Refleksi Individual - Salman - Group 1
Refleksi Individual - Salman - Group 1
Refleksi Individual - Salman - Group 1
1. Apa ingatan awal Anda tentang gender? Sejak kapan Anda memahami bahwa gendermu
memengaruhi hidupmu?
To be frank, I’ve never considered gender as a big thing since the environment I grew up with,
both home and school, rarely brought it out. As far as I can tell, gender is something that people feel
conflicted about and society doesn’t validate these conflicts, thus making them unvalidated and
prefer to talk about it secretly without anyone knowing. I have considered myself as a guy ever since
birth, but I don’t see myself as a typical guy with their slang and vulgaristic comments to the
opposite sex. Based on my observation, I might have much more estrogen hormones than average
male, judging by my problem with my pee pee and the fact I have man boobs that won’t go away
even after intense body change with diet and workout *sniff*, this makes me insecure about my body
and makes my posture hunched a lot to hide the boobs and my destroyed pride as a male.
2. Apa momen (yang berhubungan dengan gender) dalam hidup Anda yang memengaruhi hidup
Personally, I don’t have that internal conflict, I know what I am, what I’m attracted to, and how
people perceive me (considering the majority are conservative, it’s not much of a hassle). Thus,
there’s no life changing moment that is affected by a sense of clarity while studying gender.
3. Dalam konteks peran gender tradisional, apa yang diharapkan masyarakat dari laki-laki ?
Bagaimana tekanan ini dirasakan oleh laki-laki dan apa dampaknya?
Well, let’s just say everyone expects us to be able to do everything, placing hope in our act
and pressure us to be able to lead a family, while having a great career, great life, everything is great.
But what happens when one guy fails to do one task? With or without response from people, we’ll
feel ourselves worthless and useless with carrying guilt for the rest of our lives.
4. Dalam beberapa budaya, gender dilihat betul-betul binari/dikotomi. Dalam budaya Anda, jika
gender dipandang sebagai binari, apakah ada gender tertentu yang dominan atau value yang
setara dan ekual?
Biologically speaking, male have greater muscle mass while females have greater flexibility.
That goes with anything else; skillset, intelligence, etc. This doesn’t make both of them having a fiery
competition or rivalry, but rather a jolly cooperation to complete each other. There are some jobs that
male are dominantly are because they excel in it, that goes the other way around.
5. Dalam budaya lain, gender lebih dianggap sebagai kontinum, posisi dalam sebuah spektrum.
Apa pandanganmu sekarang, setelah menonton film dan mengikuti kuliah ini ?
I’ve long acknowledged gender both as spectrum and binary. But I have values that I don’t
want to criticize and condemn their actions as long as they don’t give me personal trouble. Watching
the documentary was a hard thing to do since there’s a lot of terms that seem alien to me and how
there’s a political correctness message that lies within the video which I dislike. Also, living in a
society where the majority condemn of Gender Dilemma probably affect how my opinion that want
to play safe based.