trained and tested to a high level of safety and competency.
This section of the assessment is to establish driver behaviors related to risk taking
and the influence driving laws and their enforcement have over them. Driver behaviors
are heavily influenced by the quality of the country driving laws and consistency of
Vehicle occupants in auto accidents are more likely to suffer serious injury or death
when not wearing seatbelts. The level of seatbelt use is therefore essential when
considering the risk rating of the country.
The WHO Global Status Report on Road Safety data sheets state the existence of
seat belt laws, estimated compliance levels and enforcement. However this reporting
is, in many cases subjective, does not always include all passengers or comes from
non-government sources. It is therefore important that GM HSE managers use their
own judgment and observations when scoring the risk for seatbelts.
Have seat belt wearing rate < 80% Front, <75% Rear
Have no laws / nothing reported
Have seat belt wearing rate > 80% Front, >75% Rear
Have seat belt wearing rate > 90% Front, >85% Rear
In some countries where there are high percentages of motorcycles, helmet laws and
compliance to those laws must be considered in this section.
Assign risk scores to the relevant sections of the assessment (Figure 5) following the
thresholds below:
Make notes. This is very important for future re-assessments and will help with the
identification of local risks, and assignment of controls and training later in the process.
Once the Country Driving Risk Assessment is completed the CDRA shall be uploaded,
in PDF format, into QUEST under the relevant Country Driving and Journey
Management Procedures (C_JMP) as shown in figure 6.
The completed assessment is accessed via the C_JMP output page, from the
link as
illustrated in figure 7. The date which appears is the upload date and not the
assessment date. Note, the links do not appear until you have uploaded the
first assessment. See section 4.0. for writing C-JMP.
Independent statistics show the risk of death and serious injury from automotive
crashes inside urban areas is significantly reduced in comparison to driving outside
those areas. These results are more pronounced in countries which have well
developed road infrastructures, driver training and qualification, and driving laws that
are consistently enforced. Factors reducing risk in the urban environments:
It is the country HSE Manager’s responsibility to ensure the Field and Non-Field
geographical areas are clearly defined and recorded in the Local Driving and Journey
Management Procedures, and that the designation of Field and Non-Field drivers and
vehicles are clearly communicated.
The Geozones defining Field and Non-Field areas must always be clearly defined and
published on maps. An example of a Non-Field Geozone, outside which journey
management procedures must be followed, is shown in figure 8. As a minimum the
Field and Non-Field geographical areas must reviewed and updated annually.
A driving Hazard Analysis and Risk Control (HARC) process must be followed to refine
the controls which are to be implemented according to the Country Driving Risk Level
(CDRL) and to the driver and vehicle categories. This HARC shall be reviewed yearly
or more frequently based on changes in the operating environment.
The hazards identified by this process will identify controls which are addressed
Specific driving rules: Country and location specific regulations which new
Schlumberger moves employees internationally and has a comers will not be familiar with. Examples:
duty to inform visitors and transferees of key national driving Right of way at junctions,
regulations which may represent a high safety risk if not Four way junction rules,
understood and implemented. Signs,
National speed limits
Driving on other side,
Roundabout discipline
Operational Conditions
Vehicle types in use: Examples:
Assess the types of vehicles required to be used to conduct Light vehicles
business. Buses (Mini and Full size)
Non articulated heavy vehicles
Articulated heavy vehicles
Tanker - fluids transport
Loads Examples:
Normal loads
Oversized loads
Communications Examples:
The coverage of cell phone communications impacts trip Cell phone coverage in field
management tracking and emergency calls. Security status
Training requirements
Driver improvement monitor specifications
Additional communications systems (satellite phones, cell
phone boosters)
Security Examples:
The security situation has implications when setting driving Exclusion zones
and journey management controls. Communication requirements
Driver monitor equipment and vehicle
Journey management risk assessments
Climate / Weather
Review climate / seasonal Examples:
The impact of climate / seasonal changes on driving Winter snow and ice
conditions must be assessed in order to apply the Desert – dust
appropriate induction, training and vehicle specifications: Coastal fog
Wet season mud
Assign the corresponding driving conditions training Wet season flooding
according to field / non-field categories.
Increase frequency of training according to risk level
Create additional training to address non-standard
Exclusions Examples:
Movements under the jurisdiction of
authorities which Schlumberger has no or
limited control; Police and Army escorts.
Customer Requirements
Customer rules and regulations on their sites Examples:
Vehicle specifications
Journey management rules
Speed limits
Reporting requirements
This section describes the details of the fundamental controls and how they are applied
across the different risk levels.
2.1 Seatbelts
All Schlumberger Vehicles will be fitted with 3-point seat belts for forward seating and
4-point seat belts for lateral seating. Seats with lap belts (2-point) are not to be used
with the exception of Specialist Vehicles such as utility vehicles, forklifts, mobile yard
cranes and “golf cart” type vehicles which must possess 2-point seatbelts as a
minimum. In addition 2-point seatbelts can be used on buses under specific conditions.
See section 2.1.1.
For Specialist Vehicles, consideration for not using seatbelts may be given where it is
assessed and documented that the use of seatbelts, due to vehicle design and/or
service application, might compromise the safety of the operator, or where alternative
mitigation measures are in place.
In the case of call-out bus services an exception may be made for the use of 2-point
lap belts in buses that are determined to have adequate “compartmentalization” (the
close spacing of high padded seats). The driver shall have a 3-point seat belt in place
- any other seating positions that are not “compartmentalized” and fitted with lap belts
must not be occupied. Lateral seating without 4-point seat belts must not be occupied
– there is no exception.
Sleeper berth usage, while in motion, is discouraged and must be managed per the
controls below. Every effort must be made to minimize the trip distance by considering
early dispatch and/or finding accommodation closer to the point of departure/arrival to
minimize use.
The permissibility of sleeper berth usage shall be established via the Country Driving
Risk Level and local risk assessments and must be approved at area level.
Table 2 Permissibility of sleeper birth use according to country driving risk level.
In addition, sleeper berths shall only be used while in motion in order to satisfy driving
and work-related quality rest requirements, subject to all the following conditions being
Only in vehicles with a sleeper berth as an integral part of the design.
Only in countries with sleeper berth legislation controlling its use. That
legislation shall be complied with.
Only with an engineered 4-point restraint system implemented in the sleeper
Any child too small to properly utilize three point seatbelts must be restrained in a
regulatory approved child seat in the rear of a Schlumberger Vehicle. The criteria for
proper fitment will be based on and in compliance with the vehicle manufacturer and
regulatory requirement.
Children are further restricted from being a passenger in the front seat of a vehicle
fitted with air bags in keeping with the manufacturer’s criteria for air bag safety.
Personal vehicles used on company business must be equipped with seat belts for all
occupants and they should comply with the specifications defined in this B.O.O.K.
2.1.5 Responsibilities
The exception to this is for the use of two-way radios as part of convoy management.
Radio use shall be kept to the minimum necessary to communicate and control the
hazards and risks of the journey being undertaken.
The operation of satellite navigation devices while driving is forbidden. These devices
can be left on during the trip to guide the driver. If deemed necessary to program or
modify setting to the device, the driver is to select a safe exit point from the main
traveled portion of the roadway and bring the vehicle to a complete and safe stop
before doing so.
2.2.1 Responsibilities
A process shall be in place, as part of the journey planning process and pre-trip
briefings, to check the driver is fit to drive and is rested.
Minimum fitness to drive requirements may vary from one country to another.
Functional capacity to drive implies that drivers have good perception, good judgment,
quick responsiveness, and reasonable physical capability in order to prevent accidents
and deaths.
Drivers shall notify management of any change in their medical or physical fitness for
duty. This includes notification of the use of any medication, prescribed or otherwise,
that may affect their ability to drive safely.
2.3.2 Eyesight
All Schlumberger Drivers must receive a vision check per the Global Driver
Assessment (GDA) assessor’s guide, at the same frequency as and normally as part
of the Commentary Drive. Any variation from expected results requires a follow up
check by qualified optometrist or equivalent during which time driving privileges are to
be suspended.
Employees and contractors with vision in only one eye shall be restricted from driving
unless otherwise directed by local regulatory authority.
Drivers must not operate vehicles unless appropriately rested and alert. In particular:
Drivers shall have the right to refuse to drive when they feel that they are not
fully rested or alert;
Drivers shall pull over at a safe location when they feel sleepy and rest until
safe to drive;
Employees shall not drive after they have been awake for more than 16 hours in the
previous 24-hour period.
On longer trips or in a situation where there is a potential for this limit to be reached,
the trip shall be planned so that the driver will have a period of quality rest before
driving again. The trip plan may need to include extra drivers or pre-arranged hotel
The following limitations and recommendations are for driving activities only and do
not pertain to other work activities.
Local Driving and Journey Management procedures must specify the legal
requirements/restrictions for duty and driving hours. The location must ensure specific
training for local regulatory compliance is provided where they differ from the minimum
rules defined by Schlumberger in this Standard.
Driving a vehicle while under the influence of alcohol or any drugs or narcotics, is
strictly prohibited and subject to disciplinary action including termination of
2.3.5 Responsibilities
• Ensure job planning and work schedules are designed to comply with the 16
hours rule or local hours of service regulations.
All Schlumberger Drivers shall be trained and assessed as competent before they are
approved to operate the vehicle types required to perform their duties and in the driving
environments where they work.
Local Driving and Journey Management Procedures will document the specific driving
training and skill assessments required for each operation. These will be consistent,
as a minimum, with the schedules detailed in this B.O.O.K..
Driver Trainers and Assessors must be trained and maintained as current in keeping
with the Driver Trainer Levels and Certification document, Appendix D
The Schlumberger driver training requirements for employees, drivers and contractor
drivers are summarized in in Appendix D. Complete details of driver training is
available from the Schlumberger QHSE Training and Certification Catalog.
In cases where Schlumberger Driver (DT 2.2) certification has lapsed for more than 1
year recertification shall be performed in a classroom by a qualified Schlumberger
driver trainer.
The basic Schlumberger Driver Training may not address all risks and legal
requirements in certain countries. Figure 9 below is a guideline for additional content
to be included in Schlumberger driver training.
The Country Driving Risk Level combined with driver category (Field or Non-Field) is
used when setting the frequency of commentary drive recertification per the decision
tree figure 10 below:
All employees are expected to accept and perform informal Commentary Drives more
frequently than required with colleagues, direct supervisors, management, and HSE
function, and capture the results in a Driving Observation / Intervention report.
Local Driving and Journey Management Procedures must specify a process to address
new arrivals and Schlumberger visitors. This process shall be adhered to before the
employee is allowed to drive a Schlumberger Vehicle and as a minimum shall include;
The Local Driving and Journey Management Procedures must also address the
particular case of employees transferred into or from a country which is assessed
>=high risk. Additionally they must address those employees where they will be driving
on the opposite side of the road from the one they are familiar with.
For visitors, the use of Schlumberger approved contractor transportation (taxi, public
transport, etc.) in place of driving themselves is strongly encouraged. If the visitor must
drive, he/she must, at a minimum, be compliant with the 16 hours rule and the Local
Driving and Journey Management Procedures.
2.4.5 Responsibilities
Each Schlumberger location shall establish Geozone areas as part of the Field and
Non-Field assignment process. The Non-Field Geozones are normally the urban area
in the vicinity of the company facilities that do not require individual Journey (Trip)
Note that the requirements for individual Journey (trip) Plans may be time dependent
and different rules may apply during different times of the day i.e. in hours of darkness.
All Geozones, outside which individual Journey Plans are required, must be
documented in the Local Driving and Journey Management Procedures.
There are two levels of trip management implementation which are conditional on the
Country Driving Risk Level.
Basic – verbal departure / arrival call with direct manager or his designate.
The conditions under which these are applied are summarized in Table 5.
In Medium and Low Risk Countries the implementation of the basic trip management
process is permitted in Field Geozones. This shall be established geographically and
applies to all Schlumberger operations working in the same geographical area.
The definition of and the criteria used in setting the basic trip management area must
be documented in the local Driving and Journey Management Procedures. For
guidance the following criteria may be used:
Trips less than 2 hours duration between the hours of 4am and 11pm.
Trips using low risk roads such Highways / Motorways with central meridians
which are closely controlled and monitored by the emergency and enforcement
The decision tree in Figure 11 demonstrates when the basic trip management may be
implemented according to recommended risk criteria using the trip time restriction of 2
hours and periods of highest alertness.
Additionally, Local Driving and Journey Management Procedures must specify any
other circumstances when an Enhanced Journey Plan (eJourney) is not required. An
example would be:
- Driving the short distances between a work location (wellsite) and a rig camp if
the distance is X km or less (where X is defined via local HARC and RHA).
Under these circumstances it is the responsibility of the Senior Schlumberger
Supervisor on location to establish a Site Journey Management Procedure
conforming to Schlumberger Policy and this Standard. This local procedure will
ensure that a Road Hazard Assessment is made; vehicle checks, driver fatigue
and confirmation of departure and safe arrival are closely monitored.
Once it is defined that individual Journey (Trip) Plans are required the following control
procedures must be followed:
Managers at every level shall question the need for all journeys, always searching for
a way to eliminate the journey or find an alternative means of achieving the trip
objective. Rail, ferry or air travel shall be considered whenever a hazard assessment
shows that the risk is lower than driving. Where driving is unavoidable, alternatives
such as combining trips and using approved transportation contractors, especially for
"hotshot" trips (unplanned/non-routine transportation of Schlumberger equipment or
personnel), shall always be explored.
The risk of driving during the hours of darkness can vary greatly depending on local
environment and time of year. Wherever night driving occurs, locations must assess
night driving risks based on their local conditions and include control measures in their
Local Driving and Journey Management Procedures.
These conditions must be addressed through the addition of local questions in the
eJourney risk assessment and result in appropriate escalation in authorization
The frequency of low visibility/night driving should be reviewed as a routine part of any
Customer Service Quality reviews, and serious attempts made to work with the
customer to avoid it.
Appropriate equipment and qualified personnel shall be assigned for the journey. The
selection is not only a function of technical specifications for the requested service, but
shall also take into account any special considerations for the journey (terrain, weather,
Once it is determined that a trip is necessary, the manager shall ensure that Basic or
Enhanced Journey (Trip) Plan, as prescribed in the Local Driving and Journey
Management Procedures is implemented. As a minimum:
The drivers supervisor or designate will be the journey manager and approve the trip.
The driver and journey manager will together:
2.5.2 Convoying
Whenever more than one Schlumberger Vehicle is traveling to the same destination at
the same time, they shall travel in convoy. Consideration must be given to the overall
size of a convoy; it may be desirable to split a convoy into two or three smaller convoys
to minimize their impact on other road users. Managers shall ensure that location
employees understand the convoy practices below and ensure these practices, as a
minimum, are implemented. Additional practices may be identified through the local
risk assessment process.
Convoy Practices
Adequate drivers are provided for the trip taking into account the estimated driving,
working and return driving time;
The speed of the convoy is defined before the start of the trip and is normally
controlled by the first vehicle based on the correct speed for the slowest vehicle in
the convoy. The speed shall be adjusted to match vehicle type, driver experience,
road and weather conditions, traffic conditions, etc. At no time should the convoy
lose vehicles or cause any vehicle to drive faster than prudent;
When the convoy is made up of light and heavy vehicles it is recommended that a
heavy vehicle should be the lead vehicle. (Segment Standards should address this
based on operational requirements);
Any en route changes in the journey plan are to be communicated promptly to the
journey manager or dispatcher;
The correct distance to follow a vehicle is reviewed by all drivers. This minimum
distance is 1 second for every 10 feet (3 m) of vehicle length plus 2 seconds for
think/act time at any given time under ideal conditions. However a following
distance of 10 seconds is preferred as a minimum wherever possible to reduce the
impact of the convoy on general traffic flow. Vehicles should never lose sight of
each other than for very short periods of time;
Rest stops are planned and conducted every two hours minimum. Time between
rest stops should be reduced if any segment of the trip involves travel during
darkness or other times of restricted visibility;
The possibility of the convoy becoming separated when driving in towns or traffic
is reviewed during the pre-trip planning, and safe stopping points are defined where
the leader can wait for trailing vehicles to catch up. The planned rest stops can be
used for this purpose;
At all times, visual contact is maintained with the vehicle behind other than for very
short periods of time. If contact is lost, speed shall be reduced by the leading
vehicle to allow the following vehicle to catch up; following vehicles must not
increase speed in order to catch up. If one vehicle stops, then depending on the
risk and situation, the whole convoy should preferably stop. When making turns,
each vehicle shall have visual contact with the vehicle behind before proceeding
to ensure the trailing vehicle knows where the turn is located;
Two or more convoys shall not join together during the trip, nor shall a convoy split
up during a trip. If either of these two scenarios becomes necessary, a new convoy-
planning meeting shall immediately take place, at the nearest and safest place, to
address the new convoy requirements. The change(s) in the journey plan must be
communicated to the journey manager for notification and approval prior to
2.5.3 Responsibilities
DIMs must meet the specifications of OGP and SLB. All monitors will be installed and
be working properly, with alarms and values set, at a minimum, to levels specified in
appendix G. Variances to these settings may be made based on, and supported by, a
risk assessment which substantiates alternative settings are required and have Area
HSE approval;
DIM selection must be approved by the Area HSE Manager to ensure that:
Vehicle Category Definition
Higher specification units and features must be installed where the local driving risk
assessment (HARC) identifies the need for additional features. Other factors which
must be considered in the selection of driving monitors:
The Local Driving and Journey Management Procedures must describe which DIMs
specifications are implemented.
Management shall encourage the installation of monitors and provide them at no cost
to employees who elect to install them in cases where it is not mandatory.
Contracted vehicles where the duration of the contracted service is less than 3
months. In these instances a portable monitor is strongly recommended and is
mandatory when HAZMAT loads are being carried;
2.6.1 Responsibilities
It is expected that the equipment described in these specifications will be installed and
securely fixed, where appropriate, on all Schlumberger Vehicles wherever available
and legally permissible. It is noted that some features are emerging technology and
may not be available for all vehicles in all regions.
Other than to allow for the installation of approved Rollover Damage Minimization
Devices (RDMD) where appropriate and legally permissible, all vehicles are to be
maintained in their original configuration as supplied from the manufacturer, vendor,
or engineering. If modifications are found to be necessary to meet expectations of
performance and service delivery, the Management of Change process as found in
SLB-QHSE-S010 must be followed.
The use of any technology to circumvent traffic regulations (e.g. radar detectors or
jammers) is prohibited.
It is expected that vehicles will have the steering wheel on the appropriate side of the
vehicle for the country being operated in.
Care must be taken to review local regulations for more exacting requirements.
Local Driving and Journey Management Procedures shall specify which vehicles may
use cruise control. The permissibility of cruise control is established via the Country
Driving Risk Level and local risk assessments and must be approved at area level.
In the absence of this approval the use of cruise control systems is prohibited in all
Schlumberger Vehicles and, wherever possible, these systems should be disabled.
Where the use of cruise control is permitted, cruise control shall only be engaged under
the following conditions:
Clear visibility
Straight roads
Dry, good quality paved roads
Uncongested / light traffic
Flat terrain
The tinting must be in keeping with local law and the luminous transmittance is to not
be less than 70% of light at normal incidence. The front windshield must remain clear
other than for a 51mm band at the top of the windshield; this band may not have a
luminous transmittance of less than 70% of light at normal incidence.
All Light Vehicles and Buses used regularly for field activities of any type (i.e. traveling
to and from wellsites, hauling equipment or passengers to field locations outside of city
limits, etc.) and anywhere else where there is a risk of rollovers due to terrain or vehicle
type, must have a Rollover Damage Minimization Device (RDMD) or safety features
(unless specifically prohibited by local government regulations). This does not apply to
sedan type cars except where terrain and/or vehicle type provide substantial exposure
to a potential rollover; RDMD for non-field transport of personnel, equipment and
product will be implemented based on the determination of a HARC.
All heavy vehicles, used regularly for field activities such as traveling to and from
wellsites, hauling equipment to field locations outside city limits, or any other
application where there is a risk of rollover due to the terrain or vehicle type must have
a Rollover Damaged Minimization Device or safety features (unless specifically
prohibited by local government regulations). The RDMD can either be part of the
vehicle cab structure as provided by the manufacturer or an engineered add-on system.
Such a system is not required when the deck equipment provides rollover protection
to the occupant(s)
Where vehicles with similar required attributes are available for selection, preference
will be given to those with the best stability rating or recognized calculation of stability.
The leasing, contracting and purchase of high center of gravity vehicles (SUVs, 4x4s)
must be minimized to cases of absolute need as determined and approved by the Area
HSE Manager.
2.7.4 Responsibilities
Local Driving and Journey Management Procedures will define the process for driver
selection and review. Managers, with support from the personnel function, shall
implement these local procedures which must be legally permissible.
In high risk countries the driving test must follow the existing Schlumberger skill
assessment and commentary drive procedure. The objective, to assure that
prospective drivers demonstrate:
Local Driving and Journey Management Procedures shall document the process which
is implemented for periodic driver review. This process will be designed to identify high
risk drivers and will address at minimum:
Recognition and reward programs shall be implemented for drivers showing the best
improvement and/or top performance utilizing;
• Coaching sessions
• Re-training
• Increased specification of driving monitor
• Withdrawal of driving privileges
• More severe disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.
Improves her / his Asks HSE to provide his / her own performance
behaviors based on the reports
driving performance Consciously improves his / her habits
Journey Manager / Plans the trip to comply Assigns drivers that are certified and properly rested
Dispatcher / Coordinator Assigns suitable vehicles
Defines route and trip duration taking into
consideration the road hazard assessment
Provides feedback to the Gives positive recognition to those drivers that are
drivers consistently showing compliance
Conducts face to face coaching sessions with those
drivers that are violating the driving rules
Frequently observes and intervenes to reinforce the
expected behavior
Manager Uses reports to identify Analyzes periodic reports and define actions
areas for improvement Asks HSE for specific reports
and define actions
Sets and reinforces the Formally defines the expected behavior of drivers and
expected behavior dispatchers via SLP3 driving related objectives
Recognizes good dispatchers and drivers
Conducts coaching sessions with dispatchers and
drivers who are not behaving as expected
Frequently observes and intervenes to reinforce the
expected behavior
Leads the investigation of accidents and HiPo near-
Passenger Respects the driving Uses the seat belt at all times and verifies all
policy and reinforces the occupants are doing so
DriveSMARRT Observes and intervenes to highlight good and bad
techniques habits of the driver
HSE function Analyzes trends and helps Analyzes trends and helps management identifying
managers define areas for improvement in a regular basis (as frequent
improvement actions as daily)
All behaviors applicable to managers are also
applicable to the HSE function
3.1.4 Responsibilities
3.2.1 Field
(1) Any person transported when aid is being rendered in case of an accident or other
(2) Any person transported in official capacity to protect employees and/or hazardous
materials. Examples:
The limits on carrying non Schlumberger employees and contractors shall be set,
documented and approved at local level by the appropriate managers. Important
criteria to consider:
3.3 Parking
When parking, every effort should be made to park the vehicle in a manner which
allows the first move when leaving the parking space to be forward (reverse parking).
3.4 Visibility
All loads are to be within vehicle capacities as identified by manufacturer’s ratings and
regulatory limitations.
All goods transported shall be securely fastened, such that they remain stable
during transit and will not fly free in the event of a crash.
Loose items are prohibited from being carried in the passenger compartment
of a Schlumberger Vehicle. All vehicles with a cargo storage area open to the
passenger compartment must be equipped with a suitably rated and secured
cargo net or equivalent to separate the storage area from the passenger area.
Any heavy articles carried inside the passenger compartment, must be firmly
secured in such a way that they will not become a hazard in a crash. The
preferred solution is that all such articles be kept in a storage compartment.
Loose items include such things as laptop bags, laptops, PPE bags, tool boxes
etc. These should be stored in the luggage compartment of the vehicle. When
this is not feasible for security (pick-up truck) or space limitations the bags
should be carried on a free seat within the vehicle and must be secured by the
use of a seatbelt.
Passengers may carry small items <1kg, such as a reading materials, tablet
computers, mobile phone etc. and use them during the trip, but these may not
be stored on shelves or left loosely in the vehicle.
The following procedures should be followed when performing load securement and
load transport operation using heavy vehicles.
Before Loading
Ensure that the vehicle’s load platform, bodywork and all loads securing
equipment are in good and well maintained condition.
Determine the securing method(s) that suits the characteristics of the load
(locking, blocking, direct lashing, top-over lashing or combinations of these).
Ensure the cargo securing equipment is commensurate with the constraints it
will encounter during the journey. Emergency braking, strong cornering to avoid
an obstacle, bad road or weather conditions have to be considered as normal
circumstances likely to happen during a journey. The securing equipment must
be able to withstand these conditions.
When Transporting
Check the load securement regularly, wherever possible, during the journey.
The first check should preferably be done after a few kilometers drive at a safe
place to stop. In addition the securement should also be checked after heavy
braking or another abnormal situation during driving.
Drive smoothly including adjusting your speed to road and other conditions so
as to avoid brisk change of direction and harsh breaking. If you follow this
advice, the forces exerted by the load will remain low.
Schlumberger pickup trucks, vans, and cars can tow any Schlumberger trailer for which
it is rated. The maximum trailer weight rating is limited by and must be in keeping with
the tow vehicle manufacturer specifications.
The gross vehicle weight (GVW) must never exceed the gross vehicle weight rating
(GVWR) for any Schlumberger Vehicle. Drivers must identify the lowest weight rated
component of the vehicle and trailer equipment, and verify that the receiver hitch,
receiver bar, 2 inch ball, 50 mm ball, pintle hitch, mini 5th wheel, trailer, axles, safety
chains and even the tires are rated correctly for the weight of the load.
Definitions, details of controls and permissibility of towing and utility trailers are
available in Appendix M.
Any third party transportation company who tows a Schlumberger owned utility trailer
must have adequate insurance and is responsible when towing the unit.
All trailers must be correctly licensed or permitted by the appropriate agencies for the
country or region of operation(s).
The only approved utility trailers are those purchased from government registered
dealers, manufacturers or equivalent. (e.g. in the USA trailers with 17 digit DOT Vehicle
Identification Number / Serial Number). A regulatory design approval ‘tag’ or equivalent
manufacturer ‘sticker’ must be affixed to the trailer chassis.
In countries where operations require / permit the towing of utility trailers, the standards
and controls relevant to that country must be documented in the Country Driving and
Journey management procedures.
Note: The towing of ball hitch or pintle hook utility trailers by Well Services vehicles is
prohibited. Reference WS Wellsite Operations Std 5, section 5.7 and 10.3.
Use of a Schlumberger Vehicle for any purpose other than work related activities is
discouraged. When employees are permitted to take a vehicle to a place of residence
it is designed to be for the convenience of the company. In certain areas of the world
where it is not reasonable or possible for employees to own / supply their own vehicle,
one may be provided. In this circumstance it would be expected that it serve off-duty
purposes as well as work related activities, as approved by country management.
Spouses are not approved to drive Schlumberger Vehicles other than in an emergency
(e.g. a life threatening event, illness or injury).
Vacation Trips - Schlumberger Vehicles must not be taken on vacation trips without
country manager approval.
In cases where employees are provided with allowances or vehicles falling under the
categories above, the following classifications will apply:
Last Private Origin in the trip descriptions above refers to: a place reasonably
designated by the employee, where the trip changes from a private related trip to work
related. It normally represents the point where reimbursement for mileage and/or fuel
expenses starts.
First Private Stop in the trip descriptions above refers to: a place reasonably
designated by the employee, where the trip changes from work related demobilization
to a private trip. First stop will normally represent the point where reimbursement for
mileage and/or fuel expenses stops.
This condition will not exist for vehicles in category iii, above, as driving is restricted
to Schlumberger employees only (Ref: Section 3.2)
For vehicles provided by Schlumberger, expressly for private use in addition to work,
employees must cover personal trips by their own car insurance where legally
permissible. In the absence of this additional insurance cover, costs related to any
crash will be coded against the employee’s Cost Center; in that case, crashes related
to personal use will be designated as Schlumberger involved and reported as such.
When a vehicle trip is designated as Schlumberger, all controls detailed in the
Country Driving and Journey Management Procedures where the vehicle is operated
will apply.
It is the responsibility of the individual Schlumberger segments and/or country
management implementing vehicle/mileage compensation schemes or providing
vehicles for private use, to ensure that employees understand their obligations for:
- Insurance Coverage
- Registrations and inspections
- Maintenance of vehicles
- Local tax laws for taxable benefits
When driving activities are outsourced to Land Transport Contractors (LTC) it is critical
to ensure that these Contactors meet the HSE requirements defined by Schlumberger
for their activities and that the associated HSE risks and obligations are identified,
properly assessed and adequately managed.
The Land Transport Contractor (LTC) Driving and Journey Management (JM)
Procedure shall be used to determine the level of driving and JM operational control
Schlumberger shall apply to its LTCs based on the exposed risks.
The LTC Driving and JM Procedure applies to all Schlumberger sites outsourcing its
land transportation, and to all LTCs providing land transport as their primary service
directly to Schlumberger according to the defined risks.
This procedure does not apply to trips that are part of freight forwarding, or trips that
are between base and port. It does not apply to companies or persons where land
transport is performed incidental to execution of the primary service under
Schlumberger contract, such as catering Service Company or waste disposal company.
3.10 Driving and Journey Management for Freight Forwarders and Secondary
Land Transport Contractors
This section applies to Freight Forwarding trips, and trips that are performed by a
Secondary Land Transport Contractor where land transport is performed incidental to
the execution of the primary service under Schlumberger contract.
Motorbikes (two, three and four wheel) are banned from use as a Schlumberger
Vehicle. Further, the use of motorcycles, or equivalent, as a means of commuting is
discouraged. If a motorbike, or equivalent, is used for commuting, the use of a
regulatory approved safety helmet is strongly encouraged and is mandatory on SLB
Clothing and Footwear – Drivers should be suitably attired for the driving task. This
includes footwear which does not interfere with the safe operation of the vehicle
controls and clothing which does not interfere with visibility.
Each country is required to maintain in QUEST their Country Driving and Journey
Management Procedure (C-JMP) to address the risks associated with driving within
the country.
Local Driving and Journey Management Procedures shall be based on the three steps
of risk assessment described in Section 1.0 of this B.O.O.K. and the relevant level of
fundamental controls described in Section 2.0.
Each employee is to be trained and maintained current on these procedures and the
training recorded in the Training and Competency Passport. (Training at location level
through a formal induction to the Country and Site Driving and Journey Management
The C-JMP can only be written once the risk assessment process is complete. The
controls and the levels at which they are applied relative to risk levels must comply at
a minimum with the instructions set out in sections 2 and 3 of this B.O.O.K. The output
of local risk assessments will identify when minimum controls are insufficient and
increased frequency of training, specification of vehicles or additional local training
material is required.
When writing the C-JMP, ensure that instructions are concise and clear. It is the set of
rules for drivers and the support organization relevant to the country. It details the
controls and processes in place to address legal compliance and driving and journey
management risks in the country.
The Country Driving and Journey Management Procedure template is available online
in QUEST. Country HSE managers and levels above are assigned access to edit this
document. Access to the edit function is gained through the administration menu. The
C-JMP template is set up such that additional details (maps, legal information, check
sheets, driving resources) are linked directly from the C-JMP.
Following selection of the C-JMP the top section is for setting the Country Driving Risk
Level (CDRL). This must be set according to the result of the Country Driving Risk
Assessment. The JMP owner will be the Country HSE Manager responsible for
maintaining the JMP and the approver is the country or Geomarket manager.
Note any changes to the risk level or content of the C-JMP will be automatically notified
to those Schlumberger employees with the relevant subscriptions in QUEST.
In all cases the tips for completing each section on the JMP are available by clicking
on the information icon. See figure 12. Note it is not mandatory to complete all sections
in the edit mode. In the final document any sections left blank will not appear.
This section is to provide a brief overview of relevant legal information regarding driving
in the country. It should be written to address drivers arriving in the country for the first
time. More complete information regarding laws, driver qualification and vehicle
certification procedures should be linked from this section.
In countries with stringent and complex driving rules any relevant training for legal
compliance should also be linked from this section. (Examples: commercial vehicle
driving rules for hours of service, qualification and licensing, hazardous materials
This section is to provide a brief overview of the highest risks which employees need
to be aware of. Additional information and induction to local driving risk should be
linked from this section.
This section is subdivided by how the fundamental controls are applied relative to the
country risk environment.
This is a fundamental control applied universally. It is hard coded into the C-JMP
template along with driver responsibilities.
Additional local rules on the topic of seatbelts should also be completed in this section.
This would be used to state the rule for use:
This is a fundamental control applied universally. It is hard coded into the C-JMP
template along with driver responsibilities.
Additional local rules on the topic of communication devices and other in vehicle
distractions should be completed in this section:
This is a fundamental control applied universally (16 hour rule and 15 minutes rest for
every 2 hours of driving). It is hard coded into the C-JMP template along with driver
Any additional local rules on the topic of driver fitness should be completed in this
This section details how driver training is implemented in the country. The minimum
requirements are described in section 2.4 of this B.O.O.K.. It must describe:
This section details how journey management is implemented in the country. The
minimum requirements are described in section 2.5 of this B.O.O.K. It must describe:
Country specific (eJourney) trip risk assessment questions. Must explain the
relevance and examples when deemed necessary. Examples:
o Trip distances
o Trip times
o Security related
o Customer related
o Other risks not addressed in global questions.
Fatigue management:
o Brief description of the main fatigue factors in the country.
o Link to fatigue management plans.
o Describe the communications systems in use.
o The parties responsible for providing and maintaining satellite
communication devices to operations and logistics.
Emergency contacts:
o Provide the details for emergency contacts (This will be the same
information as maintained on the “Driving Safety Card”. See section
o Link to Emergency Management Plan.
Other controls:
o Detail any further controls required which are not covered in the
sections above.
Data review:
o Summarize the procedures in place for distribution of DIM data.
o Posting of results.
o Review frequency by managers and drivers.
DIMs in use:
o Summary of DIM types in use (Field and Non-Field as required).
o Summary of DIM functionality with reference to training materials when
required. Include references to panic buttons, integrated
communications etc.
DIM settings:
o Summarize settings when they are not standard. There is no need to
detail every acceleration and deceleration setting as this is irrelevant to
driver who must be maintaining space and driving to the conditions.
o Summarize the meaning of the audible warning sounds from the
o Inform drivers of non-standard setups.
Driver selection and Review - state the checks which are made for new drivers
following the criteria set in section 3.1.1:
o Driver license checks, driver history, driver fitness.
o Additional selection criteria set locally which minimizes risk.
o Skill and safety behavior assessment criteria for high risk countries.
Rules for employees arriving (transfer in or visiting) country for the first time
This section describes the Land Transport Contractors (LTC) used in the country:
Driving Alerts
o Link to local driving alert library
Approved vehicles
o Link to HSE / SC register of approved vehicles
In certain circumstances a sub set of driving and journey management procedures are
required for a specific site. In these circumstances a written document should be
attached here.
Local definitions
When terms used in the Country and Site Driving and Journey management
procedures require explanations they should be entered in this section. Do not
replicate definitions available in the Schlumberger Standards. Examples would be :
Section 5.0\
Driving Safety Cards
Each Schlumberger Vehicle must contain a Driving Safety Card as a briefing card for
every trip. The card dimension is A5 paper size. (15cm wide x 21cm high).
This card must be localized by completing the relevant data on the reverse side which
Location Controls –assigned locally and may include, but not be limited to:
o Speed limits by road type
o Hours of darkness rules
o Weather related controls
DRIVING SAFETY CARDS are pre-printed plasticized and available for purchase from
The local information should be attached to the card by a pre-printed label, which can
be updated as required. Labels of the desired size (12cm wide x 8cm high) should be
acquired and formatted locally.
Figure 16 Example of local controls and emergency information for Driving Safety Card
Each Schlumberger Driver shall be presented with Driver Safety Card during their first
Schlumberger Driver training (DT2.2) and driver understanding of the controls
summarized on the card must be verified as part of the training.
The folded dimension of the Driver safety card is 9cm wide x 13.5cm high.
A 2nd Party assessment of the compliance of each location with the requirements of the Driving
Policy and Driving and Journey Management Standard will be completed at least once every
three years. These assessments will be conducted using the Compliance Audit Tool (CAT)
template available in QUEST. The completed assessment is to be uploaded in QUEST and
recorded as an “Official” assessment.
A 1st Party (self) assessment should be completed at least once per year using the same CAT
template available in QUEST. The completed assessment is to be uploaded in QUEST and
recorded as an "Unofficial" assessment.
A 1st Party (self) assessment for implementation of Driver Improvement Monitors should be
completed at least once per year using the CAT template available in QUEST. The completed
assessment is to be uploaded in QUEST and recorded as an "Unofficial" assessment.
An inspection for implementation of the Tires and Rims Guideline should be completed at least
once every two years. The completed inspection is to be uploaded in QUEST.
For situations that lead to failure to comply with this Standard or Segment Driving Standards
the associated risks will be managed using the Exemption process as described in
Management of Change and Exemption Standard SLB-QHSE-S010.
Management of Change
For situations that lead to failure to comply with Local Driving and Journey Management
Procedures the associated risks will be managed using the Management of Change process
as described in Management of Change and Exemption Standard SLB-QHSE-S010.
6.2 Responsibilities
The following referenced documents are indispensable for the application of this document.
For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated references, the latest edition
of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
• Appendix A: Definitions
Schlumberger Private
Appendix A: Definitions
Certified Driver Trainer / Schlumberger Employee or Contractor who has been trained as a
Assessor driver trainer or assessor and / or is current as defined in the QHSE
Certification and Training Catalog. The trainer / assessor must be
familiar with and qualified in the vehicle(s) and road condition(s) in
which the training, Commentary Drive and/or Skill Assessment will be
performed. Driver Trainers and Assessors must be re-certified every 3
years. (Guidelines for all levels of Driver Trainer within Schlumberger,
up to and including Master Trainer, are available in appendix B).
Commentary Drive A verbal running commentary of what a driver sees and does and used
to evaluate the driver’s application of pro-active crash prevention skills.
The Commentary Drive should be conducted in a vehicle that the
driver is comfortable with and does not have to be conducted in the
specific vehicle type that is used for a Skill Assessment.
Commuting Driver (*) Any employee who does or may operate any means of motorized
transportation to commute to/from work but who does not fit the
definition of a Schlumberger Driver.
Company Employee (*) Any person employed by and on the payroll of the company, including
(or Employee) corporate and management personnel. Persons employed under
short-service contracts (more than 90 days) are included as company
employees provided they are paid directly by the company.
Driving Time All time spent at the driving controls of a motor vehicle in operation.
Field Driver A Schlumberger Driver who will drive or may be required to drive in
Field Geozones that require basic or enhanced Journey (trip) Plans.
A Geozone in which the prescribed speed limit is set differently from
the surrounding area.
A Geozone around a Schlumberger facility and urban area within
which journey plans (eJourney) are not required.
Heavy Vehicle (*) Any motor vehicle having a GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) or
GCWR (Gross Combination Weight Rating) of 10,001 Lbs (4500 Kgs)
and above, unless otherwise determined by local laws and regulations.
Journey Management A team based verification that this Standard is understood and
and Driving Compliance followed, resulting in a Remedial Work Plan that is monitored by line
Audit management through to closure.
Journey Management A center which performs Quality Control of Trip Plans created by the
Center (JMC) Segments and Functions of Schlumberger. All trips requiring specific
eJourney Plans are interactively tracked from start to finish.
Journey Manager A person, not in the vehicle or convoy, who is designated to ensure
proper journey management practices are followed. This person will be
knowledgeable of the details of the journey and act as a point of
contact for emergencies at a minimum. Higher risk journeys may
require greater responsibility ranging from journey approval to real-
time journey monitoring as appropriate to assigned duties.
Light Vehicle (*) Any motor vehicle having a GVWR (Gross Vehicle Weight Rating) or
GCWR (Gross Combination Weight Rating) less than 10,001 Lbs
(4500 Kgs), unless otherwise determined by local laws and
Local Driving and A written country or site specific procedure which describes how the
Journey Management fundamental driving controls of Schlumberger are implemented
Procedure subsequent to the risk assessments which have been performed. In
addition it addresses:
On-Duty Time All time from the time a driver begins to work or is ready to work at the
site of operations, unless otherwise released from assigned duties, or
is traveling at the direction of Schlumberger, including air travel.
Off-Duty Time All time a driver has been relieved from work and all responsibility for
performing work activities. This time includes Off-Duty or stand-by time
at the site.
Non-Field Driver A Schlumberger Driver who will only drive or may be required to drive
inside Non-Field Geozones that do not require basic or enhanced
Journey (trip) Plans.
Quality Rest A period of rest at an employee’s residence or in a place that allows for
full sleep cycles (min 2 hrs) without temperature extremes, that can be
maintained adequately dark and without excessive noise. A period of
quality rest includes the expectation of an uninterrupted rest period (at
onset). This time may also be realized in a truck sleeper berth that
Schlumberger Driver (*) Any employee that has access to a Schlumberger Vehicle, as defined
below, or is reimbursed for mileage/kilometers driven while using a
private vehicle.
Schlumberger Trailer (*) Any trailer owned, leased, rented or contracted by, and additionally,
any trailer for which a regular transportation allowance is received (e.g.
tool trailers and sleeping trailers used at the site).
Schlumberger Vehicle (*) Any motor vehicle, including Schlumberger Trailers above, owned,
leased, rented or contracted by Schlumberger. Exceptions include
forklifts, mobile yard cranes and contractor vehicles assessed as low
Skill Assessment An assessment that measures a driver’s ability to safely drive and
maneuver a specific vehicle type in a specific driving condition.(Refer
to the Driving Hub for skill categories and the Global Driving
Assessment forms).
Work Related Activity (*) An activity in a work environment, which is or ought to be subject to
management controls. Injuries incurred on company or contractor
premises whilst off-duty are not classed as occupational injuries and
should not be reported since they are not work-related. The exception
is when the injury is due directly to the activities of other personnel
who are at work. The following company and contractor activities are
considered work-related since they should be subject to management
Acronym Meaning
2WD Two Wheel Drive
4WD Four Wheel Drive
B.O.O.K. Body of Organizational Knowledge
CAT Compliance Audit Tool
CD Commentary Drive
CDRA Country Driving Risk Assessment
CDRL Country Driving Risk Level
C_JMP Country Driving and Journey Management Procedures
DIM Driving Improvement Monitor
DOT Department of Transport – (USA)
DT Driver Training
FMP Fatigue Management Plan
GCWR Gross Combined Weight Rating
GDA Global Driving Assessment
G-JMC Global Journey Management Center
GPS Global Positioning System
GVW Gross Vehicle Weight
GVWR Gross Vehicle Weight Rating
HARC Hazard Analysis and Risk Control
HAZMAT Hazardous Materials
HOS Hours of Service
HSE Health Safety Environment
HV Heavy Vehicle
IVMS In Vehicle Monitoring System
JMC Journey Management Center
KPI Key Performance Indicator
LTC Land Transport Contractors
LV Light Vehicle
NHTSA National Highway Traffic Safety Administration – (USA)
OECD Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
OGP Oil and Gas Producers
O/I Observation and Intervention
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
RDMD Rollover Damage Minimization Device
RHA Road Hazard Assessment
RIR Risk Identification Report
This appendix reviews the principle criteria used by company designated health professionals and
doctors to determine fitness to drive a vehicle.
Any medical conditions not included here usually require a specialized medical assessment.
If there is a potential vision problem, the company’s designated health professional will request a
full eye assessment performed by an ophthalmologist.
Monocular vision If a driver’s monocular vision began years ago and the
(is the total loss of vision in one remaining eye has normal vision, driving is acceptable.
eye) However, recent total loss of vision in one eye or temporary
patching of one eye is not acceptable for driving.
Color differentiation problems, Does not prevent a person from driving a vehicle; however,
commonly called color blindness, the driver must be able to discriminate among traffic lights
because their position can vary from one country to
another. Red is always above green on vertical traffic lights,
but on horizontal traffic lights the position of red may
depend on whether driving is on the left or right side of the
Other eye conditions Unacceptable for driving.
double vision (diplopia)
bilateral cataracts
severe bilateral glaucoma
severe bilateral retinopathy
retinitis pigmentosa
severe visual disorders.
Use of an implantable cardioverter usually unacceptable for driving and require assessment
defibrillator by a company-designated health professional along with a
Heart or lung transplant. usually unacceptable for driving and require assessment
by a company-designated health professional along with a
The risk of low blood sugar levels impairing body functioning is the main hazard to safe driving for
a person with diabetes. Low blood sugar levels, also known as hypoglycemia, can occur with both
type I diabetes treated by insulin and type II diabetes treated by oral medication.
If diabetes has been recently diagnosed, it is recommended to refrain from driving for the first
month after starting insulin while treatment is assessed for effectiveness and any undesirable
Driver with diabetes should always have glucose tablets or fast-acting sugars
within easy reach in the vehicle.
Type I diabetics who require insulin should:
check their blood glucose levels (using a glucose
meter) before driving
check their blood glucose levels every 2 hours on long
Driver with diabetes should not drive if they feel hypoglycemic or if their blood
glucose is below 4.9 mmol/L. Driving should resume only
45 to 60 minutes after the blood glucose level has returned
to normal.
5. Age
Age is not an automatic bar to driving, but as you grow older your medical examinations should
be more frequent, particularly for checking visual acuity, with corrective eye ware prescribed or
modified as necessary. Mild to moderate hearing loss rarely affects driving safety, although people
with severe hearing loss may have trouble hearing warning signals.
Certain countries prescription and OTC medications are provided with warnings that it is an
offence to drive or operate machinery when using the medication. Drivers are responsible to follow
these instructions and notify management of these conditions.
Qualified to perform:
- Skill Assessments (SA) and Commentary Drive Assessments (CDA)
- In-vehicle skills development (Coaching)
Qualified to perform:
- As an assessor (Level 3.1), in the vehicle types personally qualified
- Deliver location theory presentations
- SA/CD of Level 3.1 in the vehicle types personally qualified
Qualified to:
- perform as a Trainer / Assessor (Level 3.2)
- present Driver Assessor School (DAS)
- present Driver Trainer and Assessor School (DTAS)
- assess all levels of Driver Trainers
CD – Commentary Drive HV – Heavy Vehicle
SA – Skill Assessment HVT – Heavy Vehicle Training
DAS – Driver Assessor School L – Light
DTAS – Driver Trainer and Assessor School LV – Light Vehicle
Commuting Driver Training Voluntary, recommended in high risk countries and for those
employees coming from lower risk countries to higher risk countries.
(i) Detailed descriptions of driver training packages and their applicability are located at:
QHSE Training and Certification Catalog.
(ii) Where Validity and Recertification requirements are not specifically mentioned in this
Standard, refer to: QHSE Training and Certification Catalog.
(iii) All specialist vehicle training including DT2.3, DT2.4, DT2.5.5 & DT2.5.7 is in addition to
DT 2.2 Schlumberger Vehicle Training.
(iv) All driver commentary drives must be performed by qualified assessor or assessor trainer.
(v) All driver training must be performed by qualified driver trainers.
(vi) Reference: Driver trainer levels and certification document requirements (Appendix B)
(vii) All driver training and assessments must be recorded in QUEST and in the employee’s
Training and Competency Passport (as appropriate).
Journey Planning
If “Ready to Go”…
Journey Monitoring
Driving Improvement Monitors (DIMs) are also referred to as In Vehicle Monitoring Systems
Function Description
Acceleration Monitors and records acceleration greater than a set threshold.
Alarms Emits audible alarm for events greater than a set threshold:
Operating time
Idle time
Speeding event threshold
Speeding event
Acceleration event
Deceleration event
Crash recorder Monitor must be able to record speed vs. time (second-by-second) for at
least 20 seconds immediately prior to an over-threshold deceleration. The
greater this time frame the better. This record must be able to be retained
and accessed after a crash barring catastrophic damage to the device.
Deceleration Monitors and records deceleration greater than a set threshold.
Environment Monitor must be able to operate in ambient work conditions:
LCDs may not display in severe cold and may interfere with
operator log-on with some models
Heat and dust may cause issues
Event recorder Monitor must be able to record events that exceed a set threshold:
Operating time
Speeding event threshold
Speeding event
Acceleration event
Deceleration event
Identifies driver Individually identifies drivers – this feature may not be required if monitor is
driver assigned.
Signal source Monitors must acquire signals directly from the vehicle sensors, wiring bus
or electronic component. Exception may be made for older vehicles with
no adaptors for sensors.
Memory The monitor must have adequate memory to match operations vs. the
minimum requirement of a monthly download.
Mounting Monitor must be able to be installed with a secure mounting in a position
that does not distract the driver.
Rugged Monitor must be able to withstand off-road conditions, as deployed. This
includes sourcing its input signal(s) from in-line transducers or equivalent
to preclude the need to use drive-line mounted signal generators. See
“Signal source”.
Speed Monitors and records speeds greater than a set threshold:
Maximum speed
Time-over set speed
Tamper proof Monitor is to be designed to prevent operator tampering or records the
tamper event. This includes sourcing its input signal(s) from in-line
transducers or equivalent to preclude the opportunity to tamper with drive-
line mounted signal generators. See “Signal source”.
Software – required features
Ease of The supporting software must have e.g. MS-Windows interface that does
administration not require advanced PC or programming knowledge or skills.
Exportability The data needs to exportable in a common format for management
purpose, e.g. MSExcel, MSWord.
Reporting The database must, at a minimum, be able to generate a RAG or DPR
reports compliant to Schlumberger’s format.
Security The system requires at least one password protected security.
System The software must be able to be run on the standard Schlumberger image.
requirements Any exception must be approved by the IT group.
Function Description
Basic Monitor Functions All functionality per Basic Driver Improvement Monitors
Engine monitor This feature varies by supplier but may allow for monitoring of:
Idle time
Engine abuse
Economy of operation
Early failure detection
Data management System now central data management:
Web based
Network based
GPS Passive
Records where vehicle has been
May display real-time location on-board
Transmits real-time position
Hours of service Local legislation may require the recording of drivers’ hours of
Lateral acceleration Measurement and monitoring of lateral acceleration allows for
the monitoring of aggressive cornering.
Remote access Remote access for less person-intervention time, missed
downloads and uploads / parameter changes. Access can be
made remotely at location and / or in the field depending on the
system selected:
Low Earth Orbit Satellite
Fixed satellite
Vertical acceleration Measurement and monitoring of vertical acceleration allows for
the monitoring of aggressive driving on rough roads, e.g.
washboard, pot-holes, speed-bumps, etc.
Speed over factor 4 2
Time over factor 30 20
Acceleration threshold 6 kph/sec, or 10 kph/sec, or
4 mph/sec, or 6 mph/sec, or
0.17g 0.27g
Acceleration factor 5 2
Deceleration threshold 10 kph/sec, or 10 kph/sec, or
6 mph/sec, or 6 mph/sec, or
0.27g 0.27g
Deceleration factor 5 2
Note that converted values are rounded off.
Flashlight / torch
Disabled vehicle marker(s) – minimum 3 (e.g.
Reflective vest for emergency situations
Wheels chocks - must be in place whenever
the driver leaves the vehicle unattended for
more than a few minutes and should be
positioned at the passenger, rear wheels
(1wheel chock in front of and 1 wheel chock
aft of at least one [set] of tire[s]) – this
includes all Schlumberger Vehicles when
towing trailers; for buses where the driver
enters / exits on the passenger side, the
placement should be on the driver’s side rear.
(Not applicable to “Mini Bus” <15 seats)
Hammers for smashing windows in case of
emergencies to be fitted above windows or
on window pillars; these need only be readily
available in vans
Emergency exit side windows. HV buses
Utility Trailers
The towing of ball or pintle hitch utility trailers
by WS is prohibited other than by Exemption,
reference WS Std 5 section
Requirements for the towing of Utility Trailers
is found in the Utility Trailer and Towing
Specifications in Appendix K.
The towing of trailers or “luggage trolleys” of
any kind by buses is prohibited
The rim supports the tire
Available in multi-piece or single-piece
A combination of a rim and a disc permanently attached to the rim and attached to the
hub by studs and nuts
Available in multi-piece or single-piece
Multi-piece rim:
Tube style
2 piece - solid rim, split lock side ring
3 piece - solid rim, solid side ring, split lock side ring
Single-piece rim:
Tubeless style
Continuous one piece, no side rings
Split rim:
Tube style
Lateral split
Obsolete / banned
The following are safety guidelines for the use and maintenance of tires and rims:
1. Schlumberger Vehicles shall be fitted with single-piece rims and tubeless tires. Split rims are
not allowed.
Information for changeover from multi-piece rims to single-piece rims and tube to tubeless
tires can be sourced from the chassis manufacturer. InTouch can be contacted for technical
2. Multi-piece rims (including some models of Trilex rims) are allowed as required by operating
terrain conditions and vehicle load requirements for which single-piece rims are not available
or constitute an operational hazard. This application is still acceptable, but the approved
safety recommendations for tire handling, inflating and servicing of multi-piece rims must be
strictly followed. All personnel involved in operating or maintaining these vehicles must be
trained to understand and follow these approved safety recommendations. Accepted
applications for multipiece rims are available from InTouch Helpdesks. All multi-piece rim
applications require approval from the Technology Center, via InTouch.
3. Only Qualified vendors or properly trained Schlumberger Employees shall be used for tire
and rim repair and maintenance. By preference, qualified vendors will be used. Every effort
will be made to source a capable vendor to perform these tasks at their facility. If this is not
possible, then only trained and qualified Schlumberger personnel will perform maintenance
tasks utilizing the correct handling and repair equipment. Vendors are to be assessed and
audited in keeping with Standard QHSE S012, Contractor and Supplier Management.
5. All tires and rims must be inspected before they are placed in service, as per approved
Industry Standards. This inspection will include these items, at a minimum:
o Cracks at welds;
o Cracked or broken components;
o Bent or sprung components caused by mishandling, abuse, tire explosion or rim
wheel separation;
o Pitting of components due to corrosion;
o Other structural damage that would decrease its effectiveness;
o Multi-piece rims:
Check lock rings and side rings for any damage. Make sure that the rings
fit correctly;
If any substandard component is identified, replace all components;
Multi-piece wheel components shall not be interchanged except as
provided in the manufacturer charts or applicable rim manual. Ensure
lock ring and side ring are the correct matching parts for that rim. Any
compatibility issues are to be directed to InTouch.
Any parts that are damaged or are corroded must be replaced. Discard cracked rims - do
not repair.
o Ensure tire load rating is correct for the load on the vehicle;
o Do not reuse the tire if has sidewall blisters, cord separation, missing tread, and
less than minimum tread depth (see #10).
6. Tire Repair
If a qualified vendor is not available or field repairs are required, follow these requirements:
A specific OFS Employee must be assigned the task to repair tires. This employee, or
employees, must receive the correct tire repair training that addresses all points
identified in OSHA 29CFR1910.177 and applicable OFS maintenance bulletins, at a
Use an approved safety retainer or cage to inflate the tires and the correct tire handling
tools. If field repairs are required, use a portable safety retainer, or equivalent accepted
by InTouch, for the job;
Follow all instructions from the manufacturers for safe removal, tire deflation, repair, tire
inflation and assembly procedures;
Remove from service and destroy all rims and rim components if the part number and/or
manufacturers identification is illegible.
7. Tire Inflation
At no time are any manufacturer ratings to be exceeded, including air pressures. Operating
a tire below the recommended pressure or higher than the recommended speed can cause
premature wear, overheating, tire slipping on rim, damage to the tire, and damage to the
rim/wheel assembly
A safety meeting that includes all effected personnel is to be held immediately prior to
inflation of any tire. Ensure that the trajectory area is clear of personnel and equipment.
When inflating the tires, always use an air nozzle that fastens with a clip. The tire gauge
and control valve must be mounted at least 3.0m / 10ft from the clip-on air nozzle to
allow the employee to stand outside the trajectory of the wheel components (contact
InTouch for part number or for specifications to source locally). Employees should “face
the tread” while inflating tires. In this way, they will be outside the trajectory area.
Multi-piece rim procedures:
o Approved personnel only shall inflate all tires to operating pressure in a safety
cage before being released for use. Operating pressure shall be at least 15psi
/ 104kpa / 1.0bar, to ensure that lock rings are fully seated;
o After tire inflation, the tire and wheel components shall be inspected while still
within the restraining device to make sure that they are properly seated and
locked. If further adjustment to the tire or wheel components is necessary, the
tire shall be deflated by removal of the valve core before the adjustment is made;
o If a tire on a vehicle has been operated at no less than 80% of the recommended
pressure and within the recommended maximum speed for that pressure (as
approved by the chassis or tire manufacturer for “Highway” or “Off-Road” terrain
conditions, including sand), it may be inflated while the rim is on the vehicle
provided remote control inflation equipment is used and no employees or
equipment remain in the trajectory range during inflation. For information on
recommended pressure(s) and operating speed(s) vs. specific application(s),
Contact InTouch or reference vehicle label(s) as per #14;
o If a tire on a vehicle has less than 80% of the recommended pressure for the
specific road conditions and speed, the tire must be fully deflated, then removed
from the vehicle and inflated inside a safety cage as indicated in #6;
o Tires shall be completely deflated by removing the valve core before a rim wheel
is removed from the axle in either of the following situations:
When the tire has been driven under-inflated at 80% or less of its
recommended pressure, or,
When there is obvious or suspected damage to the tire or wheel
adjustment of tire inflation other than that required by routine maintenance, require training
on safe tire handling and inflation practices as per Medium and Heavy Vehicle drivers.
9. If possible, use radial tires. Any combination of bias belted tires and radial tires must not be
used on the same vehicle or trailer. All tires on each vehicle or trailer must be of the same
size, rating and construction unless otherwise required by application but only if permitted
by the chassis or trailer manufacturer, tire manufacturer and approved by InTouch.
10. Dual wheels must be matched to within ½in / 12.7mm of the same diameter or a
circumferential difference of ¾in / 19mm. Tires should have equal tire pressure.
11. Unless otherwise required by local regulation, tread depth on steering axle tires must be a
minimum of 4/32in / 3.2mm; all other tires must have a minimum of 2/32in / 1.6mm.
12. Recap tires are not permitted on steering or drive axles but are accepted for use on trailers
however their use for any application is discouraged.
14. All Heavy Vehicles are to have the correct operating tire pressure(s) identified on the
fender(s), or equivalent, of the vehicle. This label will state:
Standard operation tires - <value><units>;
Variable pressure tires - Hwy <value> <units>; Off-Road <value> <units> minimum
Vehicles with variable tire pressures will have a sticker located in the drivers cab with On-
Road/Off-Road tire pressure vs. allowed road speed for that specific vehicle and tire
15. All vehicles with dual wheels are to have an externally attached gauge device, e.g.
“Crossfire” or equivalent, installed to display tire pressure. These devices will be
appropriately scaled for the operating pressure(s) of the tires on which they are installed.
17. All forklift rims are to be single-piece as possible. Any variation to this must be in keeping
with manufacturer recommendations and service application. All forklift tires and rims are
to handled and maintained in keeping with this guideline, as a minimum, and
manufacturers recommendations.
19. All enquiries on tire and rim applications, inflation pressures, component compatibility,
maintenance, etc., are to be directed to InTouch.
Reference document(s):
Code of Federal Regulations, US, 29CFR1910.177; Chapter XVII—Occupational
Safety and Health Administration, Department of Labor, Section 1910.177 - Servicing
multi-piece and single-piece rim wheels:
All Light Vehicles used regularly for field activities such as; traveling to and from wellsites,
hauling equipment, transporting passengers to field locations outside city limits, and any other
application where there is a risk of rollover, either due to the terrain or vehicle type, must be
fitted with either:
The RDMD is a mechanical assembly which prevents the structural collapse of the roof of a
vehicle and the pillars supporting the roof in the event that a vehicle rolls over onto its roof. The
RDMD can either be part of the structure of the vehicle cab as provided by the manufacturer,
or an engineered aftermarket system that fits either internally within the vehicle body, or
externally to the vehicle.
The RDMD should be designed to provide a survival space for all vehicle occupants, not to
cause injury in the event of a rollover, or to cause injury to pedestrians outside the vehicle in
the event of a collision.
Internal RDMD must be constructed and sized to fit as close as possible to the internal profile
of the vehicle's occupant compartment, and it must not adversely affect the operational safety
of the vehicle. Therefore, the design of the internal RDMD must address:
External RDMD should be no wider than the vehicle and extend no more than 250mm above
the roof line of the vehicle.
Adequate rollover protection may be accomplished by selecting and purchasing vehicles with
a specific set of safety features, thus avoiding the need to install an aftermarket RDMD.
All Light Vehicles used regularly for field activities that are not equipped with RDMD must have
all the following vehicle safety features:
In order for the above safety features to provide adequate rollover protection, the vehicles must
be driven at appropriate speeds for the conditions, i.e. within the road speed limits on a paved
road and reduced speed on an unpaved road, and not exceeding the speed limits stated in the
Locations that do not meet the RDMD requirements for light vehicles regularly used for field
activities, as stated in section 1, must have an implementation plan that addresses the
New vehicles
For new vehicles that meet all the requirements stated in section 1.2 with the exception
of the SWR, roof strengthening of the vehicles shall be completed by the end of 2015
to meet the SWR ≥ 4.0.
Existing vehicles
For existing vehicles that are not fitted with an aftermarket RDMD but meet all the
requirements stated in section 1.2 with the exception of the SWR ≥ 4.0, the
implementation plan must address the following as the minimum:
- 20% of these vehicles to be compliant by the end of 2015.
- 50% of these vehicles to be compliant by the end of 2016.
- 100% of these vehicles to be compliant by the end of 2017.
In the interim, the vehicles can still be used. To be in compliance, a vehicle shall either
meet the requirements for RDMD stated in section 1.1 or have the rollover protection
safety features described in section 1.2.
Existing vehicles that do not meet the requirements for RDMD stated in section 1.1,
and are not equipped with ESC and/ or Rollover Activated Side Airbags described in
section 1.2, shall not be used for the field activities described in section 1.
2. Bus Requirements
All buses used regularly for field activities such as traveling to and from wellsites, transporting
passengers to field locations outside city limits, etc., and any other application where there is
a risk of rollover due to the terrain or vehicle type, must:
In situations, based on the local risk assessment (RHA and HARC), where the normal vehicle
speed, the terrain and/or vehicle type result in substantial exposure to a rollover, an aftermarket
RDMD must be installed, unless specifically prohibited by local government regulations.
All heavy vehicles, used regularly for field activities such as traveling to and from wellsites,
hauling equipment to field locations outside city limits, or any other application where there is
a risk of rollover due to the terrain or vehicle type must:
In situations, based on the local risk assessment (RHA and HARC), where the normal vehicle
speed, the terrain and/or vehicle type result in substantial exposure to a rollover, an aftermarket
RDMD must be installed, unless specifically prohibited by local government regulations.
4. References
The driver’s point system uses the same concept of the successful programs implemented by
many Traffic Authorities worldwide, with the aim of giving our drivers the ownership of their
performance, to motivate them to continuously improve their driving safety habits.
Administering this procedure from a centralized Journey Management Center provides a fair,
standard and systematic approach to manage drivers’ accountability, including positive and
formative feedback and disciplinary actions.
Points System
The points system works as a bank account. All drivers will start with 12 points in their individual
account and points will be discounted when a traffic violation is detected and confirmed by
JMC, according to the categories shown below:
This table shows the number of points loss per each violation
Violation Points lost
Over speeding case (driving more than 30 seconds above the
speed limit or driving 10 kph above the speed limit)
Driving more than 2.5 hours without stopping 1
Driving more than 11 hours within a period of 24 hours 3
Monthly record in red (more than 100 km driven) 6
Monthly record in yellow (more than 100 km driven) 3
Driving with other’s VDO key 12
JMC will administrate the system, and cases of excessive over speeding, not reporting after
2.5 hours and driving more than 11 hours in a period of 24 hours would be notified via SMS to
the driver and his / her manager within next 72 hours of occurrence, including the points lost
and balance. A general report will also be included in the JMC monthly executive report. All
drivers have the right to challenge the violations attributed by reporting an RIR with the
supporting arguments, within one week after receiving the notification. JMC will revisit each
case and give a formal answer to the driver and her / his manager before issuing the next
monthly executive report.
The following table defines how recognition and consequences are administered with the
points system. Drivers who have lost points can recover them. However the maximum number
of points will always be 12.
Behavior Consequence
Driver kept his / her 12 points over last 12 Recognition letter, signed by the GM
months Manager, cc to personal file
No violation in last month’s records (more than Driver gets back 1 point to her / his
100 km driven) account
(see note 2)
Driver lost all 12 points at any time Stop driving until an improvement plan is
documented in QUEST + warning letter
Whenever a driver is to be recognized, JMC will prepare the recognition letter to be signed by
the Geomarket Manager. The HSE Manager is responsible for distributing the letters and
organizing an award ceremony. Personnel function is responsible for filing the letters in the
personal files of the drivers, if they are employees, and Logistics function is responsible for
delivering the letter to the driver through the Land Transport Contractor Manager, when the
driver belongs to a contractor company.
JMC will restrict the driver’s rights in QUEST whenever the 12 points have been lost by any
driver and notify it to the Geomarket HSE Manager, via QUEST RIR, including the type of
violations that caused the points to be lost and an action item to the corresponding Line
Manager to define the improvement and disciplinary actions on the driver. JMC will prepare
the warning letters to be signed by the Geomarket and presented by the Line Manager (if the
driver is an employee) or by Logistics Manager (if the driver is a contractor).
In order to implement this system it is essential to make an agreement between the company
and driver. A template of an agreement letter which is signed by drivers entering into the Points
System follows:
Driver’s acknowledgment
I have read the “Drivers’ point system” document and declare that I understand and
accept the program and its consequences. I also understand that I have the right to
challenge violations assigned to me within a week after being notified.
Name: _________________________________________
Date: _____________________________________
Location: ______________________________________
Signature: ______________________________________
The use of ‘Break Over’ Load binders is not permitted in Schlumberger; instead a ‘ratchet
binder’ should be used.
IPM Secure Cargo for Land Transport Standard Work Instruction IPM-QHSE-SWI-002
Utility, or Medium Duty, Trailers are towed by a pickup or equivalent Light Vehicle with an
approved class of hitch. They are not towed by Heavy Vehicles.
The weight a vehicle can tow is not only determined by the type and class of the hitch attached
to the vehicle, but by the vehicle's suspension, the horsepower of the engine, its cooling
system, and so on. To determine a vehicle's towing capacity, consult its manual or contact the
vehicle's manufacturer.
All operations requiring the towing of utility trailers including vehicle and trailer specifications
must comply with local regulations or Schlumberger controls whichever is stricter.
Regional variations:
The terminology, standards and regulations for towing equipment and hitch types varies
internationally. North American specifications for towing equipment follow SAE standard. The
ISO standard has been adopted in most of the world outside North America.
All trailers will have brakes on all axles. These brakes must activate automatically if the vehicle
separates from the trailer and hold the brakes in an on/locked position for at least 15 minutes
should the trailer break loose from the towing vehicle.
All pintle hook and ball hitch trailers require surge brakes or electric brakes at a minimum; all
gooseneck trailers require electric brakes, at a minimum. The cable or chain that activates the
breakaway device will be attached to the towing vehicle at a point other than the main towing
attachment or at the safety chain attaching point and must be of a size and type to be capable
of actuating the breakaway device prior to separation. The in-vehicle controller for electric
brakes is to be calibrated, as possible by design type, and adjusted prior to each operation /
movement of the trailer, as required by controller design and specified by the device
All hitches must be fully rated devices obtained from industry recognized hitch manufacturers,
or, obtained from and/or authorized by Schlumberger engineering or Product Centers - they
are not to be custom fabricated by Schlumberger field or maintenance employees or local
fabrication / machine shops. They must be installed as per both vehicle and hitch manufacturer
Connection options:
1 Pintle Hook: A type of hitch that uses a round lunette ring on the trailer end.
Mounted on a receiver bar located on the towing vehicle, the pintle hook has
closing jaws, which locks the lunette in. These hitches are sometimes referred to
as a "GI" or military type hitch, and are used with trailers < 10,000 lb/ 4545 kg.
5 Mini Fifth Wheel connection: These trailers have a fifth wheel connection
installed in the center of the bed and to the frame of the towing vehicle in
accordance with tow vehicle manufacturer recommendations and those of the hitch
manufacturer, and rated for the GTW of the trailer. The king pin is to be of the
transportation industry standard size for the area.
6 Safety Chains: Crossed safety chains as described below are required with all
hitch types except for the vehicles with fifth wheels.
Receiver Bar:
The receiver bar for the receiver hitch must be minimum 2 in/ 5 cm solid square bar, versus
square tubing. The solid bar receiver bar must be rated for 10,000 lb/ 4,545 kg or more. The 2
inch ball or pintle that is mounted to this receiver bar must also be rated at 10,000lb / 4,545 kg
or more.
Safety Chains:
All pintle hooks, 2 inch ball, 50 mm ball and gooseneck ball connection trailers are required to
have at least 2 safety chains. Each safety chain and associated components must have a load
rating that meets or exceeds the GTW of the trailer or at least 3/8 in/ 9.5 mm diameter HS (High
Strength) or Grade 70 chain. These are to be secured by bolts or similar rated components of
equal securement capability to the tongue of the trailer and to the hitch and not interfere with
the turning of the vehicle combination – the chain itself must not be welded at any point. The
two chains will be attached to the towing vehicle at an equal distance on either side of the
coupling point of the towing vehicle and cross under or behind the hitch so that, should the
trailer become disconnected the chains will cradle the trailer hitch and allow the trailer to track
straight behind the towing vehicle. Operators must make sure that hook hitches and chains are
long enough so that they cross under or behind the tongue of the trailer and not interfere with
the turning of the vehicle combination.
Loads: Many utility trailers have a permanent fixed load. Utility trailers that do not have a fixed
load must distribute the load correctly on the tongue and axles. The loads must be positioned
so as to balance weight from side to side and distribute cargo weight evenly along the length
of the trailer - refer to the tow vehicle and trailer owner’s manual. If necessary, keep a
specification chart on file that shows the approved weights for the different types of vehicles
and loads, and load configurations. All loads, which are not fixed, must be fastened on racks,
or fastened by special chains or straps, to secure movement during travel. The trailer must
have tie points strong enough to fasten and hold the load.
Fuel Tanks: Only diesel fuel tanks that are needed for the equipment mounted on the trailer,
or special mobile diesel fueling stations can be carried on utility trailers. These items must be
correctly fastened to the trailer.
Lights: All trailers must have taillights, stop lights, side marker lights and turn indicators. All
lights must comply with local laws and regulations. All trailers must have side and rear
conspicuity reflective markings.
Other: Large rear view mirrors are to be affixed to both sides of the towing vehicle capable of
providing sufficient viewing area to safely maneuver the vehicle combination. As well, minimum
4 in /10 cm convex mirrors are to be affixed to both sides of the towing vehicle in conjunction
with the rear view mirrors.
• Well Services Wellsite Operations Standard 005: Trailers
Do not use utility or "pup" trailers that are towed using a pintle hook or ball hitch.
Trailers that are pulled with a standard king pin/fifth wheel connection, e.g. frac pump trailer,
cement bulk transport, etc. are acceptable.
Under no circumstances are combination trailers to be pulled (that is, a trailer being pulled by
another tractor / trailer combination).
Equipment Inspection
All drivers towing medium duty trailers must complete a documented inspection of both towing
unit and the towed unit plus coupling devices prior to use. This inspection must meet all
applicable regulations and SLB requirements.
All drivers towing medium duty trailers must complete Utility Trailer Training (DT2.5.5)
• Maximum weight allowed for the tongue of the utility trailer (must be marked on the trailer
near the tongue)
• Maximum per axle weight (for multiple axle trailers, use the total GVW/number of axles) (must
be marked on the trailer near the tongue)
• Maximum rated towing capacity of the towing vehicle (must be marked on the hitch of the
towing vehicle)
• Maximum hitch weight allowed for the towing vehicle (must be marked on the hitch of the
towing vehicle)
Term Definition
GVW Gross Vehicle The actual weight of a vehicle with a given load.
GTW Gross Trailer The actual weight of a trailer with a load.
GVWR Gross Vehicle The maximum loaded weight limit of a single motor vehicle as
Weight Rating specified by the manufacturer.
GCWR Gross Combined The maximum combined weight limit of both the towing vehicle
Weight Rating (including passengers and cargo) and the trailer
TW Tongue Weight The maximum weight limit permitted on the trailer tongue where
it connects to the towing vehicle. This weight can be controlled
on trailers without permanent loads by load distribution.
Towing Capacity The towing capacity is maximum weight limit of the load that the
vehicle can tow as shown in the vehicle operators manual from
the manufacturer. This weight is in addition to the GVW. (Note:
If the GVW is reduced by removing the weight of some of the
load of the towing vehicle, the towing capacity does not
1. Scope
The Land Transport Contractor (LTC) Driving and Journey Management (JM) procedure
applies to all Schlumberger sites outsourcing its land transportation, and to all LTCs
providing land transport as their primary service directly to Schlumberger according to the
defined risks.
This procedure does not apply to freight forwarding trips. A Freight Forwarder is a person
or company whose business is to organize shipments on instruction of a shipper or a
consignee to pick up and deliver goods from one point to another, and in the ordinary
course of its business; (a) assembles and consolidates shipments and performs or provides
for break-bulk and distribution operations of the shipments, and (b) assumes responsibility
for the transportation from the place of receipt to the place of destination.
This procedure does not apply to trips between base and port that are part of freight
This procedure does not apply to companies or persons where land transport is performed
incidental to execution of the primary service under Schlumberger contract, such as
catering service company or waste disposal company.
Based on the commitment level of the parties engaged in a land transport contract there
are generally three types of operational Land Transport Contractors:
The LTC Driving and JM procedure shall be used to determine the level of driving and JM
operational control Schlumberger shall apply to its LTCs based on these exposure risks:
1. The Driving Environment Risk at the place where the land transport takes place.
2. The Load Risk associated with the load to be transported.
3. The LTC Risk that depends on the maturity of the Contractor in managing its own
Driving and JM.
Low risk – when transporting bulk volume materials such as water, sands, barite,
bentonite, cement etc.
Medium risk – when transporting assets or equipment other than bulk volume
materials, people, or HazMat1).
High risk – when transporting people, HazMat1), or other loads assessed as high
LTC Risk
The assessment of LTC risk shall be done during the pre-selection phase of contracting
life cycle, and periodically after the selection of a LTC. The OGP “Land Transportation
Safety Recommended Practice – Questionnaire/checklist assessment for the
implementation of report 365” shall be used. See Section 4, RACI for more information.
Process Flow
After the operational land transport requirements and contract scope are finalized the next
step is to determine the risks and the required Driving and JM control for the LTC. The
process is illustrated in Fig. 17.
1. Identify where the land transport activities are going to take place and determine
the driving environment risk; the CDRL, and Field and Non-Field. In case of mixed
environment take the highest risk.
2. Identity the type of loads that will be transported and determine the highest load
risk level.
Refer to the LTC Driving and JM Control Chart and determine the basic control
mode that shall be applied to the LTC. This will serve as the basis of HSE
contractual Terms and Conditions (T&C). A template for Local Master Service
Agreement T&C can be found at InTouch.
3. Assess the LTC maturity in managing its own driving and JM using the OGP 365
Questionnaire/checklist. Based on the results evaluate if supplementary control
measures shall be taken by Schlumberger to fill any gaps, such as providing or
assisting Contractor with driver training and journey management.
The GeoMarket HSE manager or country CJMP owner is responsible for updating LTC
Driving and JM Procedure in QUEST, CJMP section 11.5. The process of Driving and JM
assessment and applying the supplementary control measures shall be described in this
Risk Based
2 Load Risk Driving and JM
LTC Control Chart
1. LTC Managed:
The LTC operates within its own Driving and JM system with no interfaces with the
Schlumberger Driving and JM system. In this mode the LTC manages all of its own
land transport operation, and shall be used for low risk transportations.
Schlumberger will minimize its transportation risk through a contracting approach
using contractual requirements, terms and conditions, performance indicators and
monitoring, service quality meetings, audits and inspections etc.
2. Schlumberger Managed:
The LTC operates within the Schlumberger Driving and JM system defined by SLB-
QHSE-S001 and BOOK. It represents the highest level of Driving and JM control
where Schlumberger essentially manages the land transport operation.
The role and responsibility of the LTC and Schlumberger for managing basic Driving & JM
requirements is given in the following Table 11.
Basic Requirements
Schlumberger Managed LTC Managed
Contractor's MS
Management System SLB-QHSE-S001
w/ref. to OGP-365
Driver Training ◦ SLB defines the contractual TC, ◦ SLB defines the contractual TC,
Driving and JM and regulatory Driving and JM and regulatory
Driver Improvement Monitor compliance requirements. SLB compliance requirements.
manages the LTC operation based on Requirements are based on
Cellphone/Comm Devices SLB-QHSE-S001/BOOK. applicable-SLB-QHSE-S001 or
◦ LTC manages Driver's personnel OGP365, National Driving Safety and
Driver Fitness (FM, SA, Med) matters, vehicle readiness and regulatory directives. SLB conducts
Use of seat belt maintenance as per manufacturing SQM, inspection and audit etc.
specifications, and compliance to ◦ LTC manages the whole land
regulatory requirements (insurance, transport operation including JM and
Vehicle Specifications licenses, permits etc.) ensures compliance to regulations.
The role of the HSE, Procurement & Sourcing, Logistics and Legal functions during the
Land Transport Contracting life cycle is summarized in the RACI Table 13.
Once the operational requirements and contract scope are finalized, an HSE
representative will assess the transport risks and determine the required Driving
and JM control that shall be applied to the LTC.
Every LTC invited for tendering shall complete the OGP “Land Transportation
Safety Recommended Practice – Questionnaire/checklist assessment for the
implementation of report 365”. This can be downloaded from the OGP website
(see section 6, References).
After a short list of suitable LTCs has been identified, verification by the HSE
function will be conducted to confirm the contractors stated HSE capabilities. If
required, the Sourcing representative will coordinate a site inspection or audit, and
ask HSE function to participate.
Contract Implementation
The Sourcing representative determines on as needed basis when to conduct
service quality meetings with the LTC to review ongoing operational issues, their
performance against KPI, and their participation in Schlumberger’s HSE program.
Service Quality reports for the contractor in QUEST will be reviewed.
The LTC shall complete an annual self-assessment using the OGP-365
Questionnaire /checklist.
The Sourcing representative, with the assistance of HSE function, shall maintain
an audit schedule of LTCs and conduct LTC site audits on as needed basis; at the
minimum annually for personnel transport LTC, once every 3 years for High Risk
LTC carrying Hazmat, and 5 years for Medium and Low Risk LTC.
These LTC HSE Event Reporting requirements are shown in the following Table 12.
Loss Cat =
Automotive Mileage
LTC / Trips Description OTHER LOSSES
Hazard = Land Owner
C Consulted
I Informed
gi s
Phase Task
Request for 3rd party land transport C R A
Identify land transportation providers for tender invitation C C R A
Develop draft of contract and/or service agreement I R A R
Contract Initiation
Determine risk, and the required Driving and JM procedure I R A C
and Preparation
Determine contract mode, Contractor KPI, and select HSE T &C C C R A C
Define contract award evaluation criteria C I R C
Send out RFI or RFP with OGP Pre-Qualification Questionnaire I R I
Short list acceptable land transportation providers C C R C
Verify and clarify pre-qualificaton response, and as needed do site visit/ Audit A R I
Contract Selection Evaluate bids and select contractor for award C R I
Review contract agreement C R I A
Sign contract I I R I A
Conduct kick off meeting I C R A
Implement MOC as applicable for the contract implementation A C I R
Monitor Contractor involvement in SLB safety program (KPI based) A C I R
Contract Implementation
Conduct SQM - performance based C C R A
Contractor conduct annual self assessment using LT C CAT checklist I A R I
Schlumberger auditing LT C - risk based, on 3-5 yrs cycle A R
Capture lessons learned A C I R
Contract Close Out
Established contract close out file I C R I C
Cellular phones and Section 2.2 Telephones and Other Section 2.4 Cellular telephones and
◦ comparable
communication devices Network Enabled Devices two-way communication devices
Section 2.3 Driver Fitness and ◦ B.O.O.K is more specific and detailed; eyesight, medical fitness.
Section 2.3 Driver fitness and
Driver Fitness Alertness (includes Substance ◦ Differences in the threshold of ' duty and resting hours'. OGP
Abuse) emphasizes on duty hours, B.O.O.K emphasizes on resting hours
Section 2.6 Driver Improvement Section 2.3 In vehicle monitoring ◦ exception for vehicles contracted or leased less than 3 months
In Vehicle Monitoring System
Monitoring system ◦ B.O.OK specifies different type of DIMs accoding to the risks
- covered in separate ◦ OGP mentioned about MS with elements that are covered under SLB
Management System Section 2.9 Management systems
documentations. MS.
4.5.1 References
S1 – Western Geco
S2 – Wireline
S3 – Well Services
S4 – Testing Services
S5.2 IPM Secure Cargo for Land Transport Standard Work Instruction IPM-QHSE-
S6 - Segments Continued