Siemens Energy Optimises Power Transformers With The Aid of 3D EM Simulation
Siemens Energy Optimises Power Transformers With The Aid of 3D EM Simulation
Siemens Energy Optimises Power Transformers With The Aid of 3D EM Simulation
Siemens Energy Sector is the world’s leading supplier of a wide faces. We focus primarily on the requirements of energy utili-
range of products, solutions and services for power generation, ties and industrial companies – particularly those in the oil and
transmission and distribution as well as for the production, gas industry.
conversion and transport of the primary fuels oil and gas. We
are the only supplier worldwide with comprehensive know- Our Energy Sector has some 85,000 employees worldwide. In
how encompassing the entire energy conversion chain and, in fiscal 2009, it generated external revenue of € 25.4 billion and
particular, plant-to-grid connections and other types of inter- profit of € 3.3 billion.
Insulation Design
Since the barrier strength and oil channel width are decisive fac-
tors in the dimensioning of the insulation system, a powerful and
robust mesher is important. As well as a tetrahedral-based mesh
generator CST EMS also offers a hexahedral-based mesh scheme
ensuring that the user can apply the best method for the problem.
In addition to global mesh settings, the user also has the oppor-
tunity to refine the mesh locally on a component or material level.
As an example of a typical simulation, Figure 3 shows an equipo-
tential plot from an electrostatic simulation of the outlet section
of a winding arrangement (active part). For this simulation, the
original 5 leg active part was reduced to a single leg.
The active part, which consists of the iron core and the leg sections
with concentric windings and their insulation, forms the heart of
the transformer. Stray fields lead to electromagnetic losses in the
surrounding metallic construction elements. Simulation of this
situation would aid in the reduction of the losses by appropriate
shielding measures or changes to conductor placement. Analysis of
the magnetic field in the core, shown in Figure 5, assists the investi-
gation of the shielding effectiveness of the shielding walls.
No New Transformer Development Without „CST EMS is now an integral part of the develop
ment process of various power transformer
The importance of simulation in the high voltage design, construc-
tion and dimensioning process as well as the calculation of electro- components at Siemens (Energy). This is especially
magnetic losses in the active part is continually increasing. For this
simulation the CST EMS Low Frequency time harmonic solver was a consequence of the intuitive user-interface and
used. In Figure 6, the electromagnetic losses in the pressboard are
shown where the skin effect can be clearly seen. To support accurate the variety of available solvers. Thanks to the close
modeling of the skin depth, 2nd order elements were used. Alternati-
ve techniques such as surface impedance modeling are also available, co-operation with the CST EMS development team,
which can significantly increase the performance of simulations.
requests, suggestions and ideas have been openly
Thermal considerations also play a role in the design process. The
loss distribution from the low frequency simulation can be used embraced and rapidly implemented. This forms
as a thermal source in the CST MPHYSICS® STUDIO (CST MPS)
thermal solver. This transfer of the losses from the electromagne- the basis for our decision to further increase our
tic solver to the thermal solver is carried out seamlessly within the
same model and opens up a range of analysis possibilities. usage of CST‘s solutions“
Ronny Fritsche
Siemens AG Sector Energy T TR PN
Katzwanger Str. 150, 90461 Nürnberg
Tel: +49 911 434 2432, Fax: +49 911 434 2315