Behaviour of Weak Shales in Underground Environments
Behaviour of Weak Shales in Underground Environments
Behaviour of Weak Shales in Underground Environments
DOI 10.1007/s00603-015-0860-5
Abstract Predicting the ground response for tunnels in the laminations (fissile). While the geological classification
weak shales remains challenging. Predicting the ground of shale appears straightforward, the classification for
response is challenged by difficulties in characterising the engineering purposes is often confusing. Underwood
material, and our ability to predict deformations that are (1967) provided the first description of shale that made the
driven by coupled hydromechanical processes, when this distinction between ‘‘soil-like’’ compaction shales and
material yields. The techniques that are used for charac- ‘‘rock-like’’ cemented shales. He coined the term ‘clay
terising weak shales are reviewed, and three case histories shale’ to capture the characteristics of hard clay yet
are examined that demonstrate the behaviour of these recognising its origin as a shale. In this paper, weak shale is
weak rocks during tunnelling. A general framework is synonymous with clay shale and has strengths that typi-
provided for assessing the squeezing potential for weak cally range from R1 to R2 (1–25 MPa). Characterising
shales. these materials draws on methods from both soil and rock
Keywords Shales Weak rocks Squeezing Index While tunnelling experience in weak rocks has
Tunnel strain increased significantly in the past 25 years, predicting
the ground response for tunnels in weak (clay) shales
remains the most challenging. While terms such as
1 Introduction ‘squeezing’ and ‘swelling’ are generally used to
describe the behaviour of the ground, predicting the
Geologically, shale is an argillaceous fine-grained sedi- ground response is explicitly linked to predicting the
mentary rock that forms from the compaction of silt and deformations. Predicting the ground response is chal-
clay-size mineral particles commonly referred to as lenged by (1) difficulties in characterising the material
‘‘mud’’. Because of this grain size, the material is generi- and (2) our ability to predict deformations that are
cally classed as Mudstone (Fig. 1). Shale is distinguished driven by coupled hydromechanical processes, when the
from other mudstones because it is made up of many thin matrix and bedding planes yield. In this paper, the
layers (laminated) and readily splits into thin pieces along techniques that are used for characterising weak shales
are reviewed, and three case histories are examined that
demonstrate the behaviour of these weak rocks com-
monly encountered when tunnelling.
& C. Derek Martin
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, 2 Characterising Weak Shales
University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB T6G 2W2, Canada
National Cooperative for the Disposal of Radioactive Waste The characteristics and behaviour of weak shale commonly
(Nagra), 5430 Wettingen, Switzerland encountered in laboratory test programmes are briefly
Fracture Systems Ltd., St. Ives, Cornwall TR26 1EQ, UK discussed below.
C. D. Martin et al.
2.1 Percentage of Weak Clay Minerals montmorillonite and illite, common clay minerals found in
and Plasticity weak shales.
Behaviour of Weak Shales in Underground Environments
2.5 Anisotropic Strength and Stiffness Fig. 5 Example of the uniaxial compressive strength relative to the
direction of loading for the Opalinus clay
Because of the aligned clay particles, many weak shales strength is only a function of the frictional characteristics
exhibit distinct bedding at the mm scale. Consequently, of the particles. Consequently, pore pressures must be
strength and stiffness will be transversely isotropic and measured when establishing the strength. Because of the
testing programmes are usually carried out with this in low permeability, measuring the pore pressures is extre-
mind (Fig. 5). While the strength reduces when loading is mely difficult and time-consuming. Traditional soil
parallel or sub-parallel to bedding, the stiffness increases. mechanics labs often do not have the equipment with
sufficient capacity to handle weak rocks and rock
2.6 Failure Envelope mechanics labs are typically not set up to measure the pore
pressures in such tight materials. If pore pressures are not
Establishing a failure envelope for weak shale is particu- measured, the effective strength components (cohesion and
larly challenging. If the material has no true cohesion, the friction) cannot be known with confidence.
C. D. Martin et al.
Behaviour of Weak Shales in Underground Environments
Geologic age
Stratigraphic Oligocene Lower Dogger Mid Cretaceous Callovo-Oxfordian Upper Ordovician
Absolute (Ma) 32–29 176–172 99.6–112 163–158 *443.7
Tunnel depth (m) 186 240 90 490 140 (max)
SHmax/SHmin (MPa) 4.5/4.5 4.6/2.2 2.2/0.8 14.6/11.3 14.5/7.3
All clay minerals (%wt) 60 66 35–49 25–60 60
Swelling clay minerals (%wt) 40 45 34–52 10–40 –
Bulk density (saturated) (kg/m3) 2000 2430 2500 2430 2600
Water loss porosity (%) 36.3 13.7 – 18 10.2–11.4
Water content (%wt) 21.5 4–6.4 3–8 8 2.7
Atterberg limits (PL/LL) (%) 25/70 23/38 23/45 – 18/20
UCS (MPa) 2.0 11–15 5–13 21 ± 6.8 39–48
Young’s modulus (GPa) \/|| 3 4/10 4/6.5 4/10 11.5
Poisson’s ratio 0.43 0.29 0.24 0.29 0.36
Swelling pressure (MPa) 0.9 0.6–1.2 0.02–0.05 1 4–5
C. D. Martin et al.
The Test Chamber was primarily excavated using a ahead of the face, convergence pins and load cells. These
roadheader with limited reach and hence a top heading instruments were installed in six circumferential rings at
and bench was required (Fig. 10). Each advance cycle 6-m intervals along the test chamber. The most effective
was 2 m long, followed by installation of support and instruments were the multipoint extensometers. The max-
instrumentation. To compare excavation methods, the imum total movement recorded on any extensometer was
final 15 m of the top heading was drilled and blasted, 2.2 mm. For most extensometers, the total recorded
using rounds from 2 to 3 m in length. Support and movement was 1 mm or less and most of this movement
instrumentation was installed after each round. Con- occurred within 4 m of the excavation profile (Little 1989,
struction of the test chamber took 4 months, with com- see Fig. 10).
pletion at the end of August 1981. One of the challenges when comparing measured dis-
Rock support for the test chamber consisted of an initial placements with those predicted using numerical approa-
50-mm layer of shotcrete, followed by a 2-m square pattern ches is the selection of the input parameters. Inspection of
of tensioned rockbolts that varied in length from 4.3 m the Test Chamber instrumentation and observations
(sidewalls) to 4.9 m (roof), followed by a second 50-mm revealed no evidence of overstressing or non-elastic
layer of shotcrete. Most shotcrete was steel fibre reinforced behaviour (Fig. 10). Hence, all evidence suggested the rock
except in the roadheader section, where plain shotcrete mass behaviour was essentially elastic (Little 1989). This
with welded wire mesh reinforcement was used in the would imply that the input parameters for the numerical
second layer. All support bolts were anchored with epoxy predictions should be based on the intact laboratory results.
resin cartridges and tensioned to 13.6 tonnes. Wire mesh It was recognised early during the site investigations for
was anchored with 0.6-m-long Split-Sets. At the time of its Site C that preserving core samples for laboratory testing
construction in 1981, the Test Chamber was one of the was a challenge. This was highlighted by the Young’s
largest underground openings in weak shale supported modulus values obtained from laboratory tests, carried out
using steel-fibre shotcrete (Little 1989). days after the samples were selected, compared to those
Performance of the rock mass and support system was values obtained from biaxial tests done on site within about
monitored using multipoint extensometers, stress cells 1 h of retrieving the samples. Figure 11 provides the
Behaviour of Weak Shales in Underground Environments
Fig. 10 Example of the radial displacement recorded for 3C and 3E during the upper heading and lower heading excavations, respectively
(modified from Little 1989)
Young’s modulus results parallel and perpendicular to the following: (1) a transversely isotropic model is needed
bedding from the biaxial samples. The Young’s modulus to replicate the measured elastic displacements and (2) the
values from traditional laboratory samples (tested days in situ modulus needed to obtain agreement with the
after selection) typically ranged from 1 to 2 GPa, while the measured displacements is greater than the values obtained
biaxial results ranged from 4.4 to 6.6 GPa. from traditional laboratory tests that do not account for the
Numerical analysis analyses were carried out using the sample disturbance. An additional point is related to the
two-dimensional finite element programme phase 2 (http:// weak bedding plane (BP25) in Fig. 12. This weak bedding Initially, the model input was based plane (approximately 10 mm thick) was explicitly mod-
on isotropic elasticity, while subsequent models used the elled using the measured laboratory properties (/ = 9,
transversely isotropic model to respect the Young’s mod- Kn = 10,000 MPa/m and Ks = 5000 MPa/m). Excluding
ulus difference perpendicular and parallel to the bedding, the bedding plane reduced the agreement with the mea-
shown in Fig. 11. A weak, bedding plane (BP 25) that sured values for region A and E (see location of A and E in
crossed the excavation was also included in the model. The Fig. 13).
model and the input parameters are illustrated in Fig. 12.
The results from the numerical analyses are provided in 3.3 Mont Terri Mine-by Tunnel
Fig. 13. The measured displacements fell between the
isotropic results with a Young’s modulus ranging between Tunnelling and rock mechanics research in the Opalinus
5.4 and 8 GPa (Fig. 13a). The analyses were repeated Clay has been carried out at the Mont Terri Laboratory
using the transversely isotropic model with E1 (horizon- (Switzerland) over the past 15 years. The main experiment
tal) = 8 GPa and E2 (vertical) = 5.4 GPa (Fig. 13b). The level is at a depth of approximately 240 m. The geotech-
measured displacements are in good agreement with the nical properties of the Opalinus Clay are given in Table 1.
elastic transversely isotropic model. These two-dimen- These properties have been taken from Bock (2010).
sional modelling results are limited but serve to highlight Because the experiments have been excavated at a single
C. D. Martin et al.
level, the tunnels tend to be either aligned perpendicular to ground response for tunnels excavated parallel to bedding
the bedding or parallel to the bedding, which strikes was the Mine-by Tunnel (Fig. 14). Extensive instrumen-
approximately 080 and dips approximately 30–40 to the tation was used to monitor the hydromechanical response
Southeast. One of the recent experiments to establish the as the tunnel was excavated.
The Mine-by Tunnel is located near the centre of Gal-
lery08. It consists of a 24.6-m-long and 4.5-m-diameter
circular opening trending 242 clockwise from the north.
The direction of the excavation advance is sub-parallel to
the average strike of the bedding planes. The tunnel rises at
a slope of approximately 0.98 % from the entrance to its
face. The tunnel was advanced between 0.6 and 1.9 m per
day using a road header, and the tunnel face was cut ver-
tically. The tunnel was not advanced over the weekends.
Support consisted of six anchors installed about 0.8 m
behind the advancing face, 100-mm wire mesh reinforce-
ment affixed to the entire circumference of the Mine-by
Tunnel, and two layers of shotcrete. A 50-mm-thick shot-
crete layer was placed immediately following installation
of the wire mesh and followed by an additional 100-mm
final cover that was placed following completion of the
Mine-by Tunnel. The anchors were 22 mm in diameter,
2 m long and installed in 30-mm-diameter pilot holes.
Approximately 1.3 m of each anchor was fully bonded
using resin epoxy (radial dashed lines, Fig. 15).
Analysis of the excavation performance was based on
the total measured response, the instant and time-dependent
components of these responses, and the predicted elastic
behaviour. Macciotta (2012) defined the measured
response as follows:
• Total response—total response measured by the instru-
ment. It includes both the excavation-induced and time-
dependent response when there are no excavation
Fig. 11 Comparison of the modulus values from the USBM biaxial
tests activities.
Behaviour of Weak Shales in Underground Environments
Fig. 13 Comparison of the results from the isotropic model and the The Niagara Tunnel Project (NTP) is a 10.1-km-long
transversely isotropic model with the measured extensometer dis- water-diversion tunnel in Niagara Falls, Ontario, which
placements from the test chamber was excavated by a 14.4-m-diameter tunnel-boring
machine. The tunnel intersects the Queenston formation at
• Instant response—measured during the period the a depth of approximately 120–140 m. The Queenston
excavation was being advanced. This response includes Formation is a mudstone and siltstone of Silurian Age,
both the elastic response and non-elastic response. which is generally massive, and as shown in Table 1 and
• Time-dependent response—measured when there was Fig. 8 is classed as R3, medium strong rock with essen-
no excavation advance. While there may be no tially no plasticity. A description of the project the site
excavation advance, there can be other construction/ conditions is provided in Gschnitzer and Goliasch (2009)
excavation-related activities, i.e. installing roof support and Perras et al. (2014).
or instrumentation. According to Gschnitzer and Goliasch (2009), the first
3.3 km of tunnel presented challenging mining conditions
Convergence was measured at five locations on the with overbreaks exceeding 3 m over the roof shield. Perras
tunnel perimeter (targets P1 through P5) and at five sec- et al. (2014), based on observations and measurements,
tions during the tunnel advance. The convergence points P1 divided the overbreak into four zones (Fig. 18). Three of
and P4 recorded the response approximately parallel to the four overbreak zones were within the Queenston
bedding, and convergence points P2 and P5 record the Formation.
response approximately perpendicular to bedding (Fig. 16). According to Gschnitzer and Goliasch (2009) and Perras
Inspection of Fig. 16 shows that the convergence varies et al. (2014), the overbreaks in zones 2 through 4 were
with the distance to the tunnel face and location around the associated with the stresses on the boundary of the tunnel
opening, and that the majority of the convergence is exceeding the rock strength. The high horizontal stresses in
associated with time-dependent deformations. the Queenston are well known in this region of Southern
Based on studies by Chern et al. (1998), the relationship Ontario and are discussed in Perras et al. (2014). Based on
between rock mass strength and the magnitude of the several stress measurement campaigns, Perras et al. (2014)
C. D. Martin et al.
Behaviour of Weak Shales in Underground Environments
Fig. 16 Convergence deformations measured at each monitoring target. The x-axis is the tunnel chainage with the tunnel face indicated by the
dashed line
Fig. 17 Empirical correlation between tunnel performance and rock range of rock mass strength found in the Mont Terri laboratory and
mass strength (yellow circles are unstable, red squares are stable, the range of convergence strains measured (colour figure online)
after Chern et al. 1998). The pink rectangular area represents the
C. D. Martin et al.
Fig. 18 Longitudinal section of the tunnel showing major geological groups, the tunnel alignments (existing, old and final) and the overbreak
zones 1 through 4 (from Perras et al. 2014)
Fig. 19 Location of the overbreak zones from 2 through 4; the representative cross sections in those zones; and the chord closure and amount of
overbreak measured in those zones (modified from Perras and Diederichs 2015)
excavated in a medium strong rock classed as R3. While all conditions encountered driving the 5-m-diameter, 23.3-km-
the rocks are classed as ‘shales’, the ground behaviour was long Yacambu-Quibor tunnel in graphitic phyllite with a
clearly very different. Given the challenges with the lab- maximum depth of 1270 m. Based on measurements and
oratory characterisation of weak shale, it is no surprise that observations they concluded that there was general agree-
predicting the performance of tunnels excavated in shales ment between the tunnel strain, expressed as convergence
is also challenging. Predicting the performance of a tunnel normalised to the tunnel diameter, and the regions of high
means estimating if yielding of the ground will occur and stress caused by the mountainous terrain. They also noted
the deformations associated with the yielding. In weak the large plastic zone associated with this type of yielding
rocks, this yielding is often referred to as squeezing. Hoek and the challenges in determining the rock mass strength
and Guevara (2009) describe the severe squeezing and selecting an appropriate support system.
Behaviour of Weak Shales in Underground Environments
Hoek and Marinos (2000) using a numerical plasticity like behaviour/characteristics of the material. Hence, in
model and calibrating the model to field experience sug- order to use the general concept proposed in Fig. 20, the
gested that tunnel strain as a function of rock mass strength rock strength will be replaced with the laboratory uniaxial
could be used to predict tunnel performance (Fig. 20). The compressive strength, and the far-field maximum stress
primary purpose of this work was to identify support issues will be replaced with the maximum tangential stress on the
that could arise for tunnels excavated in rocks that have the boundary of the tunnel. Using the maximum tangential
potential to ‘squeeze’. In Fig. 20, the rock mass strength stress provides a simple method to incorporate the direc-
was determined using the Hoek–Brown Geological tionality of the tunnel relative to the stress tensor.
Strength Index (GSI) methodology and then normalised to The response of the tunnels excavated in the shales
the far-field stress. This Squeezing Index was related to the listed in Table 1 was compiled to assess the methodology
diametral strain (convergence/diameter 9 100 %) proposed by Hoek and Marinos (2000). The results are
observed in various tunnels and to the expected support. presented in Table 2 and plotted in Fig. 21. The tunnel
They suggested that when the diametral strains are less strain ranges from 0.05 to 2.67 % and the Squeezing Index
than 1 %, few support problems are encountered, but when ranges from 0.52 to 1.43. The tunnel strain in Table 2 is not
tunnel strains exceed 2.5 %, the support becomes chal- directly comparable to the tunnel strain given by Hoek and
lenging. Note that the tunnel strains in Fig. 20 assume that Marinos (2000). For the tunnels in Table 2, the tunnel
no support was installed. In shales, the Hoek–Brown GSI strain is influenced by the installed support and how the
methodology is not normally applied because of the soil- measurements were taken, i.e. when measuring conver-
gence from inside the tunnel, a portion of the total con-
vergence is not recorded, while Hoek and Marinos (2000)
reported the total tunnel strain without support. This is
most obvious for the tunnel excavated in the Boom Clay
where the tunnel liner used in conjunction with the tunnel-
mining machine is considered very stiff compared to the
support system used in the other tunnels in Table 2.
Nonetheless, the general agreement between Figs. 20 and
21 is evident.
Table 2 Compilation of tunnel strain and Squeezing Index for tunnels excavated in the shales in Table 1
Tunnel Dia (m) rmax (MPa) rmin (MPa) UCS (MPa) Squeezing Index Tunnel strain (%) References
C. D. Martin et al.
Behaviour of Weak Shales in Underground Environments
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