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Summative Feedback: Resubmission Feedback:
A. Competitive market:.............................................................................................................................12
1. Product:..............................................................................................................................................12
2. Place:..................................................................................................................................................15
3. Promotion:.........................................................................................................................................16
3.1.1. Advertisement.....................................................................................................................17
3.2.2. Programs.............................................................................................................................18
4. Price:...................................................................................................................................................19
5. People:...............................................................................................................................................22
6. Process:..............................................................................................................................................22
A. Competitive market:
1. Product:
- Product is any item or service you sell to serve a customer's need or want.
1.1. Mondelez Kinh Do Company:
1.1.1. Core product benefit:
- About the product's physical benefits:
Using clean raw materials, ensuring food safety and hygiene according to the process
of modern machinery meeting international standards.
Sample code, packaging is always redesigned and improved.
By gradually limiting the use of refined sugar instead of low-energy sugar
- Installation:
The company's bakery production line remains unchanged as most companies are
aiming for a wide range of products to hit the market.
1.2. Bibica Company:
1.2.1. Core product benefit:
Mooncakes bring high nutrients, provide an abundant source of energy for the body, and are
passionate about food hygiene and safety.
1.2.2. Actual product:
- Quality:
Bibica mooncakes are always focused on quality, new flavors, beautiful designs, and
affordable prices.
Cakes are made from 100% natural ingredients in the country, ensuring food hygiene
and safety. The production line is closed, no preservatives are used, so it is very safe
for users' health.
- Packaging:
Packed each cake is convenient and compact, suitable for many uses such as holidays,
eating at home and or giving to relatives.
- Branding:
BIBICA is an exclusive brand of products. Obtained a certificate of trademark/industrial
property from the National Office of Intellectual Property - Ministry of Science and
About the company's logo, the word BIBICA is placed in an ellipse with a red
background, between 2 white squiggles showing the company's constant upward
When it comes to Bibica, people will immediately recognize it as a famous company
and suitable for our Vietnamese customs and traditions. In addition, the BIBICA brand
is also famous in the world and is present in all markets. Easily distinguishable from
other company brands.
- Product life cyvle: With the current situation and future vision, the product life cycle of BIBICA
company is being saturated. Developed year by year. This shows that it has occupied a part in
the domestic market as well as abroad.
- Product line:
Each year the company can supply to the market more than 20,000 tons of moon
cakes and other cakes.
These are quite strong brands in the market: Mooncake product line: Although it has
only been in the market for about 5 years, BIBICA mooncakes have affirmed their
quality and popular designs in the market. Especially, the company has been at the
forefront of research and successful production of mooncakes for dieters and
1.2.3. Augmented product
- Delivery service at Bibica works from Monday to Saturday every week, no delivery on Sundays
and Public Holidays.
- Services: customers can shop online for Bibica's products extremely conveniently, the
information is constantly updated and receive many attractive offers from the Voucher
section of the App.
Apply promotions
Give gifts to loyal customers
- Installation: The company kicked off the project to increase production line capacity.
2. Place:
Place is an important stage in production and business activities, distributing products to solve
the problem of goods and services brought to consumers.
2.1. Mondelez Kinh Do Company:
- The distribution system of Kinh Do is considered to be the most perfect among rivals in the
same industry in Vietnam market. Kinh Do distribution system has brought great confidence
by creating a significant transformation with more than 200 strong distributors, a series of 30
Bakery stores, nearly 120,000 points of sale, 30,000 ice cream and products from Milk ...
throughout the territory of Vietnam. For distribution channels for supermarkets, brands also
provide products directly to more than 150 supermarkets. Therefore, this distribution
network is considered as a network network of the whole country.
- Moon cake is a seasonal product, so distribution channels take advantage of the company's
strengths. Kinh Do has organized more than 13,000 points to sell Kinh Do moon cake across
the country in the fall every year. The sales points are concentrated in the large supermarket
chain such as Citimax, Maximart, Co.op Mart, Vinmart ... It can be seen that the stalls are
widely sold in the main streets, where people gather. This is the point that makes the capital
easy to identify and compete with competitors to share the same item.
2.2. Bibica Company:
- The distribution network is considered as one of many strong rating systems in the country,
can adapt to many market fluctuations and it helps to consume about 96% of the company's
sales. Currently, Bibica's supply chain has nearly 200 distributors, 40 Bibica Bakery stores, and
more than 75,000 retail points with 1,000 sales staff across the country.
- Retail channel: Currently, the company has over 91 agents and over 30,000 retail points
- Avoid supermarkets, metro, bookstores: this is the most important sales channel today
3. Promotion:
3.1. Mondelez Kinh Do Company:
- Because Kinh Do mooncakes are famous for their eye-catching designs, delicious and safe for
consumers' health, the price of Kinh Do mooncakes is often higher than other similar
- However, Kinh Do still succeeds in attracting customers thanks to its attractive promotions.
Kinh Do does not apply "terrible" promotion strategies such as "Buy 1 get 1 free", "50% off"...
Instead, Kinh Do supports customers to buy in bulk with different discount rates for
customers. both premium and regular cakes when buying from 5 boxes or more.
- Another promotion of Kinh Do such as supporting 50 banners and 50 glass cabinets for stores
and resellers. In addition, the company also cooperates with online sales websites to sell
shopping cards with attractive prices: 1 voucher worth 120,000 VND, 50% off, only 60,000
3.1.1. Advertisement
- Stemming from the strategic direction of Kinh Do brand advertising, after going through the
stage of "creating customer awareness of the brand", Kinh Do invests in the stage of "creating
emotions" for customers. viewers through channels Marketing Online, media, radio…
- The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional folk festival dating back thousands of years, a festival
very close to children, imbued with the identity of Asians, so every year when the mid-autumn
atmosphere approaches us, had the opportunity to see advertisements about Kinh Do
mooncakes, which were mostly broadcast on TV with unique and different messages to
- In particular, the slogan: "Mid-Autumn Festival - Tet of friendship" is still the chosen slogan of
Kinh Do to distinguish it from other competitors such as Bibica - Goodwill and Friendship -
Sweet and traditional flavor . Mid-Autumn Festival is the "reunion festival", so the
advertisement is aimed at the affection of family members, in 2017 with the advertisement
"Father's Mid-Autumn Festival", the brand received positive feedback from consumers, and
get customer support.
3.1.2. Social activities
- Every year until the Mid-Autumn Festival, Kinh Do coordinates with agencies and social
organizations to deploy many social activities programs. Last year, funding for the program
and 10,000 gifts with a total value of 550 million VND were sent to disadvantaged children at
Shelters, Open Houses, and elderly people at the Nursing Center. old man…
- In the South, there were more than 7,000 Kinh Do gifts for humanitarian social programs with
the desire to bring to disadvantaged children. These programs have created a warm, fun,
warm atmosphere.
- In the northern provinces, Kinh Do donated about 3,000 gifts to programs of social
benefactors, gave 1,000 gifts in the Mid-Autumn Festival program organized by the Vietnam
Children's Fund and 500 gifts. for the program organized by the Golden Heart Social and Social
Fund, giving about 1,500 gifts to the programs of the Labor Confederation - My Hao district,
the Vietnam Association for the Relief of Disabled Children and other agencies and
3.2. Bibica Company:
- Advertising activities.
- Personal selling activities.
- Promotional activities.
- Public relations activities.
- Direct marketing.
3.2.2. Programs
- Reportages, documentaries introducing the company on holidays contribute to enhancing the
value brand and enhance the reputation of the company. In addition, BBC also advertises in
many forms such as newspapers, radio, magazines, outdoor advertising hanging banners...
Besides advertising on
- Internet is the preferred form for Bibica products, advertising at trade fairs
- Vietnam high quality, fairs on food safety and hygiene, scientific conferences,introduce new
products, functional products for dieters, diabetics has been warmly received by consumers,
contributing to enhancing the value and reputation of the company company brand.
3.2.3. Personal sales
- Personal selling is a necessary promotional activity aimed at increasing the volume of product
- Reach out to buyers, capture more specifically the needs and reflections of customers on
products their products. Most provinces and cities in Vietnam have businesses and agents of
BBC, and where there's candy, there's BBC candy.
Price is the value or money customers give up in exchange for a particular offering that would
serve to satisfy their needs and wants.In simple terms, a price is the measure of the value a
customer exchanges to purchase an offering.
Buyers will judge by gestures, the body language of the salesperson will have an impact on the
very important first impression.
6.2.4. Presentation and product introduction
The staff will present the product features and benefits. Employees must change the customer's
point of view from not buying to buying.
6.2.5. Handling customer objections
Employee attitudes must: welcome objections, put yourself in the buyer's shoes, listen attentively.
And solve all the problems that buyers objected quickly.
Employees must make customers hesitate, sellers need to be very confident in their products, in their
recommendations, and in capturing the customer's mind.