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yxþT×eà ØÁ‰§êE ÄþäK‰sþÃêE ¶pBlþK

ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È


bxþT×eà ØÁ‰§êE ÄþäK‰sþÃêE ¶pBlþK 13th Year

xo‰ሦስተኛ ›mT qÜ_R %8 No. 58
yÞZB twµ×C MKR b¤T «ÆqEnT ywÈ ADDIS ABABA 6th September, 2007
xÄþS xbÆ ጳጉ‫ ה‬1 qN 09)(9


Aዋጅ ቁጥር 5)$7/09)(9 ›.M Proclamation No. 547/2007

በየብስ የዕቃ ‫ד‬ጓጓዝ ‫ףם‬ን ֳ‫א‬ደንገግ ‫ ֹֹּלָךـ‬የወጣ አዋጅ….
Proclamation to Amend Carriage of Goods by Land
ገጽ 3¹þ8)$5
Proclamation …. Page 3845

Aዋጅ ቁጥር 5)$7/09)(9 PROCLAMATION NO. 547/2007

በየብስ የዕቃ ‫ד‬ጓጓዝ ‫ףם‬ን ֳ‫א‬ደንገግ A PROCLAMATION TO AMEND CARRIAGE OF

‫ ֹֹּלָךـ‬የወጣ አዋጅ GOODS BY LAND.

የُ‫ף‬ንስፖ‫ ُץ‬አገֳግֹُ የአገ‫ף‬٤ንን ָ‫ُד‬ Whereas, freight transport services play vital role in
ֳ‫ד‬ሳካُ፣ ֳአጠቃֶይ የንግዱ ክፍֳ ኢኮኖ‫ג‬ enhancing our country’s development, for the general
ዕድገُና ֳሕዝቦ٤ ‫נףשׂא‬ብ ውሳኝ ‫ג‬ና growth of the trade service sector of the economy and
for integration of the peoples of Ethiopia.
የ‫ג‬ጫወُ የአገָግֹُ ዘ‫ץ‬ፍ በ‫ֲא‬ኑ፤

በ‫ד‬ናْው‫ ו‬የ‫ד‬ጓጓዣ ዓይነُ ዕቃ ‫ד‬ጓጓዝን Whereas, laws of our country governing any mode of
የ‫ֳאג‬ከً የአገ‫ף‬٤ን የُ‫ף‬ንስፖ‫ ُץ‬ሕጐ٤ አንዱ transport should be harmonized and interlinked to
ከֶַው ጋ‫א ץ‬ጣጣ‫ו‬ና ‫שׂـ‬ናጅِ አገָግֹُ facilitate transport services and thereby play part in the
በ‫א‬ስጠُ ֳአገ‫ף‬٤ን የኢኮኖ‫ ג‬ዕድገُ የበኩִን economic development of our country.
ድ‫א ָךץ‬ወጣُ የ‫ג‬ጠበቅበُ በ‫ֲא‬ኑ፤

ከዚֱ አንፃ‫ ץ‬በ09)$2 ዓ.‫ ו‬በንግድ ሕግ Whereas, the law governing carriage of goods by land
አ‫ד‬ካኝነُ ወጥِ በ‫ֶ ףם‬ይ ያֳውን ሕግ በ‫ֳـ‬ይ‫ו‬ as enacted in the 1960 Commercial Code of Ethiopia,
የአጓጓዦ٤ን የ٪ֶፊነُ ‫ُנטא‬፣ የ٪ֶፊነُ ‫א‬ጠን in particular, the basis of liability, limitation of liability
ወ‫ר‬ንና ַֹ٤ ‫א‬ብِ٤ና ግዴٍዎ٤ን አስ‫ָא‬ክِ and other rights and obligations should have to be
ዓֳ‫ ו‬ዓ‫שׂ‬ፍ ይዘُ ካֳውና በአዋጅ ከወጣው የ‫ָٌא‬ made compatible with the new enacted Multimodal
‫ז‬ዳָ ُ‫ף‬ንስፖ‫ ُץ‬አ‫ ץףט‬ጋ‫ ץ‬በ‫שׂד‬ናጀُ ወጥ Transport of Goods Proclamation and thereby facilitate
የֲነና የ‫ֶשׂـ‬ጠፈ አግָግֹُ ‫א‬ስጠُ በ‫ג‬ያስ٤ָ door-to-door transport services, and to this end
‫ָא‬ኩ አ‫א ֹֹּלָך‬ደንገግ አስፈֶጊ ֲኖ በ‫א‬ገኘً፤ amending the existing law has become necessary.

በኢُዮጵያ ፌደ‫ֶף‬ዊ ዲ‫ז‬ክ‫תף‬ያዊ ‫ע‬ፐብֵክ Now, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article

ሕገ ‫א‬ንግ‫ ُם‬አን‫שׂ‬ጽ $5 /1/ ‫ ُנטא‬የ‫ג‬ከ‫ֳـ‬ው 55(1) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic
ٍውጇָ፡፡ Republic of Ethiopia it is hereby proclaimed as follows.

ÃNÇ êU nU¶T Uz¤È ±.œ.q.Ü *¹þ1

Unit Price Negarit G. P.O.Box 80001
gA 3¹þ8)$6 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3846

ክፍָ አንድ PART ONE


1. አጭ‫ץ ץ‬ዕስ
ይֱ አዋጅ “በየብስ የዕቃ ‫ד‬ጓጓዝ ‫ףם‬ን
This Proclamation may be cited as a "Proclamation
ֳ‫א‬ደንገግ ‫ֹֹּלָךـ‬ የወጣ አዋጅ ‫שּׁ‬ጥ‫ץ‬
to Amend Carriage of Goods by Land No.
5)$7/09)(9” ‫ـ‬ብֹ ֵጠ‫שׂ‬ስ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
2. ُ‫ץ‬ጓ‫ה‬
2. Definitions
በዚֱ አዋጅ ውስጥ፡-
In this Proclamation
1/ “ዕቃን በየብስ የ‫ד‬ጓጓዝ ውָ” ‫ֳُד‬ 1/ " Contract of carriage of goods by land" means
አጓጓዡ የጭነُ ክፍያ ወይ‫ ו‬ዋጋ any contract whereby the carrier undertakes, for
በ‫ד‬ስከፈָ ዕቃን የአገ‫ ץ‬ውስጥ ው٪ን reward to transport goods overland and in
ጨ‫ צו‬በየብስ ֶይ ከአንድ ቦٍ ወደ ֶַ Internal waters from one place to another in
ቦٍ በ‫ֹּלـ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫דֳ ע‬ጓጓዝ ግዴٍ የገ‫וֹ‬በُ vehicles,
‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬ውָ ‫ ֳُד‬ነው፤

2/ “ዕቃ” ‫ ֳُד‬የ‫ ושּׁ‬እንስሳُን ጨ‫צו‬

2/ "Goods" means any property including live
ኮንَነ‫צ‬٤ን፣ የዕቃ ‫ד‬₪ጊያዎ٤ን ወይ‫ו‬
animals as well as containers, pallets or similar
‫אـ‬ሳሳይ የዕቃ ‫ד‬₪ጊያ ‫שּׁ‬ሶ٤ን ወይ‫ ו‬በዕቃ
articles of transport or packaging supplied by the
ֶኪው ወይ‫ ו‬በዕቃ አስ‫נ‬ካ‫ תּ‬በጥቅָ ‫ָא‬ክ
ֳጭነُ የ‫ץשׂג‬ብ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬ንብ‫ ُנ‬ነው፣ sender/consignor,

3/ “አጓጓ™” ‫ ֳُד‬ዕቃን በ‫ֹּלـ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ ע‬አ‫ד‬ካኝነُ

በየብስ ወይ‫ ו‬በአገ‫ ץ‬ውስጥ ው٪ የ‫ג‬ያጓጉዝ 3/ "Carrier" means the person who performs the
‫ר‬ው ‫ ֳُד‬ነው፤ carriage of goods by land or internal waters,

4/ “‫ר‬ው” ‫ד ֳُד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬የ‫ـ‬ፈጥ‫ר צ‬ው 4/ "Person" means any natural or juridical person,
ወይ‫ו‬ በሕግ የ‫ר‬ውነُ ‫א‬ብُ
የ‫רـ‬ጠውአካָ ነው፤
5/ "Sender" means the person who, either for his
5/ “ֶኪ” ‫ שףֳ ֳُד‬ወይ‫מֳ ו‬ስ‫ـ‬ኛ own account or for that of third parties, delivers
ወገኖ٤ ‫ָת‬ ዕቃውን እንዲያጓጉዝ goods to the carrier for carriage,
ֳአጓጓዡ የ‫ג‬ያስ‫נ‬ክብ ‫ר‬ው ‫ ֳُד‬ነው፤

6/ “‫נـ‬ካ‫ ֳُד ”תּ‬ዕቃውን ֳ‫שׂא‬በָ 6/ "Consignee" means the person authorized to

ሕጋዊ ‫א‬ብُ ያֳው ‫ר‬ው ‫ ֳُד‬ነው፤ receive the goods,

7/ «›ÅÑ— °n−‹» TKƒ uvI]Á†¨<

›ÅÒ ¾T>ÁSÖ< °n−‹ ¨ÃU ›ÅÒ 7/ "Dangerous Goods" means Goods which are
K=ÁeŸƒK< ËLK< }wK¨< ¾}SÅu<፣ classified as hazardous as well as Goods which
}k××Ã' ¾_ÈÄ VÑÉ ¾TS”Úƒ“ are or may become of dangerous, inflammable,
¾S`Úƒ vI] ÁL†¨<½ uÖ?”’ƒ Là radioactive, noxions or damaging nature, and
›ÅÒ TeŸ}M ¾T>‹K< ›ÅÑ— ¾”Ø[ comprises all that are potentially hazardous to
’Ñ` ¨ÃU ¾Ò´ wYM yfú> vI] human beings and the environment. The details
ÁL†¨< ¿ u›ÖnLà uc¨< MЋ“ shall be issued by the appropriate organ.
u›"vu= LÃ Øóƒ TeŸ}M
¾T>‹K<ƒ” G<K< ¾T>ÁÖnMM çñ
ZRZ„ xGÆB ÆlW xµL YwsÂL ¿
gA 3¹þ8)$7 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3847

8/ “t>kRµ¶” ¥lT ¥N¾WNM ›YnT 8/ "VEHICLE" means a motor vehicle,

:” wYM +nT XNÄ!Ãm§LS tBlÖ constructed for use for conveyance of goods
yt\‰Â lz!h# xgLGlÖT XNÄ!WL and includes trailers, semi-trailers and rail
ytdrg ÆlätR s!çN Æb#RN½ G¥> wagons,
tœb!NÂ tœb!N Y=M‰L½

9/ «ß’ƒ Te}LKõ» TKƒ °n” KTÕÕ´ 9/ "Transshipment" means transferring of goods

¾TÕÕ¹ ¨<M ŸðìS¨< }iŸ`"] from a vehicle or rail wagon which carriage
vKu?ƒ ¨Å K?L ‫ֹּלـ‬ከ‫ץ‬ካ‫ע‬ vKu?ƒ was contracted by the sender/consignor to
¨ÃU ¨Å K?L ¾ƒ^”eþ`ƒ ¯Ã’ƒ another vehicle or rail wagon or to another
Te}LKõ TKƒ ’¨< ½ mode of transport,

0/ ''t=¥¶ ¡õÁ'' TKƒ bgbà êU 10/ "Surcharge" Means an over charge above the
m\rT mkfL k¸gÆW mdb¾ scheduled freight rate,
¾ß’ƒ ¡õÁ }S” uLà ¡õÁ
TeŸðM TKƒ ’¨<::
11/ "Special drawing rights-" an equivalent
01/ «eühM Éa©”Ó ^Ã)» TKƒ currency of a state regarding the limit of
uØpM ¨ÃU uŸ=KA Ó^U ¾}Ökc¨< liability of the carrier per package or kilogram
¾›ÕÕÿ ¾Lò’ƒ SÖ” ¾¯KU ›kõ which shall be calculated and paid in
¾Ñ”²w fND ›W^`” SW[ƒ uTÉ accordance with the method of valuation
[Ó Ñ”²u< ŸT>ŸðMuƒ ›Ñ` Ò` applied by the International Monetary fund.
}S×ט ¾J’ ¾U”³] }S” TKƒ
12/ “Freight Forwarder” means a person who
02/ #°n ›e}LLò$ TKƒ u›Ñ` ¨<cØ represents a consignor or consignee locally or
¨ÃU u¯KU ›kõ Å[Í °n }kvÔ
internationally in fulfilling customs, port and
¨ÃU °n LŸ=” uS¨ŸM ¾Ñ<U\¡
Y’-Yƒ¯ƒ' ¾¨Åw Y’-Y`¯ƒ “ other formalities for import and export cargo
or port and includes the transportation and
K?ሎ‹ Y’-Y`¯„‹” ›eðîV ¾Ñu=
¨ÃU ¾¨Ü °n−‹ u¨Åw ”Ç=Ñu< delivery of same.
¨ÃU ”Ç=¨Ö< TÉ[Ó c=J” °n”
¾TÕÕ´”“ ¾Te[Ÿw” Y^
3. ¾}ðíT>’ƒ ¨c”
1/ The provisions of this Proclamation shall apply
1/ ¾²=I ›ªÏ É”ÒÑ@ bt>kRµ¶ x¥µ"nT to every contract for the carriage of goods by
°n” u¡õÁ byBS §Y XÂ bxgR WS_ land and internal waters and if the carriage is
W¦ §Y KTÕÕ´ u¸drG T“†¨<U undertaken for reward.
¨<M Là tfɸ ÃJ“L::

2/ ¾²=I ›ªÏ É”ÒÑ@ yTÕÕ²< |‰ u²=H 2/ The provisions of this Proclamation shall
xêJ }ðíT>’ƒ ¨c” ¡MM ¨<eØ uJ’ apply also where carriage coming' within its
Ñ>²? uS”ÓYƒ ¨ÃU uS”ÓYƒ scope is carried out by State or Government
}sTƒ uT>Ÿ“¨” ¾TÕÕ´ Y^ LÃU institutions.
}ðíT> ÃJ“L::

3/ yz!H xNq} N;#S xNq} /1/ XÂ /2/ 3/ Without prejudice to Sub-Article (1) and (2) of
DNUg@ãC XNdt-bq$ çñ ¾²=I ›ªÏ this Article, the provisions of this
É”Òጌ uT>Ÿ}K<ƒ Là }ðíT> Proclamation shall not apply to:-
a) carriage performed under the terms of
(G) uþe ›ÑMÓKAƒ ?G SW[ƒ postal regulations
uT>Ÿ“¨” ¾TÕÕ´ Y^'
gA 3¹þ8)$8 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3848

(K) ¾u?ƒ °n” Ÿu?ƒ u?ƒ ¾TÕÕ´ Y^ÝÝ b) household removal

4/ K²=I ›ªÏ ¯LT−‹ c=vM ¾›ÕÕÿ 4/ For the purposes of this Proclamation the
¨Ÿ=ሎ‹' c^}™‹“ ¾TÕÕ´ Y^¨<” carrier shall be responsible for the acts
KTŸ“¨” ¾T>ÖkUuƒ K?L T“†¨<U and omissions of his agents and ser-
c¨< KT>ðêS<ƒ É`Ñ>ƒ“ SðìU vants and of any other persons of whose
c=Ñv†¨< XÃðìS< Kk\ƒ }Óv` services he makes use for the
›ÕÕÿ `Lò ¾T>J” c=J”& ’²=G< performance of the carriage, when such
¨Ÿ=KA‹' W^}™‹“ K?KA‹ s−‹ agents, servants or other persons are
¾ðìS<ƒ }Óv` upØ` ¨<L†¨< acting within the scope of their
SW[ƒ ŸJ’ e^¨<” SðìT†¨< ¨ÃU employment, as if such acts or omissions
›KSðìT†¨< ¾›Õÿ Lò’ƒ w‰ were his own.
}Å`ÑA ècÇM::
¡õM G<Kƒ
¾TÕÕ´ ¨<M eKSSe[ƒ


1/ °n y¥ÙÙZ ¨<M uTÕÕ¹ c’É S[ÒÑØ 1/ The contract of carriage shall be confirmed
›Kuƒ:: by the making out of a consignment note.

2/ ¾°n TÕÕ´ c’É ›KS•`' ÁM}TEL 2/ The absence, irregularity or loss of the
SJ” ¨ÃU SØóƒ' በዚֱ አዋጅ consignment note shall not affect the
የ‫ֳאـ‬ከ‫ـ‬ውን ድንጋጌና ዕቃዎ٠ን existence or the validity of the contract
ስֳ‫ד‬ጓጓዝ የ‫ـ‬ደ‫נ‬ገውን ውָ ዋጋ ያֳውና of carriage which shall remain valid subject
‫ـ‬ፈጻ‫ֲא ג‬ኑን ֵያስ‫נשׂ‬ው አይ٤ָ‫ו‬፡፡ to the provisions of this Proclamation.


1/ ¾°n TÕ¹¨< c’É uZeƒ ª“ pÏ−‹ 1/ The consignment note shall be made out
:”WN b¸LkW sW òÒÍM:: in three original copies by the sender:-

a) the first copy shall be signed by the sender

(G) ¾SËS]Á pÏ uLŸ=¨< }ð`Vuƒ
K›ÕÕÿ Ãc×M:: and shall remain with the carrier,

(K) G<K}—¨< pÏ LŸ=¨<“ ›ÕÕÿ b) the second copy shall be signed by the
ð`S¨<uƒ Ÿ°n¨< Ò` ÃJ“M:: sender and the carrier and shall remain
with the goods,

(ּ) ‫מ‬ስ‫ـ‬ኛው ቅጅ አጓጓዡ ፈ‫זץ‬በُ

ዕቃውን ከ‫שׂـ‬በֳ በኋֶ አጓጓዡ c) the third copy shall be signed by the carrier
ֳֶኪው ይ‫ר‬ጠዋָ። and handed by him to the sender after the
goods have been accepted for carriage

2/ u²=I ›”kê N;#S xNq} 1¼/¼ ¾}Ökc¨< 2/ The signature mentioned in Sub-Article 1(c) of
ò`T ¾}S ¨ÃU uLŸ=¨<“ u›ÕÕÿ this Article may be printed or replaced by the
T%}U ¾T>}" K=J” ËLM:: stamps of the sender and the carrier.
gA 3¹þ8)$9 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3849

3/ ¾T>ÕÕ²<ƒ °n−‹ u}KÁ¿ }iŸ`"]−‹/ 3/ When the goods which are to be carried have
¾vu<` ñ`Ô−‹ ¨ÃU u}KÁ¿ ¯Ã’ƒ to be loaded in different vehicles or are of
TÕÕ¹−‹ ¨ÃU u}KÁ¿ ß’„‹ different kinds or are divided into different lots,
¾}ŸóðK< c=J’<' LŸ=¨< ¨ÃU ›ÕÕÿ the sender or the carrier shall have the right to
KÁ”Ç”Æ }iŸ`"] ¨ÃU ¾vu<` ñ`Ô require a separate consignment note to be made
¨ÃU KÁ”Ç”Æ TÕÕ¹ ¯Ã’ƒ ¨ÃU out for each vehicle or for each kind or lot of
¾°n−‹ ß’ƒ ¾}KÁ¾ ¾TÕÕ¹ c’É
¾SÖ¾p Swƒ Õ[ªM::


1/ ¾°n TÕÕ¹¨< c’É ¾T>Ÿ}K<ƒ” ´` 1/ The consignment note shall contain the
´a‹ SÁ´ Õ`uM:: following particulars:

(G) ¾°n TÕÕ¹ c’Æ ¾}cÖuƒ” k”“ a) the date of the consignment note
x' and the place at which it is issued,

(K) ¾LŸ=¨<” eU“ ›É^h' b) the name and address of the sender,

(N) ¾›ÕÕÿ” eU“ ›Å^h' c) the name and address of the carrier,

(S) °n−‡” KTÕÕ´ `¡¡w ¾}Å[Ñuƒ d) the place and the date of taking over
k”“ x' SÉ[h Là ¾Te[Ÿu=Á of the goods and the place designated for
x' delivery,
(W) ¾}["u=¨< eU“ ›É^h'
e) the name and address of the consignee,
([) eK °n−‡ ´`´` SÓKÝ' ¾°n
¨<” vI] “ ¾›e}hgÓ ²È' f) the description and the nature of the
”Ç=G<U ›ÅÑ— °n−‹ uJ’< Ñ>²? goods and the method of packing,
¾¨k¨< x-”§Y vI]Á†¨< and, in the case of dangerous goods,
SÓKÝ' their generally recognized description,

(c) ¾ØpKA‡ w³ƒ M¿ UM¡ƒ“ g) the number of packages and their

lØ^†¨<' special marks and numbers,

(g) ¾°n−‡ ÖpLL ¡wŃ ¨ÃU ÃI h) the gross weight of the goods or their
"M}ÑKì w³†¨<' quantity otherwise expressed,
(k) ŸTÕÕ²< Ò` ¾}ÁÁ²< ¾TÕÕ¹ i) charges relating to the carriage;
¡õÁ−‹' }ÚT] ¡õÁ−‹“ supplementary charges and other
K?KA‹ ¨<K< Ÿ}Å[Ñuƒ Ñ>²? eŸ
charges incurred from the making of the
Te[Ÿu=Á¨< Ñ>²? É[e ¾T>¨Ö<
¨Ü−‹' contract to the time of delivery,

(u) bz!H xêJ xNq} 03 DNUg@ m\ j) attachment of the requisite instructions for
rT KÑ<U\¡ Swƒ TeðìU “ Customs and other formalities in
KK?KA‹ Y’-Y`¯„‹ ¾T>Ö¾l accordance with the stipulation of Article
snìC xSf§g! çñ btgß g!z@ 13 of this Proclamation.
bxƶnT mÃòcWNÝÝ

2/ ›eðLÑ> uT>J”uƒ Ñዜ ¾TÕÕ¹¨< c’É Ÿ²=I 2/ Where applicable, the consignment note shall also
u‹ ¾}SKŸ~ƒ” ´`´a‹U SÁ´ contain the following particulars:-
a) a statement that transshipment is not
(G) ß’ƒ Te}LKõ ¾TÃðkÉ SJ allowed,
’<” ¾T>ÁSK¡ƒ êOõ'
b) the charges which the sender
(K) LŸ=¨< KS¡ðM Óȁ ¾Ñvv†¨< undertakes to pay,
gA 3¹þ8)% ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3850

(N) ¾°n−‡ ªÒ SÓKÝ' c) a declaration of the value of the goods,

(S) ¾°n−‡” ¾SÉ” ªeƒ“ u}S d) the sender's instructions to the carrier
KŸ}& LŸ=¨< K›ÕÕÿ ¾T>c× regarding the insurance of the goods,
†¨<” SS]Á−‹'

(W) °n¨<” KTÕÕ´ eUU’ƒ ¾}Å e) the agreed time-limit within which the
[cuƒ ¾Ñ>²? ÑÅw“ ¾T>ÕÕ´uƒ carriage is to be carried out and the route
¾Ñ<µ SeS`& whereby the goods are to be carried,

([) K›ÕÕÿ ¾}cÖ< c’Ê‹ ´`´`& f) a list of the documents handed to the carrier.

3/ }ªªÃ ¨Ñ•‹ ÖnT> “†¨< wK¨< "S’< 3/ The parties may enter in the consignment note
u²=I ›”kê ÁM}Ökc< K?KA‹ any other particulars not referred to in this
´`´a‹” uTÕÕ¹ c’Æ LÃ K=ÁeÑu< Article which they may deem useful.


LŸ=¨<“ ›ÕÕÿ Ÿ}eTS< ¾TÕÕ¹¨< c’É A consignment note may be made to order where the
}kv¿ c¨< L²²¨< uT>M K=²ÒÏ Ã‹LM::
sender and the carrier agree.

8. l@§ y¥ÙÙÏ snD 8 - OTHER DOCUMENTS

1/ Where the sender and carrier agree, a consignment note

1/ LŸ=¨<“ ›ÕÕÿ Ÿ}eTS< ¾TÕÕ¹¨< c’É may be replaced by any other document, such as a
›ÕÕÿ uT>cÖ¨<“ LŸ=¨< }Ñu= ¾J’<ƒ” receipt delivered by the carrier on the sender having
êOö‹ uT>Ácõ`uƒ ”Å Å[c˜ vK< made all appropriate statements.
K?KA‹ c’Ê‹ K=}" ËLM::
2/ If the receipt mentioned in Sub-Article (1) of
2/ bz!H xNq} N;#S xNq} 1 yt-qsW this Article, or other document contains a
Å[c˜ ¨ÃU c’É yz!HN xêJ DNUg@ãC statement contrary to the provisions of this
y¸”rN yWL ”L Yø b!g" y¥ÙÙÏ Proclamation, the contract shall have effect in
Wl# bz!H xêJ DNUg@ãC m\rT accordance with the stipulations of this
tfɸnT Ãg¾LÝÝ Proclamation.
9. eKLŸ=¨< êOõ
1/ y¸ktl#TN xSmLKèÝ 1/ The sender shall be responsible for all expenses,
loss and damage sustained by the carrier by
reason of the inaccuracy or inadequacy of:-
G. u›”kê 6 ”®<e ›”kê 1 (K)' (S)'
(W)' ( [)' (c)' (g)' (k) “ (u)
yt-qs#TN bmѧT rgD½ (a) the particulars specified in Article 6 Sub-
Article 1 (b), (d), (e), (f), (g), (h),(i) and (j),
K. u›”kê 6 ”®<e ›”kê 2 ¾}Ökc< ƒN
bmѧT rgD X (b) the particulars specified in Sub- Article (2)
of Article 6,
N. ¾TÕÕ¹ c’Æ ”Ç=²ÒÏKƒ ¨ÃU uc’Æ
Là ”Ç=Ñv u}cÖ< K?KA‹ SS]Á−‹ (c) any other particulars or instructions given
¨ÃU ƒ°³µ‹ bxGÆb# Ælmfi¥cW by him to enable the consignment note to
wYM TKKl¾ ÃLçn wYM ÃLtৠbe made out or for the purpose of their
mGlÅ bms-t$ MKNÃT xÙÙ¢$ lwÀ
being entered therein.
b!ÄrG wYM k!œ‰Â X g#ÄT b!dRSbT
§k!W bÑl# `§ðnT xlbTÝÝ
gA 3¹þ8)%1 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3851

2/ uLŸ=¨< ÖÁm’ƒ ›ÕÕÿ u›”kê 6(1) 2/ If, at the request of the sender, the carrier enters
Là ¾}Ökc<ƒ” ´`´a‹ u°n in the consignment note the particulars referred
TÕÕ¹ c’Æ LÃ ›eÑw„ ŸJ’ to in Article 6(1) he shall be deemed, unless the
}n^’> Te[Í "Mk[u ue}k` contrary is proved, to have done so on behalf of
›ÕÕÿ uLŸ=¨< eU ”ÇÅ[Ѩ< the sender.
3/ If the consignment note does not contain the
3/ xSf§g! bçn g!z@ ¾°n TÕÕ¹¨< c’É attachment specified in Article 6 Sub-Article 1
u›”kê 6 ”®<e ›”kê 1(u) ¾}Ökc<ƒ” (j), or when a consignment note is replaced in
snìC bxƶnT "MÁ²' ¨ÃU ¾°n accordance with Article 8 of this Proclamation
TÕÕ¹¨< c’É u›”kê 6 ¾}Ökc<ƒ”
by any other document, such as a receipt, which
´`´a‹ vMÁ² bz!H xêJ xNq} 8
DNUg@ m\rT ”Å Å[c˜ vK< K?KA‹
does not contain the statement referred to in
c’Ê‹ Ÿ}}" ›ÕÕÿ ÃI” œÃrUG_ :” article 6, the carrier shall be liable for all
bmqbl# U¡”Áƒ KÅ[c< ¨ß−‹' expenses, loss and damage sustained through
k!œ‰ X Ñ<ǃ b:”ãc$ §Y y¥zZ such omission by the person entitled to dispose
mBT §lW sW `§ðnT xlbTÝÝ of the goods.



0. m-QlL
1/ Ÿ°n−‡ vI] ›”í` SÖpKM ¾T>Á
eðMÒ†¨< J• c=ј& °n−‡ ”ÇÃÖñ“ 1/ Where the nature of the goods is such that
”ÇÃÔÆ LŸ=¨< m-QlL wYM ¥¹G packing is needed, the sender shall pack the
YñRb¬LÝÝ goods so that they will not be lost nor damaged.

2/ Ÿ›ÖkLKM Ñ<ÉKƒ ¾}’X b:”W §Y

KT>Å`c T“†¨<U Ñ<ǃ LŸ=¨< Lò 2/ The sender shall be liable for any damage arising
YçÂLÝÝ out of defective packing.

3/ XNÄ!h#M °n−‡ ÁMgÑ< SJ’<” ¨ÃU 3/ The carrier shall be liable for such damage where
›e}hgÑ< Ñ<ÉKƒ ¾’u[uƒ SJ’<” ›ÕÕÿ he accepted to carry the goods and he knew that they
Á¨k °n−‡” }kwKA ÁÙÙz ”ÅJ’ were not packed or the packing was defective.
KT>Å`c¨< Ñ<ǃ ^c< Lò ÃJ“M::



1/ ›ÕÕÿ :”ãCN c=[Ÿw½ 1/ On taking over the goods, the carrier shall check:-

G. uTÕÕ¹ c’Æ Là ¾cð\ƒ” y:”ãC (a) the accuracy of the statements in the
B²T wYM ¾ØpKA‹” lØ`' uØplÖC consignment note as to the quantity of
LÃ ÁK¨<” M¿ UM¡„‹”“ goods or the number of packages and
SÓKÝ−‹” T¡¡K—’T XÂ XNÄ!h#M their marks and descriptions, and weight
y:”ãc$N KBdT½ of the goods;
K. ¾°n−‡” ¨<ßÁ© G<’@“ ›e}h
gÒ†¨<” ¥rUg_ xlbTÝÝ (b) the apparent condition of the goods and
their Packaging.
gA 3¹þ8)%2 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3852

2/ ›ÕÕÿ Ÿ²=I uLà bz!H xNq} u”®<e 2/ Where the carrier has no reasonable means of
›”kê /1/ ¾}Ökc<ƒ” ZRZéC checking the accuracy of the statements
KT[ÒÑØ ¾T>‹Muƒ }kvÃ’ƒ ÁK¨< referred to in Sub-Article (1) of this Article,
S”ÑÉ ¾K?K¨< ŸJ’ U¡”Á~” SW[ƒ he shall enter his reservations in the consign-
ment note together with the grounds on which
ÁÅ[Ñuƒ” ŸSÓKê Ò` xlmS¥¥t$N they are based. He shall likewise specify the
uTÕÕ¹ c’Æ Là Teð` Õ`uM:: grounds for any reservations which he makes
¾°n¨<” ÓMî G<’@“ ›e}hgÒ†¨<” with regard to the apparent condition of the
u}SKŸ}U u}Sddà G<’@ T”— goods and their packing.
¨<”U ›KSeTTƒ SÓKî ›Kuƒ::

3/ uTÕÕ¹ c’Æ LÃ uk[u<ƒ ÁKSeT 3/ Such reservations shall not bind the sender
Tƒ SÓKÝ−‹ ”ÅT>ÑÅÉ uÓMî unless he has expressly agreed to be bound
"M}eTT ue}k` LŸ=¨< u’²=I by them in the consignment note.
SÓKÝ−‹ ¨<Ö?ƒ ›ÃÑÅÉU::

4/ LŸ=¨< l+nT ÃqrbWN ¾°n¨<” Öp 4/ The sender shall be entitled to require the
LL ¡wŃ¿ ¨ÃU m-N½ _QL kçn carrier to check the gross weight of the
_Ql# bWS-# yÃzWN xÙÙ¢$ goods or their quantity otherwise
”Ç=Á[ÒÓØ K=ÖÃp ËLM:: expressed. He may also require the
contents of the packages to be checked.
5/ y¥rUg-#M W-@T b:” ¥ÙÙÏW \nD
§Y mgl} xlbTÝÝ xÙÙ¢$ :”ãc$N 5/ The carrier shall be entitled to claim the
btgliW h#n@¬ l¥rUg_ ÃwÈW wÀ cost of such checking. The result of the
µl YHN wÀ §k!W XNÄ!kFlW m-yQ checks shall be entered in the consignment
YC§LÝÝ note.


1/ }n^’> Te[Í qRï ¥StÆbL µLtÒl 1 Unless the contrary is proved, a consignment
ue}k` ¾TÕÕ¹ c’É ¨ÃU Ÿ›”kê 4- note, or any other document issued according
8 vK<ƒ É”ÒÑ@−‹ SW[ƒ ¾}²Òj K?§ to the provisions of Article 4-8, shall be prima
c’D ¾TÕÕ¹ ¨<M eKSÅ[Ñ<' ¾¨<K<” facie evidence of the making of the contract of
G<’@−‹“ °n−‡” ›ÕÕÿ SK SkuK<½ carriage, the conditions of the contract and
Sl :”ãc$ ›YnT½ B²T½ m-N the receipt of the goods by the carrier, the
KBdT Te[Í nW ÝÝ kind, number, quantity and weight of the
2/ }n^’> Te[Í qRï ¥StÆbL XSµLt
Òl É[e bz!h# xêJ xNq} 01¼2¼ DN 2. In accordance with the provisions of Sub
Ug@ m\rT u›ÙÙ¢$ uÓMê }KÄ ¾c Article 2 of Article 11, if the consignment
ð[¨<N ¾›KSeTTƒ SÓKÝ ÁMÁ² note contains no specific reservations by the
¾TÕÕ¹ c’É& ›ÕÕÿ u}[Ÿv†¨< Ñ>²? carrier, it shall be presumed, unless the
°n−‡“ ›e}hgÒ†¨< uØ\ G<’@ contrary is proved, that the goods and their
K›ÕÕÿ ”Å}cÖ<“ ¾ØpKA‡ w³ƒ' packing appeared to be in good condition
KBdT UM¡„‰†¨<“ lØa‡ uTÕÕ¹ when the carrier took them over and that
c’Æ LÃ Ÿ}Ökc<ƒ êOö‹ Ò` the number of packages, their marks and
¾}××S< ”ÅJ’< ÃÑSM:: numbers correspond with the statements in
the consignment note.


1/ §k!W ¾Ñ<U\¡” wYM l@lÖC |n 1/ For the purposes of the Customs or other formalities
|R›èCN l¥SfiM c=vM ›eðLÑ> which have to be completed before delivery of
¾J’< c’Ê‹” kTÕÕ¹ c’É Ò` the goods, the sender shall attach the
necessary documents to the consignment
uTÁÁ´ lxÙÙ¢$ SeÖƒ Õ`uM::
note or place them at the disposal of the
carrier and shall furnish him with all the
information which he requires.
gA 3¹þ8)%3 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3853

2/ ›ÕÕÿ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê /1/ 2/ The carrier shall not be under any duty to
¾}Ökc<ƒ” c’Ê‹“ S[Í−‹ ƒ¡¡K— enquire into either the accuracy or the
’ƒU J’ ¾}TEK< eKSJ“†¨< adequacy of the documents and infor-
KSS`S` U”U ›Ã’ƒ Óȁ mation referred to in Sub-Article (1) of
¾KuƒU:: this Article.
3/ LŸ=¨< u’²=I c’Ê‹“ S[Í−‹ ›KS 3/ The sender shall be liable to the carrier for
•`' ÁKSTELƒ ¨ÃU ÓÉðƒ ¾}’d any damage caused by the absence, inade-
KT>Å`c¨< Ñ<ǃ u›ÕÕÿ Øóƒ ¨ÃU quacy or irregularity of such documents
†M}˜’ƒ "MJ’ ue}k` K›ÕÕÿ Lò and information, e xc e p t in t h e c a se of
ÃJ“M:: s ome w rongful a c t or ne gl e c t on t he part
of the carrier.

4/ ›ÕÕÿ ¾}Ökc<ƒ” c’Ê‹“ ŸTÕÕ¹ 4/ The liability of the carrier for the consequences
c’Æ Ò` }ÁÁ» ¾J’<ƒ” c’Ê‹ arising from the loss or incorrect use of the
¾T>[Ÿu¨< u¨Ÿ=M’ƒ c=J” ¾c’Ê‹ documents specified in and accompanying
SØóƒ' ¨ÃU }Ñu= ÁMJ’ ›ÖnkU the consignment note or deposited with the
KT>ÁeŸƒK¨< ¨<Ö?ƒ Lò’ƒ ›Kuƒ:: carrier shall be that of an agent.

5/ ÃIU Lò’ƒ ›ÕÕÿ °n¨< b-Í Ñ>²? 5/ That the compensation payable by the
ŸT>ŸõK¨< "X K=uMØ ›Ã‹MU:: carrier shall not exceed that payable in
the event of loss of the goods.


1/ §k!W uTÕÕ¹ ¨<l# m\rT 1/ Where he carries out all his duties under
Óȁ−‹” uS<K< ŸðìS °n¨<” the contract of carriage, the sender has
Ÿ›ÕÕÿ Ï SMf uS¨<cÉ ¨ÃU the right to dispose of the goods either
°n¨< uÑ<µ Là ÁK uTeqU ¨ÃU by taking them back from the carrier or
¾°n¨<” ¾Te[Ÿu=Á x uSK¨Ø by stopping them during their transport,
¨ÃU uÑ<µ Là ÁK °n¨< by changing the place at which delivery
K=^Ñõuƒ ¾T>Ñv¨< x ŸSÉ[c< is to take place, or by causing them to
uòƒ b¥ÙÙÏ snÇ §Y Ÿ}SKŸ}¨< be delivered during the transport before
}["u= ¨<Ü KK?L c¨< ”Ç=c_ they arrive at the place of destination to
uTÉ[Ó °n¨<” ¾Te}LKõ Swƒ a person other than the consignee named
in the contract.
2/ ¾TÕÕ¹ c’Æ KLŸ=¨< }cØ„ ŸJ’
2/ Where the transport title has been
LŸ=¨< ÃI”” ¾TÕÕ¹ c’É K›ÕÕÿ
delivered to the sender, he may not
dÁk`w b:”W §Y ÃlWN mBT
Te}LKõ ›Ã‹MU:: dispose of the goods unless he produces
the title to the carrier.
3/ bz!H xNq} N;#S xNq} /1/ yt-
3/ The right to dispose of the goods in
qsW y:” §k!W b:”W §Y y¥zZ
transit mentioned in Sub-Article (1)
mBT y¸Ìr-W y¥ÙÙÏ snD
l:” trµb!W sW kts- b“§ of this Article, shall cease to exist
wYM :”W mDrš |F‰W dRî when the consignment note is handed to the
tqƆ xÙÙ¢$ :”WN XNÄ!ÃSrKbW consignee or when the consignee has
k-yq b“§ nWÝÝ requisted the carrier to deliver the goods on
the place of destination.
4/ bz!H xNq} N;#S xNq} /3/ yt-qsW
b!ñRM LŸ=¨< uTÕÕ¹ c’Æ LÃ °n 4/ Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-Article
}kv¿ n¨<” ¾Te}LKõ Swƒ (3) of this Article, the consignee shall have
Õ[ªM ¾T>M ›"„ ŸJ’ }["u=¨< the right of disposal from the time when the
¾TÕÕ¹ c’Æ Ÿ}íðuƒ Ñ>²? ËUa consignment note is drawn up, if the sender
°n¨<” ¾Te}LKõ Swƒ ›K¨<:: makes an entry to that effect in the
consignment note.
gA 3¹þ8)%4 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3854

5/ }kv¿ °n¨<” ¾Te}LKõ Sw~” 5/ If in exercising his right of disposal the

uT>glgLbT Ñ>²? °n−‡ KK?L c¨< consignee has ordered the delivery of the
”Ç=cÖ< ›µ ŸJ’ ä?¨< ¾²²Kƒ goods to another person, that other person
ƒSt¾ c¨< K?KA‹ }["u=−‹” shall not be entitled to name other
KSc¾U Swƒ ›Ã•[¨<U:: consignees.

6/ b°n¨< §Y ÃlWN mBT ll@§ sW 6/ The exercise of the right of disposal shall be
¾Te}LKõ Swƒ uT>Ÿ}K<ƒ subject to the following conditions
G<’@−‹ §Y ÃSc[M::
(a) that the sender or, in the case referred to
ሀ/ LŸ=¨< ¨ÃU XNdng„ h#n@¬ u²=I in sub-article 4 of this Article, the
›”kê ”®<e ›”kê 4 u}Ökc¨< consignee who wishes to exercise the
SW[ƒ }kv¿ ›Ç=e SS]Á−‹ right produces the first copy of the
ÁK<uƒ” ¾TÕÕ¹ c’Æ” ›”Å— consignment note on which the new
pÏ K›ÕÕÿ uTp[w Sw~” instructions to the carrier have been
y¥St§lû ƒ°³´ xfÉiM entered and indemnifies the carrier
ÁeŸ}K¨<” ¨Ü½ k!œ‰Â Ñ<ǃ against all expenses, loss and damage
›eSM¡„ ›ÕÕÿ” bmµ|½ involved in carrying out such

K/ ”Ų=I ¯Ã’„‡ ƒ°³µ‹ fɸW (b) that the carrying out of such instructions is
c¨< zND uÅ[c< Ñ>²? l!fiÑ possible at the time when the instructions
y¸Cl# ƒ°³µ‡ Ÿ›ÕÕÿ SÅu— reach the person who is to carry them out
›c^` Ò` ¾TÃÒÛ ¾J’ ”ÅJ’ and does not either interfere with the
¨ÃU ¾LŸ=¨<” ¾}kv¿” K?KA‹ normal working of the carrier's undertaking
°n−‹” kTÕÕ´ |‰ UR or prejudice the senders or consignees of
y¥YUŒ çnW s!gß# X½ other consignments, and

N/ ƒ°³µ‡ b¥ÙÙÏ Wl# §Y (c) that the instructions do not result in a

ytmlktWN ß’T ¾SŸóðM division of the consignment.
¨<Ö?ƒ ¾TÕ^†¨< s!çN nWÝÝ
7/ When, by reason of the provisions of sub-
7/ ›ÕÕÿ uN;#S ›”kê 6 (K) u}Ökc¨< article 6 (b) of this Article , the carrier cannot
U¡”Áƒ ¾}kuL†¨<” ƒ°³µ‹ carry out the instructions which he receives, he
SðìU vM‰K Ñ>²? ƒ°³²<” KcÖ¨< shall immediately notify the person who gave
c¨< ¨Ç=Á¨<’< ¥úwQ YñRb¬LÝÝ him such instructions.

8/ ›ÕÕÿ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê /1/ eŸ 8/ If the carrier has not carried out the instructions
/7/ u}Ökc<ƒ G<’@−‹ ¾}kuL†¨<” given under the conditions provided for in Sub-
ƒ°³µ‹ ÁMðìS ”ÅJ’ ¨ÃU ¾°n Articles (1) to (7) of this Article , or if he has
TÕÕ¹ c’Æ” ›”Å— pÏ XÃÖÃp carried them out without requiring the first
ƒ°³µ‡” }kwKA ¾ðìS ”ÅJ’
KT>Å`c¨< Øóƒ ¨ÃU Ñ<ǃ ¾Swƒ
copy of the consignment note to be produced,
ØÁo KTp[w Swƒ LK¨< c¨< }ÖÁm he shall be liable to the person entitled to make
ÃJ“M:: a claim for any loss or damage caused thereby.


1/ ¾TÕÕ´ ¨<L” uTÕÕ¹ c’É LÃ u} 1/ If for any reason it is or becomes impossible to

SKŸ~ƒ G<’@−‹ SW[ƒ KSðìU carry out the contract in accordance with the
¾TÁe‹M U¡”Áƒ "K ›ÕÕÿ u°n terms laid down in the consignment note before
−‡ LÃ ¾T²´ Swƒ "K¨< c¨<' the goods reach the place designated for
u›”kê 04 ”®<e xNqòC 1 eŸ 8 delivery, the carrier shall ask for instructions
vK<ƒ É”ÒÑ@−‹ SW[ƒ U” SÅ[Ó from the person entitled to dispose of the goods
”ÇKuƒ ƒ°³´ XNÄ!s-W SÖ¾p in accordance with the provisions of Article 14
›Kuƒ:: Sub-Articles 1 to 8.
gA 3¹þ8)%5 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3855

2/ yz!H xNq} N;#S Aንቀጽ /1/ b!ñRM 2/ Notwithstanding the provisions of Sub-Article (1) of
u}ðÖ [¨< G<’@ uTÕÕ¹ c’Æ this Article, if circumstances are such as to allow
Ÿ}SK Ÿ~ƒ G<’@−‹ u}K¾ SMŸ< the carriage to be carried out under conditions
°n¨<” KTÕÕ´ ¾T>Áe‹K< ከJ’“ differing from those laid down in the
›ÕÕÿ bqE nW tBlÖ b¸gmT Ñ>²? consignment note and if the carrier has been
unable to obtain instructions in reasonable time
¨<eØ u›”kê 04 Ÿ”®<e ›”kê 1
from the person entitled to dispose of the goods
eŸ 8 É[e vK<ƒ G<’@−‹ SW[ƒ in accordance with the provisions of sub-articles
u°n −‡ LÃ KT²´ Swƒ "K¨< 1 to 8 of Article 14, he shall take such steps as
c¨< LÃ ƒ°³´ TÓ–ƒ "M‰K deemed necessary to him to be in the best
u°n−‡ LÃ KT²´ Swƒ ÁK¨<” interests of the person entitled to dispose of the
c¨< }Ñu= ØpU KTeÖup ›eðLÑ> goods.
¾ScK¨<” `UÍ S¨<cÉ ›Kuƒ::

06. ¾}["u=¨< Swƒ 16. CONSIGNEE'S RIGHT

1/ tqƆ °n−‡ SÉ[e "Kv†¨< x ŸÅ[c< 1/ After arrival of the goods at the place
u%EL °n¨<” ¾T>ÁSK¡ƒ snD wYM designated for delivery, the consignee shall
be entitled to require the carrier to deliver to
¾TÕÕ¹ c’Æ G<K}— pÏ xƶ µlW
him, against a receipt, the second copy of the
kXnxƶW °n−‡” ”Ç=cÖ¨< ›ÕÕÿ”
KS־p ËLM:: consignment note and the goods.

2/ ¾°n−‡ SØóƒ ¨<q ŸJ’ ¨ÃU 2/ If the loss of the goods is established or if the
u›”kê !5 ¾}Ökc¨< Ñ>²? µb” u%EL goods have not arrived after the expiry of the
°n−‡ "MÅ[c<' }kv¿ ŸTÕÕ¹ ¨<K< period provided for in Article 25, the
¾T>S’Û T“†¨<U Sw„‹ ”Ç=ðì consignee shall be entitled to enforce in his
UKƒ u^c< eU ›ÕÕÿ” KTeÑÅÉ Swƒ own name against the carrier any rights
›K¨<:: arising from the contract of carriage.

3/ }["u=¨< u²=I ›”k{ ”®<e ›”kê /1/ 3/ If the consignee avails himself of the rights
u}cÖ<ƒ Sw„‹ ¾T>ÖkU ŸJ’' granted to him under Sub-Article (1) of this
uTÕÕ¹ c’Æ ¾}SKŸ~ƒ” ¡õÁ−‹ Article, he shall pay the charges shown to
S¡ðM ›Kuƒ:: çñM u²=I Ñ<ÇÃ LÃ be due on the consignment note, but in the
›KSÓvvƒ u}Ÿc} Ñ>²? ›ÕÕÿ Ÿ}kv¿
event of dispute on this matter the carrier
ªeƒ“ e"M}cÖ¨< É[e n−†”
”Ç=Áe[Ÿw ›ÃÑÅÉU:: shall not be required to deliver the goods
unless security has been furnished by the



1/ °n−‡ S[Ÿw "Kv†¨< x ŸÅ[c< u%EL 1/ Where circumstances prevent delivery of

KTe[Ÿw G<’@−‹ uŸKŸK< Ñ>²?' ›ÕÕÿ the goods after their arrival at the place
LŸ=¨< MN ¥DrG XNÄlbT ƒ°³´ designated for delivery, the carrier shall ask
”Ç=cÖ¨< SÖ¾p ›Kuƒ:: }kv¿ :”WN the sender for his instructions. If the
›MkuMU ÁK ”ÅJ’ LŸ=¨< ¾TÕÕ¹ consignee refuses the goods the sender shall
c’Æ” ›”Å— pÏ KTp[w dÃÑÅÉ be entitled to dispose of them without
:”WN ll@§ sW y¥St§lF mBT being obliged to produce the first copy of
YñrêLÝÝ the consignment note.

2/ }kv¿ °n¨<” KS[Ÿw ðnÅ— vÃJ”U' 2/ Even if he has refused the goods, the
bz!H xNq} N;#S Aንቀጽ /1/ m\rT consignee may, in accordance with Sub-
xÙÙ¢$ §qrbW ymm¶Ã _Ãq& ŸLŸ=¨< Article (1) of this Article, nevertheless
}n^’> ¾J’ SS]Á e"MÅ[c¨< É[e require delivery so long as the carrier has not
}kv¿ ሃሳ‫שּ‬ን በ‫שׂא‬የ‫ ץ‬xÙÙ¢$ :”WN received instructions to the contrary from the
”Ç=Áe [¡u¨< KSÖ¾p ËLM:: sender.
gA 3¹þ8)%6 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3856

3/ xÙÙ¢$ KTe[Ÿw ÁM}‰K¨< °n ¾T>uLi 3/ Where goods which cannot be delivered are of a
¾J’ ”ÅJ’“ k§k!W bqE nW tBlÖ perishable nature and the carrier cannot receive
b¸gmT g!z@ WS_ T:²Z ÁMÅ[c¨< the sender's instructions in due time, he shall cause
the goods to be sold in accordance with the
”ÅJ’ u²=I ›ªÏ ›”kê ! É”ÒÑ@
Provissions of Article 20 of this Proclamation.
SW[ƒ °n¨< ”Ç=gØ TÉ[Ó ›Kuƒ::

4/ xÙÙ¢$ :”WN l¥SrkB ÃLÒlbT G<’@ 4/ When circumstances preventing delivery of the
¾}ðÖ[¨< °n¨< Å`f }["u=¨< Sw~” goods arise after the consignee, in exercise of
uSÖkU °n¨< lZe}— c¨< ”Ç=cØ his rights has given an order for the goods to
"²² u%EL ŸJ’ °n }["u=¨< ”Å LŸ=' be delivered to another person, sub-articles 1
ÃI ¾²²Kƒ Ze}— c¨< ÅÓV ”Å °n and 2 of this Article shall apply as if the
}["u= }qØ[¨< ¾²=I ›”kî ”®<e ›”kê consignee were the sender and that other
1 “ 2 }ðíT> ÃJ“K<:: person were the consignee.

08. ¨ ß − ‹ 18. EXPENSES

The carrier shall be entitled to recover the cost of

›ÕÕÿ SðìU c=Ñv¨< vKSðìS< ¨ÃU his request for instructions and any expenses
SðìU ¾TÃÑv¨<” uSðìS< U¡”Áƒ entailed in carrying out such instructions, unless
¾Å[c ¨Ü "MJ’ ue}k` ›ÕÕ¢$ LŸ=¨< such expenses were caused by the act or
ƒ°³´ ”Ç=cÖ¨<¿ ’²=I” ƒ°³µ‹ omission of the carrier.
KTŸ“¨” Á¨×†¨<” T“†¨<”U ¨ß−‹
”Ç=}ካKƒ ¾SÖ¾p Swƒ ›K¨<::
09. °n” T^Ñõ“ TekSØ
In the cases referred to in Sub-Article (1) of
u›”kê 05 ”®<e ›”kê /1/ “ u›”kê 07 Article 15 and the provisions of Article 17 the
É”ÒÑ@−‹ y}Ökc¨< G<’@ u}ðÖ[ Ñ>²? carrier may immediately unload the goods for
›Õÿ °n¨<” ”Ç=Á´v†¨< Swƒ vK¨< account of the person entitled to dispose of
c¨< uT>cw ¨Ü °n¨<” ¨Ç=Á¨<’< them and thereupon the carriage shall be
›¨<`Ê Á^ÓóM:: ÃIU uJ’ Ñ>²? ¾TÕÕ´ deemed to be at an end. The carrier shall then
Y^¨< ”Å}Ö“kk ÃqÖ^M:: Ÿ²=I u%EL hold the goods on behalf of the person so
›ÕÕÿ °n¨<” Swƒ vK¨< c¨< eU entitled. The charges due under the consignment
ÁekU×M:: uTÕÕ¹ c’Æ ¾}Ökc<ƒ note and all other expenses shall remain
¡õÁ−‹“ K?KA‹ ¨ß−‹ uÖpLL chargeable against the goods.
un−‡ Là ¾T>cu< ÃJ“K<::

!. °n−‹” ›ÕÕÿ eKT>gØuƒ G<’@ 20 SALE OF GOODS BY THE CARRIER

1/ xÙÙ¢$ bz!H xNq} 07 DNUg@ m\rT 1/ The carrier may sell the goods, without
:”WN xÙÙ¢$ ¥SrkB úYCL s!qRÂ awaiting instructions from the person entitled
°n−‡ ¾T>vLg< ¾J’ ”ÅJ’ ¨ÃU to dispose of them in accordance with the
¾°n¨< G<’@ ¨Å SuLgƒ TU^~ provisions of Article 17 and if the goods are
°`ÓÖ— uJ’ Ñ>²? ¨ÃU ¾TekSݨ< perishable or their condition warrants such a
¨ß Ÿ°n¨< ªÒ uLà ¾J’ ”ÅJ’
course, or when the storage expenses would be
°n−‡” ¾T>Á´v†¨< c¨< ¾T>cÖ¨<”
ƒ°³´ dÃÖwp K=g׆¨< ËLM:: out of proportion to the value of the goods.

2/ uK?lÖC h#n@¬ãC ›ÕÕÿ °n¨<” SgØ 2/ The carrier may also proceed to the sale of
¾T>‹K¨< un¨< Là KT²´ Swƒ the goods in other cases if after the expiry
ÁK¨< c¨< }n^’> ¾J’ ƒ°³´ ØÃq&W of 30 days he has not received from the
bxÙÙ¢$ bqrb " qN g!z@ WS_ mLS person entitled to dispose of the goods
œYs_ s!qR nWÝÝ instructions to the contrary which he may
reasonably be required to carry out.
gA 3¹þ8)%7 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3857

3/ iÁÛ }"H@Ê K°n−‡ SŸðM ÁKuƒ 3/ The proceeds of sale, after deduction of the
¨ß Ÿ}k’c u%EL' k] "K °n−‡” expenses chargeable against the goods, shall
KTe}LKõ Swƒ LK¨< c¨< be placed at the disposal of the person
Ãc×M:: ’²=I ¡õÁ−‹ uiÁß entitled to dispose of the goods. If these
Ÿ}Ñ–¨< uLÃ ŸJ’< ›ÕÕÿ M¿’~” charges exceed the proceeds of sale, the
¾TÓ–ƒ Swƒ ›K¨<:: carrier shall be entitled to the difference.
4/ iÁÛU ›Óvw vK¨< QÓ SW[ƒ 4/ Such sale shall be executed by public
uÚ[ ÃðìTM:: auction in accordance with the relevant
¡õM ›^ƒ
¾›ÕÕÿ Lò’ƒ

›ÕÕÿ °n¨<” u}[Ÿuuƒ “ uT>Áe[¡
wuƒ Ñ>²? S"ŸM& ¾Te[Ÿu=Á Ñ>²?¨< The carrier shall be liable for the total or partial
uTKñ“ uS²Ó¾~ U¡”Áƒ¿ °n¨< loss of the goods and for damage thereto occuring
uŸòMU J’ uS<K< u=Öó ¨ÃU Ñ<ǃ between the time when he takes over the goods and
u=Å`euƒ `§ð YçÂLÝÝ the time of delivery, as well as for any delay in
!2 ¾›ÕÕÿ ŸLò’ƒ ’í SJ”
bxNq{ !1 ytdnggW b!ñRM xÙÙ¢$
k`§ðnT nÉ y¸çnW :” y-ÍW wYM Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 21 the
g#ÄT ydrsbT wYM yzgyW k;QM b§Y carrier shall be relieved of liability if the loss,
bçn MkNÃT wYM b:”W WSÈêE YzT damage or delay was caused by the wrongful act
g#DlT MKNÃT wYM b§k!W wYM or neglect of the claimant, by the instructions of
btqƆ _ÍT MKNÃT mçn#N ÃSrÄ the claimant given otherwise than as the result of
XNdçn nWÝÝ a wrongful act or neglect on the part of the
carrier, by inherent vice of the goods or through
force majeure.
!3. eK}iŸ`"] h#n@¬Ý
›ÕÕÿ °n¨<” KTÕÕZ b}ÖkSv†¨<
}iŸ`"] BL>T wYM Ñ<ÉKƒ U¡”Áƒ The carrier shall not be relieved from liability by
¨ÃU }iŸ`"]¨<” u›Ÿ^¾¨< c¨< Øóƒ reason of the defective condition of the vehicle or
¨ÃU †M}˜’ƒ U¡”Áƒ ¨ÃU u¨Ÿ=K< rail wagon (locomotive) used by him in order to
¨ÃU u›Ÿ^¿ c^}— ¾Øóƒ É`Ñ>ƒ ¨ÃU perform the carriage, or by reason of the wrongful
†M}˜’ƒ U¡”Áƒ :” b!-Í wYM g#ÄT act or neglect of the person from whom he may
b!dRSbT wYM RKKb# b!zgY ŸHLò’ƒ have hired the vehicle or the rail wagon or of the
KSÇ” ›Ã‹MU:: agents or servants of the latter.

!4. ŸTe[Ÿu=Á Ñ>²? eKS²Ó¾ƒ 24. DELAY IN DELIVERY

¾Te[Ÿu=Á Ñ>²? zgy ¾T>vK¨<½ Delay in delivery shall be said to occur:

1/ b¥ÙÙÏ WL LÃ u}Ökc¨< Ñ>²? XÃð 1/ When the goods have not been delivered
ìU c=k`& within the agreed time-limit.
gA 3¹þ8)%8 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3858

2/ ¾Te[Ÿu=Á Ñ>²? eUU’ƒ b¥ÙÙÏ ¨<K< LÃ 2/ Failing an agreed time-limit, the actual
vM}Ökc Ñ>²? G<’@−‹” ŸÓ”³u? ¨<eØ duration of the carriage having regard to the
uTeÑvƒ Ñ<µ¨< u`ÓØ ¾¨cŨ<” Ñ>²?'
circumstances of the case, and in particular,
u}KÃU ŸòM ß’ƒ uJ’ Ñ>²? uSÅu—¨<
G<’@ ß’~” KSÚ[e ¾T>¨eŨ<” Ñ>²? in the case of partial loads, the time required
ŸÓUƒ ¨<eØ uTeÑvƒ& y¸wsD çñ ›”É for making up a complete load in the normal
Ö”nn ›ÕÕ» ŸT>¨eÉuƒ Ñ>²? bLõ s!g"ÝÝ way, exceeds the time it would be reasonable
to allow a diligent carrier.


1/ xND xÙÙ™ b¥ÙÙÏ snÇ §Y ¾}Ökc¨< Ñ>²? 1/ The fact that goods have not been delivered
"un u%EL ucLX k“ƒ Ñ>²? ¨<eØ °n¨<” within thirty days following the expiry of the
dÁe[¡w ¾k[ ”ÅJ’' ¨ÃU b¥ÙÙÏ Wl# agreed time-limit or, if there is no agreed
m\rT eUU’ƒ ¾}Å[cuƒ Ñ>²? ŸK?K time-limit, within sixty days from the time
°n−‡” ›ÕÕÿ l¥ÙÙZ ktrkbbT Ñ>²?
ËUa ueMX k“ƒ ¨<eØ Te[Ÿw "M‰K
when the carrier took over the goods, shall be
°n−‡ ¾Öñ KSJ“†¨< K=e}vuM conclusive evidence of the loss of the goods.
2/ On the expiry of the period provided for in
2/ u²=I xNq} N;#S xNq} /1/ y-qsW g!z@ Sub-Article (1) of this Article the person
µlf b“§ °n−‡” KSÖ¾p Swƒ entitled to make a claim may thereupon treat
ÁK¨< c¨< n−‡ ”ÅÖó qØa the goods as lost and may lodge a claim
Sw~” kAÙÙ¢$ K=ÖÃp ËLM:: against the carrier.

3/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê /2/ SW[ƒ 3/ The person entitled to make a claim according
b:”W §Y Swƒ ÁK¨< c¨< KÖñƒ to the provisions of Sub- Article (2) of this
°n−‹ "X Ÿ}kuK "X¨< Ÿ}ŸðKuƒ Article may, on receipt of compensation for
qN u%EL vK¨< ›”É ›Sƒ Ñ>²? ¨<eØ the missing goods, request in writing that he
n−‡ Ÿ}Ñ–< xÙÙ¢$ Sl :”W mgßT shall be notified immediately should the
b}h#F XNÄ!ÃœWqW ¨Ç=Á¨<’< KSÖ goods be recovered in the course of the year
¾p ËLM¿ xÙÙዡM uêOõ °¨<p“ following the payment of compensation. He
K=s_ ÃÑvM:: shall be given a written acknowledgment of
such request.
4/ b:”W §Y y¥zZ mBT ÃlW sW
4/ Within the thirty days following receipt of the
y}h#F ¥rUgÅ bts-W " qÂT g!z@
notification the person entitled as aforesaid may
WS_ bxNq} !9 XÂ V yt-qsW require the goods to be delivered to him against
XNdt-bq çñ uTÕÕ¹ c’Æ ÁK¨<” payment of the charges shown to be due on the
¡õÁ ከõKA' ”Ç=G<U "X ¡õÁ¨< consignment note and also against refund of the
¨<eØ ¾}ÚS\ K?KA‹ ¡õÁ−‹ compensation he received less any charges
Ÿ}k’c< u%EL ¾¨cŨ<” "X uSSKe included therein but without prejudice to any
›ÕÕÿ °n¨<” ”Ç=Áe[¡u¨< SÖ¾p claims to compensation for delay in delivery under
ËLM:: Article 29 and, 30

!6. ›ÅÑ— °n−‹ 26. DANGEROUS GOODS

1/ LŸ=¨< ›ÅÑ—’ƒ ÁL†¨<” °n−‹ K›ÕÕÿ 1/ When the sender hands goods of a dangerous
ve[Ÿu Ñ>²? K›ÕÕÿ ¾°n−‡” nature to the carrier, he shall inform the
¾›Åј’ƒ vI] “ ›eðLÑ> uJ’U Ñ>²? carrier of the exact nature of the danger
K=¨cÉ ¾T>Ñv¨<” ¾Ø”no `UÍ and indicate, if necessary, the precautions
uƒ¡¡M Td¨p“ TSMŸƒ ›Kuƒ:: to be taken.
2/ ÃI S[Í uTÕÕ¹ c’Æ ¨<eØ 2/ If this information has not been entered in the
ÁM}"}} ŸJ’ ›ÕÕÿ KTÕÕ´ c=[Ÿw consignment note, the burden of proving that the
¾°n−‡” ¾›Åገ—’ƒ vI] Á¨<p ¾’u[ carrier knew the exact nature of the danger
SJ’<” ¾Te[ǃ Lò’ƒ ¾LŸ=¨< ¨ÃU constituted by the carriage of the said goods shall
¾}["u=¨< ÃJ“M:: rest upon the sender or the consignee.
gA 3¹þ8)%9 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3859

3/ u²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê /1/ u}Ökc¨< 3/ Goods of a dangerous nature which, in the
G<’@ ›ÕÕÿ n−‡ ›ÅÑ— SJ“†¨<” circumstances referred to in Sub-Article (1)
¾¥Á¨<p ŸJ’ "X KvK°n¨< S¡ðM of this Article, the carrier did not know were
XÕ`uƒ uT“†¨<U Ñ>²? ¨ÃU x dangerous may at any time or place be
YHN xdg¾ :” ¥‰gF ¨ÃU ŸØpU unloaded, destroyed or rendered harmless by
¨<Ü ¥DrG ' ¨ÃU Ñ<ǃ ”ÇÁÅ`e the carrier without compensation;.


1/ :” bm_Ít$ wYM bmgÖÄt$ MKNÃT 1/ Where a carrier becomes liable for any loss
xÙÙ¢$ bz!H xêJ DNUg@ãC t-ÃqEÂ of, or damage to, any goods, such
`§ð b¸çNbT g!z@ l-ÍW wYM compensation shall be calculated by
ltgÖÄW :” µœ ymKfL `§ðnt$ reference to the value of the goods at the
:”WN ¥SrkB b¸gÆW ï¬ :”W place at which they should be delivered.
b¸ÃwÈW ygbà êU LK YçÂLÝÝ If the market value of the goods is
y:”W ygbà êU y¥Y¬¨Q kçn unknown, by reference to the value of
tmœœY :” b¸ñrW ygbà êU goods of the same kind and quality.
2/ Without prejudice to the provisions of Sub-
2/ yz!H xNq} N;#S xNq} /1/ DNUg@ Article (1) of this Article, the liability of
XNdt-bq çñ xÙÙ¢$ y¸kFlW the carrier to pay compensation shall not
yµœ m-N b_QL kx@S.Ä!.xR 8)"5 exceed SDR 835 per package or other
ወይ‫ ֶַ ו‬የጭነُ ‫ֳא‬ኪያ wYM shipping unit, or SDR 2.5 per kilogram of
bk!lÖ G‰M kx@S.Ä!.xR 2.5 kh#lt$ gross weight of the goods lost or damaged,
kFt¾ kçnW mBl_ ylbTMÝÝ whichever is the higher.

3/ kz!H b§Y bN;#S xNq} /1/ XÂ /2/ 3/ Without prejudice to Sub-Article (1) and (2)
ytdn ggW XNdt-bq çñ y¥ÙÙÏ of this Article, where a carrier becomes
WL b¸m\rTbT g!z@ y:”ãc$N êU liable for any loss of, or damage to, any
y¸ gL} snD y¥ÙÙÏ Wl# xµL goods, the nature and value thereof have be
ktdrg :”W b!-Í wYM g#ÄT declared and made an integral part of the
b!dRSbT xÙÙ¢$ y¸kፍlW yµœ contract, the liability of the carrier shall be
m-N bsnÇ §Y ytgliW y:” êU determined by reference to market value
§Y :”WN ¥SrkB b¸gÆW ï¬Â of the goods at the place and time at which
qN :”W y¸ñrW ygbà êU m\rT they should be delivered to the consignee.
L†nt$N =Mé YçÂLÝÝ

4/ ›ÕÕÿ °n¨<” u¨p~ dÁÅ`e Á²Ñ¾ ”ÅJ’ 4/ If the carrier fails to deliver the goods in time
u²=I ›ªÏ ›”kê !1 “ !4 SW[ƒ he shall be liable according to the provision
›ÕÕÿ RKKÆcW yzgyWN :”ãC of Articles 21 and 24 of this Proclamation to
xSmLKè k:” §k!W wYM xSÅ" wYM pay compensation, to a person having the
tqÆY ¾T>ŸðK¨<” y+nT ¥ÙÙÏ ªÒ right of disposal on the goods two and hal
G<Kƒ }Ÿ<M (21/2) g!z@ x_æ l:” tqÆY
times (2½) the freight payable for the good
wYM b:”W §Y y¥zZ mBT §lW sW
¾S¡ðM Lò’ƒ Õ`uM:: ’Ñ` Ó” ÃI delayed. However, such payment shall no
¡õÁ uTÕÕ¹ ¨<K< LÃ Ÿ}Ökc¨< ÖpLL exceed the total freight payable.
¾ß’ƒ ›ÑMÓKAƒ ¡õÁ ªÒ K=uMØ
!8. yµœ m-N xwœsN
For the purpose of calculating which amount is
b›”kê !7 ”®<e ›”kê /1/ XÂ /2/ the higher in accordance with Sub-Article (1) and
SW[ƒ Ÿõ}—¨<” SÖ” KTeLƒ c=vM (2) of Article 27 the following rules shall apply:-
Ÿ²=I u‹ ¾}SKŸ~ƒ DNUg@ãC
}ðíT>−‹ ÃJ“K<½
gA 3¹þ8)^ ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3860

1/ °n¨<” ›k“Ï„ KSÝ” ØpU Là ¾ªK¨< 1/ Where a container, pallet or similar article of
¢”‚Ã’`' ¾°n TgÑ>Á XØ” ¼­l@T¼ transport is used to consolidate goods the
¨ÃU °n” KTk“˃ ØpU Là package or other shipping units enumerated
¾T>¨<K< }SXXÃ y:” ¥¹g!ÃãC in the Consignment note as packed in such
¨ÃU uTÕÕ¹ c’Æ ¾}Ökc¨< ¾ß’ƒ
SKŸ=Á u¨<eÖ< ¾Á³†¨< ØpKA‹ article of transport are deemed packages or
}ÑMì¨< TÕÕ¹ c’Æ Là "Mcð\ uk` shipping units. Except as aforesaid, the
¢”‚Ã’\' ¾°n TgÑ>Á XØ’< ¨ÃU goods in such article of transport are deemed
}SXXà ¾J’¨< ¾°n SÖpKÁ ¨ÃU one shipping unit;
TgÑ>Á¨< w‰ ”Å ›”É ØpM
2/ In cases where the article of transport itself
2/ y:” TgÑ>Á ÷Nt&YnR ^c< uÖó'
has been lost or damaged, that article of
Ñ<ǃ uÅ[cuƒ Ñ>²? ÷Nt&Yn„
transport, if not owned or otherwise supplied
¾›ÕÕÿ ”w[ƒ ¨ÃU u›ÕÕÿ ¾k[u
by the carrier, is considered one separate
"MJ’ uk` ”Å ›”É m-Qlà J•
ÃqÖ^M:: shipping unit.

3/ yz!H xNq} N;#S xNq}N /1/ XÂ /2/

3/ Without prejudice to Sub- Article (1) and (2)
DNUg@ãC XNdt-bq$ çnW íNÃ
of this Article, bags, sacks and similar
kr-!T ymœ\l#T XNd :” m-
articles shall not be considered as packaging.
Qlà xYö-„MÝÝ :” yÃz íNÃ
wYM kr-!T wYM tmœœY yçn If goods contained in bags or sacks are lost or
y:” mÌ-¶Ã kn:”W b!-Í wYM damaged compensation of the damaged or
b!gÖÄ µœ y¸kflW yz!H ›Ynt$ :” lost goods shall be determined by reference
ÆlW ygbà êU m\rT BÒ to the market value of such goods


:” bxÙÙ¢$ q$__R |R Æl g!z@ uS<K< ¨ÃU Higher compensation in respect of total or partial
uŸòM u=Öó ¨ÃU Ñ<ǃ b!dRSbT u›”kê !7 loss of goods, or in case of damage, than provided
N;#S xNq} /1/ wYM N;#S xNq} /2/ Ÿ}Ökc¨< for under the provisions of Sub-Article (1) or (2)
uLÃ "X SÖ¾p ¾T>‰K¨< bN;#S Aንቀፅ (3) of Article 27 may only be claimed where the
SW[ƒ ¾°n¨< ªÒ tgLÛ kçn ¨ÃU °n¨<” value of the goods or a special interest in delivery
uÑ>²? Te[Ÿu<” ›eSM¡„ M¿ ØpU ÁKW has been declared in accordance with Sub-Article
mçn#N :” §k!W gLÛ y¥ÙÙÏ Wl# xµL (3) of Article 27.
ÆdrgW g!z@ nWÝÝ
". x-”§Y HLò’ƒ

¾›ÕÕÿ ÖpLL ¾Lò’ƒ SÖ” °n−‡ The aggregate liability of the Carrier, shall not
exceed the limit of liability for total loss of the
ÖpLL u=Öñ bxNq} !1 XÂ !7 SW[ƒ
goods as determined by Article 21 or Article 27 .
k¸ñRbT ¾Lò’ƒ SÖ” mBl_


1/ LŸ=¨< ŸSÅu— ¡õÁ uLà t=¥¶ ¡õÁ 1/ The sender may, against payment of a
surcharge to be agreed upon, declare in the
”Ç=Å[Ó eUU’ƒ uTÉ[Ó y:”W êU
consignment note a value for the goods
bxNq} !7 N;#S xNq} ¼3¼ m\rT
exceeding the limit laid down in Article 27
¾ÑKì ”ÅJ’ :” b-Í wYM g#ÄT
(3) and in that case the amount of the
bdrsbT g!z@ yxÙÙ¢$ µœ ymKfL
declared value shall be substituted for that
`§ðnT bqrbW yêU snD m\rT
limit and the compensation to be paid shall
çñ½ yµœ KFÃW bxNq} !9
be determined in accordance with the
btdnggW m\rT tfɸ YçÂLÝÝ
provisions of Article 29.
gA 3¹þ8)^1 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3861

2/ :” xSrµb!W xÙÙ¢$ :”WN btwsn 2/ The sender may, against payment of a

g!z@ Te[Ÿb# M¿ ØpU ”ÅT>ÃSg˜lT surcharge to be agreed upon, fix the amount
›ekÉV y¥ÙÙZ Wl# b¸m\rTbT of a special interest in delivery in the case of
g!z@ ÑMë ŸJ’' xÙÙ¢$ bWl# m\rT loss or damage or of the agreed time-limit
RKKb#N ÆlmfiÑ KÅ[c¨< }ÚT] being exceeded, by entering such amount in
Øóƒ ¨ÃU Ñ<ǃ Ÿ›”kê !7-" the consignment note. In such cases
Ÿ}SKŸ}¨< "X ¨<Ü btgliW L† compensation for delay may be claimed up
ØpU m-N kxÙÙ¢$ "X SÖ¾p to the total amount of the interest declared
ËLM:: independently of the compensation provided
for in Articles 27 to 30.


1/ ›ÕÕÿ u°n¨< Là ¾Å[c¨< Ñ<ǃ ' 1/ The carrier shall not be entitled to avail
Jn }wKA u}ðìU y_ÍT É`Ñ>ƒ himself of the provisions of this Section
SJ’< uTe[Í c=[ÒÑØ' bz!H xêJ which exclude or limit his liability if the
DNUg@ m\rT ŸLò’ƒ ’í KSJ” damage was caused by his willful
¨ÃU ¾Lò’~” SÖ” ¾S¨c” misconduct.
Sw~” K=ÖkUuƒ ›Ã‹MU::
2/ The provisions of Sub- Article (1) of this Article
2/ J” }wKA ¾}ðìS¨< É`Ñ>ƒ ¨ÃU Øóƒ
u›ÕÕÿ ¨Ÿ=M ¨ÃU W^}— ¨ÃU shall -also-apply if the willful misconduct or
¾TÕÕ²<” Y^ KTŸ“¨” u}ÖkSv†¨< default is committed by the agents or servants of
K?L T“†¨<U c¨< ¾}ðìS ”ÅJ” the carrier or by any other persons of whose
’²=I ¨Ÿ=KA‹' W^}™‹ ¨ÃU K?KA‹ services he makes use for the performance of the
sãC ÁŸ“¨’<ƒ }Óv` upØ` ¨<L†¨<
carriage, when such agents, servants or other
SW[ƒ ŸJ’ ¾²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê /1/
É”ÒÑ@−‹ }ðíT>−‹ ÃJ“K<:: persons are acting within the scope of their

3/ u}ÚT]U u²=I G<’@ ¨Ÿ=KA‡ ¨ÃU 3/ Furthermore, in such a case such agents,
c^}™‡ u²=I xêJ DNUg@ m\rT servants or other persons shall not be
¾ÓM Lò’†¨<” SW[ƒ uTÉ[Ó entitled to avail themselves, with regard to
KSŸ^Ÿ` ›Ã‹K<U:: their personal liability, of the provisions of
this Section.
¡õM ›Ueƒ
Swƒ ”Ç=Ÿu` eKSÖ¾p“ ¡e eKTp[w


1/ :” trµb!W bxÙÙ¢$ bk#L y¥¬lL ngR 1/ Unconditional acceptance of goods shall be a

µLt\‰ bqR uÓMî ¾T>¿ y:” bar to any claim for total or partial loss,
Ñ<ÉK„‹ wYM g#ÄèC mñ‰cWN damage or delay being brought against the
dÁ[ÒÓØ Ÿ›ÕÕÿ ´U wKA Ÿ}kuK ¨ÃU
°n−‡ SØ󁆨<” ¨ÃU SÔÇታ†¨<” carrier unless there has been fraud on the
¨Ç=Á¨<’< XNdtrkb QʬWN b}h#F carrier’s part.
µ§qrb bStqR KS ¥QrB xYCLMÝÝ

2/ :” trµb!W b:”W §Y ¾Å[c¨< Ñ<ÉKƒ 2/ In case of non-apparent damage, the consignee

¨ÃU Ñ<ǃ uÓMî ¾TÁà uJ’ Ñ>²? shall be considered as accepted the goods as
ucvƒ k” Ñ>²? ¨<eØ ¾°n−‡” SØóƒ described in the consignment note unless he
¨ÃU SÔǃ ›eSM¡„ eK}[Ÿu¨< °n
´`´` G<’@ p_¨<” K›ÕÕÿ "MÑKì¿ enters a reservation against the carrier within
°n−‡” uTÕÕ¹ c’Æ §Y u}SKŸ}¨< not more than seven days from the date of
SW[ƒ uØ\ G<’@ ”Å}kuK ÃqÖ^M:: taking delivery of the goods.
gA 3¹þ8)^2 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3862

3/ ¾Å[c¨< Øóƒ ¨ÃU Ñ<ǃ uTÕÕ¹ 3/ The carrier shall be liable where the consignee
c’Æ LÃ eK°n¨< Ÿ}cÖ SÓKÝ Ò` has put his reservations in writing that the
¾TÃ××U SJ’< b:” trµb!W sustained loss or damage does not agree with
uêOõ ktgli xÙÙ¢$ b`§ðnT Y- the description of the goods in consignment
y”LÝÝ note.
4/ ¾°n−‡ G<’@ bRKKB g!z@ u›ÕÕÿ“ 4/ When the condition of the goods has been
u}["u=¨< bxNDnT uT>Ñv }[ÒÓÖ¨< duly checked by the consignee and the carrier,
ŸJ’' ÃI” ¾T>ÁóMe }n^’> Te[Í
evidence contradicting the result of this
}kvÃ’ƒ ¾T>•[¨< ¾Öó¨< °n ¨ÃU
checking shall only be admissible in the case
¾Å[c¨< Ñ<ǃ RKKb# btfimበT g!z@
of loss or damage which is not apparent and
uÓMî K=Ã y¥YÒL c=J”“ }kv¿
G<É“ ¾u¯M k“ƒ” dÃÚU` provided that the consignee has duly sent
¾T[ÒÑØ õ}h¨< Ÿ}"H@Åuƒ k” reservations in writing to the carrier within
ËUa ucvƒ k“ƒ ¨<eØ p_¨<” seven days, Sundays and public holidays
uêOõ Te¨h lxÙÙ¢$ s_è c=ј excepted, from the date of checking.
5/ No compensation shall be payable for delay in
5/ }kv¿ °n−‡” Ÿ}[Ÿv†¨< k” ËUa delivery unless a reservation has been sent in
u05 k“ƒ ¨<eØ K›ÕÕÿ y:”WN writing to the carrier, within fifteen days from
mzGyT xSmLKè ÃlWN Qʬ the time that the goods were placed at the
uîOõ Te¨h K›ÕÕÿ "MLŸ disposal of the consignee.
ue}k` ›ÕÕÿ °n¨<” KTe[Ÿw
K²Ñ¾uƒ g!z@ "X ›ÃŸðK¨<U::
6/ In calculating the time-limits provided for in
6/ u²=I ›”kê Ÿ”®<e ›”kጽ /1/ eŸ /5/
¾}Ökc<ƒ Ñ>²?Áƒ s!sl# xÙÙ¢$ °n¨<”
Sub- Articles (1) to (5) of this Article the date
¾T>Áe[¡wuƒ k” ¨ÃU trµb!W mrkB of delivery, or the date of checking, or the
YCL zND KT[ÒÑØ õ}h ¾}Å[Ñuƒ qN date when the goods were placed at the
¨ÃU °n−‡ ltrµb!W yts-bT k”” disposal of the consignee, as the case may be,
›ÃÚU`U:: shall not be included.
7/ ›ÕÕÿ“ }["u=¨< u°n−‡ LÃ ¾T>ÁeðMÑ< 7/ The carrier and the consignee shall give each
U`S^−‹”“ T[ÒÑÝ−‹” KTÉ[Ó
¾T>Áe‹M ›”Æ K›”Æ ›eðLÑ> ›p`x„‹” other every reasonable facility for making the
SeÖƒ Õ`uM:: requisite investigations and checks.

"4. ¾Ç˜’ƒ YM×” 34. JURISDICTION

u²=I ›ªÏ SW[ƒ TÕÕ´” ›eSMክ„ In legal proceedings arising out of carriage
¡`¡` ¾}’X ”ÅJ’ ŸXi yçn wgN under the provisions of this Proclamation, the
YM×” LK¨< õ`É u?ƒ Ñ<Ç¿” ¾Tp[w plaintiff may bring an action in any court
Swƒ ›K¨<:: ¡c<” KTp`w ¾T>‹Muƒ having Jurisdiction and within whose
YM×” ÁK¨< õ`É u?ƒU:- jurisdiction:-

G. u}Ÿdi SÅu— S•]Á ¨ÃU ª“ (a) the defendant is ordinarily resident,

S/u?ƒ ¨ÃU p`”Ýõ ê/u?~ ¨ÃU or has his principal place of business,
¨<K<” ”Ç=ªªK< ÁÅ[Ѩ< ¨Ÿ=M or the branch or agency through
vKuƒ& ¨ÃU which the contract of carriage was
made, or
K. °n¨<” KTÕÕ´ y¥ÙÙÏ WL
ytfiመbT x ¨ÃU bWl# m\rT (b) the place where the goods were taken
¾°n¨< Te[Ÿu=Á x vK õ/u?ƒ ”Í= over by the carrier or the place
uK?L õ`É u?ƒ K=Ák`w ›Ã‹MU:: designated for delivery is situated, and
in no other court.
gA 3¹þ8)^3 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3863


1/ u²=I ›ªÏ u}SKŸ~ É”ÒÑ@−‹ SW[ƒ 1/ The period of limitation for an action
uTÕÕÏ ¨<M U¡”Áƒ ¡e KTp[w arising out of carriage under the provisions
¾T>‰K¨< uG<Kƒ ¯Sƒ Ñ>²? ¨<eØ ’¨<:: of this Proclamation shall be two years.
The period of limitation shall begin to
¾Ã`Ò¨< Ñ>²? SqÖ` ¾T>ËU[¨<:- run:-
G/ uŸòM KÖó' K}ÑAÇ ¨ÃU (a) in the case of partial loss, damage or
ŸTe[Ÿu=Á Ñ>²? K²Ñ¾' ŸTe[Ÿu=Á delay in delivery, from the date of
k” ËUa:- delivery,
K/ S<K< uS<K< KÖó' ¾¨<K< Ñ>²? Ÿ›Kk (b) in the case of total loss, from the thirtieth
u%EL ŸcLd k” ËUa' eUU’ƒ day after the expiry of the agreed time-
uK?K Ñ>²? °n−‡ u›ÕÕÿ limit or where there is no agreed time-
Ÿ}Ý’<uƒ k” ËUa eMX k” "Kð limit from the sixtieth day from the date
u%EL& on which the goods were taken over by the

ሐ/ በሌሎች በማናቸውም ሁኔታዎች የማጓጓዣ ውል (c) in all other cases, on the expiry of a
የተደረገበት ጊዜ ካለቀ ከሦስት ወራት በኋላ። period of three months after the
making of the contract of carriage.
2/ bz!H xNq} N;#S xNq} /1/ ytdnggW
XNdt-bq çñ xÙÙ¢$ y-ÍWN 2/ Notwithstanding the provisions of sub-article 1 of
this Article, a written claim shall suspend the
wYM g#ÄT ydrsbTN wYM RKKb#
period of limitation until such date as the carrier
yzgyWN :” xSmLKè b:” trµb!W rejects the claim by notification in writing and
b}h#F ktgb!W snD UR yqrblTN returns the documents attached thereto. If a part
yµœ KFà _Ãq& xlmqbl#N kxÙÙ¢$ of the claim is admitted, the period of limitation
wYM ktqÆY yt§klTN snD mLS shall start to run again only in respect of that part
b¥ÃÃZ b}h#F XSk¸gL} g!z@W of the claim still in dispute.
3/ The burden of proof of the receipt of the
3/ የጽሁፍ ጥያቄው ስֳ‫א‬ድ‫ שנ‬ወይ‫ ו‬ስֳ‫ֶו‬ሹና claim, or of the reply and of the return of the
‫ר‬ነዶ٤ ስֳ‫ֳאא‬ሳْው የ‫ד‬ስ‫נ‬ዳُ ₪ክ‫ב‬ documents, shall rest with the party relying
በእነዚֱ ‫נא‬ጃዎ٤ ֳ‫א‬ጠ‫ ושׂ‬በ‫ג‬ያስፈָገው upon these facts.
ወገን ֶይ ይወድቃָ።


uSkvuM eKT>ðìU TÕÕ´
"6. ›”É ¨<M eKSJ’<
yTÕÕ²< |‰ u›”É ¨<M ¾T>ѳ J•' u}KÁ¿
›ÕÕ¼‹ uSkvuM ¾T>ðìU ŸJ’
If carriage governed by a single contract is
ymjm¶ÃW xÙÙ¢$ bgÆW y¥ÙÙÏ WL
m\rT¿ G<K}—¨< ›ÕÙ»“ }ŸÄ‡ ›ÕÕ¼‹ performed by successive carriers, each of
them shall be responsible for the performance
y¥ÙÙÏ c’ÆN Wl# y¸ÃSkTlWN GÁ¬
uSkuL†¨< ¾}’X ¾TÕÕ¹ ¨<K< }ªªÃ of the whole operation, the second carrier and
¨Ñ” }Å`Ѩ< bmö-R XÃNÄNÇ xÙÙÏ each succeeding carrier becoming a party to
the contract of carriage, under the terms of the
btÂ-L Sl x-”§† y¥ÙÙz# |‰ `§ðnT
consignment note, by reason of his acceptance
of the goods and the consignment note.
gA 3¹þ8)^4 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3864



1/ °n−‹” xSqDä µlW ›ÕÕ» ¾}kuK 1/ A carrier accepting the goods from a previous
›ÕÕ» SltrkbW :” k’< }êöuƒ carrier shall give the latter a dated and signed
¾}ð[S Å[c˜ SeÖƒ ÃÑvªM:: receipt. He shall enter his name and address
Y,W tqÆY xÙÙ™ uTÕÕ¹ c’Æ on the second copy of the consignment note.
G<K}—¨< pÏ Là eS<”“ ›É^h¨<”
TeÑvƒ ›Kuƒ::

2/ XNÄ!h#M ›eðLÑ> uJ’ Ñ>²? tqÆY xÙÙÏ 2/ Where applicable, he shall enter on the second
›”kê 01 ”®<e ›”kê /2/ ¾}SKŸ~ƒ” copy of the consignment note and on the
›Ã’ƒ °n¨<” ›eSM¡„ b¥ÙÙÏ snÇ
receipt reservations of the kind provided for in
§Y y\frW SÓKÝ wYM y:”WN
h#n@¬ xSmLKè Qʬ µlW uTÕÕ¹
Sub- Article (2) of Article 11.
c’Æ G<K}—¨< pÏ LÓ uÅ[c–< LÃ
TSMŸƒ ›Kuƒ::

3/ ›”kê 01 ”®<e ›”kë‹ /1/ “ /2/ 3/ The provisions of sub-articles 1 and 2 of

É”ÒÑ@−‹ u}kvà ›ÕÕ¼‹ S"ŸM Article 11 shall apply to the relations between
vK Ó”–<’ƒU LÃ }ðíT>−‹ successive carriers.

1/ b:”W §Y mBT ÃlW sW ¾°n−C
SØóƒ' SÔǃ' ¨ÃU S²Ó¾ƒ 1/ Legal proceedings in respect of liability for
y¸ÃSkTl#TN Lò’ƒ u}SKŸ}& loss of, damage to or delay of goods may be
uSËS]Á ›ÕÕ»' uSÚ[h ›ÕÕ» brought against the first carrier, the last carrier
¨ÃU y:” SØóƒ' SÔǃ ' ¨ÃU or the carrier who was performing that portion
S²Ó¾ƒ É`Ñ>ƒ u}ðÖ[ Ñ>²? ¾TÕÕ´ of the carriage during which the event causing
Y^¨<” c=ÁŸ“¨<” u’u[¨< ›ÕÕ» the loss, damage or delay occurred.
Là ¡e K=Ãk`w ËLM::
2/ Without prejudice to Sub-Article (1) of this
2/ ¾²=I ›”kê ”®<e ›”kê /1/ É”ÒÑ@ Article the claimant may bring an action
XNdt-bq çñ ¡e ›p^u=¨< u²=I against the carriers mentioned in Article 36
xêJ ›”kê "6 u}Ökc<ƒ ›ÕÕ¼‹ of this Proclamation jointly and severally.
Là u›”É’ƒ“ u’ÖL ¡e ¥QrB
"9. u›ÕÕ¼‹ S"ŸM eKT>•` ¡`¡`

Ÿ²=I u‹ ¾}SKŸ~ƒ É”Ñ@Ò−‹ A carrier who has paid compensation in

”Å}Öul J’¨<' ¾²=I” ›ªÏ É”ÒÑ@−‹ compliance with the provisions of this
KT¡u` c=M wYM bFRD b@T Wœn@ Proclamation or in compliance with court
m\rT "X ¾ŸðK ›ÕÕ»' ykflWN decision shall be entitled to recover such
KFàÁ¨×†¨<” ¨ß−‹ Ÿ’¨KÆ compensation, together with interest thereon and
all costs and expenses incurred by reason of the
uTÕÕ²< Y^ Là y}"ðK< K?KA‹ ›ÕÕ¼‹
claim, from the other carriers who have taken
b¸ktlW xµ*“N ”Ç=}Ÿ<Kƒ SÖÃp
ËLM:: part in the carriage, subject to the following

G/ u°n−‡ SØóƒ ¨ÃU SÔǃ ¾}’X (a) the carrier responsible for the loss or
"X KS¡ðM Lò ¾J’ ›ÕÕ» damage shall be solely liable for the
"X¨<” ^c<U J’ K?L ›ÕÕ» compensation whether paid by himself or
u=ŸõK¨< K"X¨< w†— Lò }ÖÁm by another carrier,
›ÕÕ» ÃJ“M::
gA 3¹þ8)^5 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3865

K/ ¾Å[c¨< ¾°n SØóƒ ¨ÃU SÔǃ (b) when the loss or damage has been caused
uG<Kƒ ¨ÃU Ÿ²=Á uLà uJ’< ›ÕÕ¼‹ by the action of two or more carriers, each
U¡”Áƒ ¾J’ ”ÅJ’ Á”ǔdž¨< of them shall pay an amount proportionate
ÆlÆcW y`§ðnT SÖ” µœ S¡ðM to his share of liability ; should it be
›Kv†¨<:: y`§ðnT m-N ¥kÍfL
¾TÉM uJ’ Ñ>²? Á”Ç”Æ ›ÕÕ» impossible to apportion the liability, each
k¥ÙÙz# |‰ y¸ÃgßW y¥ÙÙÏ KFà carrier shall be liable in proportion to the
m\rT b¥DrG y¸dRSbTN yµœ share of the payment for the carriage
m-N mKfL YñRb¬LÝÝ which is due to him,


1/ ¾²=I xêJ ›”kê "4 É”ÒÑ@ u›ÕÕ¼‹ 1/ The provisions of Article 34 shall apply to
S"ŸM k¥ÙÙÏ WL ymnጨ y:Ä wYM claims between carriers arising from a
የmBT _Ãq& g#ÄY ላይ }ðíT> ÃJ“M:: contract of carriage concluded in
accordance with this Proclamation.
2/ bxÙÙÎC mµkL y¸ñrW y:Ä KFÃ
¾Ã`Ò Ñ>²?¨< ¾T>ËU[¨< u²=I ›ªÏ 2/ The period of limitation shall, however,
É”ÒÑ@−‹ SW[ƒ ¾T>ŸðK¨< ¾"X SÖ” begin to run either on the date of the final
¾SÚ[h ¨<X’@ "Ñ–uƒ k” ËUa' ¨ÃU judicial decision fixing the amount of
¾²=I ¯Ã’ƒ ¨<X’@ uK?Kuƒ Ñ>²? ¡õÁ¨< compensation payable under the pro-
Ÿ}ðìSuƒ k” ËUa ’¨<:: visions of this Proclamation, or, if there
is no such judicial decision, from the
actual date of payment.
¡õM cvƒ


#1 u°n ›e}LLò ¾T>Å[Ó ¾TÕÕ¹ ¨<M
1/ °n ›e}LLò bFT/B/@R ?G q$_R
2ሺ2)$1 DNUg@ãC SW[ƒ °n” yTÕÕ´ 1/ Where a freight forwarder Performs the
Y^ u^c< eU ¨ÃU u^c< ƒ^”eþ`ƒ carriage of goods in accordance with the
ÁÕÕ² ”ÅJ’ ¨ÃU K°n ›e}LLò¨< provisions of Article 2251 of the Civil Code
¾}cÖ¨< y:” ¥St§lF yWKLÂ |‰ in his own name or by his own means of
ƒ°³´ °n ›e}LLò¨< ¾²=I ›Ã’ƒ transport or when the instruction given by the
Óȁ−‹ ”ÇK<uƒ vSKŸ} Ñ>²? :” principal shows that the freight forwarder
xSt§§ðW XNd :” xÙÙ™ tö_é ¾²=I assumes such obligation ; he shall be deemed
›ªÏ É”ÒÑ@−‹ u°n ›e}LLò¨< Là a carrier and the Provisions of this
}ðíT>−‹ ÃJ“K<:: Proclamation shall be applicable to the
freight forwarder.
2/ SlçnM °n ›e}LLò u²=I ›ªÏ K›ÕÕÿ
u}cÖ<ƒ Sw„‹ ¾SÖkU¿ ”Ų=G<U 2/ Such freight forwarder shall assume the
Óȁ−‹” ¾S¨×ƒ Lò’ƒ Õ`uM:: obligation and enjoy the rights of a Carrier
provided for in this Proclamation.

1/ ¾²=I” ›ªÏ É”ÒÑ@−‹ uk؁U J’
u}²ªª] ¾T>n[’< ¾¨<M nKA‹ 1/ Any stipulation which would directly or
}ðíT>’ƒ ›Ã•^†¨<U:: ¾’²=I indirectly derogate from the provisions of
¾¨<M nKA‹ }ðíT> ›KSJ” this Proclamation shall be null and void.
¾K?KA‡” ¾¨<M ”lÖC ð^i The nullity of such a stipulation shall not
›ÁÅ`Ѩ<U:: involve the nullity of the other provisions
of the contract.
gA 3¹þ8)^6 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R %8 ጳጉሜ 1 qN 09)(9 ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 58 6th September, 2007… …page 3866

2/ u}Kà ¾›ÕÕÿ” ¾SÉI” ªeƒ“ ØpV‹ 2/

In particular, a benefit of insurance in favour
K›ÕÕÿ ›dMö SeÖƒ” ¨ÃU of the carrier or any clause shifting the
¾Te[ǃ g¡U” ¾T>Øc< ¾²=I ›ªÏ burdon of proof as provided in the provisions
É”ÒÑ@−‹ }ðíT>’ƒ ›Ã•^†¨<U:: of this Proclamation shall be null and void.
#3. ¾}h\ QÔ‹ 43. REPEAL
1/ eK c¨< TÕÕ´ ¨<M ¾}Å’ÑÑ<ƒ xNqòC
”ÇK< wYM XNdt-bq$ J’¨<' :” 1/ The Provisions of Title I of Book III of the
¥ÙÙZN btmlkt ytdngg#T yNGD Commercial Code of Ethiopia, (carriage by
?G ƒSt¾ m{/F xNq{ 1 DNUg@ãC land) save those provisions applicable to
bÑl# bz!H xêJ t>rêLÝÝ carriage of persons are repealed.

2/ ÃI”” ›ªÏ ¾T>n[’< QÔ‹' Å”x‹' 2/ No law, regulation, directive or practice

SS]Á−‹“ ¨<X’@−‹ ÃI”” ›ªÏ shall, in so far it is inconsistent with this
uT>SKŸƒ }ðíT> ›ÃJ’<U:: Proclamation, have effect with respect to
matters Provided for in this Proclamation.


1) Legal situations created prior to the coming into

1/ ÃI ›ªÏ ŸS¨<×~ uòƒ ¾}ðÖ\ QÒ© force of this Proclamation shall remain valid
G<’@−‹ ¾²=I ›ªÏ É”ÒÑ@−‹ notwithstanding that the Provisions of this
u=ÁhiLD†¨<U kÅU c=M ¾}ðÖ[¨< Proclamation modifies the conditions on which
G<’@ }ðíT>’ƒ Õ[ªM:: such situations may be created.

2/ ÃI ›ªÏ Ÿ²=I ›ªÏ S¨<׃ uòƒ ¨<Ö?ƒ 2) The Proclamation shall not affect the
ያገኙ QÒ© G<’@−‹” }ðíT>’ƒ consequences having arisen out of such legal
›ÁÓÉU:: situations prior to the coming into force of this
3/ ÃI ›ªÏ ŸS¨<×~ uòƒ ¾}Å[Ñ ¾TÕÕ¹ 3) Contracts of Carriage existing on the Coming
Y^ ¨<KA‹ u”ÓÉ QÓ É”ÒÑ@−‹ into force of this Proclamation shall be governed
SW[ƒ ¾T>Ѳ< ÃJ“K<:: by the Provisions of the Commercial Code under
which they have been made.

#5. አዋጁ የ‫ג‬ፀናበُ ጊዜ 45. Effective Date

ይֱ አዋጅ በፌዴ‫ ָף‬ነጋ‫ ُע‬ጋዜጣ ٍُ‫ז‬ This Proclamation shall come into force up on
ከወጣበُ ‫שׂ‬ን ጀ‫ צו‬የፀና ይֲናָ፡፡ Publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.

Done at Addis Ababa, this 6th day of September, 2007

አዲስ አበ‫ וֹ‬ጳጉ‫ ה‬1 ‫שׂ‬ን 09)(9 ዓ.‫ו‬
ግ‫ דץ‬ወָደጊዮ‫ץ‬ጊስ
የኢُዮጵያ ፌዴ‫ֶף‬ዊ ዲ‫ז‬ክ‫תף‬ያዊ DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA
‫ע‬ፐብֵክ ፕ‫פ‬ዚዳንُ

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