That Said Tiananmen 89
That Said Tiananmen 89
That Said Tiananmen 89
Chai Ling’s words as necessarily a call to a riot, though, on the other hand, I’m reading the
English and while I do know some Mandarin, it’s not complete enough to read all the
characters (and made even harder by the fact these are “traditional” [“complex”] characters,
not the simplified characters I’m more familiar with), so perhaps there are nuances I am
missing due to translation, but it doesn’t seem to me like she is saying to go riot
or create blood, i.e. to kill others, more as to be willing to have, and perhaps entice, the
government spill their own blood and that it’d be great if the whole street were filled up
with their blood. In other words, they were posturing themselves as a sort of martyrs for
what was to be protested.
(E.g. it says “To push the government into extreme and use butcher knife to against its
citizens.” - but this isn’t saying they would use butcher knife against the Government’s
citizens, but that they wanted to ‘push’, by unspecified means, the Government to use such
knife. In other words, they wanted the Government to show itself for what it was really made
of, to see how barbarous it really is or isn’t compared to what they believed about it.)
That said, I do think the CIA angle is important, and the fact that Chinese gov’t was mulling
Western democracy and it looks like then why that didn’t go through was the West
essentially blew it. In other words, they were willing to consider the idea, but it would have
to be on their terms, with their agency respected, and no, Mr. USA decided “NO! You have
to do it on UNCLE SAM’s terms!” and of course, they decided “fuck that, you don’t get to
boss us around. We are real humans with real agency.”. I.e. the US was both exerting its
colonial savior mentality and being politically irresponsible in handling this. And yet another
regime change op that fits in 100% perfectly with the long-standing foreign policy history of
the US ever since the 19th century and the specific use of the CIA in this capacity with its
employment in that scheme ever since its inception - think about the 1953 Iranian coup
(now officially admitted by the CIA), etc.
(Even more still, any attempt to criticize the CCP must be done with a very careful eye
toward the culture, and understanding the cultural roots of the practice as opposed to
thinking it just an “aberration” of “tyrants”, and thus at the very least, the fact that you can’t
be so assuming of the Chinese people in the way you are.)
Can you say “brainwashing”? Oh wait, sorry. We call it “SOCIALIZATION”, and it’s been
an explicit goal of US educational policy.
No, sir.
Purposefully trying to control what people think so that it all falls in line to make them neat
little SheeP (SP: SOCIETY PERSON) is brainwashing. Yes, maybe China does it too. But so
does the US. Neither can righteously criticize the other or, if they do, then they both have to
deal with it.