MMR Property Tracker May2022
MMR Property Tracker May2022
MMR Property Tracker May2022
MMR Property
May 2022
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
I wish to express my heartfelt appreciation to the teams of CRE MATRIX and CREDAI-MCHI for their
outstanding work. This report is aimed towards the philosophy of CREDAI-MCHI ‘to create new value
and inspiration in all aspects of real estate in MMR.’ The aim of this joint research is to facilitate the
members of CREDAI-MCHI and the entire real estate fraternity with future trends and to create
exclusive niches for continued sales in the market.
This particular report allows the readers to understand the pricing and category matrix of housing
supply in the MMR region. The report provides conclusions about the dynamic sales data which
impacts the overall market.
I’m glad to share the value-driven conclusions basis this report which proudly pegs the total value of
units registered in MMR at INR 71210 Cr between Nov. 21 to March 22. Out of this, the south Mumbai
contributed INR 4502 Cr for the same timeline. This indicates the bouncing of South Mumbai micro
market. Micro markets like Vasai-Virar have surged in housing demand in March 2022 which is a very
promising trend observed. The report also indicates a rise of 12.5% psqft in sales rates from March 2018
to March 2022.
Boman Irani
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
• Average value of flat sold in MMR in the month of March increased by 12.5% from Mar’18 to Mar’22
• Vasai-Virar has seen a significant rise of 162% of total area sold in Mar’22 as compared to Mar’18
• In Central Mumbai, total number of units sold in Mar’22 has increased by 121% as compared to
• Thane City has seen a significant growth in value of units sold over the past 5 month, with a
monthly growth rate of 25%.
• In Central Suburbs, the total value of units sold has witnessed a sequential growth of 114% from
Nov’19 to Mar’22.
• In Western Suburbs, average value of units sold with an increase of 7% over the Mar’21 to Mar’22.
• Overall MMR has registered an increase of 12.5% in the rate per square feets from Mar’18 to
We, CRE Matrix are passionate about our work, our data, our analysis and look forward to a long
innings with CREDAI MCHI. We invite each and all members of CREDAI MCHI to approach us for
any queries they may have on this report or otherwise.
Abhishek Kiran Gupta
CEO & Co-Founder
CRE Matrix
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
71,210 Cr 15%
Value of Units Avg. Monthly Growth
Registered Rate of Value of
Units Registered
Nov’21 – Mar’22
7% 10%
Annualised growth rate of Annualised growth rate of
Total Area of Units Booked Avg. Value of Units Booked
MMR in March in last 5 years in March in last 5 years
Mar’18 – Mar’22
₹13,718 Cr. 20,000 40,000 40,000
25,000 Cr.
# of Units
# of Units
₹ Cr
₹9,941 Cr.
10,000 20,000 ₹6,931 20,000
15,881 12,631 15,842 19,062 29,445 22,130 20,205 12,112 41,507 29,445
0 0 0 0
Nov'21 Dec'21 Jan'22 Feb'22 Mar'22 Mar'18 Mar'19 Mar'20 Mar'21 Mar'22
# of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold # of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold
Experiencing a dip after Nov’21, the total value of units sold showed a sequential growth of 136% from
Dec’19 to Mar’22. MMR has witnessed a significant positive growth of 12.5% on rate per unit area sold
from Mar’18 to Mar’22, with an annualised growth rate of 3%. The number of units sold in Mar’22
increased by 48% as compared to the same month in 2018.
1.7X 48.2%
Growth in Value of Property Sold in Growth in Total Value of Property Sold In
Mar’22 vs Feb’22 Mar’22 vs Mar’18
CREDAI – MCHI | CRE Matrix | Source : MahaRERA and CRE Matrix Research 3
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
4,502 Cr 16%
Value of Units Avg. Monthly Growth
Registered Rate of Value of
Units Registered
Nov’21 – Mar’22
8.3% 8.3%
Annualised growth rate of Annualised growth rate of
Total Area of Units Booked Avg. Value of Units Booked
400 600
₹886 Cr.
# of Units
₹ Cr
300 800
₹607 Cr.
600 ₹336
200 300
200 100
252 266 246 335 557 330 263 143 858 557
0 0 0 0
Nov'21 Dec'21 Jan'22 Feb'22 Mar'22 Mar'18 Mar'19 Mar'20 Mar'21 Mar'22
# of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold # of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold
South Mumbai has always been one of the most prominent localities in MMR. Renewed enthusiasm
from HNI’s has led to a significant increase in the number of units sold in Mar’22 by a whooping 68.8%
as compared to the same month in 2018. Value of sale registrations is trending upwards, portraying a
positive prospects for the upcoming months.
1.7X 37.5%
Growth in Value of Property Sold in Growth in Total Value of Property Sold In
Mar’22 vs Feb’22 Mar’22 vs Mar’18
CREDAI – MCHI | CRE Matrix | Source : MahaRERA and CRE Matrix Research 4
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
9,011 Cr 10%
Value of Units Avg. Monthly Growth
Registered Rate of Value of
Units Registered
Nov’21 – Mar’22
18% 16.5%
Annualised growth rate of Annualised growth rate of
Total Area of Units Booked Avg. Value of Units Booked
CENTRAL in March in last 5 years in March in last 5 years
1,000 4,500
3,000 1,200 ₹3,157
900 4,000
800 ₹2,178 Cr. 2,500 1,000 3,500
# of Units
₹1,506 Cr.
# of Units
₹ Cr
₹ Cr
Cr. ₹1,712 Cr. 2,500
1,500 600 ₹1,460 Cr.
₹877 Cr. 2,000
400 ₹713
1,000 400 Cr. 1,500
200 1,000
500 200
100 500
503 370 341 426 994 449 345 195 1,304 994
0 0 0 0
Nov'21 Dec'21 Jan'22 Feb'22 Mar'22 Mar'18 Mar'19 Mar'20 Mar'21 Mar'22
# of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold # of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold
As the grave repercussions of COVID-19 subsided, relaxations acted as a catalyst and catapulted the
value of property sales registrations by a 543% in Mar’21 as compared to the Mar’20. The number of
units sold in Mar’22 also increased by 121.4% as compared to the same month in 2018.
2.1X 84.4%
Growth in Value of Property Sold in Growth in Total Value of Property Sold In
Mar’22 vs Feb’22 Mar’22 vs Mar’18
CREDAI – MCHI | CRE Matrix | Source : MahaRERA and CRE Matrix Research 5
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
4,140 Cr 21%
Value of Units Avg. Monthly Growth
Registered Rate of Value of
Units Registered
Nov’21 – Mar’22
11.4% 12%
Annualised growth rate of Annualised growth rate of
Total Area of Units Booked Avg. Value of Units Booked
CENTRAL in March in last 5 years in March in last 5 years
₹981 Cr.
₹ Cr
500 1,000
₹ Cr
₹718 Cr. 600 1,000
₹605 Cr. ₹524 Cr.
400 800
₹563 Cr. ₹353 800
300 600 400 Cr.
Nov'21 Dec'21 Jan'22 Feb'22 Mar'22 Mar'18 Mar'19 Mar'20 Mar'21 Mar'22
# of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold # of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold
The number of units sold in Mar’22 increased by 64% as compared to the same month in 2018. In the
past 4 months, Central suburbs has seen a sequential increase of 173% in the value of units sold from
Nov’21 to Mar’22.
2.1X 56.7%
Growth in Value of Property Sold in Growth in Total Value of Property Sold In
Mar’22 vs Feb’22 Mar’22 vs Mar’18
CREDAI – MCHI | CRE Matrix | Source : MahaRERA and CRE Matrix Research 6
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
9,449 Cr 18%
Value of Units Avg. Monthly Growth
Registered Rate of Value of
Units Registered
Nov’21 – Mar’22
11.5% 13.6%
Annualised growth rate of Annualised growth rate of
Total Area of Units Booked Avg. Value of Units Booked
EASTERN in March in last 5 years in March in last 5 years
2,000 4,000
# of Units
2,500 2,500
₹2,138 Cr.
₹ Cr
₹1,817 Cr.
₹ Cr
1,500 ₹1,510 Cr. 2,000 2,000 3,000
₹1,254 Cr.
₹650 1,500 1,500
₹757 2,000
Cr. Cr.
1,000 1,000
500 1,000
500 500
1,508 623 1,306 1,548 2,845 1,686 1,122 721 3,784 2,845
0 0 0 0
Nov'21 Dec'21 Jan'22 Feb'22 Mar'22 Mar'18 Mar'19 Mar'20 Mar'21 Mar'22
# of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold # of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold
Eastern Suburbs experienced a positive price rise in the rate per square units by 7.8% increase from
Mar’18 to Mar’2022. The number of units sold in Mar’22 increased by 68.7% as compared to the same
month in 2018. Since the past 5 months, Eastern suburbs has seen an increase of 96% in the value of
units sold from Nov’21 to Mar’22.
1.9X 66.5%
Growth in Value of Property Sold in Growth in Total Value of Property Sold In
Mar’22 vs Feb’22 Mar’22 vs Mar’18
CREDAI – MCHI | CRE Matrix | Source : MahaRERA and CRE Matrix Research 7
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
17,855 Cr 12%
Value of Units Avg. Monthly Growth
Registered Rate of Value of
Units Registered
Nov’21 – Mar’22
5% 10%
Annualised growth rate of Annualised growth rate of
Total Area of Units Booked Avg. Value of Units Booked
WESTERN in March in last 5 years in March in last 5 years
4,000 9,000
₹5,473 8,000
3,500 ₹3,046
₹3,447 Cr. Cr. Cr. 7,000
# of Units
3,000 4,000
₹3,193 Cr.
# of Units
₹3,769 Cr. 6,000
₹ Cr
₹2,696 Cr.
₹ Cr
3,000 4,000 ₹2,763 Cr. 5,000
2,000 ₹1,444
3,000 Cr.
1,500 2,000
500 1,000
2,306 2,070 2,034 2,325 3,824 3,198 2,435 1,373 6,841 3,824
0 0 0 0
Nov'21 Dec'21 Jan'22 Feb'22 Mar'22 Mar'18 Mar'19 Mar'20 Mar'21 Mar'22
# of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold # of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold
Western Suburbs experienced a positive price rise in the rate per square units by 20.1% increase from
Mar’18 to Mar’22. The number of units sold in Mar’22 increased by 19.6% as compared to the same
month in 2018. Since the past 5 months, Western suburbs has seen an increase of 59% in the value of
units sold from Nov’21 to Mar’22.
1.8X 45.2%
Growth in Value of Property Sold in Growth in Total Value of Property Sold In
Mar’22 vs Feb’22 Mar’22 vs Mar’18
CREDAI – MCHI | CRE Matrix | Source : MahaRERA and CRE Matrix Research 8
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
5,569 Cr 25%
Value of Units Avg. Monthly Growth
Registered Rate of Value of
Units Registered
Nov’21 – Mar’22
3.2% 3.9%
Annualised growth rate of Annualised growth rate of
Total Area of Units Booked Avg. Value of Units Booked
in March in last 5 years in March in last 5 years
Mar’18 – Mar’22
1,500 1,200
₹ Cr
₹758 Cr. ₹1,128 Cr.
₹ Cr
1,000 2,000
₹544 Cr.
₹662 Cr. 1,500
1,000 800
600 1,000
500 400
500 500
963 645 1,308 1,519 2,200 1,847 1,467 884 3,648 2,200
0 0 0 0
Nov'21 Dec'21 Jan'22 Feb'22 Mar'22 Mar'18 Mar'19 Mar'20 Mar'21 Mar'22
# of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold # of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold
Experiencing a dip after Nov’21, the total value of units sold showed a sequential growth of 148%. The
number of units sold in Mar’22 increased by 19.1% as compared to the same month in 2018. Thane city
witnessed a growth of 2.8% from Mar’18 to Mar’22.
1.5X 16.6%
Growth in Value of Property Sold in Growth in Total Value of Property Sold In
Mar’22 vs Feb’22 Mar’22 vs Mar’18
CREDAI – MCHI | CRE Matrix | Source : MahaRERA and CRE Matrix Research 9
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
1,631 Cr 17%
Value of Units Avg. Monthly Growth
Registered Rate of Value of
Units Registered
Nov’21 – Mar’22
0.2% 4.8%
Annualised growth rate of Annualised growth rate of
Total Area of Units Booked Avg. Value of Units Booked
in March in last 5 years in March in last 5 years
Mar’18 – Mar’22
700 800
₹315 Cr. 700
600 ₹536 Cr.
# of Units
800 500
₹ Cr
400 300 ₹232
₹215 Cr. 400
600 Cr.
200 300
100 200
100 100
481 315 420 484 736 803 712 404 1,285 736
0 0 0 0
Nov'21 Dec'21 Jan'22 Feb'22 Mar'22 Mar'18 Mar'19 Mar'20 Mar'21 Mar'22
# of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold # of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold
Experiencing a dip after Nov’21, the total value of units sold showed a sequential growth of 133%. Navi
Mumbai experienced a positive price rise in the rate per square units by 19.6% increase from Mar’18 to
Mar’22 with a CAGR of 4.6%.
1.7X 20.4%
Growth in Value of Property Sold in Growth in Total Value of Property Sold In
Mar’22 vs Feb’22 Mar’22 vs Mar’18
CREDAI – MCHI | CRE Matrix | Source : MahaRERA and CRE Matrix Research 10
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
2,447 Cr 12%
Value of Units Avg. Monthly Growth
Registered Rate of Value of
Units Registered
Nov’21 – Mar’22
1% 2.1%
Annualised growth rate of Annualised growth rate of
Total Area of Units Booked Avg. Value of Units Booked
MIRA in March in last 5 years in March in last 5 years
1,200 600
₹475 Cr. 2,000
₹608 Cr.
1,000 500 ₹661 Cr.
# of Units
₹415 Cr.
₹621 Cr. 800
# of Units
₹ Cr
₹ Cr
600 300
400 200
200 100
840 682 946 1,058 1,272 1,457 1,347 687 2,342 1,272
0 0 0 0
Nov'21 Dec'21 Jan'22 Feb'22 Mar'22 Mar'18 Mar'19 Mar'20 Mar'21 Mar'22
# of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold # of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold
Experiencing a dip after Nov’21, the total value of units sold showed a sequential growth of 86%. Mira
Bhayandar experienced a positive price rise in the rate per square units by 4.4% increase from Mar’18 to
1.2X 8.7%
Growth in Value of Property Sold in Growth in Total Value of Property Sold In
Mar’22 vs Feb’22 Mar’22 vs Mar’18
CREDAI – MCHI | CRE Matrix | Source : MahaRERA and CRE Matrix Research 11
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
4,862 Cr 19%
Value of Units Avg. Monthly Growth
Registered Rate of Value of
Units Registered
Nov’21 – Mar’22
11.1% 14.6%
Annualised growth rate of Annualised growth rate of
Total Area of Units Booked Avg. Value of Units Booked
KDMC & in March in last 5 years in March in last 5 years
₹ Cr
₹ Cr
2,500 3,000 ₹535
800 Cr. 800
2,000 ₹570 Cr.
600 2,000 600
400 400
500 200 200
2,006 1,405 2,126 2,865 4,367 2,653 4,034 1,629 5,094 4,367
0 0 0 0
Nov'21 Dec'21 Jan'22 Feb'22 Mar'22 Mar'18 Mar'19 Mar'20 Mar'21 Mar'22
# of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold # of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold
Experiencing a dip after Nov’21, the total value of units sold showed a sequential growth of 13.1%. The
number of units sold in Mar’22 increased by 64.6% as compared to the same month in 2018. This region
witnessed an increase of 65% in the number of units sold in Mar’22 vs Mar’18.
1.4X 72.3%
Growth in Value of Property Sold in Growth in Total Value of Property Sold In
Mar’22 vs Feb’22 Mar’22 vs Mar’18
CREDAI – MCHI | CRE Matrix | Source : MahaRERA and CRE Matrix Research 12
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
1,357 Cr 18%
Value of Units Avg. Monthly Growth
Registered Rate of Value of
Units Registered
Nov’21 – Mar’22
3.1% 5%
Annualised growth rate of Annualised growth rate of
Total Area of Units Booked Avg. Value of Units Booked
BADLAPUR - in March in last 5 years in March in last 5 years
1,200 300
# of Units
₹ Cr
₹ Cr
1,000 250
800 200
600 150
400 100
200 50 250
846 1,134 819 1,126 1,683 1,498 1,256 787 1,947 1,683
0 0 0 0
Nov'21 Dec'21 Jan'22 Feb'22 Mar'22 Mar'18 Mar'19 Mar'20 Mar'21 Mar'22
# of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold # of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold
Badlapur-Ambernath witnessed an increase of 94% in total value of units sold from Nov”21 to Mar’22.
The number of units sold in Mar’22 increased by 12.3% as compared to the same month in 2018. In terms
of the number of units sold, this region witnessed an increase of 12.3% from Mar’18 to Mar’22.
1.5X 21.3%
Growth in Value of Property Sold in Growth in Total Value of Property Sold In
Mar’22 vs Feb’22 Mar’22 vs Mar’18
CREDAI – MCHI | CRE Matrix | Source : MahaRERA and CRE Matrix Research 13
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
991 Cr 19%
Value of Units Avg. Monthly Growth
Registered Rate of Value of
Units Registered
Nov’21 – Mar’22
4.9% 3.6%
Annualised growth rate of Annualised growth rate of
Total Area of Units Booked Avg. Value of Units Booked
in March in last 5 years in March in last 5 years
BHIWANDI Mar’18 – Mar’22
1,200 300
₹199 Cr.
1,000 250
# of Units
₹167 Cr.
₹ Cr
₹ Cr
₹143 Cr. 300
1,000 ₹181 Cr.
600 150
750 200
400 100
200 50
649 617 726 787 1,227 999 793 721 1,948 1,227
0 0 0 0
Nov'21 Dec'21 Jan'22 Feb'22 Mar'22 Mar'18 Mar'19 Mar'20 Mar'21 Mar'22
# of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold # of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold
In Bhiwandi, from Nov’21 to Mar’22, the total value of units sold showed a sequential growth of 89%.
Witnessing an increase of 21.1% in total area sold in Mar’22 as compared to Mar’18. The number of units
sold in Mar’22 increased by 22.8% as compared to the same month in 2018.
1.6X 15%
Growth in Value of Property Sold in Growth in Total Value of Property Sold In
Mar’22 vs Feb’22 Mar’22 vs Mar’18
CREDAI – MCHI | CRE Matrix | Source : MahaRERA and CRE Matrix Research 14
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
866 Cr 23%
Value of Units Avg. Monthly Growth
Registered Rate of Value of
Units Registered
Nov’21 – Mar’22
5.5% 8.3%
Annualised growth rate of Annualised growth rate of
Total Area of Units Booked Avg. Value of Units Booked
GREATER in March in last 5 years in March in last 5 years
200 800
# of Units
₹130 Cr.
₹115 Cr.
₹ Cr
500 ₹117 Cr. 150 600 200
₹104 Cr.
100 400
50 200
420 394 498 693 858 670 422 444 1,062 858
0 0 0 0
Nov'21 Dec'21 Jan'22 Feb'22 Mar'22 Mar'18 Mar'19 Mar'20 Mar'21 Mar'22
# of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold # of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold
Experiencing a dip after Nov’21, the total value of units sold showed a sequential growth of 118%.
Witnessing an increase of 23.7% in total area sold in Mar’22 as compared to Mar’18. The number of units
sold in Mar’22 increased by 28.1% as compared to the same month in 2018.
1.2X 37.6%
Growth in Value of Property Sold in Growth in Total Value of Property Sold In
Mar’22 vs Feb’22 Mar’22 vs Mar’18
CREDAI – MCHI | CRE Matrix | Source : MahaRERA and CRE Matrix Research 15
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
2,376 Cr 13%
Value of Units Avg. Monthly Growth
Registered Rate of Value of
Units Registered
Nov’21 – Mar’22
27.3% 28.3%
Annualised growth rate of Annualised growth rate of
Total Area of Units Booked Avg. Value of Units Booked
in March in last 5 years in March in last 5 years
VASAI-VIRAR Mar’18 – Mar’22
700 3,000
₹479 Cr. 1,000
₹750 Cr.
2,000 2,500
# of Units
₹ Cr
₹285 Cr. 400 ₹344 Cr. 600
1,250 ₹277 Cr.
1,000 300
750 1,000
500 200
100 500
1,537 975 1,444 1,702 2,527 1,145 1,977 1,309 3,301 2,527
0 0 0 0
Nov'21 Dec'21 Jan'22 Feb'22 Mar'22 Mar'18 Mar'19 Mar'20 Mar'21 Mar'22
# of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold # of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold
Experiencing a dip after Nov’21, value of units sold from Dec’21-Mar’22 showed a sequential growth of
159%. Witnessing an increase of 162.3% in total area sold in Mar’22 as compared to Mar’18. The number
of units sold in Mar’22 increased by 120% as compared to the same month in 2018.
1.6X 170%
Growth in Value of Property Sold in Growth in Total Value of Property Sold In
Mar’22 vs Feb’22 Mar’22 vs Mar’18
CREDAI – MCHI | CRE Matrix | Source : MahaRERA and CRE Matrix Research 16
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
752 Cr 14%
Value of Units Avg. Monthly Growth
Registered Rate of Value of
Units Registered
Nov’21 – Mar’22
10.5% 12.9%
Annualised growth rate of Annualised growth rate of
Total Area of Units Booked Avg. Value of Units Booked
in March in last 5 years in March in last 5 years
REST OF Mar’18 – Mar’22
Property Sales Registrations Property Sales Registrations
Nov'21 – Mar'22 March only
1,300 ₹216 Cr. 250 2,000 ₹367 Cr. 400
₹155 Cr. 350
200 1,600
1,000 300
1,400 ₹216 Cr.
# of Units
# of Units
₹133 Cr.
₹118 Cr.
₹ Cr
1,000 200
100 800 ₹94 Cr.
500 150
400 600
300 100
50 400
622 647 679 782 1,139 749 506 582 1,746 1,139
0 0 0 0
Nov'21 Dec'21 Jan'22 Feb'22 Mar'22 Mar'18 Mar'19 Mar'20 Mar'21 Mar'22
# of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold # of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold
The rest of Palghar experienced a sequential growth from Nov’21 – Mar’22 of 83% in the total value of
units sold. Witnessing an increase of 49.2% in total area sold in Mar’22 as compared to Mar’18. The
number of units sold in Mar’22 increased by 52.1% as compared to the same month in 2018.
1.6X 62.4%
Growth in Value of Property Sold in Growth in Total Value of Property Sold In
Mar’22 vs Feb’22 Mar’22 vs Mar’18
CREDAI – MCHI | CRE Matrix | Source : MahaRERA and CRE Matrix Research 17
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
4,328 Cr 16%
Value of Units Avg. Monthly Growth
Registered Rate of Value of
Units Registered
Nov’21 – Mar’22
4.6% 6.9%
Annualised growth rate of Annualised growth rate of
Total Area of Units Booked Avg. Value of Units Booked
in March in last 5 years in March in last 5 years
PANVEL Mar’18 – Mar’22
2,000 1,000
₹ Cr
₹552 Cr. 800 2,000
1,500 800
600 1,500
400 1,000
# of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold # of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold
Experiencing a dip after Nov’21, the total value of units sold from Dec’21 – Mar’22 showed a sequential
growth of 147%. Witnessing a increase of 9.15% in total area sold in Mar’22 as compared to Mar’18. The
number of units sold in Mar’22 increased by 30.8% as compared to the same month in 2018.
1.5X 30.8%
Growth in Value of Property Sold in Growth in Total Value of Property Sold In
Mar’22 vs Feb’22 Mar’22 vs Mar’18
CREDAI – MCHI | CRE Matrix | Source : MahaRERA and CRE Matrix Research 18
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
1,074 Cr 17%
Value of Units Avg. Monthly Growth
Registered Rate of Value of
Units Registered
Nov’21 – Mar’22
-11.1% -2.6%
Annualised growth rate of Annualised growth rate of
Total Area of Units Booked Avg. Value of Units Booked
in March in last 5 years in March in last 5 years
REST OF Mar’18 – Mar’22
Property Sales Registrations Property Sales Registrations
Nov'21 – Mar'22 March only
1,300 ₹311 Cr. 350 1,800 500
₹441 Cr.
₹346 Cr. 450
1,100 300 ₹309 Cr.
₹200 Cr. 1,400 ₹311 Cr.
# of Units
900 250
₹207 Cr. 1,200
# of Units
₹ Cr
500 150 200
300 100 400
200 50
100 50
596 730 645 702 1,102 1,406 1,275 783 1,557 1,102
0 0
-100 Nov'21 Dec'21 Jan'22 Feb'22 Mar'22 0 Mar'18 Mar'19 Mar'20 Mar'21 Mar'22
# of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold # of Units Sold Total Value of Units Sold
Coming out as one of the most underperforming macromarkets in all of MMR region. Witnessing a
decrease of 58.5% in total area sold in Mar’22 as compared to Mar’18. The number of units sold in
Mar’22 increased by 47% as compared to the same month in 2018.
1.6X 1.8X
Growth in Value of Property Sold in Growth in Total Value of Property Sold In
Mar’22 vs Feb’22 Mar’22 vs Mar’18
CREDAI – MCHI | CRE Matrix | Source : MahaRERA and CRE Matrix Research 19
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
CREDAI – MCHI | CRE Matrix | Source : MahaRERA and CRE Matrix Research 20
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
Vasai-Virar Raigad
Sakawar Patnus Agardanda Chirner Morba
CREDAI – MCHI | CRE Matrix | Source : MahaRERA and CRE Matrix Research 21
MMR Property Tracker | May 2022
Thane Navi-Mumbai
Ambarnath Apate Umbroli Khed Vashind
Badlapur Pimpalghar Singapur Julawani Asangaon
Vangani Dahagaon Koshimbi Karav Atgaon
Bhiwandi Kelhe Sontakka Dhasai Khutghar
CBD Belapur
Vaghivali Malegaon Nyahadi Khambale Pashane
Sawandhe Savaroli Lingayate Sonavale Shahapur
Vehele Khardi Davali Dolkhamb Kawadas
Kopar Khairane
Saravali Saralgaon Dhargaon Saralambe Saralambe
Lonad Potgaon Ambadi Vadape Shirgaon
Dapode Paygaon Dugad Phata Diwanpada Balkum
Anjur Vadghar Dalepada Sawandhe Kasarvadavali
CREDAI – MCHI | CRE Matrix | Source : MahaRERA and CRE Matrix Research 22
Rishabh Soni
Senior Research Analyst
Saurav Loharuka
Co-founder & Residential Head
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