Vibration Analyzer
Vibration Analyzer
Vibration Analyzer
Vibration Analyzer
Portable vibration analyzer for Equipment
Diagnosis and On-site Measurements
Vibration Meter VA-12 With FFT analysis function
Piezoelectric Accelerometer
PV-57エ(with integrated preamplifier)
Magnet attachment(supplied)
Spectrum after envelope processing Overlapping of stored data List display (top 10)
100 m travel
This quantity expresses the amount of change per unit of time. It is related to
the vibration energy.
For example, if a car travels a distance of 100 meters in 10 seconds, the
velocity is the distance (100 m) divided by the time (10 s), i.e. 10 m/s. When
considering vibrations, the displacement magnitude and direction change over
a short span of time, and the velocity therefore is not usually constant.
The following relationship exists:
Velocity = displacement x 2 π x vibration frequency
100 m travel
100 m
= = 10 m/s
10 s
10 s
Vibration Meter Mode Applications
Simple Diagnosis
Vibration magnitude
Measuring the magnitude of vibrations is a useful diagnostic technique for
ascertaining that machinery is operating normally and checking for signs of
possible problems.
For example, when vibrations exceeding the reference value in the velocity
range (up to 1 000 Hz) are detected, the presence of an imbalance,
misalignment, or loosening condition can be suspected, whereas vibrations in
the acceleration range (1 kHz to about 12 to 15 kHz) point to possible bearing
or gear problems.
Crest factor
The crest factor (C.F.) is an indication of the impact characteristics of a
waveform. It is determined by the ratio between the RMS and peak values.
Higher crest factor values indicate a stronger impact quality.
The crest factor of acceleration measurements is useful for detecting the
early stages of bearing damage.
Peak value
Crest factor=
RMS value
The vibration waveform of a bearing with a fault in the initial stage is shown in the example below.
Compared to the waveform of a normal bearing, the crest factor is higher.
RMS value
Peak value RMS value
Peak value
Maintenance Management of Machine Equipment Periodic vibration measurement serves to detect problems.
commonly used for trend management, comprising measurement 2006 2007 2008
values and other data.
Trend management diagram
FFT Analyzer Mode
The Need for Frequency
Gear box
Machinery usually comprises a variety of Fan
vibration sources such as motors, gears,
bearings, fans, etc. When devising measures to
minimize vibrations and when trying to locate
the causes of problematic vibrations, measuring
only the magnitude of vibrations often will not
provide enough information. It is also necessary
to perform frequency analysis, in order to
Vibration amplitude
determine which types of vibrations exist and
what their levels are.
As shown in the illustration, the locations where
vibrations occur will affect the vibration
frequency. Frequency analysis makes it
possible to pinpoint vibration sources with
greater accuracy. Vibration frequency
FFT Analyzer Mode Applications
Precision Diagnosis of Rotating Machinery
Precision diagnosis is used to determine the cause of problems as well as the extent, location etc.
Bearings When diagnosing a bearing fault, it is necessary to know the repeat cycle
of the impact waveform. This can be achieved by envelope processing,
Bearing problems will cause using the principle illustrated below.
a significant increase in
acceleration values. ① Impact waveform due to bearing fault ② Waveform absolute value
As seen in the example, Repeat cycle Repeat cycle
envelope analysis shows the
peaks at equal intervals.
When the size, number of
rolling elements, axis rotation ③ Low-pass filter based envelope processing
speed and other parameters Repeat cycle Repeat cycle
are known, the primary
frequency of the lined-up ④ FFT analysis
peaks will provide information
about the problem location.
Misalignment explained Core misalignment
When there is a When two coupled rotating axes are not
misalignment, large vibration properly centered on relation to each
components that are an other, their centers of rotation will not be
integral multiple of the in linear alignment. This is called Face misalignment
rotation speed will appear in misalignment, which can be either
the axis direction. relative to the core or the face or a
The type of bearing joint combination of the two.
affects the multiplication When misalignment occurs, the thrust Core and face misalignment
factor. In the example shown load on the bearing increases due to
here, there are large end face runout, resulting in shorter
vibration components with a bearing life.
factor of 3.
When there is an imbalance, Imbalance explained
large vibration components This is a condition where the center of gravity of a rotating body has
at a frequency equal to the shifted from the center line. There are various types of imbalance,
rotation speed will appear in including static imbalance, couple imbalance, and dynamic imbalance.
the circumferential direction. When an imbalance occurs, the load on the bearing in the circumferential
Vibrations of other direction increases, resulting in shorter bearing life.
frequencies will be largely
absent. The vibration Static imbalance Couple imbalance Dynamic imbalance
amplitude is proportional to
the imbalance magnitude. At
higher rotation speeds, the
vibration amplitude is
proportional to the square of
the rotation frequency.
Standard compliance CE marking (EMC Directive 2004/108/EC) Pretrigger Processing starts from data 1/8 frame time ahead
Chinese RoHS (export model for China only) Display Color TFT LCD, 240 x 320 dots, with backlight
WEEE Directive Japanese display, English display, Time display
Input section Warning indication LED (lights up in red to indicate overload)
Number of measurement 1 Memory
channels Memory media SD cards (max. 2 GB)*
Connector type etc. BNC, CCLD 18 V 2 mA, (CCLD24 V 4 mA available as factory option) Store files Sets of measurement values and parameters can be stored on memory card
Sensor Piezoelectric Accelerometer PV-57エ (supplied) 1 000 data saved as one store name. Max. number of store names: 100
Input range Parameter setting Up to 5 parameter sets can be stored in unit
At sensitivity 0.100 to 0.999 mV/(m/s2) memory Parameter settings can be stored on memory card
ACC (Acceleration) 10, 31.6, 100, 316, 1 000, 3 160, 10 000 m/s2 (rms) Wave files Up to 10 seconds per file (frequency range 20 kHz)
VEL (Velocity) 31.6, 100, 316, 1 000, 3 160, 10 000, 31 600 mm/s (rms) Vibration waveform recorded during FFT processing
DISP (Displacement) 0.89, 2.83, 8.94, 28.3, 89.4, 283, 894 mm (EQp-p) available when using a computer.
At sensitivity 1.00 to 9.99 mV/(m/s2), using PV-57エ BMP files Screen capture can be saved as BMP files.
ACC (Acceleration) 1, 3.16, 10, 31.6, 100, 316, 1 000 m/s (rms) Recall function Measurement data can be read from memory card and redisplayed on screen.
VEL (Velocity) 3.16, 10, 31.6, 100, 316, 1 000, 3 160 mm/s (rms) Resume function Settings are memorized when power is turned off and can be restored at next power-on
DISP (Displacement) 0.089, 0.283, 0.894, 2.83, 8.94, 28.3, 89.4 mm (EQp-p) Input/output section
At sensitivity 10.0 to 99.9 mV/(m/s2) Trigger input connector TTL level, BNC-mini plug, 2.5 mm dia. (for CC-24)
ACC (Acceleration) 0.1, 0.316, 1, 3.16, 10, 31.6, 100 m/s2 (rms) USB port Removable Allows use of memory card inserted in unit as removable storage
VEL (Velocity) 0.316, 1, 3.16, 10, 31.6, 100, 316 mm/s (rms) disk function device (removable storage device class)
DISP (Displacement) 0.0089, 0.0283, 0.0894, 0.283, 0.894, 2.83, 8.94 mm (EQp-p) Printer Dedicated USB printer (BL-112Uエ) can be used for printing, screen hard copy,
Measurement range (using PV-57エ, High-pass filter 3 Hz, Low-pass filter 20 kHz) function and continuous printing of specified memory address range
ACC (Acceleration) 0.02 to 141.4 m/s (rms) Continuous measurement, 1 Hz to 5 kHz Power
Instantaneous 700 m/s DC12 V (11 to 15 V) AC adapter NC-99, eight IEC R6 (size AA) batteries
maximum acceleration (23℃, normal operation, backlight off)
VEL (Velocity) 0.2 to 141.4 mm/s (rms) at 159.15 Hz Battery life Approx. 12 hours
DISP (Displacement) 0.02 to 40.0 mm (EQp-p) at 15.915 Hz Current consumption 145 mA (normal operation, backlight off)
Measurement frequency range (electrical characteristics) Ambient temperature and -10 to +50 ℃, 90 % RH or less (no condensation)
ACC (Acceleration) 1 Hz to 20 kHz humidity conditions for use
VEL (Velocity) 3 Hz to 3 kHz Dimensions, Weight 214 (H) x 105 (W) x 36 (D) mm; Mass Approx. 850 g (incl.
DISP (Displacement) 3 Hz to 500 Hz batteries, with protective cover, PV-57エ connected)
Acceleration envelope curve 1 kHz to 20 kHz Supplied accessories Piezoelectric Accelerometer PV-57エ, Curled cable, Magnet attachment
Filters IEC R6 (size AA) battery x 8, SD card, Protective cover, Shoulder belt
High-pass filter 1 Hz (acceleration only), 3 Hz, 10 Hz, 1 kHz (-10 % point), cutoff slope -18 dB/oct
Low-pass filter 1 kHz, 5 kHz, 20 kHz (-10 % point), cutoff slope -18 dB/oct Option
Acceleration envelope curve filter Name Model
High-pass filter 1 kHz (-10 % point), cutoff slope -18 dB/oct Waveform Analysis Software CAT-WAVE
Inherent noise High-pass filter 3 Hz, Low-pass filter 20 kHz, lowest range setting Piezoelectric accelerometer Various
ACC (Acceleration) 0.01 m/s2 (rms) or less BNC Adapter VP-52C
VEL (Velocity) 0.1 mm/s (rms) or less Charge converter VP-40
DISP (Displacement) 0.01 mm (EQp-p) or less SD-CARD 512 MB* SD-512M
A/D conversion 24 bit principle, 51.2 kHz SD-CARD 2 GB* SD-2G
Dynamic range Maximum 110 dB (Acceleration) BNC-mini plug Cable CC-24
Vibration meter mode AC Adapter NC-99
ACC (Acceleration) m/s2 rms value, waveform peak value, crest factor USB Printer BL-112Uエ
VEL (Velocity) mm/s rms value Thermal Printer Paper (10 rolls) P-112-30
DISP (Displacement) mm EQp-p USB Mini B-B Cable (for Printer connection) CC-97
FFT mode Time waveform, spectrum, Acceleration envelope curve *Use only RION supplied cards for assured operation
Analysis points 512, 1 024, 2 048, 4 096, 8 192 (3 200 lines)
Time window functions Rectangular, Hanning, flat-top
Processing Linear average, maximum, exponential averaging, instantaneous value
Frequency span 100 Hz, 200 Hz, 500 Hz, 1 kHz, 2 kHz, 5 kHz, 10 kHz, 20 kHz
Display Option
Spectrum Top 10 list, graph display (excluding DC)
Zoom X axis : x1, x2, x4, x8, x16
Waveform Analysis
Y axis : 2N, N = 0 to 10 (x1 to x1024) Software
Overlay display with stored data in spectrum mode
Time wave form Graph display
Zoom X axis : x1, x2, x4, x8, x16, x32
CAT- WAVE allows
post-processing using stored
Y axis : 2N, N = 0 to 14 (x1 to x16 384) waveform file data from VA-12
■Waveform display functions:
Trigger source
Scaled time axis, Differential
External signal Triggered at falling edge of signal at external trigger input
and integral calculus available
Input level Triggered when time waveform crosses a preset level ■Display functions of FFT analysis:
Trigger level can be set in steps of 1/8 of full scale on one-sided amplitude Power spectrum, Cross spectrum, Transfer function, Coherence,
Slope +/- trigger operation Power spectrum map, Octave map, Differential and calculus for spectrum area
Trigger operation ■Octave band analysis:
Free-run Processing always carried out, regardless of trigger condition Analysis frequency ranges:1/1 octave 0.5 Hz to 8 kHz (15 bands),
Repeat Processing carried out whenever triggering occurs 1/3 octave 0.4 Hz to 10 kHz (45 bands),
Single Processing carried out once only when triggering occurs 1/12 octave 0.36 Hz to 11 kHz (180 bands)
Time Data are stored according to the setting of Trigger Start Time, Time weighting (time constants):1 ms, 10 ms, 35 ms, F (Fast), 630 ms, S (Slow), 10 s
Store Interval, Store number. Frequency weighting: Flat, A, C
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