Medical Services Medical Record
Medical Services Medical Record
Medical Services Medical Record
Medical Services
and Healthcare
Department of the Army
Washington, DC
17 June 2008
AR 40–66
Medical Record Administration and Healthcare Documentation
o Provides for the military treatment facility commander and privacy officer to
determine role-based access to protected health information (para 2-2e).
o Requires that entries in all electronic and paper records be made in all
inpatient, outpatient, service treatment, dental, Army Substance Abuse
Program, and occupational health records by the healthcare provider who
observes, treats, or cares for the patient at the time of observation,
treatment, or care (paras 3-4a, 8-9).
o Provides new Army Substance Abuse Program documentation policy (para 5-22a,
5-22d, 5-22e).
o Implements and integrates DA Form 7656 (Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)
Card) into healthcare documentation process (chap 15).
o Makes additional rapid action revision changes (chaps 2,3,5,6,8, and 9).
Headquarters *Army Regulation 40–66
Department of the Army
Washington, DC
17 June 2008 Effective 17 July 2008
Medical Services
States, and the U.S. Army Reserve, unless Army management control process.
otherwise stated. Also, it applies to other This regulation contains management con-
members of the uniformed services of Al- trol provisions and identifies key manage-
lied nations who receive medical treat- ment controls that must be evaluated. (See
ment or evaluation in an Army military appendix C.)
treatment facility. During mobilization,
the proponent may modify chapters and Supplementation. Supplementation of
policies contained in this regulation. this regulation and establishment of com-
mand and local forms are prohibited with-
Proponent and exception authority.
out prior approval from The Surgeon
The proponent of this regulation is The
Surgeon General. The proponent has the General (DASG-HS-AP), 5109 Leesburg
authority to approve exceptions or waivers Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041–3258.
to this regulation that are consistent with Suggested improvements. Users are
controlling law and regulations. The pro- invited to send comments and suggested
ponent may delegate this approval author- improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recom-
ity, in writing, to a division chief within
History. This publication is a rapid action mended Changes to Publications and
the proponent agency or its direct report-
revision (RAR). This RAR is effective 4 Blank Forms) directly to Office of The
ing unit or field operating agency, in the
February 2010. The portions affected by Surgeon General (DASG-HS-AP), 5109
grade of colonel or the civilian equivalent.
this RAR are listed in the summary of Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA
Activities may request a waiver to this
change. 22041–3258.
regulation by providing justification that
Summary. This regulation prescribes includes a full analysis of the expected Distribution. This publication is availa-
policies for preparing and using medical benefits and must include formal review ble in electronic media only and is in-
reports and records in accordance with by the activity’s senior legal officer. All
North Atlantic Treaty Organization Stand- tended for command levels A, B, C, D,
waiver requests will be endorsed by the
ardization Agreements 2348 ED.3(1) and and E for the Active Army, the Army
commander or senior leader of the requ-
2132 ED.2 and American–British– National Guard/Army National Guard of
esting activity and forwarded through
Canadian–Australian Quadripartite Stand- their higher headquarters to the policy the United States, and the U.S. Army
ardization Agreement 470 ED.1. proponent. Refer to AR 25–30 for specific Reserve.
Applicability. This regulation applies to guidance.
the Active Army, the Army National
Guard/Army National Guard of the United
Chapter 1
Introduction, page 1
Purpose • 1–1, page 1
References • 1–2, page 1
Explanation of abbreviations and terms • 1–3, page 1
Responsibilities • 1–4, page 1
Background • 1–5, page 3
Record ownership • 1–6, page 3
International standardization agreements • 1–7, page 4
*This regulation supersedes AR 40–66, dated 21 June 2006. This edition publishes a rapid action revision of AR 40–66.
Chapter 2
Confidentiality of PHI, page 4
General • 2–1, page 4
Policies governing protected health information • 2–2, page 4
Release of information when the patient consents to disclosure • 2–3, page 5
Disclosure without consent of the patient • 2–4, page 7
Processing requests for protected health information, restrictions, and revocations • 2–5, page 9
Medical records of teenage Family members • 2–6, page 11
Disclosure of medical records containing classified defense information • 2–7, page 12
Research using military medical records • 2–8, page 13
Chapter 3
Preparation of Medical Records, page 13
Section I
Forms and Documents, page 13
Authorized forms and documents • 3–1, page 13
Filing electronic/computerized forms • 3–2, page 14
Guidelines for local forms and overprints • 3–3, page 14
Section II
Medical Record Entries, page 15
General • 3–4, page 15
Patient identification • 3–5, page 16
Facility identification • 3–6, page 17
Destruction of unidentifiable medical documents • 3–7, page 18
Section III
Recording Diagnoses and Procedures, page 18
Nomenclature used in recording diagnoses • 3–8, page 18
Special instructions for certain diseases • 3–9, page 18
Special instructions for certain diagnoses • 3–10, page 18
Recording psychiatric conditions • 3–11, page 19
Recording injuries • 3–12, page 19
Recording deaths • 3–13, page 20
Recording cases observed without treatment, undiagnosed cases, and causes of separation • 3–14, page 20
Recording surgical, diagnostic, and therapeutic procedures • 3–15, page 20
Recording therapeutic abortions • 3–16, page 20
Recording use of restraints/seclusion • 3–17, page 21
Recording videotaped documentation of episodes of medical care • 3–18, page 21
Section IV
Records for Carded–for–Record–Only Cases and Absent–Sick Status, page 21
Carded–for–record–only cases • 3–19, page 21
Absent–sick status • 3–20, page 21
Section V
Detainee Records, page 23
Documentation of detainee care • 3–21, page 23
Maintenance and transfer of records • 3–22, page 23
Release of information • 3–23, page 23
Chapter 4
Filing and Requesting Medical Records, page 23
Filing by Social Security number and Family member prefix • 4–1, page 23
Terminal digit filing system • 4–2, page 24
Use of DA Form 3443–series, DA Form 3444–series, and DA Form 8005–series folders • 4–3, page 24
Preparation of DA Form 3444–series and DA Form 8005–series folders • 4–4, page 25
Preparation of DA Form 3443–series folders • 4–5, page 26
Record chargeout system • 4–6, page 27
Record requests • 4–7, page 27
Chapter 5
Service Treatment Records, page 30
Section I
General, page 30
Purpose of the service treatment record • 5–1, page 30
Use of the service treatment record • 5–2, page 31
For whom prepared and maintained • 5–3, page 32
Forms and documents of service treatment records • 5–4, page 32
DA Form 5007A and DA Form 5007B • 5–5, page 32
DA Form 5008 • 5–6, page 32
DA Form 5181 • 5–7, page 32
DA Form 5569 • 5–8, page 32
DA Form 5570 • 5–9, page 32
DD Form 2882 • 5–10, page 32
DD Form 1380 • 5–11, page 33
DD Form 2482 • 5–12, page 33
DD Form 2766 and DD Form 2766C • 5–13, page 33
DD Form 2813 • 5–14, page 33
SF 512 • 5–15, page 34
SF 558 • 5–16, page 34
SF 559 • 5–17, page 34
SF 600 • 5–18, page 34
Immunization documentation (DD Form 2766, SF 601, and CDC Form 731) • 5–19, page 36
SF 603 and SF 603A • 5–20, page 37
Other forms filed in the service treatment record • 5–21, page 38
Service treatment records with behavioral health documentation • 5–22, page 40
Access to service treatment records • 5–23, page 40
Cross–servicing of service treatment records • 5–24, page 41
Section II
Initiating, Keeping, and Disposing of Service Treatment Records, page 41
Initiating service treatment records • 5–25, page 41
Transferring service treatment records • 5–26, page 42
Handcarrying medical records • 5–27, page 43
Establishing “temporary” and “new” service treatment records • 5–28, page 44
Filing service treatment records • 5–29, page 44
Disposing of service treatment records • 5–30, page 46
Section III
Special Considerations for Personnel Reliability Program Service Treatment Records and Civilian Employee Medical
Records, page 46
Screening Personnel Reliability Program records • 5–31, page 46
Maintaining Personnel Reliability Program records • 5–32, page 46
Section IV
Maintenance of Service Treatment Records and Civilian Employee Medical Records Upon Mobilization, page 47
Paper service treatment records of deployed military members and deployed civilians • 5–33, page 47
Preparation of service treatment record forms • 5–34, page 47
Chapter 6
Outpatient Treatment Records, page 66
Section I
General, page 66
For whom prepared • 6–1, page 66
Outpatient treatment record forms and documents: Guidelines for paper record preparation and use • 6–2, page 66
Section II
Initiating, Keeping, and Disposing of Outpatient Treatment Records, page 67
Initiating and keeping outpatient treatment records • 6–3, page 67
Transferring outpatient treatment records • 6–4, page 67
Requests other than DD Form 2138 • 6–5, page 68
Disposition • 6–6, page 68
Section III
Preparation and Use of Outpatient Treatment Records, page 69
Preparation • 6–7, page 69
Use • 6–8, page 70
Chapter 7
Occupational Health Program Civilian Employee Medical Record, page 83
Section I
General, page 83
Compliance • 7–1, page 83
Definition and purpose of the civilian employee medical record • 7–2, page 83
For whom prepared • 7–3, page 83
Civilian employee medical records folder and forms • 7–4, page 83
Section II
Maintaining, Transferring, and Disposing of Civilian Employee Medical Records and Retention of Job–Related
X–Ray Films, page 84
Custody and maintenance of civilian employee medical records • 7–5, page 84
Medical record entries • 7–6, page 84
Recording occupational injuries and illnesses • 7–7, page 84
Cross–coding of medical records • 7–8, page 84
Transferring and retiring civilian employee medical records • 7–9, page 85
Retention of job–related x–ray films • 7–10, page 85
Section III
Confidentiality of PHI, Access to Civilian Employee Medical Records, and Performance Improvement, page 85
Protection of confidentiality and disclosure procedures • 7–11, page 85
Civilian employee medical record review • 7–12, page 85
Chapter 8
Army Substance Abuse Program Outpatient Medical Record, page 90
Section I
General, page 90
For whom prepared • 8–1, page 90
Access • 8–2, page 90
Section II
Initiating, Maintaining, and Disposing of Army Substance Abuse Program Outpatient Medical Records, page 91
Initiating and maintaining • 8–5, page 91
Transferring • 8–6, page 91
Requests other than DD Form 2138 • 8–7, page 91
Disposition • 8–8, page 91
Section III
Preparation and Use of Army Substance Abuse Program Outpatient Medical Records, page 91
Preparation • 8–9, page 91
Use • 8–10, page 92
Chapter 9
Inpatient Treatment Records, page 94
Section I
General, page 94
For whom prepared • 9–1, page 94
Inpatient forms and documents • 9–2, page 95
Fetal monitoring strips • 9–3, page 95
Section II
Initiating, Keeping, and Disposing of Inpatient Treatment Records, page 96
General • 9–4, page 96
Records for Ambulatory Procedure Visit patients • 9–5, page 96
NATO STANAG 2348 ED.3(1) requirements • 9–6, page 96
Inpatient treatment records of AWOL patients • 9–7, page 96
Five–year inpatient treatment record maintenance • 9–8, page 96
Access and audit trail • 9–9, page 96
Disposition of inpatient treatment records • 9–10, page 97
Section III
Preparation and Use of Inpatient Treatment Records, page 97
Inpatient treatment records content • 9–11, page 97
Medical reports • 9–12, page 98
Nursing process documentation • 9–13, page 100
Countersignatures • 9–14, page 102
Section IV
DA Form 3647, page 103
General purpose • 9–15, page 103
Use • 9–16, page 103
Initiation and disposition • 9–17, page 103
Preparation • 9–18, page 103
Corrections and corrected copies • 9–19, page 103
Section V
Preparation and Use of Other Inpatient Treatment Record Forms, page 104
DD Form 2569 • 9–20, page 104
DD Form 2770 • 9–21, page 104
DA Form 4359 • 9–22, page 104
DD Form 792 • 9–23, page 104
DA Form 3950 • 9–24, page 104
Chapter 10
Extended Ambulatory Records, page 124
Section I
General, page 124
Purpose of the extended ambulatory record • 10–1, page 124
For whom prepared • 10–2, page 124
Extended ambulatory record forms and documents • 10–3, page 124
Section II
Initiating, Keeping, and Disposing of Extended Ambulatory Records, page 124
Initiating extended ambulatory records • 10–4, page 124
Five–year/one–year extended ambulatory record maintenance • 10–5, page 124
Disposition of extended ambulatory records • 10–6, page 125
Section III
Preparation and Use of Extended Ambulatory Records, page 125
Preparation of extended ambulatory records • 10–7, page 125
Use of extended ambulatory records • 10–8, page 125
Chapter 11
DD Form 1380, page 129
Use • 11–1, page 129
Preparation • 11–2, page 129
Supplemental DD Form 1380 • 11–3, page 130
Disposition • 11–4, page 130
DA Form 4006 • 11–5, page 130
Chapter 12
Role of the Medical Department Activity or U.S. Army Medical Center Patient Administration Division in
the Improving Organizational Performance Process, page 132
General • 12–1, page 132
Internal performance improvement process for medical record services • 12–2, page 132
Patient care assessment • 12–3, page 132
Patient Administration Division role in handling medical records in the Risk Management Program • 12–4, page 133
Chapter 13
DD Form 689, page 134
Purpose and use • 13–1, page 134
Issuing authority • 13–2, page 134
Procedures • 13–3, page 134
Service treatment record entry • 13–4, page 136
Chapter 14
Medical Warning Tag and DA Label 162, page 136
Description and use • 14–1, page 136
Applicability • 14–2, page 136
Responsibilities • 14–3, page 136
Criteria for issue of Medical Warning Tags and DA Labels 162 • 14–4, page 137
Procedures • 14–5, page 138
Supply of tag blanks and forms • 14–6, page 139
Chapter 15
DA Form 7656, Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Card, page 139
Background • 15–1, page 139
Policy • 15–2, page 139
Supplemental DA Form 7656 • 15–3, page 139
Disposition • 15–4, page 140
A. References, page 141
B. Authorized Medical Records Abbreviations and Symbols, page 158
C. Management Control Evaluation Checklist, page 189
Table List
Figure List
Figure 5–2: Forms and documents of the STR using DA Form 8005–series jackets—Continued, page 62
Figure 5–3: Forms and documents of the STR dental record, page 63
Figure 5–3: Forms and documents of the STR dental record—Continued, page 64
Figure 5–4: Sample entries on SF 600, page 65
Figure 6–1: Forms and documents of the OTR using DA Form 3444–series jackets, page 71
Figure 6–1: Forms and documents of the OTR using DA Form 3444–series jackets—Continued, page 72
Figure 6–1: Forms and documents of the OTR using DA Form 3444–series jackets—Continued, page 73
Figure 6–1: Forms and documents of the OTR using DA Form 3444–series jackets—Continued, page 74
Figure 6–1: Forms and documents of the OTR using DA Form 3444–series jackets—Continued, page 75
Figure 6–2: Forms and documents of the OTR using DA Form 8005–series jackets, page 76
Figure 6–2: Forms and documents of the OTR using DA Form 8005–series jackets—Continued, page 77
Figure 6–2: Forms and documents of the OTR using DA Form 8005–series jackets—Continued, page 78
Figure 6–2: Forms and documents of the OTR using DA Form 8005–series jackets—Continued, page 79
Figure 6–2: Forms and documents of the OTR using DA Form 8005–series jackets—Continued, page 80
Figure 6–2: Forms and documents of the OTR using DA Form 8005–series jackets—Continued, page 81
Figure 6–3: Forms and documents of the nonmilitary dental record, page 82
Figure 6–3: Forms and documents of the nonmilitary dental record—Continued, page 83
Figure 7–1: Forms and documents of the CEMR using DA Form 3444–series jackets or SF 66D folders, page 86
Figure 7–1: Forms and documents of the CEMR using DA Form 3444–series jackets or SF 66D folders—Continued,
page 87
Figure 7–1: Forms and documents of the CEMR using DA Form 3444–series jackets or SF 66D folders—Continued,
page 88
Figure 7–1: Forms and documents of the CEMR using DA Form 3444–series jackets or SF 66D folders—Continued,
page 89
Figure 7–1: Forms and documents of the CEMR using DA Form 3444–series jackets or SF 66D folders—Continued,
page 90
Figure 8–1: Forms and documents of the ASAP–OMR, page 93
Figure 8–1: Forms and documents of the ASAP–OMR—Continued, page 94
Figure 9–1: Forms and documents of the ITR, page 118
Figure 9–1: Forms and documents of the ITR—Continued, page 119
Figure 9–1: Forms and documents of the ITR—Continued, page 120
Figure 9–1: Forms and documents of the ITR—Continued, page 121
Figure 9–1: Forms and documents of the ITR—Continued, page 122
Figure 9–1: Forms and documents of the ITR—Continued, page 123
Figure 9–2: Examples for calculations of episodes of OR nursing and episodes of anesthesia, page 123
Figure 10–1: Forms and documents of the EAR, page 126
Figure 10–1: Forms and documents of the EAR—Continued, page 127
Figure 10–1: Forms and documents of the EAR—Continued, page 128
Figure 13–1: Sample of a completed DD Form 689, page 135
Figure 14–1: DA Label 162 (Emergency Medical Identification Symbol), shown actual size, page 136
Figure 14–2: Sample letter to be presented to patients upon issuance of Medical Warning Tag, page 137
Figure 14–3: Example of completed “Tag Content” section, DA Form 3365 (Authorization for Medical Warning
Tag), page 138
Figure B–1: Medical Symbols, page 188
1–2. References
Required and related publications and prescribed and referenced forms are listed in appendix A.
1–4. Responsibilities
a. Military treatment facility (MTF) and dental treatment facility (DTF) commanders. The MTF or DTF command-
ers will—
(1) Be the official custodians of the medical or dental records at their facilities.
(2) Ensure that policies and procedures of this regulation are followed.
(3) Issue local rules to enforce the policies and procedures stated in this regulation.
(4) Ensure that an adequate and timely ITR is prepared for each patient who must have one.
(5) Ensure that a blood sample for deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) identification is on file with the Armed Forces
Repository of Specimen Samples for the Identification of Remains for all military members and deploying civilians.
(6) Ensure compliance with the Privacy Rule of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)
(Public Law (PL) 104–191), DOD 6025.18–R, and with the process of investigations of privacy violations to include
appointing in writing a HIPAA privacy officer who will be responsible for the development and implementation of the
privacy policies and procedures for the Military Health System.
(7) Establish an electronic records room designation in CHCS for remotely stationed personnel and their Family
members, and establish policies necessary to maintain these records for the duration of remote duty assignments.
(8) Coordinate the retrieval of medical documentation resulting from MTF referred visits to the TRICARE network.
(9) Establish procedures for Soldiers and Family members to return their medical records at the completion of the
temporary duty (TDY) or permanent change of station (PCS).
(10) Ensure adherence to paragraph 6-7i of this regulation regarding sensitive information.
(11) Ensure compliance with applicable regulations and policies governing the release of actionable medical
information (that is, medical information that U.S. adversaries can use to produce medical intelligence).
(12) Involve the unit surgeon, when available and appropriate, in the communication of a Soldier’s PHI to a unit
(13) Promote the perception of the medical record, in general, as patient-centric versus provider-centric. That is, the
medical record exists to promote the welfare of the patient rather than primarily as a convenience to the provider and
the involved medical system.
b. Unit commanders. If a commander acquires STRs or documents belonging in STRs, the commander will ensure
that the documents are properly secured and sent to the proper STR custodian without delay. As an exception to e(1),
below, if no Army medical department (AMEDD) or MTF personnel are available to act as the custodian of unit STRs,
a unit commander may act as the custodian of his or her unit’s STRs, or, as an alternative, appoint a competent person
of the unit as the custodian. Unit commanders will also ensure that information in STRs is kept private and confidential
in accordance with law and regulation. Examples of situations in which unit STRs may be maintained centrally at a
unit in the custody of the unit commander or competent designee include those units located away from an MTF, to
include recruiting stations, Reserve Officers’ Training Corps detachments, professors of military science, and Reserve
Component (RC) units receiving medical or dental care from civilian facilities. STRs maintained at such units must be
managed in accordance with this regulation. Such units must place special emphasis on compliance with chapter 2 of
this regulation. Questions about centralized STR maintenance in isolated units will be referred to the Army Regional
Medical Command with administrative responsibility for that geographic area. OTRs for Family members accompany-
ing those active duty military members assigned to isolated units will not be maintained at the unit. In accordance with
paragraph 6–4 of this regulation, a copy of an OTR may be furnished to a pertinent Family member. However, the
original record will be returned, along with an explanatory letter, to the MTF that last provided medical care to that
Family member.
c. RC specific commanders.
1–5. Background
a. The purpose of a medical record is to provide a complete medical and dental history for patient care, medicolegal
support (for example, reimbursement and tort claims), research, and education. A medical record also provides a means
of communication, where necessary, to fulfill other Army functions (for example, identification of remains).
b. The following types of healthcare records will be used to document medical and dental care:
(1) Inpatient. All care provided to beneficiaries as hospital inpatients will be recorded in an inpatient treatment
record (ITR).
(2) Outpatient. Outpatient care on a military member will be primarily (and to the fullest extent possible) recorded
in the member’s longitudinal electronic medical record (that is, AHLTA) with the STR (military member paper record)
or outpatient treatment record (OTR) (nonmilitary paper record) being used on a limited basis.
(3) Dental. Dental care on a military member will be primarily (and to the fullest extent possible) recorded in the
AHLTA dental module once it is fully deployed. Historically, separate medical and dental outpatient records were
maintained. With the deployment of the AHLTA dental module, the medical record and dental record (which together
are considered an STR) will no longer be separate.
(4) Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP). Both military and nonmilitary personnel enrolled in the ASAP will
have an ASAP outpatient medical record (ASAP–OMR). ASAP records of Family members and civilians must not be
entered into AHLTA. Refer to paragraph 6-7h of this regulation for additional guidance as to the appropriate content of
behavioral health notes in AHLTA.
(5) Occupation health care. Occupational health care will be recorded in AHLTA, and the local MTF will not create
a separate and duplicate occupational health record in the legacy CHCS. As necessary, MTFs may maintain separate
paper-based occupational health records containing printed AHLTA encounters pertaining to occupational health.
c. The ability to retrieve the documentation of care provided to patients is paramount. Documentation generated in
AHLTA or stored in AHLTA as a scanned image requires maintenance in a paper format. When a record is ready for
retirement, it will be sent to the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC). For paper-based medical documentation
that has not been scanned into AHLTA, the original paper documentation will be maintained at the MTF where it was
created or received. A copy of manually-generated documents will be maintained in STRs and in OTRs. A copy of
these paper-based documents must be available for a new MTF or a civilian healthcare organization if medically
required or requested by the patient. As the transition to a fully electronic STR progresses, it is imperative to realize
that specific paper forms that are currently used may or may not appear in exactly the same format in the electronic
medical record. Throughout this document, all referrals to a specific paper form will also infer an electronic equivalent,
which will contain the same relevant information, but may not appear exactly the same as the paper form. These
electronic forms and their printed version will have the same official status as any of their paper equivalents. Any
exceptions to this will be specifically addressed in the relevant section.
Chapter 2
Confidentiality of PHI
2–1. General
This chapter explains DA policies and procedures governing the release of PHI pertaining to individual patients. The
HIPAA governs the use and disclosure of PHI that is under the control of the MTF/DTF. Once the information is
disclosed within the Federal government, it is then protected by the provisions of the Privacy Act of 1974 (AR 340-
21). The policies expressed in this chapter will be used in coordination with those expressed in AR 25–55, AR 340–21,
and DOD 6025.18–R. Note that no information pertaining to the identity, treatment, prognosis, diagnosis, or participa-
tion in the ASAP will be released, except in accordance with AR 600–85, chapter 6, and chapter 8 of this regulation.
Refer to AR 40–68, paragraph 2–5, for information pertaining to the confidentiality of medical quality assurance
2–5. Processing requests for protected health information, restrictions, and revocations
a. The MTF commander is responsible for the management and oversight of this program. The patient administrator,
as the representative of the MTF commander, is responsible for the processing of requests for patient PHI. In the
absence of the patient administrator, the acting patient administrator will assume this responsibility.
b. All requests for patient PHI must be submitted in writing using DD Form 2870; if the form is unavailable to the
patient, a letter may be submitted instead. Requests will be acted on within 30 days. In urgent situations, facsimile
requests for disclosure may be accepted. In some situations (for example, cases of emergency, rape, assault, child
abuse, or death), the need for information may be extremely urgent. In such cases, a verbal request for disclosure of
medical information or medical records may be submitted and acted on. The requester will be informed that the verbal
request must be supplemented by the submission of a written request according to law and regulation, at the first
available opportunity.
c. Authorization for the release of PHI will normally be documented in writing. However, in certain emergency
situations, the MTF commander or patient administrator may verbally authorize the release of PHI, provided that such
release is otherwise authorized by law and regulation. Immediately after granting verbal authorization for disclosure,
the authorizing official will prepare a memorandum for record, documenting the release and the reasons for the use of
emergency procedures.
d. Usually, copies of PHI authorized for release must be picked up, in person, by the requester or other person to
whom disclosure has been authorized. In emergency situations, facsimile transmission of released PHI is authorized,
provided that appropriate measures are taken to ensure that the information is delivered to the correct party. A cover
letter, including a confidentiality notice, will accompany each such facsimile transmission. The confidentiality notice
will include instructions on redisclosure and destruction of the disclosed information. A sample is shown in figure 2–1.
e. MTF commanders or patient administrators will determine the legitimacy of the request for patient PHI. MTF
commanders or patient administrators are encouraged to seek the advice and assistance of their servicing judge
advocate in determining the legitimacy of a request for disclosure and in authorizing release of PHI.
f. Only that specific PHI required to satisfy the terms of a request will be authorized for disclosure. If the request is
for psychotherapy notes, the patient administrator or his/her representative will obtain an authorization for use or
disclosure except—
(1) To carry out the following treatment, payment, or healthcare operations:
(a) Use by the originator of the psychotherapy notes for treatment.
(b) Use or disclosure by the covered entity for its own training programs that students, trainees, or practitioners in
behavioral health learn under supervision to practice or improve their skills in group, joint, Family, or individual
(c) Use or disclosure by the covered entity to defend itself (or to defend the United States in a claim or action
brought under the Federal Tort Claims Act or Military Claims Act, in a legal action, or other proceeding brought by the
(2) A use or disclosure that is—
(a) Required by the Secretary of HHS in relation to compliance activities of the Secretary of HHS.
(b) Required by law.
(c) Pertaining to uses and disclosures for health oversight activities, with respect to the oversight of the originator of
the psychotherapy notes.
(d) Pertaining to uses and disclosures about decedents to coroners and medical examiners.
(e) Pertaining to uses and disclosures to avert a serious and imminent threat to health or safety of a person or the
public, which may include a serious and imminent threat to military personnel or members of the public or a serious or
imminent threat to a specific military mission or national security under circumstances which in turn create a serious
and imminent threat to a person or the public.
g. If a request for certified disclosure of all or part of the request for patient PHI is approved, certified copies of that
information or record will be released. (See AR 27–40 and paragraph 12–4b(3) of this regulation for the use of DA
Form 4 (Department of the Army Certification for Authentication of Records) to certify records.) If the requester seeks
disclosure of the original records, the requester must justify, in writing, why certified copies are not adequate to fulfill
the purpose for which the records are being sought. Advice of the local judge advocate should be sought in determining
the legitimacy of a request for disclosure of an original record.
h. A copy of the request for disclosure of PHI, a copy of any consent form, together with copies of the disclosure
authorization and a notation of which records have been disclosed, will be filed in the patient’s outpatient or electronic
medical record. If these copies cannot be made, the request will be annotated to reflect the specific information
disclosed. When requests are made for information from both inpatient and outpatient records at the same time, the
request and an annotation of which copies were disclosed will be filed in the inpatient record. The outpatient/AHLTA
record will be properly cross–referenced.
i. A patient has the right to request restrictions on the uses and disclosures of their medical record.
(1) The MTF/DTF is not required to agree to the restriction. The restriction should be denied if the MTF/DTF
cannot reasonably accommodate the restriction, if it conflicts with this regulation or any other applicable DOD or DA
directive, or for any other appropriate reason. A response to a request for restriction should be provided to the
individual requesting it as soon as practicable and should include the rationale for denying it, if the request is denied in
whole or part.
(2) The MTF/DTF commander or designee must act on requests to restrict information in a timely manner and do so
Figure 2–2. Defense Privacy Board Advisory Opinion—the Privacy Act and Minors, 23 September 1998
b. Medical confidentiality. So that medical confidentiality will not be compromised, medical records of minors that
contain information mentioned in a(1)(a) through a(1)(d), above, will be maintained as “Behavioral Health Records
(Minors).” Because PHI in these records may be an important part of continued and follow–up care, SF 600 (Medical
Record—Chronological Record of Medical Care) will note “Patient seen, refer to file number 40–216k2” and will be
filed in the patient’s OTR. Disposition of these records will be in accordance with AR 25–400–2, file number
40–216k2, behavioral health records (minors). (See table 3–1 and para 6–7h of this regulation.)
Chapter 3
Preparation of Medical Records
Section I
Forms and Documents
Section II
Medical Record Entries
3–4. General
a. Content. Entries will be made in all inpatient, outpatient, service treatment, dental, ASAP, and occupational
health records by the healthcare provider who observes, treats, or cares for the patient at the time of observation,
treatment, or care. This documentation requirement applies to both electronic (ESSENTRIS and AHLTA) and paper
records. Entries are also subject to locally defined patient assessment policies. No healthcare practitioner is permitted to
complete the documentation for a medical record on a patient unfamiliar to him/her. In unusual extenuating circum-
stances (for example, death of a provider), local policy will ensure that all means have been exhausted to complete the
record. If this action is impossible, the medical staff may vote to file the incomplete record as is. Documentation
summarizing the reason for the action will be filed with the record.
Note. Documentation of clinical encounters for Soldiers by ASAP healthcare providers will be placed in the ASAP OMR/AHLTA at
the time that notes and forms are generated.
b. Legibility. All entries must be legible. Entries should be typed, but they may be handwritten. (However,
radiology, pathology, and operative reports, as well as narrative summaries, will be typewritten.) Handwritten entries
Section III
Recording Diagnoses and Procedures
3–14. Recording cases observed without treatment, undiagnosed cases, and causes of separation
a. Observation without need for further medical care. A record must be made when a patient shows a symptom of
an abnormal condition but study reveals no need for medical care. That is, observation reveals no condition related to
the symptom that would warrant recording and no need for any treatment. In such a case, the proper diagnosis entry is
“Observation.” After this entry, give the name of the suspected disease or injury; after this entry, enter either “No
disease found” or “No need for further medical care.”
(1) A diagnosis of “Observation” is used even when a condition unrelated to the one suspected is diagnosed and
recorded. For example, a patient is admitted for possible cardiac disease, but a specific cardiac diagnosis is not made.
While in the hospital, however, the patient is also treated for arthritis. In such a case, “Observation, suspected…” is
entered as the cause of admission; arthritis is given as the second diagnosis.
(2) A diagnosis of “Observation” is not used for patients lost to observation before a final diagnosis is made, and it
is not used for a medical examination of a well person who has no complaint and who shows no need for observation
or medical care.
b. “Undiagnosed” or “undetermined diagnosis” (nonfatal cases). When a patient is admitted or transferred and an
immediate diagnosis is not possible, give the symptoms or the name of the suspected condition. Replace these terms
with a more definitive diagnosis as soon as possible. When a final or more definitive diagnosis cannot be made, use the
condition or manifestation causing admission.
c. Recording cause of separation. For a noninjury patient separated or retired for physical disability, the cause must
be recorded. If there is more than one diagnosis, select the one that is the principal cause of separation, and enter after
it “principal cause.” For an injury patient, the residual disability (the condition causing separation) must be recorded. If
there is more than one residual disability, the one that is the principal cause of separation must be stated. The diagnosis
that is the “underlying cause” must also be recorded, that is, the injury causing the residual disability. For example, if a
leg injury leads to amputation, the leg injury is stated as the underlying cause.
Section IV
Records for Carded–for–Record–Only Cases and Absent–Sick Status
Table 3–1
AR 25–400–2, Army Records Information Management System (ARIMS)
File numbers, record keeping requirements
File number Title
Section V
Detainee Records
Chapter 4
Filing and Requesting Medical Records
4–1. Filing by Social Security number and Family member prefix
An 11-digit number is used to identify and file paper medical records under the terminal digit filing system.
a. The first two digits of the file number are the FMP. These digits identify the patient, as shown in table 4–1.
b. The other nine digits of the file number are the sponsor’s SSN broken into three groups. The first group is the
first five digits of the SSN; the second group is the next two digits of the SSN; and the third group is the last two digits
of the SSN. For example, PFC Ernie Jones’s SSN: 390–22–3734, would be identified as 20 39022 37 34; his wife’s
number would be 30 39022 37 34; his third oldest child’s number would be 03 39022 37 34. As shown in the example,
the sponsor’s SSN will be used for beneficiaries. When both parents are on active duty, a newborn child’s number will
be the same SSN as that used on the mother’s records. When a newborn infant has no entitlement to continued medical
care (for example, a newborn infant of a daughter Family member or of a civilian emergency patient), the FMP
assigned to the infant will be 90–95, and the SSN will be the one that the mother uses.
c. Pseudo or artificial 11–digit numbers will be given to patients not described in b, above and in table 4–1. These
4–3. Use of DA Form 3443–series, DA Form 3444–series, and DA Form 8005–series folders
a. The DA Form 3443–series are the only authorized preservers for filing nondental x–ray films. Similarly, the DA
Form 3444–series and DA Form 8005–series are the only folders authorized for filing ITRs, OTRs, STRs, CEMRs, and
nuclear medicine files. Only DA Form 3444–series folders will be used for dental records, ITRs, ASAP–OMRs, and
CEMRs. DA Form 8005–series folders will be used only for STRs and OTRs. DA Form 8005–series folders will
replace DA Form 3444–series folders only when they have deteriorated or when beneficiaries are entering the system
for the first time. Nuclear medicine departments will ensure that their folders are conspicuously stamped to eliminate
the possibility of mixing them with ITRs, STRs, OTRs, or CEMRs.
(1) The following forms are those contained in the DA Form 3443–series, the DA Form 3444–series, and the DA
Form 8005–series. They can be requisitioned from the U.S. Army Directorate of Logistics, Media Distribution
Division, St. Louis, MO, through normal publications supply channels. Instructions for completing the forms are
(a) DA Form 3443 (Terminal Digit–X–Ray Film Preserver).
(b) DA Form 3443X (Terminal Digit–X–Ray Film Negative Preserver (Loan)).
(c) DA Form 3443Y (Terminal Digit–X–Ray Film Negative Preserver (Insert)).
(d) DA Form 3443Z (Terminal Digit–X–Ray Film Negative Preserver (Report Insert)).
(e) DA Form 3444 (Alphabetical and Terminal Digit File for Treatment Record (Orange)).
(f) DA Form 3444–1 (Alphabetical and Terminal Digit File for Treatment Record (Light Green)).
(g) DA Form 3444–2 (Alphabetical and Terminal Digit File for Treatment Record (Yellow)).
(h) DA Form 3444–3 (Alphabetical and Terminal Digit File for Treatment Record (Grey)).
(i) DA Form 3444–4 (Alphabetical and Terminal Digit File for Treatment Record (Tan)).
(j) DA Form 3444–5 (Alphabetical and Terminal Digit File for Treatment Record (Light Blue)).
(k) DA Form 3444–6 (Alphabetical and Terminal Digit File for Treatment Record (White)).
(l) DA Form 3444–7 (Alphabetical and Terminal Digit File for Treatment Record (Brown)).
(m) DA Form 3444–8 (Alphabetical and Terminal Digit File for Treatment Record (Pink)).
(n) DA Form 3444–9 (Alphabetical and Terminal Digit File for Treatment Record (Red)).
(o) DA Form 8005 (Outpatient Medical Record (OMR) (Orange)).
(p) DA Form 8005–1 (Outpatient Medical Record (OMR) (Light Green)).
(q) DA Form 8005–2 (Outpatient Medical Record (OMR) (Yellow)).
(r) DA Form 8005–3 (Outpatient Medical Record (OMR) (Grey)).
(s) DA Form 8005–4 (Outpatient Medical Record (OMR) (Tan)).
(t) DA Form 8005–5 (Outpatient Medical Record (OMR) (Light Blue)).
(u) DA Form 8005–6 (Outpatient Medical Record (OMR) (White)).
(v) DA Form 8005–7 (Outpatient Medical Record (OMR) (Brown)).
for medical care; that is, the order in which they become the sponsor’s Family members. If a sponsor remarries and adopts children older than his or her
own, the FMP previously given to his or her natural children should not be changed. Following the FMP of natural children, adopted children are given FMPs
by their ages. For example, a sponsor has two children and adopts three. The oldest natural child is 01 and the second oldest 02. The oldest adopted child
then becomes 03, the next oldest adopted child 04, and the youngest adopted child 05.
2 The prime beneficiary—a person who derives his or her eligibility based on individual status rather than dependency on another person.
3 When a sponsor remarries, the new spouse takes the next higher number in the 30 series; that is, the first spouse is 30 and the second spouse is 31.
Former female military members eligible to deliver in an MTF should be coded 20, and the child should be coded from the 90–95 category. Multiple births in
this category would be assigned 90 for the first, 91 for the second, and so on. Women who qualify for care under the former spouse provisions and who
enter the hospital for delivery are coded in the 30 series, and children are coded as beneficiary authorized by statute (90–95).
4 Preadoptive children are eligible for medical care. (All Family members eligible for medical care are listed in AR 40–400.)
5 Children of unwed daughters of sponsors are assigned a number in the 90–95 category, unless the daughter’s sponsor has adopted the child. If the child
has been adopted by the sponsor, the FMP should be the next available number in the 01–19 category. Family members of former spouses are coded in the
90–95 series.
Table 4–2
Key to color folder assignment by terminal digits
Primary group Color DA Form
Table 4–3
Key for tape denoting patient status
File number1 General group Color
40–66a (STRs) Active Army STR (and dental) and RC personnel on active duty Red
40–66b (dental STRs) or active duty training for 30 days or more
40–66f (military) Military records (ITR) Red
40–66j (military outpatient records), Military other than active duty and RC personnel on active duty Green
40–66ii (military dental files) or active duty training for 29 days or less
40–66m (foreign national outpatient records), Foreign nationals and North Atlantic Treaty Organization personnel Silver or white
40–66e (foreign national ITRs),
40–66i (NATO personnel ITRs),
40–66q (NATO personnel outpatient records),
40–66kk (foreign national dental files)
1 Records described in AR 25–400–2. Also see table 3–1 of this regulation.
Table 4–4
Last four digits–sponsor’s Social Security number
Table 4–5
Retirement of radiology images and reports, DA Form 3443–series
Year Color
Chapter 5
Service Treatment Records
Section I
5–16. SF 558
a. AHLTA will be used to document care in the emergency center/emergency department (EC/ED). Scanning of
documents, as well as other free text entry methods such as voice recognition dictation, may be used as needed. When
AHLTA is not available, SF 558, ER templates, or electronic equivalents, will be used instead of SF 600 to record all
care provided to patients in the EC/ED. Self-explanatory instructions for completion are on the back of SF 558.
b. When the patient is admitted as an inpatient through the EC/ED, the AHLTA note, SF 558, or electronic
equivalents, will be the admission note filed in the patient’s ITR. A copy of any State ambulance forms will be filed
with SF 558 in the ITR.
5–17. SF 559
SF 559, or electronic equivalent will be used when an allergen extract prescription is ordered. One treatment set or
refill prescription will be ordered on each form. SF 559 is not designed for multiple prescription orders.
a. Use the patient’s recording card to complete the patient’s identification block in the lower left corner of SF 559
(para 3–5a). In all cases, give the patient’s full name, sponsor’s SSN, and appropriate FMP (table 4–1). Provide the
patient’s name, address, Army Knowledge Online (AKO) address, and phone number in the space provided on SF 559.
b. The address of the medical facility to which the prescription is to be sent must be given because it may differ
from that of the prescribing MTF.
c. The front of SF 559 may be overprinted with the allergenic extracts most commonly prescribed for hyposensitiza-
tion treatment (immunotherapy) in the geographic region. MTFs may overprint this information without submitting it to
Office of The Surgeon General for approval. From top to bottom, left to right, overprint in the following order: trees,
grasses, weeds, molds, environmentals, insects, and miscellaneous. List complete antigenic components, and state the
volume in milliliters (mL) of those components in the final mixture. The volume must add up to a final volume of 10
mL including diluent. State the volume of diluent in mL in the space provided. The volume of refill vials will also be
10 mL. State the concentration of the allergenic components in protein nitrogen units/mL, weight/volume, or allergy
units/mL. On the second line of the front page, state the strength of the described most concentrated vial. For example,
20,000 protein nitrogen units/mL, 1:100 weight/volume, or 10,000 allergy units/mL. Immediately below the allergen
contents section, annotate the vial numbers of the most dilute and most concentrated vials.
d. Complete the section on the lower front page for refill requests only. In addition, all subsequent portions of SF
559 must be completed as they would on the initial treatment set, including the recommended treatment instructions
and responsible physician’s signature.
e. Start the treatment instructions with the lowest numbered vial, listing one vial on each line. Give the strength of
each vial from the line corresponding with that schedule.
f. In general, schedule A provides for the most rapid dosage progression, with each schedule through E being
progressively more gradual.
g. SF 559 must be signed by the ordering physician. A signature card must be on file for the prescribing physician
at the U.S. Army Centralized Allergen Extract Laboratory, Walter Reed Army Medical Center, Bldg. 512, Forest Glen
Annex, Silver Spring, MD 20910.
5–18. SF 600
AHLTA will be used for documenting medical care. SF 600, or electronic equivalent will be used only in the STRs,
OTRs, CEMRs, and ASAP–OMRs. It is the chronological record of outpatient treatment and thus is the basic form of
the STR. When AHLTA is not available, the MTF initiating an SF 600 will complete the identification data at the
bottom of the form. Entries on the form may be typed, but they will usually be written in ink; if written, entries must
be legible. Entries on the form may be typed, electronically entered, written in ink, or printed. Each entry will show the
date and time of visit and the MTF involved; these entries will be made by rubber stamp when possible. (As long as
the patient is treated by the same MTF, the name of that MTF need not be repeated in every dated entry.) Each entry
on the form will also be signed by the person making it (para 3–4c). (See fig 5–4 for examples of entries on SF 600.)
a. SF 600. When AHLTA is not available, one copy of SF 600 will be put in the STR. The parts of the form to be
completed are shown in (1) through (8), below. These entries will be typed, electronically entered, written in ink, or
printed. If printed, permanent black or blue–black ink will be used.
(1) Person’s name.
(2) Sex.
(3) Year of birth.
(4) Component. (Do not include branch.)
5–19. Immunization documentation (DD Form 2766, SF 601, and CDC Form 731)
Active duty, USAR, and ARNGUS Soldiers and deployable civilians will have their immunizations documented in
AHLTA. When AHLTA is not available, immunizations will be recorded on DD Form 2766, or electronic equivalent,
and entered in the MWDE module of MEDPROS. Non-active duty adult beneficiaries and non-deployable civilians will
have their immunizations entered into AHLTA. All beneficiaries should also have immunization documentation entered
in CDC Form 731 (International Certificates of Vaccination), a personal record of immunizations received that is
normally needed for international travel. Usually, Active Army and USAR members have custody of their CDC Form
731 and will ensure its safekeeping. CDC Form 731 for RC personnel is usually issued to the person for safekeeping
upon mobilization or when traveling internationally. ARNGUS units may retain CDC Form 731.
a. DD Form 2766 or electronic equivalent. At reception stations, procedures will be established to ensure that
immunization history and allergy information is entered in the immunization and allergies modules of AHLTA,
respectively. If AHLTA is unavailable or a paper STR is being created for persons allergic to medications, the
“Medical Condition” block on the front of the STR folder will be checked and block 1 on DD Form 2766 will be
annotated. In addition, DA Label 162 will be placed on the STR folder and DD Form 2766 according to chapter 14.
Paragraph 5-13d(10) contains instructions for documenting immunizations in block 9 of DD Form 2766.
b. CDC Form 731. A paper copy of CDC Form 731 may be used, or the military member or beneficiary may be
given a printout of the AHLTA 2766c.
c. Tasks.
(1) The unit commander will ensure that each assigned or attached member receives the immunizations required by
AFJI 48–110/AR 40–562/BUMEDINST 6230.15/CG COMDTINST M6230.4E. The commander will periodically
check the immunization status of each unit member and consult with the local medical officer to ensure that
immunizations are given when due.
(2) The brigade surgeon, or his or her designee, acting on behalf of the commander, will notify members that
immunizations are needed according to the schedule in AFJI 48–110/AR 40–562/BUMEDINST 6230.15/CG COM-
DTINST M6230.4E.
(3) The medical officer will check the accuracy of the entries in AHLTA, or on DD Form 2766 or electronic
equivalent where AHLTA is not used, as well as administer, record, and properly authenticate required immunizations.
Note: CDC Form 731 is not filed in the medical record.
d. Authentication of entries. In accordance with international rules, entries on CDC Form 731 for immunizations
against smallpox, yellow fever, and cholera will be authenticated. Each entry must contain the signature/electronic
signature of the medical officer or his/her chosen representative (AFJI 48-110/AR 40-562/ BUMEDINST 6230.15/CG
COMDTINST M6230.4E). For other entries on CDC Form 731 and entries in block 9 of DD Form 2766, the signature
block may be stamped or typewritten and authenticated by initialing.
e. Entries.
(1) Immunizations and sensitivity tests will be recorded in AHLTA, or on DD Form 2766 or electronic equivalent
where AHLTA is not used. Rubella titer results must be recorded on DD Form 2766.
(2) Remarks and recommendations concerning immunization and sensitivity tests may be added by MTF personnel.
The reasons for waiving any immunization will be recorded in enough detail for later medical evaluation. Any attacks
of diseases for which immunizing agents were used must be noted; the year and place of attack must also be given.
Any untoward reactions to immunizations (including vaccines, sera, or other biologicals) will be recorded.
f. Loss of DD Form 2766 or CDC Form 731. If a CDC Form 731 is lost, a duplicate will be made by transcribing
Section II
Initiating, Keeping, and Disposing of Service Treatment Records
Section III
Special Considerations for Personnel Reliability Program Service Treatment Records and Civilian
Employee Medical Records
5–33. Paper service treatment records of deployed military members and deployed civilians
a. STRs of deployed military members and CEMRs of deployed civilians. STRs or CEMRs of deployed individuals
will not accompany them to deployed areas.
(1) If an individual deploys, DD Forms 2766 and 2766C will be printed using AHLTA and placed in DD Form
2766 to accompany the individual to the field. DD Form 2766 will serve as the treatment folder while the individual is
deployed. Other forms, such as DD Form 2766C, DD Form 2795, DD Form 1380, DA Form 7656, and SF 600, will be
filed on the fastener inside DD Form 2766 if not documented in AHLTA-T. Copies of DD Forms 2766 and 2766C will
be removed and shredded when the originals are placed back into the STR or CEMR. Forms that had been filed inside
DD Form 2766 will be removed and filed in the regular treatment folder according to figures 5-1, 5-2, or 7-1.
(2) When processing individuals for deployment, the MTF and DTF will audit each individual’s STR or CEMR and
record essential health and dental care information into AHLTA so that the data updates DD Form 2766.
(3) DODD 6490.2 and DOD Instruction (DODI) 6490.3 state that, to the extent applicable, medical surveillance
activities will include essential DOD civilian and contractor personnel directly supporting deployed forces, consistent
with plans established under DODI 1400.32 and DODI 3020.37. If DD Form 2795 is used for civilians, the original
form will remain in the CEMR and AHLTA can be utilized to complete this form. All contractors receiving care in the
MTF will have an AHLTA medical record. A copy of the form will be filed on the fastener inside DD Form 2766, and
a copy will be sent to the Army Medical Surveillance Activity.
(4) If the deployed individual is taking part in a classified operation, the pre-deployment evaluation (DD Form
2795) is still required.
(5) The completed DD Form 2766 and a copy of any printout from an electronic immunization tracking system will
be provided to the individual’s command, or to the individual if he or she is an individual replacement, and then
transferred to the MTF in the area of operation responsible for providing primary medical care to that individual. That
MTF will maintain DD Form 2766 as an outpatient field file for reference as needed. The unit commander is
responsible for ensuring that medical records are safely routed to their final destination.
(6) The MTF personnel will ensure that the ABO/Rh blood type from a verified blood bank typing is recorded in
block 10.
(7) The field file will consist of, in part, DD Form 2766, DD Form 2795, and possibly DD Form 2766C, as well as
DD Form 2796, SF 600, SF 558, SF 603, DA Form 7656, and/or DD Form 1380. These forms will be filed on the
fastener inside DD Form 2766.
(8) If DD Form 2766 is not available, the individual’s field file may be managed as a "drop" file (forms not
attached) and integrated into DD Form 2766 when it is available.
b. Engagement forces. If time permits, follow guidance in a(1), (2), and (3), above. If not, process when time
c. Smaller scale contingencies. Retain the STR at the MTF and DTF providing primary care. If the servicing
primary care facility closes, forward the STR to the MTF or DTF indicated by the servicing MEDDAC and DENTAC.
If full mobilization occurs, follow guidance in a(1), (2), and (3), above.
d. Units that do not process through a mobilization station before deployment or otherwise do not have access to an
MTF or DTF. These units will follow the procedures in b, above.
e. Further information. The U.S. Army Patient Administration and Biostatistics Activity Web site https://pasba3. provides additional deployment guidance for patient administrators.
Section I
The electronic encounter documentation form in AHLTA (currently labeled SF 600) will be utilized to document all
outpatient care when it is available. The AHLTA SF 600 and its other electronic printouts are a substitute for the
paper-based forms noted below. Paper-based forms should be used when AHLTA is not available and as a general
content guideline. Any update to these forms should use the International Business Machines workflow forms tools and
contain Extensible Markup Language data mapping to AHLTA when available. External documents may be scanned or
included in AHLTA by other electronic means, provided the document can be verified as belonging to a specific
patient and meets current guidelines for inclusion into AHLTA. Documents that can be verified as belonging to a
specific patient, but do not meet current guidelines for inclusion in AHLTA, will be filed in the paper OTR.
6–2. Outpatient treatment record forms and documents: Guidelines for paper record preparation and
a. DA Form 8005–series folders will replace DA Form 3444–series folders only when the latter have deteriorated or
when beneficiaries are entering the system for the first time. On these folders, the “Outpatient Treatment” box will be
checked if the folder will be used as a medical record, and the “Dental (Nonmilitary)” box will be checked if the folder
will be used as a dental record. (For the preparation and filing of the DA Form 3444–series and DA Form 8005–series
folders, see chap 4.)
b. The forms used in paper-based medical OTRs are listed in figures 6–1 and 6–2. Use of AHLTA to capture the
information contained on these forms precludes use of the paper form, except as previously noted. Information captured
in AHLTA will not be filed in the paper STR, except as previously noted. Paper-based forms utilized when AHLTA is
not available will be filed from top to bottom in the order that they are listed in the figures. Retrieved files will be
converted to this order. Do not attempt to convert an existing file until it is retrieved and used. Forms will be grouped
and filed in reverse chronological order by visit (that is, the latest visit on top). (For authorization of forms and
overprinting, see chap 3, sec I.) The forms listed in figures 6–1 and 6–2 are available either electronically or through
normal publications supply channels.
c. The forms and documents used in the dental OTR are listed in figure 6–3. These forms will be filed from top to
bottom in the order that they are listed in the figure. The forms listed in figure 6–3 are available through normal
publications supply channels. Copies of the same form will be grouped and filed in reverse chronological order.
d. Because of the importance of plotting the height, weight, and head circumference of pediatric patients, usually
through 2 years of age and periodically thereafter, and because no DA form, DD form, or SF records this information,
civilian pediatric growth charts and developmental screening tests may be used and are authorized for filing in the OTR
and the ITR. Figures 6–1, 6–2, and 9–1 indicate the location of these forms in the medical record. The source of supply
is the responsibility of each MTF.
e. DA Form 5568 (Chronological Record of Well–Baby Care) will be used to document well–baby visits. A copy of
this form is available on the AEL CD–ROM and at the Army Publishing Directorate Web site (
f. DD Form 2792 (Exceptional Family Member Medical Summary), DD Form 2792–1 (Exceptional Family Member
Special Education/Early Intervention Summary), DD Form 2882, and the electronic Exceptional Family Member
Program Summary will be filed on the left side of the folder, according to figures 6–1 and 6–2. (See AR 608–75.)
g. DA Form 5303–R (Volunteer Agreement Affidavit) will be used to document voluntary participation in a clinical
investigation or research protocol. DA Form 5303–R will be prepared by the clinical investigator or researcher, who is
responsible for providing a copy to the records custodian. Use of DA Form 5303–R is required by AR 40–38. A copy
is provided only as a source of information for the clinician treating a patient. The original form will be retained by the
Section II
Initiating, Keeping, and Disposing of Outpatient Treatment Records
6–6. Disposition
a. OTRs will be retired to the NPRC in accordance with AR 25–400–2. (See para 3–7 of this regulation for
information on destroying unidentifiable OTRs.) If loose documents containing medical treatment information are
found after the applicable record has been transferred to the NPRC, staple them together and place them in a manila
folder with the name and SSN of the Soldier or the sponsor and/or Family member written on the top of the folder.
NPRC will accept these documents for interfile if prepared in this way and retired as an accession. Do not send
documents that have no identifying information. These loose documents will be retired through medical records
tracking in CHCS, CHCS II, or ESSENTRIS.
b. If any member of a Family receives health care in the MTF or DTF during the year, the OTR of eligible members
who did not receive care may be retained if the Family is still in the area and expects to receive care at the facility. See
paragraph 4-4c for guidance on retirement of inpatient and outpatient records.
c. X–ray films that are 8 1/2– by 11–inches or smaller that were taken for medical surveillance purposes on military
members exposed to toxic substances or harmful physical agents in their work environment will be retired to the NPRC
with the individual’s STR. Oversized chest/torso x–ray films taken for exposure to work place hazards will not be sent
to the NPRC when service is terminated. Instead, they will be retained in their original state by the MTF at the last
duty station. Annotation will be placed on the SF 600 and will include the x ray findings, where the film is located, and
how it can be obtained. These x rays must be retained for the duration of military service plus 30 years, or for 40
years, whichever is greater. Xrays stored on electronic media (for example, computerized disks and so on) are not
currently eligible for retirement to NPRC in OTR record folders.
Section III
Preparation and Use of Outpatient Treatment Records
6–7. Preparation
a. Outpatient documentation. Each contact with the AMEDD as an outpatient will be recorded in the OTR. Each
contact with the AMEDD as an outpatient will be recorded in the OTR.Periods of treatment as an inpatient will be
recorded in the ITR. A copy of the discharge summary and narrative summary (SF 502) from each admission will be
included in the OTR. Inpatient dental treatment will be recorded in the dental record on SF 603 until the dental module
of AHLTA is fielded. At this point, such dental treatment will be recorded in AHLTA if needed functionality is
present. Participation in research as a human subject will also be fully recorded in the OTR (para 5–18). Occupational
health–related medical care will be recorded in AHLTA. Administrative medical forms related to occupational health
will be kept in the CEMR in either paper or electronic versions.
b. Immunization documentation. The reasons for waiving any immunization will be recorded in the AHLTA
immunization module. Additional information should be added as necessary to the encounter note to allow for future
medical evaluation. Any disease outbreaks for which immunizing agents were used must be noted. The year and place
of outbreak must also be given. Any adverse reactions to immunizations (including vaccines, sera, or other biologicals)
will be recorded. Immunizations documented in AHLTA must include the name of the ordering provider.
c. Preparation and use of SF 603. SF 603 is the basic dental treatment form. All dental treatments and all conditions
noted on examination will be entered on SF 603. (See para 5–20.)
d. SF 603A. SF 603A will be used, when needed, and will be filed on top of the original SF 603. (See para 5–20.)
e. DA Form 8006 (Pediatric Dentistry Diagnostic Form). DA Form 8006 will be used for recording the examina-
tion, diagnosis, and treatment planning of pediatric dentistry patients. This form is available on the AEL CD–ROM and
at the APD Web site ( Instructions for completing the form are self–explanatory.
f. Preparation of the paper OTR folder for patients allergic to medications. On the outside front cover of the DA
Form 3444–series folder or DA Form 8005–series folder, the “Medical Condition” block will be marked and the
medication allergy clearly identified.
g. Obstetrical cases. A pregnancy diagnosis will be entered in AHLTA. At the time of admission for delivery or
other inpatient obstetrical treatment, the AHLTA encounter notes, along with any paper-based charting concerning the
pregnancy for which the admission occurs, will be filed in the ITR.
h. Behavioral health records. Documentation of clinical encounters by behavioral healthcare providers will be in the
ASAP-OMR for all non Soldiers. (See para 5-22 for documentation guidance on Soldiers.) Clinical documentation is
defined as the documentation required for the observation, treatment, or care of the patient. Functional data sets
requiring documentation within the ASAP-OMR are intake/initial behavioral health evaluation, assessment of risk,
progress note, and termination note. Legal and administrative information, such as that currently obtained by the
Family Advocacy Program (FAP) and ASAP, will continue to be maintained in separate records as per the relevant
regulations. Behavioral healthcare providers should take great care when documenting the following data domains of
significant sensitivity to patients and support their desire for maximum confidentiality and privacy: sexual history/
concerns, legal history/concerns, substance abuse history/concerns, financial history/concerns, data concerning others,
operational/mission related data, and psycho–dynamic interpretations/hypotheses. Only information that supports the
rendering of an accurate diagnosis and/or aids in constructing a treatment plan and/or assists the provider in rendering a
humane and constructive disposition will be documented in the ASAP-OMR. (See para 5-22 for guidance relevant to
Soldiers.) Also, see AR 608–18.
i. Sensitive information. Encounters that are completed on suspected or confirmed victims of abuse (children and
adults) must have the AHLTA encounter “sensitive” button checked for that encounter.
(1) Entries into the AHLTA clinical note section, which are sensitive and address issues of abuse, will have a
clinical note “cover sheet” which is located in the clinical note preceding the actual sensitive note that states,
“SENSITIVE CLINICAL NOTE. The following clinical note contains information which is sensitive and should only
be viewed on a need-to-know basis.” Documentation in the clinical note section will begin below this clinical note
“cover sheet.”
(2) Every encounter marked “sensitive” must be reviewed by the Chief, PAD (or designee) prior to release to
patients or to the parents/guardians of a patient. Prior to release, AHLTA encounters with a diagnosis of child or
partner abuse (suspected or confirmed) require review by the chief, social work service. Requests to designate
“sensitive information” as “special category records” will be emailed to the Chief, PAD (or designee) by secure means
for input into the clinical notes section of the patient’s record. This may be completed via automated/electronic SF 600.
j. Advance directives. Advance directives must, at a minimum, be filed with the administrative documents on the left
side of the STR and, when possible, scanned into the electronic medical records system.
Chapter 7
Occupational Health Program Civilian Employee Medical Record
Section I
7–1. Compliance
The purpose of this chapter is to explain how the initiation, maintenance, and disposition of CEMRs will meet the
requirements of DODI 6055.5, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) (29 CFR 1904, 29 CFR
1910, and 29 CFR 1960), and regulations of the Office of Personnel Management (5 CFR 293.501, Subpart E).
Section II
Maintaining, Transferring, and Disposing of Civilian Employee Medical Records and Retention of
Job–Related X–Ray Films
Section III
Confidentiality of PHI, Access to Civilian Employee Medical Records, and Performance Improvement
Chapter 8
Army Substance Abuse Program Outpatient Medical Record
Section I
8–2. Access
All personnel having access to ASAP–OMRs will protect the privacy of PHI. Care will be taken to prevent un-
authorized release of any information on the treatment, identity, prognosis, or diagnosis for substance abuse patients.
Requests for release of information will be handled in accordance with chapter 2 of this regulation and AR 600–85,
chapter 6, using DA Form 5018–R (Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) Client’s Consent Statement for Release
of Treatment Information).
Section II
Initiating, Maintaining, and Disposing of Army Substance Abuse Program Outpatient Medical Records
8–6. Transferring
a. To assist in providing continuity of care for ASAP-enrolled Soldiers, their ASAP records will be entered into
b. ASAP–OMRs of civilian employees will be transferred to the next MTF or CCC.
8–8. Disposition
Civilian ASAP–OMRs will be disposed of in accordance with AR 25–400–2 (file number 600–85a).
Section III
Preparation and Use of Army Substance Abuse Program Outpatient Medical Records
8–9. Preparation
Each contact with the ASAP will be recorded in the ASAP–OMR for both civilians and Soldiers. Information from the
following forms will be entered electronically in AHLTA for Soldiers, but maintained in the hard copy chart for
8–10. Use
a. ASAP–OMRs will be available to physicians, dentists, and other healthcare practitioners attending the ASAP
patient for continuing patient care.
b. A strict audit trail will be kept for ASAP–OMRs temporarily removed from the file or for Soldiers’ records
accessed in AHLTA. (See para 4–6.) A strict record will be kept of any ASAP record/information disclosed to any
person or organization.
Chapter 9
Inpatient Treatment Records
Section I
9–4. General
An ITR will be initiated when a patient is admitted or is a CRO. An extended ambulatory record (EAR) will be
initiated when a patient undergoes an extended ambulatory encounter. (See para 3–19 for information on CRO cases;
see chap 10 for information on EARs.) The ITR will be prepared and reviewed in accordance with this regulation and
locally established procedures.
Section III
Preparation and Use of Inpatient Treatment Records
9–14. Countersignatures
a. The following ITR reports and entries will be countersigned by the supervising physician or, when appropriate,
by a qualified oral and maxillofacial surgeon, except as noted in c, below. Exceptions to this requirement for
countersignature may be granted by the MTF commander through the privileging process.
Section IV
DA Form 3647
9–16. Use
Paragraph 9–1a(1) identifies the types of MTFs that use DA Form 3647, CHCS, AHLTA, or ESSENTRIS electronic
equivalent. In addition, DA Form 3647 may be used in overseas commands by clearing stations chosen and staffed to
be run as nonfixed hospitals. The theater surgeon will determine if these holding stations will use DA Form 3647,
CHCS, AHLTA , or ESSENTRIS, electronic equivalent by the mission and function of the holding unit. When such
units serve only as a triage on an airfield holding point, DA Form 3647, CHCS, AHLTA , or ESSENTRIS electronic
equivalent is not needed; a note on the patient’s medical record giving the date and name of the holding station is
9–18. Preparation
Instructions for completing DA Form 3647, AHLTA, ESSENTRIS, or electronic equivalent are found in the IPDS
User’s Manual. Also see the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Edition: Clinical Modification (ICD–9–CM)
and the Tri–Service Disease and Procedure ICD–9–CM Coding Guidelines. Diagnostic entries on the worksheet copy
of DA Form 3647, AHLTA, ESSENTRIS, or electronic equivalent will be made only by the attending physician,
dentist, podiatrist, or midwife in charge of the case. In addition, only these people will sign the worksheet copy or final
DA Form 3647, AHLTA, ESSENTRIS, or electronic equivalent.
9–35. SF 511
a. Preparation. Enter the patient’s identification data here and in the space at the bottom of the form.
b. Recording data. Number the “Hospital Day” line of blocks consecutively starting with the day of admission as 1.
Use the post–day line as applicable. The day of surgery is the operative day and the day following surgery is the first
post–operative day. Label the day and hour blocks. Graph the temperature by the use of dots (.) placed between the
columns and rows of dots joined by straight lines. If the temperature is other than oral, document this by (R) for rectal,
(A) for axillary, or (TM) for tympanic. Graph the pulse by use of a circle (O) connected by straight lines. Enter the
respiration and blood pressure on the rows below the graphic portion of the form. Graph frequent blood pressure
readings by entering an “X” between the columns and rows of dots, at points equivalent to systolic and diastolic levels.
Connect the two with a vertical solid line. Use blank lines at the bottom of the sheet to record special data such as the
24–hour total of the patient’s intake and output.
9–36. SF 519–B
a. SF 519–B (Radiologic Consultation Request/Report) will be used to request and report results of radiologic
examinations, except in instances where the request and or report results are generated/stored electronically by the
hospital information system. SF 519–B is constructed in three–part sets (original and two copies). When an examina-
tion is requested, the whole set is sent to the radiology department. After the results are recorded, the third copy is kept
in the radiology department files. (For disposition instructions, see AR 25–400–2, file number 40–66y, photograph and
duplicate medical files, and table 3–1 of this regulation.) The original is routed for immediate filing in the ITR, OTR,
or STR. The second copy is routed to the requesting practitioner for use and disposition. Carbon copies of radiologic
reports will not be filed in the medical record.
b. Whether a typewritten, electronic, handwritten, or verbal report, the results of all “wet” readings must be
documented in the patient’s medical record. This documentation can be found on SF 519–B, SF 600, or SF 558.
Table 9–1
NATO national military medical authorities
Country Address
Block: Urgency.
Completed by: Clinic or ward.
Instructions: Check the proper box.
Remarks: This block is not on SF 553 or SF 554.
Block: Date.
Completed by: Laboratory.
Instructions: Enter date that the report is completed by the laboratory.
Remarks: N/A
Block: Remarks.
Completed by: Laboratory.
Instructions: Enter any special information for the practitioner or the patient’s records.
Remarks: N/A
Table 9–3
Specific instructions for preparing laboratory forms
Form: SF 545
Use: To mount laboratory forms.
Remarks: Instructions for mounting laboratory forms are printed on the bottom of SF 545. When a patient needs the same type of test several
times, use the same display sheet for each test result form. When only a few tests are made, mount the forms on alternate strips (that is, 1, 3,
5, and 7). When there is a mixed assortment of forms, mount them in the most practical sequence. After mounting the forms, check the proper
boxes in the lower right corner to show which forms are displayed.
Form: SF 546
Use: To request blood chemistry tests.
Remarks: At the bottom of the list of tests, there is a block requesting a battery or profile of tests. When requesting this battery, enter the
name of the profile.
Form: SF 547
Use: To request blood gas measurements, T3, T4, serum iron, iron–binding capacity, glucose tolerance, and other chemistry tests.
Remarks: N/A
Form: SF 548
Use: To request chemistry tests performed using urine specimens.
Remarks: Explain a check in the “Other” box under “Specimen Interval.”
Form: SF 549
Use: To request routine hematology (including differential morphology), coagulation measurements, and other hematology tests.
Remarks: N/A
Form: SF 550
Use: To request urinalysis tests, both routine and microscopic.
Remarks: Use “HCG” to request and report measurements of human chorionic gonadotropin. Use “PSP” to request and report
phenolsulfonphthalein measurements.
Form: SF 551
Use: To request tests that measure serum antibodies, including tests for syphilis.
Remarks: Definitions for the serology test abbreviations are as follows:
RPR—rapid plasma reagin card test for syphilis.
COLD AGG—cold agglutinins.
ASO—antistreptolysin 0 titers.
CRP—C–reactive protein.
FTA–ABS—fluorescent treponemal antibody–absorption test.
FEBRILE AGG—febrile agglutinins.
COMP FIX—complement fixation.
TPHA—Treponema pallidum hemagglutination.
Write the name of the specific antibody determination in the COMP FIX or HAI block.
Form: SF 552
Use: To request tests for intestinal parasites, blood parasites such as malaria, and other tests performed using feces.
Remarks: N/A
Form: SF 554
Use: To request tests for fungi, acid–fast bacteria (tuberculosis), and viruses.
Remarks: See table 9–2 (Specimen Source block) for information on preparing the Infection, Clinical Information, and Antibacterial Therapy
Form: SF 555
Use: To request tests using spinal fluid.
Remarks: To request bacteriological studies on spinal fluid specimens, also submit SF 553 or SF 554. When requesting electrophoresis
measurements or other miscellaneous tests performed on spinal fluid, also submit SF 557.
Form: SF 557
Use: To request tests, such as electrophoresis and assays of coagulation factors, which are not ordered on other forms.
Remarks: N/A
Figure 9–2. Examples for calculations of episodes of OR nursing and episodes of anesthesia
Section I
Section II
Initiating, Keeping, and Disposing of Extended Ambulatory Records
Section III
Preparation and Use of Extended Ambulatory Records
11–2. Preparation
a. A medical officer will complete DD Form 1380 or supervise its completion. When DD Form 1380 has been
initiated by a combat medic, the supervising AMEDD officer will complete, review, and sign DD Form 1380.
b. In a theater of operations, DD Form 1380 will be prepared for any patient treated at one of the MTFs mentioned
in paragraph 11–1 and may also be used for CRO cases (para 3–19). For transfer cases, DD Form 1380 will be
attached to the patient’s clothing, where it will remain until the patient arrives at a hospital or RTD. If the patient dies,
DD Form 1380 will remain attached to the body until internment, when it will be removed. If the body cannot be
identified, the registration number given the remains by the Mortuary Affairs Service will be noted on DD Form 1380.
c. Under conditions of extreme stress, DD Form 1380 for patients being transferred may be only partially com-
pleted. Otherwise, all entries will be completed as fully as possible. Detailed instructions for preparing DD Form 1380
11–4. Disposition
If DD Form 1380 is generated but the patient is not admitted to a hospital, the form will be sent to the medical
command and control headquarters or the command surgeon for statistical coding.
a. After coding, DD Form 1380 will be disposed of in accordance with AR 25–400–2 as described in (1) through
(4), below.
(1) Forms pertaining to military personnel will be disposed of as follows.
(a) Forms pertaining to Active Army officers will be sent to Commander, AHRC, ATTN: AHRC–MSR, 200 Stovall
St., Alexandria, VA 22332–0400 for insertion in official military personnel file.
(b) Forms pertaining to Active Army enlisted personnel will be sent to Commander, U.S. Army Enlisted Records
and Evaluation Center, ATTN: PCRE–RP, 8899 East 56th St., Indianapolis, IN 46249–5301 for insertion in official
military personnel file.
(c) Forms pertaining to Active Navy or Marine Corps personnel will be sent to The Surgeon General, Naval Medical
Command, ATTN: Code 33, Department of the Navy, Washington, DC 20372–5120.
(d) Forms pertaining to Active Air Force personnel will be sent to AFOMS/SGSB, Brooks Air Force Base, TX
(e) Forms pertaining to all other U.S. uniformed personnel will be sent to USAMEDCOM, ATTN: MCHO–CL–P,
2050 Worth Rd., Fort Sam Houston, TX 78234–6000.
(2) Forms pertaining to civilian personnel will be sent to the NPRC (Civilian), 111 Winnebago St., St. Louis, MO
(3) Forms pertaining to foreign nationals within the overseas area will be forwarded to the appropriate authorities.
Within the USAMEDCOM, forward to USAMEDCOM, ATTN: MCHO–CL–P, 2050 Worth Rd., Fort Sam Houston,
TX 78234–6000.
(4) Forms pertaining to prisoners of war will be sent to DCS, G–1, ATTN: DAPE–HRE, 200 Stovall St.,
Alexandria, VA 20314–0300.
b. When a transferred patient arrives at a hospital, his or her DD Form 1380 will be used to prepare the ITR. DD
Form 1380 will then become part of the ITR. (See fig 9–1.)
c. The original DD Form 1380 used to record outpatient treatment in peacetime operations or during training
exercises will be forwarded to the custodian of the patient’s STR or OTR for inclusion in the record.
d. All carbon copies of DD Form 1380 will be disposed of in accordance with AR 25–400–2.
Block: 1
Instructions: Enter patient’s name, rank, and complete SSN. For foreign military personnel (including prisoners of war), enter military
service number. Enter military occupational specialty or area of concentration for specialty code. Enter religion. Check appropriate box for
Block: 2
Instructions: Enter patient’s unit of assignment and the country of whose armed forces the patient is a member. Check armed service of the
patient, that is, A/T = Army, AF/A = Air Force, N/M = Navy, and MC/M = Marine.
Block: 3
Instructions: Use figures to show location of injury or injuries. Check appropriate box(es) to describe patient injury or injuries.
Block: 4
Instructions: Check appropriate box.
Block: 5
Instructions: Write in the pulse rate and the time that the pulse was measured.
Block: 6
Instructions: Check yes or no box. Write in date and time that tourniquet was applied.
Block: 7
Instructions: Check yes or no box. Write in dose administered. Write in date and time administered.
Block: 8
Instructions: Write in type of solution. Write in time and location given. If additional space is required, use Block 9.
Block: 9
Instructions: Write in information requested. If additional space is needed, use Block 14.
Block: 10
Instructions: Check appropriate box. Write in date and time of disposition.
Block: 11
Instructions: Write in signature and unit of medical officer completing form. Write in initials of combat medics initiating form on the right side
of block.
Block: 12
Instructions: Write in date and time of arrival. Record blood pressure, pulse, and respirations in space provided.
Block: 13
Instructions: Document appropriate comments by date and time of observation.
Block: 14
Instructions: Document provider’s orders by date and time. Record dose of tetanus administered and time administered. Record type and
dose of antibiotic administered and time administered.
Block: 15
Instructions: Write in signature of provider or medical officer.
Block: 16
Instructions: Check appropriate box. Enter date and time.
Block: 17
Instructions: This block will be completed by the Unit Ministry Team. Check appropriate box of service provided. Write in signature of
chaplain providing service.
12–4. Patient Administration Division role in handling medical records in the Risk Management
a. In all cases of potential compensable events or Federal tort claims, original medical or dental records will not be
released by the record custodian directly to the patient or his or her authorized representative. The MCJA or claims
judge advocate (CJA) or U.S. Army Claims Service (USARCS), as appropriate, will release copies of the records. (This
restriction does not apply to cases in which the claim is being filed with an individual or agency outside the U.S.
Government.) Original records will not be released unless requested by a Government attorney defending the United
States in a malpractice lawsuit. Any such request for medical or dental records must be in writing, specifying the dates
of treatment and the names of the MTFs or DTFs involved. The records will be released, if at all, in accordance with
AR 340–21 and AR 27–20. Release of medical or dental records is limited to records defined in figures 5–1, 5–2, 5–3,
6–1, 6–2, 6–3, 8–1, and 9–1. Records kept by various departments, services, and clinics in an MTF or DTF (for
example, x rays, wet tissue, paraffin blocks, microscopic slides, surgical and autopsy specimens, tumor death reports,
and fetal monitoring strips) will not be released unless requested by the Litigation Division, U.S. Army Legal Services
Agency, or USARCS. Original x rays, paraffin blocks, and slides will not be released. When medical or dental records
are needed for treatment purposes elsewhere, copies or appropriate extracts of the records will be furnished. Before the
disposition of these records to the NPRC, consult USARCS, Bldg. 4411 Llewellyn Ave., Fort Meade, MD
20755–5360, or the Litigation Division, U.S. Army Legal Services Agency, ATTN: JALS–LT, 901 North Stuart St.,
Arlington, VA 22203–1837.
b. Special attention will be given to the handling of medical or dental records involved in litigation or adjudication
to ensure accuracy and correlation of evidential documentation. The practices described in (1) through (6), below, will
be followed.
(1) Before any action (for example, photocopy; release to local CJA; transmittal to Litigation Division, U.S. Army
Legal Services Agency; or response to subpoena), the original medical or dental record will be reviewed for completion
by the Patient Administration Division or the DENTAC and will be assembled in the appropriate order prescribed in
this regulation. All undersized reports (x–ray reports, laboratory reports, electrocardiographic tracings, or special
tracings) will be attached to their respective display or mounting sheets. Medical or dental records involved in litigation
or adjudication require special safeguarding in the Patient Administration Division and will be maintained separately in
locked filing cabinets or safes. Complete records filed separately will be accounted for in the central file area with a
chargeout guide. Periodic review of records in this secure area with CJA may allow closed cases to be returned to file.
Care must be taken to notify the NPRC of records not retired in accordance with disposition schedule in AR 25–400–2,
and records retired out of schedule. Portions of records (for example, reports of special examinations) maintained
separately will be cross–referenced by an annotation in the basic record (for example, on SF 600). (See para 2–6.)
(2) Reproductions must be legible (that is, the print will not be blurred or too light to read); words and portions of
words will not be cut off because of improper positioning of the original copies in the copying equipment; and there
will be a photocopy page to correspond with every original page. All pages will be numbered consecutively regardless
of the number of hospitalizations. (Pages will be numbered before copying.) To ensure legible reproduction of
laboratory reports mounted on SF 545, each laboratory report will be detached from the display form and individually
Chapter 13
DD Form 689
13–1. Purpose and use
a. This chapter prescribes policy and procedures for the preparation, use, and disposition of DD Form 689.
b. The DD Form 689 will be issued to a patient who either requests or receives medical or dental treatment or
evaluation at an Army MTF. The DD Form 689 may be used at any time as a means of communication between the
attending AMEDD personnel and the unit commander of the military member (hereinafter referred to as the patient).
Examples are:
(1) To assign a temporary profile, not to exceed 30 days, in accordance with AR 40–501, chapter 7.
(2) To furnish information concerning height and weight, as required in AR 600–9.
(3) To communicate to the patient’s commander any limitations when DA Form 3349 is inappropriate.
13–3. Procedures
a. The DD Form 689 will be initiated in two copies. Identification data may be completed by or for the patient. The
form consists of three sections to be completed in accordance with the following instructions (see fig 13–1).
(1) “Illness” and “injury” blocks. Check “Illness” or “Injury.”
(2) “LOD” block. Leave blank. Action regarding LOD will be taken under the provisions of AR 600–8–1, as
(3) “Remarks” block. The following information will be entered in the “Remarks” block when a DD Form 689 is
prepared for individuals referred to an MTF:
(a) Duty status at time of condition (for example, Duty, Leave, AWOL, etc.).
(b) For nonbattle injuries, the circumstances of how, when, and where injury occurred.
(c) Any specific request to the MTF. For example: “Request psychiatric examination,” “Can this individual do KP,”
(d) Other information that may be helpful to the AMEDD personnel.
(4) “Signature of Unit Commander” block. The commander or his or her designee will sign this section.
b. The medical officer’s section will be completed by AMEDD personnel in accordance with the following:
(1) “Line of duty” block. See paragraph a(2), above.
(2) “Disposition of patient” block. The disposition of the patient will be indicated by a check mark in the
appropriate space provided on the form, as follows:
(a) DUTY: When the patient is returned to his or her unit for full duty without restrictions.
(b) QUARTERS: When the patient is returned to his or her unit or home for medically directed self–treatment and is
not to perform military duty until a medical officer indicates that he or she may perform such duties. (Note: The
medical officer will indicate in the Remarks section the duration of the quarters status in number of hours, and indicate
Chapter 14
Medical Warning Tag and DA Label 162
14–1. Description and use
a. The Medical Warning Tag is made of aluminum of bright red color the size and shape of the Army Identification
Tag (AFI 36–3026 (I)/AR 600–8–14/BUPERS INSTR 1750.10B/MCO P5512.1C/CIM 5512.1/COMM Corps Pers
Manual 29.2, Instr 1 and 2/NCD, Chap 1, Part 5). It serves as a means of rapid recognition of selected health problems
when records are not available and the individual requiring medical treatment is unable to give a medical history. (For
example, when an unconscious Soldier has had a reaction to penicillin in the past, circumstances might lead a person
rendering treatment to administer penicillin unless knowledge of the allergy is available.)
b. DA Label 162 is a self–adhesive label depicting the “Star of Life” (fig 14–1). It consists of a white serpent on a
white staff superimposed on a red star with a white background. DA Label 162 is affixed to the STR, OTR, CEMR,
and DD Form 2766 (folder construction only) to assist in the recognition of selected health problems documented
within these records. It will be affixed to these records in conjunction with issuance of the Medical Warning Tag.
Figure 14–1. DA Label 162 (Emergency Medical Identification Symbol), shown actual size
14–2. Applicability
a. In CONUS, provisions of this chapter will be implemented at Army MTFs and designated embossing units.
b. Army overseas commanders will implement provisions of this chapter as feasible, with such adaptions as may be
14–3. Responsibilities
a. MEDCEN/MEDDAC commanders will—
(1) Train AMEDD personnel to look for, recognize, and use the information on the tag.
(2) Ensure that DA Label 162 is affixed to the STR, OTR, CEMR, and DD Form 2766 (folder construction only)
whenever DA Form 3365 is initiated.
(3) Ensure availability of material necessary to support this program.
Figure 14–2. Sample letter to be presented to patients upon issuance of Medical Warning Tag
c. Installation or organization commanders, when requested by an MTF, will designate a unit or units (which are
equipped to emboss Army Identification Tags) to emboss Medical Warning Tags on receipt of DA Form 3365.
d. Activities embossing medical warning tags will—
(1) Establish procedures which facilitate immediate preparation and delivery.
(2) Ensure Medical Warning Tag blanks are not used for any other purpose.
e. Individuals will wear the tag at all times for protection.
14–4. Criteria for issue of Medical Warning Tags and DA Labels 162
a. DA Label 162 will be affixed to the patients STR, OTR, DD Form 2766 (folder construction only), or CEMR and
a Medical Warning Tag will be issued to any individual receiving care at an MTF when a medical officer determines
that a patient has a medical condition meeting the criteria described below.
b. Medical conditions warranting such identification should satisfy the following criteria:
(1) Be permanent in nature.
(2) Be well established with definite diagnosis.
(3) Be of such a nature that, if the individual were unable to give a history of the problem, indicated medical care
might be improper, delayed, or otherwise compromised.
14–5. Procedures
a. Preparation of DA Form 3365. This form will be prepared in original and at least two copies. The medical officer
or PA will sign the original and forward it to the embossing unit. The form includes a section representing the tag with
an embossing format of five plate lines, 18 blocks each. This section is illustrated in figure 14–3. Each entry will begin
in the first block of a new line. Abbreviations, except for initials in the name, are not authorized. If a word requires
more than 18 spaces, enter a dash after the last syllable that can be completed and continue the word on the next line.
Only one letter will be entered in each block in this section. The following information will be provided:
Figure 14–3. Example of completed “Tag Content” section, DA Form 3365 (Authorization for Medical Warning Tag)
(1) First line (individual identification). Enter the patient’s name (last, first, middle initial) or last name and initials.
Enter the sponsor’s SSN following the middle initial. When space is insufficient for name and SSN on this line, use
line two for continuation.
(2) Second or following unused line (drug, serum, or other allergy). Enter allergy on the next unused line beginning
in block number one, and on the next unused line (beginning in block number one), the drug, serum, or other agent, for
example, PENICILLIN.
(3) Third or next unused line (specific conditions or potential problems). Enter the name of the condition or
potential problem on the next unused line beginning in block number one, for example, CONTACT LENSES,
Chapter 15
DA Form 7656, Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Card
15–1. Background
a. Pre-MTF documentation of medical interventions by first responders at the point of injury (POI) is critical to
ensuring continuity of care and providing meaningful analyses of interventions rendered at the POI.
b. DA Form 7656 promotes the Army’s goal of achieving documentation of pre-MTF medical interventions at the
POI. It is designed for use by all first responders including non-medical first responders. DA Form 7656 is Soldier-
centric, not medic-centric.
15–2. Policy
a. Commanders will ensure that all medical first responders use DA Form 7656 to document pre-MTF care at the
POI in the theater of operations. Such care relates to both battle injuries and non-battle illnesses.
b. Trained medical personnel at MTFs will use DD Form 1380 as described in chapter 11 of this regulation.
c. Once completed, DA Form 7656 must be visibly attached to the patient or inserted into the left upper arm pocket/
left lower pants pocket. Upon arrival at a Level III MTF, DA Form 7656 will be included with the paper medical
record, then scanned and entered into an AHLTA-T encounter in the emergency medical treatment area. Level III MTF
commanders must establish a clear process to ensure entry of the medical information recorded on DA Form 7656 into
d. DA Form 7656 will be a component of the improved first aid kit (IFAK). Upon receipt of the form, unit
commanders should have Soldiers insert the form into their IFAK. Combat medics (68W) and MEDEVAC crews
should carry blank versions of the form.
e. Under conditions of extreme stress, DA Form 7656 may be only partially completed for Soldiers being evacuated.
Otherwise, first responders will complete all entries as fully as possible. Detailed instructions for preparing DA Form
7656 are provided in table 15-1.
f. All abbreviations authorized for use on DA Form 3647, CHCS, AHLTA, or ESSENTRIS electronic equivalent
may also be used on DA Form 7656.
g. All entries on the DA Form 7656 will be made using a standard ball point pen that does not wash off or a non-
smearing pen or marker.
15–4. Disposition
In a theater of operation, if DA Form 7656 is generated but the Soldier is not evacuated to a Level I, II, or III MTF,
the form will be sent to the medical command and control headquarters or the unit command surgeon for entry into the
Soldier’s medical record (DD Form 2766) and into data bases for statistical analysis and data mining.
a. After statistical analysis and data mining, the DA Form 7656 will be returned to the Soldier’s assigned/attached
unit for disposition in the Soldier’s STR upon redeployment to CONUS.
b. Under no circumstances will DA Form 7656 be provided to the Soldier in lieu of returning it to the Soldier’s
assigned/attached unit for disposition in the STR.
Table 15–1
Instructions for completing DA Form 7656 (Front of Card)
Item Instructions
Name/Unit Write Soldier’s name and unit.
DTG (date, time, group) Add date and time and group. For example, 2PM on Sat, 15 Aug
2009 would be: “151400ZAUG2009.
Allergies Write the Soldier’s known medication allergies; if no allergies, record
“NKDA” (no known drug allergies).
Friendly, unknown, NBC Circle which exposure resulted in this injury (friendly; exposure un-
known; or NBC (nuclear, biological, chemical)).
TQ (tourniquet) time If a tourniquet is applied, circle “TQ” and write the time of tourniquet
Body picture Mark an “X” at the site of the injury(ies) on the body picture. For
burn injuries, circle the burn percentage(s) on the figure.
GSW BLAST MVA Other___________ Circle the cause of injury (gunshot wound, blast, motor vehicle acci-
dent, other (specify)).
Time, AVPU, Pulse, Resp, BP Record the level of consciousness AVPU (alert, verbal stimulus,
painful stimulus, unresponsive) and vital signs (pulse, respiration,
blood pressure) with time.
Table 15–2
Instructions for completing DA Form 7656 (Back of Card)
Item Instructions
A Circle Airway interventions (Intact, Adjunct, Cric (Cricothyrotomy) In-
B Circle Breathing interventions (Chest Seal, NeedleD (needle decom-
pression), Chest Tube).
C Circle bleeding control measures addressing Circulation. Don’t for-
get tourniquet time on front of card (TQ (tourniquet), Hemostatic,
Packed, PressureDrsg (pressure dressing)).
Fluids Circle route of fluid (IV (intravenous) or IO (intraosseous)); type (NS
(normal saline solution), LR (lactated ringer’s solution), Hextend);
and amount given. Specify other fluids.
Drugs Record the type, dose, and route of any drugs given (pain medica-
tions, ABX (antibiotics), or other).
Other Use the Other section to record any other pertinent notes and to ex-
plain any action that needs clarification.
Name The first responder will sign the card.
Section I
Required Publications
AR 25–55
The Department of the Army Freedom of Information Act Program (Cited in paras 1–6a, 2–1, 2–3b(3), 2–4c, and
AR 25–400–2
The Army Records Information Management System (ARIMS) (Cited in paras 1–6a and b, 2–4a(4), 2–6b, 4–4b(2),
5–21b(5), 5–22, 5–28d(2), 6–1, 6–4, 6–6a, 6–7h, 7–9, 8–8, 9–1c, 9–2b(1), 9–3b(6), 9–7, 9–10a, 9–10c, 9–12b(6)(c),
9–12b(7)(i), 9–32g, 9–37a, 11–4a, 11–4d, and 12–4b(1), and table 4–4.)
AR 27–20
Claims (Cited in para 12–4.)
AR 27–40
Litigation (Cited in para 2–5g.)
AR 40–3
Medical, Dental, and Veterinary Care (Cited in paras 2–3b(1)(b)1, 2-4 a (1)(a), and 9–2c(2).)
AR 40–5
Preventive Medicine (Cited in paras 2-4 a (1)(a), 5–21b(9) and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, and 7–1.)
AR 40–8
Temporary Flying Restrictions Due to Exogenous Factors Affecting Aircrew Efficiency (Cited in para 2-4 a (1)(a).)
AR 40–21
Medical Aspects of Army Aircraft Accident Investigation Cited para 2-4 a (1)(a).)
AR 40–38
Clinical Investigation Program (Cited in paras 1–4k and 6–2g, and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, and 6–2.)
AR 40–68
Clinical Quality Management (Cited in paras 2–1 and 12–1.)
AR 40–400
Patient Administration (Cited in paras 2-4 a (1)(a), 3–5a(4), 3–12b(1)(a), 3–16d, 5–21a(5), and 9–2c(1), table 4–1, and
figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, and 9–1.)
AR 40–501
Standards of Medical Fitness (Cited in paras 2-4 a (1)(a), 2–4a(2)(k)1, 5–21b(1), 5–21b(3), and 13–1b(1), and figs 5–1,
5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 7–1, and 9–1.)
AR 50–5
Nuclear Surety (Cited in paras 2-4 a (1)(a), 2–4a(2)(k)1, 5–21b(8), 5–23c, 5–23e, 5–30a, 5–30b, 7–4b(7), and 8–3b(2),
and figs 5–1, 5–2, 5–3, 6–1, 6–2, 7–1, 8–1, and 9–1.)
AR 50–6
Chemical Surety (Cited in paras 2-4 a (1)(a), 5–21b(8), 5–23c, 5–23e, 5–30a, 5–30b, 7–4b(7), and 8–3b(2), and figs
5–1, 5–2, 5–3, 6–1, 6–2, 7–1, 8–1, and 9–1.)
AR 190–8
Enemy Prisoners Of War, Retained Personnel, Civilian Internees and Other Detainees (Cited in para 3–21a.)
AR 190–45
Law Enforcement Reporting (Cited in para 2-4 a (1)(a).)
AR 340–21
The Army Privacy Program (Cited in paras 1–6a, 2–1, 2-4 a (1)(a), 2–4c, 3–4f, 4–4a(10), 5–23b, and 12–4a.)
AR 380–5
Department of the Army Information Security Program (Cited in para 2–7a.)
AR 385–10
The Army Safety Program (Cited in para 2-4 a (1)(a).)
AR 600–8–1
Army Casualty Operations/Assistance/Insurance (Cited in paras 2-4 a (1)(a), 9–2c(1) and 13–3a(2), and figs 5–1 and
AR 600–8–4
Line of Duty Policy, Procedures, and Investigations (Cited in para 2-4 a (1)(a).)
AR 600–8–101
Personnel Processing (In-, Out- Soldier Readiness, Mobilization and Deployment Processing (Cited in para 2-4 a
AR 600–8–104
Military Personnel Information Management/Records (Cited in para 5–26a.)
AR 600–85
Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) (Cited in paras 2–1, 5–26b(2)(k), 8–2, and 8–3a.)
AR 600–105
Aviation Service of Rated Army Officers (Cited in figs 5–1, 5–2, and 7–1.)
AR 600–110
Identification, Surveillance, and Administration of Personnel Infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
(Cited in paras 2-4 a (1)(a) and 3–10.)
AR 608–18
The Army Family Advocacy Program (Cited in para 2-4 a (1)(a).)
AR 608–75
Exceptional Family Member Program (Cited in paras 2-4 a (1)(a), 6–2f, and figs 6–1 and 6–2.)
AR 635–40
Physical Evaluation for Retention, Retirement, or Separation (Cited in paras 2-4 a (1)(a), 2–4a(2)(k)1, 5–2c(3)(e), and
5–21a(4), and figs 5–1 and 5–2.)
DA Pam 385–40
Army Accident Investigations and Reporting (Cited in para 2-4 a (1)(a).)
DA Pam 600–85
Army Substance Abuse Program Civilian Services (Cited in paras 5–21b(4), 8–9k, and 8–9l, and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1,
6–2, and 8–1.)
DOD 6025.18–R
DOD Health Information Privacy Regulation (Cited in paras 1–4a(6), 1–4e(4), 2–1, 2–2b and h(5), 2–4a(2)(k), 2–5k,
and 2–5l.) (Available at
Hospitals’ and Physicians’ Handbook on Birth Registration and Fetal Death Reporting
(Cited in para 3–13c.) (To obtain this handbook in the United States, write to the health department of the State where
the MTF is located; outside the United States, write to the National Center for Health Statistics, Department of Health
and Human Services, 3700 East–West Hwy., Hyattsville, MD 20782–9102. Also available at
NGR 40–501
Standards of Medical Fitness (Cited in fig 5–1.) (Applies only to National Guard personnel) (Available at http://www.
NGR 600–200
Enlisted Personnel Management (Cited in para 5–27.) (Applies only to National Guard personnel.) (Available at http://
PL 104–191
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) (Cited in paras 1–4a(6), 1–4e(4), 2–2d, and 3–4f(1).)
(Available at
TB MED 250
Recording Dental Examinations, Diagnoses, and Treatments; and Appointment Control (Cited in paras 1–3b, 3–8d,
5–20b, and 5–27c, figs 5–3 and 6–3, and app B.) (Available at
Section II
Related Publications
A related publication is a source of additional information. The user does not have to read a related publication to
understand this regulation. The United States Code is available at The
Code of Federal Regulations is available at
AFI 36–3026 (I)/AR 600–8–14/BUPERS INSTR 1750.10B/MCO P5512.1C/CIM 5512.1/COMM Corps Pers Man-
ual 29.2, Instr 1 and 2/NCD, Chap 1, Part 5
Identification Cards for Members of the Uniformed Services, Their Eligible Family Members, and Other Eligible
American Hospital Association Guidelines for Recording Chaplains’ Notes in Medical Records
(These Guidelines are no longer being updated by the American Hospital Association. To obtain a copy of the
Guidelines, last revised in 1990, call (703) 681–8028, or write to Armed Forces Medical Library, HQDA–AFML,
Room 670, Skyline 6, 5109 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041–3258. The Armed Forces Medical Library (http:// may also be contacted via E–mail at
AR 11–2
Management Control
AR 11–9
The Army Radiation Safety Program
AR 20–1
Inspector General Activities and Procedures
AR 40–35
Preventive Dentistry
AR 215–3
Nonappropriated Funds Personnel Policy
AR 380–67
Personnel Security Program
AR 600–8–24
Officer Transfers and Discharges
AR 600–9
The Army Weight Control Program
AR 635–200
Active Duty Enlisted Administrative Separations
DOD 6055.05–M
Occupational Medical Examinations and Surveillance Manual
DODD 1308.1
DOD Physical Fitness and Body Fat Program (Available at
DODD 5210.42
Nuclear Weapons Personnel Reliability Program (Available at
DODD 6025.18
Privacy of Individually Identifiable Health Information in DOD Health Care Program (Available at
DODD 6490.2
Joint Medical Surveillance (Available at
DODI 1332.38
Physical Disability Evaluation (Available at
DODI 1400.32
DOD Civilian Work Force Contingency and Emergency Planning Guidelines and Procedures (Available at http://www.
DODI 2310–01E
The Department of Defense Detainee Program (Available at
DODI 3020.37
Continuation of Essential DOD Contractor Services During Crises (Available at
DODI 6040.43
Custody and Control of Outpatient Medical Records (Available at
DODI 6055.5
Industrial Hygiene and Occupational Health (Available at
DODI 6490.3
Implementation and Application of Joint Medical Surveillance for Deployments (Available at
FM 4–02.10
Theater Hospitalization (Available at
Joint Chiefs of Staff Memorandum, 1 Feb 02, Subject: Updated Procedures for Deployment Health Surveillance and
Readiness (Available at
NAVMED 6300–5
Inpatient Admission/Disposition Record (Available at
5 CFR 293
Personal records (Available at
5 CFR 297
Privacy procedures for personal records (Available at
5 USC 552
Records about individuals (Available at
10 USC 1044
Security requirements for protected disclosures under section 3164 of the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal
year 2000 (Available at
10 USC 1093
Performance of abortions: restrictions (Available at
21 CFR 606
Current good manufacturing practice for blood and blood components (Available at
29 CFR 1904
Recording and reporting occupational injuries and illnesses (Available at
29 CFR 1910
Occupational safety and health standards (Available at
29 CFR 1960
Basic program elements for Federal employee occupational safety and health programs and related matters (Available
32 CFR 219
Protection of human subjects (Available at
42 CFR 2
Confidentiality of alcohol and drug abuse patient records (Available at
42 USC 290dd–2
Confidentiality of records (Available at
42 CFR 493
Laboratory requirements (Available at
42 USC 1320d–5
General penalty for failure to comply with requirements and standards (Available at
42 USC 1320d–6
Wrongful disclosure of individually identifiable health information (Available at
42 USC 1395
Prohibition against any Federal interference (Available at
49 CFR 382
Controlled substance and alcohol use and testing (Available at
Section III
Prescribed Forms
Unless otherwise indicated below, DA Forms are available at the Army Publishing Directorate Web site (www.apd.; DD Forms are available at the DOD Directorate for Information Operations and Reports Web site (www.; and Standard and Optional Forms (SF and OF) are available at the GSA Web site
( In addition, the following series of forms are available through normal publishing channels: the DA
Form 3443–series; the DA Form 3444–series; the DA Form 8005–series; SF 518 through SF 525; and SF 545 through
SF 557.
DA Form 3365
Authorization for Medical Warning Tag (Prescribed in paras 6–7f, 14–1, 14–3c, and 14–5, and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2,
and 7–1.)
DA Form 3443
Terminal Digit–X–Ray Film Preserver (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, and 4–5.)
DA Form 3443X
Terminal Digit–X–Ray Film Negative Preserver (Loan) (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, and 4–5.)
DA Form 3443Y
Terminal Digit–X–Ray Film Negative Preserver (Insert). (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, and 4–5.)
DA Form 3443Z
Terminal Digit–X–Ray Film Negative Preserver (Report Insert) (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, and 4–5.)
DA Form 3444
Alphabetical and Terminal Digit File for Treatment Record (Orange) (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, 5–25e(1), 6–2a,
7–4a, 8–4b, 9–2b, 9–5, and 10–7.)
DA Form 3444–1
Alphabetical and Terminal Digit File for Treatment Record (Light Green). (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, 5–25e(1),
6–2a, 7–4a, 8–4b, 9–2b, 9–5, and 10–7.)
DA Form 3444–2
Alphabetical and Terminal Digit File for Treatment Record (Yellow) (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, 5–25e(1), 6–2a,
7–4a, 8–4b, 9–2b, 9–5, and 10–7.)
DA Form 3444–3
Alphabetical and Terminal Digit File for Treatment Record (Grey). (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, 5–25e(1), 6–2a,
7–4a, 8–4b, 9–2b, 9–5, and 10–7.)
DA Form 3444–4
Alphabetical and Terminal Digit File for Treatment Record (Tan) (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, 5–25e(1), 6–2a, 7–4a,
8–4b, 9–2b, 9–5, and 10–7.)
DA Form 3444–5
Alphabetical and Terminal Digit File for Treatment Record (Light Blue) (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, 5–25e(1), 6–2a,
7–4a, 8–4b, 9–2b, 9–5, and 10–7.)
DA Form 3444–6
Alphabetical and Terminal Digit File for Treatment Record (White) (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, 5–25e(1), 6–2a,
7–4a, 8–4b, 9–2b, 9–5, and 10–7.)
DA Form 3444–8
Alphabetical and Terminal Digit File for Treatment Record (Pink) (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, 5–25e(1), 6–2a, 7–4a,
8–4b, 9–2b, 9–5, and 10–7.)
DA Form 3444–9
Alphabetical and Terminal Digit File for Treatment Records (Red) (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, 5–25e(1), 6–2a, 7–4a,
8–4b, 9–2b, 9–5, and 10–7.)
DA Form 3705
Receipt for Outpatient Treatment/Dental Records (Prescribed in para 5–26a(2) 6–4b(1).)
DA Form 3822
Report of Mental Status Evaluation) (Prescribed in para 2-4 a (4)(c.)
DA Form 3824
Urologic Examination (Prescribed in figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 9–1, and 10–1.)
DA Form 3888
Medical Record—Nursing History and Assessment (Prescribed in para 9–13 and fig 9–1.)
DA Form 3888–2
Medical Record—Nursing Care Plan (Prescribed in para 9–13 and fig 9–1.)
DA Form 3888–3
Medical Record—Nursing Discharge Summary (Prescribed in para 9–13 and fig 9–1.)
DA Form 3950
Flowsheet for Vital Signs and Other Parameters (Prescribed in para 9–24 and figs 9–1 and 10–1.)
DA Form 4006
Field Medical Record Jacket (Prescribed in para 11–5.) (Available through normal publishing channels.)
DA Form 4028
Prescribed Medication (Prescribed in para 9–28g.) (Available through normal publishing channels.)
DA Form 4107
Operation Request and Worksheet (Prescribed in para 9–29.)
DA Form 4108
Register of Operations (Prescribed in paras 9–29a, 9–29c, and 9–32.) (Available through normal publishing channels.)
DA Form 4221
Diabetic Record (Prescribed in fig 9–1.)
DA Form 4254
Request for Private Medical Information (Prescribed in para 2–4a, 3–23a and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 7–1, 9–1, and
DA Form 4256
Doctor’s Orders (Prescribed in paras 3–3p, 9–14a(4), 9–14c, 9–26, and 10–3a(5), and figs 9–1 and 10–1.) (Available
through normal publishing channels.)
DA Form 4359
Authorization for Psychiatric Service Treatment (Prescribed in para 9–22 and fig 9–1.)
DA Form 4678
Clinical Record—Therapeutic Documentation Care Plan (Medications) (Prescribed in paras 5–21, 9–13c, 9–26d, 9–26e,
and 9–28, and fig 9–1.)
DA Form 4700
Medical Record—Supplemental Medical Data (Prescribed in paras 3–2a, 3–3, 5–21b(7), 9–2b, and 12–4b(4), and figs
5–1, 5–2, 5–3, 6–1, 6–2, 6–3, 7–1, 9–1, and 10–1.)
DA Form 4876
Request and Release of Medical Information to Communications Media (Prescribed in para 2–3b(3) and figs 5–1, 5–2,
6–1, 6–2, 7–1, 9–1, and 10–1.)
DA Form 5007A
Medical Record—Allergy Immunotherapy Record—Single Extract (Prescribed in para 5–5 and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, and
DA Form 5007B
Medical Record—Allergy Immunotherapy Record—Double Extract (Prescribed in para 5–5 and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, and
DA Form 5008
Telephone Medical Advice/Consultation Record (Prescribed in paras 5–6 and 10–3b(6)(a), and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2,
7–1, and 10–1.)
DA Form 5179
Medical Record—Preoperative/Postoperative Nursing Document (Prescribed in para 9–33 and figs 9–1 and 10–1.)
DA Form 5179–1
Medical Record—Intraoperative Document (Prescribed in para 9–34 and figs 9–1 and 10–1.)
DA Form 5181
Screening Note of Acute Medical Care (Prescribed in para 5–7 and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, and 6–2.)
DA Form 5568
Chronological Record of Well–Baby Care (Prescribed in para 6–2 and figs 6–1 and 6–2.)
DA Form 5569
Isoniazid (INH) Clinic Flow Sheet (Prescribed in para 5–8 and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, and 6–2.)
DA Form 5570
Health Questionnaire for Dental Treatment (Prescribed in paras 5–9 and 5–27b, and figs 5–3 and 6–3.) (Available
through normal publishing channels.)
DA Form 7001
Operating Room Schedule (Prescribed in paras 9–29a and 9–30.)
DA Form 7095
ASAP Outpatient Discharge Summary (Prescribed in para 8–9a and fig 8–1.)
DA Form 7096
ASAP Outpatient Aftercare Plan (Prescribed in para 8–9b and fig 8–1.)
DA Form 7097
ASAP Outpatient Problem List and Treatment Plan Review (Prescribed in para 8–9c and fig 8–1.)
DA Form 7099
ASAP Outpatient Biopsychosocial Evaluation (Prescribed in para 8–9e and fig 8–1.)
DA Form 7389
Medical Record—Anesthesia (Prescribed in paras 3–2a, 9–10a, and 9–12b(1)(c), and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 9–1, and
10–1.) (Available through normal publishing channels.)
DA Form 7656
Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Card (Prescribed in paras 15–1, 15–2, 15–3, and 15–4.) (Available through
normal publishing channels.)
DA Form 8000
ASAP Triage Instrument (for Unscheduled Patients) (Prescribed in para 8–9f and fig 8–1.)
DA Form 8001
Limits of Confidentiality (Prescribed in para 8–9g and fig 8–1.)
DA Form 8002
ASAP Outpatient Administrative Summary (Prescribed in para 8–9h and fig 8–1.)
DA Form 8003
Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) Enrollment (Prescribed in para 8–9i and fig 8–1.)
DA Form 8004
Army Substance Abuse Program (ASAP) Outpatient Medical Records–Privacy Act Information (Prescribed in para
8–9j and fig 8–1.)
DA Form 8005
Outpatient Medical Record (OMR) (Orange) (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, 5–25e, 5–27, and 6–2a.)
DA Form 8005–1
Outpatient Medical Record (OMR) (Light Green) (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, 5–25e, 5–27, and 6–2a.)
DA Form 8005–2
Outpatient Medical Record (OMR) (Yellow) (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, 5–25e, 5–27, and 6–2a.)
DA Form 8005–3
Outpatient Medical Record (OMR) (Grey) (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, 5–25e, 5–27, and 6–2a.)
DA Form 8005–4
Outpatient Medical Record (OMR) (Tan) (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, 5–25e, 5–27, and 6–2a.)
DA Form 8005–5
Outpatient Medical Record (OMR) (Light Blue) (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, 5–25e, 5–27, and 6–2a.)
DA Form 8005–6
Outpatient Medical Record (OMR) (White) (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, 5–25e, 5–27, and 6–2a.)
DA Form 8005–7
Outpatient Medical Record (OMR) (Brown) (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, 5–25e, 5–27, and 6–2a.)
DA Form 8005–8
Outpatient Medical Record (OMR) (Pink) (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, 5–25e, 5–27, and 6–2a.)
DA Form 8005–9
Outpatient Medical Record (OMR) (Red) (Prescribed in paras 4–3, 4–4, 5–25e, 5–27, and 6–2a.)
DA Label 162
Emergency Medical Identification Symbol (Prescribed in paras 3–10c, 5–19a, 5–26b(2)(i), 6–7f, 14–1b, 14–3, 14–4,
and 14–5.) (Available through normal publishing channels.)
DD Form 689
Individual Sick Slip (Prescribed in paras 5–2a, 13–1, 13–2, 13–3, and 13–5.)
DD Form 741
Eye Consultation. (Prescribed in figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 7–1, and 9–1.) (Available through normal publishing
DD Form 792
Twenty–Four Hour Patient Input and Output Worksheet (Prescribed in para 9–23.)
DD Form 877
Request for Medical/Dental Records or Information. (Prescribed in para 4–7.)
DD Form 877–1
Request for Medical/Dental Records from the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC), St. Louis, MO (Prescribed
in para 4–7.)
DD Form 1380
U.S. Field Medical Card (Prescribed in paras 3–17a, 5–11, 5–32a(1), 5–33b, 9–1b(2), 9–4, 11–1, 11–2, 11–3, 11–4,
and 11–5, and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, and 9–1.) (Available through normal publishing channels.)
DD Form 1924
Surgical Checklist (Prescribed in para 9–31.) (Available through normal publishing channels.)
DD Form 2005
Privacy Act Statement—Health Care Records (Prescribed in paras 4–4a(9), 5–27a, 7–4a, and 10–3a(1), and figs 5–1,
5–2, 5–3, 6–1, 6–2, 6–3, 7–1, 9–1, and 10–1.)
DD Form 2138
Request for Transfer of Outpatient Records (Prescribed in paras 6–4a(2)(b), 6–4a(2)(c), 6–4b(1), 6–5, and 8–7.)
DD Form 2482
Venom Extract Prescription. (Prescribed in para 5–12 and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, and 6–2.) (Available through normal
publishing channels.)
DD Form 2766
Adult Preventive and Chronic Care Flowsheet (Prescribed in paras 3–10c, 4–4d, 5–10, 5–13, 5–19, 5–21b(12),
5–26b(2), 5–32a, 5–35a(2) and (4), 5–36a, 6–7f, 7–4b(4), 10–7b, and 12–3a(9).) (Available through normal publishing
DD Form 2766C
Adult Preventive and Chronic Care Flowsheet—Continuation Sheet (Prescribed in paras 5–13, 5–32a, and 5–36a.)
(Available through normal publishing channels.)
DD Form 2770
Abbreviated Medical Record (Prescribed in paras 9–21 and 10–3a(2), and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 9–1, and 10–1.)
DD Form 2870
Authorization for Disclosure of Medical or Dental Information (Prescribed in paras 2–3a(1) and 2–3b(1) and figs 5–1,
5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 7–1, 9–1, and 10–1.)
OF 275
Medical Record Report (Prescribed in paras 3–3f, 9–12c, and 9–12e, and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 9–1, and 10–1.)
OF 520
Clinical Record—Electrocardiographic Record (Prescribed in para 3–2a and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 7–1, 9–1, and
10–1.) (Available through normal publishing channels.)
OF 523–B
Medical Record—Authorization for Tissue Donation (Prescribed in fig 9–1.)
SF 502
Clinical Record—Narrative Summary (Prescribed in para 5–2, 5–21, 6–7a, and figs 5–2, 6–2, and 9–1.) (Available
through normal publishing channels.)
SF 503
Clinical Record—Autopsy Protocol (Prescribed in para 9–12f and fig 9–1.)
SF 504
Clinical Record—History—Part I (Prescribed in paras 9–10a, 9–12a, 9–14c, and 9–21e, and fig 9–1.)
SF 505
Clinical Record—History—Parts II and III (Prescribed in paras 9–10a, 9–12a, 9–14c, and 9–21e, and fig 9–1.)
SF 506
Clinical Record—Physical Examination (Prescribed in paras 9–10a, 9–12a, 9–14c, and 9–21e, and fig 9–1.)
SF 507
Medical Record—Report on or Continuation of SF (Prescribed in figs 5–1, 5–2, 5–3, 6–1, 6–2, 6–3, 7–1, 8–1, 9–1, and
SF 509
Medical Record—Progress Notes (Prescribed in paras 3–3k, 5–21a(3), 9–10a, 9–11, 9–12, 9–13, 9–14b, 9–14c, 9–21e,
9–25d, and 10–3b(5) and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 9–1, and 10–1.)
SF 510
Clinical Record—Nursing Notes (Prescribed in paras 3–2a, 9–12b(3), 9–13, and 9–14c, and fig 9–1.)
SF 511
Medical Record—Vital Signs Record (Prescribed in paras 9–23, 9–24, 9–35, and figs 9–1 and 10–1.) (Available
through normal publishing channels.)
SF 512
Clinical Record—Plotting Chart (Prescribed in para 5–15 and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 7–1, 9–1 and 10–1.) (Available
through normal publishing channels.)
SF 513
Medical Record—Consultation Sheet (Prescribed in para 9–12 and figs 5–1, 5–2, 5–3, 6–1, 6–2, 6–3, 7–1, 8–1, 9–1,
and 10–1.)
SF 515
Medical Record—Tissue Examination (Prescribed in para 5–21a(3), 10–3b(1) and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 9–1, and
SF 516
Medical Record—Operation Report (Prescribed in paras 5–21a(3), 9–12, and 10–3b(4), and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2,
9–1, and 10–1.)
SF 519–B
Radiologic Consultation Request/Report (Prescribed in para 9–37 and figs 5–1, 5–2, 5–3, 6–1, 6–2, 6–3, 7–1, 9–1, and
SF 523
Clinical Record—Authorization for Autopsy (Prescribed in fig 9–1.)
SF 523A
Medical Record—Disposition of Body (Prescribed in fig 9–1.)
SF 524
Medical Record—Radiation Therapy. (Prescribed in figs 5–2, 6–2, 9–1, and 10–1.)
SF 525
Medical Record—Radiation Therapy Summary (Prescribed in figs 5–2, 6–2, 9–1, and 10–1.)
SF 526
Medical Record—Interstitial/Intercavitary Therapy (Prescribed in figs 5–2, 6–2, 9–1, and 10–1.)
SF 527
Group Muscle Strength, Joint R.O.M. Girth and Length Measurements (Prescribed in figs 5–2, 6–2, 9–1, and 10–1.)
SF 528
Medical Record—Muscle and/or Nerve Distribution, Face, Neck, and Upper Extremity (Prescribed in figs 5–2, 6–2,
9–1, and 10–1.) (Available through normal publishing channels.)
SF 529
Medical Record—Muscle Function by Nerve Distribution: Trunk and Lower Extremity (Prescribed in figs 5–2, 6–2,
9–1, and 10–1.) (Available through normal publishing channels.)
SF 530
Medical Record—Neurological Examination (Prescribed in figs 9–1 and 10–1.) (Available through normal publishing
channels and also available on the AEL CD–ROM (EM 0001) and at the APD Web site (
SF 531
Medical Record—Anatomical Figure (Prescribed in figs 5–2, 6–2, 9–1, and 10–1.)
SF 533
Medical Record—Prenatal and Pregnancy (Prescribed in figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, and 9–1.)
SF 534
Medical Record—Labor (Prescribed in fig 9–1.) (Available through normal publishing channels.)
SF 535
Clinical Record—Newborn (Prescribed in figs 6–1, 6–2, and 9–1.)
SF 538
Clinical Record—Pediatric (Prescribed in fig 9–1.)
SF 541
Medical Record—Gynecologic Cytology (Prescribed in figs 5–2, 6–2, and 9–1.)
SF 545
Laboratory Report Display (Prescribed in para 5–15, 9–25 and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 7–1, 8–1, 9–1, and 10–1, and
tables 9–2 and 9–3.)
SF 547
Chemistry II (Prescribed in para 9–25 and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 7–1, 8–1, 9–1, and 10–1, and tables 9–2 and 9–3.)
SF 548
Chemistry III (Urine) (Prescribed in para 9–25 and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 7–1, 8–1, 9–1, and 10–1, and tables 9–2
and 9–3.)
SF 549
Hematology (Prescribed in para 9–25 and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 7–1, 8–1, 9–1, and 10–1, and tables 9–2 and 9–3.)
SF 550
Urinalysis (Prescribed in para 9–25 and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 7–1, 8–1, 9–1, and 10–1, and tables 9–2 and 9–3.)
SF 551
Serology (Prescribed in para 9–25 and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 7–1, 8–1, 9–1, and 10–1, and tables 9–2 and 9–3.)
SF 552
Parasitology (Prescribed in para 9–25 and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 7–1, 8–1, 9–1, and 10–1, and tables 9–2 and 9–3.)
SF 553
Microbiology I (Prescribed in para 9–25 and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 7–1, 8–1, 9–1, and 10–1, and tables 9–2 and
SF 554
Microbiology II (Prescribed in para 9–25 and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 7–1, 8–1, 9–1, and 10–1, and tables 9–2 and
SF 555
Spinal Fluid (Prescribed in para 9–25 and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 7–1, 8–1, 9–1, and 10–1, and tables 9–2 and 9–3.)
SF 557
Miscellaneous (Prescribed in para 9–25 and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 7–1, 8–1, 9–1, and 10–1, and tables 9–2 and 9–3.)
SF 558
Medical Record—Emergency Care and Treatment (Prescribed in paras 5–16, 5–21, and 10–3b(6)(b), and figs 5–1, 5–2,
6–1, 6–2, 7–1, 9–1, and 10–1.)
SF 559
Medical Record—Allergen Extract Prescription, New and Refill (Prescribed in paras 5–5 and 5–17, and figs 5–1, 5–2,
6–1, and 6–2.)
SF 600
Medical Record—Chronological Record of Medical Care (Prescribed in paras 2–6a, 5–2c(1), 5–32a(1) and (7), and
5–18, 5–33b, chap 6, and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, 6–2, 7–1, and 8–1.)
SF 601
Health Record—Immunization Record (Prescribed in paras 5–19, 5–25e(3), 5–27c(1), and 6–7b, and figs 5–1, 5–2,
6–1, 6–2, and 7–1.)
SF 602
Medical Record—Serology Record (Prescribed in paras 5–18g, 5–21b(10), and 5–26b(2)(l), and figs 5–1, 5–2, 6–1, and
SF 603
Health Record—Dental (Prescribed in paras 5–20c, 5–20a(3) and (4), 5–32a(7), 5–33b, and 6–7a, c, and d, and figs
5–3 and 6–3.) (Available through normal publishing channels.)
Section IV
Referenced Forms
Unless otherwise indicated below, DA Forms are available at the Army Publishing Directorate Web site (www.apd.; DD Forms are available at the DOD Directorate for Information Operations and Reports Web site (www.; Standard and Optional Forms (SF and OF) are available at the GSA Web site (www.; and Department of Labor Forms are available on the DOL Web site ( In
addition, the following two series of forms are available through normal publishing channels: DD Form 2(ACT)
through DD Form 602 and DD Form 1141 through DD Form 1425. DSS Forms can be requested through the Defense
Security Service Web site (
DA Form 2
Personnel Qualification Record—Part I (For Army Reserve Use Only) (Available through normal publishing channels.)
DA Form 2–1
Personnel Qualification Record—Part II. (Available through normal publishing channels.)
DA Form 4
Department of the Army Certification for Authentication of Records
DA Form 11–2–R
Management Control Evaluation Certification Statement
DA Form 199
Physical Evaluation Board (PEB) Proceedings (DA Form 199 is a printed only form issued by the DCS, G–1 (pat. For multiple copies from St. Louis Army Depot, contact the local DOIM.
DA Form 2173
Statement of Medical Examination and Duty Status
DA Form 2631
Medical Care—Third Party Liability Notification
DA Form 2984
Very Seriously Ill/Seriously Ill/Special Category Patient Report
DA Form 2985
Admission and Coding Information
DA Form 3180
Personnel Screening and Evaluation Record
DA Form 3349
Physical Profile
DA Form 3437
Department of the Army Nonappropriated Funds Certificate of Medical Examination
DA Form 3647
Inpatient Treatment Record Cover Sheet
DA Form 3647–1
Inpatient Treatment Record Cover Sheet (For Plate Imprinting)
DA Form 3894
Hospital Report of Death
DA Form 3947
Medical Evaluation Board Proceedings
DA Form 3984
Dental Treatment Plan
DA Form 4465
Patient Intake/Screening Record (PIR)
DA Form 4466
Patient Progress Report (PPR)
DA Form 4497
Interim (Abbreviated) Flying Duty Medical Examination
DA Form 4515
Personnel Reliability Program Record Identifier. (Available through normal publishing channels.)
DA Form 4707
Entrance Physical Standards Board (EPSBD) Proceedings
DA Form 5009
Medical Record—Release Against Medical Advice
DA Form 5018–R
ADAPCP Client’s Consent Statement for Release of Treatment Information
DA Form 5303–R
Volunteer Agreement Affidavit
DA Form 5551–R
Spirometry Flow Sheet
DA Form 7349
Initial Medical Review—Annual Medical Certificate
DD Form 2(ACT)
Armed Forces of the United States Identification Card (Active)
DD Form 2(RES)
Armed Forces of the United States Geneva Convention Identification Card (Reserve)
DD Form 2(RET)
United States Uniformed Services Identification Card (Retired)
DD Form 214
Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty
DD Form 602
Patient Evacuation Tag
DD Form 771
Eyewear Prescription
DD Form 1173
Uniformed Services Identification and Privilege Card
DD Form 2161
Referral for Civilian Medical Care
DD Form 2215
Reference Audiogram
DD Form 2216
Hearing Conservation Data
DD Form 2341
Report of Animal Bite—Potential Rabies Exposure
DD Form 2493–1
Asbestos Exposure Part I—Initial Medical Questionnaire
DD Form 2493–2
Asbestos Exposure Part II—Periodic Medical Questionnaire
DD Form 2569
Third Party Collection Program—Insurance Information
DD Form 2697
Report of Medical Assessment
DD Form 2792
Exceptional Family Member Medical Summary
DD Form 2792–1
Exceptional Family Member Special Education/Early Intervention Summary
DD Form 2795
Pre–Deployment Health Assessment
DD Form 2796
Post–Deployment Health Assessment
DD Form 2807–1
Report of Medical History
DD Form 2808
Report of Medical Examination
DD Form 2813
Department of Defense Active Duty/Reserve Forces Dental Examination
DD Form 2900
Post-Deployment Health Reassessment
NAVMED 6300–5
Admission/Disposition Record, Inpatient (Available at
OF 23
Charge–Out Record (Available through normal publishing channels.)
OF 345
Physical Fitness Inquiry for Motor Vehicle Operators (Available through normal publishing channels.)
OF 522
Medical Record—Request for Administration of Anesthesia and for Performance of Operations and Other Procedures
SF 66–D
Employee Medical Folder (Available through normal publishing channels.)
SF 86
Questionnaire for National Security Positions
SF 78
U.S. Civil Service Commission, Certificate of Medical Examination (Available through normal publishing channels.)
Appendix B
Authorized Medical Records Abbreviations and Symbols
A list of medical abbreviations authorized to be used in medical records is shown below. (For abbreviations used in
dental records, see TB MED 250.)
B–1. AA
Alcoholics Anonymous
B–2. ab
B–3. ABE
acute bacterial endocarditis
B–4. ABG
arterial blood gases
B–5. abnl
B–8. ac
before meals
B–9. ACS
acute coronary syndrome
B–10. ACTH
adrenocorticotropic hormone
B–11. ACVD
acute cardiovascular disease
B–12. A&D
admission and discharge
B–13. ADCO
alcohol and drug control officer
B–14. ADH
antidiuretic hormone (vasopressin)
B–15. ADL
activities of daily living
B–16. ad lib
as desired
B–17. adm
admission; admit; admitted
B–18. AE
above elbow
B–19. A/E
air evacuation
B–20. AFB
acid–fast bacilli
B–21. afeb
afebrile; without fever
B–22. AFib/AFlut
atrial fibrillation/atrial flutter
B–23. AFIP
Armed Forces Institute of Pathology
B–24. AGA
appropriate for gestational age
B–26. AHD
atherosclerotic heart disease
B–28. AK
above knee
B–29. AKA
above–the–knee amputation
B–30. ALL
acute lymphoblastic or lymphocytic leukemia
B–31. ALS
amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
B–32. AMA
against medical advice
B–33. amb
B–34. AMI
acute myocardial infarction
B–35. AMIC
Acute Minor Illness Clinic
B–36. AML
acute myelocytic/myeloblastic leukemia
B–38. Amox
B–39. amt
B–41. ant
B–42. ante
B–43. AP
B–44. A&P
auscultation and percussion
B–45. AP&Lat
anteroposterior and lateral
B–46. approx
B–49. ASAP
as soon as possible
B–50. ASD
atrial septal defect
B–51. ASHD
arteriosclerotic heart disease
B–52. assoc
associate; associated; association
B–53. Audio
B–54. Ausc
B–56. av
B–57. AVPU
A=alert, V=verbal stimulus, P=painful stimulus, U=unresponsive
B–58. BAC
blood alcohol concentration
B–59. bact
bacterium (–ia) (–ial) (–iology)
B–60. B. asthma
bronchial asthma
B–61. BAT
blood alcohol test
B–62. BBB
bundle branch block
B–63. BCG
Bacillus Calmette–Guerin (vaccine)
B–64. BCP
birth control pills
B–65. BE
barium enema
B–66. bicarb
B–69. bili
B–70. BK
below knee
B–71. BKA
below–knee amputation
B–72. bl
B–74. BM
bowel movement
B–75. BMR
basal metabolic rate
B–76. BP
blood pressure
B–77. BPH
benign prostatic hypertrophy
B–78. BR
bed rest
B–79. BSO
bilateral salpingo–oophorectomy
B–80. BSR
blood sedimentation rate
B–81. BTL
bilateral tubal ligation
B–82. BUN
blood urea nitrogen
B–83. bw
birth weight
B–84. Bx
B–85. C
Celsius or centigrade
B–86. C1 to C7
cervical nerves or vertebrae 1 to 7
B–88. Ca
calcium; cancer; carcinoma
B–89. CABG
coronary artery bypass graft
B–90. CAD
coronary artery disease
B–91. card
cardiac; cardiology
B–92. CAT
computerized axial tomography
B–93. cath
B–94. cau
B–95. CBC
complete blood count
B–96. CC
chief or current complaint
B–97. CCU
coronary care unit
B–98. CDC
Centers for Disease Control
B–99. cerv
B–100. CF
cystic fibrosis
B–101. ChE
B–102. CHF
congestive heart failure
B–103. Chol
B–104. chr
B–105. circ
circulation; circumcision; circumferences
B–106. Cl
B–108. CNS
central nervous system
B–109. CO2
carbon dioxide
B–110. Co
B–111. c/o
complains of
B–112. conv
convalescent; convalescence
B–113. COPD
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
B–114. CPD
cephalopelvic disproportion
B–115. CPK
creatine phosphokinase
B–116. CPR
cardiopulmonary resuscitation
B–117. CRF
chronic renal failure
B–118. CRNA
certified registered nurse anesthetist
B–119. C/S
cesarean section
B–120. C&S
culture and sensitivity
B–121. C–section
cesarean section
B–122. CT
computerized tomography
B–123. ct
B–124. cu ft
cubic foot
B–125. cu in
cubic inch
B–126. cu m
cubic meter
B–128. CVA
cerebrovascular accident
B–129. CVD
cardiovascular disease
B–130. CVP
central venous pressure
B–131. cx
B–132. CXR
chest x–ray
B–133. cysto
cystogram; cystoscope; cyctoscopy
B–134. dB
B–135. dbl
B–136. D&C
dilatation and curettage or curettement
B–137. DDS
Doctor of Dental Surgery
B–138. D&E
dilatation and evacuation
B–139. def
B–140. Dept
B–141. Derm
B–142. DES
B–143. dev
B–144. dil
dilute; diluted
B–145. dis
B–146. disp
B–148. DM
diabetes mellitus
B–149. DNA
deoxyribonucleic acid
B–150. DNR
do not resuscitate
B–151. DO
Doctor of Osteopathy
B–152. DOA
dead on arrival
B–153. DOB
date of birth
B–154. DOE
dyspnea on exertion
B–155. Drsg
B–156. DT
diphtheria toxoid and tetanus toxoid (for children under 7 years of age)
B–157. DTap
diphtheria, tetanus, and acellular pertussis vaccine
B–158. dtd
B–159. DTG
date, time, group
B–160. DTR
deep tendon reflexes
B–161. DTs
delirium tremens
B–162. DUB
dysfunctional uterine bleeding
B–163. DUI
driving under the influence
B–164. DVT
deep vein thrombosis
B–165. DWI
driving while intoxicated
B–166. Dx
B–168. EBV
Epstein–Barr virus
B–170. E. coli
Escherichia coli
B–171. ECT
electroconvulsive therapy
B–172. EDC
estimated date of confinement
B–173. EEG
B–174. EGA
estimated gestational age
B–175. EGD
B–177. ELISA
enzyme–linked immunosuppressant assay
B–178. EMG
B–179. EMS
emergency medical service
B–180. E–mycin
B–181. Endo
B–182. ENT
ear, nose, and throat
B–183. EOM
extraocular movement
B–184. eos
B–185. epis
B–186. epith
epithelium or epithelial
B–188. ER/EC/ED
emergency room/emergency center/emergency department
B–189. esp
B–190. ESR
erythrocyte sedimentation rate
B–191. ESRD
end–stage renal disease
B–192. EST
electroshock therapy
B–193. est
B–194. ESWL
extracorporeal shock wave lithotripsy
B–195. ET
endotracheal tube
B–196. etc.
et cetera
B–197. etiol
B–198. ETOH
ethyl alcohol
B–199. eval
evaluate; evaluation
B–200. exam
B–201. exp
B–202. expir
expiration; expiratory
B–203. ext
B–204. F
B–205. FACMT
Family Advocacy Case Management Team
B–206. FB
foreign body
B–208. FDA
Food and Drug Administration
B–209. Fe
B–210. FFP
fresh frozen plasma
B–211. FHR
fetal heart rate
B–212. FHT
fetal heart tone
B–213. F Hx
family history
B–214. fib
B–215. Fl; fl
B–216. FP
family practice
B–217. freq
frequent; frequency
B–218. FS
frozen section
B–219. FSH
follicle–stimulating hormone
B–220. FT
full term
B–221. ft
foot; feet
B–222. F/U
B–223. FUO
fever of unknown or undetermined origin
B–224. Fx
B–225. g
B–226. garg
B–228. GC
gonococcus; gonococcal
B–229. Gen
B–230. Gest
B–231. GI
B–232. glu
B–233. gm
B–234. GOT
glutamic–oxalacetic transaminase
B–235. GP
general practitioner
B–236. gr
B–239. GS
general surgery
B–240. GSW
gunshot wound
B–242. GTT
glucose tolerance test
B–243. GU
B–245. H
B–246. H2O
B–248. HAA
hepatitis–associated antigen
B–250. HBP
high blood pressure
B–251. HBV
hepatitis B virus
B–252. HC
head circumference
B–253. HCl
hydrochloric acid
B–254. Hct
B–255. HDL
high–density lipoprotein
B–256. HEENT
head, eyes, ears, nose, and throat
B–257. HEM
B–258. Hgb; Hb
B–259. HIV
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
B–260. HMO
Health Maintenance Organization
B–261. HNP
herniated nucleus pulposus
B–262. H/O
history of
B–263. Hosp
B–264. H&P
history and physical
B–265. HPI
history of present illness
B–266. hr
B–268. ht
B–269. HTLV
human T–cell leukemia/lymphoma virus
B–270. HTN
B–271. Hx
B–272. hypo
B–273. I131
radioactive iodine
B–274. IAW
in accordance with
B–275. ICU
intensive care unit
B–276. I&D
incision and drainage
B–277. ID
B–278. IDDM
insulin–dependent diabetes mellitus
B–279. IM
intramuscular (injection)
B–280. in
B–281. incis.
B–282. Ind
B–283. inf
B–285. info
B–286. Ing
B–288. inj
injury; injured
B–289. int
B–290. I&O
intake and output
B–291. IO
B–292. IOP
intraocular pressure
B–293. IPPB
intermittent positive pressure breathing
B–294. IQ
intelligence quotient
B–296. IUP
interuterine pregnancy
B–297. IV
intravenous (injection)
B–298. IVP
intravenous pyelogram
B–299. jct
B–300. jej
B–301. jt
B–302. K
B–303. kg
B–304. KJ
knee jerk
B–305. kL
B–306. km
B–308. L
B–309. lab
B–310. lac
B–311. lap
B–313. lat
B–314. lb
B–315. L/B
live birth
B–316. LBBB
left bundle branch block
B–317. LBP
low back pain
B–318. LBW
low birth weight
B–319. L&D
labor and delivery
B–320. LDL
low–density lipoprotein
B–321. LE
lower extremity
B–322. lig
B–323. LLE
left lower extremity
B–324. LLL
left lower lobe (of lung)
B–325. LLQ
left lower quadrant
B–326. LMP
left mentoposterior (position of fetus); last menstrual period
B–328. LOD
line of duty
B–329. LOM
limitation of motion
B–330. LOS
length of stay
B–331. LP
lumbar puncture
B–332. LPN
licensed practical nurse
B–333. LQ
lower quadrant
B–334. L–S
B–335. LSH
lutein–stimulating hormone
B–336. lt
B–337. LTG
long term goal
B–338. LUL
left upper lobe (of lung)
B–339. LUQ
left upper quadrant
B–340. LV
left ventricular
B–341. LVN
licensed vocational nurse
B–342. lymphs
B–343. m
B–344. max
B–346. mcg
B–348. MEB
medical evaluation board
B–349. med
medicine or medication
B–350. mEq
B–351. MG
myasthenia gravis
B–352. mg
B–353. MI
myocardial infarction
B–354. MIA
missing in action
B–355. MICU
medical intensive care unit
B–356. min
B–357. mL
B–358. mm
B–359. MMPI
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory
B–360. mod
B–361. Mono
B–362. monos
B–363. mos
B–364. MRI
magnetic resonance imaging
B–365. msec
B–366. MVA
motor vehicle accident
B–368. Na+
B–369. N/A
not applicable
B–370. NAD
no acute distress
B–371. NaPent
sodium pentothal
B–372. NB
B–373. NBA
nuclear, biological, chemical
B–374. N/C
no complaint
B–375. NCHS
National Center for Health Statistics
B–376. neg
B–377. Neph
B–378. Neuro
neurological, neurology
B–379. NICU
Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
B–380. NIDDM
non–insulin–dependent diabetes mellitus
B–381. NKA
no known allergies
B–382. NKDA
no known drug allergies
B–384. NLT
not later than
B–386. npo
nothing by mouth
3–388. NS/LR
normal saline/lactated ringers
B–389. nsg
B–390. NTG
B–391. nurs
B–392. =WB
non–weight bearing
B–393. O2
oxygen; both eyes
B–394. OB
B–395. OB–GYN
obstetrics and gynecology
B–396. 6obj
B–397. OBS
organic brain syndrome
B–398. OD
overdose; right eye
B–399. Onc
B–400. OOB
out of bed
B–401. op
B–402. OPC
outpatient clinic
B–403. OPD
outpatient department
B–404. ophth
B–405. OPV
oral poliomyelitis vaccine
B–406. OR
operating room
B–408. OS
left eye
B–410. OT
occupational therapy
B–411. OTC
over the counter (drugs)
B–412. OU
both eyes together
B–413. oz
B–414. PA
physician’s assistant
B–415. P&A
percussion and auscultation
B–416. PAC
premature atrial contractions
B–418. path
B–419. pc
after meals
B–420. PDR
Physician’s Desk Reference
B–421. PE
physical examination
B–422. PEB
Physical Evaluation Board
B–423. Ped
pupils equal, round, and react to light and accommodation
B–426. PH
past history
B–428. PI
present illness
B–429. PID
pelvic inflammatory disease
B–430. Pit
B–431. pkg
B–432. PKU
B–433. PMH
past medical history
B–434. PO
B–435. po
by mouth; orally
B–436. POD
postoperative day
B–437. Pod
B–438. pos
B–439. postop
B–440. POW
prisoner of war
B–441. PP
post partum
B–442. PPB
positive pressure breathing
B–443. preg
B–444. Pre–med
B–445. pre–op
B–446. prep
preparation; prepare (for surgery)
B–448. prog
B–449. Psych
B–450. Psychol
B–451. PT
physical therapy
B–452. pt
B–453. PTA
physical therapist assistant
B–454. PTCA
percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty
B–455. PUD
peptic ulcer disease
physical profile factors: P—physical capacity or stamina; U—upper extremities; L—lower extremities; H—hearing and
ears; E—eyes; S—psychiatric
B–457. pulm
B–458. PVC
premature ventricular contractions
B–459. q
B–460. qh
every hour
B–462. qid
four times a day
B–463. qn
every night
B–464. r
B–465. RA
rheumatoid arthritis
B–466. Ra
B–468. R.D.
registered dietitian
B–469. RDS
respiratory distress syndrome
B–470. Rec Rm
recovery room
B–471. reg
B–472. rehab
B–473. req
B–474. resp
B–475. Rh factor
Rhesus blood factor
B–476. RLL
right lower lobe (of lung)
B–477. RLQ
right lower quadrant
B–478. RML
right middle lobe (of lung)
B–479. RN
registered nurse
B–480. R/O
rule out
B–481. ROM
range of motion
B–482. ROS
review of systems
B–483. RPR
reiter protein reagin
B–484. RR
recovery room
B–485. rt
B–486. RTC
return to clinic
B–488. RUQ
right upper quadrant
B–489. Rx
prescription; treatment; take
B–490. S
B–492. SB
B–493. SBE
subacute bacterial endocarditis
B–494. sec
second; secondary
B–495. sed
B–497. SGA
small for gestational age
B–498. SGOT
serum glutamin–oxaloacetic transaminase
B–499. SGPT
serum glutamic–pyruvic transaminase
B–500. SI
seriously ill
B–501. SICU
surgical intensive care unit
B–502. SIDS
sudden infant death syndrome
B–503. signif
B–504. SLE
systemic lupus erythematosis
B–505. SLR
short leg raise
B–506. sm
B–508. SOB
shortness of breath
B–509. S/P
status post
B–510. staph
B–511. STAT
immediately and once only
B–512. STD
sexually transmitted disease
B–513. STG
short term goal
B–514. strep
B–515. STS
serologic test for syphilis
B–516. Surg
B–517. Svc
B–518. SWS
Social Work Service
B–519. sx
signs; symptoms
B–520. sys
B–521. T
B–522. T&A
tonsillectomy and adenoidectomy
B–523. tab
B–524. TAH
total abdominal hysterectomy
B–525. TB
B–528. temp
B–529. TIA
transient ischemic attacks
B–530. tid
three times a day
B–531. TMJ
temporomandibular joint
B–532. tng
B–533. TPR
temperature, pulse, and respiration
B–534. TQ
B–535. trf
B–536. TSH
thyroid-stimulating hormone
B–537. tsp
B–538. TURP
transurethral resection, prostate
B–539. TVH
total vaginal hysterectomy
B–541. UA
B–542. UE
upper extremity
B–543. UGI
upper gastrointestinal
B–545. unk
B–546. UQ
upper quadrant
B–547. URI
upper respiratory infection
B–548. urol
urology; urological
B–550. US
B–551. USPHS
U.S. Public Health Service
B–552. UTI
urinary tract infection
B–553. VA
Department of Veterans Affairs
B–554. vag
B–555. VCUG
voiding cysto-urethrogram
B–556. VD
venereal disease
B–557. VDRL
venereal disease research laboratory test
B–558. vit
B–559. VLDL
very low density lipoproteins
B–560. VS
vital sign
B–561. vs
B–562. VSI
very seriously ill
B–563. WBC
white blood cell
B–564. wd
B–565. WD/WN/BF
well-developed, well-nourished, black female
B–566. WD/WN/BM
well-developed, well-nourished, black male
B–567. WD/WN/WF
well–developed, well–nourished, white female
B–568. WD/WN/WM
well-developed, well-nourished, white male
B–570. WISC
Weschler Intelligence Scale for children (test)
B–571. wk
B–572. WNL
within normal limits
B–573. wt
B–574. W/U
B–575. X
B–576. y/o
year old
B–577. yr
C–2. Purpose
The purpose of this checklist is to assist patient administration staff in military treatment facilities in evaluating the key
management controls listed below. It is not intended to cover all controls.
C–3. Instructions
Base answers on the actual testing of key management controls (for example, document analysis, direct observation,
sampling, other). Explain answers that indicate deficiencies and indicate corrective action in supporting documentation.
Document certification on DA Form 11–2–R (Management Control Evaluation Certification Statement). DA Form
11–2–R will be locally reproduced on 8 1/2– by 11–inch paper. This form is available on the AEL CD–ROM and at
the APD Web site (
C–5. Supersession
This checklist replaces the checklist for key management controls previously published in AR 40–66.
C–6. Comments
Help make this a better tool for evaluating management controls. Submit comments to Office of the Surgeon General
(DASG-HS-AP), 5109 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church, VA 22041–3258.
American Board of Otolaryngology/Rhesus factor
Ambulatory Data System
active duty for training
Army Electronic Library
Army Knowledge Online
Army medical department
Army Publishing Directorate
Ambulatory Procedure Visit
Army Records Information Management System
Army National Guard of the United States
U.S. Army Human Resources Command
American Society of Anesthesiologists
Army Substance Abuse Program
Army Substance Abuse Program – outpatient medical record
absent without leave
Community Counseling Center
Center for Disease Control and Prevention
Compact Disk—Read Only Memory
Code of Federal Regulations
Composite Health Care System
claims judge advocate
Concept of Operations
continental United States
civilian personnel office
carded for record only
combat support hospital
Department of the Army
Department of Defense
Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System
U.S. Army dental activity
deoxyribonucleic acid
dead on arrival
Department of Defense
Department of Defense Directive
Department of Defense Instruction
Department of Labor
Defense Security Service
Department Veterans Affairs
extended ambulatory record
emergency center/emergency department
enzyme-linked immunosuppressant assay
entrance physical standards board
electrosurgical unit
Family Advocacy Program
family member prefix
Health Enrollment/Evaluation Assessment Review
home health
Department of Health and Human Services
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act
Human Immunodeficiency Virus
Human Resources Command
improved first aid kit
Improving Organizational Performance
Individual Patient Data System
Individual Ready Reserve
inpatient treatment record
line of duty
licensed practical nurse
medical claims judge advocate
Medical and Dental Record Tracking System
U.S. Army Medical Center
medical department activity
Medical Protection System
Military Health System
military personnel office
military treatment facility
MEDPROS Web data entry
North Atlantic Treaty Organization
nerve conduction time
nursing initiated order
Notice of Privacy Practices
National Personnel Records Center
outside continental United States
outpatient medical record
Occupational Safety and Health Administration
outpatient treatment record
Office of Workers’ Compensation Programs
physician’s assistant
patient administration division
Primary Care Manager
permanent change of station
Post Deployment Health Reassessment
physical evaluation board
partial hospitalization
protected health information
Protected Health Information Management Tool
Public Health Service
patient intake/screening record
Public Law
point of injury
Preparation for Overseas Movement
Preparation of Replacements for Overseas Movement
quadripartite standardization agreement
Reserve Component
registered nurse
return(ed) to duty
residential treatment facility
subacute care
standard form
Standard Inpatient Data Record
skilled nursing facility
subjective, objective, assessment, plan
standing operating procedures
Soldier Readiness Process
Social Security number
standardization agreement
service treatment record
tactical combat casualty care
temporary duty
The Joint Commission
troop program unit
U.S. Army Reserve
U.S. Army Claims Service
U.S. Code
Department of Veterans Affairs
wounded in action
Workload Management System for Nursing
warrior transition unit
Section II
Absent sick
An Army member hospitalized in a nonmilitary hospital and for whom administrative responsibility has been assigned
to an Army MTF.
Advance directives
A written declaration that: sets forth directions regarding the provision, withdrawal, or withholding of life-prolonging
procedures, including hydration and sustenance, for the declarant, whenever the declarant has a terminal physical
condition or is in a persistent vegetative state; authorizes another person to make healthcare decisions for the declarant,
under circumstances stated in the declaration, whenever the declarant is incapable of making informed healthcare
AHLTA is the DOD’s electronic health record system. It is a standalone term and not to be defined as an acronym.
Attending physician
An independently credentialed staff physician or fellow.
Battle casualty
Any person lost to an organization because of death, wound, missing, capture, or internment, provided such loss is
Guarding the privacy of PHI. Information gained through the examination or treatment of a patient is private and
confidential. Medical confidentiality is not, however, a security classification of confidential.
Covered entity
A health plan or a healthcare provider who transmits any health information in electronic form in connection with a
transaction covered by DOD 6025.18–R. In the case of a health plan administered by the DOD, the covered entity is
the DOD component (or subcomponent) that functions as the administrator of the health plan. To the extent that DOD
6025.18–R prescribes duties to be performed by covered entities, the term refers only to DOD covered entities. Under
DOD 6025.18–R, paragraph C3.2.2, all covered entities of the Military Health System (including both health plans and
healthcare providers) are designated as a single covered entity. Not all healthcare providers affiliated with the Armed
Forces are covered entities; among those who are not are providers associated with Military Entrance Processing
Stations and Reserve Components practicing outside the authority of military treatment facilities who do not engage in
electronic transactions covered by DOD 6025.18–R and non–network civilian providers.
Covered functions
Those functions of a covered entity the performance of which makes the entity a health plan or healthcare provider.
The release, transfer, provision of access to, or divulging in any other manner of PHI outside the entity holding the
Drop file
Folder in which completed forms are placed, but not attached, such as a field file.
Electronic signature
Implementation of a system that allows the originator (care giver or device) to affix an electronic signature to an entry
and detect if it has been altered.
Healthcare operations
Any of the following activities of the covered entity to the extent that the activities are related to covered functions:
a. Conducting quality assessment and improvement activities, including evaluation and development of clinical
guidelines outcome, if obtaining general knowledge is not the primary purpose of any studies resulting from such
activities; population-based activities relating to improving health or reducing healthcare costs, protocol development,
case management and care coordination, contacting of healthcare providers and patients with information about
treatment alternatives; and related functions that do not include treatment.
b. Reviewing the competence or qualifications of healthcare professionals, evaluating practitioner, and provider
performance, health plan performance, conducting training programs in which students, trainees, or practitioners in
areas of health care learn under supervision to practice or improve their skills as healthcare providers, training of non-
healthcare professionals, accreditation, certification, licensing, or credentialing activities.
c. Underwriting, premium rating, and other activities relating to the creation, renewal or replacement of a contract of
health insurance or health benefits, and ceding, securing, or placing a contract for reinsurance of risk relating to claims
for health care (including stop–loss insurance and excess of loss insurance).
d. Conducting or arranging for medical review, legal services, and auditing functions, including fraud and abuse
detection and compliance programs.
Healthcare provider
A healthcare professional (military or civilian) who is granted privileges to diagnose, initiate, alter, or terminate
healthcare treatment regimens for patients.
Home health
Services for patients who are discharged but require skilled nursing care during convalescence. Home health is
part–time skilled nursing care; physical, speech and occupational therapy, when medically necessary; and covered
benefits. Services include changing dressings, catheter care, intravenous therapy, and other procedures requiring skilled
An arrangement between a covered entity and any other entity whereby the covered entity disclosed protected health
information to the other entity, in exchange for direct or indirect remuneration, for the other entity or its affiliate to
make a communication about its own product or service that encourages recipients of the communication to purchase
or use that product or service. Marketing is also defined as an announcement of a product or service that encourages
recipients of the communication to purchase or use the product or service, unless the communication is made—
a. To inform an individual who is a member of a Uniformed Service or a covered beneficiary of the Military Health
System of benefits, services, coverage, limitations, costs, procedures, rights, obligations, options, and other information
concerning the Military Health System as established by law and applicable regulations.
b. Otherwise to describe a health–related product or service (or payment for such product or service) that is provided
by, or included in a plan of benefits of, the covered entity making the communication, including communication about:
the entities participating in a healthcare provider network or health plan network; replacement of, or enhancements to, a
health plan; and health–related products or services available only to a health plan enrollee that add value to, but are
not part of, a plan of benefits.
c. For treatment of the individual.
d. For case management or care coordination of the individual, or to direct or recommend alternative treatments,
therapies, healthcare providers, or settings of care to the individual.
Medical information
All information that pertains to evaluation, findings, diagnosis, or treatment of a patient. The term also includes any
other information given to AMEDD health personnel in the course of treatment or evaluation. Medical information is
confidential and private. Paramedical documents, such as immunization registers and dosimetry records, are not
considered medical information even though they are kept in the same file with medical records.
Medical record
Any military or civilian document that gives information on the evaluation, findings, diagnosis, and treatment of a
patient. Included as medical records are the OTRs, STRs, dental records, ITRs, CEMRs, ASAP–OMRs, and x rays.
Paramedical documents, such as immunization registers and dosimetry records, are not considered medical records
although they are kept in the same file with other medical records.
Those services, furnished by a hospital (the term hospital includes DOD clinics with resources to provide these
services) on the hospital’s premises, including the use of a bed and periodic monitoring by the hospital’s nursing or
other staff, that are reasonable and necessary to evaluate an outpatient’s condition or determine the need for a possible
admission to the hospital as an inpatient. Such services are covered only when provided by the order of a physician or
another individual authorized to admit patients to the hospital or to order outpatient tests. Most observation services do
not exceed 23 hours. However, in some instances, depending on medical necessity, up to 48 hours of observation
services may be justified. The period of observation begins the moment the patient is placed in observation status.
Partial hospitalization
A general term embracing day, evening, night, and weekend treatment programs that employ an integrated, comprehen-
sive, multidisciplinary, and complementary schedule of recognized treatment approaches. Partial hospitalization is
characterized by structured, daily, supervised outpatient activities over a prolonged period, tailored to treat or rehabili-
tate individuals who require crisis stabilization, intensive short–term treatment, or intermediate term treatment.
Preceptor physician
A senior resident or staff physician with supervisory responsibilities over a medical student.
Privileged communication
A communication made within a confidential relationship that is protected as a matter of law, regulation, or public
policy. Information disclosed by patients to AMEDD health personnel is not privileged.
Psychotherapy notes
Notes recorded (in any medium) by a healthcare provider who is a behavioral health professional documenting or
analyzing the contents of conversation during a private counseling session or a group, joint, or Family counseling
session and that are separated from the rest of the individual’s medical record. Psychotherapy notes exclude medication
prescription and monitoring, counseling session start and stop times, the modalities and frequencies of treatment
furnished, results of clinical tests, and any summary of the following items: diagnosis, functional status, the treatment
plan, symptoms, prognosis, and progress to date.
Senior resident
At a minimum, a resident in the second year or subsequent years of post-graduate education.
Subacute care
Goal–oriented, comprehensive, inpatient care designed for an individual who has had an acute illness, injury, or
exacerbation of a disease process. It is rendered immediately after or instead of acute hospitalization to treat one or
more specific, active, complex medical conditions or to administer one or more technically complex treatments in the
context of a person’s underlying, long-term conditions and overall situation. Subacute care is a distinct form of
healthcare service that fills the treatment gap between acute care and long-term care.
The provision, coordination, or management of health care and related services by one or more healthcare providers,
including the coordination or management of health care by a healthcare provider with a third party; consultation
among healthcare providers relating to a patient; or the referral of a patient for health care from one healthcare provider
to another.
Section III
Special Abbreviations and Terms
This section contains no entries.