Mathmod BSTM1
Mathmod BSTM1
Mathmod BSTM1
-Comes from the Greek word- “mathema” which means “that which is learnt or lesson”.
-Encyclopedia Britannica defines mathematics as “the science of structure, order, and relations that has
evolved from elemental practices of counting, measuring, and describing the shapes and characteristics
of objects”.
-According to John William Navin Sullivan, a famous science writer, “Mathematics, as much as music or
any other art, is one of the means by which we rise to a complete self-consciousness. The significance of
mathematics resides precisely in the fact that it is an art; by informing us of the nature of our own
minds, it informs us of much that depends on our minds”.
-Before the Internet, it could take hours to get several volumes of resources from the library.
-Today, a few minutes or seconds using your mobile device’s browser could get you the same
information, or even more.
-Measurement is an integral part of modern science as well as of engineering, commerce and daily life
-Requires significant intelligence and cognitive effort.
-Making sense of mathematics using logical thinking is the foundation of reasoning and proof standard.
1. SymmetrY
(to measure together)–Means that one shape becomes exactly like another shape when you
move it in some way: turn, flip, or slide.
2. Spirals
-is a curve which starts from a point, moving farther away as it revolves around the point.
3. Fractals
- Some plants have fractal patterns. A fractal is a never-ending pattern that repeats itself
at different scales.
-Think about when you tile a floor. No gaps and no overlapping tiles! There are
regular tessellations (all the same shape tiles) and irregular (a mix of shapes).
Who is Fibonacci?
-Fibonacci was an Italian mathematician. He was really named Leonardo de Pisa but his
nickname was Fibonacci.
-About 800 years ago, in 1202, he wrote himself a Maths problem all about rabbits that went
like this:
- "A certain man put a pair of rabbits in a place surrounded by a wall. How many pairs of rabbits
can be produced from that pair in a year if it is supposed that every month each pair breed a
new pair from which the second month on becomes productive?" (Liber abbaci, pp.283-284
This sequence, in which each number is a sum of two previous is called Fibonacci sequence so there is
the simple rule:
The golden ratio is often denoted by the Greek letter φ (Phi) So φ = 1.6180339887
A golden rectangle is a rectangle where the ratio of its length to width is the golden ratio. That is whose
sides are in the ratio 1:1.618
Golden Spiral
-Start with the smallest one on the right connect the lower right corner to the upper right corner with an
arc that is one fourth of a circle. Then continue your line in to the second square on the with an arc that
is one fourth of a circle , we will continue this process until each square has an arc inside of it, with all of
them connected as a continues line. The line should look like a spiral when we are done .
Relation between Fibonacci Sequence and Golden ratio
-If we continue to look at the ratios as the numbers in the sequence get larger and larger the ratio will
eventually become the same number, and that number is the Golden Ratio!
-Many artists who lived after Phidias have used this proportion. Leonardo Da Vinci called it the "divine
proportion" and featured it in many of his paintings
Mathematics as Science of Patterns
Write the next number in this pattern. 18, 16, 14, 12, __
-2 -2 -2 -2
-2 +3 -2 +3 -2
- In his book, e said that “A mathematician, like a printer or a poet, is a master of patterns. If his patterns
are more permanent than theirs, it is because they are made with ideas”(Hardy, 1992, p.84).
Logic Patterns
Number Patterns
Word Patterns