Flame PrincesS
of the black text
Flame PrincesS
Writing: Zzarchov Kowolski
Art: Kelvin Green
Cover Art: Yannick Boucharde
Layout and Design / Cartography: Alex Mayo
Editing: Joshua Blackketter
How to Actually Use this Adventure...............................................5
Conquered City of Bwang-Quos.....................................................6
Printed in USA
ISBN 978-952-7238-31-8 (Print) / 978-952-7238-32-5 (PDF)
j background
In the far reaches of prehistory, a powerful power. Outside of the volcanic hotspots,
cabal of Alien Wizards colonized an icy nomadics tribes of neanderthals still exist
moon newly captured by a gas giant orbit- as they have for tens of thousands of years.
ing a distant star. The moon had a narrow
habitable region, but to their tropical biolo- Back on earth, some scattered records
gy it was only barely so and even then only of the methods the Alien Wizards used
survived in deep caves. A Jesuit occultist
around certain volcanic hotspots. That left
a much larger (though still small) portion used those recovered secrets to bring Por-
of the equatorial region lifeless. They used tuguese conquistadors to the icemoon of
their same methods of mystical travel to go Nibu, directly into the sacred tunnels be-
to Earth about 45,000 years ago to abduct neath the former Alien capital. The city fell
an abundance of cold weather life forms in under an hour, the rookery-pyramid of
to populate the rest of the moon that they the fabled hawk-knights was burned to
might harvest useful resources from them. the ground and only 12 knights escaped
This included a large number of ice age the city with the royal princess, now heir
plants, animals, and even neanderthals. e to the throne given the slaughter of the
After a few thousand years of exploitation former queen. The city ruled over a vast
the Aliens finished mining what resourc- agricultural valley and resentment against
es they cared about and abandoned the the new masters is simmering. In the rich
moon. Eventually the Alien’s wards and orchards and bulrush farms surrounding
unmanned defenses decayed to ruin and the the boiling sea, bands of partisans and
some of the neanderthals moved into the secret devotees to the old gods gather and
abandoned volcanic regions. After count- whittle primitive weapons, waiting for a
less generations of considering the settle- signal from the princess to strike. How
ments themselves taboo, they too were long can hundreds hold down tens of
settled and the neanderthals forged the thousands?
great city state of Bwang-Quos in the ru-
ins of the Alien’s former prime settlement, While on the moon, characters from Earth
revering them as an ancient race of gods. will have +2 to their strength score due to
The heavy mining left few useful minerals the lower gravity and higher oxygen con-
for the neanderthal civilization and so it tent in the atmosphere. Light sources will
has never advanced beyond the stone age shine light 25% further but burn out a
and potentially never will before the moon quarter faster as well.
becomes tidally locked and its thin slice of
habitable region is reduced to but a pair
of isolated specks in eternal twilight. The
ruins of the Alien settlements contained
vast amounts of silver and it was jealously
hoarded by the nobility and priesthood as
a sign of both divine mandate and military
j how to actually use this adventure
So there is a classic conquest versus libera- of the old faith, rebels, selfish opportun-
tion adventure hook going on, but the big- ists, or a mix of the above. Just make sure
ger question is then how do the players get they play characters with a need to get
entangled? The easiest solution is that this involved in faction conflict. If they make
adventure is a sequel to “Going Through a party of apolitical pacifists consider ex-
Forbidden Otherworlds”. If they enter this plaining that they need to be the engines
adventure through that interdimensional of adventure to at least some extent.
hub they can arrive in the Sewers at loca-
tion A (Mystic Entry). If they have church
officials in tow, or documents in lieu of
them, they will be greeted warmly. If they
haven’t but are at least potentially Chris-
tian they will be coolly taken into custo-
dy to meet with the Commander who
will deal with them based on their ability
to re-establish communication with the e
Church and/or establish supply lines.
j conquered city of bwang-quos
The city sits on the shores of the boiling sea rest of the valley. The city is walled with
and its streets are all flanked with shallow cyclopean stones, but they are weathered
ditches bringing hot water into the city’s and covered in mosses with small shrubs
ancient labyrinthine sewers before flow- growing between stones here and there.
ing out with as much waste as it can carry Inside, most of the homes were round
into the bulrush paddies throughout the stone huts with woven reed roofs though
there are some larger brick
estates with tiled roofs.
Massive basalt pyra-
mids topped with
menhirs and
cast long shadows over the plazas. Work- with Ice Barbarians before getting lost
ers under the conquistador’s whip tear and ambushed in a labyrinth of tunnels.
down the great stones and haul them away If some enterprising young adventurers
to work on a cathedral being built on the could map out the tunnels however, he
site of the former royal palace, itself sur- would be willing to reward them hand-
rounded by the conquistador’s wooden somely with ten slaves and as much silver
fort. as they could haul away in wagons.
will be welcome inside the conquistador Bwang-Quos?
fort and how they arrived on the moon The obvious two adventure hooks are to
will indicate how they are treated. either side with the conquistadors and
mount an expedition to find a route to
The princess of the ten thousand year dy- Hawk’s Peak through the caves, or to
nasty escaped the invasion and retreated side with the princess or the local rebel
with a handful of her loyal knights to a movements to blow up the conquistador’s
mountain peak fortress supposedly acces- powder store. Many slaves under the con-
sible only by air. A former aide to the royal quistador’s whip spread rumours about a
family has confessed (under “enhanced
In terms of weapons and armour, merchants will require that player characters either
have a license from the conquistadors or are willing to pay triple. To most characters the
weapons are probably garbage, as they are bone or antler tipped due to a lack of metal
and flint. They do have impressive ceramic technology. They have pottery that may be
valuable as a trade good, and ceramic bladed ulus which aren’t much use in combat.
They never seem to have developed bows and rely on atlatls, darts, and spears. They
use lacquered wicker covered in linen for shields and to make breastplates equivalent to
leather armour.
Cost Notes
Ceramic Ulu or Knife 2sp Weapon minor, -2 to hit vs metal armour, breaks on >3dmg
Antler Dagger 3sp
Weapon minor, -2 to hit vs metal armour
Antler Spear 4sp Spear, -2 to hit vs metal armour
Stone Mace 50sp Weapon medium
Logging Celt (Axe) 50sp Weapon great, -2 to hit vs metal armour
Ceramic Atlatl Dart 1sp Dart, -2 to hit vs metal armour, breaks on >3dmg
Atlatl 2sp triples the range of darts, Lowers AC by 1 at short range
Wicker Shield 10sp
Wicker Armour 30sp
Pack Caribou 75sp
Pack Dog 2sp
Dog Wagon 40sp
* Other non-metal, non-european goods and normal services are available at urban rates
There are earthen amphitheatres that Rebel assassins (2d4 Specialists with a
serve as combination taverns/wrestling half dozen ceramic knives each)
arenas where one can procure meads and
down on their luck neanderthals willing to Collaborator Goons (2d4+3 Combatants
work as henchmen for a few coins. Vari- with wooden clubs, wicker armour, and
Daily Monthly Live-in Space Share
Guides (Specialist) 10sp 100sp 1/10th
Translators (Noncombatant) 10sp 100sp 75sp 10’
Thugs (Combatant) 5sp 50sp 30sp 5’ 1/20th
Porters (Noncombatant) 3sp 30sp 25sp 5’
The Conquistador Fort The Commander
The fort itself is mostly just a log palisade Captain Carlos Mendes is currently in
and a dozen wooden blockhouses. Inside charge of the “expedition” that took over
the palisade are a number of barracks, Bwang-Quos using the process detailed in
the stone ruins of the palace and the be- “Going Through Forbidden Otherworlds”.
ginnings of a cathedral being constructed They have lost contact with Earth due to
from massive cyclopean stones. The pal- the events of that adventure and would
ace gardens have been trampled and their love to re-establish supply lines. If that is
elegantly shaped pines used as part of the impossible or unfeasible (such as if the
fort’s palisade and blockhouses. Inside the party has taken over the facility for them-
walls, the conquistador’s special projects selves and has no intention of letting an
take place: blast furnaces attempting to army in) then Carlos can be a pragmatic
make use of the vast slicks of orange bac- man.
terial sludge from the boiling sea, small
gardens attempting to grow Earth crops, Physically he is an older man of some-
mass baptisms of local what slight stature with a missing left ear
collaborators, gun- due to an injury sustained along the ivory
powder manufac- coast. He has several gold teeth and unless
he is actively preparing for battle will be
ture, and of course
the stables. As
mentioned previ-
ously, the fort will
e in formal dress. His current goals are to
capture or kill the last of the royal dynas-
ty and to re-establish routes to Earth. He
be initially hospi- has a brewing rivalry with the expedition’s
table to Earth char- priest who he feels is poisoning the men
acters, especially against his leadership and diverting
Catholics. resources to a cathedral in-
stead of improved fortifica-
The Priest He will buy bibles at 5 times their normal
Father Reynaldo Castro is the lone surviv- cost and will hire anyone literate in latin to
ing priest of this expedition and has be- train some of the local converts as scribes
gun taking on a more fanatical (and fan- for 10 silver a week.
tastical) persona as of late after recovering
from a fever. He is beginning to win over a Physically he is a scrawny balding man in
majority of the conquistadors and believes his mid thirties who has lost the use of his
their mission must focus on spiritual rath- cloudy left eye. He wears only the simplest
er than temporal victory. If contact with of vestments.
Earth remains cut off he will shortly de-
clare himself a bishop and begin creating
a local church. To this end he has been
using his sway to make the construction
of a cathedral a priority over improving
the fortifications of the conquistador
fort. Before he feels he can get
away with promoting him-
self to Bishop he wants to
perform a great religious
feat, currently his fix-
ation is on recovering
the local mythic trea-
sure known as “The
Voulge” to show the
superiority of Christ.
As an alternate feat, he
would also be willing to