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Moved from the discovery of a problem and seeking viable solutions, and initiating purposeful
action personal, familial, vocational and community Center prompted the action group of Rodrigo Sta
Maria Confesor. Roy Alolor Ordinario, Talek Hamias Pabo, Vedasto sario venida, Retituto Alfoso and
Romeo Fortis form the ORDER OF THE UP. TRISKELIOING initially however, this small group did not
much influence the times and decisions within the university of that for a second time it was reted
ORDER OF THE GRAND TRISKELIONS Finding comon food of ressed principles, the ser called grally
had identified the trend of the then fashionable in the demory Greek lettered sepanitation which med to
the rinaming of the group to TAU GAMMA Piraternity on the historical October 4, 1958the University of
the Philippines in Diliman, Quezon Clay: Comvuced of the success of a tied endeave the founding fathers
proved to be real pillars that were later manifested in the accending recognition of the fraternity
Showing the public a discipline and collective determination and good examples, the fraternity got the
attention and respect of the University of the Philippines body so that in the proces hlighted group of Bro.
Jan Rodriguez took the leap-of-faith and forward to the TAU GAMMA PHI Fraternity in 1968 af Cavite
the fire of formal initiation. Under the leadership of Rodrigo Sta Maria Confessor the fire Grand
Triskelion, moch influence and action came to the history of the fraternity which reached to the heights of
gaining control of the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) student body. These years were trying times of
political 1971 at the UP. So that the fraternity founded their own political party which b named KAKASA
the CAS at that time was the dominant college within the university with regards to the logic of numbers
which therefore proved that the TAU GAMMA PHI is a group to reckon with.

Reaping the fruits of labor, discipline and confidence of the Dillman community, the Triskelion
principles reverberated outside of the UP Diliman which signaled the advancement of the fraternity found
a new boat is the Philippine Maritime institute (P.M.I.) on August 3, 1969.

A few months later another group of student at the FEATI University embraced the Tenets and
principles of the Triskelion on March 5, 1970. Following the success at the P.M.I. and FEATI University,
the fraternity exploredat the Mapua Institute of Technology (M.LT.) un April 1970, and later on was
revive on December 2, 1973.Following these development, a succession of the chapter foundation came
the National University (NU) and readily found acceptance on October 23, 1970. Trying to find a
Christian home the TAU GAMMA PHI was founded in the University of Santo Tomas (UST) on March
1, 1921, and Adamson University (Ad. U.) on July 8, 1973, and in that same year National College of
Business Arts-Manila on October, 1973.The year 1974 gave birth to the chapter at the University of the
East-Manila (UT-Mis) on Inpumy 21, at the Philippince School on Business Administration-Manila, at
the Manuel Luis Quezon University (ML) on October 8 and at the San Sebastian College (SSC) on
November 19.

After the 3rd Regional Convention in 1975 at Narvaez Farm, Laguna Another school embraced
the Tenets and the Codes of Conduct of the fraternity, the Far Eastern University (F.EU) was founded on
July 27,1975, the 13th and only chapter found in that year. Then the succeeding chapter have been found,
the Philippine Callege of Arts and Trade (P.CA.T3, now the Technological University of the Philippines
(T.O.P.) on February 22 1976, the University of Manila (U.M.) on March 7, 1976, the Central Colleges of
the Philippines (CCP July 11, 1976, the Philippine College of Criminology (P.CCR) on August 7, 1976,
the toy coom of the Philippines on August 15, 1976, the Gregorio Araneta University Foundation
(GA.UF) on October 15, 1976 the De Ocampo Memorial School (now D.O.M.C.) on August 30, 1977,
the Eulogio Amang Rodriguez Institute Science and Technology (E.A.R.I.S.T.) on March 19, 1978, the
Philippine Air Transport and Training Services (P.A.T.TS.) on September 5, 1978, the Philippine
MerchaniMarine School- Manila (PMMS-M) on March 2, 1979, the Perpetual Help College of Rizal-Las
Piñas on August 9, 1979, and so forth and so on.
Preceding the declaration of Martial Law in 1972, it is noted that the spirit of advancing the cause
of the studentry and social awareness in a unifying activity among the members of the fraternity and also
of the various cause oriented groups. These times were brotherhood and nationalism is so intense made
manifest the productive effort of the Triskelions.

Martial Law was declared on September 21, 1972 so that the fraternity and together with other
organizations became the target of military harassment and espionage because the then government
believe that these fraternities posed a threat to the order and stability of the Marcos regime. A lot of
fraternities were infiltrated in order to divide the studentry politically and creates intrigues or even
troubles to disorganize the unity and true essence of brotherhood.

Struggling from the effects of Martial Law which suspended all fraternal and organizational
activity within the collegiate levels. Bro. Ramoncito "Monching" Ocampo, M.D.G. of U.P. -Diliman took
the trial initiative to explore and tap the younger generation of the studentry-the High School. This gave
birth to the Junior TAU GAMMA PHI which found its home at San Beda College-High School in 1975
where Bro. Boyet Gorospe was one of the founders. With enough courage and probability of inculcating
further the vision of a Triskelion within the community and outside of the school campus, the Triskelion
Youth Movement (T.Y.M.) was also founded in 1977 at one of the community in Tejeron, Paco, and

The lingering years of the Marcos government made a break among fraternities when the times
again called the active involvement of the fraternity on vario cial and among the fratman for during these
times it is seen that rumbles diminished and socio-political endeavor made centerpoint in the schedule of
activities. rliamentarism, A new era dawned.

Living from the lesson of the past thirty-seven years ago, today, the TAU GAMMA PHI now
stands in the life of so many people in general and to the life of studentry in particular. Thirty-five long
years ago now, the Triskelion spirit has helped shaped the socio-political and cultural landscape of the
Philippine society in so manifestation. The famous campus rumbles, protest rallies, and collective social
assistance to the public.

In the life of the TAU GAMMA PHI, it is noted with pride that the time of crisis and had boldly
decided andremedied so that for now the Triskelion lives and is moving towards a goal from distance.


Tau Gamma Phi also known as the Triskelions Grand Fraternity is a fraternity founded at the
University of the Philippines, Diliman on October 4, 1968. Besides being the largest and most dominant
fraternity in the Philippines, the Tau Gamma Phi is also a protest fraternity, and as such it has committed
itself uncompromisingly to the twofold task of providing the leadership in the quest for a Fraternity
System devoid of fraternity violence as well as in the propagation of the Triskelion principles as a way of
life. The Fraternity System in the University of the Philippines was not immune from these external
developments. Ast extraordinary times, called for extraordinary breed of men. The year 1968 saw the
wielding together of six concerned student leaders with a vision of introducing feasible changes and
appropriate reforms the feudal and decadent nature of the existing Fraternity System. Then the result was
the creation on October 4 of the same year of the UP Triskelions' Grand Fraternity, better known as Tau
Gamma Phi Fraternity.

Through the years, the Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity has never strayed from its goals, and although
the cause of which it has chosen to champion has proven to be difficult and sometimes, seemingly
hopeless, as it is sucked repea into the void of fraternity violence that it fought hard to end. The Fraternity
has, nevert survived and even increased a thousand-fold in strength and in number. Knowing fully well
that peace is a product of strength and not of weakness. Where other fraternities with the same noble
intentions failed and succumbed into non-existence by adopting a passive stance against fraternity
violence, the Tau Gamma Phi has chosen not to follow the same path. Lest it suffers the same fate.
Furthermore, as a manifestation of its sincerity towards the achievement of such goal, the Fraternity has
taken an active role in organizing inter-fraternity alliances in the various schools and universities all over
the country in the hope that such alliances will provide the conducive atmosphere where fraternities can
slowly grow and mature together in fellowship and mutual trust by respecting each other's philosophies
and ideals, “De gustibus non desputandum est – of like and dislike there should be no disputing live and
let live this is one of the guiding principles of the Triskelion.
Today, the Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity is already the biggest and most cohesive fraternity in the
Philippines. It boasts membership untering to about eighthundred thousand including community chapters
kwn as the Triskelion Youth Macment or TVM II imati umeres college and university chapters around the
country and now with Triskelion Alumni Organizations (T.A.0.) in all regions of the United States of
America and other continents of the world.

Tau Gamma Phi's vision and mission is to serve and excel in all fields of human crideavor. Thus,
a way of life in accordance with the Tenets and the Triskelion Codes of Conduct while empowering the
principle "Man isBrother unto Man All Triskelioms share a common ground and that is to support every
endeavor each member han chosen and help make every member's dream come true.


that it was founded on Jan 18, 1971 CUP DILIMAN) and was recognized on April 16, 1971 (UST) by sis
Onelia Jose but this historical background was non disacredned doe to fact that Tau Gamma Sigma
National Intern Metro Manila Regional Council have safety discovered in the year 2002 of the original
founding history of the year 1969 of the University of the Philippines Dilliman Campus City Philippines.
The TAU GAMMA SIGMA TRISKELION GRAND SORORITY was originally founded on the 17 day
of January in the year 1969 of the University of the Philippines by a group of 10 Triskelion Lady
Foundress (founding mothers) of the Tau Gamma Sigma Treskeljan Grand Sorority are following

Sis Rosmari Rory Carandang

Sis Lucira "Bhabes" Rodriguez
Sis Mila GarciaSis Erlinda Arabeje
Sis Nitz Santos
Sis Victoria "Vicky Sisonte Balacalan
Sis Teresita Aguinaldo
Sis Rowena Celino
Sis Emily Sibulo Heiden
Sis Naneth de Castro (diseased)

The mere fact that same continue to develop within themselves the true origins of the Tau
Gamma Sigma... it's because that the Tau Gamma Sigma National Interin Officer did not do it's active
parts to provide proper communication as well as to inform each and every one of us most especially the
councils from all different regions in the Philippines.
Confusion behind the Date

The Tau Gamma Sigma Triskelion Grand Sorarity was originally founded on the 17th day of
January in the year 1969 at the University of the Philippines, by a group of 10 Triskelion Lady Founders
although known to the majority of the members that the Tau Gamma Sigma was founded on January 18,
1971 and was recognized by former 1971. Binibining Pilipinas - World beauty queen Sister Onelis Jose of
the University of Santo Tomas on April 16, 1971. This historical background is an error and is now
discredited due to facts and evidences that the Tau Gamma Sigma National Interim Committee and all
Metro Manila Regional Councils have lately discovered through extensive research, investigations and
interviews done to pioneering sisters of the surority that the original founding history of the Tau Gamma
Sigma can be traced back to 1969 at the University of the Philippines, Diliman campus, in Quezon City,
Metro Manila Philippines.

Triskelion Grand Sorority-Birth of the Lady Triskelion

The formation of the organization was born out necessity, because during those times the
fraternity was not even a year old and just in its infant stage of existence in the campus, and their main
focus is on recruiting male students and setting a foothold in the university, so they are not yet kin to the
idea of haring a Co-ed society, but since a lot of female students are friends and hanging around,
supporting and attending soclat functions and gatherings with the Triskelion brothers that they quickly
learned that having female members ca be beneficial to the Fratemity especially in the recrulument of
male members. So they decided to gather all d female friends and classmates to form an all female
organization that will be their partner in pushing for their school and community service programs of
pursuing their goal of educational excellence.

The Greek Connection

The Sorority was formed by adapting the letters Tau T. Gamma and Sigma "2" from the Greek
alphabet, which stands for Triskelion Grand Sorority, they are now officially the sister organization of the
Triskelion Grand Fraternity, the Tau Gamma Phi, and henceforth shall be called and known as The Lady
Triskelions, and the rest is history. Most of the founding members of U.P. Tau Gamma Sigma sho
belonged to the U.P. Political Science Club along with the Founding Fathers and Founders Batch of the
Tau Gamma Phi

And so on January 17, 1969. "The Lady Triskelions" were born with notable members such as the
Honorable Associate Justice of the Philippine Court of Appeals, Associate Judge Rosmari Carindang, the
Ambassadress of the Philippines to Switzerland and Norway, Ambassador Victoria Bataclan, the
Commissioner of the Commission on Elections, Cmsr. Luzviminda Tanchangco, the Bureau of Internal
Revenue (Philippines) Deputy Commissioner, Cmsr. Lucita "Babes" Rodriguez
The Martial Law Years:
The Raid

Martial Law was declared on September 21, 1972 by the late dictator President Ferdinand E.
Marcos under Proclamation No. 1081. The Sorority with its affiliation to the protest fraternity the Tau
Gamma Phi being a subversive group and a staunch critic of the Marcos administration, together with
other fraternities and organizations in UP, became the target of military harassments and illegal
detentions, believing that these student organizations posed a threat to the order and stability of the
Marcos regime. Ostensibly due to leftist leanings, the office that Tau Gamma Phi Fraternity and Tau
Gamma Sigma Sorority shared inside UP campus was raided under an Arrest-Search and Seizure Order
signed by then Secretary of Defense and one of the "Architects of Martial Law". Juan Ponce Enrile which
resulted in the confiscation of several subversive materials and documents, fortunately though, no one
was at the office at the time of the raid so they narrowly escaped being locked up in a military stockade

The U.P. Sedarum Saudara (UPSS) - A New Sisterhood

From 1973 to 1974 the camaraderie between the brother and sister Triskelions changed from
warm to almost cold. Cordial relations were maintained all throughout the administrations of Grand
Triskelion Florencio "Florence" Atanacio and Grand Lady Triskelion Suzette Badon (1973-1974). When
the late Triskelion Valentino "Allen" Hernandez assumed the I post in 1974, it was evident that the rest of
the Triskelion brotherhood wanted to start fresh and organize a new breed of U.P. coeds. Friends,
relatives, classmates and acquaintances were invited to an acquaintance ball at the Blue Ridge mansion of
Triskelion Benjamin "Benjie" Rodriguez (71) in October, 1974.

The plans for the new organization were introduced to the lady guests and around 21 or so agreed to
attend a planned weekend Leadership Seminar and Retreat at another location in Quezon City (See photo
at right). In November 1974, the original Founders Batch of the new ladies auxiliary sorority was formed.
Their first task was to research and decide upon a name by which they shall be called, draft and ratify a
constitution and elect officers among themselves. They also have to conceptualize and finish a group
project within one year of their being members. To be unique among the countless women-based
societies in the U.P. campus, the new sisterhood has have a unique name based on the Filipino's Malay
heritage. And the his how the name “Sendarum saudara” was chosen by the group.

Derived from the Indonesian language or Bahasa Indonesia, in English meaning “ Altogrther,
Friends” or "Altogether Brothers and Sisters. Each female member was called by the title "Saudari" (the
male Derived from the Indonesian language or Bahasa Indonesia, in English meaning "Altogether,
Friends" counterpart is coincidentally "Saudara") The first leader of the group was Jennifer "Jenny"
Dumo Alvarez as the "Supreme Saudar" with Juliana "Julie Torres as the "Prime Saudari. Other Saudaris
were elected to the positions of Secretary. Treasurer and other vital duties. Sedarum Saudara quickly
became one of the most popular amoog sororitics in UP. Composed of the "beauty and brains" of the UP
Diliman campus female students during those times. Some of which will go on and become the future
shakers and movers of Philippine society, such as the incumbent Mayor of Marikina City. Honorable
Maria Lourdes "Marides" Cartos-Fernando or simply known by her constituents as Mayor Marides
Fernando, and the "Ranillo Sisters, the pretty Lilibeth Ranillo and movie and television actress, director
and producer Suzette Ranillo aka Nadia Veloso, siblings of Philippine movie actors Mat Ranillo III and
Triskelion Dandin Ranillo. The first project for the group was to raise funds for the residents of Bgy.
Tatalon in Quezon City. Then in 1975, the U.P. Sedarum Saudara (UPSS) produced and launched "Hala,
Bira!", a concert which featured Asian Funk artist Andre Wilson and his band "Transit", singer Joy
Salinas and a dance troupe performing at the "Ati-Atihan Festival". The show was a success.
The Saudaris continued to recruit until most members graduated and then sometime in December, 1981,
Saudari Chloe Ceniza was the only UPSS member to accept the invitation by the UP. Tau Gamma Phi to
join the revival of the U.P. Tau Gamma Sigma, Chartered Batch and so Saudari Ceniza, likewise, became
a Lady Triskelion.

The alumni Saudaris recently had a mini reunion last April in Manila with the first and second
Supreme Saudaris in attendance (Jenny Alvarez-Bernardo and Julie Torres-Salazar), together with
Marikina City Mayor Hon. Ma. Lourdes Carlos-Femando. Third Supreme Saudari Annalisa Charisse
Franco Gonzalez Tootel was already home in Australia at the time of the meeting. Those present agreed
to organize a grand Saudari Reunion in January or February 2009 to be hosted by Mayor Marides
Fernando in Marikina. One at time, members from all batches are being located and contacted. This is
indeed an event to behold almost 35 years after the founding of a unique and dynamic organization.
The Junior Lady Triskelions

Struggling from the effects of Martial Law which suspended all fraternal and organizational
activit within the collegiate levels and the arrests of all militant students, the Fraternity and Sorority
decided to sta low to avoid being tagged as a subversive group working for the Communists out to
destabilize the governmen although a lot of its members went underground and took up arms to join the
New People's Army, the arme paramilitary group of the Communist Party of the Philippines, in the
mountains and jungles. The developments temporarily freezed the recruitment of new members, and
without fresh bloods to replace the o ones, these resulted in the dwindling down of membership
population, due to graduating members or ju simply dropping out of school.
Triskelion Atty. Ramoncito "Monching" Ocampo, who was the Secretary-General of the Fraternity a
Sorority during that time, had an idea and took the initiative and decided to tap the younger generations in
t High School sector. This gave birth to the "Junior Tau Gamma Phi" or better known as the "Junior
Triskelio founded at San Beda College High School in 1975. The rationale behind this is, to be able to
solve recruitment problems in the collegiate levels why not recruit in the secondary education level?
Since these H School students will eventually graduate and attend college in the future then they won't
have any mi problems recruiting them since they are already Triskelions. The idea is simple and effective
and the problem solved.

Although at first, because San Beda College - High School is an all male, non-coed school, that c
male members of the Tau Gamma Phi are being recruited, but soon enough the popularity of the
Fraternity the effectivity of the program quickly spread across the University belt area and other colleges,
universities high schools nationwide, that already female High School students are also willing to join the
Sorority and saw the beginnings of the “junior Lady Triskelion”.

Triskelion Youth Movement

Another first in the history of fraternity and sorority in the Philippines, True to in objective of
changing the elitist orientation of the fraternity system, the Tan gamma Phi Fraternity decided to open its
doors to out-of-school youth through the Triskelion Youth Movement (T.Y.M.), so that they too, who
were not privileged of higher education, may also share in the fruits and the glory of the Tau Gamma Phi
and Tau Gamma Sigma, Again conceptualized and conceived by the leadership of then Secretary-General
of both the Fraternity and Surority, friskelion Atty Ramoncito "Monching" Ocampo, It was born out of
necessity during the trying times of the Fraternity from a struggle to survive for its existence during a
long violent fr against a rival fraternity during the early part of the 70's

The TYM was comprised in it's early stages of out-of-school youths, but fast became the bigg
integral part of the Tau Gamma Sigma Sorority and its affiliated Brother Fraternity the Tan Gamma Phi,
by having professionals and students who don't have a resident chapter but wants to be part of the
Triskelion way of life and ideals. Now it has a very diversified member portfolio, which boasts from
among its ranks respected professionals, one Is a Doctor who is practicing his profession in the state of
Texes in the United States. couple of Congressmen and some few well-known local government officials
and some famous actors and entertainers in Philippine show business industry.

Notable Members Tau Camma Sigma

Hon. Rosmari D. Carandang (UP)- Associate Justice, Philippine Court of Appeals

H.E. Victoria S. Bataclan (UP)-Philippine Ambassador, stationed at the Philippine Embassy in Oslo,
Hon. Marides Fernando (UPSS)-Mayar. City of Marikina, Metro Manila
Hon. Aurora Villamayor (TYM) - Mayor. Township of Angono, Province of
Hon. Luzviminda Tangchangen (UP)-Former Commissioner. Commission on Elections
Hon. Lucita "Babes" Rodriguez (UP)-Deputy Commissioner. Bureau of Internal Revenue
Onelia Ison Jose (UST)-1971 Miss Binibining Pilipinas - World title holder
Suzette Ranillo (UPSS) - Movic and TV Actress, Producer, Director
Frenchy Dy (EAC)- Singer, Entertainer, TV personality and stage performer.
Diofanny "Jopay" Paguia - Dancer, Actress. Member of the dance group
SexBomb Girls.
Amina Rasul-Bernardo (UP)-Former Chairperson of National Youth Commission

Affiliated Groups
Tau Gamma Phi (TI) - Also known as the Triskelion Grand Fraternity, is the affiliated fraternity of the
Tau Gamma Sigma Sorority.
Triskelion Alumni Organization (T.A.O.)- The umbrella organization of all Triskelion alumnus
Triskelion Order of Law (T.O.L)-Triskelion Alumni members who are in the judiciary and paralegal
Triskelion Order of Medicine (T.O.M.)- Triskelion Alumni members who are in the medical profession.
Triskelion Order of Business (T.O.B.) Triskelion Alumni members who are in the corporate world of
Triskelion Information Technology Organization (T.I.T.O.)-Triskelion Alumni members who are in the
Computers and Information Technology profession.
Triskelion Law Enforcers Group (TRILEG)- Triskelion Alumni members who are in the Police, Military
and Armed Forces profession.
Tau Gamma Phi (TI) - Also known as the Triskelion Grand Fraternity is the affiliated fraternity of the
Tau Gamma Sigma Sorority.
Triskelion Alumni Organization (T.A.O.)- The umbrella organization of all Triskelion
alumnus worldwide business and those who owns their own entrepreneurial ventures.
Bagong Tao Movement (B.T.M.) - A duly accredited political party list organization of the Tau Gamma
Phi Fraternity and Tau Gamma Sigma Sorority.
Triskelion Seafarers League (TRISEAL)- Triskelion Alumni members who are plying
and working in the world's seas and occans as seamen, navy and crew in any sea going vessels and ships
around the globe.


Almighty god kindly blessed this brotherhood/sisterhood of ours that we may succeed in its entire
endeavors enlightened & strengthen our Chairman and Chapters Grand Triskelion so for them to maintain
the highest standard of decision making for better & successful Tap gamma Phi/Tau Gamma Sigma
Triskelion Grand Fraternity & Sorority QUIRINO HIGH SCHOOL JUNIOR CHAPTER, Amen.


I. The Triskelion Grand Fraternity/Sorority shall strive to attain better fellowship among its

II. The Triskelion Grand Fraternity/Sorority shall do its best to attain supremacy in all field of
human endeavor.

III. The Triskelion Grand Fraternity/Sorority shall encourage scholarship & stimulate intellectual
IV. The Triskelion Grand Fraternity / Sorority shall encourage physical development among its
V. The Triskelion Grand Fraternity/Sorority do its best of render service to the constitution provided
that the rendering of such services shall not be against the principles of the fraternity.


Every member in good standing shall have the following right and privileges
1) Right to attain the regular & special meeting of the general assembly of the Fraternity
2) Right to amendments and introduce resolutions & vote on those presented at
the meeting above mentioned. Right to vote any motion for the officer of the Fraternity
4) Right to inspect the records and book account of the
Fraternity. 5) Right to propose any projects and activities as
long as it is not violating the constitution by-laws, tenets &codes of conduct of the Fraternity.
6) Right to demand for
monthly report of the financial statement of the chapter. 7) Every
member can ask for any donations or assistance to its members. Provided that it is approved by the
GC-Finance & the Grand Triskelion of the Fraternity.
8) Right to attend & participate in any initiation rites of the Fraternity.
9) Right to orient the Alexis or Medusa and ask for service Provide that the service is
needed is approved by the master wielder of the whip and the Grand Triskelion, and Every
member can as or requests the officers for the training, seminar & other activities for the development of
each member and officer,
The Tau Gamma Phi exists to:
Develop Triskelion who shall be leaders among men.
Foster positive change in the Fratemity System and in our society.
1) Lender among men
Excelling in their chosen fields of endeavor.
2) Change agents in the fraternity system & in our society
Advocating inter-Fraternity peace & cooperation.
Engaging in friendly competition.
Supporting good governance.
Modeling active community service


Tau gamma Phi
Tau Gamma Sigma
Triskelion Grand Fraternity
Triskelion Grand Sorority
Kataas-taasang Kagalang -galang Kapatiran
1. Rise up to defend the name and honor of the fraternity
2 A Triskelion sacrifices oneself so others may live
2. If they started the trouble the Triskelion will finish t
1 Order of the UP Triskelion
2. Order of the ground Triskelion
3. Triskelion Grand Fraternity/Sigma
The Meaning of TAU GAMMA PHI
TAU- Tenets of the Triskelion
GAMMA- Good Guidance
PHI-Peace preserve to limitation
"The TRISKELION firmly believes in the power of reason and not in the use of force as a reason"
FORTIS -fortitude of strength of mind that enables a person to meet a danger or bear
pain/adversity with courage, succeed in all fields and neglect frustration, "LAKAS”i-inner & outer
strength VOLUNTAS - voluntary or free will & initiative "KAWANGGAWA o
KUSANG LOOB sa pagsasagawa ng tungkulin. FRATERNITAS - Brotherhood "KAPATIRAN o
PAGKAKAISA" in this Fraternity, we have the essence of the brotherhood the Triskelion way.
THE TAU GAMMA PHI staunchly advocates the brotherhoods of men regardless of race, creed, religion,
social and political status
2. THE TAU GAMMA PHI firmly believes in the power of reason and not in the
use of power as a reason 3. THE TAU GAMMA PHI believes in the promotion of social
justice to ensure the well being and economic security of all people.
violence and human right violation, however ready to defend, uphold and preserve sovereign will of its
members and all of the people. 5.
THE TAU GAMMA PHI encourages and fosters scholarship among its members. The stimulation of
intellectual creativeness and the promotion of the social and physical well being of its members is a
paramount concem.



TRISKELION is a conglomeration of the three dynamic forces which aim is to rule conquer the whole
THE FIRST TRISKELION- Bro. Hernando Guevara
was chosen as the patron saint because of his experience and symbol for pace in which the
fraternity/sorority firmly believes in
We, the member of the TAU GAMMA PHI/SIGMA, re-affirming our faith in God, and adhering
to the tenets and codes of conduct of the fraternity, in order so strengthen the bond of
brotherhood/sisterhood in pursuit of its ultimate goals and objectives, cognizant of the vital contribution
of a collective effort to promote the general welfare of our fellowmen, to instill and develop the greatest
sense of understanding and respect for human dignity wider the rule of justice freedom, and democracy,
do ordain and promulgate this constitution

"I was born a triskelion
“I will die a triskelion
"I live as a triskelion
"I was born a TRISKELION and I will live as a TRISKELION, I will die as a TRISKELION will never
die but will multiply. No evil force can block the power of the TAU GAMMA PHI "Life and Blood of a
TRISKELION is history"

The Triskelion Hymn

"Ang aming mahal na kapatiran
Ang TAU GAMMA PHI ang siyang patnubay Sa Buhay Ipagtatanggol kung pangala'y inaapi Bigyan siya
ng karangalan At ng
kalingang di magmamaliw.. (3x)


I Love TAU
I Love PHI

and written by our Founding Fathers but unknowingly it was INSPIRED by GOD. Present additional
research, reveal that its Vision, Mission and. Experiences of the Members, manifest the hand of GOD. If
you read our Principles between the lines, you will discover a universal Truth and Realization that there is
inert spiritually of the Fraternity. Our symbols expressed on the Seal of our Beloved Fraternity lead to the
discovery that the meaning "Conglomeration of Three (3) Dynamic Forces in the Universe" manifest
change (DYNAMISM) if we use Spiritual Abstraction, we discover that if there is a chosen people of
GOD maybe there is a Chosen Fraternity and that is TAU GAMMA PHI the TRISKELION GRAND
FRATERNITY the future facilitator of freedom from Want, Freedom of Opportunity, Upholder of
Justice, Harbinger of Peace and Prosperity to the Filipino People and to humanity.


I. The TAU GAMMA PH the Triskelion Grand Fraternity/Sorority my Fraternity/Sorority, The Supreme
Ang Tau Gamma Phi/Sigma ang natatanging kapatiran ng mga Triskelion ang
aking kapatiran katas taasang kapatiran.
The Fraternity TAU GAMMA PH the Triskelion Grand Fraternity of tenets no. 1 should be read between
the lines, this express that we have in the conscious of our binding force which should be prevalent
among its all members. Our belief of our binding forces the principle, initiation, and traditions of our
fraternity. We call each other brothers and sister even if we have different family name and of different
blood relationship, if it is your Supreme fraternity, you should not join any other Fraternity having
parallel principles. If you want to join another. Fraternity like "Law Fraternity Vanguard or Masons and
others” you should resign from TAU GAMMA PHI FRATERNITY For principle of being Supreme, she
demands no less, your Loyalty. Dedication, foresight, your love, your faith, and hope in the membership
pilgrimage towards LIFE

II. PRIMUN NIL NOCERE. First of all do not harm, let alone in defense of self, for whatever cause man
has come into being for whatever reason he exists, to whatever he is destined, keen to all living creatures
around him. MAN is BROTHER unto MAN.
Una sa lahat huwag kang mananakit bukod lamang kung ipagtatanggol mo ang iyong sarili. Kahit saan pa
nanggaling ang tao. Kahit ano pang dahilan kung bakit siya nabubuhay, Kahit saan pa siya
pututungo,Kadugo ng lahat ng mga nabubuhay sa paligid niya.
Tenet No.2 is one of the epitones of SPIRITUALLY between man to man and man to GOD. Why? It has
a deeper basis. "First of all do not harm" does not only mean hurting of the physical but includes not
hurting of the emotion or the mind in short, not hurting the being of man. In the spiritual analysis every
analysis every religion either Hinduism. Mohammedanism, Buddhism, Christianity etc... believes in a
supreme being they fellow a covenant. Love their fellowmen and humanity above self. The rest of our
TENETS No.2 ex-presses that we are created in the image and likeness of GOD our creator (PI-
NAGMULAN). The principle encourages us to become a positive or plus kind of man, a man who always
see something of hope in every human being a force known that there is GOB In everyone.

On Reality our fraternal brothers and sisters experience why there are so many who want or are
volunteering their selves to become a triskelion. The answer is in tenets No.2 because they will read and
know the true meaning of the above Tenet they want to be one with us. This Tenet has twin principles and
this can be states that we advocate the brotherhood of men, regardless of race, creed, social, political or
economic status. Rich or poor, brother muslim, Christian. Catholic, Atheist, Agnostics. Sociality, Liberal,
Nationalist, High school, out of school, and other. We are Fraternity of Society (Taong Bayan) ending the

III. DE GUSTIBUS NON-DESPUTANDUMEST. Of likes and dislikes, there should be no disputing.

Live and let Live. Sa mga kagustuhan at di kagustuhan hindi dapat magkaroon ng pagtatalo.
Mabuhay ka at hayaang mabuhay ang iba.
Fraternally speaking, the deeper meaning of the above is "In Diversity we must exercise unity "Diversity
creates of Ideas. Wants Personalities, etc., but we are guided by TENET No.3 which espouses Consensus
building for the common good.
The last part of our TENET "Live and Let Live" encourages just and Fair dealings with your fellow
brothers, sisters and our fellow men. The prince-ple discourages an evil principle, to step on others so
they can get ahead; they advance selfish interest above anything else. All the above is a violation of our
Tenet No.3
IV. PRESERVE YOURSELF Brawn, brain and blood
Pangalagaan mo ang iyong utak, katawan at sarili.
Fraternally we have to remember this Tenet in our initiation proceedings. Remember that the person
being given initiation is a human being. What is his use if we main (baldahin) him or he/she suffer death
on our hands?

As TRISKELIONS, the meaning of the above tenet s encapsulated one Word SURVIVALS!! To use our
GOD given talents for the good of our Family, Fraternity, people and country.

Spiritually an enlightened TRISKELION knowing the above TENET No.4 will always sacrifice his life
that others may LIVE.

V. BROTHERS I shall Love and Respect, their counsel I shall heed

Pakamamahalin at igagalang ko ang aking kapatid, pakikingan ko ang kanilang mga pangaral.
Fraternally, brothers and Sister are misled by the "no-seniority" Principle.

Most of them forget that there I TENET No.5 that have to be followed and practice. The above Tenet has
to be implemented with Love and Respect of Ideas, knowledge, Feelings, Status, Gender and Cultural
Background of a younger brother/Sister and younger Brother/Sister to officers of the Fraternity and most
of all relationship of brother/sister to their co-brother/sister in or even outside their schools, community,
VI. QUIRINI HIGH SCHOOL JUNIOR CHAPTER is my Alma Mater, to cherish and to honor, by its
rules be governed and guided.
ito ang aking inang tyapter upang mahalin at igalang ang kanyang mga
alituntunin at pasailalim.
Fraternally, we have to realize that becoming a TRISKELION will not end after his/her initiation,because
our Brotherhood/Sisterhood is lifetime Once we graduate we have a TENET No.6 to fulfill and this is to
develop and continue as a member to the TGPAAO TAU GAMMA PHI ASSOCISTION > OF ALUMNI
ORGANIZATION which is not only school focus. The blank shall be filled now with the Alumni
Association / organization or TGPAAO is my Alma Mater, to cherish and to honor, by its rules be
governed and guided.

VII. The GRAND TRISKELION, WARREN “CELL” Delos Santos is righteous, just and strong, he shall
be obeyed. Ito ay ang makatwiran. Makatarungan at malakas. Siya ay dapat igalang
Fraternally, first we imposed and inculcate to the brothers/sisters to choose good leaders/managers.

Second, that the Council/Chapter level leader, to whatever their position and designation will be followed
by the members, as long as their command is righteous and just. Because we believe that, at good
follower will become a good leader.

Third, all members are to practice the same qualities as the above TENET, because all are potential

VIII. A TRISKELION is a Brother and sister unto his/her fellow TRISKELION.

Siya ay isang kapatid sa kanyang kapwa triskelion.

The literal meaning of the above TENET is "Right or Wrong Brothers/Sisters always Right "If this is
range to other people.

Fraternally this Tenet is related continuously to TENET No.5 and Codes of Conducts Letter S.

A TRISKELION is binded to another TRISKELION because of its Principles. Initiation and Traditions
even though we are not related by do not blood nor having the same family name.

T - Treat other as you would have them to treat you
Tratuhin mo ang iyong kapwa tulad ng gusto mong pagtrato sayo.

bro Spiritually, this is the "Golden Rule." Do not do unto others, which you do not want them to do unto
you. The law of karma "What you plant you shall reap." Fraternally the above letter T emphasize that we
should not hurt or inflict negative thoughts word or action to others. We must be very careful how we
treat our brother and sister TRISKELION our family members, neighbors, the people of our community
and our society. An of the above letter T is particularly directed for humanity.

R - Rise to defend the name and honor of the fraternity whenever it is unjustly criticized.
Depensahan mo at wag mong hahayaang madungisan ang pangalan at karangalan ng iyong kapatiran
lalong-lalo na kapag ito ay hinuhusgahan.
Fraternally, the Keyword it Rise to DEFEND not to OFFEND; to start offensive action has never been
our principle. We can defend our fraternity through establishment of our Media Bureau. Involve ourselves
with our school and our community organizations. Build our network with other organizations.
Established forum for conflict resolution with other fraternity. (Ex. Inter-fraternity council or solidarity),
launch socio-economic Projects that will benefit our fraternity, school, community and country.

I - Inform and orient your fellow brother and sister every matter, which you consider vital to the
fraternity. Ipaalam at ipaliwanag sa iyong kapwa kapatid ang mga bagay na may kabuluhan sa

Fraternally, we have to practice feedback mechanism in the different structures of the fraternity. Active
brothers shall inform other active brothers what transpired to every meeting conducted by the fraternity,
inactive brothers shall be informed and oriented on how they can be reactivated to the Fraternity, Each
new survivor TRISKELION should buy a complete KIT of Guidelines from CBL, to Guidelines on
Establishment and Recognition of Chapter, Standard fraternal procedures, etc.

S - Salute and address your fellow brother and sister in a proper manner.
Batiin ang iyong kapwa kapatid sa tamang paraan.

Fraternally, the above principle commands all TRISKELION on Organizational Discipline by requiring
all members to properly address the officers of our fraternity. It discourage name calling that is offensive
to the brother or sister. There should be good manner and right conduct among brothers and sisters

K - Keep decorum in all fraternity meeting and always act accordingly inside and outside the fraternity.
Panatiling laging maayos, tahimik at maganda ang lahat ng klaseng pagpupulong at kumilos ng
tama sa loob at labas ng kapatiran
Fraternally, Decorum means that there is proper conduct of each member in the meeting. The meeting
should have an Agenda, a quorum for attendance, it shall have written minutes of the meeting, and the
members should have the proper attitude in attending the meeting. There is no place in the meeting for
members to be under the influence of destructive substances.

E - Excel in tour chosen field of endeavor.

Magpakadalubhasa sa inyong napiling gawin.

Fraternally, the Fraternity shall be the organization that will unlock the potential of each member. Every
individual has its own capacity to succeed or be obscured or low-profiled, but what is important, a
TRISKELION should have the proper attitude that he/she can share input for the Fratemity or to any
entity. A TRISKELION is a bom leader. He/she can reach the apex of their capabilities, they are not
Afraid to fail, but they make such error or failure a step for success. TRISKELION will break the mind
set of negative values such as unsportmanship (pikon). Fatalistic Statement: "Iginuhit ng Tadhana na
isinilang akong mahirap, tiyak na mamamatay akong mahirap," or Gobyemo kasi, hindi na mababago
yan," Sakit ng Pilipino yan, wala nang remedyo." Our letter will change the above fatalistic mindset.

L - Live a live of moderation, avoid gluttony, drunkenness, and other vices least you to forget your
studies, health, family, God and Fraternity
Mabuhay ka ng tamang-tama lamang iwasan mo ang pag-inom ng ano mang klaseng inuming
nakakalasing dahil ang bisyo ang sanhi ng hindi mo pag alala sa inyong kapatiran, pamilya, trabaho, pag-
aaral at kalusugan.

Fraternally, the principle means that anything done in excess is bad (ex. If you are a Gluton you become
fat and die from high blood pressure or heart attack). (If you seldom cat you dic of starvation anorexia the
sickness of Karen Carpenter). If you get drunk while drinking, the toxin of alcohol will overcome your
reason. If you do drugs, the substance which have no mind of its own shall control you. You who have the
brain and intellect to let unthinking and destructive substance control us. What happen if we do not
practice our letter E then our life will turn miserable, our family will suffer, you will lose your job then
will be out of work, your health deteriorate, if your are studying, you will lost interest, you will become
bad influence to your fraternal brothers and sisters, and problem shall still remain and will grow ever
bigger. You just postponed the problem by using destructive substances. Then you will self destruct and
will drift away and will forget our principles, your life, society, country, and the little blessings that have
received from GOD. This will be scenario if you forget letter L in your life,

I - In your everyday of life, beware of what you say and what you write. Avoid lasting misunderstanding
and misinterpretation.
Sa iyong araw-araw na buhay, mag-iingat ka sa inyong isinusulat at sinasabi iwasan nyo ang hindi
pagkakaintindihan at matagal na hindi pagkakaunawaan.

Fraternally, a TRISKELION is confronted with the mystery, challenges, and the cruelty of Life. With his
dealing with his/her family. Fraternal brothers and sisters and people as a whole, the Fraternity shares a
principle that expresses CAUTION "Before deciding, always think ten times" Before saying a word or
writing a letter, be cautious because we might create hurt because, you are confronted by evil or life's
problem, a misstep will create misunderstanding and chaos. Be watchful and cautious to the following:
Adultery, Adversity, Anger. Anxiety, Concent, False confidence, Covetousness, Crime, Death, Deceit,
Depravity, Divorce, Doubt, Drunkenness, Enemies, Extravagance, Falsehood, Faultfinding, Fear, Flesh,
Greed, Hatred. Intemperance, Judging, Lip, Service, Lust, Pride, Revenge, Self Exultation, Self
Righteousness, Sin. Swearing, Temptation, Tribulation and Worldliness.

0 - Obey all fraternity rules and regulations and be guided by the tenet of the fraternity.
Sumunod sa lahat ng ultimatum regulasyon ng kapatiran. Maging gabay sa inyong pang araw-araw na
Gawain ang prinsipyo ng kapatiran.

Fraternally, your national council has firmly formulated simple Rules and Regulation For all
TRISKELIONS to develop expand and implements for the common good. Spiritually, our Gin OD the
creator demanded from mankind obedience (Ex. Act 5 verse 29) and (John 14 verse 21). The guide for
our tenets and CODES OF CONDUCTS is like the Ten Commandments demanded by our creator to
every Christian, Muslim. Jews etc.
N-Never reveal to your friends, no to your family about the concern of the fraternity.
Huwag ibubunyag kallamman sa inyong mga kaibigan kahit sa inyong pamilya ang mga
bagay na may kinalaman sa kapatiran.

Fraternally, there were many brothers who had sacrificed their life, their comfort, to Stand by our
principle of letter O. It will be unfair for us TRISKELION member who survive the initiation to broadcast
to non-members the internal problems, this should not be revealed. Those who want to know the
"TRISKELION WAY OF LIFE," He or she will pass the initiation. He should know our principle by
heart. Let us be steadfast in upholding the letter L. principle, a saying or ours in Tagalog, "pag hindi
pinaghirapan ay hindi mamahalin." Try entering an organization by just signing the application form,
would you think that he or she will have completer loyalty, sacrifice and to exercise the true meaning of
its principle? An example of organization that has a parallel to our Letter O, this is the MAFIA
"OMERTA" will have to sacrifice their life. We are not MAFIA, but let it known that any TRISKELION
who grossly violate of the ENETS and CODES OF CONDUCTS especially the letter O, will be
immediately Expelled from the fraternity. Finally, we shall always remember that we are travels or
pilgrims to the path that have been embrace by our brothers and sisters, we have always to put in our
minds that this VOLUNTEER action of serving our fraternity is for the future of our son and daughter's

W - ay M – man
I - in A – always
N - nature R – remember
S - stand
L – love T - triskelion
B – because O - or
O – of N-
nothing R – roy
O – ordinario
English - Voluntary will brotherhood/sisterhood
Filipino - Malakas Malayang Kapatiran
Spanish - Triskelion
Greek - Tau
Gamma Phi Latin -
Fortis, Voluntas, Fraternitas Capital Letter
- TRISKELION Anong tao mo?
- Gamma Phi
Anong Fortis mo? - Voluntas Fraternitas
Bueno - Good
Superior - better
Optima - Best
Anong oras na? -
Alas Triskelion Biology
- Three legged mammals Physics
- Three dynamic forces Geometry
- Seven angels
Math - 777
Kamay saulo - Daliri sa tenga
English ng Lolo - Grand Triskelion
Ano ka ng Lolo mo? -
Grand son/ Grand dougther 777(7-7-7)
- Seven Angels Seven prophets Seven trumpets Anong kulay ng
Mangga? - Hinog o hilaw?
Spell Pepsi - P-E-P tau Gamma Phi

How do you kiss the flag of the tau gamma phi? - Flying kiss
Where can you find the rising sun – in every right hand of the tau gamma phi
Mag kano pamasahe mula rito hanggang U.P Diliman – tatlong Zondo
Pitong kabataan – Batang Katipunan
First hero of Triskelion - Hernando Guevara
First Tau gamma Sigma – linda
Rangos/Darang Sinida Two Founding
Father expelled – Restito Alfonzo & Romeo Fortis
Ilan ang balahibo nang lion - Isang libo siyam na raan anim na p u’t walo
Tau -tenets of the triskelion
Gamma -God’s Guidance
Phi – Peace, preserve to limitation
Triskelion color - Black, Red & Gold
Sino si Meduza -
ang babaeng neophyte ng tau gamma sigma Sino si
alexis - Ang lalaking neophyte ng tau gamma phi
Tatak ng Kasuotan – Triskelion mula ulo hanggang paa
Saan ka galling – sa gubat
Anong ginagawa mo - nang huli nang lion
Ilan? – Tatlo
Anong klaseng lion? – Triskelion
Anong gagawin mo? – aalagaan

Alpha Kappa Upsilon
Beta Lambdda Phi
Gamma Mu chi
Delta Nu Psi
Epsilon Xi Omega
Zeta Omicron
Eta Rito
Theta Sigma
Lota Tau

By the virtue of power vested upon me I __________________________baptize you
Alias __________________ as neophyte of TAU GAMMA PHI TRISKELION GRAND FRATERNITY

Magandang Araw/gabi po Master, ako po si ________________alias____________________
ang bagong
Neophyte ng Katas-taasan, Kagalang-galangan, Kapatiran ng TAU GAMMA PHI TRISKELION
makilala at mapaglingkuran master? Maraming Salamat po.

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