ØÁ L Nu T Uz È: Federal Negarit Gazeta

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yxþT×eà ØÁ‰§êE ÄþäK‰sþÃêE ¶pBlþK

ØÁ‰L nU¶T Uz¤È


bxþT×eà ØÁ‰§êE ÄþäK‰sþÃêE ¶pBlþK 14th Year No 45.

አ‫ףם‬አ‫ـף‬ኛ ዓ‫ ُא‬qÜ_R $5
yÞZB twµ×C MKR b¤T «ÆqEnT ywÈ ADDIS ABABA 14th July, 2008
አዲስ አበ‫ ַוּ וֹ‬7 qN 2‫ ְך‬ዓ.‫ו‬


xêJ qÜ_R 5) *8/2‫› ְך‬.M Proclamation No. 588/2008

ደ‫נ‬ቅ ወደብ ֳ‫ֳוֹ‬ዕቃው ስֳ‫ג‬ኖ‫נ‬ው ٪ֶፊነُ ֳ‫א‬ወ‫ר‬ን Proclamation to Define the Liability of the Dry Port to the
Consignee Page 4135
የወጣ አዋጅ … ገጽ 4¹þ1)#5

xêJ qÜ_R 5)*8/2‫ְך‬ PROCLAMATION NO. 588/2008.


ደ‫נ‬ቅ ወደብ ֳ‫ֳוֹ‬ዕቃው ስֳ‫ג‬ኖ‫נ‬ው ٪ֶፊነُ OF THE DRY PORT TO THE CONSIGNEE
ֳ‫א‬ወ‫ר‬ን የወጣ አዋጅ

በ‫וֹ‬ሕ‫ ץ‬ወደቦ٤ ያֳውን የወደብ ‫א‬ጨናነቅ ֳ‫א‬ WHEREAS, for the reduction of the sea port
‫שׂ‬ነስና በዕቃዎ٤ ֶይ የ‫ג‬ደ‫רץ‬ውን ጉዳُ ֳ‫א‬ከֶከָ congestion, avoidance of damage to cargo and the
እንዲሁ‫ ו‬የ‫ז ָٌא‬ዳָ ُ‫ף‬ንስፖ‫ُץ‬ን አ‫ץףט‬ proper implementation of the multi-modal transport, to
በ‫ג‬ገ‫ וֹ‬በ‫ֶ ףם‬ይ ֳ‫ד‬ዋָ የደ‫נ‬ቅ ወደብን ሕጋዊ conform the legal liability of the dry port with the
existing international laws has been found necessary;
‫ֶ٭‬ፊነُ ከወቅٍዊ ዓֳ‫ ו‬አ‫שׂ‬ፍ ሕጐ٤ ጋ‫ץ‬
‫ד‬ጣጣ‫ ו‬አስፈֶጊ ֲኖ በ‫א‬ገኘً፣
NOW, THEREFORE, in accordance with Article
55(1) of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic
በኢُዮጵያ ፌዴ‫ֶף‬ዊ ዲ‫ז‬ክ‫תף‬ያዊ ‫ע‬ፐብֵክ Republic of Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as
ሕገ ‫א‬ንግ‫ ًם‬አን‫שׂ‬ጽ $5 ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ (1) follows:
‫ ُנטא‬የ‫ג‬ከ‫ֳـ‬ው ٍውጇָ፡፡
1. Short Title
1. አጭ‫ץ ץ‬ዕስ
This Proclamation may be cited as “Proclamation
ይֱ አዋጅ “ደረቅ ወደብ ለባለ Eቃው Defining the Liability of the Dry Port to the
ስለሚኖረው ኃላፊነት ለመወሰን የወጣ አዋጅ Consignee No. 588/2008”.
‫שּׁ‬ጥ‫ ץ‬5)W8/2‫ـ ”ְך‬ብֹ ֵጠ‫שׂ‬ስ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
2. Definitions
2. ُ‫ץ‬ጓ‫ה‬
In this Proclamation, unless the context requires
የቃִ አግ‫וֹ‬ብ የ‫ֳـ‬የ ُ‫ץ‬ጓ‫ ה‬የ‫ג‬ያ‫ר‬ጠው otherwise,
ካֲָነ በስ‫ ץשׂـ‬በዚֱ አዋጅ ውስጥ፣
1/ “Dry Port” means the enterprise rendering
1/ “የደ‫נ‬ቅ ወደብ” ‫ ֳُד‬በሃገ‫ ץ‬ውስጥ services of dry port within the place designated
‫ֳـ‬ይِ በ‫ـ‬ከֳֳ ቦٍ የወደብ አገָግ to render dry port services.
ֹُ የ‫רג‬ጥ ድ‫ץ‬ጅُ ነው፡፡

ÃNÇ êU nU¶T Uz¤È ±.œ.q.Ü *¹þ1

Unit Price Negarit G. P.O.Box 80001
gA 4‫ְך‬1)"6 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R $5 ሐምሌ 7 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 45 14th July , 2008…. page 4136

2/ “ዕቃ” ‫ד ֳُד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬የወጪ ወይ‫ ו‬የገ‫תּ‬ 2/ “Goods” means any import or export good
እቃ ‫ֲת‬ን የ‫ ושּׁ‬እንስሳُን፣ የዕቃ ‫ד‬₪ጊያ including livestock, packages and containers.
ዎ٤ንና ኮንَይነ‫צ‬٤ን ይጨ‫ָףו‬፡፡

3/ “የወደብ አገָግֹُ” ‫ ֳُד‬የወጪና ገ‫ תּ‬ዕቃ

3/ “Port Service” means loading, unloading storing,
ዎ٤ን የ‫א‬ጫን፣ የ‫ףד‬ገፍ፣ የ‫ד‬ከ‫ُْד‬፣ በኮን
stowing in containers, and rendering container
َነ‫ ץ‬የ‫ד‬₪ግና ከኮንَነ‫ ץ‬የ‫ד‬ውጣُ እንዲሁ‫ו‬
warehousing services of import and export good and
የኮንَነ‫ד ץ‬ስ‫ـ‬ናገጃና ‫ד‬ከ‫ד‬٢ አገָግֹُ includes other related activities.
‫א‬ስጠُ ‫ֲת‬ን ከነዚሁ ጋ‫ـ ץ‬ዛ‫ד‬ጅ የֲኑ አገָ
ግֹِ٤ን ይጨ‫ָףו‬፡፡

4/ “ዋጋ” ‫ ֳُד‬የወጪ ወይ‫ ו‬የገ‫ תּ‬ዕቃ ‫א‬₪ጫ 4/ “Price” means the total sum price of transportation,
ወይ‫א ו‬ግዣ ዋጋ ֶይ የ‫ד‬ጓጓዣ፣ የኢንሹ‫ף‬ insurance, tax, custom duty and related expenditures
ንስ፣ የٍክስና ‫נשׂ‬ጥ እና ַֹ٤ ‫ـ‬ያያ¡ነُ ያֶ added to the export or import good selling or buying
ْው ወጪዎ٤ ‫ـ‬ደ‫נו‬ው የ‫ג‬ገኘው ዋጋ ነው፡፡ price.

5/ “SDR” shall have the meaning provided by Article

5/ “ኤስ.ዲ.አ‫ ”ץ‬በ‫ז ָٌא‬ዳָ ُ‫ף‬ንስፖ‫ُץ‬ 2(12) of the Multi-Modal Transportation
አዋጅ ‫שּׁ‬ጥ‫ ץ‬5)#8/09)(9 አን‫שׂ‬ጽ 2/02/ Proclamation No. 548/2007.
የ‫רـ‬ጠው ُ‫ץ‬ጓ‫ ה‬ይኖ‫נ‬ዋָ፡፡
3. Scope of application
3. የ‫ـ‬ፈፃ‫ג‬ነُ ወ‫ר‬ን
The provisions of this Proclamation shall apply to
የዚֱ አዋጅ ድንጋጌዎ٤ ‫ד‬ናْው‫ ו‬በኢُዮጵያ
any liability of dry port established in Ethiopia
ውስጥ የ‫ד והּהּג‬ናْው‫ ו‬የደ‫נ‬ቅ ወደብ
toward the right of claim of consignees
ֳ‫ֳוֹ‬እቃዎ٤ የ‫א‬ብُ ጥያቄ የ‫ג‬ኖ‫ץ‬በُን ሃֶፊ .
ነُ በ‫ֳאג‬ከُ ‫ـ‬ፈፃ‫ ג‬ይֲናִ፡፡
ክፍָ ሁֳُ DRY PORT’S
የደ‫נ‬ቅ ወደብ ٪ֶፊነُ BASIS OF LIABILITY

4. የ٪ֶፊነُ ‫ُנטא‬ 4. Basis of Liability

1/ ‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬ዕቃ በደ‫נ‬ቅ ወደብ አስ‫ـ‬ዳደ‫שּׁ ס‬ጥ 1/ The dry port shall be liable for the loss, damage
ጥ‫ ץם ץ‬እያֳ ‫תּ‬ጠፋ፣ ጉዳُ ‫תּ‬ደ‫ץ‬ስበُ or delay in delivery of the goods while under its
ወይ‫ ו‬ዕቃ ‫ד‬ስ‫נ‬ከብ በ‫ג‬ገ‫וֹ‬ው ጊዜ ሳያስ‫נ‬ክብ custody.
‫ ץשׂתּ‬በ٪ֶፊነُ ይጠየቃָ፡፡
2/ Unless otherwise there is an agreement or
2/ የ‫ֳـ‬የ ውָ ወይን‫ ו‬ደንብ ከֳַ በስ‫ץשׂـ‬ regulation, without prejudice to Article 8 of this
በእዚֱ አዋጅ አን‫שׂ‬ፅ 8 የ‫ـ‬ደነገገው እንደ‫ـ‬ጠ Proclamation the delivery of good shall be
በ‫ֲ שׂ‬ኖ ዕቃ ‫ד‬ስ‫נ‬ከብ ዘገየ የ‫ֳוֹג‬ው ደ‫נ‬ቅ deemed delayed where the dry port can not
ወደ‫ שּ‬በውָ ወይ‫ ו‬በደንብ ‫ ُנטא‬በ‫ֳאـ‬ deliver the good within three days from the day
ከ‫ـ‬ው ጊዜ ውስጥ፣ ከ‫נשׂ‬በֳُ ጊዜ ጀ‫ צו‬በ3 required within the period provided under the
‫שׂ‬ን ጊዜ ውስጥ ‫ד‬ስ‫נ‬ከብ ሳይ٤ָ ‫ ץשׂת‬ነው፡፡
agreement or regulation.

3/ ዕቃው የጠፋው ወይ‫ ו‬ጉዳُ የደ‫רנ‬በُ 3/ The dry port shall be exempted from liability if
ወይ‫ץ ו‬ክክ‫ שּ‬የዘገየው በ‫ֳוֹ‬እቃው ወይ‫ו‬ it is proved that the loss or damage of the good
በአጓጓዡ ጥፋُ ወይ‫ ו‬በዕቃው የ‫ֳـ‬የ or delay of delivery of the good was caused by,
‫ עֱוֹ‬የ‫ـ‬ነሳ ወይ‫ ו‬ከአቅ‫ ו‬በֶይ በֲነ the wrongful act of the consignee or transporter
‫ו‬ክንያُ ‫ֲא‬ኑ ከ‫נـ‬ጋገጠ የደ‫נ‬ቅ ወደ‫שּ‬ or the inherent nature of the goods or force
‫ـ‬ጠያ‫שּׂ‬ነُ አይኖ‫ץ‬በُ‫ו‬፡፡ majeure.
gA 4‫ְך‬1)"7 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R $5 ሐምሌ 7 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 45 14th July , 2008…. page 4137

5. የ٪ֶፊነُ ወ‫ר‬ን 5. Limits of Liability

1/ የጠፉ ወይ‫ ו‬ጉዳُ የደ‫רנ‬በُን ዕቃ በ‫אג‬ 1/ With respect to the loss or damage of good the
ֳከُ የደ‫נ‬ቅ ወደብ የ‫ג‬ኖ‫ץ‬በُ የ٪ֶፊነُ extent of liability of the dry port shall be equal
‫א‬ጠን በዕቃው ዋጋ ָክ ይֲናָ፤ ֲኖ‫ו‬ to the price of the good; where the price of the
በ‫ץ‬ክክ‫ שּ‬ወቅُ የዕቃው ዋጋ በ‫ר‬ነድ ያָ‫ـ‬ good was not expressed in the document at the
time of delivery, the extent of liability shall be
ገֳፀ ከֲነ የሃֶፊነً ‫א‬ጠን በዕቃው
on the basis of the weight of the good per
ክብደُ ֶይ ‫אـ‬ስ‫ ِץ‬በኪֹ ግ‫וף‬
kilogram SDR 2.5.
ኤስ.ዲ.አ‫ץ‬. 2.5 ይֲናָ፡፡

2/ የዕቃ ‫ד‬ስ‫נ‬ከብ ‫א‬ዘግየُን በ‫ֳאג‬ከُ 2/ With respect to delay of delivery of the good the
የደ‫נ‬ቅ ወደብ የ‫ג‬ኖ‫ץ‬በُ ሃֶፊነُ ዕቃውን liability of the dry port shall be equal to 2.5
በ‫ֳאג‬ከُ የ‫שׂـ‬በֳው የወደብ አገָግֹُ (two and half) times the charges payable to the
ዋጋ በሁֳُ ‫ـ‬ኩָ /2.5/ ‫וֹـ‬ዝِ port service in respect of the goods delayed.
በ‫ג‬ገኘው ‫א‬ጠን ָክ ይֲናָ፡፡

6. የ‫ــ‬ወ ዕቃ 6. Abandoned good

1/ በደ‫נ‬ቅ ወደብ ውስጥ የ‫אשׂـ‬ጠ ዕቃ እንደ 1/ The manner by which good stored in the dry port is
deemed as abandoned good with in a limited period
‫ــ‬ው ዕቃ የ‫בּג‬ጠ‫ץ‬በُን የጊዜ ገደብና and the consequent measure shall be determined by
ֵወ‫ר‬ድበُ የ‫ג‬ገ‫וֹ‬ውን እ‫וץ‬ጃ በ‫ֳאג‬ the appropriate provisions of the Re-establishment
ከُ የጉ‫סו‬ክ ‫ָםֳוֹ‬ጣንን እንደገና ֳ‫הּד‬ and Modernization of Customs Authority
‫והּ‬ና አ‫סףט‬ን ֳ‫א‬ወ‫ר‬ን የወጣው አዋጅ Proclamation No. 60/1997 (as amended).
‫שּׁ‬ጥ‫ ץ‬%/09)'9 /እንደ‫ֳָךָךـ‬/ አግ‫וֹ‬ብ
ያֶْው ድንጋጌዎ٤ ‫ـ‬ፈፃ‫ ג‬ይֲናָ፡፡
2/ The dry port shall have the right to pay with
2/ የደ‫נ‬ቅ ወደብ የ‫ــ‬ወን ዕቃ በ‫ֳאג‬ከُ respect to abandoned good after deducting the
ֳ‫ר‬ጠው አገֳግֹُ ዕቃው በዚֱ አን‫שׂ‬ጽ amount payable to its services from the
ንዑስ አን‫שׂ‬ፅ /1/ ‫ـ ُנטא‬₪ጦ ከ‫ג‬ገኘው proceeds of the sale of the good pursuant to
Sub-Article 1 of this Article.
ገ‫ֶ תּ‬ይ ‫שׂـ‬ና‫ـ ֹּל‬ደ‫ץ‬ጐ የ‫א‬ክፈָ ‫א‬ብُ
ָዩ ָዩ ድንጋጌዎ٤
7. Period of Limitation
7. የይ‫ץ‬ጋ ጊዜ
1/ Any action with respect to delivery of good or
1/ በዚֱ አዋጅ ‫ ُנטא‬የ‫ץשׂג‬ብ የዕቃ claim of payment under this Proclamation shall
‫ץ‬ክክብ ֲነ የ‫ג‬ጠየቅ ክፍያን በ‫ֳאג‬ከُ be barred if not instituted with in a period of
የ‫ץשׂג‬ብ ክስ በሁֳُ ዓ‫ ُא‬ጊዜ ውስጥ two years.
ካָ‫נשׂ‬በ በይ‫ץ‬ጋ ‫ עשׂ‬ይֲናָ፡፡

2/ የይ‫ץ‬ጋ ጊዜው ‫רٍא‬ብ የ‫ג‬ጀ‫נו‬ው፣ 2/ The limitation period shall commence:-

ሀ/ ደ‫נ‬ቅ ወደብ ዕቃዎ٠ን ֳ‫נא‬ከብ

‫א‬ብُ ֳֶው ‫ר‬ው በ‫ ִב‬ወይ‫ ו‬በከ a) on the day the dry port delivered or has to
ፊָ ካስ‫נ‬ከበበُ ወይ‫ד ו‬ስ‫נ‬ከብ ከ‫ג‬ deliver the goods in whole or in part to a
ገ‫וֹ‬ው ‫שׂ‬ን ወይ‫ו‬፣ person entitled to take delivery of them, or

b) in cases of total loss of the goods, on the

ֳ/ ዕቃዎ٠ በአጠቃֶይ የጠፉ ከֲነ ደ‫נ‬ቅ
day the dry port notifies the person entitled
ወደብ ስֳ‫א‬ጠየቅ ‫א‬ብُ ֳֶው ‫ר‬ው to make a claim as to the loss of the goods.
እቃዎ٠ ስֳ‫א‬ጥፋٍْው ካሳወ‫שׂ‬በُ
‫שׂ‬ን ጀ‫ צו‬ይֲናָ፡፡
gA 4‫ְך‬1)"8 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R $5 ሐምሌ 7 qN 2ሺ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 45 14th July , 2008…. page 4138

3/ የ‫ــ‬ወ ዕቃ ‫ֹּל‬ያጭ የ‫ـ‬ገኘ ‫ עשׂ‬ገንዘብን 3/ Any action by a person, in respect of the

በ‫ֳאـ‬ከ‫ ـ‬የዕቃው ‫ֳוֹ‬ቤُ የጉ‫סו‬ክ ‫נשׂ‬ remaining amount of the proceeds of the sale of
ጥና ٍክስ እንዲሁ‫ ו‬የደ‫נ‬ቅ ወደብ አገָግ abandoned good after deducting customs duty
ֹُ ክፍያና ወጪዎ٤ ‫שׂـ‬ንሶ ‫ףـ‬ፊ ገን and tax, and dry port service fee and
ዘብ ካֳ ይֱን የ‫נـ‬ፈ ገንዘብ በሁֳُ ዓ‫ُא‬ expenditure, shall be barred if not instituted
ጊዜ ውስጥ እንዲ‫ר‬ጠው ካָጠየ‫ שׂ‬በ‫ץשׂ‬ with in a period of two years.
‫א‬ብً በይ‫ץ‬ጋ ይٍገዳָ፡፡
4/ The day on which the limitation period
4/ የይ‫ץ‬ጋ ጊዜው የ‫ג‬ጀ‫ץו‬በُ ‫שׂ‬ን በይ‫ץ‬ጋ commences shall not be included in the period.
ጊዜው ውስጥ አይካ‫וُـ‬፡፡
8. Inapplicable Laws
8. ‫ـ‬ፈፃ‫ ג‬ስֳ‫ד‬ይֲኑ ֱጐ٤
Any laws, regulations or directives that contradicts
ከዚֱ አዋጅ ድንጋጌዎ٤ ጋ‫ ץ‬የ‫ג‬ቃ‫נ‬ን with the provisions of this Proclamation shall not
‫ד‬ንኛው‫ ו‬ሕግ፣ ደንብ ወይ‫עאא ו‬ያ ֳዚֱ apply in the execution of this Proclamation.
አዋጅ አ‫ـ‬ገ‫וֹ‬በ‫ـ ץ‬ፈፃ‫ ג‬አይֲን‫ו‬፡፡
9. Effective Date
9. አዋጁ የ‫ג‬ፀናበُ ጊዜ
This Proclamation shall enter into force up on the
ይֱ አዋጅ በፌዴ‫ ָף‬ነጋ‫ ُע‬ጋዜጣ ٍُ‫ז‬ date of publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.
ከወጣበُ ‫שׂ‬ን ጀ‫ צו‬የፀና ይֲናָ፡፡
Done at Addis Ababa, this 14th day of July, 2008
አዲስ አበ‫ ַוּ וֹ‬7 ‫שׂ‬ን 2‫ ְך‬ዓ.‫ו‬
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