Additional Teaching Ideas: 8.1 Identifying The Symmetry of 2D Shapes
Additional Teaching Ideas: 8.1 Identifying The Symmetry of 2D Shapes
Additional Teaching Ideas: 8.1 Identifying The Symmetry of 2D Shapes
Additional teaching
8.1 Identifying the symmetry of 2D shapes
Starter ideas to do a display, make sure some learners cut in a
curved line.
Fold and cut 1 (5 minutes) To extend students, discuss other ways of folding the
Resources: Resource sheet 8.1a, paper to fold and cut paper to make shapes that have different symmetry
Description: This activity should help learners to find properties. Check any suggestions.
the number of lines of symmetry of regular polygons,
to overcome the second misconception listed Main teaching ideas
previously. You could display Resource sheet 8.1a
on the electronic whiteboard or you could read and Question 7, Think like a mathematician
demonstrate for learners to follow or you could copy (5 minutes)
and distribute the sheet. Learning intention: To understand that a circle
Before learners start making the shape, ask ‘What has an infinite number of lines of symmetry and
pattern do you expect?’ and ‘What symmetry rotational symmetry. To understand the true nature
properties will the shape have?’ of symmetry in a circle and to have a good example
of infinity (and, possibly, see the infinity symbol for
When learners have made and unfolded the shapes the first time).
(which are all different, but are all pentagons),
discuss the name and properties of the pentagon. Resources: Notebooks, Learner’s Book, compasses
(or a circle to draw around)
The results of this activity (when linked with the
shapes in Starter idea activity Fold and cut 2) make Description: You could set this as a discussion
an excellent wall display, especially when learners between learners, usually in small groups. However,
use coloured paper. Using old posters, newspapers, a more practical approach, if you have time, is often
magazines, etc. can also make an effective display. invaluable for learners’ understanding:
Ask learners to draw a circle (preferably using
Fold and cut 2 (5–10 minutes) compasses, so that the centre is clearly marked, but
Resources: Resource sheets 8.1b and 8.1c they can draw around a circular object and guess and
mark where the centre is).
Description: You could display the Resource sheets
8.1b and 8.1c on the electronic whiteboard (either Ask learners to draw a line of symmetry. Ask learners
one at a time or together) or you could read and to draw another line of symmetry. Ask learners to
demonstrate for learners to follow or you could copy draw another line of symmetry. Check at this point
and distribute the sheets. Before learners start making that learners aren’t confused by this third line (see
each shape, ask ‘What pattern do you expect?’ and misconceptions listed previously).
‘What symmetry properties will the shape have?’ Ask for two more lines of symmetry.
You could also ask these questions just before they
Ask ‘How many more lines of symmetry do you
use scissors.
think you could draw on your circle?’
Resource sheet 8.1b leads to a shape based on (or,
Ask ‘How many more lines of symmetry are there?’
if cut correctly, exactly) a hexagon. The fold lines
Learners quickly understand that there are ‘lots’
will always be lines of symmetry. If you are aiming
more lines of symmetry.
to do a display, make sure some learners cut in a
curved line. Ask learners to imagine a huge circle, with lines of
symmetry really close together. There are too many
Resource sheet 8.1c leads to a shape based on (or,
lines of symmetry to count. Ask ‘How many lines
if cut correctly, exactly) an octagon. The fold lines
might there be?’ Then ask ‘What do you know about
will always be lines of symmetry. If you are aiming
1 Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 7 – Byrd, Byrd & Pearce © Cambridge University Press 2021
the word infinity?’ Usually the answer is ‘a number Differentiation ideas: For learners who have
that goes on forever’ or similar. difficulty with this skill, give appropriately sized
Link that to the symmetry by saying you can always grids (with the dashed lines drawn on for them) and
squeeze in another line of symmetry, so there is an some (same) coloured counters. The act of being
infinite number of lines of symmetry in a circle. able to ‘balance’ the diagrams by quick trial and
Show learners the infinity symbol (the lemniscate) ∞. improvement should help.
Learners will quickly realise after a short discussion To extend learners, you could ask them to write their
that a circle has rotational symmetry of order ∞. own questions that are similar to those in Question 8
(and to give the answers on a separate sheet) to test
Answers: A circle has rotational symmetry of each other.
order ∞.
Plenary idea
Differentiation ideas: Some learners will prefer
to fold the circle in half first, then draw the line of
3 by 3 rotations (5 minutes)
symmetry. When they have folded, unfolded and Resources: Mini whiteboards, or if you want a record
drawn a few times, learners will notice that the line of of workings, grid paper or plain paper
symmetry is just a line across the diameter, and then Description: Ask learners to draw a 3 by 3 grid on a
they should be able to continue without having to mini whiteboard. They need to draw one dot in the
fold the circle. grid. Ask:
‘Where should you draw the dot to give a shape with
Question 8 (5 minutes)
rotational symmetry of order 4?’ [centre square]
Learning intention: Use knowledge of reflective
symmetry to identify and complete symmetrical They now need to draw two dots in the grid. Ask:
patterns. ‘Where should you draw the dots to give a shape with
Resources: Learner’s Book, grid paper, counters the highest order of rotational symmetry possible?’
[Not in the centre, but any two grids directly opposite
Description: Learners might not have tried this type each other gives rotational symmetry of order 2.]
of question for many years. This question will be an
extension of those done in the past. You can do the following orally, or with learners
drawing dots to represent counters, writing the order
For learners who might find this difficult, let them of rotational symmetry alongside the grid. Ask:
work on separate sheets of square (grid) paper.
Encourage learners to fold the paper along the ‘What is the highest order of rotational symmetry
dashed line(s) so they can physically see where one when using three dots?’ [2]
square is reflected to. Mirrors can also be useful ‘What is the highest order of rotational symmetry
here. The more this is practised, the less it becomes when using four dots?’ [4]
necessary to fold along the dashed line(s). ‘What is the highest order of rotational symmetry
Remind learners attempting part a iii that the dashed when using five dots?’ [4]
line reflects squares both ways. Learners must end up ‘What is the highest order of rotational symmetry
with both sides of the mirror line being identical. when using six dots?’ [2]
b i 1 ii 2 iii 1
2 Cambridge Lower Secondary Mathematics 7 – Byrd, Byrd & Pearce © Cambridge University Press 2021