ØÁ L Nu T Uz È: Federal Negarit Gazeta
ØÁ L Nu T Uz È: Federal Negarit Gazeta
ØÁ L Nu T Uz È: Federal Negarit Gazeta
ደנቅ ወደብ ֳֳוֹዕቃው ስֳגኖנው ٪ֶፊነُ ֳאወרን Proclamation to Define the Liability of the Dry Port to the
Consignee Page 4135
የወጣ አዋጅ … ገጽ 4¹þ1)#5
በוֹሕ ץወደቦ٤ ያֳውን የወደብ אጨናነቅ ֳא WHEREAS, for the reduction of the sea port
שׂነስና በዕቃዎ٤ ֶይ የגደרץውን ጉዳُ ֳאከֶከָ congestion, avoidance of damage to cargo and the
እንዲሁ וየז ָٌאዳָ ُףንስፖُץን አץףט proper implementation of the multi-modal transport, to
በגገ וֹበֶ ףםይ ֳדዋָ የደנቅ ወደብን ሕጋዊ conform the legal liability of the dry port with the
existing international laws has been found necessary;
ֶ٭ፊነُ ከወቅٍዊ ዓֳ וአשׂፍ ሕጐ٤ ጋץ
דጣጣ וአስፈֶጊ ֲኖ በאገኘً፣
NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article
55(1) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic
በኢُዮጵያ ፌዴֶףዊ ዲזክתףያዊ עፐብֵክ Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as
ሕገ אንግ ًםአንשׂጽ $5 ንዑስ አንשׂጽ (1) follows:
ُנטאየגከֳـው ٍውጇָ፡፡
1. Short Title
1. አጭץ ץዕስ
This Proclamation may be cited as “Proclamation
ይֱ አዋጅ “ደረቅ ወደብ ለባለ Eቃው Defining the Liability of the Dry Port to the
ስለሚኖረው ኃላፊነት ለመወሰን የወጣ አዋጅ Consignee No. 588/2008”.
שּׁጥ ץ5)W8/2ـ ”ְךብֹ ֵጠשׂስ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
2. Definitions
2. ُץጓה
In this Proclamation, unless the context requires
የቃִ አግוֹብ የֳـየ ُץጓ הየגያרጠው otherwise,
ካֲָነ በስ ץשׂـበዚֱ አዋጅ ውስጥ፣
1/ “Dry Port” means the enterprise rendering
1/ “የደנቅ ወደብ” ֳُדበሃገ ץውስጥ services of dry port within the place designated
ֳـይِ በـከֳֳ ቦٍ የወደብ አገָግ to render dry port services.
ֹُ የרגጥ ድץጅُ ነው፡፡
2/ “ዕቃ” ד ֳُדንኛው וየወጪ ወይ וየገתּ 2/ “Goods” means any import or export good
እቃ ֲתን የ ושּׁእንስሳُን፣ የዕቃ ד₪ጊያ including livestock, packages and containers.
ዎ٤ንና ኮንَይነצ٤ን ይጨָףו፡፡
4/ “ዋጋ” ֳُדየወጪ ወይ וየገ תּዕቃ א₪ጫ 4/ “Price” means the total sum price of transportation,
ወይא וግዣ ዋጋ ֶይ የדጓጓዣ፣ የኢንሹף insurance, tax, custom duty and related expenditures
ንስ፣ የٍክስና נשׂጥ እና ַֹ٤ ـያያ¡ነُ ያֶ added to the export or import good selling or buying
ْው ወጪዎ٤ ـደנוው የגገኘው ዋጋ ነው፡፡ price.
1/ דንኛው וዕቃ በደנቅ ወደብ አስـዳደשּׁ סጥ 1/ The dry port shall be liable for the loss, damage
ጥ ץם ץእያֳ תּጠፋ፣ ጉዳُ תּደץስበُ or delay in delivery of the goods while under its
ወይ וዕቃ דስנከብ በגገוֹው ጊዜ ሳያስנክብ custody.
ץשׂתּበ٪ֶፊነُ ይጠየቃָ፡፡
2/ Unless otherwise there is an agreement or
2/ የֳـየ ውָ ወይን וደንብ ከֳַ በስץשׂـ regulation, without prejudice to Article 8 of this
በእዚֱ አዋጅ አንשׂፅ 8 የـደነገገው እንደـጠ Proclamation the delivery of good shall be
በֲ שׂኖ ዕቃ דስנከብ ዘገየ የֳוֹגው ደנቅ deemed delayed where the dry port can not
ወደ שּበውָ ወይ וበደንብ ُנטאበֳאـ deliver the good within three days from the day
ከـው ጊዜ ውስጥ፣ ከנשׂበֳُ ጊዜ ጀ צוበ3 required within the period provided under the
שׂን ጊዜ ውስጥ דስנከብ ሳይ٤ָ ץשׂתነው፡፡
agreement or regulation.
3/ ዕቃው የጠፋው ወይ וጉዳُ የደרנበُ 3/ The dry port shall be exempted from liability if
ወይץ וክክ שּየዘገየው በֳוֹእቃው ወይו it is proved that the loss or damage of the good
በአጓጓዡ ጥፋُ ወይ וበዕቃው የֳـየ or delay of delivery of the good was caused by,
עֱוֹየـነሳ ወይ וከአቅ וበֶይ በֲነ the wrongful act of the consignee or transporter
וክንያُ ֲאኑ ከנـጋገጠ የደנቅ ወደשּ or the inherent nature of the goods or force
ـጠያשּׂነُ አይኖץበُו፡፡ majeure.
gA 4ְך1)"7 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R $5 ሐምሌ 7 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 45 14th July , 2008…. page 4137
1/ የጠፉ ወይ וጉዳُ የደרנበُን ዕቃ በאג 1/ With respect to the loss or damage of good the
ֳከُ የደנቅ ወደብ የגኖץበُ የ٪ֶፊነُ extent of liability of the dry port shall be equal
אጠን በዕቃው ዋጋ ָክ ይֲናָ፤ ֲኖו to the price of the good; where the price of the
በץክክ שּወቅُ የዕቃው ዋጋ በרነድ ያָـ good was not expressed in the document at the
time of delivery, the extent of liability shall be
ገֳፀ ከֲነ የሃֶፊነً אጠን በዕቃው
on the basis of the weight of the good per
ክብደُ ֶይ אـስ ِץበኪֹ ግוף
kilogram SDR 2.5.
ኤስ.ዲ.አץ. 2.5 ይֲናָ፡፡
2/ የዕቃ דስנከብ אዘግየُን በֳאגከُ 2/ With respect to delay of delivery of the good the
የደנቅ ወደብ የגኖץበُ ሃֶፊነُ ዕቃውን liability of the dry port shall be equal to 2.5
በֳאגከُ የשׂـበֳው የወደብ አገָግֹُ (two and half) times the charges payable to the
ዋጋ በሁֳُ ـኩָ /2.5/ וֹـዝِ port service in respect of the goods delayed.
በגገኘው אጠን ָክ ይֲናָ፡፡
1/ በደנቅ ወደብ ውስጥ የאשׂـጠ ዕቃ እንደ 1/ The manner by which good stored in the dry port is
deemed as abandoned good with in a limited period
ــው ዕቃ የבּגጠץበُን የጊዜ ገደብና and the consequent measure shall be determined by
ֵወרድበُ የגገוֹውን እוץጃ በֳאג the appropriate provisions of the Re-establishment
ከُ የጉסוክ ָםֳוֹጣንን እንደገና ֳהּד and Modernization of Customs Authority
והּና አסףטን ֳאወרን የወጣው አዋጅ Proclamation No. 60/1997 (as amended).
שּׁጥ ץ%/09)'9 /እንደֳָךָךـ/ አግוֹብ
ያֶْው ድንጋጌዎ٤ ـፈፃ גይֲናָ፡፡
2/ The dry port shall have the right to pay with
2/ የደנቅ ወደብ የــወን ዕቃ በֳאגከُ respect to abandoned good after deducting the
ֳרጠው አገֳግֹُ ዕቃው በዚֱ አንשׂጽ amount payable to its services from the
ንዑስ አንשׂፅ /1/ ـ ُנטא₪ጦ ከגገኘው proceeds of the sale of the good pursuant to
Sub-Article 1 of this Article.
ገֶ תּይ שׂـናـ ֹּלደץጐ የאክፈָ אብُ
ָዩ ָዩ ድንጋጌዎ٤
7. Period of Limitation
7. የይץጋ ጊዜ
1/ Any action with respect to delivery of good or
1/ በዚֱ አዋጅ ُנטאየץשׂגብ የዕቃ claim of payment under this Proclamation shall
ץክክብ ֲነ የגጠየቅ ክፍያን በֳאגከُ be barred if not instituted with in a period of
የץשׂגብ ክስ በሁֳُ ዓ ُאጊዜ ውስጥ two years.
ካָנשׂበ በይץጋ עשׂይֲናָ፡፡
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