Hesa 227

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Syllabus for HESA 227 –Skin & Scuba Diving II

Instructor: Larry Brown

Office: 2007 CG

Office Phone: 515-1893

Email: larry_brown@ncsu.edu

Office Hours: 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. on Mondays & Wednesdays; other times by


Credit Hour: Two

Prerequisite: HESA 226 or equivalent skill

Course Website



Course Description

This course trains divers in the knowledge and skills needed to manage risks and
effectively handle surface and in-water problems and diving emergencies
including assists, transports, surface rescues, depth rescues, and using
shore/boat based personnel to assist in the rescue. Students will also be
exposed to search and recovery, light salvage, and full face masks with
underwater communications. Students' skills will be video taped throughout the
semester to enhance skill development.

Note: You must also complete the open water training fieldtrip if you wish
to earn nitrox, scuba advanced or rescue diver certification.

Health Information Statement

Students in our scuba program are required to completed a medical history form,
and if determined necessary, to see a diving physician in order to participate in
our diving program. In all of our Health & Exercise Studies Department’s
offerings care needs to be taken not to put a student at risk. Therefore, all of our
activity courses have the following health information statement listed:

Physical activities in this class are considered moderate to vigorous and are
considered limited contact. The NC State Department of Health and Exercise
Studies supports the development and improvement of physical health, while
doing so safely. If you have a known medical condition that could be adversely
affected by participating in the typical activities of this class, please contact your
usual physician for recommendations about how to participate safely or whether
it is more appropriate to choose a different Health and Exercise Studies course. If
your physician has provided you with recommendations to modify participation in
this class, please share those recommendations with the instructor within the first
week of class, if possible. If you are not certain whether you have a medical
condition that puts you at risk for participation in this class or have a medical
condition and cannot access your usual physician in a timely manner for
recommendations for safe participation, consider making an appointment at
Student Health to discuss your concerns (appointment number is 919.515.7107
or book on-line at healthweb.ncsu.edu).

Learning Outcomes

Each Student, upon completion of the course, is expected to:

o Demonstrate a working knowledge of the following topics: diving physics,

medical aspects of diving, diver's first aid procedures, oxygen
administration, rescue techniques, underwater navigation, basic search
patterns, buoyancy control and body trim, marine environment, marine life,
repetitive diving, gas mixes for recreational diving, and dive planning.
o Demonstrate the skills to safety participate in assisting and performing
rescues in the open water environment.
o Demonstrate MATURITY to safely participate in open water training by
making wise decisions regarding all aspects of scuba diving.

Prerequisites (More Detail)

• Provide proof of entry-level certification from a nationally recognized

scuba agency.
• Adequately perform basic skin diving skills: mask clearing/replacement,
snorkel clearing, tows, headfirst dive, feet first dive, etc.
• Adequately perform basic scuba diving skills: buoyancy control, OOA
drills, basic self-rescue skills (cramp release, tows, etc.), regulator
recovery/clear, swimming without a mask, etc.
• Demonstrate swim proficiency: swim 250 yards non-stop using any stroke
(<6min for rescue certification), tread water 15 minutes, recover 10 lb.
object from bottom of deep pool, 25 yard underwater swim (one breath, no
push off wall, proper technique).

Books & Materials

There is a $115 fee assessed for the materials for this course. This fee
covers the cost of the NAUI Training Kit for this course. The fee also covers the
cost of using the scuba unit (not mask, fins, snorkel, booties) for the pool
sessions. This fee is due by the third class meeting. Payment must be by
check or money order. Checks should be made out to N.C. State University. In
the memorandum (for) section of the check the student should write "HESA 227
– BM and their student id number ". The check must be turned in to HES
departmental receptionist for in room 2000 Carmichael Gymnasium on
Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with the exception of
the noon hour (12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.).

Water Skills Assessment

Each student should possess adequate swimming skills so that they are
comfortable in the water without the aid of skin and scuba diving equipment and
other floatation devices. Each student will demonstrate his/her swimming skills
during a swim assessment during the first week of class. The swim assessment
will consist of the following components: underwater swimming, treading water,
survival swimming (downproofing), retrieving a diving brick from the bottom of the
pool, basic swimming strokes, mask & snorkel clearing, kicking with fins, surface
dives, buoyancy control and trim. If your skills are weak, your instructor will offer
recommendations to help you improve. All students are expected to practice
their water skills outside of the class meeting time on a weekly basis. The
recreation pool schedule is at http://studentaffairs.ncsu.edu/recreation/.


Students are expected to attend all classes and to arrive and leave at the
scheduled times. The instructor will adhere to the university attendance policy.
hp for more information.
You are required to attend class as scheduled and MUST participate in class. If
you miss more than five classes, you will not pass this course for university
credit. Two tardies will count as one absence. A documented excuse will ONLY
be used to process a late drop (no make-ups). This policy applies to late-add
students. Verification of total absences is the responsibility of the student. If you
cannot adhere to these attendance policies then you need to switch to a different
class that does not present a time conflict for you.

For students registering late, all missed classes count as absences.

The inability to participate in class will result in an absence.

If a student has an excused absence (Illness, Family Emergency, Court, school

excused event) a written verification from the appropriate official is required
within one week of the absence, however, the absence will remain.

Please call or email Coach Brown to let him know if you are sick.

All WORK missed as a result of an excused absence must be made up as soon

as possible following the absence for certification purposes. However, absences
are still counted towards the maximum number of absences (five) allowed for
passing the class.

The student is responsible for all assignments and materials covered during an

Perfect class attendance is required to participate in the open water

training fieldtrip. Your instructor must approve any exceptions to this

Students with perfect attendance will receive a bonus of 3 points added to their
final grade.

Medical History

Each student will complete a medical history form and be clear of absolute
contraindications to diving before using scuba in this class.
Grading Scale
Each student has the option of taking the class for a letter grade (+/-), credit
only, or audit. .
Note: The student is responsible for requesting the desired grading option
on MyPack Portal by the University dead line.

97 - 100 = A+ 93 – 96.99 = A 90 – 92.99 = A-

87 – 89.99 = B+ 83 – 86.99 = B 80 – 82.99 = B-

77 – 79.99 = C+ 73 – 76.99 = C 70 – 72.99 = C-

67 – 69.99 = D+ 63 – 66.99 = D 60 – 62.99 = D-

0 – 59.99 = F

Requirements for Credit Only

In order to receive a grade of S, students are required to take all exams and
quizzes, complete all assignments, and earn a grade of C- or better. The class
attendance policy applies to Credit Only students just as it does for students
taking the class for a grade. Refer to the Registration and Records calendar for
deadlines related to grading. For more details refer to:

Note: The student is responsible for requesting credit only grading on MyPack
Portal by the University dead line.

Requirements for Auditors

Audit students must attend all classes except written exams and will be allowed
four absences before NR will be recorded as a final grade.
Incomplete Grades

Incomplete grades will be assigned only if unavoidable and unforeseen events
occur, such as a medical emergency, preventing the student from completing a
course requirement before the final grades are submitted. Incompletes must be
made up before the end of the next regular semester in which the student is
enrolled and in no case may be made up more than 12 months after the end of
the semester in which the IN is awarded, unless the teacher or department
offering the course is not able to provide the student with an opportunity to make
up incomplete work, in which case the period can be extended. Make up work is
to be limited to accomplishing the work not completed.

Online Class Evaluations

Online class evaluations will be available for students to complete during the last
2 weeks of semester. Students will receive an email message directing them to a
website where they can login using their Unity ID and complete evaluations. All
evaluations are confidential; instructors will not know how any one student
responded to any question, and students will not know the ratings for any

Evaluation website: https://classeval.ncsu.edu/

Student help desk: classeval@ncsu.edu
More information about ClassEval: http://www.ncsu.edu/UPA/classeval/

Learning progress will be noted and grades assigned on the basis of academics
and skills. This class may be taken for a "Letter Grade" or "Credit Only " or as an
"Audit ". For Outdoor Leadership Minor students: You must take the class for a letter
grade and must receive a "C-" or better if you are enrolled in the Outdoor Leadership

Points will be accumulated as follows:

Academics: 45 points

Skills: 55 points

(Please see “skills tests sheet” on the website at

http://courses.ncsu.edu/hesa227/common/ for explanation of these items)

Weight belt removal & replacement (shallow water): 10 points

Out of air drill in shallow water using alternate air source: 10 points

Propulsion/Trim Drill: 10 points

Scuba Rescue: 10 points

Life Support Skills (CPR, AED, Oxygen Administration): checked off

for certification

Ditch & Don MFS: 5 points

Underwater Swims; Underwater Kicks; Surface Dives: 5 points

Subjective evaluation of student’s skills throughout the semester:

includes decision-making, equipment handling, buddy techniques, trim,
buoyancy control, propulsion techniques, hand movement, etc.: 5 points


Please note from the previous section that both skill and knowledge development
will be assessed during the semester. It is expected that students will include
outside of class practice time into their personal schedules where he/she
can come to the pool and practice skills with a buddy. The knowledge
assignments will incorporate the use of the Moodle learning management

Electronic Hosted Course Components

Students may be required to disclose personally identifiable information to other

students in the course, via electronic tools like email or web postings, where
relevant to the course. Examples include online discussions of class topics, and
posting of student coursework. All students are expected to respect the privacy of
each other by not sharing or using such information outside the course.
Open Water Training

Part of the requirement for scuba certification is for the student to proficiently
demonstrate skin and scuba diving skills in the open water environment. The
class, as a group, can choose between two options: One fieldtrip option is
Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, November 04, 05, & 6, 2015. The fieldtrip will
last from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m. on
Thursday, and from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. on Friday. The second option is at
the completion of the spring semester 2015 (Dates TBA). Students must
demonstrate the skill proficiency, knowledge, and maturity to safety in the
open water training sessions in order to attend the open water training

Open Water Training Fee

Cost for open water training fieldtrip is $90. This fee must be paid prior to
attending the open water training fieldtrip. Please note that this fee does not
include your rental equipment and transportation. Payment must be by check or
money order. Check is to be made out to N.C. State University. In the
memorandum (for) section of the check the student should write "HESA 227 –
OW and their student id number". The check must be turned in to HES
departmental receptionist for in room 2000 Carmichael Gymnasium on
Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with the exception of
the noon hour (12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.).

Equipment for Open Water Training Fieldtrip

Students are required to provide their own equipment for the open water training
fieldtrip. Equipment rental packages are available from local dive shops. You
need to schedule your equipment early to ensure that you are able to find
equipment that fits you. It is your responsibility to pick up from the dive shop
where you rent the equipment and to transport the diving equipment to the dive
site and then back to the dive shop. The equipment package that you will need to
rent from the dive shop includes: 3 tanks each day (2 air tanks and 1 nitrox tank
for the first day and 3 air tanks for the second and third day); regulator with 2
gauge console (spg & depth), power inflator hose, and octopus; BC; complete
wetsuit including top, farmer john bottom, hood, and gloves; weight belt with
1ead; underwater light and chemical glow stick for the night dive. Students must
drop off one air tank and pick up a nitrox tank at the conclusion of the first day of
diving before the dive shop closes. Students will meet at N. C. State at 7:00 a.m.
on the second day and third day of diving to fill tanks.
Mask, Snorkel, Fins, & Booties

Students are expected to provide their own mask, fins, snorkel, and booties.
Students must bring this equipment to the second day of class.


Certification is not a requirement for a grade in the class; however, you must be
certified in order to scuba dive on your own outside of this class. In order to
become certified, the student must:

• Score at least 85% on the written examination (and review all incorrect
• Complete all webassign assignments with at least a 90% score.
• Successfully complete all pool skills.
• Attend every class period (both pool and classroom). It is very difficult to
make up missed pool sessions. Please do your best to attend every class.
Your instructor will do his best to help you make up classes but sometimes it
is impossible to make up the skills missed.
• Attend and successfully complete the field trip consisting of at least three
days of open water training. Students must provide their own equipment and
• Depending upon skills and knowledge gained, dives made, and maturity
exhibited, it is possible for the student to receive the following certifications:
nitrox diver, advanced diver and rescue diver. The certification fee for each of
these certifications is $18.
• You will also have the opportunity to take the Diver Emergency Management
Provider course (DEMP). The cost of the DEMP course book and certification
is $60. More information regarding the DEMP course will be given later in the

Pay a $18 fee for each certification registration that you desire and for which you
qualify. This fee is due Nov 20th. Payment must be by check or money order.
Check is to be made out to N.C. State University. In the memorandum (for)
section of the check the student should write "HESA 227 – C and their student id
number ". The check must be turned in to HES departmental receptionist for
in room 2000 Carmichael Gymnasium on Monday through Friday from 8:30
a.m. to 5:00 p.m. with the exception of the noon hour (12:00 p.m. to 1:00

• Demonstrate skill proficiency, knowledge, and MATURITY to safety dive

at the appropriate certification levels.
Summary of Costs & Fees

• Books & materials: fee of $115 covers the cost of the NAUI Training Kit,
pool equipment usage fee and other materials for this class. This fee is due
by the third class meeting.
• Students must provide their own mask, snorkel, fins, and booties for pool and
open water training sessions. Students must bring this equipment to the
second class meeting.
• Open water fieldtrip fee of $90. This fee must be paid prior to attending the
open water training fieldtrip.
• Students are required to provide their own equipment for the open water
training fieldtrip. Equipment rental packages are available from local dive
• Certification is optional and available for all students that meet the
qualifications for the certification level. Registration costs for certification
for Nitrox Diver, Advanced Diver, & Rescue Diver is $18 for each
certification. This fee is due Nov 20th. The cost of the DEMP course,
including book and certification, is $60. Details for the DEMP course will
be announced later in the semester.

Please note that payment for fees must be by check or money order. Check is to
be made out to N.C. State University. In the memorandum (for) section of the
check the student should write "HESA 227 – BM and their student id number " for
books & materials, "HESA 227 – OW and their student id number " for open
water training, and "HESA 227 – C and their student id number " for certification.
The check must be turned in to HES departmental receptionist for in room
2000 Carmichael Gymnasium on Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to
5:00 p.m. with the exception of the noon hour (12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m.).

General Information

1. Academic Integrity: For all written assignments, students will be expected to

adhere to the University Honor Code: “I have neither given nor received
unauthorized aid on this test or assignment.” It is the understanding and
expectation of the instructor that the student’s signature on any test or
assignment means that the student neither gave nor received unauthorized aid.
Consult the university website:
2. Students with Disabilities: Reasonable accommodations will be made for
students with verifiable disabilities. In order to take advantage of available
accommodations, students must register with Disability Services for Students at
1900 Student Health Center, Campus Box 7509, 515-7653. For more information
on NC State's policy on working with students with disabilities, please see the
Academic Accommodations for Students with Disabilities Regulation
3. Anti-Discrimination Statement: NC State University provides equality of
opportunity in education and employment for all students and employees.
Accordingly, NC State affirms its commitment to maintain a work environment for
all employees and an academic environment for all students that is free from all
forms of discrimination. Discrimination based on race, color, religion, sex, creed,
national origin, age, disability, veteran status or sexual orientation is a violation of
state and federal law and/or NC State University policy and will not be tolerated.
Harassment of any person (either in the form of quid pro quo or creation of a
hostile environment) based on color, religion, sex, creed, national origin, age,
disability, veteran status or sexual orientation is also a violation of state and
federal law and/or NC State University policy and will not be tolerated.
Retaliation against any person who complains about discrimination is also
prohibited. NC State’s policies and regulations covering discrimination,
harassment, and retaliation may be accessed at
http://www.ncsu.edu/policies/campus_environ or http://www.ncsu.edu/equal_op.
Any person who feels that he or she has been the subject of prohibited
discrimination, harassment, or retaliation should contact the Office for Equal
Opportunity (OEO) at 515-3148.
4. General University Policies: Apply to All Courses & Websites for the
Department of Health & Exercise Studies: Provides information via
university links on university policies regarding Course Syllabus,
Attendance, Audits, Credit-Only, Disability Statement, Diversity Policy,
Incomplete grades, Learning Outcomes (replaces course objectives),
Honor Pledge, Academic Regulations- Beginning of Semester Reminders,
and Academic Regulations- End of Semester Reminders can be found at
5. Attire: NC State issue or special activity attire as indicated by your
instructor. For this class you should wear an appropriate swimsuit for in-
pool activities.
6. You must show your ID card to enter Carmichael Gymnasium.
7. Due to the nature of this activity, it may be necessary for the instructor to
touch the student to assist in form/technique.
8. Every physical activity has certain inherent risks and regardless of
precautions taken it is impossible to ensure total safety. Adhere to all
safety guidelines to reduce your risk of injury.
9. All NC State issued clothing (shorts, t-shirts, swim suits, athletic supports
and towels) must be returned by the last day of exams. Students will be
charged for clothing not returned. All personal items left in the locker will
be disposed.
10. Do not bring or use illegal drugs, tobacco products, alcoholic beverages
during class time.
11. Do not bring visitors and/or pets to class. Firearms, weapons, and/or
fireworks are prohibited from class.
12. Do not use profanity during class.
13. Turn off pagers, cell phones, etc. during class time.
Recommendations For Your Safety

1. Students should warm-up and stretch properly before participating in

activity and cool-down after any workout. Always work out with a partner.
2. Inform instructor immediately if you have any medical issue that would
affect your performance in class.
3. Let instructor know immediately of any symptoms of nausea, fainting,
shortness of breath, dizziness, or any other symptoms of discomfort.
4. Your instructor must be on deck or a lifeguard on duty at the pool where
you class is being held before you can enter the water.
5. Diving into the pool in not allowed unless you are receiving diving
instruction from your instructor. Please click on "video" to see how easily a
neck injury could occur when diving into the pool. This swimmer was
fortunate that an injury was avoided.
6. Hyperventilation is extremely dangerous due to the increased risk of
shallow water blackout in an aquatic environment. Students are not to
hyperventilate during any aquatic activity.
7. Use swimmer’s aid solution after each pool and open water session to
avoid swimmer’s ear problems.
8. Equalize continuously during each ascent in the pool or open water.
9. Never hold your breath while breathing compressed air.
10. Never dive when you are unable to equalize or when you have congestion
in your chest.
11. Perform all equipment checks before donning equipment.
12. Perform all equipment cleaning/storing procedures before storing
13. Be aware of location of emergency phones/transmitters and other
methods of obtaining help.
14. NC State Student Health Services has information about the Mental
Aspects of Sports Participation Guidelines.
Tentative Schedule for HESA 227 for Fall 2015
Date Day Loc Readings Activity
1 Aug 20 Thurs pool Chapter 1 Introduction of Course; EAP; water skills
pre-assessment; Bring MFS next class!
2 25 Tues pool Chapter 2 Skin diving skills pre-assessment;
knowledge pre-assessment (webassign)
3 26 Thurs pool Chapter 3 Scuba diving skills pre-assessment; B&M
fee due!
4 Sep 1 Tues pool Chapter 4 Exhalation; Propulsion; Buoyancy Skills 1
5 3 Thurs pool Chapter 5 Exhalation; Propulsion; Buoyancy Skills 2
6 8 Tues pool Chapter 6 Exhalation; Propulsion; Buoyancy Skills 3
7 10 Thurs pool Chapter 7 Equipment Handling Skills 1
8 15 Tues pool Chapter 8 Equipment Handling Skills 2
9 17 Thurs pool Chapter 9 Equipment Handling Skills 3
10 22 Tues pool Chapter 10 Emergency Skills 1
11 24 Thurs pool Chapter 11 Emergency Skills 2
12 29 Tues pool Chapter 12 Combination Skills
13 Oct 1 Thurs pool Chapter 13 Rescue Skills 1; OW Trng Fee due!
14 6 Tues pool Chapter 14 Rescue Skills 2
7-9 W-F Quarry Optional Open Water 3 DayTraining
Session (Wednesday – Friday, October
9, 10, 11)
15 13 Tues pool Chapter 15 Nitrox
16 15 Thurs pool Nitrox
17 20 Tues pool Equipment 1
18 22 Thurs pool Equipment 2
19 27 Tues pool Full face masks 1
20 29 Thurs pool Full face masks 2
21 Nov 3 Tues pool DEMP Part 1; Certification fees due!
04 - 06 W - F Quarry Open Water Training (Possible)
22 5 Thurs pool DEMP Part 2
23 10 Tues pool DEMP Part 3
24 12 Thurs pool DEMP Part 4
25 17 Tues pool Skills Review / Combined Problem Review;
26 19 Thurs pool Skill Tests
27 24 Tues pool Skill Tests
26 Thurs N/A Thanksgiving Vacation
28 1 Tues pool Skill Tests
29 3 Thurs pool Skill Tests
Exams will be on moodle.

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