Applied Social Sciences - 062708

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Module 13: Clientele and Audiences in Communication

Learning Competencies
1.) Describe communication as a discipline of applied social science.
2.) Describe the clientele and audience of communication.
3.) Distinguish the needs of individuals, groups, organizations, and
4.) Identify the settings in which communicators and journalist are found.
5.) Define communication research.
6.) Identify the different research agenda in communication.
7.) Illustrate the different processes and methods involved in undertaking

A. Motivation

Guide Question:
1.) What can you see in the picture?
2.) What are they doing?
3.) What is their medium of communicating?
4.) Why do they need to communicate?
5.) Suppose they have different job, what is the benefit of
communicating with each other?
A. Presentation of the Lesson
• is an interconnection of diverse ranging from the hard sciences to
the social sciences, and from humanities to critical-cultural
interests. Thus, it is like looking at one issue and having so many
approaches in understanding and solving that problem.
The Discipline of communication
• Communication is an exciting area to acquire about the things that
affect one’s life. Studying communication also enables you to
understand who you are (identity you create through interaction or
your understanding to the world) and what you are about (the
goals you want to achieve that motivate you to interact with
• According to the university of North Carolina Wilmington, the
breadth of life communication stems from the fact that:
o “an arts and humanities discipline with rich ties to history,
philosophy, literary and performance studies”;
o “a social science, sharing more recent history as well as
concepts and methodologies with sociology, psychology and
political science”; and
o “a practical craft”, which, historically known as public
speaking, but today became more popular in various forms
of crafting messages through digital media, public relations
or journalism.
Becoming A Communicator In The Service Of The Clientele
• Engineers and scientists may appreciate communication using the
transmission model.
• Electronics and communications, engineers are able to provide remedies
to communication problems involving transmission.
• Scientists and inventors who develop communication technologies also
rely on the very basic and fundamental model of Sender - Message –
Channel – Receiver to design these technologies.
• Social Scientist, on the other hand, pursues questions on the
relationship of communication and human living.
o Provides solutions to communication breakdowns when they are
able to understand the attitudes and behaviors of humans during
• The Humanist and critical-cultural scholars look at ways on how
communication reinforces, dissects, or shatters norms and ways of
o These are important endeavors toward understanding
communication to promote cultural sensitivity and decency in
• Communication is important because of how much value humans put in
interpreting messages.
• Knowledge is power, and the best way to impart such is through
• It has a pivotal role in understanding the things which may shape one’s
idea on civic responsibility, citizenship, and personal development.
• Communication must be seen as an implication and application of your
• Communication remains to be one of the primary choices taken in college
because of the discipline’s flexibility and versatility.
• Communication technologies continue to emerge and evolve while the
core human need to interact for various purposes has never decreased in
A. Enrichment Activity
a) Group Activity: “Communication as Profession”
1.) Group yourselves with 7 members each.
2.) Name at least five professions or jobs that use
3.) Discuss the role of communication in each job/profession
through a song.
B. Consolidation
a) Individual Activity: “Reflection journal”
Make a reflection journal base on the following questions below.
1.) Why is communication a discipline that cuts across
disciplines? Why does it belong to the arts and humanities?
The social sciences?
2.) How can communication be studied by various students and
scholars from different fields?

A. Valuing
Read the article below.

The story is set in Babylon, one of the cities founded by King Nimrod, according
to Genesis 10:9-10. The tower was located in Shinar, in ancient Mesopotamia on the
eastern bank of the Euphrates River. Bible scholars believe that the tower was a type of
stepped pyramid called a ziggurat, common throughout Babylonia. Up until this point in
the Bible, the whole world had one language, meaning one common speech for all
people. The people of the earth had become skilled in construction and decided to build
a city with a tower that would reach to heaven. By building the tower, they wanted to
make a name for themselves and also prevent the people from being scattered.
God came to see their city and the tower they were building. He perceived their
intentions, and in his infinite wisdom, he knew this "stairway to heaven" would only
lead the people away from God. God observed what a powerful force their unity of
purpose created. As a result, he confused their language, causing them to speak many
different languages so they would not understand each other. By doing this, God
thwarted their plans. He also scattered the people of the city all over the face of the

➢ In Venn diagram, write the advantages and disadvantages of


B. Evaluation
Direction: Write true if the statement is correct and false if it is incorrect.
1.) Communication is an exciting area to inquire about the things that
affect one’s life.
2.) Communication is an arts and humanities discipline.
3.) Communication is a social science.
4.) Communication is a practical craft.
5.) Engineers and scientists may use communication through
transmission model.
6.) Social scientist pursue questions on the relationship of
communication and human living.
C. Assignment
Direction: Search on the internet, newspaper or magazine for people who
became successful through communication. Write a bibliography on each
person. Give at least 3 people.
The Public and the Audience: Clienteles of Communication

A. Motivation

Guide Question:
1.) What do you observe in each picture?
2.) What are the two characters in each picture?
3.) Can you describe speaker? An audience?
4.) What are their similarity and differences?
❖ Presentation of the Lesson
A. The Public and the Audience
• Different forms of media and communication have their respective
publics which serve as clientele.
• These publics consciously differentiate themselves from one another
and do not regard themselves as mere groups.
• They have their distinct ways of being a public of a certain
communication form.
o Businessmen have different appreciation of business
news than a layperson would have.
o The difference of two types of audiences, a politician
versus an ordinary citizen in their interpretation of the
same issue in a nightly newscast. We can say that
different groups are actually target audiences.
• Each public defines itself by affirming its loyalty to a certain group of
publics. They exist because of the differences and diversity of their
positions or perceptions toward an issue.
o The public and the audience actually differ.
o Anyone can become an audience, but not everyone turns into a
• An audience is merely reactive and responsive and does not
intentionally and consciously regard himself or herself as an active
stakeholder in the communication process.
o An audience is more passive and not critical in the way he or
she deals with the messages that come in his or her way.
• Publics regard communications as inclusive and they are more
motivated to actively participate in the communication process.
o They value ritualism and habit – formation, and involve
themselves (actively seeking membership) in reference groups
within their community.
o They are more conscious aggregation of audiences such as fans
or supporters of communication content.
o They feel strongly about certain stakes in a public agenda and
raise their opinions and take positions to support or oppose an
o They are more actively concerned with the outcomes of a
• As a public in communication, you become more involved and
influential in the shaping of communication messages that benefit
you and the other publics.

B. Clienteles of Communication
a) Individuals
• A person who is able to communicate more effectively could be also
be seen by his or her peers/colleagues as highly amiable, thus
increasing his or her chances for career advancement.
b) Groups and Organizations
• It involves trust and cooperation.
• An individual feels certain belongingness in a group because of his
or her ability to contribute ideas through communication.
Communication allows one to ask questions, provide answer, agree
on a consensus, or pose a disagreement.
• People coalesce when they are able to trust their peers without
reservations and when they feel that their contributions are
welcomed during a group task.
❖ Types of Communication in Groups
1.) Task Communication: Group members come together and
communicate various ways of dealing with a problem, issue, or
information that is of importance to the whole group. Some of
the activities expected in such type of communication would be
the following:
a. Activating ideas for brainstorming.
b. Soliciting for possible information that can solve an issue.
c. Providing additional information from previous
d. Making critique of solutions at hand to further improve
such solutions.
2.) Climate Communications: Group members are concerned
about fostering a constructive and participative climate for each
other so that the goals of the group would be achieved.
Activities involved in this type of communication include:
a. establishing a climate of discussion that motivates
everyone to speak up
b. motivating each member to feel fulfilled when they are
able to contribute to the group
c. harmonizing ideas especially those that diverge but can
be reconciled
3.) Procedural Communication: Group members communicate
with each other to come to a consensus on a decision. Group
members stay on track by doing the following:
a. Establishing a clear agenda and its details.
b. Orienting each member of the roles they should fulfill
during the discussion of the agenda.
c. Limiting the possibilities of digressions or introduction of
irrelevant ideas
d. Coordinating ideas according to how they relate to each
e. Summarizing all the ideas presented
f. Recording the progress of the group communication.
4.) Egocentric/Dysfunctional Communication: This is a type of
communication which is autocratic and monopolistic. One can
expect such type when:
a. Becoming antagonistic/aggressive towards ideas that
contradict one’s idea
b. Blocking ideas that do not seem to favor the majority
c. Dominating the interaction
d. Sharing irrelevant and unnecessary ideas
e. Disrupting tasks that members are working on
f. Devaluing and trivializing the ideas of other group
c) Communities
• The root word of both communication and community is
commune, which is understood as follows:
o To converse or talk together, usually with profound
intensity, intimacy, etc.; interchange thoughts or feelings; to
be in intimate communication or rapport
o To communicate with someone or something in a very
personal or spiritual way.
o To be in a state of intimate, heightened sensitivity and
receptivity, as with one’s surroundings.
• These definitions suggest that communities cannot be organized in
the absence of communication.
• Members of communities come together to improve their living
standards. They acquire knowledge and know-how from outsiders
through communication and interaction.
• Communication also allows development programs to be
formulated and executed through consultation with various
stakeholders and decision-makers.
• Community members must feel that they are the primary
stakeholders of their communities and that continued support is
provided to them through constant coordination and
• Development can be achieved when communication among
national planners and policy-makers is effective.
• Effective communication in this sense can roughly mean as being
more open and responsive to the concerns and needs of these
A. Enrichment Activity
Group Activity: “Report”
✓ Group the class into 7 groups, then answer the question below.
✓ Present to the class afterwards.
✓ Each group should prepare questions for the group who are
✓ You can refer to magazines, books, newspaper or articles on the
internet to justify your report.
1.) Provide situations wherein communication is utilized by
individuals, groups/organizations, or communities.
2.) Why are trust and cooperation valued among groups and
3.) How can communication stir participation among individuals and
B. Consolidation
Individual Activity: “Give my Type”
✓ Complete the concept map below.


A. Valuing
Reflection Journal
✓ Make a reflection Journal, answer the questions below in
constructing your reflection journal.
1.) Is it necessary to speak the same language to achieve
effective communication?
2.) What do you think are the vital aspects of effective
3.) How does intercultural communication affect the coming
together of different cultural communities?
4.) Is communication akin to development?
B. Evaluation
Identify what type of Communication in Groups on the different
activities below.
1.) Activating ideas for brainstorming
2.) Providing additional information from previous experience
3.) Harmonizing ideas especially those that diverge but can be
4.) Summarizing all ideas presented
5.) Dominating the interaction
6.) Sharing irrelevant and unnecessary ideas
7.) Recording the progress of the group communication
C. Assignment
Provide three examples of publics and the communication/media
form in which they are tuned into.
The Need of Communication
A. Motivation
Observe the following pictures below.

Guide Questions:
1.) What can you observe in the picture?
2.) What does the picture mean?
3.) Is there a need for communication? Why?

A. Presentation of the Lesson
❖ The Need for Communication
a) Individuals
• Individuals utilize communication for various reasons.
• People communicate to express their need or desires, to share idea
and information to others, to socialize and interact for the sake of
belongingness, to inquire and clarify, to share opinions and
experiences, or to mobilize each other toward actions that may be
favorable on an individual or on a collective level.
b) Groups
• Groups need to communication to coalesce and come together.
• Members of groups tend to cooperate and arrive at collective
actions if they are able to attain common interest, needs, or goals
• Communication is an avenue through which experiences and
decisions can be aligned for the accomplishment of a certain task.
o Exchange or share ideas and information on a particular
subject so that members gain more knowledge and
understanding of each other as in the case of study
groups, club meetings or group of enthusiasts of a field.
o Arrive at a decision or course of action on a problem or
difficulty as displayed by action groups or task-oriented
• Group dynamics is necessary so as to achieve a definite and
agreeable plan of procedure, openness on opinions through
reasonable compromises and constructive criticism, and
monitoring and evaluation of accomplishments through
constant updates and coordination.
c) Organizations
• Communications is crucial among organizations because they
deal with informing, persuading, and promoting goodwill both
internally and externally.
• Organizational communication is utilized by leaders and
managers so they could better relate with those in the lower
ranks of the organization.
• Communication networks become more effective when
organizations put in place a communication system that every
member understand and can adhere to.
d) Communities
• Developing communication skills is part and parcel of building
• Communities must gain access to communication infrastructure
and technologies to keep them abreast with the rest of the country
and the world.
A. Enrichment Activity
Group Activity:
✓ What are the different needs of communication in each category.

Individuals Groups Organization Communities

B. Consolidation
Individual Activity:
✓ Give specific situation wherein communication is needed by
individuals, groups, organizations, and communities.

A. Valuing
Answer the following question.
✓ What are the ways that you can suggest this stake holder should
do or should engage in to enhance their communication skills?
✓ Present your work through a song.
B. Evaluation
Identify the following statement if it is individual, group,
organizations or communities.
1.) People communicate to express their needs or desires.
2.) The need to coalesce and come together.
3.) They deal with informing, persuading, and promoting
goodwill both internally and externally.
4.) The need to connect with other communities.
5.) Exchange or share ideas and information on a particular
C. Assignment
You are a management trainee assigned to the human resource
department of a company. You were tasked to propose a mechanism
through which employees could give their feedback on the company.
You thought of doing 20 - 30 item survey questionnaires which will
evaluate the employees’ perceptions regarding activities on
socialization and camaraderie, opportunities for career advancement,
and the quality of work ethics/culture of professionalism in the
company. Your survey questionnaire must be able to hit all these
aspects. The product will be evaluated by the HR department head
using the following criteria:
▪ Clarity of purpose
▪ Clarity and relevance of questions
▪ Mutually exclusive choices for responses
▪ Graphics, line styles, and arrangement options enhances
the layout and meaning of the survey
▪ Properly addressed essential questions
▪ Correct grammar, Punctuation, Spacing, Appropriate
word usage or wordings
▪ Ease of use
Communication Practice

A. Motivation

Guide Questions:
1.) What do these people doing?
2.) Why do they need to conduct meetings?

A. Presentation of the Lesson
❖ Communication Practice
• Communication practitioners and journalist are typically, but
not exclusively, expected to be working in the media industry.
Industry/Corporate Practice
o The industry practice involves tasks related to mass
communication, speech communication, communication
arts, development communication and organizational
o Communication practitioner and journalist may find
themselves working in advertising agencies, public
relations firms, telecommunications companies, media
organizations, social research institutes, or any corporate
or private practice.
• Communication is as powerful as education in developing a
sense of importance and urgency regarding the affairs that
directly affect a citizen in particular, and the nation in general.
Government Service
o A communication practitioner or journalist may also want
to enter government service.
 The following are among the common government agencies and
institutions in the country, which provide employment to
communication graduates or practitioners.
1.) Philippine information agency
2.) People’s television network
3.) Department of information and communications technology
4.) National telecommunications commission
Nongovernment Service
o Nongovernmental organizations utilize communication for
various purposes, most notably during emergency search,
rescue, or assistance.
o Communication practitioners and journalist may find
areas of work in private or public institutions, depending
on the level of influence or contribution they want to
make to their community.
Academic practice
o Communication practitioners and journalist find
themselves in academic institution as either
communication educators or members of the information
and communication office.
Processes and methods in communications
o Two basic processes are involved in terms of the
transmission view of communication.
➢ Encoding – the formulation and articulation of
➢ Decoding – the reception, perception, and
interpretation of these messages.
o Encoding and decoding presupposes that the decoders
actively make sense of the message based on their
individual social context or reality, and later on send
feedback collectively change the message.
Elements in these process:
▪ Sender – the encoder or the creator of the
▪ Ideas – the subject matter of the
communication (or the formulated message
itself), which may be an expression of an
opinion, attitude, feelings, views, orders,
suggestions, or any other statement or
▪ Channel – the persons, technologies, or any
other means by which the message is
transmitted by the decoder.
▪ Receiver – the decoder or receiver of the
▪ Feedback – the process the process validating
that the encoder created a same sense of
meaning from the message.
o Methods in communication:
Intrapersonal – pertaining to self-introspection
Interpersonal – referring either dynamic or group
Public – addressing a targeted audience in a public
Mediated – using media and communication
Institutional – involving internal or external
processes of organizations or juridical entities.
Social research
o The following are some research agencies that conduct
studies, which affect the policy-making and agenda-
setting of some private or government entities.
▪ Pulse Asia
▪ Social Weather station
▪ AGB Nielsen
▪ Kantar Media
▪ Ibon Foundation

A. Enrichment Activity
Group Activity: “Differentiate”
✓ Using Venn diagram, differentiate the processes of
communication in the transmission view and in the ritual view.
B. Consolidation
Complete the concept map below regarding to processes and methods in

Processes and Methods in



A. Valuing
Poster making
Illustrate the situation of the communication services by the
government through poster.
Creativity ---- 5
Content------- 5
Relevance ---- 5
B. Evaluation
Identify the government services/agency in each statement.
1.) An agency that envisions itself to contribute with the various
sectors in the country.
2.) A television network that is owned and controlled by the
Philippine government.
3.) It is mandated to ensure that information and
communication technologies continue to exist and develop in
the country.
4.) An agency that regulates and promotes “affordable, viable,
reliable and accessible telecommunications infrastructure
and services.
Researching on Communication
A. Motivation

Guide question:

Guide Questions:
1.) What is the connection of research to communication?
2.) Why is it important to conduct research on communication?
A. Presentation of the Lesson
Researching on Communication
o The world is vast, and making sense of it is endless and is
most an entire lifetime’s work.
o People continuously strive to produce new knowledge and
ways on how to look at things.
o A communication researcher must be curious about
communication’s “history, concepts that form its
foundations, issues regarding its role in social
development, methods employed to generate data,
problems encountered when applying concepts as well as
the controversies that mark the dominant philosophical
perspectives regarding its theories and methods”.
❖ Audience Research and reception studies
o Reception analysis is done to understand how audiences
interpret, decode, analyze, perceive and make sense of the
meanings of the message they receive as well as to investigate
the relationship of messages and recipients psychological or
social context.
o Conducting a reception study entails curiosity on how
audiences will respond on the content or messages they receive.
o A reception study will also determine whether there are
corresponding changes in the outlook, opinion, attitude, or
behavior of the said audiences.
▪ Methods in doing reception analysis:
o Intensive interviews
o Participant observation (ethnomethodology)
o Textual analysis
o Discourse analysis
o Inasmuch as communication is believed to be spontaneous, it
also pays to plan and strategize sending and receiving messages
to accomplish certain goals for communicating. Communication
planning involves preparing a communication and later on
auditing its key results.
A. Enrichment Activity
Group Activity:
Group the class in to 7 groups.
✓ Let the students search about Audience research and Reception
Studies in the library.
✓ Report their work in front of their classmate.
B. Consolidation
Discuss the methods in doing reception analysis.
Intensive Interviews

Participant observation

Textual Analysis

Discourse Analysis

A. Valuing
Reflection Journal
Make a reflection journal based on the following question below.
1.) What is an audience Study/reception analysis for?
2.) Why is communication an interesting area for research?
3.) Why is there a need to conduct a communication audit?
B. Assignment
Do the following activity.
You are a social worker who has been engaged in doing
research about child labor in the Philippines. Your supervisor has
asked you to conduct a study on the perceptions on child labor
among selected high school students. For you to accomplish this,
you are to prepare/ design a 10 – item interview guide that will
measure this perception. The interview guide must adequately
capture the responses of your high school student subjects. The
interview guide would be evaluated according to the following
✓ Clarity of purpose and questions
✓ Appropriate use of language
✓ Absence of leading, double-barreled, or loaded questions
✓ Presence of probing questions

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