Ar Application For Learning Kids
Ar Application For Learning Kids
Ar Application For Learning Kids
ID: 153-15-6624
ID: 153-15-6649
ID: 123-15-2151
ID: 153-15-6660
This Report Presented in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in
Computer Science and Engineering.
Supervised By
Abdus Sattar
Assistant Professor
Department of CSE
Daffodil International University
©Daffodil International University
©Daffodil International University
©Daffodil International University
First we express our heartiest thanks and gratefulness to almighty God for His divine blessing makes us
possible to complete the final year project successfully.
We really grateful and wish our profound our indebtedness to Abdus Sattar, Assistant Professor,
Department of CSE Daffodil International University, Dhaka. Deep Knowledge & keen interest of our
supervisor in the field of “Augmented Reality (AR)” to carry out this project. His endless patience,
scholarly guidance, continual encouragement, constant and energetic supervision, constructive criticism,
valuable advice, reading many inferior draft and correcting them at all stage have made it possible to
complete this project.
We would like to express our heartiest gratitude to Dr. Syed Akhter Hossain, Professor and Head,
Department of CSE, for his kind help to finish our project and also to other faculty member and the staff
of CSE department of Daffodil International University.
We would like to thank our entire course mate in Daffodil International University, who took part in this
discuss while completing the course work.
Finally, we must acknowledge with due respect the constant support and patients of our parents. We
appreciate and admire it with respect and gratitude.
©Daffodil International University
Augmented Reality (AR) is an interactive experience or a combination of real-world and digital data. It
simplify and enhances user knowledge of interaction with physical world by imposing virtual images on
real ones. This is the new way of manipulating how we interact with that world, without replacing the real
world. Augmented Reality has manifested in various fields today like Education, Navigation, Games,
Industry, Medical, Advertisements and Architecture.AR in education will soon affect the conventional
learning process. Our approach has the potential to speed up the design of 3D views of view of objects
related to that letter and help kids to learn and realize concepts in a better and interactive way. The idea
presented in this report is to show how AR can be used to enhance the learning experience of kids on
NCTB book. It is a process which makes NCTB books easy, interactive, informative, enjoyable and
interesting to the kids.The app can be used to reduce irreverence of kids who not interesting to learning.
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©Daffodil International University
List of Chapters
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Motivation 1
1.3 Objectives 1
1.4 Expected Outcome 2
1.5 Research Question 2
1.6 Report Layout 2
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4.3 Project Implementation 24
Plagiarism 29
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List of Figure
Figures PAGE
2.2.1 AR application in education 4
2.2.2 AR application in medical science 5
2.2.3 AR application in military 5
2.2.4 AR application in entertainment & game 6
2.2.5 AR application in Robotics 7
2.2.6 AR application in navigation 7
2.2.7 AR application in architecture 8
2.2.8 AR application in marketing 9
3.1.1 Hardware configuration 10
3.3.1 Creating project in unity 11
3.4.1 Organizing project 12
3.4.2 Organizing project 12
3.4.3 Organizing project 13
3.4.4 Organizing project Code 13
3.6.1 Vuforia Login 14
3.6.2 Vuforia License Manager Key 15
3.7.1 Create Database 16
3.7.2 Add Target 17
3.7.3 Download Database 18
3.8.1 AR Camera 19
3.8.2 Vuforia Configuration 19
3.8.3 Image Target 20
3.9.1 Use Case Diagram 21
3.10 Er Diagram 22
3.11 Use Characters 22
4.3.1 Project start 24
4.3.2 Project Outcome 25
©Daffodil International University
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Motivation
The technological revolutions having occurred in many areas also had an impact on books,
and electronic books emerged. However many problems have emerged in the availability of
electronic books, and users have started to return to books that are tangible, with pages of
which they can physically turn. Augmented reality books are prepared by enhancing these
books attractively by introducing interactive and immersive properties into the superficial and
interaction-free characteristics of printed books. Books have been augmented with various
visualizations, such as 3D graphics and animations, and sound. Adding these elements to
books is believed to stimulate a broader set of input channels for the user, thus motivating the
reader and enhancing the user experience. It has also been suggested that the use of
augmented books may support collaboration among users. .
1.3 Objectives
Make children easily to teach by playing. They do not waste of money for home tutor. They
can familiar with many objects, animals, flowers etc.
In order to provide a thorough answer to the overarching research question, some areas of
children’s interaction need to be explored at more depth. Therefore the following more
specific research questions will be explored:
In Chapter 2, we introduce the background overview of our project. In this part we also
briefed about the Literature Review of the project including with different type of AR
applications in the present day world and realize their activities or key role in our life.
In chapter 3, we specified the development requirements tools. In this part we will show how
easily we create an AR application by using Unity, Vuforia and other tools in our project.
In chapter 4, we exhibited the implementation of the whole project, like coding part, 3D
model view of the molecules and how they reacts with each other.
In chapter 6, we designated about conclusion and the scope for future work of the project. At
last of all, give some related reference to ensure that the information in report are must be
2.1 Introduction
The augmented reality (AR) technology has come to remain and changing the way how we
interact with the environment that encompasses us. Adding digitally created objects to the
real-life environment through the smart devices can potentially changing every industry, from
education, navigation, marketing and healthcare to entertainment and gaming. At the age of
modern science the term Augmented Reality (AR) is used to describe a combination of
technologies that enable real-time mixing of computer-generated content with live video
display. Augmented Reality enhances a user’s feeling and interaction with the real world. The
virtual objects display information that the user cannot directly detect with his own senses.
The information conveyed by the virtual objects helps a user perform real-world tasks. AR is
a specific example of what Fred Brooks called Intelligence Amplification (IA): using the
computer as a tool to make a task easier for a human to perform
In this paper we identified at least 8 Unique Classes of AR application state. These classes
contain well-established state like education, medical, military, entertainment and games,
robotics, marketing, navigation and architecture.
Over the past two decades, a lot of research has been done in AR field. The new prospect of
education and education given by AR has been increasingly recognized by educators.
Tolerance of virtual objects and practical environments allow students to imagine complex
local relationships and abstract ideas, expertise events that is not probable in the real world ,
combine with two and three dimensional artificial objects in the mixed reality , develop
important practices that can’t be applied and develop other technologies to develop advanced
environments. These educational benefits have made AR one of the innovative technologies
for education over the next five years. AR application and its mentioned systems are exposed
and used in different educational fields. For example: chemistry, mathematics, biology,
mechanical designing and others.
Past few decade technological progresses have serious changed in healthcare industry.
Augmented reality in the medical science makes a revolution in the present world. The
augmented reality is applied to medical education and training, surgical simulation,
neurological rehabilitation, psychotherapy and telemedicine medicine. Augmented reality can
improve traditional medical care losses, reduce medical problems caused by uneducated
operations, and reduce medical education and training costs. Moreover, the application has
enhanced the efficiency of medical education and training, has increased the level of diagnosis
and treatment, improves patient's patient relationships and increases the efficiency of the
treatment process. Medical augmented reality takes its original motivation from the need to
visualize the patient between medical information and the same physical space. An
application for augmented reality in medical domain is in ultrasound imaging. Ultrasound
technicians using an optical view through the display can see a voluminous rendered image of
fetal volts on the pregnant woman's womb. More recently, Wen et al. directed by hand
gestures and offers a cooperative surgical system supported by an augmented reality-based
surgical field. In the future, there is a high probability of AR applications in healthcare and
medicine. In nursing and medical health care services it can increase the effectiveness and
The military sector has always been advancing using technological advances raised for
training and development of war. Augmented reality can be used to show true battlefield
scenes and increase it with annotation information. Hybrid Optical and Internal Tracker Using
Small MMS (micro electro-mechanical systems) Sensor, Cockpit was developed for helmet
tracking. Special privileges for military users can be practiced in real-time enemy action like
the reality of the training and wartime Augmented reality system at large battlefields. Tactical
augmented reality helps to reduce the number of devices that the device should run, and may
help reduce the efficiency of our enemies more effectively, to improve the battlefield
awareness of the soldier's troops.
Augmented Reality has been used in video gaming and media entertainment for a long time to
show a real picture interacting with one made from computer graphics. Most fundamental
ideas of Augmented Reality have been used in the film and science fiction like as RoboCop
©Daffodil International University 5
(1987) and Terminator (1984). AR can provide advertisers to show virtual advertisement and
product placement. Augmented reality has been used to create games in the entertainment
industry. Augmented reality gaming is still now a new concept. The first popular AR games
on mobile are Pokémon Go and Ingress. More than 25 AR games are released for iOS and
Android (such as Army of Robots and Zombie GO, ARrrrrgh, WallaMe, Temple Treasure
Hunt etc.) . AR games are able to fight aliens, capturing fantastical animals, protecting the real
world kingdom. Augmented Reality is also applied to life swim action, Snooker ball
trajectories, annotate racing cars etc.
Augmented Reality Tool for Operators Support, where people and robots share a shared
millennium in the workplace. Provides system visualization, video and text based instructions,
and visualization of production status. This tool enhances the safety of the operator and hybrid
assembly environment through the immersion capabilities of AR technology. Augmented
Reality is a norm stage for human-robot collaboration. Robotics has greatly helped the
augmented reality. Microsoft was leading leader here in the implementation of AR technology
to robotics. The cartographer was opened in 2016 and the standard path packages have
become a distinguished 2nd and 3rd mapping solution for robots from Marble suppliers, lift
Level 5 Lab Automatic Driving Car.
Augmented Reality Navigation Features seem to be made for retailers in many ways.
Navigation is one of the most sensational parts of retail where it can be easily applied. AR is
surely made its way in the business world and around the world. One of the ways it is
available its practical application is in navigation and maps. In the last year's I/O developer's
conference, Google has shown a new augmented reality feature for Google Maps, which will
provide real-time guidance to people from our phone camera. The AR display at the museum
is one of the reasons for the expansion of navigational applications, due to the amount of
equipment it needs. Navigating through seas of different summit and conference events is
always a challenge. However, an easy AR solution can strengthen domestic navigation
through a pavilion and it can walk in a park instead of running through the jungle.
AR is straight from science fiction, it is one of the amazing technologies that highlights the
world and receives the notice. The use of augmented reality within marketing is a new
industry. It is used in advertising in automotive art. In 2018, the augmented reality of brand
marketing is one of the hottest issues. All major technology companies, including Google,
Apple and Facebook add new AR ability to their platforms. Now it is time to exhibit creative
and marvelous AR marketing experience that roods our lives. By 2022 AR increased to $
35.22 billion industry. Augmented reality is so versatile that it can find out the implementation
of all kinds of industries. Restaurant chains are no exclusion. Pizza Hut has found a very
creative way to enhance the menu through AR technology. Augmented reality makeup
"looking glass" has been a fixture of Sphere and other cosmetics retailers for different years.
©Daffodil International University 8
Figure 2.2.8: AR application in marketing
PC Configuration:
For making a gaming project, a pc must need a minimum hardware requirement. There is a Figure 3.1
about hardware requirement which is shown below.
RAM: 4.00 GB
We face several problems while render the project for low configuration.
Device Configuration:
In order to fully appreciate the requirements of an App developing system, it is important to have
details on the following:
Because one can usually satisfy by using this App for the first time. Comparing with the other Apps
one can easily see the difference to fascinate a user easily.
At first we create an account in unity to start a new project. For starting a unity project developer
should set a project name. Our project name is ‘AR BOOK’. As our App is 3D, so we choose 3D
platform. After that clicking on “create project” button created our project in our selected direction.
There is a Figure 3.2 about project creation which is shown below.
The good practice of handling a project is get organized stuffs before get started. While we created our
project in our location we have noticed that there is a built-in folder named assets. Here we put all of
our different stuffs in an organized folder view. An App contains of too many contents like animation,
audio, scripts, scenes, materials, particles, sdk etc. The benefits of we had done this is while we want
to find something we will get it on its named place. Because management of time is very necessary.
Project organizing Figure 3.3 is shown below.
In this project we use Vuforia SDK. It is a Software Development Kit (SDK) for creating AR
application. It uses Computer Visualization system to track an images and a 3D objects in real time. It
allows putting virtual 3D objects is related to real-world objects at the camera screen. For
implementation we use Vuforia Engine in version 7.5. We develop an android application of kids
learning by using Vuforia.
First we need to Login for Vuforia developer platform by using vuforia user account & password.
Next, in the Develop tab, we select the Target Manager subtab. There we create a database of objects
that Vuforia able to recognize. There are 3 types of databases: Device, Cloud, VuMark. We select the
Device option (it is the only possible option in the free version of Vuforia) we download it and import
it into Unity.
After setting our database, we have to go into its details. We add a new target. A target is an object that
recognized by Vuforia and work with. There are 4 types of targets:
At the next, we upload an image file, input its width and name it.
After adding the target, it take place on the target list. It is worth to pay attention to the ranking of
targets. The higher is the better. It means that an image or object with higher ranking has more specific
points for Vuforia to recognize it. In our case, the image has the highest possible ranking.
When we add all of our targets, we choose which ones we want to have in our Unity package. After
this, we press the Download Database button. We must choose Unity Editor as a development
Now, we import our database to the Unity project. We can do this by choosing Assets->Import
package->Custom package and picking our file. To work Vuforia we use a special camera object
called AR Camera. We have to delete the standard Unity camera and then, from our assets, we must
choose AR Camera and place it on the scene. In the scene hierarchy, click a right button of the mouse
and from the menu bar that is appear, at first select Vuforia and after AR Camera.
If our app wants to recognize the objects in the real world, we have to add these objects to the scene.
An object that represents a Single Image is called simply an Image. We can find Images in the same
menu as AR Camera. After adding it to the scene set its position to 0, 0, 3 and in the Image Target
Behavior script of this object set a database and image target to the corresponding element. From now
on Vuforia is recognize our image in the real world.
The last thing to do is to add a 3D model as a child object of the Image and set its position to 0, 0, 0
Now go back to Vuforia Configuration, set Dataset for our database and activate it.
And that’ all. Now we have to simply build a project into apk file and install it on an Android device.
To do this go to File->Build Settings and press Build button. In the app all we have to do is point our
camera to the chosen image and our model will appear.
A utilization case is a rundown of activities or occasion steps that characterizes the connections
between and performing artist and an engine to accomplish an objective. In AR application building it
is essentially called use case demonstrating. According to the Unified Modeling Language, the client is
called a performing artist, in this application, the user will be performer and the application will give
all the idea how they can use it.
Event Flow: Show different content from the book and visualize 3D animation.
An entity relationship diagram (ERD) shows the relationships of entity sets stored in a storage. An
entity in this context is a component of data. In other words, ER diagrams illustrate the logical
structure of databases.
The relationship of the entity sets of the storage and cloud is shown by the entity relationship diagram
(ERD). It can be said that, the logical structure of a storage is illustrated by the ER diagram. It goes
deep to the database as much as possible and describes the data model. All the entities and relationship
among them are included in the diagram. In the following figure we have given the ER diagram of the
AR Application Implementation
4.1 Introduction:
For implantation our project at first we install unity3D editor. At next we create an account in
unity. Then we create a new project here we insert project name, location, select model & then
create project.
After that go to file> build settings and then select android platform & then click player
settings, XR settings, & click Vuforia Augmented Reality supported then build and save this
Then we go to Asset tools, Vuforia, AR camera & insert this & delete main camera. In AR
camera inspector (Open Vuforia configuration, Vuforia, app license key).
For app license key & unity package we login Vuforia engine (for login we have a Vuforia
After login go to Develop tools > license manager create a license & name this project1.Then
go to target manager & create database for unity package.
To create database, name this database Project1 & type to device and click on create button.
Then type Single target image, insert file, Width (300) & name click on Add button.
If we show this database, target manager > click > Project1 (Show features for camera
detection point on image) & for download this database > select Unity Editor > click on
Project > Asset > Vuforia > Script > click right button > create C# > name >
Double click on collitionDetector > open Visual Studio > Write C# code for 3D object
physical movements of selected molecules & save.
Finally, we use this code for our selected 3D object/ molecules just drag & drop C# code on
3D object Inspector.
At next we click file > Build setting > Android/iOS/others > select scene > build > name the
apk > Save.
Every project needs an output as a result. Result are the main concern of our project. Bengali
is the mother language of the Bangladeshi people, the children are not getting enough
exposure to the Bengali language compared to English in their early childhood. This “AR
BOOK” app can help to bridge that gap. It will be possible to familiarize the kids their
native Bengali alphabets with this application in an entertaining way without parental
supervision with a significant amount of improvement compared to the traditional way.
This app is children friendly as the children are learning in a playful way using Augmented
Reality. The AR application was used as a teaching method; the kids were amazed and learnt
in a playful manner. One of the teacher’s comments regarding this AR application is noted
6.1 Conclusion
In recent, efforts have been made to use augmented reality as a device for education. We are
trying to cover full kids NCTB book. Also we are try to implement storybook.
Augmented reality gives us to show how chemical reaction by using a virtual model. And the
response of the experiment is qualifying by reserving user’s history. Bengali is the mother
language of the Bangladeshi people, the children are not getting enough exposure to the
Bengali language compared to English in their early childhood. This “AR BOOK” app can
help to bridge that gap. It will be possible to familiarize the kids their native Bengali
alphabets with this application in an entertaining way without parental supervision with a
significant amount of improvement compared to the traditional way. This app is children
friendly as the children are learning in a playful way using Augmented Reality. The AR
application was used as a teaching method; the kids were amazed and learnt in a playful
manner. One of the teacher’s comments regarding this AR application is noted below. We are
trying to cover full kids NCTB book. Also we are try to implement storybook.