Modeling and Simulation of Wind Turbine Generator Using Matlab-Simulink

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Modeling and Simulation of Wind Turbine Generator Using Matlab-Simulink

Article · January 2017


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2 authors:

Roshen Tariq Ahmedhamdi Mahdi Ali Abdul Hussein

University of Technology - Iraq University of Technology, Iraq


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Modeling and Simulation of Roshen T. Ahmad;
Issue No. 40/2017
Wind Turbine Generator Using… Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain

Modeling and Simulation of Wind Turbine

Generator Using Matlab-Simulink
Roshen T. Ahmad
University of Technology
Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain
University of Technology

Abstract: Wind energy utilization for power generation purpose is

becoming high interest in electrical power production as a result of
easy access to the wind and not be affected by any environment that
is clean and sustainable source of energy.
In this research a mathematical model and its parameters has been
studied that affect the electrical output power generated by the
wind turbine. These parameters are wind speed which is affected by
temperature that cause air density change and that lead to vary
wind speed, and power coefficient as a function of pitch angle and
blade tip speed.
The modeling and simulation technique will play great role in the
design and analysis of these wind turbines.
In the past years, the demand of Matlab-Simulink is one of the most
common software, which is important for modeling, and simulation
of dynamic systems. It provides a graphical interface, easy to
access, design, build and verify mathematical models.
Journal of Al Rafidain University College 282 ISSN (1681-6870)
Modeling and Simulation of Roshen T. Ahmad;
Issue No. 40/2017
Wind Turbine Generator Using… Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain

These programs can easily make new designs and strategies control
as well as tests. The wind turbine generators are the best example
of these dynamic systems.
Keywords: wind turbine, Matlab simulink, Renewable energy.

P = Mechanical power in the moving air (Watt).
 = Air density (kg/m3).
A = Area swept by the rotor blades (m2)
V = Velocity of the air (m/s)
Cp = Power coefficient.
o/p = Output
 = Mechanical speed at the rotor shaft of the wind turbine (rad/s)
R = Radios of the blade (m).
V = Velocity of the air (m/s).
TSR = Tip Speed Ratio.
β = Blade pitch angle.

1. Introduction
Wind turbine is designed to convert the wind energy into
electric energy. The wind turbine system consists of three main
parts: the rotor, which includes the blades to convert wind
energy to low speed rotational energy. The second part is the
generator that includes the electrical generator, which include all
control circuits with gearbox that convert the rotational low
speed into electric power and finally the structure that hold all
the previous components and that is the tower and nacelle.
Wind turbine is classified into two main groups depending on
their axis in which the turbine rotate. it can be classified into
horizontal axis and vertical axis. Because the horizontal axis has
the ability to collect the maximum amount of wind energy for
the time of the day and can adjust their blades pitch angel to
avoid high windstorms, they are considered more familiar and
more common than vertical axis [1].
Journal of Al Rafidain University College 283 ISSN (1681-6870)
Modeling and Simulation of Roshen T. Ahmad;
Issue No. 40/2017
Wind Turbine Generator Using… Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain

Understanding of wind properties is very important for wind

energy exploitation. Speed of wind is highly variable both
geometrically from place to place and temporally, seasonal and
in hourly means.
In addition to seasonal changes in the wind speed, there are
some variations on the shorter time scale. These variations are
called synoptic variations and they have a peak at around 4 days.
Beside the seasonal and synoptic components in the wind
speed, there is a turbulence component. This turbulence refers to
fluctuations in wind speed on relatively fast time-scale, typically
less than 10 min.
In studying the wind energy affection into a wind turbine it is
very important to know the mean wind speed determined by the
seasonal, synoptic and diurnal effects, which varies on a time,
with turbulence fluctuations superimposed [2, 3].

2. The determination of wind turbine properties and

performance curves:
Power, torque and thrust are three indicators that varying with
the wind speed which characterize the performances of a wind
turbine. The amount of energy captured by the rotor determine
its power, the size of the gearbox determine its torque, while the
rotor thrust has a great influence on the structural design of the
A wind turbine captures energy from moving air and converts
it into electricity. Air density, power coefficient, air density and
turbine swept area are parameters that affect the captured energy
as shown in the following equation:

P = 0.5CpV3 A …. (1)

P = Mechanical power in the moving air (Watt).
 = Air density (kg/m3).
A = Area swept by the rotor blades (m2)
V = Velocity of the air (m/s)
Journal of Al Rafidain University College 284 ISSN (1681-6870)
Modeling and Simulation of Roshen T. Ahmad;
Issue No. 40/2017
Wind Turbine Generator Using… Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain

Cp= Power coefficient.

Maximum power that can be achieved from an ideal turbine

rotor with infinite blades from wind under ideal conditions is
59.26% (0.5926 times) of the power available in the wind as
proved by scientist Betz and this limit is known as the Betz limit.
Wind turbines are designed to have two or three blades due to a
structural and economic considerations, and hence, the amount
of power they can get is closer to about 50% (0.5 times) of the
available power.
Tip speed ratio (TSR) of a wind turbine is defined as:

=(R)/V ..(2)
 = Mechanical speed at the rotor shaft of the wind turbine (rad/s)
R = Radios of the blade (m).
V = Velocity of the air (m/s).

The TSR, and blade pitch angle β, are used to calculate the rotor
power coefficient, denoted by CP. The rotor power coefficient can
be calculated as:

Cp= (Extracted power)/(Power in wind)

Cp=Protor / Pwind ... (3)

Equation 1 can be written as:

Power = 0.5Cp (,)V3 A

Variable-speed wind turbines are equipped with a pitch-

change mechanism (Pitch angle control) to adjust the blade pitch
angle and obtain a better power coefficient profile cause it
control its rotation speed [3, 4].

Journal of Al Rafidain University College 285 ISSN (1681-6870)

Modeling and Simulation of Roshen T. Ahmad;
Issue No. 40/2017
Wind Turbine Generator Using… Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain

3. Wind turbine modeling:

Wind turbine consists of the following subsystems as shown
in figure (1):
 Rotor blades and hub.
 Nacelle contains shafts, gearbox, couplings, brake, and
 Tower that hold the Nacelle.
 Electrical system such as switchgear, transformers,
cables, and power converters.

Figure (1): Modern wind turbine diagram.

Journal of Al Rafidain University College 286 ISSN (1681-6870)

Modeling and Simulation of Roshen T. Ahmad;
Issue No. 40/2017
Wind Turbine Generator Using… Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain

4. Matlab Simulation:

4.1 Power equation simulation:

A Matleb-Simulink model (Fig. 2) has been build to show
how these factors (equation 1 and 2) affect the generated power
from wind turbine while figures (3, 4, and 5) show the output
results. The Simulink model can be used for wide ranges of wind
The specification of the suggested wind turbine is listed table
(1) and can be changes to any values by changing the setting
values of the blocks [5, 6]:

Table (1) Specification of the suggested wind turbine

Rotor Diameter 52 m
Swept area 2.125 m2

Figure (2): Matlab-simulink for equation 1 and 2.

Journal of Al Rafidain University College 287 ISSN (1681-6870)

Modeling and Simulation of Roshen T. Ahmad;
Issue No. 40/2017
Wind Turbine Generator Using… Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain

4.1.1 Results and discussion for the power equation simulation:

From the results one can see the variation of wind speed with
time as shown in figure (3) and in actual the wind speed is not
constant so the curve is nonlinear, wind speed in this simulation
block diagram can be generated by integration two times the
Ramp function as shown in the first top part of figure (2) and
after that multiply it by 6 to get the wind speed ^3, also the
power and power coefficient. Swept area must be taken into
consideration in terms of the local area conditions to capture
power as maximum as possible in order to get best wind turbine.
As can be seen from figures (4 and 5) the output power of a
wind turbine is directly related to the wind speed and tip speed
ratio as explained in equation 2 which in turns is a function of
blade pitch angle, the power increase with wind speed till some
value and after that it will decrease because of the control system
which placed in the nacelle of the wind turbine in order for the
safety of the turbine.
Wind speed m/s

Time Sec.
Figure (3): Wind speed m/s simulation

Journal of Al Rafidain University College 288 ISSN (1681-6870)

Modeling and Simulation of Roshen T. Ahmad;
Issue No. 40/2017
Wind Turbine Generator Using… Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain

Blade swept area has great effect on power. The diameter of

the rotor has directly proportional with the power can be
extracted from the wind. Air density has a great effect on wind
turbine performance. The power available in the wind is directly
proportional with air density too as air density increases, the
power also increases and vice versa. In addition, air density is a
function of air pressure and temperature.
It proportional directly with air pressure and proportional
inversely with temperature. In the same time temperature and
pressure proportional inversely with increasing elevation [7, 8].

Figure (4): The relation between wind speed and Cp.

Journal of Al Rafidain University College 289 ISSN (1681-6870)

Modeling and Simulation of Roshen T. Ahmad;
Issue No. 40/2017
Wind Turbine Generator Using… Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain

Figure (5): The relation between wind speed and power.

4.2 Wind turbine plant modeling:

A wind power plant has been designed by using Matlab-
Simulink as shown in figure (6), which is equivalent to the above
block diagram. The designed system consist of a 1.5 MW (can
be changed to any value) wind turbine connected to a load 400
KVA and electric power source 25 KV through three phase
transformer, the active and reactive power is measured for
different wind speed and different pitch angle of the blade.
Figures (8, 9, and 10) shows the relation between turbine speed
(which it depend on wind speed) and the turbine output power
for different wind speed and pitch angle of the blades. These
values can be changed by changing the system blocks parameters
very easily and this is the advantage of using Matlab-Simulink

Journal of Al Rafidain University College 290 ISSN (1681-6870)

Modeling and Simulation of Roshen T. Ahmad;
Issue No. 40/2017
Wind Turbine Generator Using… Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain

Figure (6): (1.5 MW) wind turbine power plant.

Pitch angle can be defined as the angle of attack of the wind

with the blade. Changing pitch angle means that the angle of
attack of the wind is changed, this can be done by changing the
set of the wind turbine in Matlab-simulink in the wind turbine
parameters block as shown in figure (7), for example when the
pitch angle is zero and wind speed is 12 m/sec we get maximum
power as shown in figure (8) but if we change the pitch angle to
5 and 10 respectively for the same wind speed the output power
is decrease and this indicate the effect of pitch angle on the
output power as shown in figure (9,10).
So the pitch angle value must be evaluated for optimum wind
speed in order to get best output power such as it change
automatically when the speed is high or low and this done buy
using proper position control, the optimum pitch angle value is
set as set point for the wind turbine. This position control system
change the pitch angle according to wind speed, for example for
high wind speed the pitch angle decrease and for low wind speed
the pitch angle increase to get constant speed and after that to

Journal of Al Rafidain University College 291 ISSN (1681-6870)

Modeling and Simulation of Roshen T. Ahmad;
Issue No. 40/2017
Wind Turbine Generator Using… Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain

obtain best output power and for the safety of the blades
structure [8, 10].

Pitch angle set

Wind speed set

Figure (7): The wind turbine parameters setting block.

Journal of Al Rafidain University College 292 ISSN (1681-6870)

Modeling and Simulation of Roshen T. Ahmad;
Issue No. 40/2017
Wind Turbine Generator Using… Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain

4.2.1 Results and discussion for the wind turbine plant:

Figure (8): Turbine speed vs. o/p power for pitch angle
equal zero.

Figure (9): Turbine speed vs. output power for pitch angle
equal 5.
Journal of Al Rafidain University College 293 ISSN (1681-6870)
Modeling and Simulation of Roshen T. Ahmad;
Issue No. 40/2017
Wind Turbine Generator Using… Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain

Figure (10): Turbine speed vs. o/p power for pitch angle
equal 10.

Power in an electric circuit can be defined as the rate of flow

of energy past a given point of the circuit. In alternating current
(AC) circuits, energy storage elements such as inductors and
capacitors may result in periodic reversals of the direction of
energy flow. The portion of power that, average over a complete
cycle of the AC waveform in net transfer of energy in one
direction is known as Active power (sometimes also called real
In this research, one can see the effect of changing wind speed
on the output power (Active power) when the pitch angle is
constant. This can be done in the same wind turbine parameters
block as shown in figure (7).
The output power of the wind turbine depend on wind speed,
so the output power change when the wind speed is change as
shown in figure (11). The maximum power for the wind turbine
designed in this research is 1.5 MW as described previously
when the wind speed is 12 m/sec and higher and that because of
Journal of Al Rafidain University College 294 ISSN (1681-6870)
Modeling and Simulation of Roshen T. Ahmad;
Issue No. 40/2017
Wind Turbine Generator Using… Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain

the pitch angle position control while for less wind speed the
output power is decrease, the position control is work to increase
the output power by changing the pitch angle to a certain value
so the fan rotate at higher speed and vise versa [10].

Figure (11): Wind turbine output power for different wind


Figure (12) combine all the curves in figure (11) in one curve
to notice the effect of wind speed variation on the output active

Journal of Al Rafidain University College 295 ISSN (1681-6870)

Modeling and Simulation of Roshen T. Ahmad;
Issue No. 40/2017
Wind Turbine Generator Using… Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain

Figure (12): Wind turbine active power.

Also in this research, measuring the reactive power has been
done in order to get complete information about wind turbines.
Reactive power can be define as the portion of power due to
stored energy, which returns to the source in each cycle, figure
(13) shows the wind turbine reactive power curves for different
wind speed. Finally figure (14) shows an image of the Matlab-
Simulink scope display which shows the output curve of the
suggested wind turbine [10].

Journal of Al Rafidain University College 296 ISSN (1681-6870)

Modeling and Simulation of Roshen T. Ahmad;
Issue No. 40/2017
Wind Turbine Generator Using… Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain

Figure 13 Wind turbine reactive power.

Figure (14): Scope display of the Matlab-Simulink.

Journal of Al Rafidain University College 297 ISSN (1681-6870)

Modeling and Simulation of Roshen T. Ahmad;
Issue No. 40/2017
Wind Turbine Generator Using… Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain

5. Conclusion
Studies of wind energy for power generation purposes have a
great interest in the electricity market. The good exploitation of
wind energy may enhance the renewable power generation
capabilities, increase its capacity factor, and participate in
generating electricity at good costs.
Many parameters taken into consideration during
manufacturing or installation of wind turbines, such as air
density, wind speed, and power coefficient as a function of pitch
angle and blade tip speed as shown in figures (3, 4, and 5).
In this research modeling and simulating of a wind turbine
generator by using Matlab/Simulink have been done as shown in
figure (6). A model built in this study is easy to be understood.
The integration of the developed wind turbine model with the
public electrical grid was presented in the work.
After building the model, it has been used in order to verify its
usefulness; a study of its behavior when integrated in whole
power system was needed. Many wind speed levels taken into
consideration i.e. from low with 8 m/s as the mean value,
medium with 10-12 m/s as the mean value and high with 14 m/s
as the mean value. These allowed predicting and supervising the
active and reactive power produced by the system as shown in
figures (8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14).


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Journal of Al Rafidain University College 299 ISSN (1681-6870)

‫‪Modeling and Simulation of‬‬ ‫;‪Roshen T. Ahmad‬‬
‫‪Issue No. 40/2017‬‬
‫…‪Wind Turbine Generator Using‬‬ ‫‪Mahdi A. Abdul-Hussain‬‬

‫نمذجت ومحاكاة لمىلداث الطاقت من الزياح بأستخدام ماتالب‪-‬سيميىلنك‬

‫م‪.‬م‪ .‬روشن طارق احمد‬

‫انجبيعخ انزكُىنىجٍخ‬
‫م‪ .‬مهدي علي عبد الحسين‬
‫انجبيعخ انزكُىنىجٍخ‬

‫َزٍجخ نهطهت انًزشاٌذ عهى اسزخذاو انطبقخ انكهزثبئٍخ فً كبفه يجبالد انحٍبح فأٌ‬
‫اسزخذاو يىنذاد انطبقخ انكهزثبئٍخ ثىاسطخ انزٌبح فً سٌبدح أٌضب َزٍجخ سهىنه انحصىل‬
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‫انطبقخ ا نكهزثبئٍخ انًزىنذح يٍ يىنذاد انطبقخ يٍ انزٌبح يثم سزعخ انزٌخ وانزً ركىٌ‬
‫يزغٍزح َزٍجخ رغٍز درجخ انحزارح وانزً رؤدي انى رغٍٍز كثبفخ انهىاء وثذورهب رزىنذ‬
‫انزٌبح‪ ,‬ساوٌخ رثجٍذ انزٌشخ أو انشعُفخ‪ .‬أٌ دراسخ ورحهٍم ورًثٍم نزهك انًىنذاد نهب‬
‫دور كجٍز فً رصًٍى ورطىٌز وسٌبدح كفبئه عًم رهك انًىنذاد‪ .‬نغخ انجزيجخ يبرالة‬
‫سًٍىنُك فً انسُىاد انًبضٍخ أصجحذ أكثز شٍىعب فً رحهٍم و رًثٍم يخزهف أَىاع‬
‫انًُظىيبد نًب نهب يٍ قبثهٍخ انزًثٍم انزٌبضً وكًُظىيبد سٍطزح وسهىنخ انزُفٍذ‬
‫وإجزاء االخزجبراد عهٍهب فً يخزهف انحبالد‪ .‬دراسخ يىنذاد انطبقخ يٍ انزٌبح‬
‫ورحهٍههب هى خٍز يثبل عهى اسزخذاو نغخ انجزيجخ يبرالة كىَهب رحزىي عهى انعذٌذ يٍ‬
‫انًُظىيبد انفزعٍخ يثم انزٌبح‪ ,‬رأص انزىنٍذ‪ ,‬انًُظىيبد انكهزثبئٍخ وانشجكخ انكهزثبئٍخ‪.‬‬
‫الكلمات الرئيسية‪ :‬توربينات الرياح‪ ,‬ماتالب سميولنك‪ ,‬الطاقة البديلة‪.‬‬

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