Drug Data Classification Mechanism of Action Indications Contraindica Tion Adverse Reactions Nursing Responsibilities
Drug Data Classification Mechanism of Action Indications Contraindica Tion Adverse Reactions Nursing Responsibilities
Drug Data Classification Mechanism of Action Indications Contraindica Tion Adverse Reactions Nursing Responsibilities
tion Responsibilities
Generic Name: Droperidol The exact mechanism of Droperidol is Innovar is -Postoperative Be alert for new
Droperidol/ (Inapsine, action is unknown, used to produce contraindicate hallucinatory seizures or increased
Fentanyl Droleptan, Dridol, however, droperidol causes tranquilization d in patients episodes seizure activity.
Xomolix, Innovar a CNS depression at and to reduce with known -Anaphylaxis Document the number,
Brand Name: [combination with subcortical levels of the the incidence of hypersensitivi -Dizziness duration, and severity
Innovar fentanyl]) is an brain, midbrain, and nausea and ty to the drug. -Chills of seizures, and report
antidopaminergic brainstem reticular vomiting in -Laryngospasm these findings
drug used as an formation. It may surgical and -Bronchospasm immediately to the
antiemetic (that is, antagonize the actions of diagnostic physician.
to prevent or treat glutamic acid within the procedures.
nausea) and as an extrapyramidal system. It Assess heart rate,
antipsychotic. may also inhibit ECG, and heart
cathecolamine receptors sounds, especially
and the reuptake of during exercise (See
neurotransmiters and has Appendices G, H).
strong central Report any rhythm
antidopaminergic action disturbances or
and weak central symptoms of increased
anticholinergic action. It arrhythmias, including
can also produce palpitations, chest
ganglionic blockade and discomfort, shortness
reduced affective response. of breath, fainting, and
The main actions seem to fatigue/weakness.
stem from its potent
Dopamine(2) receptor
antagonism with minor Assess motor function,
antagonistic effects on and be alert for
alpha-1 adrenergic extrapyramidal
receptors as well. symptoms. Report
these symptoms
especially tardive
dyskinesia, because
this problem may be
Assess symptoms of
bronchospasm and
laryngeal spasm,
including wheezing,
coughing, and
tightness in the throat
and chest. Perform
pulmonary function
tests as needed to
quantify suspected
changes in ventilation
and respiration.
Monitor excessive
sedation or changes in
mood and behavior
such as anxiety,
restlessness, mental
nightmares, and
hallucinations. Notify
physician or nurse
immediately if these
changes become
If used to control
postoperative nausea
and vomiting, monitor
the frequency,
severity, and duration
of GI problems to help
document drug
GENERIC Lorazepam is a Lorazepam Lorazepam is FDA- Ativan (lorazepam) -drowsiness. ssess respiration after
NAME: short-acting and allosterically binds on approved for the is contraindicated in -dizziness. rapid IV
LORAZEPA rapidly cleared the benzodiazepine short-term relief of patients with: -tiredness. administration. Notify
M benzodiazepine receptors in the post- anxiety symptoms -weakness. physician
used commonly as synaptic GABA-A related to anxiety -hypersensitivity to -dry mouth. immediately if patient
BRAND a sedative and ligand-gated chloride disorders and anxiety benzodiazepines or -diarrhea. exhibits any
NAME: anxiolytic. channel in different associated with to any components -nausea. interruption in
ATIVAN sites of the central depressive symptoms of the formulation -changes in respiratory rate
nervous system such as anxiety- appetite. (apnea) or signs of
(CNS). This binding associated insomnia. respiratory depression
will result in an It is as well used as -acute narrow-angle such as rapid labored
increase on the an anesthesia glaucoma. breathing, cyanosis,
GABA inhibitory premedication in confusion, irritability,
effects which is adults to relieve sleepiness, headache,
translated as an anxiety or to produce and oxygen
increase in the flow of sedation/amnesia and desaturation.
chloride ions into the for the treatment of
cell causing status epilepticus. Monitor pulse
hyperpolarization and oximetry and perform
stabilization of the pulmonary function
cellular plasma tests to quantify
membrane. suspected changes in
ventilation and
respiratory function.
Continually monitor
for signs of cardiac
arrest, especially after
rapid IV
administration. Signs
include sudden chest
pain, pain radiating
into the arm or jaw,
shortness of breath,
dizziness, sweating,
anxiety, nausea, and
loss of consciousness.
Seek immediate
medical assistance if
patient develops these
Monitor daytime
drowsiness and
symptoms (headache,
nausea, irritability,
lethargy, dysphoria).
Repeated or excessive
symptoms may
require change in
dose or medication.
Assess dizziness,
drowsiness, and
ataxia that might
affect gait, balance,
and other functional
activities.. Report
balance problems and
functional limitations
to the physician, and
caution the patient
and family/caregivers
to guard against falls
and trauma.