የֹּלـከץካ עአደጋ የמስـኛ ወገን אድን ዋስُና አዋጅ ………. Vehicle Insurance Against Third Party Risks Proclamation …..
…… ገጽ 3¹þ9)&4 …….. Page 3974
በֹּלـከץካו עክንያُ እየደ רנያֳው አደጋ WHEREAS, the occurrence of accidents caused by
በየጊዜው እየጨ נאበואጣُ ֶይ ስֲֳነ፤ vehicles is escalating from time to time;
በֹּלـከץካ עአደጋ וክንያُ የגደרץው የרው WHEREAS, loss of lives, bodily injuries and
ُז፣ የአካָ ጉዳُና የንብ ُנኪֱד ףכበףዊ damages to properties caused by vehicle accidents are
٤ግ ץየגያስከָُ ስֲֳነ፤ creating social problem;
ይֱ አዋጅ “የֹּלـከץካ עአደጋ የמስـኛ ወገን This Proclamation may be cited as the “Vehicle
אድን ዋስُና አዋጅ שּׁጥ ץ5)$9/2ሺህ” ـብֹ Insurance Against Third Party Risks Proclamation
No 559/2008.”
ֵጠשׂስ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
2. Definitions
2. ُץጓה
In this Proclamation unless the context otherwise
የቃִ አገוֹብ ֶַ ُץጉ וካֶרጠው በስץשׂـ requires:
በዚֱ አዋጅ ውስጥ፤
3/ “אድን ገֹּלـ ֳُד ”תּከץካ עበמስـኛ 3/ “Insured” means any person who holds a
ወገን ֶይ ֳגያደרץው አደጋ በዚֱ vehicle insurance against third party risks
አዋጅ ُנטאየאድን ዋስُና የרـ according to the provisions of this
ጠው דንኛውר וው ነው፤ Proclamation;
4/ “אድን רጭ” ֹּלـ ֳُדከץካ עበמስـኛ 4/ “Insurer” means a company issuing vehicle
insurance against third party risks;
ወገን ֶይ ֳגያደרץው አደጋ የאድን
ዋስُና የרጠ ኩוֹንያ ነው፤
5/ “Vehicle” means any wheeled motor vehicle,
5/ “ֹּלـከץካ ֳُד ”עከአካָ ጉዳـኛ ֹּלـከץካע semi trailer or trailer for use on the road
נטገֶ፣ ከእעכא ָךץያና ከብስክַُ በስـ with the exception of wheelchair,
ץשׂበאንገድ ֶይ በאንኮףኩ ץየְגድ implement of husbandry and bicycle;
דንኛው וዓይነُ የֹּלـ ץـז ֳוֹከץካע
ግـ ֹּלדሳ תּወይـ וሳ תּነው፣
6/ “Motor Vehicle” means any vehicle moving
6/ “ֹּלـ ץـזֳוֹከץካ ֳُד ”עበאካኒካָ on a road by mechanical or electrical
ወይ וበኤַክُעክ ٪ይָ በאንገድ ֶይ power;
እየـንשׂሳ רשׂየְגድ ֹּלـከץካ עነው፤
7/ “ـሳ תּወይ וግـ ֹּלדሳשףֳ ֳُד ”תּ 7/ “Trailer or Semi-Trailer” means a vehicle
የֳـየ የ ץـז٪ይָ የֳַው ጎٍ٤ which has not its own motor power and
በֲነ በֶַ ֹּלـ ץـזֳוֹከץካֶ עይ which is capable of being attached and
ֵשׂጠָና ֵጎ ُـየג٤ָ ֹּלـከץካע drawn by a motor vehicle;
8/ “የאድን ፖֵ ֳُד ”תየאድን ገתּው 8/ “Insurance Policy” means a contract whereby
ֹּלـከץካ עበמስـኛ ወገን ֶይ ֳגያደ an insurer undertakes to pay compensation
רץው የ ُזአደጋ፣ የአካָ ጉዳُ to any third party for death, bodily injury
or damage to property caused by the
ወይ וየንብ ُנኪא ףכድን רጭው
vehicle of an insured person;
ካאֳ כክፈָ ውֳٍ የגገוֹበُ רነድ
9/ “Road” means any highway, urban or ruler
9/ “אንገድ” ד ֳُדናْው וአው ףጎዳና፣ street, parking or terminal, bridge or any
የከ דـወይ וየገጠא ץንገድ፣ የֹּלـከ other passage customarily open for
ץካעዎ٤ גבּדያ ወይףד וገፊያና vehicles;
אጫኛ፣ ድָድይ ወይ וበוֳـዶ ֳـ
ֹּלከץካ עአገָግֹُ ክፍُ የֲነ דናْ
ውֳֶـא ֶַ וፊያ ነው፤
gA 3¹þ9)&6 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R 7 ֱٍ םכ# qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 7 9th January , 2008 …. page 3976
0/ “מስـኛ ወገን” ֳُדበאድን ፖֵת 10/ “Third Party” means any person other than
ُנטא٪ֶፊነُ ያስከ ֳـአደጋ በደרנ the insured person, member of the insured
ጊዜ ከֳוֹንብًנ፣ ከֳוֹንብ ًנቤרـብ፣ person’s family, the driver or any person
ከአֹּלከץካעው ወይ וበֹּלـከץካעው ֶይ employed on a vehicle to which an
שׂـጥ צከףרגው በስ ץשׂـየאድን insurance policy applies at the time when
ፖֵתው ـፈጻגነُ የֳאגከـው דና an accident occurred giving liability under
ْውר ֶַ וው ነው፤ such insurance policy;
01/ “תּጫ ካץድ” ֳُדየֹּלـከץካ עአደጋ 11/ “Yellow Card” means a certificate issued
የמስـኛ ወገን אድን ዋስُናን በאג for the payment of compensation as per the
ֳከُ በוስףቅና ደוֹשּዊ አፍעካ የጋף protocol signed in relation to vehicle
ገበያ አ ָוֹአገצ٤ በـፈאנው ፕצ insurance against third party risks by
ِኮָ ُנטאየרגጥ ካאֳ כክፈָ member states of the Common Market For
የגያስ٤ָ የוስክ ץወ ُשׂנነው፤ Eastern and Southern Africa;
02/ “גኒስَ ֳُד ”ץየُףንስፖُץና אገ 12/ “Ministry” means the Ministry of
ናኛ גኒስَ ץነው፤ Transport and Communications;
04/ “רው” ֳُדየـፈጥר צው ወይ וበሕግ 14/ “Person” means any physical or juridical
የרውነُ אብُ የרـጠው አካָ ነው፡፡ person.
05/ “አץቦን” אֳ ֳُדድን ዋስُና ֹּלፋን 15/ “Premium” means the amount paid for an
ֳאስጠُ የגከፈָ ክፍያ ነው፡፡ insurance policy.
1/ דንኛውר וው ֹּלـከץካעው በמስـኛ 1/ No person shall drive or cause or permit any
ወገን ֶይ ֳגያደרץው አደጋ የፀና የאድን other person to drive a vehicle on a road unless
ዋስُና ሳይኖנው ֹּלـከץካעውን በאንገድ he has a valid vehicle insurance coverage
ֶይ אንዳُ ወይר ֶַ וው እንዲነዳው against third party risks in relation to such
דድנግ ወይא וፍשׂድ አይ٤ָו፤ vehicle.
2/ Not withstanding the provision of Sub Article /1/
2/ የዚֱ አንשׂጽ ንዑስ አንשׂጽ /1/ ድንጋጌ of this Article the Ministry may determine
תּኖג וץኒስَ סየאድን ዋስُና ֹּלፋን vehicles to operate on the road without
ሳይኖْףው በאንገድ ֶይ ֵֹּלከנከס requiring compulsory motor vehicle insurance
የג٤ִ ֹּלـከץካעዎ٤ን ֵወስን ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ coverage.
4. የמስـኛ ወገን אድን ፖֵ תስֳאስጠُ 4. Issuance of Insurance Policy Against third Party
1/ የֹּלـከץካ עአደጋ የמስـኛ ወገን אድን 1/ Vehicle insurance policy against third party
ፖֵרֵ תጥ የג٤ֳው በኢሹףንስ ኩוֹን risks shall only be issued by insurance
ያዎ٤ ብ٢ ይֲናָ፤ companies.
gA 3¹þ9)&7 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R 7 ֱٍ םכ# qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 7 9th January , 2008 …. page 3977
2/ በዚֱ አንשׂጽ ንዑስ አንשׂጽ /1/ ُנטא 2/ A policy issued pursuant to Sub-Article (1) of
የרـጠ የאድን ፖֵא תድን የـገֳُוֹ this Article shall cover the compensation
ֹּלـከץካגֳ עያደרץው የרው ُז፣ payable in the case of loss of life, bodily
የአካָ ጉዳُና የንብ ُנኪא ףכከፈָ injury, damages to property and emergency
የגገוֹውን ካכና የአስْኳይ የሕክוና medical treatment caused by the insured
ወጪን የג₪ፍን ֲאን አֳበُ፡፡ vehicle.
በዚֱ አዋጅ ُנטאየרגጥ የוስክ ץወُשׂנ A certificate issued in accordance with this
שׂጥֹ የֳאـከًُን וክንያُ በדድנግ Proclamation shall not make restrictions on the
ጉዳُ ֳደרנበُ רው אድን רጪው ካכ obligations of the insurer to pay compensation on
እንዳይከፍָ ֳאገደብ አያስ٤ִُו፣ grounds of:
4/ ֹּלـከץካעው በአገָግֹُ ֶይ የגውָበ 4/ the time at which or the area within which the
ُን ጊዜ ወይ וአካתּוֹ፡፡ vehicle is used.
2/ በዚֱ አንשׂጽ ንዑስ አንשׂጽ /1/ የـደነገገው 2/ Nothing in sub-article (1) of this Article shall be
በאድን ፖֵא ُנטא תድን רጭው deemed to render void any provision in any
ֳמስـኛ ወገን እንዲከፍָ የגደנገው እዳ such policy requiring the person insured to
אድን ገתּው ָאሶ ֳאድን רጭው repay to the insurer any sum which the latter
እንዲከፍָ ֳדድנግ የגደነገግን የውָ may have become liable to pay under the
ሁኔٍ የ ץֹּלגአይֲንו፡፡ policy, and which have been applied to the
satisfaction of the claims of third parties.
gA 3¹þ9)&8 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R 7 ֱٍ םכ# qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 7 9th January , 2008 …. page 3978
የֹּלـከץካ עአደጋ የמስـኛ ወገን אድን ፖֵת The following shall be excluded from the coverage
የגከִُـን በֳאגከُ ـፈጻֲֵ גን of any insurance policy against third party risks:
1/ death or bodily injury to the insured person or
1/ በאድን ገתּው ወይ וቤֶ שּרـይ የגደ
member of the insured person’s family;
רץውን የ ُזአደጋ ወይ וየአካָ ጉዳُ፤
4/ אድን በـገֹּלـ ֳُוֹከץካֶ עይ በኪףይ ወይו 4/ liability in respect of damage to goods carried on
በክፍያ በגጓጓዝ ንብֶ ُנይ የגደץስ ጉዳُ basis of rent or payment on the insured vehicle;
የגያስከֳُውን ٪ֶፊነُ፤ እና and
8. ክָከֶ 8. Prohibitions
דናْውר וው የֹּלـከץካא עድን ፖֵת No person may, for the purpose of obtaining a
ֳדግኘُ ָת የፖֵתውን ـፈጻגነُ vehicle insurance policy, make any false statements
ֵያስ ץשׂየג٤ָ ሀـרኛ אግֳጫ אስጠُ resulted in non applicability of such policy or
ወይ וበፖֵתው ֶይ ያֳውን אብُ ֵያስץשׂ commit any act which disentitles him to claim under
የג٤ָ דናْውንו ድץጊُ אፈጸו such policy.
ስֳאድን וስክ ץወُשׂנ
9. Issuance of Certificates
9. የוስክ ץወ ُשׂנስֳאስጠُ
1/ An insurance company shall issue a certificate
1/ የאድን ኩוֹንያ የאድን ፖֵאֳ תድን of insurance to the insured person at the same
ገתּው በרגጥበُ ጊዜ የאድን וስክץ time it issues an insurance policy.
ወ וُ שׂנአብרא צጠُ አֳበُ፡፡
2/ A certificate of insurance issued pursuant to
2/ በዚֱ አንשׂጽ ንዑስ አንשׂጽ /1/ ُנטא sub-article (1) of this Article shall include the
የרגጥ የאድን וስክ ץወُשׂנ፤ following particulars:
אድን ገתּው የጉዳُ ካ כእንዲከፈֳው אብُ Any insured person shall, where requested by or
ֳוֹው רው ወይ וበእ שץስ וጥያቄ ץשׂתብ on behalf of a person entitled to compensation,
ֳُ፤ provide information on:
1/ ֹּלـከץካעው אድን ያֳው ֲאን ወይו 1/ whether the vehicle is insured or not;
አֲֳאኑን፣ እና
2/ the conditions to which the insurance policy
2/ በዚֱ አዋጅ አንשׂጽ 9 ُנטאበרـጠው is subjected as specified in the certificate of
የאድን וስክ ץወֶ ُשׂנይ የֳאـ insurance pursuant to Article 9 of this
ከًُን ሁኔٍዎ٤ በאግֳጽ נאጃ Proclamation.
אስጠُ አֳበُ፡፡
12. Insurance Stickers
02. ስֳאድን ֳـጣፊ ָוክُ
1/ דንኛውא וድን רጭ የאድን ֳـጣፊ 1/ Any insurer shall provide insured persons with
ָוክِ٤ን ֳאድን ገתּዎ٤ אስጠُ insurance stickers.
2/ ከፊُ ֳፊُ የነፋስ אከֶከያ אስـዋُ ֳֶው 2/ In case of a vehicle having windscreen the
ֹּלـከץካ עየרـጠው የאድን ֳـጣፊ ָוክُ insurance sticker issued for the vehicle shall be
ִבֳ ִבበግָፅ እንደٍגይ ֲኖ በዚሁ displayed fully on the screen.
אስٍውُ ֶይ ֳאጠፍ አֳበُ፡፡
3/ ֳـሳ תּወይ וየነፋስ אከֶከያ אስٍውُ 3/ The insurance sticker for a trailer or a vehicle
ֳֳַው ֹּלـከץካ עየרـጠ የאድን ֳـጣፊ without windscreen shall always be kept with
ָוክُ ሁָ ጊዜֹּלـ וከץካעውን በגነ the driver.
ዳው רው እጅ אשׂאጥ አֳበُ፡፡
gA 3¹þ9)
* ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R 7 ֱٍ םכ# qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 7 9th January , 2008 …. page 3980
የאድን ֳـጣፊ ָוክُ አֳאኖֹּלـ ץከץካ The absence of an insurance sticker shall
עው የאድን ֹּלፋን እንደֳַው ስֳגያስבּ constitute a prima facie evidence that the vehicle
ጥנው የאድን ዋስُና ـץרፊኬُ እስኪאጣ has not been insured and the Police shall have the
ድנስ ፖֵስ እንዲֱ ያֳውን ֹּלـከץካ עይዞ power to detain such vehicle till the appropriate
certificate of insurance presented.
የבּדየُ ָםጣን ይኖנዋָ፡፡
14. Issuance of Copies
04. ኮፒ ስֳאስጠُ
The insurer shall, upon the request of the insured
የאድን וስክ ץወ ُשׂנወይ וየאድን person, issue a copy of a certificate of insurance
ֳـጣፊ ָוክُ תּጠፋ ወይתּ וበֶא ֹּלድን or an insurance sticker where it is lost or
ገתּው ይֱንኑ ገָጾ תጠይቅ אድን רጭው mutilated.
ግָוֹጩን אስጠُ አֳበُ፡፡
የאድን ዋስُና የא₪ፈን ٪ֶፊነُ INSURANCE
1/ אድን የـገֹּלـ ֳُוֹከץካ עየגያደרץው 1/ collision, roll, fire or explosion caused by the
ግጭُ፣ אገָበጥ፣ የእሳُ ቃጠֹ ወይו insured vehicle; and
ፍንዳٍ፤ እና
2/ የֹּלـከץካעው ጭነُ፣ አካָ ወይ וየגገ 2/ the fall of objects carried by the vehicle, its
ֳገָበُ עכאያ ወድ בּየגያደרץው accessories or tools being used in connection
ጉዳُ፡፡ with the vehicle.
2/ በዚֱ አንשׂጽ ንዑስ አንשׂጽ (1) ከـወרነው 2/ Any person who alleges to be entitled to
אጠን በֶይ ካֵ כከፈֳኝ ይገ ָוֹየָג compensation above the limit provided for
רው ይֱንኑ אድን ገתּው እንዲከፍֳው under Sub-Article (1) of this Article shall
አግוֹብ ֳוֹው ሕግ ُנטאየאጠየቅ have the right to claim the same from the
אብً የـጠበ שׂነው፡፡ insured person in accordance with the
relevant laws.
gA 3¹þ9)
*1 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R 7 ֱٍ םכ# qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 7 9th January , 2008 …. page 3981
3/ אድን በـገֹּלـ ֳُוֹከץካ עየደ רנየአካָ 3/ The extent of bodily injury caused to a person
ጉዳُ אጠን በֱክוና ቦץድ נאጋገጥ by an insured vehicle may be determined
ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ by a medical board.
07. አደጋን ስֳדስٍወቅና ስֳካ כክፍያ ጥያቄ 17. Notice of Accident and Claims for
1/ ከአቅ וበֶይ የֲነ וክንያُ ካָኖנ
1/ Any insured person shall, unless prevented by
በስא ץשׂـድን ገתּው אድን የـገֳُוֹ
the existence of force majeure, give to the
ֹּלـከץካ עአደጋ דድשנን ወዲያውኑ insurer notice of an accident caused by the
ወይתּ וዘገይ በ0 שׂን ውስጥ ֳאድን insured vehicle immediately or at the latest
רጭው דስٍወቅ አֳበُ፡፡ within ten days from the date of the
occurrence of such accident.
2/ ካ כየאጠየቅ אብُ ያֳው דናْውו
מስـኛ ወገን ካִُ דስנጃዎ٤ ጋץ 2/ Any third party entitled to compensation may
የካ כጥያቄውን ֳאድን רጭው በשׂጥٍ submit his claim, together with supporting
דቅנብ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ evidences, directly to the insurer.
19. Establishment
09. והּהּא
!2. የגኒስָَם סጣንና ـግץוֹ 22. Powers and Duties of the Ministry
1/ የፈንዱ የገንዘብ וንጭ ከאድን ٍעፍ 1/ The Fund shall be drawn from the proceeds of
የרגበרብ ገ תּይֲናָ፡፡ insurance tariffs.
2/ በዚֱ አንשׂጽ ንዑስ አንשׂጽ /1/ ُנטא 2/ The rate of insurance tariffs to be collected as
የרגበרበው የאድን ٍעፍ אጠን ቦץዱ per the provisions of Sub-Article (1) of this
Article shall be determined by the Governm-
አጥንِ תያץשׂብ በאንግ ُםየגወרን
ent on the basis of studies conducted by the
!4. ስֳፈንዱ ክፍያዎ٤ 24. Disbursement
በዚֱ አዋጅ አንשׂጽ ! ֳֳאـከًُ ዓֶדዎ٤ Disbursements of the fund to be made for
ከፈንዱ ሂሳብ ገንዘብ ወጪ ֲኖ የגከፈֳው purposes specified under Article 20 of this
ቦץዱ በגያወጣው የአፈጻጸו עאאያ Proclamation shall be made in accordance with
ُנטאይֲናָ፡፡ procedures established by the Board.
1/ ቦץዱ ከֳאגከٍْው የאንግםא ُם 1/ The Board shall have members consisting of
עያ ቤِ٤ና ከኢንሹףንስ ኩוֹንያዎ٤ the concerned Government institutions and
የـውጣጡ አ ֶُוֹይኖָٍס፡፡ insurance companies.
2/ አንድ የቦץድ አ ָוֹበአግ שּוֹ٪ֶፊነًን 2/ Any member of the Board shall be removed
የדይወጣ ከֲነ በדንኛው וጊዜ ከአָוֹነً from his membership if he fails to properly
discharge his responsibilities.
ֵነ כይ٤ֶָ፡፡
gA 3¹þ9)
*3 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R 7 ֱٍ םכ# qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 7 9th January , 2008 …. page 3983
3/ በቦץዱ ስብ וֹרከቦץዱ አ ֶُוֹከግֹּלד 3/ The presence of more than half of the
በֶይ תገኙ ָוዓ ـጉוֹኤ ይֲናָ፡፡ members of the Board constitutes a quorum.
4/ ቦץዱ የשףን የስብם וֹרነ ץםዓُ ደንብ 4/ The Board may adopt its own rules of
ֵያወጣ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ procedures.
1/ ፈንዱን ያስـደድָף፣ ףםውን በאـ 1/ administer the Fund, and submit annual reports
ֳከגֳ ـኒስَ סዓٍאዊ עፖُץ to the Ministry on its activities;
2/ ስֳፈንዱ አרוֹרብና ከፈንዱ ገንዘብ ወጪና 2/ issue directives to define the collection and
ـከፋይ ስֲֳגንበُ ץםዓُ עאאያ disbursement procedures of the Fund;
3/ investigate and give decisions regarding
3/ በֹּלـከץካ עአደጋ ጉዳُ ደץሶْוֹው አስፈ
victims of vehicle accidents who could not
ֶጊውን ካ כሳያገኙ ֳ סשׂגጉዳـኞ٤ get the proper compensation;
ጉዳዮን צוץאውሳኔ ይרጣָ፣
4/ provide the necessary assistance to improve
4/ የፈንዱ ጽሕፈُ ቤُ አ ץףטጥ ُףእን the quality of services of the Office of the
ዲኖנው አስፈֶጊውን እገዛ ያደץጋָ፣ Fund;
5/ የፈንዱን ሂሳብ ኦዲُ ያስደץጋָ፣ የኦ 5/ cause the accounts of the Fund to be audited
ዲُ עፖِץ٤ን וይገאግָד፣ and review the audit reports;
6/ ከֹּלـከץካ עአደጋ የמስـኛ ወገን אድን 6/ study on policy matters relating to vehicle
ֹּלፋን ጋ ץበـያያዙ የፖֵ תጉዳዮ٤ን insurance against third party risks and
እና የአץቦን אጠን /የאድን ዋስُና premium amount (payment of insurance
ֹּלፋን ክፍያ/ በדጥናُ ֳאንግُם coverage) and submit the same to the
ያָוֹץשׂ፣ Government;
7/ የፈንዱን ጽሕፈُ ቤُ በጀُ ያጸድቃָ፡፡ 7/ approve the budget of Office of the Fund.
!9. የፈንዱ ጽሕፈُ ቤُ ָםጣንና ـግץוֹ 29. Powers and Duties of the Office of the Fund
የፈንዱ ጽሕፈُ ቤُ የגከָם ִُـጣንና The Office of the Fund shall have the powers and
ـግצוֹ٤ ይኖָٍס፤ duties to:
1/ ስֳፈንዱ አרוֹרብና ከፈንዱ ገንዘብ ወጪና 1/ undertake studies on the collection and
ـከፋይ ስֲֳגንበُ ሁኔٍ ጥናُ ያካሂዳָ፣ disbursement of the Fund and implement the
በቦץዱ תፈשׂድ וበֶ ףםይ ያውֶָ፣ same upon approval by the Board;
2/ ֳֹּלـከץካ עአደጋ ـጎጂዎ٤ በዚֱ አዋጅ 2/ Pay compensation to vehicle accident victims in
አንשׂጽ ! ُנטאካ כይከፍֶָ፣ accordance with Article 20 of this Proclamation;
3/ በֹּלـከץካ עአደጋ וክንያُ በרዎ٤ ֶይ ስֳ 3/ collected data on deaths and bodily injuries
גደרץው የُזና የአካָ ጉዳُ נאጃ caused by vehicle accidents;
9/ የፈንዱን የሂሳብ אግֳጫዎ٤ እያዘጋጀ 9/ prepare and submit to the Board annual
በየዓֳ ًאቦץዱ ያָוֹץשׂ፣ financial reports of the Fund;
0/ ስֳፈንዱ ገתּዎ٤ና አጠቃושׂ፣ ስֳֹּלـከץ 10/ prepare and distribute regular publications
ካ עአደጋ የמስـኛ ወገን אድን ֹּלፋን፣ on the collections and disbursements of the
ስֳאንገድ ُףፊክ ደֱንነُና ስֳאሳִُר Fund, vehicle insurance against third party
ወቅٍዊ ሕُِא٤ን ያዘጋጃָ፣ ያףטጫָ፣ risks, traffic safety and similar topics;
01/ የንብֳוֹ ُנቤُ ይֲናָ፣ ውָ ይዋዋ 11/ own property, enter into contracts, sue and
ֶָ፣ በስ בይከሳָ፣ ይከרሳָ፣ be sued in its own name;
02/ ַֹ٤ ֳףםው አስፈֶጊ የֲኑ ሕጋዊ 12/ carry out other lawful activities as necessary
ـግצוֹ٤ን ያከናውናָ፡፡ to its function.
". የዋና ዳይפክָם סـጣንና ـግץוֹ 30. Powers and Duties of the Director General
2/ የዚֱ አንשׂጽ ንዑስ አንשׂጽ /1/ አጠቃֶይ 2/ Without prejudice to Sub-Article (1) of this
አነጋገ ץእንደـጠበֲ שׂኖ፣ ዋና ዳይפክ Article, the Director General shall:
ሀ/ በዚֱ አዋጅ አንשׂጽ !9 የֳאـከً a) exercise the powers and duties of the
ُን የጽሕፈُ ቤًን ָםጣንና Office specified under Article 29 of this
ـግצוֹ٤ ֶ ףםይ ያውֶָ፣
b) employ and administer the personnels of
ֳ/ አግוֹብ ֳוֹው ሕግ ُנטאየጽሕ the Office in accordance with the
ፈُ ቤًን ـףטኞ٤ ይשׂጥָף፣ relevant laws;
c) prepare and submit to the Board the
ּ/ የጽሕፈُ ቤًን ዓٍאዊ በጀُና annual budget and work program of the
የ ףםፕצግ וףአዘጋጅِ ֳቦץዱ Office and implement the same upon
ያָוֹץשׂ፣ תፈשׂድـ וግףוֹዊ approval;
d) effect expenditure in accordance with the
א/ ֳጽሕፈُ ቤً በـፈשׂደ በጀُና approved budget and work program of
የ ףםፕצግ ُנטא וףገንዘብ the office;
ወጪ ያደץጋָ፣
ט/ ከמስـኛ ወገኖ٤ ጋ ץበגደנጉ ግን e) represent the Office in its dealings with
ኙኖِ٤ ሁִ ጽሕፈُ ቤًን third parties;
f) prepare and submit to the Board the
נ/ የጽሕፈُ ቤًን፣ የ ףםአፈጻጸוና
activity and financial reports of the
የሂሳብ עፖِץ٤ አዘጋጅِ ֳቦץዱ Office;
g) perform such other duties as may be
ר/ ከቦץዱ የרגጡُን ַֹ٤ ـግצוֹ٤ given to him by the Board.
3/ ዋና ዳይפክֳ סـጽሕፈُ ቤً የ ףםቅָ 3/ The Director General may delegate part of his
ጥፍና በגያስፈָግ אጠን ָםጣንና powers and duties to the employees of the Office
ـግסוֹን በከፊָ ֳጽሕፈُ ቤً ـףטኞ٤ of the Fund to the extent necessary for the
efficient performance of the activities of the
በውክָና ֵያስֶָـፍ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ ֲኖו Office; provided, however that prior approval by
እשץን ـክِ ከ" שׂናُ ֳגበָጥ ጊዜ the Board shall be required in the case of an
የـףט ףטגኛ תወክָ ውክָናው employee to act on behalf of the Director General
በቅድגያ ֳቦץዱ ץשׂቦ אጽደቅ አֳበُ፡፡ for more than 30 days in the absence of the latter.
1/ የፈንዱ ጽሕፈُ ቤُ በጀُ በאንግُם 1/ The budget of the Office of the Fund shall be
ይאደָוֹ፡፡ allocated by the Government.
የፈንዱ ሂכብ ቦץዱ በרגይאው የውጭ The accounts of the Fund shall be audited
ኦዲ ץـበየዓ ًאይָףאנא፡፡ annually by external auditors appointed by the
gA 3¹þ9)
*6 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R 7 ֱٍ םכ# qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 7 9th January , 2008 …. page 3986
1/ በውጭ አገ ץየאـዘገበና በኢُዮጵያ 1/ The driver of any foreign registered vehicle
אንገዶ٤ ֶይ ֳאንשׂሳשׂስ ፍቃድ permitted to be driven on the roads of
የרـጠው ֹּלـከץካ עየגያֹּלከנክר ץው Ethiopia shall posses a valid certificate of
የፀና የኢንሹףንስ የוስክ ץወُשׂנና insurance and insurance sticker or, where the
የኢንሹףንስ ֳـጣፊ ָוክُ אያዝ insurance policy is not issued by a local
ወይ וየאድን ፖֵתው በአገ ץውስጥ insurance company, he shall produce a
የኢንሹףንስ ኩוֹንያ የרـጠ ካֲָነ תּጫ yellow card or an equivalent proof of
ካץድ ወይו אـሳሳይነُ ያֳው insurance coverage.
የאድን ዋስُና נדጋገጫ דቅנብ
2/ The insurance coverage against third party
2/ በውጭ አገ ץየאـዘገበ ֹּלـከץካע
risks with respect to an accident caused by
በኢُዮጵያ אንገዶ٤ ֶይ ֳגያደרץው any foreign registered vehicle while driven
አደጋ የגኖנው የמስـኛ ወገን אድን on the Ethiopian road shall not be less than
ֹּלፋን በዚֱ አዋጅ አንשׂጽ 06 ከـደነገገው the amount of compensation specified under
የካא כጠን דነስ የֳበُו፡፡ Article 16of this Proclamation.
1/ የֹּלـከץካ עአደጋ የደרנበُ דንኛውו 1/ Any person who has sustained injury caused
רው በዚֱ አዋጅ ֳמስـኛ ወገን በרـ by a vehicle accident shall be entitled to
ጠው ُץጉ וየג₪ፈን ֲነ וአֲָነ emergency medical treatment costing up to
ወጭው እስከ ብ ץ1 ְךየגደץስ አስْኳይ Birr 1,000 whether he is a third party or not
የሕክוና አገָግֹُ የדግኘُ אብُ as defined under this Proclamation.
2/ דናْው וየሕክוና והּـየֹּלـከץካע 2/ Any medical institution shall have the duty to
provide emergency medical treatment to a
አደጋ ደץሶበُ ወደ ሕክוና בהּـ
victim of a vehicle accident when approached
ֳאጣ דንኛውـ וጎጂ አስْኳይ የሕክ
by such victim.
וና አገָግֹُ የאስጠُ ግዴٍ
አֳበُ፡፡ 3/ The medical institution shall be entitled to
claim its fees for the medical treatment
3/ የሕክוና ֳ ובהּـሕክוና አገָግֹً directly from the insurer or from the Fund as
የגያስከፍֳውን ክፍያ በשׂጥٍ ከאድን provided under Article 24 of this
רጭው ወይ וበዚֱ አዋጅ አንשׂጽ !4 Proclamation.
ُנטאከፈንዱ ֶይ እንዲከፈֳው
ֳאጠየቅ ይ٤ֶָ፡፡
የאድን ዋስُናን የֳאגከً የንግድ ሕግና The provisions of the Commercial Code and
የַֹ٤ ሕጎ٤ ድንጋጌዎ٤ ከዚֱ አዋጅ ጋף other laws pertaining to insurance shall, in so far
እስካָـቃנኑ ድנስ በֹּלـከץካ עአደጋ as they are not inconsistent with this
የמስـኛ ወገን אድን ዋስُና ֶይ ـፈፃג Proclamation, be applicable with respect to
ይֲናִ፡፡ vehicle insurance against third party risks.
gA 3¹þ9)
*7 ØÁ‰L ነU¶T Uz¤È qÜ_R 7 ֱٍ םכ# qN 2ሺህ ›.M Federal Negarit Gazeta No. 7 9th January , 2008 …. page 3987
የגኒስُצ٤ וክ ץቤُ ይֱን አዋጅ በגገוֹ The Council of Ministers may issue Regulations
ֳדስፈጸ וየגያስፈָጉ ደንቦ٤ን ֵያወጣ necessary for the proper implementation of this
ይ٤ֶָ፡፡ Proclamation.
ይֱ አዋጅ በፌዴ ָףነጋ ُעጋዜጣ ٍُז This Proclamation shall enter into force up on
ከወጣበُ שׂን ጀ צוየፀና ይֲናָ፡፡ Publication in the Federal Negarit Gazeta.
አዲስ አበשׂ " םכֱٍ וֹን 2 ְךዓ.ו Addis Ababa this 9th day of January,2008.
ግ דץወָደጊዮץጊስ
עፐብֵክ ፕפዚዳንُ