Bio 4 Notes
Bio 4 Notes
Bio 4 Notes
● Made of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen
● They are polymers that broken down into simple sugars (glucose, fructose)
● Large carbohydrates (i.e. starch, glycogen) are broken down into simple sugars
● Cellulose is a polymer of glucose but humans cannot digest cellulose so it forms
dietary fibre, which gives the muscles of the gut something to push against
● Found in bread, cereals, rice
● Made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen
● Animal fats are solid at room temperature, whereas plant fats are liquid
● Long-term energy store and they provide insulation
● Lipids are made from glycerol (oily liquid) attached to three fatty acid molecules
● Too much lipid is unhealthy
● Found in meat, oils
● Made of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulphur, nitrogen and phosphorus
● They are polymers that can be broken down to amino acids
● Kwashiorkor is a disease caused from protein-deficiency
● The order of amino acids determines the type of protein made
● Found in meat, fish
Mineral Role in body Food rich with it
B3 Helps with cell respiration Pellagra (dry skin, poor Meat, fish
growth, digestive disorders
C Sticks together cells lining Scurvy (wounds fail to heal) Fresh fruits and
surfaces vegetables
D Helps absorb calcium and Rickets, poor teeth Fish liver oils, made
phosphate in skin in sunlight
Food tests
● Add starch to spotting tile
● Add drop of yellow-brown iodine solution to starch
● If starch present, colour changes to blue-black
● Add spatula of glucose to test tube
● Add 2cm depth of water to the glucose, and shake tube to dissolve glucose
● Add drops of benedict’s solution, enough to change the mixture colour to blue
● Fill half a beaker with water and place the test tube in it
● Allow the water to boil
● If glucose present, colour changes to cloudy orange or brick red (precipitate of
copper oxide)
● If sucrose is used instead, mixture will stay a blue colour
● Called a “biuret test”
● Add protein to test tube
● Add 2cm depth water, and shake tube
● Add equal volume of dilute potassium hydroxide solution, and shake tube again
● Add two drops of 1% copper sulphate solution
● If protein present, colour changes to purple
● Place a drop of olive oil in test tube
● Add 2cm depth ethanol, and shake tube
● Fill three-quarters of another test tube with cold water
● Pour the contents of the first tube over the second
● If lipid present, white cloudy layer forms(ethanol dissolves in water leaving lipid
● Chemical and mechanical breakdown of food. It converts large insoluble molecules
into small soluble ones, which can be absorbed into the blood
● Speeded up by enzymes
● Mechanical digestion is physical breakdown of food by chewing and biting, and
muscles in the stomach
● Chemical digestion is done by enzymes in the gut, and mouth
● Walls of intestines have a circular muscle layer (fibres arranged in rings) , and a layer
of longitudinal muscle layer
● When circular contrat, and longitudinal relax, the gut is made narrower. When the
opposite happens, guts become wider.
● Waves of contraction push food along the gut, and this is called peristalsis
Digestive enzymes
Enzyme class Example Digestive action Source Where it acts
● Performs mechanical digestion: teeth break food into smaller pieces
● Salivary glands produce amylase to break down starch into maltose
● Saliva moistens food so it can be swallowed
● Tube from mouth to stomach
● Food bolus moved down the oesophagus due to peristalsis
● Produces amylase, trypsin, lipase and releases them in the small intestine
● Stomach wall secretes hydrochloric acid, so its contents are acidic, which kills
● Stomach wall makes pepsin which breaks down proteins to peptides
● Produces bile and stores it in the gallbladder and then passes down the bile duct
● Bile turns large lipid globules into an emulsion of tiny droplets
● Bile and pancreatic juice are alkaline so they neutralise acidic contents before they
enter the gut
Small intestine
● Semi-digested food is held in the stomach by sphincter muscles.
● When sphincter muscles relax, the food is released into the small intestine
● First part of the small intestine
● Pancreas releases amylase, trypsin, and lipase here
● Bile and pancreatic juices play their role here
● Second part of the small intestine
● Lining has large surface area (covered with villi). This helps with absorption
● Each villi is covered with microvilli
● Digested food enters the blood through the vessels that surround each villi
● Products of fat digestion enter a tube called a lacteal, which is part of the
lymphatic system. It transports a liquid called lymph and eventually enters the
● Surface of a villi is called an epithelium (single layer of cells)
● They contain many mitochondria to provide energy needed for active
● Villi contains muscle fibres which contract and move the villi. This keeps a
steep concentration gradient
● Blood vessel in the ileum join and form the hepatic portal vein which leads to
the liver
● Liver, breaks, builds, and stored molecules (i.e stores glucose as glycogen)
Large intestine
● First part of the large intestine
● Absorbs remaining water
● Leaves semi-solid waste material (faeces)
● Second part of the large intestine
● Faeces stored here and expelled through rectum