CR 1 47
CR 1 47
CR 1 47
1 Tahun 2018
Riset PT-Eksplorasi Hulu Demi Hilirisasi Produk
Bandar Lampung, 19 Oktober 2018
ISBN: 2655-2914
Abstract. Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) is the gasification of coal in-situ, which is achieved by drilling boreholes
into the coal and injecting water/air or water/oxygen mixtures. It is both an extraction process (like coal mining) and a
conversion process (gasification) in one step, producing a high quality, affordable synthetic gas that can be processed to
provide fuels for power generation, diesel fuels, jet fuels, hydrogen, fertilizers and chemical feed stocks (Clean Coal Ltd,
2009). The process of coal gasification in a surface, gasifier can be replicated underground by drilling into the coal seam,
injecting air or oxygen, and gasifying the coal seam in situ. The produced gas is transported to the surface (Walker, 1999).
UCG have a lot advantages especially in environmental and economic issues, such as reducing gas emissions (CO2, SO2,
NOx), low operational installation cost, and syngas can distribute directly. The operating life of a UCG operation can be
broadly broken down into four steps. The advantages of Underground Coal Gasification based on two aspects,
environmental aspect and economic aspect. Based on that opportunities of UCG the Indonesian Government have to
consider alternative energies which may be cheaper and cleaner unconventional energy. So this technology should be
investigated for implementation in Indonesia.
Keywords: Underground Coal Gasification, Process and Advantages.
In Indonesia, the amount of Indonesia’s coal resources totals 161 billion tons of coal and if it is exploited can reach
needs of Indonesia energy up to 150 until 200 years later. 120 billion tons of coal can reach by open pit method and
another 41 billion using underground mining methods (Badan Geologi, 2012). According to BP’s statistical review of
world energy 2011 (Table 1), Indonesian coal reserves reach 0.6% of world coal reserves and it is in 9th position in
the world’s largest coal production after United States, Russia, China, Australia, India, Germany, Ukraine and
Kazakhstan. Based on the quality of coal in Indonesia, it has a low level of ash and sulphur content, but the volatility
and water content including on high level of coal. The average value of calorie 5100 – 6100 cal/gr and water content
on 10 – 25%, coal rating in Indonesia generally included in Sub-Bituminous rank. Indonesia has total coal resources
for 63.10% and total coal reserves of 59.80%. The average depth of coal in Indonesia is on 100 m until 500 m.
The high level of coal production in Indonesia can make some environmental issues which come from mining
activities, distribution activities or coal processing. Because the burning coal produce pollution gases, such as CO 2,
SO2, NOx and CxHy this process is inefficient and the important things that causes environmental issues. Underground
Coal Gasification (UCG) is one of technology that can reduce environmental issues.
Underground coal gasification (UCG) is a process in which coal is converted in situ to a combustible gas that can
be used as a fuel, chemical feedstock and syngas. UCG is a process used to produce gas, primarily hydrogen, carbon
monoxide, carbon dioxide, and methane by partially combusting underground coal in the presence of water and a
controlled oxygen supply (Walker, 1999). Underground Coal Gasification just using two wells so that don’t need lots
of space. First well used for catalyst injection and another well used for production well.
Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) is the cleaner unconventional coal utilization than others coal gasification
method to prevent environmental issues for increasing economic and safely coal production in Indonesia.
This paper is an overview of published literature contained in books, journals, and internet media.
Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) is the gasification of coal in-situ, which is achieved by drilling boreholes into
the coal and injecting water/air or water/oxygen mixtures. It is both an extraction process (like coal mining) and a
conversion process (gasification) in one step, producing a high quality, affordable synthetic gas that can be processed
to provide fuels for power generation, diesel fuels, jet fuels, hydrogen, fertilizers and chemical feed stocks (Clean
Coal Ltd, 2009).
Gasification process is done by drilling to the coal seem and injecting of air or oxygen. This is like in coal mining
activities (extraction process) and coal gasification (conversion process) in one process. How the underground coal
gasification (UCG) method works can be seen in Figure 1. The main gas produced is CO2, CH4, H2, CO and O2. CH4
(methane) is a product produced by a pyrolysis process and occurs at low temperatures and high pressures. As the
combustion process happen and groundwater get in to the location, it will be produced another product, such as
benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene and xylen (BTEX), phenol, coal ash and tar, aromatic hydrocarbons and sulphides,
NOx, NH3, boron (B), cyanide, CO and H2S. This gas can be used for power plants, and chemicals that can be used
as the pharmacy.
© Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung - 204 -
Prosiding Semnas SINTA FT UNILA Vol. 1 Tahun 2018
Riset PT-Eksplorasi Hulu Demi Hilirisasi Produk
Bandar Lampung, 19 Oktober 2018
ISBN: 2655-2914
Table 1. World Coal Reserves, Red Circle Shows Indonesian Coal Reserves Reach 0.6% of Word Coal Reserves
(BP’s Statistical Review of World Energy, 2011 in Pratiwi, 2012).
Gasification provides many opportunities for pollution control, especially with sulfur emissions, nitric oxide, and
mercury. UCG can increase coal production with more efficient utilization because it can be produce unprofitable coal
(Burton, et al., In Zulfahmi et al, 2014).
© Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung - 205 -
Prosiding Semnas SINTA FT UNILA Vol. 1 Tahun 2018
Riset PT-Eksplorasi Hulu Demi Hilirisasi Produk
Bandar Lampung, 19 Oktober 2018
ISBN: 2655-2914
Well Construction
Wells are drilled into the coal to allow for oxidant injection and product gas extraction. The wells are linked or
extended to form an in-seam channel to facilitate oxidant injection, cavity development and syngas flow. The main
idea in this well construction is to build injection well and production well. The link between the wells can constructed
with in seem directional method (Figure 2) or reverse combustion method (Figure 3).
The ignition process is purposed to dried and then ignited the coal seem underground. This process is carried out
with electric burning source and the initial fuel of sawdust that is added kerosene.
Gas Production
Syngas is produced through combustion and gasification reactions in three steps (oxidation, reduction, and
pyrolysis). Combustion produces heat, carbon dioxide and some syngas (through partial combustion). Gasification
reactions then take place, involving heat and carbon dioxide from combustion, pressure, steam and carbon from the
coal. The syngas flows from the gasification zone, through constructed or formed horizontal channels, to the gas
production well where it flows to the surface for treatment.
Once all the available coal has been extracted as a gaseous product, the gasification process is shut down according
to known and demonstrated shut down procedures.
Some countries such as USA, UK, and Australia have developed their own criteria depending on local conditions.
Hal yang paling difokuskan dalam aspek geologi untuk mempertimbangkan pemilihan site UCG adalah geography
(topografi dan technological features of the area), geological structures (fault, fractures, fissures, etc), complete
geological data of coal seam (include overburden and underburden).
Coal Composition
The amount of moisture, ash and sulphur can affect the quality of the gas. Ash content above 60% can inhibit the
UCG proccess. Sulphur content can increase the impurities that should be cleaned. The moisture can inhibit the
combustion proccess if its above 15%.
Coal Rank
The coal rank can be used to determine the quality of teh syngas. The lowest rank such as lignite and sub-
bituminous coal are recommended for the UCG, because the low-rank of coals generally shrink when they burned,
which increases the connections between the production and the injection wells.
The depth between 92 to 460 meters are recomended to do UCG proccess with preference the seams below 200
meters to avoid subsidence issues. Additionally, the impermeable rock should be more than 15 meters to prevent the
subsidence and gas release. The aquifers above the coal seam should not be within 31 meters of the seam. The coal
seam belom 460 meters potentially stop the gasification proccess because it can restricting the gas flow.
Based on Pratiwi (2012) there is some comparison of Underground Coal Gasification to other coal technologies:
Comparison to Surface Mining
Surface mining exploits shallower coal seams usually less than 200 meter depth. To relatively high mining cost should
be added the cost of field discharge, transportation, pollution cleanup, ash capture and storage.
Comparison to Underground Mining
Underground mining is used when coal seams are deeper, usually greater than depth of 1000 meters. This mining isn’t
performed in coal seams shallower than 50 meters in depth and doesn’t exploit coal seams over 10m thick whereas
opencast mines have no practical limit. (CCL).
© Fakultas Teknik Universitas Lampung - 207 -
Prosiding Semnas SINTA FT UNILA Vol. 1 Tahun 2018
Riset PT-Eksplorasi Hulu Demi Hilirisasi Produk
Bandar Lampung, 19 Oktober 2018
ISBN: 2655-2914
Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) is the gasification of coal in-situ, which is achieved by drilling boreholes into
the coal and injecting water/air or water/oxygen mixtures. It is both an extraction process (like coal mining) and a
conversion process (gasification) in one step, producing a high quality, affordable synthetic gas that can be processed
to provide fuels for power generation, diesel fuels, jet fuels, hydrogen, fertilizers and chemical feed stocks.
The operating life of a UCG operation can be broadly broken down into four steps such as well construction,
ignition, gas production, and decommissioning. The UCG process controlled by characteristic and site selection, so it
has to be considered by geological aspect, composition, coal rank, coal porosity, permeability, thickness, dip and depth
of the coal seam. The advantages of Underground Coal Gasification based on two aspects, environmental aspect and
economic aspect. Based on that opportunities of UCG the Indonesian Government have to consider alternative
energies which may be cheaper and cleaner unconventional energy. So this technology should be investigated for
implementation in Indonesia.
The author acknowledges all lecturers of Geological Engineering Universitas Diponegoro, for their guidance during
the writing of this paper. And the author is so grateful to Geological Engineering Undip 2014 who always supported
and helped us to finish this research.
Clean Coal. 2009. Clean Coal Ltd Secures Licences to Investigate Underground Coal Gasification at Five UK Sites.
Friedmann, Julio, Ravi Upadhye, Fung-Ming Kong. 2009. Prospects for Underground Coal Gasification in Carbon-
Constrained World. Energy Procedia.
Linc Energy. 2009. UCG Explained 02 UCG Series.
Pratiwi, Ragil 2012. Underground Coal Gasification, a Safe, Secure and Clean Unconventional Gas Technology for
Development in Indonesia. IPA12-SG-043.
Subijanto, and Herdiana Prasetyaningrum. 2014. Lesson Learn dan Upaya Pengembangan Underground Coal
Gasification di Indonesia. M&E, Vol.12, No.2.
Vyas, D.U. and Singh R.P. 2015. Worldwide Developments in UCG and Indian Initiative. Procedia Earth and
Planetory Science 11 (2015) 29 – 37.
Walker, Len. 1999. Underground Coal Gasification A Clean Coal Technlogy Ready for Development. The Australia
Coal Review. October 1999.
Zulfahmi, B. dkk. 2014. Pengembangan Aplikasi Teknologi Underground Coal Gasification (UCG) di Indonesia
Tahap I. Pusat Penelitian dan Pengembangan Teknologi Mineral dan Batubara.
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