Modeling and Simulation of Wind Turbine Generator Using Matlab-Simulink
Modeling and Simulation of Wind Turbine Generator Using Matlab-Simulink
Modeling and Simulation of Wind Turbine Generator Using Matlab-Simulink
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These programs can easily make new designs and strategies control
as well as tests. The wind turbine generators are the best example
of these dynamic systems.
Keywords: wind turbine, Matlab simulink, Renewable energy.
P = Mechanical power in the moving air (Watt).
= Air density (kg/m3).
A = Area swept by the rotor blades (m2)
V = Velocity of the air (m/s)
Cp = Power coefficient.
o/p = Output
= Mechanical speed at the rotor shaft of the wind turbine (rad/s)
R = Radios of the blade (m).
V = Velocity of the air (m/s).
TSR = Tip Speed Ratio.
β = Blade pitch angle.
1. Introduction
Wind turbine is designed to convert the wind energy into
electric energy. The wind turbine system consists of three main
parts: the rotor, which includes the blades to convert wind
energy to low speed rotational energy. The second part is the
generator that includes the electrical generator, which include all
control circuits with gearbox that convert the rotational low
speed into electric power and finally the structure that hold all
the previous components and that is the tower and nacelle.
Wind turbine is classified into two main groups depending on
their axis in which the turbine rotate. it can be classified into
horizontal axis and vertical axis. Because the horizontal axis has
the ability to collect the maximum amount of wind energy for
the time of the day and can adjust their blades pitch angel to
avoid high windstorms, they are considered more familiar and
more common than vertical axis [1].
Journal of Al Rafidain University College 283 ISSN (1681-6870)
Modeling and Simulation of Roshen T. Ahmad;
Issue No. 40/2017
Wind Turbine Generator Using… Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain
P = 0.5CpV3 A …. (1)
P = Mechanical power in the moving air (Watt).
= Air density (kg/m3).
A = Area swept by the rotor blades (m2)
V = Velocity of the air (m/s)
Journal of Al Rafidain University College 284 ISSN (1681-6870)
Modeling and Simulation of Roshen T. Ahmad;
Issue No. 40/2017
Wind Turbine Generator Using… Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain
=(R)/V ..(2)
= Mechanical speed at the rotor shaft of the wind turbine (rad/s)
R = Radios of the blade (m).
V = Velocity of the air (m/s).
The TSR, and blade pitch angle β, are used to calculate the rotor
power coefficient, denoted by CP. The rotor power coefficient can
be calculated as:
4. Matlab Simulation:
Time Sec.
Figure (3): Wind speed m/s simulation
obtain best output power and for the safety of the blades
structure [8, 10].
Figure (8): Turbine speed vs. o/p power for pitch angle
equal zero.
Figure (9): Turbine speed vs. output power for pitch angle
equal 5.
Journal of Al Rafidain University College 293 ISSN (1681-6870)
Modeling and Simulation of Roshen T. Ahmad;
Issue No. 40/2017
Wind Turbine Generator Using… Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain
Figure (10): Turbine speed vs. o/p power for pitch angle
equal 10.
the pitch angle position control while for less wind speed the
output power is decrease, the position control is work to increase
the output power by changing the pitch angle to a certain value
so the fan rotate at higher speed and vise versa [10].
Figure (12) combine all the curves in figure (11) in one curve
to notice the effect of wind speed variation on the output active
5. Conclusion
Studies of wind energy for power generation purposes have a
great interest in the electricity market. The good exploitation of
wind energy may enhance the renewable power generation
capabilities, increase its capacity factor, and participate in
generating electricity at good costs.
Many parameters taken into consideration during
manufacturing or installation of wind turbines, such as air
density, wind speed, and power coefficient as a function of pitch
angle and blade tip speed as shown in figures (3, 4, and 5).
In this research modeling and simulating of a wind turbine
generator by using Matlab/Simulink have been done as shown in
figure (6). A model built in this study is easy to be understood.
The integration of the developed wind turbine model with the
public electrical grid was presented in the work.
After building the model, it has been used in order to verify its
usefulness; a study of its behavior when integrated in whole
power system was needed. Many wind speed levels taken into
consideration i.e. from low with 8 m/s as the mean value,
medium with 10-12 m/s as the mean value and high with 14 m/s
as the mean value. These allowed predicting and supervising the
active and reactive power produced by the system as shown in
figures (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14).
َزٍجخ نهطهت انًزشاٌذ عهى اسزخذاو انطبقخ انكهزثبئٍخ فً كبفه يجبالد انحٍبح فأٌ
اسزخذاو يىنذاد انطبقخ انكهزثبئٍخ ثىاسطخ انزٌبح فً سٌبدح أٌضب َزٍجخ سهىنه انحصىل
عهى انزٌبح وعذو رأثز انجٍئخ ثهب أي اَه يصذر َظٍف ويزىفز نهطبقخ.
فً هذا انجحث رًذ دراسخ يُظىيخ رٌبضٍخ نزحهٍم ويحبكبح انعىايم انًؤثزح عهى
انطبقخ ا نكهزثبئٍخ انًزىنذح يٍ يىنذاد انطبقخ يٍ انزٌبح يثم سزعخ انزٌخ وانزً ركىٌ
يزغٍزح َزٍجخ رغٍز درجخ انحزارح وانزً رؤدي انى رغٍٍز كثبفخ انهىاء وثذورهب رزىنذ
انزٌبح ,ساوٌخ رثجٍذ انزٌشخ أو انشعُفخ .أٌ دراسخ ورحهٍم ورًثٍم نزهك انًىنذاد نهب
دور كجٍز فً رصًٍى ورطىٌز وسٌبدح كفبئه عًم رهك انًىنذاد .نغخ انجزيجخ يبرالة
سًٍىنُك فً انسُىاد انًبضٍخ أصجحذ أكثز شٍىعب فً رحهٍم و رًثٍم يخزهف أَىاع
انًُظىيبد نًب نهب يٍ قبثهٍخ انزًثٍم انزٌبضً وكًُظىيبد سٍطزح وسهىنخ انزُفٍذ
وإجزاء االخزجبراد عهٍهب فً يخزهف انحبالد .دراسخ يىنذاد انطبقخ يٍ انزٌبح
ورحهٍههب هى خٍز يثبل عهى اسزخذاو نغخ انجزيجخ يبرالة كىَهب رحزىي عهى انعذٌذ يٍ
انًُظىيبد انفزعٍخ يثم انزٌبح ,رأص انزىنٍذ ,انًُظىيبد انكهزثبئٍخ وانشجكخ انكهزثبئٍخ.
الكلمات الرئيسية :توربينات الرياح ,ماتالب سميولنك ,الطاقة البديلة.