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International Conference on Communications, Information Management and Network Security (CIMNS 2016)

Smart Tourism via Smart Phone

Pu Liu1,2,* and Yuan Liu2
Beijing Jiaotong University, No.3 Shangyuan Cun, Haidian District, Beijing, China
Jiangnan University, No.1800 Lihu Avenue, Binhu District, Wuxi, China
Corresponding author

Abstract—Smart tourism of Chinese cities try to provide tourists objects extending from city residents outwards to tourists. As
with all services and businesses via smart phones. This article tourists and city dwellers differ in characteristics and demands,
analyzes the relationship between the smart tourism and smart and tours occur not only in the cities, the smart tourism has a
city; explores the architecture of a smart tourism system, the broader connotation than the smart city, always involving
technology application and supporting platform; focuses on various fields and spanning various places, also presents more
solutions via smart phones; and discusses problems, challenges problems of smart cities.
and future trends in the process of developing smart tourism.
A huge system of smart tourism covers entire tour industry,
Keywords-smart tourism; smart city; smart phone; mobile the basic features including a center (large database storing
communication; Internet of things; cloud computing; ambient vast amounts of tourist information and cloud computing
intelligence servers with powerful computing capability), network (Internet,
IoT, communications network), client-side (people travelling
I. INTRODUCTION or residing in the tourist site who need the smart tourism
services), server-side (units or individuals providing services
Internet of things, cloud computing, big data and mobile
to tourists directly or indirectly, including travel agencies,
internet brings the "smart" trend which is typified by terms of
tourist bureaus, tour guides, hotels, enterprises of the scenic
smart planet and smart city. Relevant academic reports are
spots and other service providers, departments of government
increasing these years. Smart technology application is
which guarantee the environment, public safety, transportation,
practiced in China in a large scale. It is put forward by Chinese
disaster protection, health care and quality inspection).
National Tourism Administration in its Twelfth-five-year
Various entities achieve mastery through a comprehensive
Tourism Development Planning as a national strategy that
cooperation to constitute the seamless body of smart tourism.
smart tourism is aimed under the national "big tour" formation.
There are four layers in the architecture model: the sensing
At present there are 33 national smart tourism pilot cities
layer, the network layer, the cloud layer, the application layer,
among the 290 smart cities in China.
from the bottom to the top. (Figure I)
The first section of this article explains the definition,
origin, architecture, supporting platform of smart tourism. The
next section analyzes why and how the services and businesses
of smart tourism provided via smartphones. In the last section
problems are drawn out, suggestions are made, concluding
with the statement of tourism revolution the smart tourism


The consensus definition of smart tourism does not exist
neither in IT industry nor tourism academia. Smart tourism is
based on the Internet of things (IoT), cloud computing, mobile
communication, artificial intelligence technology. Automatic
perception, timely delivery and mining analysis is achieved by
embedding sensors in each kind of tourist resources, so
various elements involved in tourism get linked, the physical
resources and information resources deeply activated and the
entire tourism industry chain integrated. FIGURE I. HIERARCHICAL ARCHITECTURE MODEL OF SMART
Smart tourism and smart city are closely related. Smart
Tourism arises out of the concept of smart city, relies on its The first thing is universal linkage. Sensor devices embed
infrastructure, and in turn strengthens the linkages of every in and link objects of all scenery spots, cultural relics, historic
subsystem of a smart city and the linkages of smart cities so sites, public facilities, etc., to a network. Through this real-
enhance them. Smart tourism can be considered as the time perceiving is achieved, on geographies, natural disasters,
application of smart city in the field of tourism, the service tracks of tourists, residents and staffs in the tour areas. The

© 2016. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press 129

second is full integration. By the combination of the Internet III. SMARTPHONES’ SOLUTION FOR SMART TOURISM
and the IoT, integrated tour database efficiently enhances the Major cities of smart tourism in China are trying to provide
interaction among tourism resources, tourists, local residents, all the services and businesses to tourists via smartphones. The
commercial enterprises and administration authorities of model of “travelling with a smartphone” appears and extends
tourism. Collaborative work is the third step. Different sectors as a template. Examples are smartphone applications "Nanjing
and systems involved in tourism share information and Tourist Assistant", "E Lungcheng", "I Xiangshan Travels
cooperate, making the best tourism activities and management ", ”Le Youyou”, and ”Smart Lushan”.
decisions, predicting and responding to emergencies and
disasters timely, aiming to the overall development of the The reason is that smartphones firmly occupy the first
tourism industry in its best condition. position on accessing the Internet in China. Chinese Internet
Network Information Center (CNNIC) released that by June
Therefore, smart tourism offers to the tourists of 2016 Chinese netizens reached 710 million, while 656 million
personalized travel services, enterprises of complete marketing through mobile phones, accounting for 92.5% of the total
platforms, administrators of intelligent management platforms, Internet population.
with better tourism order maintaining, traffic controlling,
passenger flow estimating, quality detecting, disaster It is also relies on the cloud computing which pushes the
preventing, emergency handling, real-time tourism resources limits on mobile applications result from the original storage
and environment monitoring. (Figure II) space and computing power of smartphones. In addition,
smartphones usually carry a variety of sensors such as GPS,
network positioning and RFID. With the development of
location-based services (LBS), mobile location services (MLS),
natural language and multimodal interaction (speech, motion
or gesture control), smartphones facilitate smart tourism.
From the user's point of view, it brings a lot of
convenience to the tourists that a smartphone become the
terminal carrier of Smart Tourism, which itself is a
combination of PDA, camera, browser, navigator, then adding
the function of e-bank, e-map, e-ticket, ID and transportation
cards, as so to meet visitors’ all need in accommodation,
transportation, eating, sightseeing, shopping, entertainment
and other activities on the trip. Hence a smartphone can be a
tourist navigator, tourist guide, card pack, safety guarantee,
care physician to a tourist.

A. Tourist Navigator
The integration of navigation and the Internet is the future
trend of navigation industry. Map, location and related web
TOURISM information are displayed on the interface of a smartphone
simultaneously, so that tourists know where it is and what the
For instance, the tourists’ data system acquires dynamic surrounding details are at any place any time. When the GPS
data, the flow and spatial distribution of tourists, as well as determined the location, the latest information pops up
monitors carrying capacity of the area, which is in prepared for automatically and also updates timely if the position changes.
evacuating any congestion or carrying out emergency rescue, Information includes weather, hot lines, sight spots, traffic
to ensure the quality of tourism also to provide security for condition, congestion, queuing, catering, lodging, shopping,
tourists. Equally, it will guide tourism enterprises to develop parking lots and available spaces, friends’ or tour group
corresponding markets strategy and better products innovation members’ location, emergency rescue and so on, from which
as well as choose long-term cooperative distribution channels, visitors counsel so as to change their travel plans at any time,
benefited from the actively acquiring, accumulating, analyzing avoid the crowd rush, choose scenic attractions and solve
and digging these data for interests and habits of the tourists. common problems. By entering keywords of spots, budget
expenditure and time, recommended optimal travel routes are
Another example is the scenic resources and environmental generated with related attractions, stations, travel agencies,
monitoring system which conducts comprehensive perception, hotels and restaurants along the way.
intelligent recognition, auto-discovery and alarm in time,
covering quality of air and water, noise, infrastructure, load B. Tourist Guide
level, emergency and anomalies, etc., to prevent and control
natural or man-made disasters. It also monitors tourism With a headset, a smartphone is equivalent to a self-help
resources from all aspects of the temperature, humidity, wind guide. According to the tourists’ location, it automatically
erosion, color and luster, which are sensed to the IoT broadcasts dynamic messages especially the latest
controller so that maintenance and repair can be done announcement released by local authoritative tourism
promptly. organizations, and sends location information and historic
culture background or details in multi-media forms when near

an interest point. Visitors can also use their smartphones IV. CHALLENGES AND PROBLEMS
reading the two-dimensional code at that point to obtain such Smart tourism involves the use of a variety of new
information and according to their needs choose interpretation technologies, bringing more threats and challenges because the
depth, style and language. feature of strong intersectionality, permeability and
comprehensiveness of the tourism industry. Obvious problems
C. Card Pack appear in China now and these challenges may be faced by
Equipped with RFID communication capabilities by the every city of smart tourism:
Near Field Communication technology (NFC) on its battery,
Sound security mechanisms have not been established.
SIM card or shell, the smartphone will upgrade and substitute
Security issues present in cooperation with all parties of
for all existing metro cards, bus cards, IC cards and smart
tourism in the data collection, transmission, distribution and
cards, various payment systems merged together. So that
storage. Cloud computing centers highly centralize user
consumption can be done at any place with the NFC readers.
information so tourists risk leakage of important personal
All get into one smartphone, severing as the bank card,
transportation card, online payment, e-wallet, e-ticket, privacy information when using cloud resources. Ensuring
positioning, authenticating, electronic signing in and other personal information security and identity authentication is the
functions, which contains the holder’s basic personal primary challenge when cloud computing applied in smart
information. tourism. The Internet of things has the same defect. An
instable, unsafe or unreliable system of the IoT will suffer
from virus attack, information theft and damage. Although the
D. Safety Guarantee threats have not yet become a reality, if security issues are not
Various emergencies often occur in tourism destinations. well resolved, many concepts will remain in mind, not into
Safety is the most important for every tourist. Depending on industry.
the RFID and GPS of the tourists’ smartphones, rescue force
can preliminarily determine the location of missing or unsafe Lack of National top-level design and macro guidance
tourists according to the track recorded in the tour region, causes serious problems currently, which highlights the urgent
immediate arrival and effective relief implemented. At the needs to explore smart tourism in practice under top view. For
same time the adventure travelers in distress can find the instance the departments are fragmented; related policies and
nearest refuge quickly through their smartphones. systems are respective; redundant projects waste funds;
hardware is placed too much value on while software ignored;
application system is emphasized while information resource
E. Care Physician
neglected; uneven and unbalanced development remains at the
Attached wearable devices of sensitive components and technical level and in several areas with a considerable degree
behavioral detectors, smartphones record basic data of of blindness; differentiated and hierarchical building is not
personal health (blood pressure, blood oxygen, pulse, implemented with regard for local conditions. They are the
heartbeats, respiration, temperature, sleep, etc.) and exercise results of lack of strategic research, overall planning and
levels (steps, motion intensity, distance, calorie consumption, systematic design from a national or global perspective
etc.), analyze and then alert the users that suitably adjustments without analyzing all kinds of factors and relationships
should be done. (Figure III) impacting smart tourism construction, determining the long-
term goals, or formulating a reasonable target and detailed
Relevant laws are inadequate. Across-regional and virtual
nature of smart tourism causes problems in legal aspect but
current domestic laws and regulations are not formulated in
this area. People often face passive circumstances without
legal basis once encountering specific problems. Therefore, it
is necessary to constitute relevant laws and regulations which
should be attached great importance and be improved in a
relatively short period of time, escorting rapid development of
smart tourism.
Uniform industry standards are absence especially in cloud
computing and the Internet of things. Lack of relevant
standards in the process of constructing the tourism cloud
increases the difficulty of data fusion, considering it covers a
very wide range of departments, scenic spots, hotels, travel
agencies and transport companies, etc. The IoT does not play
greater efficacy in using data and sharing resources because
multi-industry standards are not established and applications
FIGURE III. SMARTPHONE SERVICE AND SOLUTION FOR SMART are not highly integrated. The Internet being able to develop so
TOURISM rapidly throughout the world depends on its uniform standards
and coordination mechanisms (network protocols, device port,

transmission technology, etc.). But they are absence in cloud meanwhile a strong promoter of the application of information
computing and the IoT now. and communication technology.
Sharing and exchanging is difficult. How to make data Smart tourism is the second revolution in the tourism
shared in managements, services, products, and to avoid industry (the first revolution comes from the Internet). It is
“information islands" is a primary challenge faced by smart bound to bring profound changes in the entire tourism industry
tourism. Exchanging across departments and regions is still in that application, integration and innovation of the new
very difficult because tourism enterprises and systems are self- generation of information and communication technology
contained with no valid platform of seamless connection. conducts in all sectors of the industry. The systematic and
Scattered resources have not been integrated and improved intensive revolution will realize effective resources sharing
effectively. Isolated island phenomenon results in repeated and using, which will change the regulation mode of tourism
investment and waste of manpower, material and financial administration departments, travel behavior and payment
recourses. mode of the tourists, business mode of tourism enterprises. It
will change the organizational models, marketing models,
Cooperation needs to be strengthened. Smart tourism financing models and the structure of the tourism market.
should be promoted by the alliance of government, agencies,
enterprises, clubs, who reach consensus and go hand in hand Smart tourism in turn promotes the development of the IoT,
to achieve the perfect order state and resources integration. cloud computing and other emerging information and wireless
The attempt is trying by Nanjing Tourism Alliance which has communications industry. The smart mobile terminals of smart
included information planning and design units, major phones, GPS navigations and other related industries develop
telecommunications operators, public card companies, travel rapidly in this atmosphere. Meanwhile, it contributes to the
website firms and other tourism enterprises, nearly 30 combination of the mobile net, the Internet, the broadcast and
participating members. television net, as well as the integration of consumer
electronics, communication products and computer products.
The service system is inconvenient to use. The established
mechanism of tourism data sharing and services is of single Smart tourism concentrated on smartphones is a sign that
function, not fully considering the needs of tourists. It is not there is an urgent need to unify and integrate into one in large-
easy to seek in a huge number of search results and obtain all scale, either in technologies, standards, services or policies.
information what exactly the visitor wants. Massive public Tourism industry becomes the entry point and pioneer in this
information grows at fast speed from all levels of tourism aspect because of its cross-feature. With next generation
bureaus and enterprises, as well as all kinds of professional mobile communication network, smartphones or other yet
and non-professional websites. Meanwhile this tourist unknown ultra-portable terminals will make smart tourism
information often confines to a certain scope cut off from more convenient.
surrounding areas or other cities and the manifestation varies
in different places. For instance, in Sichuan province the ACKNOWLEDGMENT
construction is unified by the Provincial Tourism Bureau, but
in Guangdong province it is fragmented by each city. Different Jiangnan University Independent Scientific Research
style causes serious inconvenience and confusion for those Program Youth Fund JUSRP11556.
who travel many places during short period having to take
time adapt to a completely different set of services system. REFERENCES
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