The document provides a list and descriptions of 17 common masonry and carpentry tools. It includes trowels, spades, chisels, hammers, levels, saws, and other tools. For each tool, it provides the common name, image if available, technical name, and brief description of its use. The tools listed are basic equipment used in construction tasks like masonry, stonework, and carpentry.
The document provides a list and descriptions of 17 common masonry and carpentry tools. It includes trowels, spades, chisels, hammers, levels, saws, and other tools. For each tool, it provides the common name, image if available, technical name, and brief description of its use. The tools listed are basic equipment used in construction tasks like masonry, stonework, and carpentry.
The document provides a list and descriptions of 17 common masonry and carpentry tools. It includes trowels, spades, chisels, hammers, levels, saws, and other tools. For each tool, it provides the common name, image if available, technical name, and brief description of its use. The tools listed are basic equipment used in construction tasks like masonry, stonework, and carpentry.
The document provides a list and descriptions of 17 common masonry and carpentry tools. It includes trowels, spades, chisels, hammers, levels, saws, and other tools. For each tool, it provides the common name, image if available, technical name, and brief description of its use. The tools listed are basic equipment used in construction tasks like masonry, stonework, and carpentry.
up of stainless steel with a plastic/ This is used to lift and spread Pointed 1.1. karanee wooden handle. The ends of mortar in joints during masonry Trowel trowel may be bull nosed or construction. pointed.
It is one of the common
Corner modifications of the basic trowel. It is used for shaping corners of 1.2. “ Trowel With 2 types, outside and inside the wall. corner trowels. used in bricklaying for cutting brick and spreading mortar or cement. Bricklaying It is a flat triangular trowel. They The trowel is also used to tap 1.3. “ come in various shapes and sizes Trowel bricks down on to the bed and can depending on the task. be used for random cutting of soft bricks.
The most versatile of shovel
Used as piercing ground to designs is the digging shovel. With scooping and transferring its sharp cutting edge, it can 2.1. Shovel phaavda materials such as cement and practically do all sorts of things gravel. Best suited for heavy-duty you’d expect, from a shovel also tasks like digging. having pointed shovel tip.
The best digging spades have a
blade made from steel for extra With a digging spade, you can cut strength and durability. You’d also down into the ground at a more want a digging spade that can Digging efficient rate. This versatile tool 2.2. phaavda resist rust, scratches, and Spade can also be used in preparing humidity. Finally, look for a trenches for walls and other digging spade with a well- structures to be built. designed handle for a comfortable grip and use.
It has a long head pointed at both It is employed for rough dressing
2.3. Pick Axe kulhadee ends. of stones and to split the stones in the quarry. Wood A chisel is a tool with a It is used to dress soft stones. And characteristically shaped cutting 3.1. Handled chenee for carving or cutting stone by edge of blade on its end.Its handle Chisel hand. is made from wood or plastic.
Especially used for cutting a
It is a chisel that come in different border or line at the edge of a Drafting types of size. Grooves are made 3.2. “ stone. And, these stones are used Chisel with the drafting chisel at the all in plinths and at corners in four edges of stone. building.
It is a hand-held tool of metal
consisting of a long shaft, with a Tooth chisel is also used for fine toothed cutting edge at one end. dressing. The tooth chisel is It is again usually hit with a mallet normally used between roughing- Tooth 3.3. “ or metal hammer. The number of out and finishing, to clear away Chisel teeth on this cutting edge varies, the rough marks left by the point generally between three and five, chisel and prepare the surface for but a variation with two teeth also finer work. exists. It is a stone mason’s tool. It has a Spalling beveled striking face. It is a large It is a heavy hammer used for 4.1. - hammer usually with a flat face cutting, shaping and rough Hammer and straight peen for rough dressing of stones. dressing and breaking of stone.
A mash hammer is also known as a
stone mason’s hammer. It is It is used to hit and drive chisel for double-sided with two striking rough dressing of stone. It should Mash faces, most often used in stone only be used to strike stones, but 4.2. - Hammer masonry work. This hammer can also be used for such tasks as consists of a wooden handle to chipping away mortar in stone which is attached a heavy head, masonry. usually made of metal.
Scabbling also called scappling is
the process of reducing stone while dressing of stone. In Scabbling hammer is a tool used to Scabbling scabbling dressing, only irregular break small projections of stones 4.3. - Hammer angels are taken off with a or removing irregular bushings scabbling hammer. It has a large from the face of stone. head made of iron and wooden handle. One end of the hammer is square It is used for rough cutting of and another end is sharp-edged. It bricks in different shapes and Brick 4.4. Hathoda has one flat traditional face and a sizes. It is also used to push the Hammer short or long chisel shaped blade. bricks if they come out from the course line.
Spirit level is made of hard plastic
or wood with bubble tube in the middle. The bubble tube is It is used to check the horizontality 5.1. Spirit Level randa partially filled with alcohol in such and verticality of the surfaces. a way that, an air bubble is formed in it.
It comprises of two slotted blades
of steel and fixed with each other with thumb screw. It is a tool 5.2. Bevel - It is employed to set out angles. consisting of two rules or arms joined together and opening to any angle.
This is adjustable, and you can lock
If you’re going to be measuring a it at the angle you want to mark, Sliding T- bunch of angles, a sliding bevel, or 5.3. - making it much more time-savvy Bevel T-Bevel, will be a handy tool. to mark multiple angles. A circular saw is either hand held or affixed to a substrate. It runs on electricity and is provided with a toothed or abrasive blade/disc circular saws have a round and Circular which has the ability to cut 6.1. Vidyut aari much larger blade that is suitable Saw different materials including for making straight cuts. wood, stone, brick, metals, plastic by using a rotary motion that spins around an arbor.
It has a comparatively thick blade,
with large, beveled teeth. It is used to cut hard stones. It is Cross Cut Traditional 2-man crosscut saws 6.2. - designed specifically for rough Saw (felling saws) have a handle on cutting. each end and are meant to be used by two people to cut stones. It consists of a comparatively narrow and flexible blade held under tension within a (generally wooden) rectangular frame called This is used to cut large blocks of 6.3. Frame Saw - sash or gate. The blade is held stones. perpendicular to the plane of the frame, so that the stone passes through the center of the frame. Hand tool for the an accurate tape measure. Since measurements on large scale projects can be very Tape susceptible to even the most Hand tool for the an accurate tape 7. - minute measurement variations, Measure measure. you’ll want to make sure the “hook” or tab at the end of the is firmly attached, with no give.
A hawk consists of a board that is
around 13 inches square and a used for holding mortar or similar perpendicular handle located right material so you can quickly get 8. Hawk - in the center of its back. You’ll some of it. You can also use it for have to hold it horizontally while holding joint compound for applying the material held by the purposes like tape and jointing. hawk.
This is very important and basic
tool used in masonry work. This Mason’s tool has “L” shape. It is made of It is used to set out right angles at 9. - Square flat steel having each arm about the corner of masonry wall. 0.5 m long. The gauge rod is often 2-3 meters long. Made of either aluminum or it can help you ensure that each timber, Unlike other bricklaying 10. Gauge Rod - course of bricks is of the same tools, the gauge rod is one of height after completion. those few tools that you can create on your own. It consists of an upright pole having a horizontal board at its top, forming a ‘T ‘shaped rod. Boning rods are made in set of three rods, and many consist of Boning three ‘T’ shaped rods, each of They are used for levelling from 11. - equal shape and size, or two rods rode two fixed points in surveying. identical to each other and a third one consisting of longer rod with a movable or detachable ‘T’ piece. The third one is called traveler or traveling rod.
It is used to maintain the
Line and pins consist of a string alignment of the work-in-progress. Line and whose ends are connected with 12. - It is used to level line and the Pins two solid metal rods with pin alignment of brick course while points. brick laying in brick masonry work. This pencil is quite different from ordinary graphite pencils. It’s It is used to create draw lines, made bigger for a more Builder’s mark areas for cutting, or make 13. - comfortable grip and a much Pencil notches in the material when stronger lead core to mark rough measuring and planning. surfaces such as stone, wood, or concrete. It consists of a string tied to a weight at bottom called bob and straight wood board with uniform Plumb Rule This basic masonry tool is used to 14. - edges called plumb rule. On its & Rod check the verticality of walls. center a groove is provided in which plumb bob is placed.
It is a vessel made of rigid plastic
or steel used to hold or carry sand, Mortar pan is commonly used in cement, mortar and concrete. To construction sites and is made of 15. Mortar Pan ghamela use a mortar pan, fill it with a iron or plastic. It is also used to quantity of material i.e. sand, mix mortar and to lift mortar on cement, mortar etc. that you are working site. comfortable with carrying. A jointer in masonry construction is a tool in the form of a striking iron or a striking tool. A jointer or brick jointer is a hand tool Used to finish the horizontal or the 16. Jointer - designed to imprint grooves into vertical mortar joints. recently filled mortar joints at the stage when they are starting to set.
This consists of an iron edge with a
number of teeth from 3 mm to 9 It is employed for dressing the 17. Crowbar lohadand mm. surface of stones.